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CAPULONG, Ericka Denise A.

Anthro 10 X3

Word Count: 1080

June 20, 2016

The Gods and Rituals of the Mohlbiyo

Hidden among the hills of the Nascco in the Dark Lands, is the isolated tribe of the
Mohlbiyo. This secluded tribe was first found living among the ruins of Tebral Lahl in 1987,
however when anthropologists returned to the site in 2012, there was no trace of them. A group
of archaeologists had set-up base camp in what used to be a village, however no artifacts of the
advanced technologies of the Mohlbiyo could be found. An expedition of the Dark Lands was
conducted, and recently the tribe had resurfaced in the Nascco hills.
The Mohlbiyo perform exhausting rituals which they call, Yduts, in which they journey to
the land of Ballartenc, and inflict punishment to themselves as self-offering to their gods, the
Eneics. The Eneics keep the infinite knowledge of existence through their ability to see and
manipulate what is inside each living thing. The Mohlbiyo believe that they deserve punishment
for the destruction of the earth, and can only reach Graduata, their sacred land, once they have
completed the rite of Yduts. There is a hierarchy among their gods as there is a hierarchy among
their rituals. There are 4 cornerstone Yduts in the Mohlbiyo culture, which occur in a specific
sequence, and to match this there are 4 Yirs or levels of gods. The Yduts are repetitive, and to
outsiders, consisted mostly of incoherent chanting and undecipherable inscription, however the
last Yduts seems to involve the creation of some new technology which if studied by modern
science, may be useful to society.
The ritual of Mohlbiyo initiation is called the Qerep, in which 30 male and 30 female of
their young ones or Tneduts who have come of age, begin the rites of Yduts. During Qerep, the
Tneduts undergo 2 years of training under the Rehcaet or learned ones. The Qerep honors the 5
gods of Bimagepyce, whose combined knowledge make up the whole of existence. The different
Rehcaet simultaneously chant the different stories of each god from sunrise to sunset as the
Tneduts must memorize each of the ancient stories, and inscribe each story onto dried bark using
needle-tipped wands containing mysterious black water. The Tneduts must run from each

Rehcaet to the other without rest, without food or water, whether or not it rains or shines. At the
end of the Qerep, the Tneduts are tested on their knowledge of the Bimagepyce. If they fail the
test of the Rehcaet, they are cast out of the Mohlbiyo tribe and must live out their lives in exile.
Once the Tneduts have passed the ritual of Qerep, they must undergo the daily ritual of
Perixet and the weekly ritual of Perbal to honor the 7 gods of Bal - Tulcur the god of growth,
Pochare the god of bounty, Agelep and Pagelep the twin gods of electricity and water, Pittep and
Furcen the gods of wind and earth, and Trospec the god of sight. The Tneduts must train from the
Rotcursni or skilled ones in order to master the skill each god of Bal had used to gain infinite
knowledge of existence. For Perixet, each day of the week, the Tneduts must practice a different
skill for each god, from dawn to dusk, in the sweltering heat. Food, water, and rest are allowed
only for 2 hours each day during the holy time of Taiw. The Tneduts must repeat each task to
perfection lest the Rotcursni see them slack or fail. Failure would mean the Tneduts would have
to spend the day worshipping the nameless gods of Necod. The shrine of the gods of Necod was
always burning hot and rank of death and decay. It was found in the furthest corner of the
Ballartenc, where the Tneduts were caged until worship was done. For the ritual of Perbal, one
night each week the Tneduts would stay vigil at the shrine of the gods of Bal, without sleep or
food, until the next dusk. The Tneduts would have to chant the stories of the Bimagepyce as they
pound the letter stones to inscribe stories of the Bal on the Retupmoc, a contraption made of glass
and metal, as they consumed the potions of Eeffoc which provided them with vitality. At dawn,
the Rotcursni would inspect their work. If the work of a Tneduts was unsatisfactory for more
than 5 weeks, the Tneduts would have to repeat the rite of Yduts from the rituals of Qerep.
If the Tneduts, survived the year of Perixet and Perbal, they would be allowed to begin
the ritual of Siseht. The year-long ritual of Siseht honors their almighty god Aicneics, the leader
of their gods, the Ecneics. The Siseht would be supervised by the tribe elders, the Rotagitsevin,
and their personal guard, the Rahs. The Siseht employed the tasks of Qerep, Perixet, and Perbal,
but the obstacles are harder and failure more common. The Tneduts would slave through each
day and night to produce the Esults required to form the new technologies and knowledge of the
highly advanced Mohlbiyo tribe. As worship, the Tneduts would sing and dance to the shrines to
please the gods of Bimagepyce and the gods of Bal. The Tneduts would pray and offer promises
of their first born. Many a Tneduts has lost their partner to the ritual of Siseht, most never even

find a partner due to the time and energy that the rigors of Yduts require. Instead they offer their
love to the god Aicneics, a select few falling to a state of delirium over the wonders of the
Ecneics and sharing the news of the Ecneics to the rest of the tribe. It is said that those in this
state of delirium are the closest to Graduata. The Siseht is culminated by the Esnefed in which
the Tneduts must present to the all-knowing Rotagitsevin the new technology or knowledge of
the Ecneics which they have uncovered throughout their 4 years of Ystud. Only those Tneduts
who pass the test of Esnefed are given the right to the sacred land of Graduata.
Few of the Tneduts, leave the Dark Lands early after Ystud to become medicine men or
Rotcod in distant tribes. However, the Tneduts who complete Siseht commonly stay and continue
the Ystud as Rehcaet, Rotcurtsni, or Rahs. They may leave to complete the rite of Ystud with
other tribes of Mohlbiyo in foreign lands but eventually, they return to the hills of Nassco and
become Rotagitsevin to teach a new generation of Tneduts.

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