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Reigate Incorporated

Setting: Planetoid Reigulus 1, city, Reigatesville

Daiquiri Kleia Reigate (D.K. Reigate) born on the planet Altair
Angus St. Paul (that sort of person who just sort of blends into the background)
Parsella Nostra
Fagan Portmanteau
Uncle Albert Bartholomew Reigate III
Calliope Fringol (Receptionist)
Charles Colgrove (Huggy bear posh toff always drunk at the end of the bar)
Shrunken Head Eddie*
Why did you give me such a stupid name? asked the little girl of her mother as they
sat together on a trans-saturn tube line.
Its not a stupid name, dear, the woman said with the suppressed patience of
someone who would very much like to strangle a certain child but who actually cannot realise
her wishes for the several witnesses and inevitable publicity surrounding the eventual trial.
Even though anyone who knew this particular little girl would probably let her mother off with
justifiable homicide. Theyd probably even give her a medal for bravery beyond the call of
The woman sighed, knowing full well that any answer would undoubtedly be met with
resistance. Your father and I named you in honour of your origins. We were sipping daiquiris
on top of Mount Kilauea when you were made.
Then why is my name Daiquiri Kleia? That has nothing to do with Mount Kilauea, the
small child observed.
Because, neither of us knew how to spell Kilauea. Be happy they didnt leave what
your father originally wrote you would have been named Daiquiri Killerway if they had. Im
sure you wouldnt have liked that either.
No, I suppose not. The child was silent for a moment, but her mother knew it was
only the calm before the storm. Well, thats stupid too! Here it came. I mean, for one,
youve never even been to Earth, let alone Mount Kilauea. And besides, Kilauea is an active
volcano. So how could you a) spend a romantic evening there, and b) drink frozen daiquiris
there? It just doesnt make sense. You would be burned beyond recognition and at the very
least the drinks would have melted. And, given the amount of sulphuric gas and other toxins
that would be spewing from the crater of an active volcano, I am sure that you wouldnt have
been able to breathe for very long, especially since you would have been taking in more than
the usual amount of air owing to your stated activity level in actually conceiving this child
The woman closed her eyes and attempted to ignore her. Perhaps this time someone
would kidnap the child or maybe she would open her eyes and it would have all been a bad
dream. She felt a tug on her trouser leg. One eye opened, she could see that the little angel
was still there. She was stuck with her.
Mo-ther! the girls emerald green eyes were fixed on her. You cant expect me to
believe that I was named after some romantic encounter in which you conceived a child on top
of a hot, poisonous mountaintop sipping frozen drinks. It was probably really in some seedy
holo-lounge in some supposed tropical paradise with a man you couldnt stand and who cant
even pronounce Kilauea let alone spell it correctly. And you were probably drunk
I just wanted to give you the stupidest name I could possibly think of so that you
would continuously ask me annoying questions about it and drive me out of my mind, ok? the
woman shouted at her. People and other things were beginning to stare. Happy now?
The little girl was not moved at all. Hmmph. Thought so.
And all this from a mere four year old.
In the end, that little girl did make it past her childhood, though her mother fared
rather less successfully. The last time she was seen she was hitching a ride with a shipload of
punk rockers from Andromeda, muttering something about padded rooms and daiquiris.
Daiquiri Kleia Reigate, on the other hand, grew up and became the head of one of the most
successful companies in the galaxy: Reigate Incorporated.

Reigate Inc. was a household name in the world of intergalactic matchmaking. 101%
Satisfaction Guaranteed! screamed the bold red and yellow billboards from every spaceport
on every civilised planet in the galaxy.

Chapter One
The reception office of Reigate Inc. was an immaculate space that was decorated to
the highest standard all with the intent of making the prospective clients feel comfortable and
right at home. Of course with several thousand different species and cultures in the galaxy,
pleasing everyone is a bit of a chore. Needless to say, the designer had a quite a challenge in
finding just the right sort of blend.
Usually the clients would just do their business via s-mail or vid conferencing or, in the
case of certain species, telepathically. But there were times when nothing but the personal
touch would do. Most often the office would be full of representatives of lesser nobles, royalty
or minor deities. Yes, even gods had trouble getting a date sometimes.
Today it was quite empty. Calliope Fringol, the bubbly airheaded yet user friendly
receptionist was busy filing. Her nails. The Mingerian ambassador had just left after paying his
bill and there was only one other person awaiting an audience with a personal Match Broker
that she could see.
Ahem, came a sound from the front of her large, maxiglass desk.
Calliope looked around and shrugged. She didnt see anyone. Perhaps she was
imagining things. Or maybe it was her stomach, she had only eaten one breakfast that day.
Errrrherrr ahem! Miss, came a very small voice that didnt really seem as if it were
there. Calliope looked around then suddenly spotted two soft, blue eyes staring at her. Then
she noticed that they were attached to a body. It was the body of a man.
Oh, she giggled. Im sorry. Er, I didnt hear you come in. How long have you been
standing there?
Oh, dont worry, he replied in that nondescript voice of his. It was sort of the same
frequency as muzak, like a sound that blends in with everything and that you only notice when
it stops and its blissfully quiet. Only about half an hour. I dont mind waiting.

RP Stuf
DK Reigate sat at her one-piece living plastic desk and waited for the client that Calliope, her
private receptionist and closest thing to a best friend she had, had said was coming in. Not
seeing anyone, she tapped her immaculately trimmed nails on the desk before growing
impatient and calling her once more on the intercom.
"I thought you were sending someone in? I haven't got all day you know. My time is valuable."
Calliope responded in her helium inspired voice. "But I sent him in ages ago. Surely he's in
there? I didn't see him leave."
"Then where is he? And where's his file? I can't find it on my screen." She tapped the touchpad
embedded in the desktop. "Oh, here it is... Um, Angus St. Paul?"
"That's him. And he should be there. Over and out!"
"Calliope, you don't have to.. " she groaned as the other cut off the connection. Frowning she
called out into the seemingly empty room. "Mr. St. Cloud?"
He was indeed there, in a pale-colored suit and dark glasses. The receptionist had sent him
into the office of one DK Reigate, after he'd been standing there at her desk for some time.
Quiet as ever, instead of telling her off, as most would, he'd simply given his name and the
reason for his visit. Upon entering the office, though, he'd found Miss Reigate busy, and so took
a seat off to one side, content to wait. He was looking right at her when she called on her
receptionist, and lifted a hand when she spoke into the room.
"It's...it's St. Paul, actually, miss. And I'm right here."
"Ah Mr. St. John, there you are," she actually jumped at his voice. "Have you been there the
whole time? Come, sit over here where the clients do for their entry interviews. Please." DK
waved her hand toward one of two organic plastic chairs before her on the other side of the
"It's St. Paul." He patiently corrected her again. Standing, he came forward. "When I came in
you...were busy, so I just thought I would...wait until you...weren't." Sitting down, he crossed
his legs, adjusted his glasses with a fingertip to the nosepiece, and laid his hands in his lap.
"Lovely facility you have here. It's...quite nice." Even more state-of-the-art than the campus,
and the university was so proud of their recent updates.
Thank you, DK responded automatically. It says here that you're looking for us to make you
a match, Mr. St.... she glanced back down at the screen just to make sure, ... Paul. And that's
about all it says. We can't really find someone for you if you don't tell us a bit more. Especially
about yourself. And what you're looking for. Those are kind of necessary in this sort of thing,
I'm sure you can appreciate that. She looked up at him finally, her expression emotionless and
all business-like. She was not much one for small talk really.
"Oh, well..." She talked right over those two small bits of sound, and he didn't seem to mind.
She wasn't even looking at him, and he didn't mind. She'd gotten his name right, but that fact
simply lay on the desk much like an old paper would. When she looked, she'd find a pair of
wide blue eyes peering at her from behind those dark glasses, as if startled they might need to
know something more than his name. Clearing his throat softly, he adjusted his glasses again.
"There isn't much to tell, Miss Reigate. I'm not the type to run off to clubs and bars, like
irresponsible types. I have a steady job, teaching history at the university. I live alone, no pets.
I read and my book collection is extensive." Did he just say books? He said books. "I do like
music. And movies."
The voice that answered was almost colourless, if one only listened casually. But to pay
attention a little more closely would allow one to find the undertones and the carefully
pronounced words. Like an actor speaking lines in some serious and beautiful play. The eyes
remained on her, as eye contact was important.
"I suppose I'm looking for someone...nice. But...someone different from myself. Maybe not as
quiet." A tinge of colour seeped into his face. Why, he couldn't say. "I don't mean a woman who

has...lesser morals...? And a sense of humour. Yes."

It was almost nothing, and yet she'd gotten him to say more than he usually did to anyone
outside of his lectures, and most never heard anything there. They slept instead.
It was all DK could do to stop from yawning in the man's face. She only looked up from
entering information onto her computer when he mentioned his hobbies. Books? Who read
actual books anymore? Or movies? These days it was all the rage to have
literary/musical/gaming visual implants directly into one's brain, though they did have the
tendency to confuse some people as to what was real and what was not, but they seemed to
be quite happy on the whole.
Books? Movies? Ahhh, no wonder you're a history professor. Lithe fingers flew over the input
panel. So, you are seeking a female... she raises just her eyes to glance at him through thick
lashes. Not... boring, she typed. Well, anything else? Height, build, species, hair colour, age?
You need to be more specific as to your requirements Mr. St. Peter um, I mean Paul. The more
specific you are, the less time we can waste. And you desire what? What is your goal?
Marriage? Children? Sex? Or a combination thereof?
Oh yes, even those of his own generation had those implants, with music and movies directly
in their heads. It reminded him of a very old song some college friend had played for him, that
had been popular so many ages and aeons ago. It went on about a chip inside the brain that
allowed you to have direct access to TV and movies, to music and even calls to friends. But the
chip overheated, and so the body had to be kept cold. It was such a strange song, and the
sound was harsh to his ears.
He watched her fingers move. She had pretty hands. However, when she looked up at him in
questioning the gender he was seeking, he indeed met her eyes, and merely nodded. Clearing
his throat softly, he shifted in the chair. "Human, please. I am not particular to appearance,
though, I'm sure anyone would look for someone...pleasing to the eye. Close to my age...I am
thirty-six." Though even that wasn't important.
He was a hopeless case.
Voice quiet, he looked down. "I would hope such a relationship would lead to something
permanent. Marriage. I am not seeking casual sex, Miss Reigate. Why would I want to do that?"
Slowly lifting his head, he looked directly at her, thoughtful.
"Maybe someone like you." For a moment he paused, and then blinked rapidly and spoke just
the same.
"Generally speaking, I mean."
DK had to concentrate to not totally lose interest and pick out the appropriate bits of
information, his voice was such that it was difficult to hear. The brain tended to file it into that
same category that it did warnings, spacecraft safety measures, and muzak.
Marriage, she typed, having to erase the word 'loser' and type in 'human'. But when he
mentioned her, she looked up, green eyes blinking in surprise.
Me? You mean someone with no life, no sense of humour and no time? Her eyes studied him,
thinking maybe she needed a painting in this room... something bright and colourful. He wasn't
really bad looking, if you concentrated hard enough to actually get a good look at him. But
neither was he someone that would really jump out at you. She could tell already this was
going to be a tough case, perhaps one of her toughest so far.
"Oh! Well, what I meant was..." He swallowed heavily, cheeks a bright pink. "...Professional.
Intelligent. Pretty." The last had him suddenly interested in his thumb nails. Taking a deep
breath, he sighed and gave a small shake of his head.
"Miss Reigate, I think it's pretty clear that I'm very bad with this. I've never been good with
women, I'm just too..." Boring. Dull. Colourless. Lifeless. "Shy." Besides, who had an interest in
all these old things he loved so dearly? Literature from aeons ago, music long thought to be
erased from all archives, movies that made no sense to anyone who knew nothing of the past.
Who cared about that any more? Who cared about good manners, being a gentleman, and
treating each other decently...instead of jumping straight into bed?
No one cared. Only Angus.
She wasn't the only one to realise something about the person across from her. He did, too. He
saw her eyes. Those green eyes. He dared himself and looked up again.
"This was a bad idea. I'm so sorry. I've taken up your valuable time." He spoke as he rose from

the chair, searching for the coat he'd worn when he came in. "I didn't mean..." Flustered, he bit
out a whispered 'Damn', realising his coat was on the seat where he'd been while waiting.
"I'm sorry..."
She watched as her potential client rose, flustered, blushing and embarrassed, or what it
Mr. St. Paul, please, sit back down. Never fear, we have a perfect record in finding potential
mates, and no one is impossible. That is our policy and my personal belief, she stood and
motioned for him to retake his seat across from her desk. The chair of living plastic, turned
slightly, offering itself back to him. His compliment was not lost on her either, however she was
probably just as inept at such things as he was, mostly because she had never bothered. She
had always been no-nonsense and that's what she thought had made her so successful at
what she'd accomplished.
And please, call me DK. She attempted a smile in his direction. Very few were invited, or
even allowed, to call her DK outside her immediate family. Which meant her uncle Barty. Even
Calliope, her closest friend, called her Chief. Actually, most called her Chief. Please, don't
worry. We've not failed yet.
Turning, he stared while she spoke, stood there feeling like a complete fool, and finally came
back to the chair. Lowering into it, he crossed his legs again, in the same closed-in fashion as
before, marking him as someone quite refined...to the point no one cared to notice.
Head lowered, he removed his glasses to nervously clean them. Her final words made him
chuckle. "You must start somewhere. A first for everything?" It was a genuine joke, not a putdown of himself or her. His lips still curved in a smile, he looked in her direction, though his
vision of her wasn't as clear as hers would be of him.
The dark-framed glasses were replaced on his nose, the cloth tucked away in his jacket. "DK...
May I ask what the initials stand for?"
Perhaps Diana, or Deborah. Maybe Denise or Dominique.
She cringed at this question, ignoring it for the immediate moment. "Indeed, Mr. St. Paul. In
fact, we haven't even completed the questionnaire yet, let alone started looking." She watched
him, thinking for a brief moment, just how nice his eyes were. With a deep sigh she closed her
own eyes and sat back in her living plastic chair which also seemed to sigh.
"No, nothing so... normal. In fact, there are very few people alive that know my true name, but
to prove my commitment to your cause, I will tell you." Here she fell silent as if dreading to
speak those awful words, which, in fact, she did dread it, but spoke them anyway.
"No, my oh so clever mother thought it would be amusing to name her daughter after her
favourite drink... thus the D stands for Daiquiri and the K is a bastardisation of the name of an
ancient volcano back on earth... Kilauea, K'leia. But breathe a word of this to anyone and I'll
personally deck you." She flashed the barest of grins but she was actually serious.
"But enough about me, we're here to help you to find someone with whom to share your life,
am I correct?" She found herself caught in his eyes, until he replaced his glasses. She had bad
eyesight too; it seemed to be a plague upon the modern human. But she had had corneal
implants when she was young, as most people did thus had no need for any kind of corrective
"Why have you not had implants as most people? There's really no need to wear those ...
antiques," she pointed out.
His expression almost seemed to fall with the news there was more he needed to answer. What
more was there? His health? His job? He'd mentioned that. Would he have to prove his
employment status? Maybe his citizenship. He had no idea. But she did indeed move on to tell
him about her name, and he found it...strange. However, something seemed to click, that this
no-nonsense woman would have such a frivolous name. She could have been Diana or
Demeter. But now.
Her warning was met with a curt nod of utter seriousness. "Of course. I...have no doubt you
would...indeed...deck me."
Back to business, and his head tilted as he listened. Her next question made him lean in ever
so slightly, a puzzled look on his face. "Oh! These!" The glasses came off again. "I don't know...
I guess I'm just used to them." He flashed a nervous smile as he turned them over and
shrugged. "I've always had them."

And again, they were back on his nose, his blue eyes trapped behind the lenses.
"What's next?"
But DK couldn't get past the glasses. She found herself staring at his eyes once more, lost in
them momentarily, until he put the glasses back on. But don't your eyes change over the
years? You can't tell me you don't need new ones all the time?
She glanced back at the enrolment form with its sparse, curt entries. It's just that we need
every iota of information we can get on you and your requirements that we can manage, Mr.
St. John. This is hardly anything to go on, unless that's all there is. I doubt even you have this
uneventful a life, she chose her words carefully so as not to offend him
He was lucky he couldn't see much without those glasses. To see her peering at him like that
would have almost panicked him. Tipping his head, he lifted a shoulder. "They haven't changed
much. And yes, it's expensive to have them remade, but I've not had to do often, and...I'm
used to them. They're just part of how I am."
They needed what? Everything?
"St. Paul." He gave a soft, automatic correction, and had a feeling this would be a regular thing
with her. There was no irritation about it, but there was a lot of reluctance in him now. He knew
he shouldn't have come. What else could he do?
"But I do, DK. That IS all my life is. I have nothing else." His voice, soft enough as it was,
lowered further, his eyes on his hands. "I do not go out with colleagues from the university. I
have no pets. I have no strange hobbies...unless you count my books, and I think you do." He
almost smiled, though he only managed to look up through his lashes, past the frames
surrounding them. "I am thirty-six, and alone. I have no talent for words to speak with a
woman, nor do I dress as they all seem to like. DK, I came to you because I don't know what
else to do. I... I am alone. And I don't want to be."
His appeal had to be one of the most sad and pathetic ones she had ever heard... but also one
of the most heartfelt. Somewhere, deep down inside, even DK felt a slight twinge, though she
had no idea what it was. She no doubt dismissed it as indigestion or some such. Heaving a
sigh, she sat back, folding her arms across her chest.
"Well, we don't have a lot to work with, but never fear, we shall find you someone to keep you
company. Let me guess, you're allergic to nearly everything?" she only asked because most of
his type usually were. "If so that would eliminate a good deal of women right away, both with
pets and of different species.. Oh yes, that's right, you only want humans. Well, tell me, Mr. St.
Paul, if we cannot find a human, would you be willing to consider something... close?"
He knew full well she would see him as pitiful. Who wouldn't? But he had to open up.
Answering questions in his short manner would never be enough. At least she was still intent
on attempting to help him. Despite his mood, he smiled just a little. "Actually, I'm allergic to
very little. Mostly seasonal factors. And I do like pets, I just don't...have one."
Quiet, he sat for a few minutes, tilting his head now and then as he thought. Finally...
"I suppose I would have to consider a woman 'not quite human'. I think it'll be a difficult task
for you to find someone." As usual, there was no dark tone here, nothing of the 'woe is me'
suggestion. He simply stated it as fact. And then tilted his head again.
"Are you married, DK?"
DK sat and entered all this information, such as it was, in his file. If she had been drinking
something, she would have done a spit take at his last question.
Me? Married? Um, no, hardly. For one, I've got no time at all. I spend all my time finding
people for others. I've not got time to find anyone for myself. And besides, who would want me
anyway? I sometimes wonder if I even have a heart, she responded, uncharacteristically
introspective for a brief moment. Though I have made a rather silly commercial guaranteeing
to marry anyone we cannot find a match for. Maybe you've seen it?
His question had simply been to find out if this matchmaker CEO was matched herself. Purely
for informational purposes. He listened to her answer with an attentive expression, nodding
"A heart? I would think you do, DK. Why else are you doing this? I would think it madness to
run a business like this and be utterly heartless. Unless, of course, it were all about money. Too
much of the universe is run that way." Perhaps that was why he liked such old things. Even

