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Dr. David Williams

Topics in This Report


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
What Probiotics Are and How
They Influence Our Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1. What are probiotics?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How to Make Your Own Sauerkraut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. How do good bacteria get into the body in the first place?. . . . . . . . 10
3. What are the best sources of probiotics?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4. Who should take probiotics?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5. What are the health benefits of taking probiotics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6. What are the specific digestive benefits of probiotics? . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7. Can taking probiotics really lower mycholesterol?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8. How do probiotics help regulate hormonelevels?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
9. What is the relationship between gut bacteria
and immunehealth?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10. How do probiotics lift your energy level?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
11. How do probiotics influence mental health? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
12. Why do probiotics reduce urinary tract andyeast infections?. . . . . . 24
13. How can probiotics help with oral health? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
14. What is the link between probiotics andweight? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
15. How do probiotics influence overalllongevity?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
16. What will happen if I dont take probiotics?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements . . . 31

17. What should you look for when selecting ahigh-quality
probiotic supplement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
18. Which strains are best?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
19. What are prebiotics and how do they supportprobiotics? . . . . . . . . 39
20. What should I expect when I begin taking a
probioticsupplement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
21. Are there any side effects of takingprobiotics?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
22. How long do I have to take myprobiotics?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
23. Can I crush or split my probiotic pills?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
24. How will I know my probiotic supplement isworking?. . . . . . . . . . . . 42
25. Are food-based probiotic sources better, worse, or the same as
supplements?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Recommended Use By Health Concern . . . . . . . . . .


Irritable Bowel Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Indigestion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Excessive Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Constipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Ulcers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Colorectal Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50


Ive been researching, testing,
formulating, and taking various
supplements and natural
compounds from all over the world
since the early 1980s. In fact, my
passion for healthy living and
natural illness prevention has
taken me around the world many
times to uncover, document, and
report on natural products that can
prevent, cure, and manage disease.
Of the many natural remedies Ive
encountered, however, none is more
powerful than a probiotic.
More than 20 years agodecades
before anyone knew what a probiotic
was and before there was any interest
in good bacteriaI published a
detailed self-help program called
The Key to Solving a Thousand
Problems. It explained the farreaching health benefits associated
with normalizing the balance of
bacteria in your intestinal tract.
Idescribed exactly how it could be
done and why it should be the starting
point for preserving or regaining
ones health. The study of microflora,
or what is now referred to as the
microbiome (i.e., the ecological
community of commensal, symbiotic,

and pathogenic microorganisms that share our body space) isnt new
to me. It has been a never-ending passion of mine, and I am convinced
that properly maintaining the microflora is one of the underlying
secrets to extreme longevity.
Restoring and rebalancing the bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract,
especially, is more crucial to your health today than at any time in the
history of mankind. Your physical health and even your mental health
are directly influenced by, and dependent on, the bacteria and other
microbes that live in and on your body. And never have there been so
many factors contributing to the disruption of this microflora.
Why am I so certain we need probiotics? Because so many common
health problems todayobesity, depression, mental illness, ADHD,
heart disease, inflammation, arthritis, and digestive problemscan
be connected to unbalanced microflora.
In this report, I explain those connections in detail, as well as the
easiest, most efficient, and most cost-effective ways to rebalance your
microflora. Ill also tell you how to navigate the exploding market for
probiotic supplements, including what you need to watch for in order
to avoid wasting your money and further jeopardizing both your
health and the health of those you love.
Ive researched and studied this very subject for more than three
decades. Ive worked with top microbial researchers from around
the globe. Ive tested and helped develop foods and products that
dramatically improve the microflora of the bodyresearch and testing
that continues to this very day. Im convinced that our health and our
lives depend on being able to live in harmony in a sea of microbes.
Probiotics are the key.
To Your Good Health,

Dr. David Williams





Home-brewed or craft beers

are an
excellent source of probiotics

Kefir gra id bacteria and
of lacti
water-so e
yeasts th may grow as lar
grains th
as w


1. What are probiotics?

Thanks to a barrage of recent media and marketing, most people tend to
think of probiotics as the bacteria that help keep our digestive systems
working properly. Thats true and something Ill discuss throughout this
report, but its really just one aspect of how probiotics affect health.
Broadly speaking, probiotics are defined as strains of bacteria that
are beneficial to ones health because they protect their host and help
Though unpleasant to think about, your body is literally covered in bacteria.
For every one human cell in the body, there are 10 microbes. These good
bacteria live everywhere on the human body (not just in the GI tract), and
along with millions of other bacteria, they make up what is often referred to
as the microbiome.
The symbiotic relationship between humans and bacteria has evolved over
thousands of years, and weve come to depend on it for certain essential
metabolic functions. Bacteria in the large intestine, for example, play a
key role in making vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and the
formation of new bone. Also, bacteria in the gut ensure that the body is able
to metabolize excess bile acids and hormones, which keeps our cholesterol
and estrogen levels in a healthy range.
In fact, the influence of bacteria is so strong that some people have referred
to our bacterial colonies as additional organs in the body.
Probiotics are usually discussed within the context of digestion because
these good bacteria are densely concentrated along the entire length
of the GI tract; they are especially plentiful in the intestines and colon.
Their functions and benefits are numerous and include such things

PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

How to Make Your Own Sauerkraut

(Makes 1 quart)
4 cups shredded cabbage,
loosely packed
1 tsp. juniper berries
tsp. cumin seeds
tsp. mustard seeds
2 tsp. sea salt
2 Tbsp. liquid whey*
(if not available, add an additional 1tsp. salt)
1 cup filtered water (Dont use chlorinated tap water. Chlorine can destroy lactic
microbial organisms and prevent fermentation.)
In a bowl, mix cabbage, juniper berries, cumin, and mustard seeds. Mash or pound with
a wooden mallet for several minutes to release juices. Place in a quart-sized widemouth Mason jar and pack down. Mix water with salt and whey and pour into jar. Add
more water, if needed, to cover cabbage. There should be about one inch of space
between the top of the cabbage and the top of the jar.
Place a lid on the jar and close tightly. Lacto-fermentation is an anaerobic (without
oxygen) process and the presence of oxygen, once fermentation has begun, will ruin the
final product. Keep at room temperature for three days. Transfer to a root cellar or the
top shelf of your refrigerator. The sauerkraut can be eaten immediately, but it improves
with age.
Note: Its normal for white spots or a white film to form on the surface of the liquid covering the sauerkraut. This is a form of yeast called kahm. Although its totally harmless,
it can impart a bad taste to the cabbage. I would recommend removing it gently with a
spoon before eating the sauerkraut.
* If you use whey, it must be in the liquid form, not powdered. You can make your own
whey by pouring yogurt into cheesecloth, a coffee filter, or a clean kitchen towel. Capture
the whey liquid as it drips into another container. Using whey allows you to decrease the
amount of salt needed and improves consistency. It is naturally rich in both lactic acid and
lactic acidproducing bacteria.

