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How to make a rendang

Equipments: cutting boards, knivers, strainers,

grated coconut, mortar, friying pan, spatula,
cookers, spoons, and plates.
1 kg beef, cut to be about 15 piecies.
2 liters of coconut milk 3 eggs grated
and squeezed coconut old.
1 stalk lemongrass crushed.
1 turmeric leaf.
5 kaffir lime leaves, turmeric leaf
fastened with.
Spices that are:

12-20 red papper, ground.

6 red onions.
3 cloves garlic.
1 cm ginger.
5 cm galangal / laos.
How to make:
Cook the coconut milk turmeric leaves, kaffir
lime leaves ang lemongrass. Then enter the
spice paste to a boil and reduce flame. Then
enter the meat is cut into pieces and stirring
constantly with a flat to mature evenly. Cook
beef overmedium heat until thickened and
some what dry milk and meat has become
tender. Once served hot or cold according to
individual taste. The most come fortable if
served with white rice and crackers.

Corn Patty (Perkedel Jagung)


150 grams of wheat flour

2 medium sweet corn
4 eggs
1,5 teaspoon of Salt
3 red onion
2 cloves of medium garlic
teaspoon of black pepper
tablespoon of sugar
Frying oil
3 red chili
1.First, you blend the red chili, garlic, onion

2.Put the sweet corn with flour, and the eggs in a

bowl. Give a little water and blended seasoning
that you mixed before.
3.Give the black pepper, sugar and the salt into
the corn.
4.Heat the frying oil in frying pan.
5.Fry the corn until it become golden.
6.And your corn patty are ready to be eaten

Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Bahasa

Indonesia [Procedure Text]


Fried Rice is Indonesia traditional food. It is very popular

food. It is easy to make it. It doesn't take too long time to
make. The ingredients are easy to get.
How to make Fried Rice? The following is the procedure
text how to make fried rice.

2 cloves of Garlic
2 onions cut into small pieces
1 table spoon of vegetable oil
a plate of rice
some salt
Steps how to make it
First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.
Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into
the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.

Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around
3 menit.

Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the

rice is hot enough.

Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a

sunny-side up.

Resep Membuat Rendang Padang Asli Empuk dan Enak


1 kg Daging sapi pilihan, potong ukuran sesuai

3 buah kelapa Tua, jadikan santan kental
15 butir Bawang merah
8 siung Bawang putih
1 ons Cabai merah (kriting)
2 cm Jahe
2 cm lengkuas memarkan
1 sendok teh merica bubuk
2 batang Sereh geprek terlebih dahulu
2 biji asam kandis
2 buah Bunga pekak
3 lembar Daun jeruk
4 lembar Daun salam
1 lembar Daun kunyit
Gula pasir
Bahan pelengkap

Kelapa serundeng yang sudah disangrai

1 ons Hati sapi potong dadu kecil kemudian rebus
Cara Membuat Rendang Padang
1. Haluskan terlebih dahulu bawang merah dan
putih, cabai, jahe dan lengkuas
2. Mulai ungkep daging sapi yang sudah dipotongpotong dengan bumbu yang dihaluskan, tunggu
sampai ber uap dan daging ungkepan kering.
3. Masukan santan kental, merica bubuk, sereh,
asam kandis, bunga pekak, daun jeruk, daun
salam, garam dan gula pasir, kemudian aduk
hingga merata, jangan lupa daun kunyit juga tapi
sobek-sobek terlebihdahulu
4. Tunggu sampai santan mendidih, dan sedikit
mengeluarkan minyak, kemudian kecilkan api
5. Campurkan bahan pelengkap kedalam rendang
kemudian aduk lagi sampai merata
6. Usahakan terus di aduk-aduk agar rendang tidak
menempel pada wajan, tunggu sampai rendang
berubah warna dan mengering
7. Angkat rendang, dan siap untuk disajikan.
Tips tambahan
1. Untuk menambah keempukan daging rendang
yang kita buat usahakan daging yang sudah
dipotong sebaiknya dipukul atau digeprek terlebih
dahulu baru kemudian di ungkep
2. Dalam proses pengungkepan daging rendang
yang empuk dan enak biasanya memerlukan

waktu yang agak lama kurang lebih semalaman

penuh atau seharian, agar bumbu yang dipakai
3. Dalam memasak santan usahakan santan tidak
pecah dan caranya dengan menggunakan
gerakan memutar ke atas seperti ketika menimba.

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