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The Views of a Modern Ramon Catholic Person about Divorce

In this modern era, The Philippines and also Vatican City are the only
countries in the world where divorce is illegal. As a modern Roman Catholic woman,
the question of legalizing the divorce in the Philippines have been on my mind. But I
am always turned between the two elements of my life. First, I live in a modern era
where all of the other countries in the world allow divorce except the two countries
mentioned above, which made my doors open to rationalize whether divorce is an
acceptable act. Second, I am Roman Catholic which means I strongly believe in the
Somehow I feel proud of upholding the illegality of divorce in the Philippines.
As a photographer at wedding events, every exchange of bows that I have heard is
sacred and always give me the overwhelming feeling of respect to their special
once-in-a-lifetime sacred event. The Filipino culture sees marriage as a permanent
decision. Therefore, I do not agree in legalizing divorce in the Philippines. I have
seen in this modern era that the other countrys couples get divorced like its
nothing and just a casual thing done more than once.
In our country, there are exceptions with respect to Muslims, who are
allowed by their religion to divorce in certain circumstances. For the majority nonMuslims, the law only allows for annulment of marriages. There are certain
instances wherein the divorce secured abroad by the foreigner-spouse, and even by
Current laws do allow for legal separation, declaration of a nullity of marriage
and annulment, Article 45 of Philippine family law establishes the allowable grounds
for annulment. A marriage can be annulled if one spouse wasn't mentally sound at
the time of the marriage or was forced into it, unless she continued living as
husband and wife after regaining mental competence or the threat of force
disappeared. Fraud on behalf of either spouse when agreeing to marry is grounds
for annulment, as well as the discovery of an incurable sexually transmitted disease
or permanent impotence. If either spouse was over 18, but not yet 21, and got
married without parental consent, the marriage can be annulled if the parties no
longer lived together as husband and wife once the spouse turned 21.
Under the Philippine family laws, a spouse can file for legal separation in
court if the other spouse is sentenced to jail for more than five years; physically
abuses her or a child in the household or attempts to marry another person. Legal
separation is allowed if one spouse has a drug or alcohol problem or is homosexual.
Adultery or aggressive attempts by one spouse to get the other spouse to change
religions; adopt political views or prostitute herself or a child in the home, are also

grounds for legal separation. If one spouse leaves the other spouse without having a
reason held as valid by the court, the abandoned spouse can file for separation after
a year has passed. The spouse must file within five years of the qualifying event,
and the court can deny the petition for various reasons, including evidence the filing
spouse consented to the qualifying event. One has to realize the pros and cons in
the Philippines before getting married. After all, this is a Roman Catholic country.

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