Probiotics by the numbers

People over age 70 tend to have lower
levels of Bifidobacterium, as our gut
microflora change with age.

as improving the absorption of nutrients from food and supporting

immune health by helping to block pathogens and other toxins from being
reabsorbed into the body. Ill be getting into specific benefits more deeply in

2. How do good bacteria get into the body in the

first place?
We used to think that our probiotic flora came primarily from our mother,
first through the birthing process and then (for those who choose to do so)
from breastfeeding. Additional bacteria are acquired from normal human
contact with adults and other children.
While that continues to be true, a small study has shown that bacteria
also may begin to colonize in our guts prior to birth, presumably through
Understanding how we acquire our bacterial flora gives us the potential to
influence a childs gut health even before he or she is born. When a child
comes into contact with bacteria from its mother, its like planting a seed;
those bacteria help establish the microflora that will eventually take root
in the childs digestive system. Therefore, its logical that the healthier
and more diverse the mothers bacterial flora is, the healthier and more
diverse her childs is likely to be. (Its also likely that the child will be
As youll learn in Question 15, the diversity of gut bacteria is especially
important because more diverse flora is the most beneficial.


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

3. What are the best sources

of probiotics?
The best way to support the probiotic bacteria in your GI tract is to
regularly eat lactic acidfermented foods.
Lactic acidfermented foods (also known as naturally fermented
foods) include vegetables (kimchi, sauerkraut), milk products (clabber,
yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, kefir), soy products (natto, miso, tempeh, soy
sauce, fermented tofu), and my personal favorite, naturally fermented
unpasteurized beer.
Lactic acidfermented foods were dietary staples for thousands of years,
and lactic acidfermented cabbage has been revered as one of the most
beneficial healing agents throughout recorded history. Decades before
antibiotics, for example, cabbage juice was successfully used to prevent or
heal peptic ulcers.
The ability to destroy and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria is just
one of the benefits of these foods. Others include:
Helping balance the production of stomach acid. Fermented
foods have the unique ability to ease digestive discomfort related
to having either too much or too little stomach acid. When the
production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach is low, fermented
foods help increase the acidity of gastric juices. On the other hand,
when the stomach produces too much acid, fermented foods help
protect the stomach and intestinal lining.
As we age, our production of the digestive juices and enzymes
required for proper digestion begins to decrease. Eating foods like


Probiotics by the numbers

It can take your digestive flora up to
a year to fully repopulate itself after
just one course of antibiotics.

sauerkraut, buttermilk, and pickled vegetables can help make up for

this loss. The key is to eat a small portion of traditional fermented
foods on a very regular basis. Once or twice daily with meals is best.
Helping the body produce acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is
a neurotransmitter that facilitates the transmission of nerve
impulses. In the context of digestion, it helps increase the movement
of the bowel and can help alleviate constipation problems. It also
helps improve the release of digestive juices and enzymes from the
stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder. So by helping your body produce
acetylcholine, fermented foods act as potent digestive aids.
Unfortunately, most of the more beneficial fermented foods have fallen
from favor over the past century. Much of the reason has to do with the way
we now preserve foods, particularly vegetables.
When fresh vegetables werent as readily available throughout the year,
they were often preserved through fermentation. Nowadays, thanks to
improved transportation and storage techniques, we can buy various
vegetables all year aroundand when it comes to preserving them, freezing
and canning have become the methods of choice. These techniques are
convenient and help retain vitamin content, but they provide little benefit
in terms of digestive health, compared to fermentation.
To adequately support gut bacteria and digestive balance, you should
incorporate lactic acidfermented foods into your diet on a daily basis.
Oneof the best ways to do that is to make your ownyogurt.
Although supermarket yogurts advertise that they contain active cultures,
the truth is that most products dont provide much, if any, benefit. In
addition to being loaded with sugar, yogurtslike other dairy productsare


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

pasteurized. This process kills most, if not all, of the bacteria they claim
to contain, rendering them ineffective. (After all, thats the point of
pasteurization, to minimize bacteria that may cause the product to spoil or
harm consumers.) Making your own is a much better wayto go.
Another great option for getting fermented foods into your diet is to learn
how to ferment your own vegetables. Myself, I always have a batch of
homemade sauerkraut going.
You can shop for fermentation crocks and yogurt makers at most health
food and kitchen stores.
Although eating fermented foods is my preferred way to support your
probiotic flora, many people find it difficult to do so on a consistent basis
or they simply dont like the sour taste of these foods. Thats why Ialso
recommend that everyone take a probiotic supplement. Its the most
effective way to promote consistent bacterial balance in the gut.

4. Who should take probiotics?

Given the typical Western diet and lifestyle, I believe that everyone needs
to support their gut bacteria every day.
Remember, gut bacteria are living organisms and, as such, are affected by
everything we put in our mouths. Food, drinks, medicationseven amalgam
tooth fillings have a damaging effect on probiotic bacteria. Unknowingly, we
all to some extent consume things that accelerate the rate at which our good
bacteria die.
Drugsboth prescription and over the counterare an excellent example
of this. Antibiotics are well known for causing digestive upset, but all
medications contain substances that are toxic to gut bacteria. Non-steroidal


Probiotics by the numbers

More than 1,400 different bacteria
species have been identified in the

anti-inflammatory drugs, specifically, have been found to disrupt intestinal

flora when used long term.
Other factors may be inadvertently damaging your microflora as well.
Among them are a diet thats too low in fiber and too high in refined
carbohydrates, drinking chlorinated water, and exposure to toxic metals,
pollutants, and radiation.
It only makes sense that if we do things on a daily basis to damage our good
bacteria, we also should do something to support it. Hence, my belief that
everyone should eat fermented foods or supplementdaily.

5. What are the health benefits of taking

Upping your intake of probiotics, whether by regularly eating fermented
foods, taking a supplement, or a combination of both, will have profound
effects not just on digestion, but on your overall health. Ill be talking more
specifically about each of these benefits in Questions 615, but heres a list
of some of the things probiotics do:
Improve overall digestion
Help relieve gas, constipation, diarrhea, and other common
Promote vitamin and nutrient absorption
Help maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Help regulate hormone levels
Strengthen your immune system


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

Help prevent sore throats, sinus infections, and ear infections

Improve bad breath
Reinforce the mucosal lining in the gut
Increase energy levels
Improve mood and stress-related digestive symptoms
Reduce the frequency of yeast and urinary tract infections
Help manage your weight
Increase longevity