then, money had been everything, but not like today. Not like the worlds to be seen where
even the poor are well off and the rich live like royalty.
Settling against one arm of the chair, and finding this far more comfortable than it should have
been, he shook his head. "No. I've not seen it. You promise to marry anyone you cannot match?
Tell me about it."
If anything, it would be entertaining.
DK just shrugged dismissively. It's just an advertising gimmick. I mean, our record is
impeccable. We have never failed to find a match that lasted at least a year. That's our
promise to each and every customer, including you Mr. St. John, erm, I mean Paul. So I'm not
really worried about having to fulfil that pledge. Though, if the impossible happened, I would.
For the year minimum at least, though I don't really see me engaged in any sort of marital
bliss. It just isn't for some people, I suppose I happen to be one of them. She looked at him
again, wishing those glasses would go so she could see his eyes once more. But I assure you,
I am only successful because I care about the family business and because I am not
emotionally susceptible, I can sometimes see potential problems between people that they
cannot. Thus I have avoided many potential failures. Does that make sense to you? This is a
business and is important to my uncle Bart, the owner, and my uncle is important to me. He's
the only real family I have. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was not
accustomed to having to sell herself as hard as her work. Most people were clamouring to be
helped, especially in person by DK.
"You do realise that's practically a...jinx, if you will...for your company. To offer something so
outlandish and hope to fall back on the odds that it won't happen." He had to flash her a smile,
one that showed even, white teeth. "If you offer yourself, as it were, you know that inevitably,
something will occur and you will have to...pay up. Of course it all makes sense, but you play
on the hearts of people hoping for love in order to gain money and the success story, thus
being advertised and bringing in more people. Like me."
NOW it was entertaining, and he couldn't help but smile and sigh in order to avoid chuckling.
'What are the odds?' The one question that would ALWAYS answer you, and quickly.
"I understand the need to keep close to some family. I have none of my own." Shifting in the
seat, he uncrossed his legs and sat forward a bit. "What else do you need to know of me?
You've not asked very much. You know nothing of my past history...though there isn't any
history, my faith... Are these things not important any more?"
Well I asked you if there was anything else and you said there wasn't much to know. I
assumed you would tell us these things. And I don't believe in jinxes or luck, just sound
business sense. And yes, this is a business, but you would be surprised how infrequently
sentiment enters into these transactions. Most people can manage that sort of thing fine on
their own. Our services are more for those who are seeking beneficial matches for genetic
perfection, alliances between worlds, even experimental species manipulation. Or those few
for whom the normal avenues have proved unsuccessful, a sort of last ditch effort as it were.
So, tell me what is your history, your faith, your bad habits, etcetera? Her voice was almost
defensive as she answered his questions, thinking, 'Hmmm one of those... the kind that thrives
on debate. Even more tedious than I thought.' She thought this for there was nothing she
hated worse than people who liked to argue or debate just for the sake of it. In her mind she
began to cross off ever more potential mates.
"Last ditch effort." Those words took the wind out of his sails. He'd opened up, as she had, and
had begun to *talk*, even if she found him annoying. He'd done it! Now, with this realisation
put before him in such terms, he sat back in the chair and swore it deflated just as he did.
"That *is* what this is." Going quiet, he sat with his hands in his lap, fingers toying with the
nails, simply in motion. "I had a girlfriend in college, sophomore year. And that was all. I've no
faith, though my parents clung to Catholicism. I've removed the icons from the apartment,
which I keep clean. Very clean. Things must be clean. I don't have bad habits. I care for myself,
I keep my home clean, very clean, and I have respect and manners when it comes to others."
While he talked, his fingers moved, lightly picking a nail here, tracing the shape of another.
Taking a deep breath, he managed to slow the motions.
"I am clean, well ordered, I have a steady job. I can cook well enough to get by. I cannot sell
myself better than that, DK. I told you, there is nothing to me or my life. All I am is what you
are looking at now."

Watching him, DK could tell she'd hit a nerve and immediately felt bad about it. But it was the
truth. Most of those that came to her were exactly like this poor fellow... only most were far
worse than him. This man was at least clean and tidy, with good teeth and apparently in good
health. Those she usually saw made it necessary to disinfect the offices, sometimes the whole
building, when they left. Once, they all even had to have precautionary inoculations after a
particular customer left. Fortunately, though, they had found another of the same variety of
sentient virus who was happy enough to find one of its own kind. Neither was that particular.
People even used their services to locate good breeding material for their pets. That was what
the whole third floor was dedicated to. It was a very lucrative sideline.
Look, Mr. St. Paul, she made certain to get it right this time. I never meant that /you/ were
one of those last ditch attempts, merely that that's what we usually get. Yours is a particularly
interesting case. I mean, you're pleasant enough to be around. You don't fidget too much, you
smell nice, and as you said, you're neat and clean. Believe me, that's quite a pleasure
compared to what we usually have in here. They're the ones I don't tend to see to myself, she
leaned forward, confessing, the slightest hint of a smile on her soft, natural lips. (In fact, it was
evident she wore very little make-up, if any.)
I promise you, we... /I/ will find someone for you. Someone you can love and be happy with for
the rest of your life. That's not something I promise to everyone, but I will promise this to you.
So start with your childhood. Tell me everything about yourself, up until now. She sat back and
prepared to just listen, long, elegant hands clasped in her lap.
With her words, she had him looking right at her, waiting for every word. He nodded very
slowly, blue eyes locked on her green ones. Eye contact was important, though he wasn't good
about it sometimes. And even that slight ghost of a smile was enough for him to be her avid
listener. He bit down on his lip just as she made her promise. And then she told him to tell her
his story. No one had EVER done that! He found himself at a loss for a minute, and then gulped
a breath.
"I was born on Kepler-22b, in the Labriea Colony. It's an ocean world, of course. My father,
Stanton, was an engineer. Not overly important, but becoming noticed. He had wonderful ideas
for improvements on everything we needed for daily living. My mother, Kara, was a teacher.
She worked with the small ones, and loved it. She was so good with them. They had me late,
they'd given up on children. I have no siblings.
I had a childhood like any other, I suppose. I grew up a little quickly, being around adults all
the time. I went with my mother to the school where she taught. She was teaching the children
about castles and kings. She showed them a drawing of Nonesuch Palace, and I thought it was
beautiful. I looked up everything I could about it and other castles, and the kings who lived
there. I learned about the wars they fought, the Crusades. Earth was so full of war, but had
some of the best stories. I learned about everything from the dawn of history on up to our time
now. It may be more convenient for us, but the people of the past lived with the planet. the
music was different, the books and stories were different. Beliefs were different. As I said, my
parents took to Earth's Catholicism. I don't know why. Faith doesn't interest me beyond the
I won awards in school for academics, I was in student council. I was part of the debate
teams. We moved here when my parents were aging, and I went to Celestine University, where
I now teach, myself. I went on a full scholarship. I...just missed on being in the top five of my
Sighing, he looked away. "I had a girlfriend in my sophomore year. It wasn't overly serious,
though exclusive. She was pretty. Bright, lively, so smart. I slept with her." Blushing, he glanced
toward DK. "And while I decided I really did have feelings for her, and bought a promise
ring...she slept with someone else." He offered a shrug of the shoulder. "I've not had a
girlfriend since."
He took a deep breath, his hands in motion again, tracing, picking, twining. "My father got sick,
something about his kidneys. We thought a simple replacement would do the trick, but
everything in there was going. They didn't know why. He died when I was twenty-eight. Mum
died two years later. Couldn't be without him." He pulled off his glasses, looking down,
breaking that so very important eye contact.
The shoulder was lifted again. "I have the apartment, and I have worked at Celestine for 8
years. I teach history. Real history. And I live alone. That's all there is." Looking up, he gave a
nod. "That's all there is."

DK sat there and listened, making a mental note to enter this into his form, but for now she felt
it was more important for her to listen, or at least appear to be listening. She was particularly
good at this having learned to tune out all the lectures given to her by her uncle Barty from an
early age. But for some reason, she managed to listen to it all, even to the end. It had been a
relatively boring life, but he had had someone... once. He had experienced joy and pain no
doubt. That was more than DK had.
She put on her best smile, one she thought was reassuring. It sounds like a nice, peaceful life,
one many people would give their kidneys for. You've been successful enough, perhaps you've
just not really tried hard enough? I would think lots of ladies would be after you. What is the
real problem? It seems to me there is something you're not mentioning. Something to do with
how many times you said 'clean' in your monologue. She eyed him expectantly.
Again, he was shrinking into the chair. But this time, he looked like a child chastised. Her face
was blurry with his poor vision, but he knew an answer was in order. Blinking, he swallowed
hard. "Well, it's nothing big. I mean...it shouldn't make or break someone's liking for a person."
Holding his glasses, his hands fiddled with them, one finger tracing the shape of the end of one
ear piece. The problem, and all he was doing was stalling in his confession.
"A doctor told me about five years ago...I'm OCD. And severe, too." He shook his head lightly.
"Even without that, ladies would not be after me. Why?" Again, he shook his head. "I'm not
looking to have ladies after me. Only one. I'm only looking for one good woman. That's all."
There he sat, looking at her, knowing this interview was over, he was a hopeless case that
couldn't possibly have someone in the universe looking for him. He stared at her through wide
blue eyes that could barely see her shape across the desk from him. And he didn't want to put
his glasses back on to see her expression.
Of course. He was obsessive-compulsive. That certainly explained a lot. She figured he must be
really trying hard not to exhibit his behaviour here, thus the endless fiddling with the glasses.
DK's expression actually softened, in fact, she even chuckled gently.
Mr. St. Paul, there's nothing wrong with that. I um, ahem, suffer from a somewhat milder form,
especially where my work is concerned. Here she stood and offered him her hand. Thank you
for coming to see us. Rest assured, I will personally take on your case and make sure that you
will not spend the rest of your life alone, if that is truly your wish. I would say our first course of
action would be to go through all the usual searches first. If that doesn't pan out, which I
honestly don't think it will, then we will take it a step forward. If that fails, I have a few tricks up
my sleeve. We shall leave no stone unturned, no planet unexplored. I haven't failed yet, Mr. St.
Paul, and I don't intend to now.
The moment she began to speak, he hastily shoved his glasses on again, stunned. Of course,
he didn't really think she was like him, even in the mildest sense, but he was at least reassured
somehow. Everything calmed, and his hands went still, just in time to rest on the arms of the
chair as he rose to his feet. His hand closed gently about hers, not out of weakness, but from
the fact that he'd been nervous about the contact. He had to admit he didn't like the fact she
was sure this would take great effort, but her willingness to make that effort seemed to
balance things.
"Thank you, Miss Reigate...DK." He wanted to offer something more, as she had, but he
couldn't think. He had to let go of her hand. When he did, he nodded, pressed his lips into a
line, and simply nodded again. "Thank you, for your time, and...some hope."
He paused to gather his coat from the seat he'd sat in earlier, and turned back. He offered one
more 'thank you' and quietly left the office. He didn't really breathe until he was in the elevator
on his way down to the main floor.
What had just happened?!
...Did I really just do that?
DK watched him go, then stared down at where he had shaken her hand. She could still feel
the warmth as it slowly faded. His had been hot and sweaty and it didn't go unnoticed. She
buzzed for Calliope to come into her office.
Can you get me one of my disinfectant towels please? she asked calmly as she began to
move the chairs back in their precisely calculated spots before her desk.
The platinum blonde receptionist did as she was asked, then peered into DK's face. Well?
What do ya think? Can ya help him, Daq?

The CEO of the largest and most successful matching agency in the galaxy in fact the ONLY
one let out a long, slow breath.
I am really not sure, Cal. I may end up eating my words with that damn commercial, but I will
He was quiet all the way home. That was nothing new. But his mind wasn't on essays and
exams. Not even the lesson he was putting together about ancient architecture and building
tools. It was on DK. He didn't know what to make of her, but she was...well worth everything he
was doing. And about to do.
Oh, he'd seen the commercial. He'd seen it and waited to see it again. And then, something
had happened. For once, he'd put together a plan in his head that had nothing to do with his
job or apartment. It had nothing to do with books or ancient movies. It had nothing to do with
anything except DK Reigate. He wasn't sure where this was going to go, but he knew what he
wanted the end result to be. It would probably take far more than he was realising to reach
that end, but it would be worth it. He knew it.
The thought stayed in his head the rest of the afternoon and evening. When the commercial
appeared, he simply grinned softly. In a way, he was almost starstruck.
Three days later, he was just putting papers in his carrier when the monitor in his desk
told him he had a call coming through. When he answered he found the receptionist
that had sat so brainlessly right in front of him for so long the other day. DK's assistant.
How the girl was really of any help to the woman, he didn't know, but his words were
polite when she asked if he would be willing to come in last minute.
"I can be there within the hour. Would that do?"
And so, he found himself back at Reigate, waiting in a chair outside DK's office.
She should be right along, Calliope repeated for the umpteenth time as she filed her nails.
She spoke with an almost comical old New York sounding accent. Where she got it was
anyone's guess. It was probably a throwback to her ancestors for she had refused many times
that she had had it custom modified.
DK, on the other hand, had quite a posh sounding old English accent, like most of the people
living in space did. Well they had English ones. She had learned to sound posh while attending
Altarian Academy on her home planet. It was in this posh accent that she spoke when she
breezed back into the building, holding two cups of coffee from the cafe across the plaza.
Ahhh good to see you again Mr. St. John. Please come with me. She headed straight for what
looked like a solid white wall without even slowing down. Calliope pressed thumb to a small
panel beneath her desk and the wall magically faded away to reveal another gleaming white
corridor that headed deep into the bowels of the huge, donut-planted-halfway-in-the-groundshaped building of gleaming white mithium and transparent fortified aluminum making it
bright, light and pretty well armoured.

And for the umpteenth time, he offered a polite smile and a small wave of his hand. Waiting
was fine. He was alright with that.
Like most everyone, he had that same English accent. Though his was softer than most, gentle
but precise. His voice was quiet enough as it was, but the accent only seemed to soften it even
more. And it was with this lilt that he spoke as he got to his feet, just a step behind DK. "It's St.
Paul..." Once again, he was sure this was going to become routine.
Walking with her, once out of sight of Calliope, he simply watched her. It wasn't so much to
look at her as to study her. The way a person moved said a lot about them. This was a woman
who had utter control over her life, did things her way ONLY, and took nothing funny from
anyone. She had to be. Oh, there had to be some softness to her somewhere, but she wasn't
likely to show it now. Did SHE ever go out with the people she worked with, or other friends? Or
was she just a much more successful, pretty, and confident version of himself?
"Miss Reigate...DK...may I ask, where are we going?"
She strode confidently down the long corridor, which seemed to have no doors, but no doubt
they were the same, hidden for security, as the one through which they just passed. She could
feel his eyes upon her but did not slow or say anything except to answer his question.
We shall start with the basics, as we do with everyone. First you will record a holovid saying a
bit about who you are and what you are looking for. We want it spontaneous, not pre-written
and thought out so that's why we just sort of spring it on you. She took a sip of her coffee.

Then we will let you go through a few and see if you see anyone we've already got on file. I've
selected all that fit your criteria. After that we can extend the search by relaxing the
requirements. If nothing is found, then we will go to our more extensive methods. I assure you
this is all routine. Most find someone with the cursory search or often only going as far as the
secondary search. A few go as far as the final search, but very, very rarely. Most every client
has found what they're looking for by the tertiary search. She stops at the end of the corridor
and waves a hand over the blank wall, another hole appearing through which they could walk.
It fades back into place once they've entered.
The room was large and, like everything else, clinically pristine white. In fact there is little
colour at all in the building, except for the reception area where Calliope kept a vase of flowers.
Not to mention her hair which could be any colour on any given day. Right now it was a bright
platinum blonde, which was quite tame for her.
DK pressed a panel on the table and up popped a small 3D camera.
She finally turned and looked at Angus, giving him a well practised smile.
Wait, what?!
Following behind her, he went into a silent panic. "Did you...did you say holovid?" As usual, she
talked right over him, but this time, he wasn't so okay with it. He felt like she was sending him
into battle, he was that terrified. Shy, quiet Angus St. Paul...to make a holovid? Even of
something so simple! No...
His wide blue eyes followed the lifeless white walls as they went, wondering how many doors
they passed and where they might lead. Anything not to think about what she was doing to
him. This wasn't part of his idea! This wasn't part of anything!
Following her through the next door, his eyes darted from one wall to the other, as if
something might suddenly change, or they might colour right before his eyes. A window.
Something. "DK, I can't--"
The camera appeared, and his eyes widened further. Trapped in place, he stared. He barely
even blinked! When she turned, that smile on her lips, he couldn't even look at her. Wanted to.
Couldn't. He stared, pale as the walls, and wished he could sink into the floor.
It's all right, Mr. St. Paul, I assure you it's not even on. You'd be surprised how many people
freeze up when faced with being recorded. Even the most public of people, even actors freeze
up, so this will just be practice, with a dummy camera to get you used to having it in the room,
she said in her most reassuring tone, still wearing the well-practised smile. We honestly want
you to appear as normal as possible, therefore we want your vid to be spontaneous, but at the
same time, honest and show you as you truly are. Now I know you're not normally this terrified
of speaking, it's only the camera doing that, so we go over what you will say with a fake one,
then move on to the real thing in the next room. All right? Please, this is so you don't have to
engage in endless embarrassing personal calls which, trust me, are far more inconvenient and
annoying. Trust me, Mr. St. Paul. She then smiled, her green eyes studying him closely.
So, first we'll watch a couple of examples, then we'll practice what you will say. Just be honest,
brief, and true to your usual personality. Then we'll go to the next room and record yours, after
that watching a selection of ladies' holovid profiles that I chose myself. Perhaps you'll find
something there, perhaps not. Don't be disappointed if you don't. Now, ready?
She poised her hand over the control panel, a large circular lens looking thing in the centre of
the table lighting up ready for the first holovid example.
It was only with her words that he was able to breathe again. He relaxed just a little, meeting
her eyes...and found it easy to nod when she asked him to trust her. Those eyes... And she got
his name right. Twice.
He wasn't sure being honest to his personality would be a great idea, but there was nothing
else to do. And why should it be a big deal? He did lecture students practically every day. Even
if they were dozing. But that was something he loved. History. But if he did this as if he was
talking about that all through it, he would be fine. Right?
His voice was quiet when he replied.
"I'm ready when you are."
She nodded then pressed a control in the table and the words 'Impossibly Arrogant' popped up
in 3D in the centre. It was then replaced by the figure of a man, seated confidently back in one
of the living plastic chairs came to life. His hair was long, slicked back and a nauseating shade
of puce green (all the rage a few years ago amongst the young, rich and stupid) and his teeth

