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Even minor changes to your palm, nails and fingers can point to bigger

underlying health issues

Your health is in your hands, and quite literally so. Our hands are the
barometers of our well-being and the littlest changes on them may convey a
serious medical problem elsewhere in the body.

Discoloured nails
Your nails should be a healthy, pinkish colour. If they have a greenish-yellow
tinge then you probably have a fungal infection and should ask your doctor
for an anti-fungal treatment. Besides, yellow nails can be a sign of a lung

Brown marks below the nail line can point to a suspicious mole underneath
and pitted-looking nails, where the normally smooth surface has several small
dents on it, are normally associated with psoriasis. If you notice any
unexplained changes to the colour of your nails, you should see a doctor.

Spoon-shaped nails
A healthy nail should be slightly raised in the middle and slightly curved down
at the tip. If you nail looks the opposite of this, like a spoon, it's a symptom of
iron deficiency and anemia. You can correct this by taking iron supplements
and including more dark green veggies and some red meat in your diet.

Nail clubbing, where the nail takes on a ball-like shape, is even more
worrisome as it can mean an internal disease such as lung cancer or heart
problems. See your doctor if your nail beds soften and nails appear to float
rather than staying firmly attached.

Finger lumps
Small lumps close to the nail beds are the first signs of osteoarthritis. These
lumps come up as the disease causes a loss of joint space, leading to
broadening of joints while new bones begin to form. Osteoarthritis, which is
general wear and tear of the joints, is common among women and is painful.

Trembling hands
Everyone's hands shake to some degree but if yours tremble noticeably, it
may be an early warning sign that you are developing Parkinson's disease,
which affects the nervous system. Shaky hands could also be blamed on
stress, anxiety or drinking too much alcohol or coffee. You could also have an
'essential tremor', an inherited neurological condition. See your doctor if you
notice any shaking, slowness of movement or rigidity.

Dry skin
Very dry skin can be a sign of an under-active thyroid as it causes the skin to
lose moisture. It can also mean that one may be sensitive to soaps and other
cosmetics. Hands also tend to lose moisture after menopause because the
skin dries out when a women's oestrogen level drops.

Red palms
For centuries doctors have associated a reddening of the palm with liver
disorders, in particular cirrhosis. Liver palm, or palmar erythema, is thought
to be caused by blood vessels which are dilating in response to the hormone
imbalance caused by the damage to the liver. The reddening occurs on the
outer edge of the wrist, from the base of the thumb, along the wrist to the
little finger. Other signs are a whitening of the nails, caused by the protein
deficiency typical in liver disease, and jaundiced skin. Red palms can also be
a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorders and, sometimes,

Sweaty palms
Our palms often heat up when we are nervous or anxious, but if this is
happening to you on a regular basis, your thyroid could be to blame. An overactive thyroid causes an increase in your metabolic rate. This means you
burn more calories and sweat more as your body temperature increases. You
may also experience unexplained weight loss, a constant feeling of nervous
energy and a swelling of the thyroid gland in the throat. An overactive thyroid
can be treated with medication.

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