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Control Principle Introduction

Writers: huangguoping
Audit person:

Date: February 25th 2016


Control principle introduction................................................................................3
1. Control circuit graphics symbol.............................................................................................................3
1.1 Ignition gun the control principle graphics identifier..........................................................................3

2. Control circuit...............................................................................................................4
2.1 Ignition gun the control principle.........................................................................................................4

3Control logic graphics................................................................................................5

3.1 Control logic graphics discription........................................................................................................6

4Control protection logic............................................................................................. 7

4.1 Furnace low pressure protection logic.................................................................................................7

4.2 Furnace low pressure protection logic discription...............................................................................7

4.3 Steam water level high protection logic...............................................................................................7
4.4 Steam water level high protection logic discription.............................................................................8
4.5 Manual main fuel trip protection logic................................................................................................8
4.6 Manual main fuel trip protection logic discription..............................................................................8
4.7 Primary fan protection logic................................................................................................................8
4.8 Primary fan protection logic discription..............................................................................................8

5. Review exercise............................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Which application graphics Control principle of ignition gun.............................................................9
5.2 Which application graphics Primary fan protection logic....................................................................9

Standard operating procedures.............................................................................. 9

Control principle introduction

1. Control circuit graphics symbol
1.1 Ignition gun the Control principle graphics identifier

Diagram 1 Ignition gun the control principle graphics

2. Control circuit
2.1 Ignition gun the Control principle

Diagram 2 Ignition gun the control principle diagram

2.2 Advance Ignition Gun Command in Local discription

When +AB1-QF6 the circuit breaker is in on state, manual operation in local, push +AB1-SB2 button,
+AB1-KM5 contactor coil electrification, +AB1-KM5 auxiliary contact normal close, Advance Ignition
Gun Command, when Ignition Gun Advanced, +AB1-X2:5 and +AB1-X2:6 lead Limit Switch normal
close, +AB1-KA4 relay coil electrifying, +AB1-KA4 auxiliary contact normal close, +AB1-HL2
Ignition Gun Advanced indicating light bright, +AB1-KA4 auxiliary contact normal open, +AB1-KM5
contactor coil loss electron
2.3 Retreat Ignition Gun Command in Local discription
When +AB1-QF6 the circuit breaker is in on state, manual operation in local, push +AB1-SB3 button,

+AB1-KM6 contactor coil electrification, +AB1-KM6 auxiliary contact normal close, Retreat Ignition
Gun Command in Local, when Ignition Gun Retreated, +AB1-X2:7 and +AB1-X2:8 lead Limit Switch
normal close, +AB1-KA5 relay coil electrifying, +AB1-KA5 auxiliary contact normal close, +AB1HL3 Ignition Gun Retreated indicating light bright, +AB1-KA5 auxiliary contact normal open, +AB1KM6 contactor coil loss electron
2.4 Advance Ignition Gun Command from DCS discription
Advance ignition Gun Command From DCS, +AB1-X1:41 and +AB1-X1:42 Command signal normal
close, +AB1-KM5 contactor coil electrification, +AB1-KM5 auxiliary contact normal close, Ignition
Gun Advanced, when +AB1-X2:5 and +AB1-X2:6 Travel Limit Switch normal close, +AB1-KA4
relay coil electrifying, +AB1-KA4 auxiliary contact normal close, +AB1-HL2 Ignition Gun Advanced
indicating light bright, +AB1-KA4 auxiliary contact normal open, +AB1-KM5 contactor coil loss
2.5 Retreat Ignition Gun Command from DCS discription
Retreat Ignition Gun Command From DCS, +AB1-X1:43 and +AB1-X1:44 Command signal normal
close,, +AB1-KM6 contactor coil electrification, +AB1-KM6 auxiliary contact normal close, Ignition
Gun Retreate, when +AB1-X2:7 and +AB1-X2:8 Travel Limit Switch normal close, +AB1-KA5 relay
coil electrifying, +AB1-KA5 auxiliary contact normal close, +AB1-HL3 Ignition Gun Retreated
indicating light bright, +AB1-KA5 auxiliary contact normal open, +AB1-KM6 contactor coil loss

3Control protection logic

3.1 Control logic graphic symbol discription

AND logic

Diagram 3 graphics

4Control protection logic

4.1 Furnace low pressure protection logic




Three take two logic

PS0713 Furnace pressure LL2-1960Pa
Furnace low two pressure protection

Time delay





Logic Diagram 4

4.2 Furnace low pressure protection logic discription

NO1. Furnace pressure LL1-1960Pa
NO2. Furnace pressure LL2-1960Pa
NO3. Furnace pressure LL3-1960Pa
See logic diagram4any two conditional satisfaction -1960Pafurnace pressure
low protection
4.3 Steam water level high protection logic
LT0103 steam drum water level transmitter HHH1 250mm

Three take two logic

LT0104 steams drum water level transmitter HHH2 250mm
delay 5s

steams drum water level high protection

LT0105 steams drum water level transmitter HHH3 250mm

Logic Diagram5

4.4 Steam drum water level high protection logic diagram

NO1. steam drum water level HHH1 250mm
NO2. steam drum water level HHH2 250mm
NO3. steam drum water level HHH3 250mm
See logic diagram5any two conditional satisfaction 250mm
water level high protection
4.5 Manual MFT protection logic

button 1

button 2
manual MFT 1
Three take two logic
manual MFT 2

manual MFT protection

manual MFT 3

Logic Diagram 6

4.6 Manual MFT protection logic discription

NO1. manual MFT 1
NO2. manual MFT 2

steam drum

NO3. manual MFT 3

See logic diagram6button1 and button2 pressbutton simultaneous,
anytwoconditional satisfaction, trigger manual boiler main fuel trip protection.
4.7 Primary air fan protection logic
PAD thrust bearing high
Logic Diagram7

PAD support bearing high


PAD motor bearing 1 high


Primary air fan trip



PAD motor bearing 2 high

Primary air fan run

4.8 Primary air fan protection logic

air fan thrust bearing high temperature85
draft fan
A standstill

NO2. Primary air fan support bearing high temperature85

forced draft fan B standstill

Primary air fan run


NO3. Primary air fan motor bearing 1 high temperature80 Primary air fan outlet damper close
NO4. Primary air fan motor bearing 2 high temperature80
main fuel trip

NO5. TWO forced draft fan standstill

NO7. Primary air fan run delay60s and Primary air fan outlet damper close delay50s
See logic diagram7any two conditional satisfactionPrimary air fan protection trip

5. Review exercise
5.1 Ignition gun the control circuit which an application graphics symbol
5.2 Primary air fan protection logic Diagram which an application graphics symbol


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