6. What are the specific digestive benefits of

I could write an entire report just on the ways that probiotics support
digestion. Here are a few of the most important.
The most plentiful and important bacteria in the small intestine is the
Lactobacillus species. Lactobacillus produces the enzyme lactase, which is
required to break down lactose, the sugar in milk. Research has shown that
individuals who have both high levels of Lactobacillus and a sensitivity to
milk are better able to tolerate dairy products intheirdiet.
Lactobacillus also helps ferment indigestible carbohydrates as they pass
through the intestine. Lactic acid is produced as a byproduct of this process.
You may remember my mention of lactic acidfermented foods in Question
3 as being a great way to support digestive health. Thats because lactic acid
helps acidify the digestive tract, making it less hospitable to pathogenic
bacteria (particularly gas-producing bacteria, which thrive in a slightly


Probiotics by the numbers

Each person harbors approximately
3 pounds of bacteria in the body.

alkaline pH range of 7.2 to 7.3). Lactic acid also increases the absorption
of minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium, and iron.
Speaking of gas-producing bacteria, lets talk for a moment about bad
breath. Many people think bad breath comes from the mouth or throat.
That is sometimes true, but often its origin actually lies much deeper
in the digestive tract. Bad breath (halitosis) is frequently caused when
the wrong bacteria take over in the colon and produce foul smelling
waste products and excessive gas. These gases can be expelled through
abdominal gas or they can be reabsorbed into the blood, released into
the lungs, and exhaled.
All the breath mints in the world wont correct bad breath caused by a
bowel problem. Feeding the probiotic flora that crowd out the bad guys
is the only way to truly solve this embarrassing problem.
Now back to lactic acid. Another of its important benefitsand
of fermented foods, in particularis its role in the production of
the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine facilitates the
transmission of nerve impulses that cause muscle contractions.
Within the digestive system, it helps increase the motility of the bowel
(a smooth muscle) and alleviate constipation problems. It also helps
improve the release of digestive juices and enzymes from the stomach,
the pancreas, and the gallbladder. This is another reason that fermented
foods and vegetables are potent digestive aids.
As a side note, its interesting that acetylcholine is also linked to the
phase of sleep called rapid eye movement (REM). REM occurs when


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

you experience the deepest and most beneficial sleep. It stands to reason
that by regularly including fermented foods in your diet, you might also
improve your sleep habitsyet another great benefit of probiotics.
Another species of probiotic bacteria, Bifidobacterium, is most densely
populated in the large intestine, or colon. Like Lactobacillus, it too
produces lactic acid and helps maintain an acidic environment that
prevents pathogenic bacteria, molds, and yeasts (like Candida) from
adhering to the intestinal wall. This bacteria also helps with the
breakdown of carbohydrates, fat, and protein during digestion, breaking
food down into smaller components that the body can more readily
absorb and use.
Unfortunately, the amount of Bifidobacterium that naturally occur in
our bodies declines with age. This is particularly true after the age of 70.
These are just two of the bacteria species living in your gut, and already
weve touched on half a dozen benefits. Clearly probiotic bacteria play
a crucial role in digestion, one that cannot be ignored if good health is
your goal.

7. Can taking probiotics really lower

Yes, it can. Elevated cholesterol levels are a good example of what can
happen when your good bacterial flora isnt strong enough to prevent
undesirable bacteria from taking hold.


Probiotics by the numbers

For every 1 human cell in the body, there
are 10bacterial microbes. We physically
consist of10% cells and 90% microbes.

Cholesterol, as most of you know, is produced by the liver. Much of it is

converted into bile acids, which are stored in the gallbladder and used to
help digest fats. Ultimately these acids end up in the colon where they are
either destroyed or excreted in bowel movements.
One of the ways that you can make sure you keep your cholesterol levels in
an acceptable range is to increase the amount of fiber you eat. Most people
think this works because soluble fiber mops up cholesterol in the gut and then
passes out of your system. Thats true; fiber does indeed have that effect on
cholesterol. But fiber also affects cholesterol levels through our gut bacteria.
Insoluble fiber is a food for probiotic bacteria. The more you eat, the more
they eat, and the stronger and denser they become, making it less likely that
undesirable bacteria can establish themselves.
People who dont eat enough fiber often end up with too much undesirable
gut bacteria. One of the things those unwanted bacteria do is attack bile
acidsspecifically, they break the acids down into several substances,
including a toxic product called lithocholate. Lithocholate causes the liver
to convert less cholesterol into bile acids.
From here, a couple of things happen. When less cholesterol is converted to
bile acids, it begins to accumulate in the bloodstream. Also, less cholesterol
reaches the colon where it can be excreted in bowel movements. This
is especially dangerous because bowel movements are the bodysmain
method of ridding the body of unwantedcholesterol.
Eating a high-fiber diet alters the type of bacteria in the colon. High-fiber
diets promote friendly bacteria that leave passing bile acids intact. As
a result, your body excretes more cholesterol, and in effect is tricked


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

into creating more bile acids. Together, these have the effect of lowering
cholesterol levels.

8. How do probiotics help regulate

This is another topic that I could write a book on, but it would probably
put us both to sleep. Ill shorten the explanation here, but its important to
understand that theres a connection. (Although the events Ill describe are
related to estrogen, a similar process occurs with many other hormones, as
well as folic acid, vitamin B12, bile acids, cholesterol, and vitamin D.)
As much as 60 percent of the estrogen circulating in the blood is picked up
by the liver and deactivated. It is then dumped into the gallbladder and
later released with bile into the intestines for excretion.
There, our friendly bacteria produce an enzyme called Beta-glucuronidase
that reactivates the hormone so it can be reabsorbed into the body.
When the bacterial flora is out of balance, the estrogen is neither
reactivated nor reabsorbed. Instead, it is lost in the stool. Low estrogen
levels have been linked to osteoporosis, PMS, water retention, breast
soreness, severe menstrual cramps and heavy flow, slow menstrual cycles,
migraine headaches, etc.

9. What is the relationship between gut bacteria

and immunehealth?
There are three routes through which pathogens can enter the body: the
skin, the respiratory passages, or the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Of those,
the GI tract is the most vulnerable because anything that enters your mouth



or nose eventually ends up there. However, when functioning properly, the

digestive system also can be an efficient way to defend against pathogens,
making it a vital component of your bodys immune defenses.
Research has shown that the bacteria lining your intestines reinforce the
barrier that prevents pathogens from seeping out of your GI tract and into
the body. This is particularly important in your large intestine, where fecal
matter accumulates before being excreted. Without a strong barrier in place,
toxins from your feces can be reabsorbed, placing an additional burden on
your immune system. This is often referred to as leaky gut syndrome.
At the crux of this protective mechanism is a fatty acid known as butyrate
(or butyric acid). One of butyrates main functions is to promote the growth
of the mucus membranes that line the intestines and to increase their
production of mucking. Mucking is a component of mucus that lines and
protects the walls of the intestines. The mucus constantly sloughs off and
carries pathogens away with it.
Butyrate is produced byyou guessed itour probiotic bacteria, most
notably the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. By increasing the
numbers of these friendly bacteria in the large intestine, you can increase
the production of butyrate.
Obviously, you can help grow these flora with supplements, but you can also
give them a boost by increasing your consumption of carbohydrate foods
high in indigestible fiber. Bananas, asparagus, onions, garlic, wheat bran,
and artichokes are particularly effective at increasing butyrate levels.
Two other ways in which gut flora support our immune system also deserve
mention. One is their acidifying properties. As touched on in Question 6, the
byproducts of many probiotic bacteria help keep the digestive tract slightly


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

acidic, which inhibits the growth of undesirable bacteria like Salmonella

(which causes food poisoning), shigella (which causes diarrhea), and E. coli
(which can cause intestinal disease and chronic kidney failure). Beneficial
bacteria also produce a volatile fatty acid which, along with the acids, makes
it difficult for fungus and yeast to survive.
Good bacteria also help keep you regular. The shorter your bowel transit
time, the less opportunity there is for toxins to be reabsorbed into your

10. How do probiotics lift your energy level?

When your body is absorbing nutrients and ridding itself of toxins more
effectively, it stands to reason that you should feel an overall improvement
in your energy level.
But science has also shown us that probiotics can be an effective way to
fight fatigueparticularly chronic fatigue.
Blood and saliva samples were taken for one month in eight athletes who
had fatigue and declining performance. All were shown to have a reduced
secretion of interferon, and most were found to be infected with the
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). (Most adults are carriers of this virus.)
When the athletes were given a probiotic supplement (Lactobacillus
acidophilus) for a month, not only did their interferon levels improve
to levels found in healthy individuals, but only one was found to exhibit
EBV shedding in the saliva. Also, the fatigue disappeared, and athletic
performance noticeably improved. (Brit J Sports Med 06;40(4):351354)
Admittedly, few of us are athletesbut theres still a takeaway here.
Restoring bacterial flora to optimal levels can have a profound effect on



your overall energy level and health. The Epstein-Barr virus is associated
with chronic fatigue syndrome, and studies have shown that interferon
helps keep the virus in check in healthy individuals. The regular use of a
good probiotic supplement is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to
improve interferon levels. This, in turn, often becomes a very effective tool
for managing problems involving chronic fatigue.

11. How do probiotics influence mental health?

The digestive system is intricately connected to our emotions. Just think
about a time when you felt nervous, afraid, angry, or overwhelmed. Chances
are one of the places in your body that took the brunt of those strong
feelings was your gut. Butterflies in the stomach or a stomach tied in knots
are common ways to describe the way you feel in stressful situations.
Extreme stress can bring on real digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea,
stomach cramps, even vomiting.
Within the body, we actually have a second brain, and its the enteric
nervous system (ENS). The ENS controls and regulates our intestinal
tract and senses environmental threats, just like our eyes, nose, and skin.
It reports information to the brain via the vagus nerve, the longest cranial
nerve in the body. The vagus nerve links a number of organs with the brain,
but about 90 percent of the signals passing along it are traveling from the
gut to the brain.
Researchers have known for a long time about this gut/brain axis, but
for some reason they have always focused on the impact the brain can
have on the gutor control from the top down. Even the pharmaceutical
companies quickly realized that more than half of individuals with irritable
bowel syndrome also have mood disorders. This is why antidepressants are


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

some of the most common pharmaceutical treatments for irritable bowel

syndrome. (J Psychiatry Neurosci 2009;34(3):230231)
It may seem strange that there is a neurological connection between the gut
and the brain, and that you can treat the brain with antidepressants and see
improvement in bowel problems. But whats even stranger (to me anyway)
is that until just recently, conventional medicine never considered directly
treating bowel problems to improve mood disorders. Its a two-way street
between the brain and the gut, after all. If you change one area, it makes a
difference in the other.
Just recently, researchers in France proved that mood disorders can be
controlled from the bottom up using two specific strains of probiotic
bacteria (Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52 and Bifidobacterium longum
Rosell-175). In other words, you can effectively treat depression, anxiety,
and behavioral problems by normalizing the bacteria in the bowels.
The bacteria combination produced anti-anxiety characteristics in animals,
as well as beneficial psychological effects in human volunteers. Laboratory
and numerous standardized psychological tests revealed lower levels of
the stress hormone cortisol, a significant decrease in symptoms, such as
depression, anxiety, anger/hostility, obsessive-compulsive actions, phobias,
and paranoia, and an improvement in sleep.
Depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders are just a few of the more common
problems that have been closely linked to intestinal problems. As to which
came firstthe gastrointestinal disorder or the psychiatric illnessits hard
to tell. But based on trends over the past few decades, I cant help but think
the constant assault on our intestinal flora is the underlying cause of many
of the psychological problems were now experiencing.



12. Why do probiotics reduce urinary tract

andyeast infections?
Apart from residing in the intestinal tract, beneficial bacteria also reside
in the vagina and urinary tract, where they ward off pathogenic bacteria
and yeast in much the same way as they do in the gut. They are a primary
defense against urinary tract infections (UTIs) and acute cystitis.
Approximately 60 percent of women in the United States experience UTIs
or acute cystitis during their lifetimes, and 30 percent of those women have
multiple occurrences.
Research shows that the beneficial bacteria reach the vagina by migrating
from the colon, out of the body, and into the vagina and urinary tract.
Although there are multiple species residing in the vagina, Lactobacillus is
the most prominent. As it does in the gut, the lactic acid that these bacteria
produce help to keep the pH level of the vagina and urinary tract slightly
acidic, which reduces the growth of yeast and harmful bacteriaincluding
E. coli, one of the chief bacteria that cause UTIs.
If we look at womens genitourinary health in this context, its easy to
understand why some women experience recurring problems with UTIs.
If the balance of bacteria is off in some way, pathogens arebetter able to
adhere to the bladder wall and cause infection.
Though antibiotics will effectively clear up the symptoms of a UTI, they
also will kill off the friendly bacteria that are needed to protect the urinary
tract in the first place. This sets the stage for an ongoing cycle of infection.
The most effective way to break this cycle is not additional medication,
but rather re-establishing healthy flora by eating fermented foods and/
or taking probiotic supplements high in the Lactobacillus species. Once


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

restored, its reasonable to assume that subsequent infections will be

much less frequent.

13. How can probiotics help with oral health?

Many of you may read my answer to this question and wonder why the
material wasnt included in the information about immune health. Thats a
fair critique, but I think this aspect of how probiotics benefit our health is
significant and warrants its own discussion.
The primary benefit of probiotic flora in the oral cavitythe mouth, throat,
and by extension, the nose, sinuses, and ear canalsis in support of our
immune system. Often our first exposure to viruses and bacteria comes
through the mouth and nose, and thus our first line of defense against them
are the friendly bacteria that live there.
More than 600 species of bacteria have been identified within the oral
cavity. Most of those species probably play a lesser role in health, but
researchers have found that higher numbers of the more prominent
beneficial species directly correlate to a reduced incidence of everything
from bad breath and dental caries to ear infections, strep throat, and
tonsillitis. (J Appl Microbiol 06;100:754764) (J Med Microbiol 03;52:829
833) (Revista de Microbiol 99;30:332334) (Scand J Infect Dis 93;25:3135)
(Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 97;106:571574)
The most effective way to increase the number of good bacteria in the
oral cavityand thereby enhance immune responseis through the
use of probiotic lozenges, particularly those which contain the species
Streptococcus salivarius. S. salivarius has numerous strains: S. salivarius
K12 is the one that replaces the malodorous bacteria on the back of the
tongue that causes bad breath. Its also effective at preventing and helping



treat periodontal disease, recurrent tonsillitis, and viral infections. Along

with strain K12, strain 18 provides ear infection protection. Strains MIA
and T32 help prevent dental caries.
Tests have shown that using a lozenge that incorporates the K12 strain
can help restore the natural bacterial flora of the mouth and throat. These
bacteria, in turn, produce compounds referred to as bacteriocin-like
inhibitory substances, or BLIS, which act as natural antibacterials and
help control the growth of invasive microorganisms that cause infections.
The greater numbers of beneficial bacteria also take up the physical space that
harmful pathogens need to colonize, and use up their necessary food supply.
Like probiotic supplements formulated for the gut, oral probiotic
lozenges can be used in conjunction with antibiotic therapy. Prescription
mouthwashes are routinely used in periodontal disease, but thought
is seldom given to recolonizing the oral cavity with beneficial bacteria
afterward. While some doctors realize the importance of replacing the
beneficial bacteria in the colon after antibiotic therapy, doing the same in
the oral cavity is practically unheard of.
Its important to keep in mind also that most mouthwashes work much like
antibiotics, at least in the oral cavity; theyre nonselective when it comes
to killing bacteria. They provide short-term relief from bad breath, but
the odor-forming bacteria quickly re-establish colonies and the problem
returns. No mouthwash is able to actually sterilize the oral cavity. If
mouthwash is used and then followed with the oral probiotic, there will be
more sites for the beneficial bacteria to colonize.
You also can support your oral bacterial flora with fermented foods.
Fermented milk proteins, such as those found in real buttermilk, yogurt, and


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

kefir, are especially good options. Researchers have found that digested milk
proteins keep harmful bacteria from adhering to intestinal walls and entering
intestinal cells, and I wouldnt be surprised to find out that they function in a
similar manner in the mouth.
I particularly like kefir and, fortunately, it is becoming more readily available
in larger grocery stores. Letting kefir sit in your mouth for a few seconds
before swallowing is another way of helping the beneficial bacteria in
your mouth and sinuses. Ive seen several cases of chronic sinus and nasal
congestion resolved through the regular use of oral probiotics and kefir.

14. What is the link between probiotics

Its easy to draw the conclusion that the better able your body is to absorb
nutrients, the less you need to eat to meet your nutritional needswhich
means youre less likely to gain weight. But there are research-based
examples of how maintaining healthy gut flora can help keep weight down:
Butyrateone of the fatty acids produced by probiotic bacteriahas
been suggested to promote feelings of satiety (a feeling of fullness
and satisfaction). (Nutr Rev 07;65(2):5162) (Aliment Pharmacol
Ther 08:27(2):104119) This, obviously, can help prevent overeating,
which contributes toobesity.
A Japanese company gave 87 overweight individuals 100 grams of
fermented milk twice a day. The milk consumed by half the group
contained the bacteria Lactobacillus gasseri. After 12 weeks, those
individuals lost an average of 2.2 poundsand there was no weight



loss in the other group. (Eur J Clin Nutr 2010 March 10. [E-pub
ahead of print PMID:20216555])
Specifically, the participants lost 4.6 percent of their visceral fat (fat
around the stomach) and 3.3 percent of their subcutaneous fat (fat
just under the skin). Their hip circumference was reduced by 1.7
cm (almost of an inch) and their waist went down by 1.5 cm ( just
over inch). Researchers feel that Lactobacillus gasseri somehow
decreases the amount of fat absorbed from the intestines.
Researchers evaluated the use of antibiotics in 11,532 children born
in Great Britains Avon region in 1991 and 1992. Almost 30 percent
of the infants were given antibiotics sometime during the first six
months of their life. By age 38 months, the children in the antibiotic
group had a 22 percent greater likelihood of being overweight. (IntJ
Obes (Lond) 21 October 2012 [Epub ahead of print])
The last example is something we see every day in the agricultural industry.
Antibiotics are known as growth promoters. Farmers have been using
antibiotics for the last 50-plus years to fatten cattle, pigs, and chickens.
With the use of these medications, animals gain more weight more quickly,
on less food. Ill say that again: antibiotics stimulate growth with less food.
Antibiotics kill the natural bacterial flora in the human body that influences
how we break down and absorb the nutrients that help keep us lean and
healthy. Doing it at such a critical period of development, such as early
childhood, has long-lasting effects.


PART 1: What Probiotics Are and How They Influence Our Health

15. How do probiotics influence

In Question 2, regarding how we come to acquire our digestive bacteria, I
stated that the more diverse our bacterial flora is, the more effective it is
and the better our overall health tends to be. To see this, you need look no
further than a study that examined gut microbes in the elderly.
When researchers looked at the digestive microflora of 178 elderly
individuals over the age of 65 (average age 78, none of whom were
being treated with antibiotics), they found that the microbes varied
extensively depending on where the individual lived and the state of
their overall health.
The people who lived independently in the community had the most varied
microbacterial flora and were the healthiest. People who lived in long-term
assisted living homes had less diverse microbacterial flora and were frailer.
The research team, led by Paul OToole of University College Cork in
Ireland, tied this difference to the diet of each respective group. Though
the foods eaten by people who moved into long-term residential facilities
changed immediately upon entry (becoming much more uniform and based
on government-issued nutritional data), it took about a year for the profile
of their bacteria to change. It was during that transition time when the
individuals health started declining the most.
What makes this study so intriguing to me is the speed at which a
person loses his or her health to a decline in the numbers and variety of



The clear takeaway from this is that eating a varied diet that includes
fermented foods is a key to maintaining gut flora and, by extension, strength
and vitality. It is yet another reason why probiotics must be an essential
part of any responsible healthregimen.

16. What will happen if I dont take probiotics?

Because having the proper bacterial balance helps ensure health, you make
yourself more vulnerable to illness and disease by not regularly consuming
probiotics, either as fermented foods or supplements. You may also
experience an increase in digestive symptoms such as gas, diarrhea, and
constipation, as well as moodiness and fatigue.
As I noted in Question 4, our environment and lifestyle regularly attack
probiotic bacteria, decreasing their numbers. Failing to reinforce your
microflora by regularly taking probiotics increases overall health risks.




Dried slices of yacon tuber.

contains inulin, a complex sug
ar, which
promotes healthy probiotics

philus is .
Lactoba only used probio
most com


17. What should you look for when selecting

ahigh-quality probiotic supplement?
A lot of companies would have you believe that the most important criteria
for selecting a supplement is the number of bacteria it contains. (This is
often measured in CFU, or colony-forming units.) The more, the better,
they say.
Honestly, though, science doesnt yet know if thats true. We dont know
how many billions are enough. We dont know if there is such a thing as too
few or too many. In fact, we dont even know for sure how many different
strains of bacteria are even in the digestive tract to start with. So sales
pitches that say more is better are just thatsales pitches.
My twenty-plus years of research on probiotics have convinced me that
its not the total number of bacteria in a product thats important, but
rather the number of strains of bacteria it contains. A product containing
multiple strains usually will be more effective than a product containing
an extremely high concentration of just one or two strains. So the next time
you go shopping for a probiotic supplement, put extra emphasis on variety.
Other criteria by which you can judge the quality of a probiotic
Delivery system. By delivery system, I mean what form the
product is in and how that enables the bacteria not only to remain
alive and healthy while on the shelf, but to reach the areas in your
GI tract where theyll be most effective. A supplement full of dead
bacteriaor bacteria that die in a sea of stomach acidis a waste


PART 2: How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements

There have been a lot of advances in delivery systems in recent

years, and its possible that by the time you read this, there will be
something available thats even better than the controlled-release
tablet (or caplet) that is my current favorite. Beadlet technology is
still viable, and capsule formulation has come a long way since the
days when the pills were instantly obliterated by stomach acid.
The most important thing to remember about the delivery system
is that it must ensure a significantly high percentage of bacteria
reach your intestines alive. Since this has become a notable selling
point for probiotic supplements, look for details on the products
packaging or marketing materials. A company that is willing to
explain how their product works most likely has a product that will,
indeed, work.
Strains included. As I mentioned, its the number of strains that
are most important. Make sure that your product includes at least
these three most important ones:
L. acidophilusThis is the most important strain of the
Lactobacillus species. It readily colonizes on the walls of the
small intestine and helps ensure proper nutrient absorption and
digestion of dairy foods.
B. longumLike L. acidophilus, B.longum is one of the most
common bacteria found in the digestive tracts of adults, and it
helps maintain the integrity of the gut wall. It is particularly
active as a scavenger of toxins.
B. bifidumThis strain is found in both the small and large
intestine and is critical for the healthy digestion of dairy



products. This is especially important as you grow older and

your natural ability to digest dairy declines. B. bifidum also is
important for its ability to break down complex carbohydrates,
fat, and protein into small components that the body can use
more efficiently.
Expiration date. The supplement industry doesnt require that
products have expiration dates, so this bit of information can
be telling when it comes to product quality. Obviously, a stated
expiration date is the manufacturers promise that the bacteria in
the product will remain active and potentat the levels specified
on the labeluntil that date. Usually this date is based on their
formulation and stability testing data, which means a company is
paying attention to those matters. If you dont see an expiration date
on a product label, it should raise questions. As a consumer, you have
no idea how long the bacteria in the product is expected to last. It
could be a year or it could be a week. Or, quite possibly, the bacteria
may already be dead.
Recently Ive also noticed a trend of retailers forgoing expiration
dates in lieu of stamps that guarantee potency on the date
of manufacture. This is useless in my opinion, because all
products should live up to their label claim when they leave the
manufacturing facility. So what if the product was potent on
that day? As a buyer, I want to knowas Im sure you dothat
the product will still be that potent as much as 34 months later
(particularly if Im buying a few bottles at a time).
Dont risk wasting your money on a product that may provide
minimal or no benefit. Look for an expiration date. Along with the


PART 2: How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements

delivery system, its the best way to ensure that the bacteria are alive
and useful.
Money-back guarantee. Always insist on this for any supplement
you take, including your probiotic. Companies that truly believe in
their products will stand by them.
Packaging. Because probiotic bacteria are living organisms, their
health can be affected by the environment. You may remember
a time when you had to refrigerate probiotic supplements. New
delivery systems have done away with that requirement, but you still
need to protect the bacteria from too much exposure to light, heat,
and moisture. Look for packaging that ensures these elements will
have minimal impact. Thick, opaque bottles with desiccant pouches
are most preferred, but there are some new styles of blister packs
that also work well.

18. Which strains are best?

Its difficult to say which of the thousands of strains of bacteria in the
digestive tract are best, because they all work together to maintain
health. However, some are more appropriate for certain health concerns
Because of the role probiotic bacteria play in vaginal health, for example,
women may want a product that has more of the strain that supports this
aspect of health. If you often travel overseas, you may want a product that
contains the strain most effective against travelers diarrhea. If you have
recurring sinus problems, you wouldnt want to take the same strains as you
would for constipation. I think you can see where Im going with this point.



Ive already mentioned the three strains I consider most essential in a

supplement: L. acidophilus, B.longum, and B. bifidum. Here are some more
that have notable benefits:

Lactobacillus Species
L. plantarum. Youll find L. plantarum in both your mouth and
your gut, as well as in sauerkraut, pickles, brined olives, Korean
kimchi, Nigerian ogi, sourdough, and other fermented plant foods.
Its a versatile strain that produces hydrogen peroxide, which helps
exclude competing pathogenic bacteria from necessary food sources.
L. paracasei. L. paracasei has the unique ability to support
liver function. Aprospective randomized study found that
supplementation with a mixture of fiber and probiotics, including
L. paracasei, lowered urine pH and improved liver function in 50
percent of participants.
L. salivarius. This strain, which grows best in the small intestine, is
found in the oral cavity, intestines, and vagina. It has been associated
with increased immune markers and has been shown to help prevent
the colonization of pathogenic bacteria.
L. gasseri. This is a relatively new probiotic strain and is among
the species of Lactobacilli predominantly linked to microflora in the
vagina. When combined with B. longum and B. bifidum, it also has
been shown to decrease nasal and bronchial irritation, providing
allergy relief.
L. reuteri. This bacteria colonizes in both the intestine and
oral cavity. It is thought to help prevent tooth decay by reducing


PART 2: How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements

S.mutans, and to reduce plaque in patients with moderate to

L. fermentum. This strain of bacteria, which has been found in
sourdough and kimchi, plays a strong antimicrobial role in the GI
tract. It has been shown to be active against foodborne pathogens
such as E. coli, Salmonella paratyphi A, Shigella sonnei, and
Staphylococcus aureus, among others. L. fermentum also is capable
of releasing superoxide dismutase and glutathione, two important
antioxidants produced naturally in the body.
L. rhamnosus. In addition to being known as the premier travel
probioticin a study, it significantly reduced the amount of
diarrhea experienced by Americans traveling from New York City to
developing countriesL. rhamnosus is thought to be among the best
Lactobacillus strains for vaginal health.

Bifidobacterium Species
B. infantis. As you might have guessed from its name, B. infantis
is the largest population of beneficial bacteria in babies. Though
its numbers decline in adulthood, it remains an important part of
our microflora and has been linked to decreased pain, bloating, and
bowel movement difficulty in people with irritable bowel syndrome.
B. lactis. Research has found that B. lactis helps to decrease levels
of the H. pylori bacteria, which is commonly associated with
ulcers. It has also been shown that people supplementing their
diet with B. lactis had an increase in immune markers, including
natural killer cells, which are known to help eliminate unwanted
cells from the body.



Bacillus Species
B. coagulans. Bacillus is another species of bacteria that reside
in the GI tract. They are rod-shaped, spore-bearing bacteria that
produce lactic acid. Because it is a spore-bearing bacteria, it is
highly resistant to heat, moisture, and light, making it highly
resistant to stomach acid. In the gut, it produces lactic acid that
enhances lactose digestion. It also supports a healthy pH in the
vagina. According to one study, 91 percent of women with nonspecific vaginitis who took B. coagulans tablets daily reported

Streptococcus Species
S. salivarius K12. This strain is found in the mucus membranes
of the oral cavity, and is known for its ability to produce BLIS
(bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances), which inhibit the ability
of pathogenic bacteria to grow. It is particularly effective against S.
pyogenes, a main cause of throat, sinus, and ear infections, as well as
bad breath. Research has found that S. salivarius K12 can be safely
used by children as young as three years.
S. salivarius M18. Like S. salivarius K12, the M18 strain also
produces BLIS and inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It
is most effective against S.mutans, the bacteria that causes tooth
decay. Additionally, it can help control inflammation associated
Its unlikely that youll find a single product that contains all of these
strains, but as the probiotics market continues to grow and a more diverse


PART 2: How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements

array of products becomes available, it will be important to understand how

the various strains can benefit your health. With that information, youll be
able to make sure the probiotic supplement you choose includes strains that
are the best fit for your healthconcerns.

19. What are prebiotics and how do they

As probiotics and the importance of gut bacteria become mainstream, were
starting to see another term more and more: prebiotics.
Simply put, prebiotics are the food that probiotic bacteria need to stay alive
and flourish. For the most part, that means soluble fiber and non-digestible
sugars. (I should say non-digestible by humansthe microbes in our gut can
digest them.)
The two most widely accepted prebiotics are FOS (fructooligosaccharides,
which includes inulin) and GOS (galactooligosaccharides). If you
read the labels on prebiotic products, youll see ingredients that end in
-saccharides and -ose, which means sugar or carbohydrate. You might
also see ones that end in -itol, which are alcohol sugars.
Probably the most important thing to remember about prebiotics,
though, is this: If your diet is right, I dont think taking a separate
prebiotic supplement is necessary. Some of the more advanced probiotic
supplements include prebiotics to help keep the bacteria alive and
extend the potency, which makes sense. But in my opinion, if you eat a
variety of produce and whole grains, you can forgo the cost of a separate



Most prebiotic supplements are made from grains like oats and corn, which
contain soluble fiber. Whole grainsbrown rice, whole grain breads, wholewheat pasta, barley, oatmeal, flax, chia, etc.do as well. All of these things
should be a regular part of a healthy diet.
The same is true of fruits and vegetables. Asparagus, leeks, artichokes,
garlic, carrots, peas, beans, onions, chicory, jicama, broccoli, tomatoes,
cauliflower, spinach, kale, and chard all contain prebiotics. (Its interesting
to note that cooking these vegetables doesnt negatively affect the prebiotic
fiber content.) As for fruits, fresh or frozen bananas, cherries, apples, pears,
oranges, strawberries, cranberries, kiwi, and berries are good sources. Nuts
are also a prebiotic source.
If you include these foods in your diet, you can ignore all the hype and
hoopla about prebiotic supplements. Invest your money in a quality
probiotic supplement and fermented foods instead. These are investments
that will pay daily dividends for a lifetime.

20. What should I expect when I begin taking

One of two things tend to happen when people first start taking probiotics.
Many simply begin to feel better and to experience fewer of the digestive
symptoms that led them to take a supplement in the first place. Bowel
movements normalize and there is less gas and bloating. Many individuals
also seem to experience an increase in overall energy.
Others, though, may feel a little worse before they begin feeling better. Its
not uncommon to experience a temporary increase in bloating, flatulence,
or intestinal rumbling after beginning a probiotic supplement. This


PART 2: How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements

is normal, and these symptoms are a sign that the pH of your bowel is
undergoing a healthy change. This transition naturally acidifies the colon;
as the pH moves, symptoms can worsen.
Its unfortunate that this aspect of taking probiotic supplements isnt more
widely discussed, because the uptick in symptoms often leads people to
believethat the product isnt working for them when, in fact, it is. If this
affects you, stick with it. These changes usually run their course in a couple

21. Are there any side effects of

Better health!
As Ive noted in several questions, our gut flora have an enormous positive
impact on healthincluding not only our digestion, but our immune health,
mood, even our weight and longevity. Adding probiotics to your daily health
regimen is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
There are no known contraindications of taking probiotic supplements.

22. How long do I have to take myprobiotics?

If you cannot eat naturally fermented foods every day, you should take a
probiotic supplement every day, for the rest of your life. Its cheap insurance
against painful, disruptive, and sometimes expensive health problems.

23. Can I crush or split my probiotic pills?

No. Do not crush your probiotics, you will kill the bacteria by crushing it.



24. How will I know my probiotic supplement

If youve been having chronic digestive symptoms and those symptoms
have improved, you can assume its working. You also can measure the pH of
your stool to confirm effectiveness.
Your stool pH should be only slightly acidic, about 6.7 to 6.9. A neutral
or alkaline pH (7 or higher) generally indicates poor balance between
beneficial bacteria and bad bacteria; however, a very acidic pH can be
negative as well, and often occurs with excessive amounts of sucrose (table
sugar) or lactose (milk sugar) in the diet, as well as with conditions that
cause diarrhea.
You can check your pH by using pH paper or a liquid test agent called
Bromothymol. The easiest to obtain is the pH paper, which is sold in many
aquarium shops, pharmacies, medical supply houses, or by chemical
supply companies. To determine the pH of your stool, simply touch
the paper to a moist sample (before it hits the water in the toilet) and
compare the color change to the chart that comes with the paper.

25. Are food-based probiotic sources better,

worse, or the same as supplements?
As I noted in Question 3, I believe the best source of support for probiotic
bacteria are naturally fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut. But
again, I must emphasize that these foods must be naturally fermented.
Naturally fermented foods are rich in lactic acid bacteria (the friendly
organisms that are responsible for the fermentation process) and an
excellent way to nourish gut bacteria. The only drawback with them is that


PART 2: How to Buy and Use Probiotic Supplements

you must eat them every day in order to realize maximum benefit. Because
its difficult to maintain that level of discipline, and because many people
dont like the taste of naturally fermented foods, I tend to recommend
taking a daily probiotic supplement in addition to consuming these foods
in your diet. Its the most effective way to ensure that you get enough
probiotics to improve your health.





Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is known by many namesfunctional
bowel disease, spastic colon, spastic bowel, nervous indigestion, mucus
colitis, and intestinal neurosis. But, regardless of its moniker, its the most
frequently diagnosed gastrointestinal condition in the United States.
Some of the symptoms that have been associated with IBS include diarrhea,
constipation, abdominal pain and distention, colicky pain relieved by a
bowel movement, bloating, intestinal gas or flatulence, bowel incontinence,
excess mucus production in the colon, nausea, fatigue, anorexia,
Since IBS has no physical or disease basisits often the diagnosis of last
resort after other conditions are ruled outits important to look for likely
contributing factors to the syndrome. Some of those include antibiotic use,
food intolerances and triggers, poor digestive capability, stress, genetics,
drugs, radiation therapy, smoking, alcohol use or abuse, carbonated
beverages, lack of sleep and exercise, surgical trauma or injury to the bowel,
eating disorders, and use of hormones.
Gut flora is a common denominator among virtually all these factors. When
digestive bacteria is in poor health, your body cannot digest and absorb
foods properly. Antibiotics, drugs, poor dietthese things have a toxic effect
on probiotic bacteria, rendering them less effective.
Though there are many things you can do to address IBS, one of them
should be to reinforce your gut flora every day by eating lactic acid
fermented foods or taking a quality probiotic supplement. I would venture
to say that incorporating probiotics into the daily health regimen can
improve symptoms in 75 to 80 percent of all IBS cases.


PART 3: Recommended Use by Health Concern

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is usually described as a feeling of
uncomfortable fullness both during and after a meal, as well as a burning
sensation or pain in your abdominal area between the lower end of your
chest bone and your navel. Indigestion is often a symptom of GERD and
peptic ulcers. And nausea and bloating are other symptoms sometimes
associated with indigestion.
Stomach upset can be caused by a number of factors,including overeating,
eating hard-to-digest or spicy foods, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking,
certain medications, and physical or emotional stress.
Indigestion can often be addressed effectively with some commonsense
dietary and lifestyle changes, including eating cultured or fermented foods,
such as sauerkraut, tofu, tamari, and miso, on a regular basis, or taking a
high-quality probiotic supplement.

Excessive Gas
Although we dont like to talk about it, everybody passes gas. In fact, most
people have more than 20 gas-passing episodes each day, releasing up to
four pints of gas in the process. But just because its normal doesnt mean
its pleasant. Excessive gas can result in bloating and discomfort. And the
belching and flatulence it causes can be embarrassing.
Much of the foul-smelling gas produced in your digestive system comes
from the bacteria in your bowels. Food substances that arent absorbed
in the small intestine and are passed on to the large intestine become
fodder for these bacteria. These food substances are primarily sugars



Given this, it makes sense to ensure that those bacteria are healthy,
balanced, and working toward optimal digestion of the foods you eat.
Probiotics will also help to keep your bowels moving properly so that food
matter doesnt sit in your intestines too long. This helps prevent your
intestinal bacteria from feeding too long and producing excess gas.

Constipation is often defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three
times a week. But, I simply dont agree. You should be moving your bowels
at least once a day, and ideally two or three times daily. After all, you eat
three meals a day, and each meal creates its own waste products that need
to be eliminated.
In most cases, constipation is the result of a poor diet, an inadequate intake
of fluids, and insufficient exercise. Some drugs can cause constipation, as
can supplements containing calcium and iron. Other causes include stress,
travel, hormonal changes, some diseases, and aging.
In addition to making some lifestyle modifications that address those
common causes, probiotics can also help. As I noted in Question 3, one of
the benefits of eating lactic acidfermented foods was that those foods
support the bodys production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine increases
the movement of the bowel, alleviating constipation problems. Probiotic
supplements containing bacteria that produce lactic acid also help produce
this same benefit.


PART 3: Recommended Use by Health Concern

Digestive ulcers, also known as peptic ulcers, are places where the
protective coating of mucus has been eroded away from the lining of
your stomach or upper digestive tract. The most common type is the
duodenal ulcer, which occurs in the first 12 inches of the small intestine,
just beyond the stomach. Ulcers that form in the stomach are called
gastric ulcers. Ulcers can also form in the esophagus, and these are called
esophageal ulcers.
In the early 1980s, researchers identified the H.pylori bacteria as a
major factor in the development of peptic ulcers. This corkscrew-shaped
pathogen literally twists its way through the protective mucus lining of the
gastrointestinal tract and attaches itself to the walls of your stomach or
small intestine. Research suggests that almost 90 percent of people with
duodenal ulcers and up to 85 percent of those with gastric ulcers harbor the
H.pylori bacteria.
Like thousands of other strains of bacteria in our environment, H. pylori
doesnt seem to cause problems when its numbers remain in balance with
other bacterial flora. In fact, researchers from Stanford University School
of Medicine recently reported that individuals with H. pylori in their
system have a 72 percent lower risk of developing esophageal cancer than
individuals without the bacterium.
A diet rich in naturally fermented foods and homemade yogurt will help to
naturally seed your digestion system with healthy probiotics and balance
the bacterial flora in your bowels. Taking a quality probiotic supplement
daily will also do this.



Working to restore balance in your body as a means to resolve ulcers is a

much more reasonable, safe, and gentle solution than to wipe out good and
bad bacteria with powerful antibiotics.

Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal canceroften referred to as colon canceroccurs when cells in
the colon or rectum grow and multiply abnormally, damaging surrounding
tissue and interfering with normal colon function.
The good news about colorectal cancer is that, when detected early, it has
a 90 percent cure rate. In the last decade, efforts to promote awareness
and prevention techniques have paid off, with colorectal cancer incidence
dropping by 22 percent from 1975 to 2000. Similarly colorectal cancer
deaths fell by 26 percent during that time period. (National Cancer
Institute, Annual Report to the Nation Finds Continued Declines in Overall
Cancer Rates: Special Feature Highlights Current and Projected Trends in
Colorectal Cancer, cancer.gov, December 7, 2009.)
Poor nutrition, especially diets low in pre- and probiotics, vitamin D,
selenium, and fiber make people more vulnerable to colorectal cancer.
One of the best ways to preserve and protect colon health is to nurture the
colonies of probiotics that reside there. As you now know from my repeated
mention of probiotics throughout this book, they take food that we cant
digest and feed themselves with it, not only keeping your GI tract running
smoothly, but also ensuring that bad bacteria and abnormal growths stay
Do you have a question that you didnt see answered? Feel free to ask me.
Just visit my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DrDavidWilliams and
post your question.


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