were so white they kept freaking out the camera. Definitely polyporcelain replacements. He
crossed his legs then looked straight into the camera with a stupid grin DK always wanted to
slap, and began his spiel.
Pay attention, this man is faking every single bit of this which is definitely NOT what to do.
When that was done, and DK was ready to go puke somewhere, she touched another control
and the pukey guy, as Calliope called him, disappeared. The words 'Nervous but Honest'
popped up. He looked totally normal. This was a person of colour, probably human as well,
neat and dressed nicely with a shiny bald head and nice manners. He also had gold eyes which
was one of the new mutant genes and becoming quite common. He spoke calmly in a soft
spoken manner with a slight trembling to his voice. It was clear he was nervous, but he smiled
and told about himself and his requirements quite well. Then he faded from view as the holovid
Now, I can tell you this, the Pukey Man took forever and into the fourth level of searching
before he was able to find anyone. That was mostly because prospective matches, especially
the women, can smell a fake a lightyear away. The second guy found someone.. was actually
requested, within the first few days for just being himself. All right?
"I understand that." He replied in a voice slightly raised, but still moderate. After a moment of
chewing in silent confusion, he rose to come and sit across from her. Swallowing, he lifted a
finger to get her attention.
"Why...are we talking about sleeping with people, again?"
She looked up at him and sighed. Oh, that. It was just.. I followed your eyes which did not
seem to be looking into my face but rather a bit lower. Anyway, never mind. Now, run through
what you would like to say, after having seen those vids, remember the camera is off right
now. She leaned back in her chair, her foot, beneath the table, pushing on a hidden control
that in fact, surreptitiously, actually turned the camera on.
He was horrified. That first video was, even to him, a clear example of what never to do or say.
The guy was an asshole! He was ugly, for one thing, and for another, he was one of the
shallowest people Angus had ever seen. There was nothing to him! He was building himself up
as this bad, punk character, and it was comical. By the time it was over, Angus was nauseated
as well.
The second video was so much better. The guy came across as genuine, as if talking to
someone sitting across a table from him. This was what should be done, and now Angus was
sure he'd never be able to look half so genuine, even though he was.
Even though he was pale, trembling, and weak kneed, he nodded. "You'll...have trouble 'selling'
me, as it were. There's nothing to tell, nothing to really offer." He stared at her, with that
important eye contact. "But I won't make myself out to be something I'm not."
DK met his eyes, shaking her head. No, Mr. St. Jo... Paul. You are a person, and every person is
important. Just do as they did. State your name and then talk about something that is near and
dear to your heart. I would assume that would be history. Speak as if you are speaking to
someone. Use me for that if you need to, for every viewer will watch it and take it as being
spoken directly to by you. Now let's run through it. Her voice was calm and genuine enough.
She had had plenty of practice at it.
Despite her reassurance, Angus was hesitant. But something wanted out, and the thought
brought a strange and distant smile to his lips. Looking to DK, he tilted his head a little.
"My name is Angus St. Paul. I have this memory of my mother. We were at some beach
somewhere, a rare holiday. I was playing in the sand, I think. And I saw her, at the water's
edge. She kicked her feet and skipped like a young girl. She had a rather large flower in her
hand, and there she was, this middle-aged woman with fading hair and pretty blue eyes,
dancing in the water like a girl.
"I just watched, and saw my father come to her, put his hands on her hips, and kiss her. Her
arms went around his neck and he picked her up off her feet. They were so happy. It was so
simple, and I remember thinking love must be like that. Where two people become immortal in
each other's hearts."
He spoke honestly, his face animated, eyes bright. His head tilted here and there, and a smile
always played at his lips. When he finished, he seemed to close down a little, his expression no

longer open, but restrained, reserved, and shy.

"Should I redo it? Say something else...?"
DK sat still, watching him for a moment before answering his question. No, maybe just add
your name at the beginning or something, we can edit if we need to, but, it was... good. Tell
me, where are your parents now? Her voice had softened a lot and lowered to a hush to fit the
mood. Perhaps she saw him in a slightly new light or something, but whatever it was made her
more determined than ever to find someone for him and not just anyone either. Someone he
deserved, someone who would cherish him and give him genuine care.
But also, perhaps she was thinking back to her own childhood, such as it was, and how she
would have given anything to have had two parents at all, let alone a mother and father
actually in love with each other. Her mother had always told her that her father was just a one
night stand, and, in a way he was. Only thing is, she never even met him. Years later, when DK
was much older, her mother confessed, in a letter that she had actually just wanted a child and
gone to a sperm bank. That was the last time she ever heard from the woman who had given
birth to her then dumped her off on her uncle Bartholomew Reigate to raise.
He remembered telling her his story during his first interview, but of course she wouldn't
remember. Not with all he was sure she was busy with. She certainly wouldn't be keeping track
of the personal details of each and every client. But, here, he liked that. The way her voice
sounded, the slight softening he was sure he saw in her expression... His head lowered, eyes
on his hands, where his fingers twined away at each other. He hadn't even noticed.
"My parents are deceased. I lost them both by the time I was thirty." Like her, his voice had
gone even more quiet, but it wasn't completely because of the topic. It was just the sound of
DK's voice, and the way it made him feel that, just for once, for a moment, a woman was
paying attention to him and nothing else.
"May I ask the same, about your parents?" He remember the tale of DK's name, but he felt he
should offer her the same attention. Politely, of course. "Please, just tell me to shut up if I
DK mentally kicked herself. Of course she remembered. Her memory was her backbone;
without it she wouldn't be nearly as successful in her job as she was.
Of course, forgive me. I do recall, sometimes it just takes a little reminder. They were older
and your father succumbed to kidney failure and your mother followed soon after. For which, of
course, I am very sorry. My own mother took off. I never knew my father. I've not heard from
her in fourteen years. I don't even know if she lives. My uncle Barty, the owner of this
company, is the one that raised me from about the age of four. I guess it's hard for a woman
like my mother to raise a child infinitely more intelligent than she is, even at four. She skirted
over the issue of whoever fathered her. She doubted anyone would ever know his name; he
was just a number on a frozen test tube labelled 'exceptionally bright'.
And Mr. St. Paul, I will never stop you from talking, unless of course, we are in imminent
danger. She offered a smile as weak as her jest, his shy, self-demeaning politeness clearly
touching her inside somewhere she never realised she had.
His expression changed to one of gentle surprise. She did indeed remember! And that meant
so much. More than he wanted to admit, even to himself. No one else had ever cared enough,
in any fashion, to remember such detail about him.
"Thank everything for your uncle." He took her words to mean that either her father had been
absent because the pregnancy was unplanned, or he'd died when she was an infant.
Something of the sort. He wanted to ask, a lover of detail and wanting to hear more from her
as she'd already heard so much about him...but he knew it would be incredibly out of line to
ask. "To be so intelligent at such a young age, you had to be a very interesting child as you
grew up. That alone explains why you do so well here."
That little joke of hers was better than she thought, and it brought a smile to his face. "Then
may I ask something more?" He kept his eyes steady on hers, even if his voice held a slight
tremble. "Will you...just call me Angus? I don't want to go against some policy or... It just... I
would like it, actually."
DK looked at him and nodded. I would like that too... Angus, she said, trying it out and
unable to not smile slightly. No, it's not against any policy. Actually, I like to call people by
their first names it just seems more personal that way. But there was just something about

you that .. I don't know, commanded a certain respect, if you know what I mean. So I continued
the formality until you gave me permission. Then she turned to what they had been
discussing before.
Child? I don't think I've ever been a bloody child. Yes, thank the powers that my uncle had
been around to start this company. It's how he met his wife oh so long ago. But after she died,
so did the business for she was the one to keep it afloat. And then when my stupid so-called
mother fobbed me off on her uncle, I saw the opportunity and took it, to turn this thing around
and make it lucrative... and, I guess, at the same time help people. Perhaps if it had been
working properly back then, a shadow passed over her face, her brow lowering like a
thunderstorm, she would have been able to find an actual person instead of going to some
fucking sperm bank... and I would have a father. She looked up then away quickly. Sorry, I do
have a bad habit of using more colourful language than most are used to.
Commanded a certain respect? Him? How? She was being polite. That was it. But nothing said
he couldn't inwardly enjoy the hell out of the feeling those words gave him.
The rest of her story made him sick inside. Her mother had been nuts. She wanted a child
badly enough to go through all the ridiculousness of those sperm banks...but then gave the
child up to a relative? Who does that?! He knew he wore a horrified expression and he just
couldn't hide it.
Slowly, he laid a hand to her shoulder, half afraid she'd eat him alive for it. But right now, it
was worth the risk. "DK...I'm sorry things were like that for you. You deserve so much better."
He sighed. "And don't apologise for cursing. Get it out, if you need to."
When was the last time anyone had acted like a REAL friend to this poor girl? If she was going
to go to such lengths to find him someone to love, couldn't he do this in return? His voice
carried what he hoped was something to reassure her...however possible. To let her know she
wasn't alone. That she had a friend.
"...I'll gladly listen."
DK quickly caught and changed the expression of astonishment that she turned to Angus at his
words, and then realised what she had just confessed. Oh fuck's sake, she mumurred, her
cheeks going pale. Please, I.. I never told anyone about that before and if you repeat it to
anyone I swear I'll deny it and sue for slander. She looked away, feeling odd. Immediately
she felt bad for speaking to him in such a way, when he was only showing her a little
compassion. This was, indeed, something she had little experience with. There wasn't much of
it in business. But she felt she owed an apology at least.
I'm... I'm sorry, Angus, she used his first name to try and soften her previous words. I didn't
mean to snap, honest. I just I don't know why I've opened up to you so readily. Maybe 'cos
you're a professor? I don't know... she let her voice trail off, not having ever felt this way
before, and not knowing how to handle it.
Too soon.
His hand dropped from her shoulder, eyes a little wide, but her reaction wasn't really a
surprise. Backing up a step, he shook his head at her threat...and that is what it was. He
wouldn't speak a word to anyone.
"My teaching job has nothing to do with it. It needed out, needed said. So you said it. Doesn't
make you bad or wrong." There was the slightest sigh. "It's not the first time I've done this. The
few women I've been around, mainly on campus, seem to think I'm safe to talk to. I don't know
what it is beyond the fact they know their secrets would never be told because I have no one
to tell them to." He smiled. "It's not my habit to tell secrets, anyway. But what you've said will
never go beyond me. And I meant what I said, too. That I'd listen." Looking down, he found his
hands in motion again. "The offer stands."
This was an uncomfortable situation for DK, but not because of what Angus was saying, but
because she had no idea what would be the appropriate response. Everyone saw her as this
power female, the head of one of the most successful companies in the galaxy, but to be
honest, though she was a child genius and had made Reigate Inc. the success it was, DK had
learned very little of life on a personal level. Sure she often helped to find matches for people
herself, as she was doing here for Angus, but she had never been with anyone, never kissed,
never even been out on a date. She had been too busy, dedicating herself to her work. But
lately she had been thinking; wondering if maybe she was missing out on something?

Everyone she helped seemed to think this 'being with someone' thing was the best thing since
Tachyon drive.
Um, thank you? she responded hesitantly, hoping it would do as a non-committal yet polite
enough answer for Angus.
Then she thought about what he said. But, actually, Angus, that's good. If women find you
easy to talk to, we should have no trouble in finding you someone then, she offered him a
rarely used smile.
"You're more than welcome." The words were spoken quietly. His moment of bravery seemed
to have ebbed, and now he was stuck standing there wondering what he was supposed to do
from here. Did something else need to be said? Or was he just supposed to act as if that little
side trip hadn't happened? All nonchalant.
Maybe HE was missing something. Maybe the drama and work of a relationship was unneeded.
He had a career, had to put time into it, and had his home ordered as he needed--liked. Maybe
the memory of his parents' love was all it was meant to be--a memory, not something for him
to attempt to duplicate.
And then he looked at DK and saw the reason why people need love. There were so many gaps
in her life, spaces that needed filled in. But only a trusted soul would do that, in whatever way.
She didn't even have the love of a good, close friendship!
Well, I don't have that, either.
"It's...more like a therapist than a friend, really." He muttered the words. "I seem to have no
identity when they talk, no gender. It's like Confession. They speak, get it out, pay no attention
to the faceless voice they speak to, and then walk away feeling better for a while." There was a
bit of a pause and then his expression turned to distaste.
"I wasn't supposed to go into that. Can we just...move on?"
No, Angus, we all have that to some extent... unless you're the type of person no one trusts,
or they are afraid of, like me. She sighed heavily and looked away, still not believing all she
kept telling him. He had a certain air about him, like you don't even know him but could tryst
him with your life, and she said as much. That is a very rare quality to have, believe me. But,
do you speak back to them and speak of yourself at all? Maybe they aren't your friends
because you are afraid to have friends? As I said, I don't have many because of my position.
Power always puts people off... the right people anyway. Oh I've had many proposals and men
and women after me, but they don't care about me, only my position or wealth which isn't
that much, by the way as... her voice lowered here, I tend to donate most of what I earn. But
anyway, Calliope out there is my closest friend, the only one I feel safe talking to. Now there's
you. She looked up at him then nodded with a soft sigh. Of course, we can move on.
A slender finger slid across the control panel and the little camera retracted back into the
ceiling. Well that's it for the holovid, her voice was quiet. Now to watch a few candidates I
chose before you came, just to get an idea and see if we're aiming in the right direction.
"I trust you." The words popped out before he could stop himself. "And I'm not afraid of you."
An assertive, confident woman wasn't something to fear, but something to admire...as with
anyone. And he certainly saw no reason to fear her for her position at the top of this powerful
company. Everyone had a career...this was hers. It was that simple. "In fact, I like you."
Now that he knew this much about her, he couldn't understand why she was single. But she
was right to turn away from those who asked for shallow reasons. Power and wealth should
only be details, security, not the basis for the whole relationship. What he was seeing now was
a beautiful and intelligent woman who was successful...and selfless. That was beyond
And then those last three words.
'Now there's you.'
"Hold on..." His hand went to her shoulder again, his voice quiet, warm. "Thank you, for
trusting me. That...means more to me than everything else you're doing."
As she blushed with his words, he touched her again. She didn't like people touching her for
any reason, mostly because she wasn't used to it. She had had little physical contact with
anyone growing up and when older it was usually for nefarious purposes so it always made her
feel uneasy, except for her uncle Barty. Her eyes alone shifted to look at Angus' long, thin hand
upon her shoulder. Normally she would call security. Client or not, she didn't allow them to
touch her. But once again, she just looked at him.. and smiled with one corner of her plain lips.

For a brief second, even, she felt an urge to take it in her own hand, but she didn't act upon it
and it soon passed.
That's very kind of you to say, Angus, she said quietly. I don't see how we can fail to find
you someone. But not just anyone, someone special like you desire and deserve. That will be
the tricky part, finding someone good enough.
His hand fell away. And so did his expression. This was going to be difficult, far more than he'd
expected. Of course, he had no clue.
How do I do this?
The hint of a smile she gave him would be held as something important. She was trying. He
knew she was. ...How could anyone have such a childhood and grow up to be even a little bit
normal? But she had! Oh, there were issues there. But who didn't have them? She was strong,
and he admired it.
'Good enough'.
"Oh, I know you won't fail. You don't know how." He was just as quiet, and now tentative once
again. "Let's... Let's see what we're starting with."
Her eyes remained on him as her hand operated the control, lowering a dark, semi-circular
screen behind the holopanel then started the first vid. This was a pretty red-head, one of the
few profiles she had screened where the person seemed genuine. Now, seeing it again, DK
wished she had spent a little more time on her choices. Angus was no ordinary person. Actually
he was, but not to her. She didn't realise it in the least, but she was becoming rather fond of
the man. At least enough to want only the best, and not just the task at hand completed.
The next one was a tall, gaunt dark-haired woman, with a dazzling smile when she did, which
was rarely. One could hear the Reigate counsellor's voice in the background constantly
reminding her to smile. She seemed genuine, if a bit stiff.
The third and last was a slightly chubby little lady, with pale skin, a slight moon-shaped face
and very large bosoms. Her voice was a bit high pitched and she babbled on and on and on
about herself and what she was looking for. In fact, DK cut her off mid-sentence near the end,
tired of listening to her.
I do have one more, but I'm not sure you are what she's looking for, but I'll show you anyway.
She turned it on again and a tall, very shapely blonde lady appeared wearing a slinky red dress
and very high heels. Her voice was like honey and her azure blue eyes were more 'come give
me billions of babies' than just bedroom eyes. DK actually found herself disliking the woman
intensely, but knew she was one of the best catches any man could want, especially if one
wanted a trophy wife, for she was happy to be anything as long as they were rich.
DK had to laugh inwardly at her choices. Perhaps her subconscious didn't want him to find
someone, especially not so soon.
She had indeed been careful in her choices. Each might have been someone to consider, for
various reasons. However, his brain wasn't as focused on this task as he'd have thought. This
conversation with DK would stay with him for a while. She'd opened up to him. And maybe
others had, thinking him this meek, safe little thing to talk to...but DK was different. There was
something else there.
Or maybe he was seeing what he wanted to see.
Head tilted, he watched each video, mentally analyzing each one. At least as much as he could
while distracted. Each had faults, but each had something to offer as well. And then came that
last one. His eyes were wide as saucers. Ohhh, she was gorgeous. She was built like a man's
every erotic dream. She looked it, sounded it... He swore she was looking right at him!
But...she was fake. In every way. There was no heart there. He'd date Calliope before dating
this woman.
That said a lot.
"I...I do kinda like the redhead. She seemed...real." But there was no more to say. He just
couldn't come up with the words.
The reason was the one showing him the videos.
DK knew the last one had been fake as can be, but there was a reason for that. Everything she
and her counsellors as they were called, did was carefully researched and thought out to make
the most of what they had to offer. They knew people and how their minds and libidos worked,
no matter the species. This woman had been included to show just how more 'real' the others
were. It was all about 'mentalistics' as Calliope called them. The manipulation of the mind. Not

in a deceptive way but to best display what is shown, to give the candidates the best light
possible and open the viewer's mind to the possibilities. Face it, some people needed help to
see beyond their own noses.
If you would like to see more and have the time, we have a viewing room where you can do so
in private. Calliope can show you to the room if you wish to, she offered, which was standard
to their service. But something deep deep inside her, something she didn't even know existed,
really wished he wouldn't. But why wouldn't he? That's why he was here wasn't it, to find
He was seriously hoping no one would have thought he might choose the blond. Were he to
think only with certain parts of himself, or to be incredibly desperate, he might have. After all,
what man in his position wouldn't want a beauty on his arm? A beauty who had fallen for the
one with the brains, if not the looks.
But there was already a beauty in mind. And this starlet wannabe wasn't her.
"Oh, uh... No. No, thank you. I don't think that's necessary. I realise I'm limiting my choices
severely right now, but..." But what?! He blinked with sudden thought. "I just don't have the
time. I'm very sorry, another appointment, you know. And...I would just become indecisive. Not
a good idea today."
He finally shut up, biting down on his lower lip.
DK nodded in response, unaware of the curl of her lips into a wry smile at his refusal to look at
more candidates, though she knew he would eventually. Then she had an idea.
Of course, Angus. Um, I was thinking, I have this stupid awards ball to go to at the end of the
week, and it would be good for you to perhaps accompany me to see how you perform in social
situations and perhaps meet some new people, or even possible candidates? It's just a
thought. She looked at him expectantly through long lashes.
Well, this was unexpected!
A ball? Ohhh boy. In a split second, he went over a million what ifs, feeling shaken when he
came to reality. What if he couldn't keep the OCD under control? What if he actually DID? What
if he didn't talk to anyone at all? What if he met six new friends in one night? What if he
couldn't stay in sight of DK? What if he ended up staring at her all night?
His hands were clasped before him, curled into fists to stop the motion.
He nodded, one corner of his mouth curling up.
"I think it a wonderful idea, DK. I would... I would love that. Thank you."
She seemed genuinely surprised he was so receptive, but then she couldn't see the inner
turmoil that had gripped him at first. DK had to admit, she felt much better knowing she would
be taking someone along, though it wasn't for her sake that he was going. She must keep this
in mind and actively try to find someone for him. Her knee bounced below her desk with
nervous energy, as she reached across and straightened his tie. That was her OCD rearing its
Good. It's Saturday and you'll need a tux. If you need assistance, Calliope can help with that.
Just relax and don't worry about it. The best thing to do is just be yourself. That's my advice to
everyone whether it's a date, a group outing, a big do like this or even a mere vid call. Always
be your true self. No airs, no pretense, do not try to be something you're not or you will
inevitably end up disappointing each other and the relationship would never last. She pulled
up a screen on her console which spit out a slip of biodegradable paper-like-substance or
bioper from the side, and handed it to him.
Here is the location and the time. Then she thought of the paparazzi. Better yet, she
snatched the bioper back from his hand. I'll send a car for you. And by car, I mean one of my
limo shuttles. It'll then stop and pick me up and we can travel together. Maybe I can help calm
your nerves you will no doubt have.
This was...a test. To see how he would react, how he'd handle the people, and...her. If she
expected him at all to be an escort or something...for lack of a better term...then he would
need to really brush up on this. How would he behave? He was going over all this when she
straightened his tie...and he blinked. And blushed.
"I--" A tux? It was that fancy? Ohhh... You're toast, Angus. Just...stop now. Forget it. You've
never been in that situation. You don't know the first thing about it. The fancy layout, the
people with their noses in the air! Ohhh, he wanted to crawl under her desk and hide from the

world. He didn't think about her legs being there, he just wanted to hide.
But he couldn't. "I suppose I should see her on my way out, then." The rest he listened to very
carefully, nodding along. Taking the slip from her, he looked at the information, and then went
pale. A limo?!
That last sentence of hers could have sounded so wrong in the ears and mind of any other
man, but Angus just stared at her.
"Alright. I'll be ready, and...look forward to it."
Good, then I'll see you then? DK placed her hand in the small of his back as she escorted him
out of her office, the door fading open as all the doors here did. Calliope... she started, but
the ditsy blonde interrupted her.
I'm on it Chief! Tux for Mr. St. Paul for Saturday's do. If you'll come with me, Sir, I'll let you
choose one, the bonkers but quite efficient receptionist offered, standing.
Calliope! Have you been listening in again? DK's face clouded over, hands on her hips. How
many times have I told you not to listen in when I have a client?!
Apparently she was used to this, for all she did was grin and usher Angus to a panel in the wall
where she had called up a display of many different styles and colours of tux.
Nothing too wild, please, Calliope. She shook her head and disappeared back into her office,
the door fading completely into the wall.
"Yes, sounds good." He was still a little thrown, a little stunned by this turn of events. He'd
never have expected this...but a great part of him wanted to dance. Oh yes, dance! Even so,
that would be later. He stood staring at Calliope, wondering exactly what she'd heard. Blinking,
he came forward to follow her. Today had turned into something unexpected, unbelievable, and
actually happy.
"You do this often?" He gave the blond an odd look. "I mean...with the suits." No, he meant
listening in! Not that he'd say so. He turned to look over his shoulder at DK, but caught only
her back as the door closed.
"Right. Something simple, miss, please!"
What had he walked into? What adventure was his life to become if this was what finding a
mate would be like? He'd only wanted a little help...and one other small thing he'd admit to no
one...and here he was attempting to make friends with the boss, going on a pseudo-date with
her (okay, so it wasn't a date by any means, but still), and completely at a loss as to what else
could possibly happen.
He wasn't really sure he wanted to know.
Calliope turned her head as she was looking down at the controls, grinning from ear to ear. Oh
yeah, all the time. But lemme tell ya, her voice was almost so high pitched it was somewhere
between mildly annoying and want to strangle, I ain't never seen her take a client to one of
these dos. Though then again I've never seen her actually attend one of these dos. It should be
very interestin'!
Several suits and tuxedos popped up in the space in 3d as everything these days was. Most
were fairly conservative, the style not having changed in centuries. But some where more on
the wild side, no doubt the loudly dressed receptionist's personal additions to the selection.
There we go, now what size are ya and we can see what we have in supply.
Oh yes, that voice. He actually wore a pained look for a moment. But it lasted no longer as he
was filled in on the details of this...event. That DK didn't usually do this, not even attend! And
she was not only going, but asking him along? What did it mean?
It meant she was willing to put herself out for an evening so they could work on his socialising
and maybe even his OCD.
He would be incredibly grateful for this kindness.
Once he got past the fear, anxiety, and even excitement of it.
His blue eyes went wide at some of the options he was given. Ohhh, no. No, those wouldn't be
right for him at all! Noooo! He ended up standing there making a rather indecisive sound for a
"I honestly don't know." He sighed. "I've never been fitted properly, and so I don't know. It's not
quite the same as a plain suit. I would imagine about the smallest size possible." Motioning to
his midsection, he shrugged. "Not much to me, you see."

Calliope looked at him and chuckled, poking a finger against Angus' thin, hard abdomen. Ah
well you're not much smaller than my boyfriend. We'll start with a size below his and go from
there. Now, which style? I think her dress is purple, but if you wear the normal black or white
tie you should be fine. Shall we just go with a bog standard tux? Not too fancy?
Without waiting for an answer, Calliope pushed past him and another door appeared in the wall
to the side. It was a large rectangular space in which a person could stand, like a small closet,
but well lit.
Would you step in here please, and we'll fix you right up!
This girl had a boyfriend? Oh, of course she did. But how...when DK didn't? Was she just happy
being on her own? Some were like that. He had been, for a short while. Then the walls began
to close in a little too much every time he'd come home to the silence.
"I--" Don't poke me, please. He was just opening his mouth to answer when she went right past
him. That little area in there didn't look too welcoming. Large, but not large enough. For a good
long minute, Angus eyeballed the space before slowly coming forward. He wasn't sure if the
lack of space bothered him...or if he was just nervous about what would happen if he was
closed in there.
Lips pressed into a line, he stepped inside.
Now turn to face me, Mr. St. Paul. Her accent was slightly reminiscent of old New York back
on Earth so 'Paul' came out more like 'Pwal'. As he did, she activated the controls and a virtual
tuxedo appeared around Angus' thin frame. Oooh a bit too big I'm afraid. My boyfriend is a
drummer in a voodoo metal band so his legs and arms are a bit more muscley. Not to mention
his butt is much bigger, she giggled, adjusting the controls. The suit disappeared and another
appeared in its place. As it did, an alarm sounded.
Oh dear, that one is out of stock. But that size looks much better on you. She made a few
more adjustments and finally found one that was in stock, black with a white shirt and black
tie. There we go. If you wait a few minutes, we'll bring it out. Are you looking forward to
Saturday then? Just so's you know, DK's favourite colour is purple, she continued babbling
even as she switched off the machine and motioned for Angus to step out.
How did anyone listen to this woman for more than three minutes? And she had a boyfriend?
Standing as she'd asked, Angus found himself in a momentary--and very disturbing--pondering
over the sex those two had. And it wasn't about what was done or how, it was just her voice.
I don't think I could do that.
"A metal band?" His words were all but obliterated by the alarm. Not that they were important,
but it simply was. Just like the last attempt they made. Yes! This will do! Simple, classic, and
nothing weird. "Yes, of course." his expression was slightly confused. "I suppose I am. I--" She
was telling him DK's favorite color? Stepping out, he gave her an odd look.
Why do I need to know that?
Because, genius. You're going to use that information and do something she won't expect.
"I'll remember that." Quietly, he looked at Calliope. "I'll just...wait, and... Hm."
They were going to talk about this once he'd left. He knew it.
Callope shut down the selector machine and the wall became a wall once more. She then took
her place behind her desk and nodded as another client came in. This was a short, wide, toadlike being wearing a tophat and tails in dark maroon. He tipped his hat as she buzzed him into
DK's office, then shuddered.
I never care for the amphibianoids. They're all a bit too cold and slimey for my taste, she
informed Angus. Then another door from what seemed to be the back of the reception area
faded open and out came a very young man with a large, flat box. He had white hair and blue
skin, yellow eyes darted around constantly as if wary of predators.
Ah, here's your suit, Mr. St. Paul. Be ready at seven, just in case. I hope you have a good time
and good luck! she grinned, waving the lad away as soon as he'd delivered the box into
Angus' arms with a slight curtsey. Binjy, one of these days you'll learn that that's for girls!
Taking a seat in the chair nearest the desk, he waited in silence. And kept his eyes politely
lowered, hands in their usual twining, tracing, picking motion. The strange-looking client wasn't
something unseen for him. He had an amphibianoid in one of his classes. Decent kid, too. and
so he just raised a shoulder in a shrug to Calliope. He couldn't blame her opinion, though.
When the young one appeared with the suit box, he stood, nodding to each little bit the girl

said. Seven, all right. Just in case...? Oh yes, not to be late. Good luck? Me? Oh, well, I'm not
very good with people and-He actually smiled at the boy, and leaned down. "Thank you, young sir." A moment later, on his
way out, he nodded to Calliope. "Thank you. See you again."
By the time he got home, he was planning and making a very important vidcall.
Terrified as he was, he was looking forward to the event.
He had to hope he wouldn't do anything stupid.
Three days later, it was Saturday by definition in accordance with the galaxy's Passage of Time
and Labelisation of Days Treaty. The standard Earth seven day week had been replaced by an
eight day week to accommodate all the other worlds, as an average, though the 24 hour clock
was still standard as most people were flexible. Of course each planet, moon and asteroid was
different, but as a galactic standard, this had been agreed on. The additional day had been
voted and approved, then amended and then ratified a few more times before it was ever
actually announced and put into practice. Bacchusday fell in between Saturday and Sunday
and was one of those days where you could party as hard as you liked and forget about it,
because you still had the Sunday to recover. It had been universally accepted because who
doesn't want a longer weekend? Of course as a result most employers did away with the three
day weekend as now they had one every week. Of course only those who ever got three day
weekends complained. And lost.
DK normally dreaded these functions and seldom attended, as Calliope had told St. Paul. But
her marketing people were really pushing her to make public appearances and drum up
interest in the company as profits had fallen slightly last quarter. So reluctantly she agreed, for
this was one of the less annoying events of the galactic year (which, also by agreement and
treaty, was 384.7 days) and she saw the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and
perhaps find someone if not of brains, at least of class for Mr. St. Paul.
One would think she had a house full of servants or at least androids waiting on her hand and
foot, but no. All she had was herself in a small flat, luxurious of course, but sparsely furnished,
and a small android kitten. She had no time to take care of nor clean up after a real one, but
she did love cats. She loved animals of all types, in fact and had even had a real turtle when
she was small.
Picking up the dress she was to wear, a long, tight-fitting gown of medium purple, she stared
at herself in the mirror. This kind of thing prevented one from wearing much underwear, but
she always felt naked without it. So she wore invisible undies that held everything together in
the right shape, and wriggled into the gown. The self-sealing zip did just that and she once
more inspected herself in the mirror.
Well, I guess that will have to do, she muttered to herself. The mirror tsk'ed disapprovingly at
her and sighed.
My dear, when will you admit that you are quite beautiful? it spoke with a matronly voice,
chastising her for the umpteenth time. Usually it was about not caring how she looked at all,
for usually, to DK if she didn't just throw on a suit for work, she could care less what she looked
like. Sometimes she didn't even bother to brush her hair and the mirror had to do it for her.
When are you going to get off my case? With a sigh she let the styling station into which the
full length mirror had been set style her hair, then grabbed up her shoes off the bed. The
electronic kitten curled up on the pillow beside hers grumbled and meowed before going back
to 'sleep'. The lights went off as she passed into the living room.
What am I doing? I'm supposed to be looking for someone for Angus, not dolling myself up
just to drum up business. She often spoke to herself, for in spite of being one of the richest
and most well-known business people in the galaxy, she had few friends and little
companionship. As she sat, waiting for the limo shuttle, it suddenly dawned on her just how
empty her flat and life truly were.
"I was insane to try this."
Leaning in to the mirror over his bathroom counter, Angus widened his eyes, then blinked hard.
It felt so weird, to be able to see without the lenses in front of his face. He blinked over and
over, trying to get used to the feeling, but it was just too strange. He'd have to get over it.
There was no going back. Not tonight.
He'd already showered and finished all the rest of his grooming. His hair insisted on curling,

dark and tousled. Combing it into place didn't seem possible. His jaw was smooth. He even
smelled good, wearing a very dark and soft cologne. His teeth were perfect. And looking in the
mirror, he was sure his eyes were bigger than usual.
He checked the clock.
In his bedroom, he looked at the tux hanging on the closet door. Pulling the towel from his hips,
he stepped into his underwear, pulled on black socks and thin white tee. Piece by piece, he
layered on the tux, carefully tying the formal bow tie that went with it. And then retying it. And
once more, even though it had been perfect the first time. The cuff links were his own, having
belonged to his father. Tying the shoes, he repeated this three times as he had with the tie.
He checked his watch.
Room by room, everything was turned off. Reaching the front of the hall, he turned back and
repeated the process, checking everything. Even devices that had not been on were checked.
And all was straightened...literally. When he reached the kitchen, he made sure everything on
the counter, which wasn't much, was in place, straight, and clean. His sink stood empty, as
dishes were always washed immediately.
He checked his watch.
The button was pushed to open the fridge and he removed the small box. This was incredibly
important. Set on the counter, it would wait the last few minutes before he would leave. Angus
was rechecking the whole flat, one room at a time. Everything was off. Everything was straight.
He checked his reflection, his hair curling over his forehead, his eyes large. Why? His tie was
straightened, already fine. His sleeves were pulled, arms out, but those were fine, too. Again,
he made a face at his eyes. Why?
He checked his watch.
In the living room, he looked around. All right. Everything was fine, everything was quiet.
Silence reigned over the whole flat. Nodding, he picked up the box from the kitchen counter,
took one last look around the room, and went out the door, hearing it lock behind him.
It wasn't a big building, by the standards, but it was decent enough. The lift took him down the
thirty-nine stories in seconds, leaving him in the lobby to wait.
He checked his watch.
Sitting on a seat just inside the doors, he watched through the massive window, waiting for the
limo shuttle. The whole thing just seemed...bizarre. How was this even happening?
She rarely goes to these functions, and never with a client.
He would have to remember to thank her. Tonight would be valuable.
He checked his watch, one more time.
Meanwhile, DK had just finished getting ready and was straightening out the dirty clothes, for
not even they could be left untidy, when the com buzzed. Wiping her hands and folding the
towel over the rail in its place, she answered it.
Ms. Reigate, your limo is here to pick you up, came the voice of the woman on the door
DK glanced at the clock on the wall, one of the few things of colour in the whole flat, and that
was only it had belonged to her uncle's partner who had recently passed. It was only six
o'clock. So early, Iris? she answered the wall panel, frowning. Tell Alfonse I'll be right down.
She shook her head as she figured that he had not paid attention to her instructions but
followed normal protocol and picked her up first. This worried her, that Mr. St. Paul would no
doubt freak out because his ride was late. She took out her personal com device or pod and
called Calliope for she didn't have Angus' details at hand.
Hey Chief! came the bubbly blonde's bubblegum voice.
Call Mr. St. John...
St. Paul for me and let him know we'll be late. Alfonse got the instructions wrong and came for
me first.
Aye aye, cap'n! she saluted, to which DK rolled her eyes. Just let him know, please. With
that she disconnected and put the pod away. Picking up her matching wrap, handbag and
shoes, DK then left the flat, letting the state of the art security system set itself, triggered to
her biowave patterns exclusively.
Once downstairs she nodded to Iris then passed through the automatic door, also triggered like
her own security system and stepped into the waiting limo shuttle. It was long and sleek and
totally white except for the cockpit glass which wasn't really glass at all but polished black
aluminum which enabled the pilot, Alfonse, to see out, but no one else could see in.

Inside it was spacious and well furnished, with all the modern conveniences every short hop
shuttle with interplanetary capabilities should have. DK settled in and set her shoes on the
floor beside her. She hated wearing them and did as little as possible. These in particular had
been designed for impact, not for comfort.
Alfonse, she slid a finger over the control panel, opening a comm link with her personal
driver. He was an enormous male Artesian with the deepest blue skin and pale blue eyes. His
head was bald, but he wore a short white goatee, and he had muscles that fairly bulged from
his own chauffeur uniform. This was important as he doubled as a bodyguard as well and was
absolutely terrifying when he was riled. But other than that he was very polite and courteous,
and spoke with the most melodic of French accents.
Oui, mademoiselle Reigate? he answered, moving the shuttle out and upwards into the
atmosphere of the small exclusive planetoid on which she lived.
My instructions were distinctly to pick up Mr. St. J.. Paul first. Why did you not do that? The
poor man no doubt thinks I've forgotten him.
My apologies, Mademoiselle, he seemed a little shaken. Only DK could have that effect on
the huge Artesian. I am truly sorry. It must have slipped my mind, but to be honest, you never
travel with anyone except your uncle, Monsieur Reigate. I will pay more attention next time.
He cast a glance at the screen worriedly. She was his boss after all.
Just... don't let it happen again. She cut the link and sat back for the rapid acceleration into
space then the hour long, give or take a few minutes, depending on traffic, flight to Angus'
home world.
He checked his watch.
Hmm... He'd been waiting for a while now. Maybe she'd changed her mind. Maybe she'd not
even meant any of it, that this was only to make him look foolish.
For what purpose, Angus. You dolt, stop that!
He took a long, deep breath. It was fine. Things happened, people were late, it was no big deal.
But his ride was late. He'd looked at his watch every few minutes for the last...fifteen minutes.
then he remembered Calliope. Be ready at seven...just in case.
He checked his watch.
The little box sat next to him, waiting far more patiently than he did. Its contents were
important, and he was seriously beginning to wonder about the condition of the item within.
He dared not open the box. He had only once when he picked it up, but never again. To look
again would be to bring up his hopes, or ideas, and that wasn't wise at all.
Finally, oh finally, the limo shuttle appeared. Gleaming white, it was impressive. And
intimidating. Rising from his seat, he straightened his jacket and buttoned it, then fixed it
again. The box was picked up and carried as he walked through the automatic doors and
outside as the driver appeared to open the door. Some things never change. But this guy was
huge! Angus blinked at him for a moment, then ducked inside the shuttle, slowly. His blue eyes
darted about the interior. This was clearly out of his league.
And then he saw DK...and had trouble swallowing.
He didn't even remember he was still not even fully inside the vehicle. He was still in the
Sir, if you would like to take a seat? Alfonse said, his voice deep, yet soft. He eased the door
shut and sealed it, chuckling to himself at the young man's reaction to his boss. Yes, she did
clean up quite nicely when she put some effort into it.
DK looked up as Angus came through the door, her eyes adjusting quickly from the bright light
of their system's two suns back to the relative darkness of the comfortable cabin.
You look nice, Mr. St. Paul, she said by way of greeting. Come, sit down by me before we get
going again. This thing has a giddyup like no other.
"Hm? Oh, sorry." He finally stepped in, blinking as he fought to adjust to the dim lighting inside.
His eyes finally seemed to clear, and found DK again. His head tipped down and straight again
as she commented on his appearance. "...Thank you." Edging toward her, he tried not to look
too much, but she looked so beautiful!
"You look wonderful."
Finding his seat, he sat in silence for a minute as the shuttle rocketed forward. He kept trying
to twine his fingers together, but something was in the way. The box! "Oh, uh... This is for you.
It's uh...It's a thank you, I guess. For tonight, you know, the attention you've given in helping
me. Just wanted to...let you know it's appreciated."

It wasn't like Angus to lie, but in this, he had to. He couldn't exactly look at her and say
outright that he'd wanted to get her flowers, in all the shades of purple that were possible to
find. All he could do was let her open that box and find the old-fashioned wrist corsage inside,
made of miniature lavender stargazer lilies, tiny and exquisite, and edged in crystal-clear lace.
Yes. It was a simple thank you.
It was also the first time he'd ever given a woman flowers of any kind.
DK opened the box and peered inside. Her green eyes went wide as she pulled the corsage
out, a finger tracing the outline of a petal, barely touching it, knowing it was delicate. Angus,
you shouldn't have! she said quietly. They're beautiful, thank you. She blushed slightly and,
the lady who knew everything to do in any social situation, suddenly had no idea how to
respond. So, she sniffed the flowers, then examined it.
Erm, how do I...? she knew she was supposed to wear it somehow, but she wasn't sure how
or where.
His head was lowered a little, eyes downcast in his shy uncertainty. But the moment he heard
the box open, he looked at her from under his lashes, silently revelling in her reaction. Her
quiet tone and blush all embedded into his memory. These were the things he'd think of later.
"Oh, um... Here. If I may..." Reaching out, carefully took the corsage in his hand, turning it to
unfold the soft material that would hold it in place. "Hold out your hand." And so he slid it into
place on her wrist, the backs of his fingers brushing along her skin in the process. Clearing his
throat quietly, he nodded and sat back.
I knew it would be perfect.
Eyes narrowing ever so slightly, wary at anyone touching her, DK watched as he slipped the
corsage over her wrist. She could not ignore the goosebumps that arose at the brush of his
fingers across her hand.
That's an odd place to wear flowers, but they are very lovely. Thank you again, Angus. This
time she leaned over and very quickly placed a soft kiss against his pale cheek. I suppose
there's some reasoning behind the custom of such a thing in history? She held out her hand
and admired it. Of course she had received flowers before, from many people. But nothing like
this. Those had all been obligatory or from stalker types, but this... this was personal and it
really touched on something deep inside her. Something she had never realised was there.
The contact had been electric for him. But then, how often did he get any real contact with
another person? A handshake here, a swift hug there...but nothing real. And while he didn't
want to move away so quickly, he had to. There was no polite excuse to stay close.
He was just opening his mouth to say something when she kissed his cheek. And all thought
went out the window. For a moment he sat wide-eyed, stunned. He heard her speak, saw her
movement, but didn't really feel some register of it all in his head until he finally forced himself
to breathe and blink.
"I, uh... Think it was a matter of fashion. There was some tradition of wearing them pinned to
the shoulder of the dress, but this way, I guess they were even more visible, and the wearer
could admire them, too." Something like that. He'd spent quite a bit on this item, having to
explain it all to the florist, drawing a diagram--which he'd done with his phone as he was no
artist--in order to make them understand what he wanted. The lace had been the perfect touch
because it would match anything and shimmer in the light when she moved her hand. It had
been worth it.
Yes, it had been very much worth it.
DK nodded, hanging on his every word, keeping one eye on the chauffeur, the clock and where
they were in space. I see, and I imagine it would be quite painful to pin on if you wore a dress
with no shoulders, she joked with a smile. She asked him some more questions and listened
attentively as he answered them clearly and thoroughly, but not so much that she grew bored
with him. Somewhere in her brain, she wondered why he and others thought he was dull and
uninteresting. She had no trouble listening to him and thought he was smart and
knowledgeable, and even had a nice sense of humour. Almost sadly, she thought how easy it
would be to find someone to fall for him, as long as he liked them too.
After awhile of this, Alfonse let them know that they were about five minutes away from their
destination. It was a small, exclusive planetoid which was like the Hollywood of this part of the

galaxy. It held hotels, casinos, holovid studios, and all sorts of places in the entertainment
industry. They were headed to one of the uber fancy hotels where the awards were being held.
Ready? Oh yes, I forgot. There will be lots of paparazzi. Do not speak to them whatever you
do. They're after me, not you, so just ignore them like me and you'll be fine. And please, try not
to punch any.
"Exactly." His voice softened a little, his smile like hers. During the rest of the trip, he kept up
his side of the conversation, and wondered again how she was single. She was a great listener,
or at least appeared to be. She asked interesting questions, and never seemed to mind his
more thorough answers, even laughing with the few jokes he made. She also managed to keep
him talking so that he didn't have time to stop and think of being nervous about either the
evening's event or just being near her. It meant a lot to him. It also drew him in just a little
more...which was not what he needed. He was too drawn already.
He seriously wished he could talk with her like this alone when they had plenty of time, and a
more relaxed setting. Something casual.
Five minutes. All right. We can do this. No problem. This will be easy. Just...talk like you've
talked with her on the way. Easy, relaxed, no problem. You can do this, Angus. You can.
Remember, meeting more people and learning better socialising, all at once. Yes.
"Sure, no problem. Don't-- What?" Paparazzi? That meant-With everything in him, he forced a long, deep breath and grinned at her.
"No punching anyone. Right. I'll save that for another time."
DK chuckled at his little joke, their eyes meeting for a moment, until the shuttle drew into the
landing area and reverted into a normal limo, drawing up to a stop before the hotel. He then
got out and opened the large door and offered a hand to help DK out of the shuttle.
Taking up her handbag, her wrap around her shoulders, she exited the limo gracefully to a
shower of whirs and clicks as every type of camera and com imaginable took her picture. They
started to follow her until they noticed the door was still open and DK had stopped to wait, for
she never posed for them. In fact, she usually just pretended they weren't there, which only
made them want to know more about her.
Alfonse then held his hand out to help Angus out, the press all craning their necks to see who
was lucky enough to actually be escorting Ms. Reigate, one of the richest women in the galaxy,
to this awards ball.
Come on, Mr. St. Paul, they won't bite, will you lads? she acknowledged the press for the first
time ever.
When her eyes met his, he gave the smallest nod. Confidence. Right? He could do this. Okay.
But it was nerves all the way to the landing area, nerves that turned his stomach over.
Why did I agree to this?!
DK was a queen in her exit into the lightning storm of the press. She knew how to make that
appearance, knew how to let them do their jobs while ignoring them entirely. Angus was
jealous, still inside, trembling. I can do this. I can! He set his jaw and exited the limo, his thank
you to Alfonse lost in the noise. Straightening to his full height, he could see everything.
Everything. For the quickest moment, his fingers fumbling with the button of his jacket, he
looked the newbie he was.
Then, he pulled the mask down. "Of course not." He grinned at her and offered his arm. "Will
you walk with me, or do you want to show off a bit more?"
She gave Angus a surprised look. Show off? We are merely attending an awards ceremony,
with a bit of dancing and schmoozing afterwards. Don't worry, they will make it look like we
showed off without us actually having to do anything. Shall we go now?
Taking hold of his arm, DK followed along the gold carpet into the large ballroom of the hotel
where many other people were milling around, some going to sit at their tables. They were
greeted by the owner of the hotel who was ushering all the most important of the guests. He
was short, wide and green, with a shock of thick black hair only on the very top of his head.
Ahhhhh we are so honoured my lady Reigate that you have deemed us worthy of attending
our little function tonight. And your young gentleman, welcome! Welcome! he all but purred
at them as he showed them to their table, right at the front. DK glanced around to see if there
was anyone around she might wish to speak to, or that she knew might want to speak to
Angus. Not seeing anyone just yet, she went ahead and sat in her chair, setting her handbag in
the one beside her, and waving off the attempt to remove her wrap. Their host then sat Angus

down beside her and continued to fuss about them. With the slightest sigh, she waved him
away and he hurried off to aid the next big shot that arrived.
That is why I hate these things, she explained to Angus as a flurry of waiters came over to
offer them wine, champagne, water or anything else they might like. DK accepted some water,
then looked to Angus. Go ahead, order whatever you wish, she smiled softly and sipped her
"I meant, letting them look at you. They were flashing photos before you were out of the limo."
He actually smiled with his words as he walked with her. He kept his other hand behind his
back, quite proper. The ballroom made him blink. So many people already.
He wanted to laugh at the hotel owner. He made it sound as if DK had brought some college
kid with her as a date. If he only knew! The truth was even weirder. He was glad they could sit
down for the moment. His knees were weak by the time they got to the table. Hands in his lap,
he allowed himself to fidget a little.
"Because the media want to take pictures of you because you're beautiful? Because you get
treated like a celebrity and served like royalty? Seems awful." A smile twitched at the corner of
his mouth, though his voice was barely loud enough to be heard. Like her, he chose to drink
water. "I'm terrified I might attempt to get drunk so I can get through this."
DK looked at him over the rim of her water glass. Are you in the habit of getting drunk often?
Have you ever been drunk? She then chuckled softly. I'm afraid I have been a couple of
times. It is not a pretty sight! She looked past Angus towards the entrance through which they
had come and frowned. Oh, great, and I bet they put him here too, she commented, turning
back towards the table and almost sliding down in her chair as if to hide.
"No, I'm not." He hissed his answer with a smile on his lips. "And yes, I have." He'd talked to a
wall for five minutes. Not pretty, either. But that had been years ago, while at university.
Everyone else had done it, so why not try? It hadn't been what he thought it might be. A slim
as he was, the alcohol went into him far too quickly. He'd spent an hour in the bathroom over
the toilet and the entire next day in bed.
Never again!
"Hm?" Following her gaze, he tipped his head. He, too, turned back to the table, but watched
DK. "Who are you praying won't find you? Or...should I not ask?"
No, no, it's all right and inevitable, she half chuckled humourlessly. It's just my uncle,
Bartholomew Reigate. I hadn't counted on him showing up too. He'll be shown to this table and
will no doubt say something about bringing a client along. She sighed and sipped her drink,
plastering a false smile on her face as her uncle approached.
DK! he called out, his arms outstretched in happy greeting. Why didn't you say you were
actually going to show up this time?
DK had risen from her seat in order to greet her uncle, who was more of a father to her really.
She let the very large man envelop her in his arms and kiss each of her cheeks in turn before
sitting back down again.
Bartholomew Barty Reigate was a very large man in every way. He was tall, big around, and
had a huge personality. He was also bald with a rather large and droopy greying moustache
which made him look very much like a walrus from old earth. He wore a very fine tuxedo with a
white tie and tails and a white scarf which he handed to the hotel owner along with his tophat
and cane. He liked to do things in a very grandiose way when he got the chance.
His brown eyes twinkled as he sat down in his chair which complained under his weight,
actually uttering a stream of quiet curse words under its breath.
So, you actually came. To what do we owe this honour? he boomed at DK, eyeing Angus.
She ignored his question and, instead, introduced her guest. Uncle Barty, I'd like you to meet
Mr. Angus St. Paul, my newest client and challenge.
Her uncle?! The owner of the company?! Angus wanted to slide down in his seat and disappear.
What would he say to DK for showing up with a client? Even with what she was trying to do-The jovial greeting made Angus hope for understanding and support from the man. He was
impressive, his style outlandish and certainly not something one would forget easily. One had
to feel bad for that chair. In fact, he was looking at it almost apologetically. He had to, Reigate
was enough to draw attention from everyone, and he wanted to escape as much as the chair.
That wasn't an option. Upon DK's introduction of him, he stood and offered his hand. He wore a

genial expression and gave a nod. "Quite pleased to meet you, sir."
Please, oh please...don't take my head off because of this wild scheme.
Client, eh? he said, giving a slight frown as he peered down his very prominent nose at
Angus, then directed the frown at his niece. I had hoped beyond hope that you had taken my
advice and found someone for yourself. He winked at Angus, as if enlisting him to his side in
what is apparently an ongoing dispute.
Yes, Uncle, a client. He seems to think it will be impossible to find him a match. I, on the other
hand, think it would be simple to find someone to like him. The question is always whether he
would like them or not. I just thought it would be nice to take him somewhere and let him
mingle among those who might be more his level. This ceremony was what came to mind. And
besides, you're always nagging me to actually show up to one of these things, so here I am.
And so is Mr. St. J... Paul. She had to bite her lip not to look at Angus otherwise she would
probably have started to giggle.
Did those words possibly mean, too, that Reigate might have, for a moment, believed Angus to
be DK's date? A real date?! Sitting in his chair again, he pondered the wink, eyes lowered as he
silently began shifting everything in front of him. His entire place setting, piece by piece, would
be adjusted and lined perfectly. He was awful this way. If his nerves kept up, he'd end up
realigning everything on the table, at every place setting. And then everything else provided
and the centrepiece, too.
Even though he was busy lining his forks so they were all even, he caught her mix-up again,
and couldn't stop the way one corner of his mouth turned up in a grin.
He really liked that more than he should.
Well, I'm glad you finally came. You know you win this award every year and you never show
up to accept it. I'm always afraid they'll get tired of giving it to you and let that ice cream man
have it instead, old what's his name. His eyes slowly turned to Angus and what he was doing,
before rolling in his head. Oh dear lords, not you too! he chuckled, shaking his head as he
turned his gaze back to his niece. Are you certain he's not yours? A long lost brother maybe?
He was, of course, referring to DK's own habit of arranging things just so, especially when
bored or waiting or nervous, though she was seldom the latter.
Her face was a mask of irritation and confusion. What are you on about, Uncle?
Just then the waiter came over to ask what Barty wanted to drink. Why a big bottle of
champagne of course! And three glasses please. He gave DK a firm glare as if to say, 'Oh yes,
we shall all have some, no arguments!'
With a sigh, she rose from her chair. If you'll excuse me, I have to go wee. Barty laughed,
used to his niece's way of blurting out things without dressing them up first. Most ladies would
say they had to powder their nose, or visit the ladies' but not DK. She always told it like it was,
especially when annoyed as she was now.
When she was gone, Barty turned to Angus. So, son, what do you do for a living? he boomed
as the waiter came 'round with the champagne and glasses.
Somewhere, he got lost in his own head, unable to catch on to what was being said, unable to
hear, unable to focus. He had delved just a bit too far into his OCD moment. He did, however,
look up when Reigate laughingly mentioned what he was doing. It brought out a bit of a blush
of embarrassment in his face, his hands immediately in his lap. There, his fingers twined
together as the thumb of one hand traced and retraced the shape of the other index finger's
The order of champagne made him look up.
Well, hell.
As DK announced her leaving and why, he simply closed his eyes in an almost pained
expression. In fact, he was inwardly laughing his ass off. For some reason he couldn't explain,
this one detail about DK was so, well, in this case, unladylike, that it was hilarious.
He wouldn't have changed it for anything.
Except that she was leaving him alone with her uncle.
Oh God...
He tried to keep his eyes on Reigate as he replied, and kept getting distracted with the waiter,
who was safer than this big man who was related to the woman Angus now looked to for help
in finding-- Oh, who was he kidding??
"I'm a professor at Celestine, sir. ...I teach history."

History, ahhh! he sat back and nodded at the boy serving the champagne, taking his glass
and draining it in one go, before swirling it in his mouth then holding the glass out to be
refilled. Would this be ancient earth, recent earth, or any particular planet's history or just in
general? I imagine there is much to choose from and much to know. The next glass he just
sipped, then set it down, his eyes roaming the milling crowd, but his attention actually totally
on Angus.
He did everything he could to keep his outward look calm. His hands were still going, though,
and he was wanting to hide under the table. Maybe a different one, where he wouldn't be
found for a while.
"The class focuses on the ancient history of many different planets, but ancient Earth is the
greatest part of it." He nodded. "The information seems endless, and even now, there's more
and more being learned of the histories of so many planets. And not just those closest to us.
Not only do I find ancient Earth to be incredibly interesting, but I feel we can learn a lot from
the mistakes made there. Lessons about society, government, and war."
As Reigate's eyes scanned the crowd, Angus looked down.
"Sadly...I seem to be the only one. Very few of the students have any interest at all. Even a
minor interest. My class is little more than credits for most."
That is sad, indeed, he responded, looking at the professor with an analytical eye. I happen
to be fond of history myself. Both of my home planet and of Earth. Old Earth, like ancient Egypt
and Rome, that sort of thing where I've been told my ancestors are from. Very interesting, that,
tracing one's roots. Have you ever done it, Mr. St. Paul? He scanned Angus, his experience in
reading people, particularly men, was second to none. He could tell he was very similar to his
niece in many ways. Barty also wanted to see once more how he reacted when DK was around.
He had his suspicions as to why she had really brought a client along.
Reigate would find Angus' eyes widening. If anyone shared an interest in history as he had,
they were instantly seen as just a little higher than everyone else. He had more interest in
them, and here, he was listening even more intently, and his hands had slowed.
"I've not done much, no. My family has always been basically middle class, we're just average
people. Somewhere, I have the Scots blood of Earth. I guess that's why my mother gave me
my name, though I think it better suited to someone...larger than myself."
It wasn't until he really paid attention to the man that he realised he was being truly studied.
He doesn't think I would have some untoward intention in mind toward DK, does he? Oh God!
His hands sped back up, the skin by the nail deep pink, as though only a short way from
becoming raw. In an effort to hold that off, he moved a piece or two of his setting, adjusted
their position just so. In the end, he went right back to his former nail-tracing.
Mr. Reigate listened closely, noticing his hands, though in a very different way than DK had
Ah, I thought you might for I can hear just the slightest hint of a Scots accent when you say
certain words. It's quite nice as I'm sure DK has told you. Now he was fishing. Larger? he
questioned this as Angus was actually fairly tall, though not as tall as Barty was. Oh you mean
more muscular. Perhaps, but I think it suits you just fine. A flash of violet caught his eye and
he looked up. Ah here comes my niece now. What did you do, fall in? he teased as DK retook
her seat. I always used to say that when she was little, didn't I dear?
She just rolled her eyes and leaned in to Angus to speak softly. Pay absolutely no attention to
the batty old man, she then grinned. When are they going to start this thing, Uncle? a scowl
replaced the smile as she glanced around at people who were now taking their places at their
Now, I think. He drained his champagne once more then refilled his glass.
Where the hell was DK?!
Angus was ready to panic completely. No, he wasn't. Well, yes...maybe. He couldn't decide.
And he missed the meaning behind Reigate's words about his accent. "Yes, well...actually--" DK
hadn't said anything. But Reigate was moving, just as Angus would have expected. The man
was a freight train of a personality, though not in a bad way, it seemed. Just...big, like he was.
Angus nodded as the man caught on to his meaning about his name and was just about to

speak when DK made her return.

I thought it would never end!!
Thank God she was the one to get Reigate's attention.
Angus sort of wished he'd gone ahead and gotten drunk, however unattractive it might be.
How he was going to get through tonight, he didn't know. Even repeating to himself that he
could get through it wasn't enough. What had he been thinking? Oh...he knew what he'd been
And DK's comment about her uncle did bring a small smile into appearance.
He didn't even realise that he'd calmed his hands some with her return.
The waiters were starting to bring their dinners out, and someone with bright yellow skin, black
hair and a green suit went to the little stage and made a few announcements. During this, DK
noticed the precise neatness of all the place settings on the table. With a glance to Angus, she
noticed his hands and placed hers on them again to still them, not looking at him this time,
much as a mother would a fidgety child. Barty emptied another glass of champagne and
motioned with his head for Angus to drink up as he poured the last in the bottle into his own
glass, then ordered another bottle.
I went to Academy with him, he's quite a jerk, DK commented about their emcee.
Her hand covered his, and he glanced toward her. Only his eyes moved, and it was only for a
second. But the effect was quite evident. His hands went still, calmly folded in his lap, as if he
always sat that way. With a breath, he seemed totally calm. And it wasn't the nervous calm
that told its own story of tension from the inside. This was real calm.
He wasn't sure about touching that champagne glass. He was afraid he'd gulp it down, like
he'd wanted to from the moment it was poured. But, with Reigate's motion, he dutifully picked
it up and took a drink. One mouthful. That's all. A taste. No wonder the first bottle was gone. It
was good, too. Definitely not cheap.
"He wasn't insane enough to ask you out, was he?"
All he could picture was the poor guy getting stepped on by DK. Quite literally!! Taking another
look at him, the vision only got funnier.
DK's attention turned to Angus as he spoke, a single eyebrow raised. Actually, he used to
make fun of me all the time for being so small. Hell I was only twelve at the time. Of course I
was smaller! Fucking prick. But that's all right. I refused to match him up, labelling him a
womaniser. He's been divorced five times already. She looked away and sipped her
champagne then frowned, turning back to him. Why wouldn't people ask me to go out? I'm
not an ogre you know.
Mr. Reigate laughed, nearly spitting out his champagne. An ogre, child? No, you're not, but
you are a maneater. You exude so much hostility towards men even /I/ can feel it! He chuckled
at his little joke, funny since he was undeniably more attracted to those of the same gender as
he. His partner of many years had died a couple back, and he was still mourning the loss.
Jasper had been more of a mother to DK than her own had ever been.
He couldn't be blamed. Whatever the age, he couldn't deny the vision of DK letting some male
have it would be hilarious. It just was. She was so strong, so sure of herself. He admired it, and
was sure she had to have been this way all her life, especially since her mother had been such
a flake. She'd be strong to make up for it.
Her language actually made him chuckle as he set his glass down. One might think Angus
would be completely offended by swearing, but he had no issue, he simply was careful himself.
Hearing it from her was fun. What wasn't fun was the look on her face when she questioned
him. Eyes wide, he looked sideways at her. How was it men didn't ask her out? Glancing up to
Reigate, he blinked.
His eyes dropped to his lap, his hands moving again. It wasn't for himself, but for her. Why her
lack of a dating life bothered him, he didn't know. Maybe because he didn't like to think of her
as being alone. Maybe because it might raise his hopes and-He swallowed hard and reached for his glass again, another two mouthfuls of champagne
gulped so he wouldn't speak. He couldn't. Not now.
But she answered the question for him. Sort of. I am not a maneater either, Uncle. How dare
you? Her words were harsh but her tone was more one of amusement. I just don't have time
for stupidity. You know how damn busy I've been with your company, you ungrateful sod. She

reached for a breadstick as the waiters had finally made it to their table with their dinner. It
was the usual function fare consisting of some unknown meat or other protein source
smothered in gravy, green beans not cooked enough and usually cold as ice, and mashed
potatoes so bland and with the consistency of drying plaster. Oh it was the highest quality
hotel banquet food, but it was still hotel banquet food.
I've got too much to worry about with other people's problems than to take care of my own.
But you're stuck in a quandry, my dear, Barty chuckled, stabbing a few green beans and
holding them over a candle in the centrepiece to warm them. You will never have time until
you have an heir to take over, but you'll never have an heir because you have no time to look
for a partner. Catch twenty-two. He stuffed the beans in his mouth and chewed, grinning at
DK merely sighed, unable to dispute that logic. I can always just hire someone and train them.
True they wouldn't have my business savvy or instinct, but I can always keep an eye on things.
Perhaps even take over as chairman of the board. She grinned at this and winked at Angus,
before downing her champagen and pouring another.
While DK and Reigate went back and forth, Angus kept quiet. Oh, he watched, and listened, but
he had nothing to add to the conversation, and didn't feel he should try. Instead, he stared at
the plate in front of him and sighed. It was no better here than at the university functions he'd
been to. No matter what it was, it was never good, and everyone went out afterwards. He
rarely joined them. He went home and cooked for himself.
But, he had to do something, and so he mentally dared himself to eat. He was instantly sorry.
Oh well. It was worth it, sitting beside DK. Napkin in his lap, he chewed in silence, and an idea
popped into his head. Why, he'd never know. It was insane. It went against that damned ad of
hers. It went against everything he had been thinking when he walked into the company in the
first place. And worse, he was about to let it come out of his mouth.
He swallowed--barely--and reached for his glass again. He would need it in the end. And after a
swallow, he looked innocently from Reigate to DK and said:
"You could always let the company find a match for you."
Both Reigates froze and looked at Angus. Barty blinked a few times then burst out laughing. DK
just gave her uncle a dagger look then shook her head. No, Angus, her tone was not unkind.
I don't have the time, nor do I wish to find someone. I work with people all day. When I go
home I enjoy being by myself in peace and quiet. I may miss a few of the more intimate
moments of being coupled with someone, but then I don't have the hassles either. Our
guarantee is to find someone and to make the client happy. What happens after that is none of
our concern. You would be surprised just how many of these relationships go pear-shaped. I'll
tell you a secret, she leaned in and whispered as the emcee began his spiel during the dinner.
The best and longest lasting matches are ones the people make themselves, without the help
of an agency as my own. IF I ever do find someone, I will do so on my own and it will be real
and... it will last. Her eyes met his, and for a brief moment the time and space between them
seemed to freeze. Then she smiled and turned back to her meal, only casually listening to what
was being said up on the stage.
Well, that got their attention.
But the thoughtful, why-didn't-I-think-of-that look didn't happen. Worse, her words made his
heart sink into his stomach. He swallowed down the last of his champagne in a single gulp, set
the glass down, and went back to his nail-tracing. She didn't want someone? Hassles? Oh God,
what had he been thinking?! He never should have thought up the idea, never should have
gone through with it, and never should have come HERE.
On the outside, he calmly listened as she whispered, thinking of his parents. Oh, the love they
had! Right up until the end, the way things should be. He showed none of the inner freak-out
he had going on.
But maybe some of this was worth it. For that one moment, when their eyes met, and he
couldn't catch his breath. It was only a moment, a moment that was all too brief. He tried to
return the smile, but was a little too slow. So he simply turned his attention to the emcee and
went back to his nail-tracing.
Barty might have been laughing, but he was also watching the interaction between those two
carefully, his niece and her 'client'. His gift was for knowing when two people belonged
together. He was just pants at making a living at it for he didn't like to charge for using his gift.

But DK had no such qualms, thus the company had been turned over to her at the age of
seventeen. In fifteen years she had turned the company completely around and made it into
the huge success it was today. DK was the reason Reigate Inc. was a household name
throughout the entire galaxy.
As the others turned their attention to the emcee and the first few awards, Barty refilled
Angus' glass, as well as his own, of course. The waiters came around and cleaned the tables,
setting a small work of art before them and announced it as dessert. Here, DK looked down
and actually smiled broadly.
Oh, Angus, do eat the dessert. They have the best here, even at banquets. It more than
makes up for the rest of the meal. She took up her fork, the emcee and awards fading from
her attention with the exquisite dessert sitting before her. Slowly, she took a forkful of what
looked much like a golden chocolate and raspberry cheesecake sort of thing, and placed it in
her mouth, not even chewing but letting it just dissolve in her mouth, eyes closed and an
almost orgasmic look upon her face. Barty watched, then shook his head, laughing as he
looked down to his own.
It's almost worth giving her mine just to watch her eat it! he quipped.
If only Angus had that same gift. He might know now if his original idea would work, or if he
was wasting their time. He might know if he could win this beautiful woman. But no. Angus was
just awful with things like that. He was clueless. He knew history. He knew piano. He knew
details of this and that, little trivial things. He knew nothing of relationships beyond the
memory of his parents.
If only he'd known...he might have married before they died, so they could be there.
He offered a silent nod of thank to Reigate at the refilling of his glass. He needed it. While the
emcee went on about the awards, he was still mulling over what DK had said, and pulling
himself down further into disappointment. On hearing her speak his name, he blinked from his
thoughts and looked over in time to see that face. That oh so suggestive expression that was
actually so innocent. He wasn't sure, but his eyes might have widened at that.
Reigate's comment made him grin. Despite everything, he couldn't help it. But it didn't last.
Because he took her advice. The design on the plate was asymmetrical. It was meant to be
that way, with an artistic swirl, but it was still asymmetrical. Inside, Angus wept over it. Even
that didn't last. Like her, he took one bite, and stared. His expression was something of the
idea he was suddenly sharing something very private with the whole room.
It was all her expression said it would be.
The asymmetrical thing bugged DK a bit too, but it was more having things in order that was
her OCD habit. Besides, if you ate with your eyes shut, it couldn't bother you, right? She
opened them after that first bite and turned her head slightly to watch Angus' reaction.
Exquisite, isn't it? Louisey outdid himself this time, don't you think? This was another reason I
wanted to come tonight. This dessert is worth all the boredom of the actual ceremony. DK
then turned back to her mini work of art and continued to devour it slowly, even making little
moans of delight as she ate. She might have been stared at and raised a few eyebrows, except
that everyone else in the room was doing the same thing. Louisey Bonadito's confectionery
delights were known and treasured throughout the galaxy. He could work anywhere or even
open his own restaurant and be highly successful, but he always remained with this hotel out
of loyalty.
When DK's dessert was gone, she used an index finger to gather up the last bits from the
plate... the chocolate cream, the caramel syrup and the sprinkling of powdered sugar mixed
with powdered raspberries and sucked it all off in a most suggestive, though innocent, way.
More than once, he looked over at her from under his lashes. But he couldn't blame her for her
girlish behavior. It was adorable, really. It was a softening of the clipped businesswoman she
showed to the world.
Slowly, he worked his way through the dish, wishing it would last just a little longer. It did make
everything else worth the boredom, and the awful dinner. He wondered if they ever noticed
how little got eaten when it came to the main meal in comparison to the dessert. Maybe they
didn't care since people would come back for the dessert. He wished he could. But he didn't
make the money others did here. He'd have to be happy with the memory of this.
And...at least that memory had DK attached to it.
That too was worth the boredom. He'd spent how much time sitting next to her! And, he had to
admit that even if the man made him afraid to speak more than enough to answer whatever

question was thrown his way, he liked her uncle. He clearly cared about her. At least someone
did. Her mother hadn't been a winner. Angus disliked how much that bothered him. It was just
that he was an understanding and caring person. That was it. Had to be.
When he finished he quickly swiped his finger across what was left of the chocolate cream and
put it in his mouth. Hoping no one had seen this horrible breach of good manners, he glanced
around, and caught sight of DK doing the same. Well, sort of.
Wide-eyed, he stared a moment, then looked away. Looking any longer would be a very bad
If he had looked around him, he would have seen everyone else in the banquet room doing
exactly the same as DK. It had been theorised that if they should fall into the wrong hands,
Louisey's desserts could be used as a weapon to control everyone who ate it, bending them to
one person's will. They were just that good.
The dessert plates were quickly scooped up, every one of them empty. In a far corner of the
room, two women at a table where a man had fallen asleep, were fighting over his uneaten
dessert. The waiter halved it to appease them both, then quickly took the empty plates away
as he man woke up and wondered what was going on.
DK meanwhile dabbed at her lips with her napkin, as if she had merely eaten in a normal way
and not had every male eye in the vicinity staring at her. Barty just chuckled and refilled their
glasses, the waiter bringing yet another bottle of the bubbly stuff.
Now the actual award giving starts, then after that we all go to the ballroom to dance and
mingle. That is where I will introduce you to people, she leaned in and told Angus. As she
spoke, Barty watched them both, always just observing and making his evaluations as to their
That theory was probably true. This room was proof. Those women in the corner were proof.
Even Angus would probably fall victim to it. He certainly had here.
Like everyone else, Angus dabbed his mouth with his napkin and laid it carefully on the table.
Others dropped them casually, or laid them at least gathered somewhat straight. He all but
folded his so it was neat. It was basically clean anyway. His glass was picked up, full yet again,
and he swallowed. He couldn't risk being drunk. He would make a joke of himself. The glass
was set back down, hands in his lap. The skin behind the thumb of his left hand was showing
signs of rawness, and had been fine when he left home.
When DK spoke, he leaned in toward her, listening, and only half aware of how close they were
now. He dearly hoped DK wasn't one to dance, though he could decently. At least traditionally.
He'd not had the opportunity for years, but at least he would make a decent partner in that
respect. When he spoke in return, he only half-turned his head, though his eyes were on her.
"Your uncle said there's one you win every year. What is it?" As if no one knew, but he wanted
her to keep talking, at least for a moment or two. He would worry about the mingling part of
things when it came time. He hoped she'd forget that. If he could only find something he could
talk to her about, then maybe he'd get her attention enough that she wouldn't think of sending
him off with others.
Somehow, he didn't think it possible.
But he would take this.
Oh, it's this one, Galactic Businessbeing of the Year. Our profits and investment payouts go up
every year, and with this new advertising gimmick, all my stalkers are crawling out of the
woodwork, but even they have money and it all adds up. Business has shot up by over thirtynine percent. Now obviously there's a clause in there that says I can only marry one impossible
match, but I don't intend on marrying any of them. They're all creeps, but don't tell anyone I
said that. Well, not all, only my stalkers, the ones that sit at home in their grubbies and play
my interviews over and over. That's why I won't do commercials myself. I don't want to
encourage the stalkers. She would normally never refer to any client this way, but it was true.
And, undoubtedly the champagne was the one speaking now, not so much DK herself.
But not you, she added, continuing after draining her glass again. You, I quite like. I don't
throw you in with those grubby people. You are class and I like class. So that's why we're here,
to find some class for you.
She patted his arm as she said this, trying to be encouraging like an auntie reassuring her
nephew that all will be well. Then she noticed his thumb.
Angus, have you been doing the finger thing again? her fuzzy mind couldn't quite figure out
exactly what the term would be for rubbing a finger wrong from nervousness and OCD.

He could have listened to her for the rest of the night. She began and he sat, eyes on her, the
room forgotten, and just listened. Some of it went over his head, and the stalker bit actually
bothered him...in that he wondered about her safety. She was a smart woman. A very smart
woman. She had a handle on the stalker issue...but one could worry anyway.
And then she complimented him, and he couldn't help but smile. No matter the way she said it,
that pat to his arm, it was the contact, the words, that mattered. He was pretty sure she'd
never say out loud that she liked him were it not for the champagne, but he'd take it. It was
good enough. It made him smile, whatever her presentation.
It also mattered that she noticed the condition of his hands. But it made him look away. Closed
up, he tried to cover it. "I suppose I have. I wasn't paying attention."
He lied! He just outright lied! He knew full well what he'd been doing. He also knew why. But he
lied. For Angus, that was big. It was big, and it was wrong.
Should he say something about her tipsy state? Or should he hope she might say something
more to him? Oh, that would be wrong. But it wasn't his place to point it our, either. So he
covered his raw thumb and went silent.
As all this went on, Barty pretended to be paying attention to the emcee... after all, someone
had to. But in reality he was listening and watching this exchange between the two intently. He
continued to sip his champagne, slowing down a little, though he could handle a lot more than
his niece, owing to his huge size and tolerance to the stuff. She seldom drank, only on these
sorts of occasions, which she usually avoided like the plague, so he was curious as to why she
was tonight. Could she actually be nervous about the award? Of course not. Or was it Mr. St.
Paul? He watched their interchange closely: her hand upon his arm, the chastisement of his
rubbing his thumb raw. She was already mothering him? He just nodded inwardly, happy with
his evaluation. Now, he thought to himself, how to get her to actually realise what she's
feeling? That was the hard part; getting through DK's tough, protective shell.
The award presentations had been going on for some time now, and now they were nearing
the end.
And the winner, once again, of the Galactic Businessbeing of the Year goes to Ms. DK Reigate
of Reigate Incorporated. And, here she and her uncle, the owner of Reigate, Bartholomew
Reigate himself, are! The emcee clapped as with a groan, DK got up, leaving her shoes
behind, and took her uncle's arm as he walked her down to accept her award. He'd always
wanted to do this and was beaming brightly beneath his broad moustache. DK, indeed slightly
tipsy, was far better off without her shoes for no doubt she would have fallen over or tripped
on the steps if she'd worn them. With grace and aplomb and her usual business-like attitude,
she accepted the award and thanked her Uncle and a few other people, then hobbled back to
her seat, glad that was over with. She plonked the quite beautiful crystal statuette down on the
table and did much the same with her bottom in her seat. Barty laughed and, much to his
chair's dismay, sat back down, refilling all their glasses.
I told him they could choose someone else in future, DK said, seemingly mesmerised by the
bubbles in her glass. Share the honours around, you know? It's a nicer way of saying I don't
want any more of the damn things, than saying I don't want any more of the damn things.
It was a good thing Angus had no idea they were being watched. He'd have clammed up
entirely. As it was, he'd gone quiet again. But only a few minutes after hiding his hands from
DK, he was at it again, his thumb becoming raw, not that he could feel it. It was just some sort
of burning that didn't quite click in. But he was busy paying attention when the award DK
mentioned was to be presented.
He'd also drained his glass, which he shouldn't have done so quickly. It sat ignored for a while,
and then...he downed it. Why, he couldn't say. Maybe that was why he clapped just a little too
hard and a little too enthusiastically when DK's name was spoken and she made her way to the
stage with Reigate.
To be the one walking with her.
Despite her tipsy state, she did well. She was graceful and composed, her head high. Who
wouldn't like that? Who wouldn't be drawn? On her return, with her less than perfect drop into
her seat, he reached over to touch her hand. "Congratulations." Taking up his glass, he raised
it slightly toward Reigate rather than shout over the applause. As he took a drink, he chuckled
at DK's words.
He admitted to himself that he loved her way of speaking. So proper and fine when you first
met her, but on knowing her a little bit more, and with her loosening up, she had a mouth.

Compared to his almost prim way of speaking, she was wonderful, colourful, and strong.
And beautiful.
The emcee made a few more announcements, like where the event would take place next year
and such, then dismissed everyone to go into the ball room next door where a classical
orchestra awaited for the long anticipated dancing.
More like the mingling and drinking and gossiping, Reigate grinned at Angus with a slight
DK was ready to get to work. She stood up, drained her glass, then grabbed up her handbag
and shoes and headed for the door along with everyone else. Reigate stood and glared at her
for a moment, before she rolled her eyes and returned.
Sorry about that Mr. St. John, she said, totally forgetting to correct his name this time. She
dropped her shoes to the floor and slipped them on, before offering her arm to Angus. Shall
we go and join the others, my dear? she said, slightly slurred, and in a fake posh voice.
Angus looked from DK to her uncle. Did he hear the slur in those words, too?! Oh God. And
there she was back in her shoes, and-- At least he had decided she wasn't a dancing girl. No,
DK would not be one to dance. In a way, he was disappointed. A dance with her would
be...wonderful. But no, that certainly wouldn't happen, either way. She would be expecting him
to dance with someone else. Who? Oh yeah, the class they were looking for. He'd had just
enough time to down most of that last glass before now, and he was glad of it.
It made him forget he should be at least a little offended by being forgotten. But then, this
wasn't a date, so it wasn't a big deal. It was a little comical--and slightly adorable--the way she
rolled her eyes and came back. That's when she slurred her words. She missed his name again,
and this time said nothing.
Well! There was only one thing he could do. Make the best of the whole thing. He took her
hand and wrapped her arm about his in the proper manner, then affected the same fake posh
tone. "Yes, dear, I think we shall." Reigate was given an odd look, but not a bad one. Turning
ahead, he leaned over to whisper to her. "It's St Paul."
She looked up into his face, her nose nearly touching his. Is it? she said rather loudly in a
shrill voice. Ohhhh yeah it is. Like the Cathedral yeah? DK grinned, proud of herself for
remembering that and led him through to the ball room, clutching onto his arm tightly.
The music had started and it was pleasant enough, reminiscent of the old slow swing of 1940s
Earth. Many couples and triples and even some singles were now dancing, the edges of the
huge, high-ceilinged room lined with people chatting, meeting, and most certainly gossiping.
Shall we dance, Angus? she held her hands out in the usual dancing positions. People will
become curious and then I'll start introducing you around.
Barty followed them at a distance, parking his huge frame by the bar so he could observe.
Functions like this were good places to check on the status of all the couples of the higher
society, using his gift to see who was doing well and who was on the way out. Any of those
could be potential partners, or even new clients. Many of them had been Reigate matches in
the first place.
Well, this was awkward!
He was once again wide-eyed when she looked at him, so very close, and it was his turn to roll
his eyes with the words he heard. Oh, DK... Really? But, he couldn't deny that he liked the way
she clung to his arm. That he could live with. Okay, so he could live with the whole thing, but
he wasn't about to announce it now.
The ballroom was nice. Elegant. At least not gaudy like others, and the ones he'd seen from so
many years ago on Earth, where they were always covered in plaster and fabric and awful
colors with the lighting either too bright or too dim. No, this was much better. But, oh...the
people!! He stared about them, and when she asked him to dance, he stared for a moment,
then flashed her a brilliant smile. "Yes, all right."
This he could do, though he wasn't sure about dancing with her so close. Oh, it was only a
dance! No one would pay attention. They were too busy talking to and about those more
important people. And though DK was important, he was not, and wouldn't be worth even a
look. Safe enough. But on the floor, he found it very strange to have his hand at her back,
found himself fighting for somewhere to look because he wasn't sure he could just look at her
face. So refined, elegant, and just far too pretty up close.

No one would be paying attention. Not even her uncle who was probably...ah, yes, at the bar.
Of course.
Then a cacophony of flashes bathed them in light. DK ignored them, totally used to such a
thing, and besides, she was not really in the mood for caring about much of anything. Aww,
guys, do us a favour please, she leaned over, nearly falling if not for Angus' arm around her,
and spoke to the press people. and SOD OFF! Then she giggled and began dancing whether
Angus was ready or not.
Over at the bar, Barty twirled his moustache thoughtfully, small bourbon in the other. The hotel
owner sidled up beside him to see how things were going then caught sight of DK and her
Oh dear, it seems Ms. Reigate is demonstrating why she never usually comes to these dos,
he shook his head.
Oh she's just had a little too much to drink, Barty remarked casually. Her very naughty uncle
has been plying her with champagne all night. That can be very potent for someone who
doesn't normally drink. He grinned almost wickedly.
...They were paying attention.
Once he caught sight of the flashes, he tried to keep his face turned away...except there was
no direction in which he could safely look where he wouldn't be seen! "DK!" He all but hissed
her name as she leaned, his hold on her a bit tighter to ensure she'd stay on her feet. He had
one small stumbling step before he was able to keep with her, thanks to her sudden start. Her
giggle was adorable, but he knew she was drunk. What was he going to do? And what would
her uncle do? Well, at least the man wouldn't have to worry about DK being with someone who
might take advantage of her condition.
But while he wondered about her behaviour, and worried over her safe return home, he ended
up giving her the faintest smile. He couldn't help it, he just couldn't.
DK probably seemed way more drunk than she actually was, but for sure, the bubbles had
gone straight to her head, as her uncle would say. When the the dance ended, she hugged
Angus then started dragging him to the centre of the dance floor, looking as if she was about
to make an announcement, which, in fact, she was.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to put a hush to all the speculation right now. This, she
gestured towards Angus as if he were a supermodel about to show off the latest fashions, is
my newest and greatest challenge, Mr. Angus St. John... um, St. Paul. He's a wonderful and
interestesting person and you should all get to know him. And if you know any classy,
intelligent single ladies, please tell them about him too. Thank you.
How'd I do? she whispered loudly in his ear, holding onto his arm for support. Oh, my head
feels woozy. Barty set down his glass and made his way over to his niece who looked like she
was fading fast.
Come now my dear, we should be going home now, he tried to grab for her arm, but she was
swinging back and forth on Angus' trying not to be caught and giggling.
No, Uncle, it's too early! We haven't found Angus a girlfriend yet! she pouted.
Well maybe he's already found one? We should get going, you have to work tomorrow you
No I don't! It's only Saturday! she protested, still avoiding his grasp. Wait, what? and she
promptly fell passed out into her uncle's and Angus' arms.
The dance went well, although that was probably partially due to the fact it was slow, and
therefore safe for DK. The ending was a little disappointing. If only it could last a little longer.
What he didn't want to last was what she did next. He found himself in the centre of
everything, staring at those who chose to pay attention. Speechless, unable to breathe, he
stood next to her, trying to convince the floor to swallow him up. It didn't happen. Oh, DK,
why?? One woman somewhere of to the side smiled at him appreciatively, and he instantly
looked away. She was a fake blonde with too much make-up, overweight, and dressed far less
respectfully than the other ladies. He felt the need for a shower and wished he hadn't looked!
Before he could answer her question, he noticed she was leaning on his arm more heavily than
before the dance. He knew the expression Reigate would see on his face was one of 'Help!',
ended up stumbling with her attempts to avoid her uncle. "DK...!" He even tried to turn and
make her stop, but she was playing a good game.
And lost.

Angus looked at Reigate and blinked. Oh, he hadn't caught on to the man's words about a
girlfriend. He simply thought he'd been trying to get DK to settle down and cooperate. Now,
they had to work together. He sighed. "I'll take this end if you take her feet." It was clearly time
to go home.
Reigate sighed and shook his head. I'm so sorry to have ruined your evening, young man, he
apologised to Angus. This is entirely my fault. I should never have kept pouring the
champagne in her glass; I knew she couldn't handle it. One or two glasses maybe.. he
shrugged and put an arm about his niece's practically his daughter's waist and hoisted her
over his shoulder, fireman style. Barty was a very big man, tall as well as large and carrying DK
was easy enough. He held his hand out for her shoes and handbag.
Look, son, I can take her home in my limo. You stay, enjoy the rest of the night and hobnob
with the posh people, then take her limo back to your own home. I would say you've been well
and truly introduced to society now, he chuckled softly.
But Angus was shaking his head, too.
"No... No, nothing was ruined. Nothing--" He wanted to say more but just stood there while
Reigate threw her over his shoulder. Right. Okay, didn't expect that. Slowly, he collected her
things and looked down at them when Reigate held his hand out. As if turning them over would
mean the end of this entire thing. Oh, Angus, what were you thinking? She'll wake up
tomorrow, realise what happened, and then call you to tell you she's sorry and that someone
else will handle your case now.
Reigate chuckled and Angus shook his head. "I only came because she asked me to. I
thought..." His words trailed off and he raised his eyes. "I don't belong here. I just did this for
her, whatever her reasons were."
Barty Reigate let him keep DK's things and motioned with his head for him to follow as he
carried the oblivious CEO of his company out to where their drivers were waiting. I know why
you did it, son. And I meant what I said about you having already made up your mind and
chosen who you want. He grinned knowingly as he motioned for DK's driver to fetch the car,
his own rushing off as well. Then he sighed and gave his niece a swat on the rear-end.
But it will take a lot to get through this one's thick skull to that heart she keeps locked away
inside. See, she's been at this matchmaking thing far too long. She's seen everything there is
to do with matching, and usually only the bad things it does to people, because the
unsuccessful ones are the ones that come to us, or come back even. She never sees the happy
couples that live together blissfully all their lives. Here, of course he thought of his own dear
Jasper. Except for me and my partner, who raised her, and that was hardly a conventional
match. But it was a long and loving one the only one she's ever known. Gods know her
mother was no role model, he added beneath his breath. So, Angus, he used his first name
finally, tell me just why you /are/ here? And no lies or half-truths please.
Angus followed along, left speechless again when Reigate had him figured out. "I just thought
you meant--" He felt almost like a child, having been found out. At the same time, it was
almost a relief. He was beginning to no longer see Reigate as this huge man who could swallow
him whole, but a man of real heart, the man DK saw. And he liked him immensely.
"She told me about you two, how devoted you were to one another. Like my own parents." But
there was that comment about her mother, and he caught it. "She told me that, too." But then
he found himself faced with a question he didn't want to answer. Despite holding DK's
belongings, he began his nail-tracing again.
"I...was called in earlier this week. DK said she had some videos for me to look over. We did
that, but we also talked, and that's when she told me some of the details of her growing up.
She mentioned this just at the end, said it would be an ideal way for me to meet other possible
matches. I...just did this for her." His voice dropped, as did his eyes. "It was all a plan based on
a beautiful woman to begin with. But now I see so much more. She doesn't. It's so foolish,
but..." There was a sigh. "Sir, I'll back off. I--I know what my story sounds like, and I'll back off. I
wouldn't cause her trouble. That was never my intention."
Barty listened intently as they waited. You will do no such thing! he exclaimed so sharply
even DK stirred slightly then began to snore. I've watched how you two interact all night long,
even before the champagne kicked in, and my spidey senses can tell you two are meant for
each other. Especially since I saw you both have the same 'peculiar habits'. Please, Mr. St. Paul,

please don't give up on her, his voice pleaded but not as an uncle wanting to marry his niece
off but as a caring parent who wanted to see her happy and taken care of. Gods know it will
take forever to get through her head, but if anyone can do it, she can. And if you are as fond of
her already as I think you are, then please, don't give up. She has a heart of gold, even if she is
a bit unconventional, and I think if she lets herself get close to someone, she would never, ever
let go. The limos drove up and the drivers got out to greet them as they approached, Alfonse
shaking his head and smiling as he helped get DK into the craft.
Come, we'll all take her home, he instructed, stepping back to usher Angus in, taking DK's
things from him. I'll tell mine to follow us and when she's settled I'll drop you home.
Angus didn't expect the reaction he got. He fully expected Reigate to agree it would be better
to stay away. After all, his story sounded stalker-ish. But he was being told not to give up! He
was so shocked he didn't even noticed DK's stirring. The sound of Reigate's voice told him how
much he wanted to see his niece settled and happy. The love was there. He was setting Angus
to a task he wasn't sure he could accomplish. One he'd walked into not knowing what he was
getting into. But how could he say no, when he wanted it as much as Barty Reigate?
When the limos arrived, he agreed to the plan on getting DK home, pausing in the door to look
at Reigate and shake his head, voice low. "I won't give up. I swear."
Climbing in, he took the seat he had on the way in and cast a look to poor DK. she was going to
feel like hell tomorrow.
Once Angus was inside, Barty climbed in, his large frame settling in beside his niece. Tenderly,
he lifted her head and let it settle on his lap, long, thick fingers brushing her hair from her
peaceful looking face. Good.
Alfonse closed the door and soon they were underway back to DK's place on Altair, the small
moon that orbited the planetoid that Reigate Inc. actually owned.
Now, Barty broke the thought-filled silence, how we go about this, I haven't the foggiest
idea. She knows every trick in the book, and I wrote it. I would say continue with your plan of
letting her find someone, only NEVER let her find you someone. Be difficult. Don't like anyone.
Even make up preferences if it looks like she's getting close. Throw every monkey wrench into
the works that you can. Maybe at some point she'll finally realise what we already know. And if
you need anything, just call me. He grinned and looked down upon DK lovingly. She was all
the family he had that he knew of, and it was clear he loved her dearly.
Angus wanted to feel jealous of the way Reigate sat with DK. But the love there...she needed
that! Deep down, he couldn't stand the thought of her mother, couldn't begin to imagine
turning away from a child, a parent who had given birth...just walking away. How do you do
that? He'd always heard his mother speak of her only successful pregnancy with such love, her
eyes filled with her memories. She'd been so happy, wanted the child so much it hurt. And
when he was born, she'd hardly spent a single moment away from him. How could a mother
carry a child and bring it into life and then just leave?!
But thank everything for this man. He'd been there all this time and loved DK in the way she
needed. Angus could do that, too...in another way. He was sure of it...if she would only let him,
and this was a Herculean task he had before him. He listened to the suggested course of
action, nodding slowly, fingers tracing his nails anxiously, silently wondering how in hell
anyone would think he could do this, even himself. But he'd gone into this with a determined
goal. He would see it through.
"Sir, may I ask..." He watched them another moment, then looked to the big man's face. "Why
do you trust me?"
Barty thought about this for a moment. Good question, son, good question. You see, it's not so
much that I trust you, but that I trust her, he motioned to DK sleeping soundly, her head on
his lap. In spite of herself, she likes you, believe it or not. It will just take time to get her to
realise it. Do you know why her mother left her in my care? Because her mother wasn't all that
bright. But D here, is phenomenally smart. Even when she was a mere toddler she was already
beginning to read. Eventually her mother didn't feel able nor even worthy to raise a child as
gifted as she, and left her in my more than capable hands. Mine and Jasper's. Jasper was a sort
of professor like you were, and could keep up with her thirst for knowledge. As for me, I'm just
an overgrown hippie. My talents lie in judging a person's character, and in reading people and
how they interact with others. I'm just not a businessman, he chuckled.

Thus when D said she could turn my business around after she graduated from her Academy
with the highest degree possible at the age of seventeen, I said why not? She couldn't have
made it much worse than it was, as the little business I had formed, stupidly thinking all I
needed was my gift, was on the verge of bankruptcy. She changed all that and made it into
what it is today. I doubt I can ever repay her for that, but I can see how she has taken to you,
and believe me she has, so I owe it to her to try and get you two together. Somehow.
Her mother had a reason for leaving? While he could almost understand, he didn't. Her mother
was her mother. Period. She should have been around for DK, proud of her daughter's abilities.
Angus stared at DK as she slept. Her face softened, making her girlish rather than mature and
sure of herself. He wished he was the one she slept against, that he could toy with her hair.
Maybe one day she would see something and he might be able to dance with her again, spend
a night sitting and talking til the sun rose. So many others thought of getting into bed, and
while Angus did find her incredibly sexy, he thought of sweeter things first.
"I will try. In every way I can, I will try to win her. I can only hope, though. I'm not good at
Reigate's words were encouraging. 'In spite of herself, she likes you...'
It was a start.
After a quiet flight through the short bit of space between planetoids, they landed on the moon
Altair and pulled up in front of DK's apartment building. She lived in a flat, yes, but it took up
the entire top floor. The penthouse suite as it used to be called. Alfonse opened their door and
helped first Angus, then Barty, holding DK who was beginning to come 'round a little, out of the
limo. The door monitor, seeing DK and her entourage approach, opened the doors to the
building for them so they could take her up to her flat.
Ohhhh I don't feel so well, DK groaned, holding her stomach and stumbling on her feet. Barty
lifted her a lot more gently into his arms, in the usual way this time, and carried her into the
Angus? Angus! Uncle, where's Angus? You didn't leave him there did you? Ohhhhh... she
seemed genuinely worried. Oh why did I take him along? I'm so embarrassed. Those aren't his
people. They're not even my people. Uncle, why did I do that? He deserves far better than
those harpies... She then swallowed hard, looking like she was about to be sick. Closing her
eyes, she just relaxed in her uncle's safe arms and passed back out.
Oh dear, Barty couldn't help but chuckle softly with a sympathetic wink towards Angus.
See? What was her first thought!
He wasn't sure about following them in. After all, Reigate was indeed her uncle. Angus was
just... Well, he was just... He sighed as he stepped out and then watched Reigate head for the
doors holding DK. He just followed along...
And was stunned by what he heard.
All the embarrassment he'd felt standing on that dance floor, and the slight bit of anger that
had been buried so far under it, was gone. DK's words wiped it away. The poor woman looked
awful, sounded awful, and was obviously upset by it all. He wanted so badly to brush at her
hair and assure her all was well, even if she was unconscious again, but he didn't dare. He had
no right. He could only blink at Reigate and try to smile. He'd been thought of, and that meant
more than anything. If nothing else happened, he had that.
"You'll likely talk to her again before I will. Will you please let her know I'm not upset? If... If she
remembers, that is."
And here he did smile, as the lift halted and the doors flashed open.
Barty said nothing but led the way into DK's flat, his shrewd and conniving mind whirling away
in thought. Hmmm should I lay her in her bed and risk her barfing all over it? Or perhaps here
on her sofa, on a blanket with a bucket nearby? Can you spread out that blanket draped on the
chair and then see if you can find said bucket or bowl or anything please? He made up his
mind, deciding the couch was the safer option. It was white, as was everything else in the flat
ceiling, walls, floors, furniture, even the vertical blinds and decorations. Everything was clean
and white with only the barest touch of colour here and there. Her bedroom was the opposite,
with dark purple walls and carpet, and only a touch of white for accent. The sofa upon which
he settled his niece, on her stomach, head pointed outward, was a large U shaped thing, with a
large ottoman in the centre. It easily doubled as a bed in a pinch, which he figured was
probably often. It was flanked by two large chairs of the same design, facing a fireplace which

was the only black in the room, serving to anchor it. Barty sat DK, still out, down on one of the
chairs and waited for Angus to spread the blanket. Carefully, he removed the corsage from her
wrist so she wouldn't squish it as she slept and set it on the coffee table. This was glass and
completely clear and he had almost killed himself upon it many times for not seeing it!
"Right." He moved quickly so DK could be laid down. Dear thing. Grabbing for the blanket, he
unfolded it, fumbled just a little, and spread it out on the sofa, carefully smoothing out the
wrinkles and trying to get it as straight as possible...as if that mattered. But that was Angus for
you. Once he was satisfied--for as quickly as he tried to move--he went in search of the
requested bucket. Where to? Kitchen? Maybe stowed away for cleaning or something of the
sort? She probably had someone in to clean. But he went looking anyway. Tucked away in the
very back of one cabinet under the counter. It wasn't large, but it would serve.
As unattractive as it was, he wished he could be there with her, in case she was sick. No one
wanted to be alone then. Again, he had no right. Reigate would see to her very well.
Were it not for the corsage, Angus would have sent himself face-first into the floor over the
coffee table, he was so deep in thought. Not at all like him. But the bucket was handed over,
and the corsage picked up. This he took back into the kitchen to place carefully in the fridge to
keep cool and hopefully survive longer. If...she really liked it well enough.
That done, he stayed out of the way, hand shoved into his pockets to keep from rubbing his
thumb even more raw than it was already.
With a nod of thanks, the large man oh so gently laid DK down on the blanket, grabbing the
other one off the other chair of course there were two, things had to be symmetrical in her
life and unfolded it as Angus had done with the first. This he laid carefully over DK,
smoothing back the hair that had fallen into her face.
She gets cold all the time, though I'm sure it's all in her mind sometimes. He spoke quietly as
he stood and looked around, seemingly in thought. His eyes alighted on her handbag, shoes
and wrap that had been deposited on the dining table )which was also white with a glass top.
Everything matched outside of her bedroom), before they settled on Angus.
You know, I really hate to leave her here alone, he was now looking down upon DK as she
began to snore softly and drool just a little from the corner of her half open mouth. But I have
an early meeting in the morning that I cannot miss. An obvious lie, of course, but he made it
sound convincing. What to do? His dark eyes alone moved as he glanced in the young man's
direction to gauge as to how he would answer that if at all.
Reigate only spoke what Angus wondered about. Leaving DK alone. But what was the solution?
Angus didn't think of himself as someone who could stay with her. Well, he could. He was
trustworthy. But Reigate didn't know that! He probably guessed so, but then, creepier people
had appeared from those who were just as slim, nerdy, and quiet as Angus.
But none of this went through his head. As DK was gently arranged, he stood there and
watched. He kept telling himself how awful she'd feel tomorrow, hungover and aching. Her
stomach would eventually settle, as would her head, but the beginning would be awful enough.
He felt bad, though he had to admit some of it had been entertaining. He was glad he'd
stopped when he did. He still felt the buzz from it, had been fighting it the whole time. He'd
wanted to break into giggling as much as she did more than once, and had swallowed it down
because of her need to stay on her feet. Ever responsible Angus.
Looking down at DK much as Reigate did, he sighed, and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. What
would be done? "Does she have someone you could call? A friend?" Even her assistant! Now
that was a funny thought. Calliope trying to care for a sick and hungover DK, with that voice of
hers? No, she needed someone quieter, someone who spoke more softly.
While Reigate looked his way, Angus was looking at the woman on the sofa.
She was going to wake up hating everything.
Barty sighed and sat down on the edge of the chair, glancing up at Angus. That's the thing,
see, she doesn't have many friends, and even fewer people she trusts or that I would entrust
with DK. There is Calli, but it's Saturday night. She's probably out with that boyfriend of hers
and his band, doing a gig. She sometimes sings with him, you know and she's a pretty mean
triangulist, he chuckled at the thought. Actually... he spoke softly and slowly as if only just
thinking of it, If you're not too busy tomorrow, I was wondering if perhaps you wouldn't mind
staying with her. Just for tonight. She seems to trust you a lot. I've never seen her take to
anyone like she did to you tonight. I mean, I know she said you were there to meet others, but

she hogged you up, or hadn't you noticed? he gave a soft smile beneath that bushy
moustache of his.
Well, there went that idea out the window. He sighed heavily. Now what?
He was beginning to catch on, just barely. He was beginning to drift toward the idea of offering
himself, but it hadn't happened yet. Looking down at Reigate, he was just beginning to debate
opening his mouth...and was beaten to it. The look he gave to the man was one of stunned
realisation. The shock of being asked...only because he'd be trusted!
And then the look deepened. DK HAD paid a great deal of attention to him, and had kept his
attention as well, rather than trying to introduce him. But...hadn't that been partially because
of the alcohol?
Maybe not.
"I can stay, of course." He agreed, just one person doing something good for another. "I've no
plans for tomorrow, so it's no problem." Sure! He could look after her. Then no one would worry
about her being alone, especially if she was sick. He wouldn't admit he felt strange about it,
and now a little relieved and...important. No, honoured. No, nervous. Yes. Nervous. Because...
Well, the responsibility! Yes, because he was to look after her and see she was all right until
she was on her feet tomorrow. He had all the time in the world until Monday. He could do it!
"No problem at all."
Barty Reigate smiled and sighed in relief. Thank you, Mr. St. Paul. You'll never know what a
load that is off my mind. You shouldn't have to do much, just keep an eye on her so she doesn't
roll over on her back and choke on anything. I think you know what I mean. Many famous
people have died that way and I think it's just stupid that no one cared enough to make sure
they were safe. He stood and moved to brush a big finger across DK's cheek. D will probably
be a little hostile in the morning, but somehow I don't think she'll mind seeing you here instead
of me. He turned to go. Tell me something though, why does she call you St. John? It /is/ St.
Paul, right? He took this opportunity to look directly at Angus, using his gift to make sure the
man would be all right alone with his niece for the night.
"Yes, I understand."
The idea Reigate was trying to get across wasn't pleasant, but it was exactly what Angus had
been thinking of. The idea wasn't even to be there for DK if she was sick, but rather to make
sure she was SAFE if she was sick. And it was about as important to Angus as it was Barty
"I'll handle it, and she'll be fine. I promise." He nodded, the slightest smile on his lips. "Hmm..."
His eyes lowered, the smile growing, his cheeks pink. "She can never seem to get my name
right. And, it's something of a game now. She gets it wrong, and I correct her." His blue eyes
rose though his head didn't. "I don't mind it. Not at all."
The big man smiled knowingly and nodded. He was growing quite fond of this polite young
man, even to the point of thinking to himself how he wished he was younger. If DK didn't want
him, he wouldn't let him go to waste! But no, Barty! You shouldn't think such things, he
chastised himself mentally.
She is something else, isn't she? He held out his hand to shake Angus' and grinned. Well, I
will leave her in your more than capable hands. Feel free to relax, watch the telly or listen to
music.. there are remotes for everything somewhere around here. She hasn't got the voice
activation sorted out yet. She's been having problems with it. Oh, and there's this silly robotic
cat somewhere with a mind of its own. Just say 'off' to it and it will shut down for awhile. Dunno
why she doesn't just get a real one, it would be less hassle. Right, goodnight, try to get a little
rest yourself. And hope to see you again real soon.
With that he nodded his head then left, leaving Angus alone with the sleeping, snoring, yet still
beautiful Ms. DK Reigate.
Oh, if Angus had only known those thoughts, he'd have died from blushing. In a way, it would
have been flattering, but he'd have been embarrassed that someone would think of him like
that...though he wished DK would.
He chuckled and took Reigate's hand. "I'm sure I'll figure it out. Goodnight." He saw Reigate to
the door, wondering if he would see the man again. Good man. He liked him, and not just
because he was supportive of Angus' liking for DK.
Speaking of DK... He shrugged out of his jacket, removing his tie and the cuff links, tucking

everything into the inner pocket. His shoes were left just under the chair, and he wandered in
his socks in search of the bathroom. Only a few minutes later, he was coming back, crouching
in front of the sofa to check DK. Snoring, drooling, he didn't care, she was beautiful, adorable,
and he sighed heavily, despite the slightest smile on his lips. He still wouldn't let himself touch
her hair, but he did lay a hand over hers for a moment.
Satisfied all was well for now, he settled in one of the chairs, turned with his legs over the
side--so impolite, but he was tired--and huddled in to try and sleep some.
DK seemed to be sleeping like the dead. She didn't move at all, and, if it weren't for the
snoring, one would have wondered if she were even alive. She lay on her stomach on the pure
white sofa, one of the four small dark plum accent pillows beneath her head and the matching
colour blanket draped over her. One bare foot stuck out from the cover, and her left arm hung
from the edge of the couch to the floor. Aside from her snores, the flat fell into silence. It
should have been simple for Angus to fall asleep, but soon another sound took over. It was
very soft at first, but increased slightly as a soft whimpering emerged from DK's lips, her brow
furrowed as she must have been dreaming about something upsetting... at least to her.
As she slept, her mind conjured up her office, safe, familiar and where she spent most of her
time. Everything seemed normal with Calliope on reception, doing mostly nothing, and delivery
boys coming in and out. Then Angus, dressed in his tuxedo, came waltzing into DK's office. He
took her by her hands and pulled her to her feet... then kissed her long, and hard and deeply.
The thing is, he wouldn't let go, and she didn't really protest. But the more he continued, the
more constricted she felt until he had quite literally taken her breath away. She gasped to
breathe but still could not, but also found that though she could easily pull away, she never
even tried to. She just whimpered softly as she turned blue, not wanting to frighten him away.
This gasping soon mixed with the whimpering out in the real flat, as DK for some reason, was
having trouble breathing.. and yet was still completely passed out.
More than once, Angus opened an eye to glance at DK. At the time, she was fine, and so he
wrapped his arms about himself and drifted off. Gradually, he worked into deeper sleep, head
forward, his breathing slow and even...until his mind opened up to visual.
He was here, in her flat, sitting in the centre of her sofa. He wore his usual suit and tie, and
seemed to be waiting for something. That weird little robotic cat of hers wandered by, sitting
on the floor by his feet for a few minutes. As it walked away, he heard a clicking on the floor,
echoing and distant, as if his hearing was blurred like a drunk's vision. When he looked up
toward the hallway, he found DK there, in a shimmering negligee of pink so pale it seemed
white, with a sheer wrap over it, left open, and heels to match. She was gleaming! Her hair
hung about her shoulders, dark and shining, and her shapely form was clearly visible under the
sleek fabric. She was sexy and gorgeous. She was...dangerous. He could feel it!
She came to stand before him, and he looked up, watching her reach out for his glasses,
carelessly throwing them aside on the floor. And he didn't care! He just looked up at her, and
knew, just knew, an attack was coming.
The dreamy apparition of a sexy DK then grabbed him by his tie and perched herself upon his
lap, straddling it with her long, shapely legs either side. Her breath was hot upon his cheek and
smelling of peppermint as she leaned in close and whispered, Loosen up, Angus. You know
you aren't really interested in me finding you a match... we all know you are only interested in
me! So here I am... take me! She then undid his tie and threw it to the side before grabbing
hold of his pristine white shirt and pulling it apart so hard it ripped all the buttons. She leaned
in and kissed his chest, before licking her way up to his lips.
What are you waiting for, gorgeous? I'm all yours!
Her breath wasn't all that was hot, and he could feel everything! He didn't know where his
jacket went to, but it was gone when she yanked his shirt open. Looking up into those amazing
green eyes, he whispered back. "I knew you felt it, too." He groaned as her tongue made its
way up his chest and neck. With her lips just a breath from his, he grinned wickedly.
"Oh, yes. You're mine."
His hands slid up her neck to cup her jaw as he closed the space between them and kissed her
hard, kissed her deep, his mouth slanted and lips parted. As the kiss was broken and renewed,
his tongue plunged past her lips--those soft and giving lips--and his hands slid down to rid her
of the wrap and trace down her form as he pulled her hips hard against his own.

This tigress DK wriggled in his lap, the heat from her body almost unbearable, as was the scent
as her fingers entangled in his hair, grabbing onto him tightly and pulling his lips against hers
just as hard.
Well well, Angus my dear, let us see just what you are made of!
With this she began to tear at his remaining clothes with grasping fingers before taking his
hands and placing them upon her breasts, not yet bare but easily visible through the sheer
pink fabric of her negligee.
His voice, usually so mellow and quiet, was a dark and low groan within that kiss. God, she was
tempting...and all his. She was a temptation he'd give in to, completely. She knew now what he
truly wanted, and he'd show her with this. It was a start, at least to get her attention, to make
her think, and to let her KNOW. She'd not forget it.
He was breathless as she pulled at his clothing, his hands gently crushing her breasts when
they were finally there, quicker than he planned. So...that was the layout of this terrain. Swift
and demanding. He buried his face between those soft mounds to breathe her in, licked his
tongue from the lace of her nightie on up to the hollow of her throat. The pads of his thumbs
toyed with her nipples long enough to make them stiff, then his hands were at her hips, pulling
up on the material, finding not a single thread beneath.
Oh...you ARE mine.
Without missing a beat, she loosened his belt and unfastened his trousers, pushing them down
his slim hips as far as she could in this position, sitting upon his lap. Frustrated at this, she
shifted her weight until she straddled him and pushed him over onto his back upon her large,
spacious sofa. Now she was able to remove his trousers completely, tossing them and his
buttonless shirt onto the floor, not caring where. With an almost predatory smile, DK straddled
him once more, hands upon his thin, smooth chest, letting them run downwards towards where
that thin trail of dark hair led from his belly button and beyond.
Rowrrr! she growled playfully, as she leaned down and licked said belly button then all the
way up back to his lips which she bit and tugged, sucked on then crushed his lips with hers,
her tongue assaulting his with a low growling moan.
Grrrr Angus, you know you want me! I could feel your eyes on me the moment you walked
into my office! Stop this nonsense and /show/ me just what you mean to do with me!
This! This was the DK he knew had been hiding beneath the surface. Under that proper and
serious mask, she was a woman of demanding and darkness. A soft kind of darkness, he knew,
but right now, with all the tension between them, this was needed. Get it out of their systems
and they could talk over the fact they were meant for each other. Then they could get down to
discussing what he'd known from the start.
Free of his clothing, he felt less confined, wanting her as he did. He was hard enough to hurt,
hard enough to throb visibly. And oh, the naughty thing stopped short of giving him a show,
going only as far as his belly button, even though her hands went farther. Her crushing kiss
was met eagerly, his mouth slanted under hers, but as they went, his tongue tangled with
hers, his teeth catching her luscious bottom lip a time or two, he sat up.
"You want to see what I'll do? Shall I own you, DK?" As he spoke, he pushed her back, taking
control. He paused long enough to pull at her negligee and tear it in half. And oh, she was
every inch as beautiful as he'd known she'd be. She was laid on her back, while he bent over
her to close his mouth over a nipple and draw on it. Impatient, he straightened, one foot
planted firmly on the floor while the other knee was on the sofa between her legs. When his
fingers found the warmth between those long and shapely legs, he moaned. So soft. So very
His blue eyes darkened, his gaze locked on her face, he grasped his length, found the mark,
and plunged home in one stroke.
Now, the real DK or anyone for that matter, would probably have screamed out in pain at this,
especially as she was, and he knew she was, a virgin. But the dream DK gave no such scream
but a long low cry ending in a moan as she clutched at his shoulders and pulled him in deeper,
her darkened green eyes staring into his blue ones.
There's the Angus I knew was hidden behind that quiet demeanour and nerdy glasses. Take
me Angus, take me and make me scream! Fingers dug into his flesh as she raised up slightly
and sank her lips onto his neck, nipping and sucking until a dark mark appeared, branding him
as belonging to her.

Of course, Angus would never be so callow and harsh. He wasn't like that. He was too
thoughtful. But here, in this dream world, he could be demanding and do as he pleased. And it
pleased him to do whatever he wanted with DK. He could make her do anything...but here and
now, he just wanted to feel her, to listen to her cry out to him. Just as she did.
He gave a small sound as she sank her teeth in, reveling in the sweet pain as his hips began
their rhythm. Swift, hard, he would do exactly as she wanted. She marked him and he breathed
her in, his body held carefully over hers, his voice a dark growl in her ear.
"Is this what you wanted? Every inch of me deep in you? Tell me, DK. Did you dream of this?"
He put everything into each thrust right from the start, his fingers against her lips, eyes on
hers. "You're mine. No matter where or when, you're mine. Never forget it."
We belong to each other, Angus. And you are mine! She wrapped her legs around his waist
and continued to bite his neck, marking him as hers as her nails dug into the flesh on his back.
Oh, Angus! Harder! Harder! Faster! Oh yes!! So near! So neaaar! she cried out then began to
just gasp as her climax approached rapidly. Angus! Oh! Aaarrghhhh!! She threw her head
back and gasped repeatedly as if unable to breathe. And then she cried out, breathless and
clinging to him desperately.
He swore she'd end him far too quickly. But a second thought reminded him he could simply
take her again and again. It didn't matter. She was his! The mark she deepened said so. The
nail scores on his back said so. The cries and the slim legs wrapped so high around him said
so. She took him deep...and took him home.
"DK...AwGod..." His hand slid down her body, crushed her breasts for a moment before finding
some place on the sofa to brace him as he gave in to her demands and gave everything he
had. Everything. His lip curled in his desperate effort, his voice a broken string of groans and
sighs, eyes slowly closing as the feeling overwhelmed him. she cried out to him and he felt his
release sweep through him like an electric jolt, her gasps in his ear...
Angus gave a low cry as he came awake. Eyes wide, he looked around him. Where was he?
DK's flat. Yes. DK's-- DK!!! The sounds he'd heard were real! She was gasping...and it sounded
bad! Scrambling from the chair, his brain still hazy with the dream, he fell to his knees before
the sofa.
"DK... C'mon, wake up." He slowly worked to sit her up, blinking and frightened. "DK, can you
hear me? You've got to wake up! Breathe! You're all right. You're safe. DK, please..."
Still half asleep and dazed, DK began to blink even as she gasped and began coughing once
Angus had sat her up and her airway began to clear. Apparently something had gone down the
wrong way and she had taken a little liquid into her lungs as she slept. She awoke as the
coughing fit wracked her body and made her bleary eyes water.
Wh.. what happened? Angus? she swallowed repeatedly, the irritation in her lungs and throat
keeping the coughing from stopping. W.. water! she croaked, clutching the blanket around
her as she nearly gagged with the coughs. She whimpered once more, this time because she
felt so miserable already and now this damn coughing.
He breathed in relief, having held his breath without realising it. Her first cough told him she
was getting air in, but she was clearly having trouble. Poor thing. Maybe she would learn
something from this. Not that he cared right now. Her current condition was more important.
"It's all right. I think you swallowed wrong. I'm sorry I didn't--" He didn't finish. