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Philip Reichle 7/13/16

Dear Parents or Guardians,

Let me introduce myself. I am a graduate of the University of Tennessee with a

degree in Physics, and I am looking forward to a new school term as your childs
Algebra teacher. This year will be an exciting time for us all. We will study
mathematics involving variables, learning algorithms to help solve the problems we
encounter in class, and practicing the habit of accuracy in all the work that we do in
and out of class. I have planned many activities that are designed to help your child
succeed academically, not just this year but also in the future.
Students and their parents or guardians, are naturally curious about the amount
and type of homework to be assigned this term. There will be homework
assignments almost every night. You should expect to see your child spending
twenty to thirty minutes reviewing, solving problems, memorizing vocabulary and
algorithms, studying or working of projects. A copy of the weekly schedule will be
given to each student to keep in his or her binder as well as posted on the class
Web page. In addition, students are expected to copy their assignments into their
assignment notebook at the start of each day.
There are some procedures that you, as parents, will need to know about. The first
refers to the aforementioned homework. Assume that your child has math
homework, and help them to develop the habit of responsibly finishing work
completely and accurately. Any student work that is not completely accurate will
have to have the inaccurate problems reworked correctly and resubmitted, and any
work that is less than 75% completely done and accurate will have to be completely
redone including the answers that had been done correctly. This homework is in
addition to any homework assigned. All assigned homework will be written by your
child in their planner, so please feel free to double-check with their planner to
ensure they have completed their work. In addition, all returned work must be
signed by you that night, regardless of the amount correct, so that you are daily
apprised of your childs progress.
The second concerns the submission of work. Every student is expected every day
to come to class with everything they need for class (textbook, binder, planner, and
all work due). Concerning work due, all work is due at the beginning of class, and
will be checked for completeness as the student enters the room. Things that are
due daily are: 1) full completion of all homework; 2) your signature on all work
returned the day before; and 3) any corrections to the work returned the day
before, if needed. If any of these are missing, the consequence will be that your
child will be required to come to homework detention that afternoon after school for
1 hour and completely rewrite whatever was due. Deferments to this detention will
not be allowed as this is part of the formation of good habits for your child.

Philip Reichle 7/13/16

The last concerns tardiness and absences. My policy concerning tardiness is that if
it is unexcused, the work the student would have turned in will not be accepted and
the consequence for missing work will be enacted. In order for it to be excused, the
student must bring me documentation for the tardiness and if it is not medical, then
I will decide if the tardiness is excusable and issue the consequence if I determine it
is not excusable. Regarding absences, if it was a foreseen absence (such as a
planned trip or school sporting event), it is the responsibility of the student to
apprise me of the dates of the absence in advance and collect all work that will be
assigned during that time. All work will then be due on the day of your childs
return for foreseen absences. In the case of unforeseen absences (sickness, death
of family member, etc.), your child will pick up all missed work on the first day back
and will be due the following day. This due date can only be modified in the case of
communication with me concerning the absence before the students return to
school, and the new due date agreed by mutual consent. Once again, if missed
work is not turned in by the due date, the normal consequence for missing
homework will apply.
When you have questions, please feel free to email me at
Philip@AmblesideFredericksburg.com or to call or text me at school. My number is
845-461-5184. In the next week, you will be getting information concerning our first
set of parent-teacher conferences and you can contact me using these modes of
I am looking forward to working with my new students this year. I am also looking
forward to meeting you and working with you to help your child succeed.

Best Wishes,
Philip Reichle

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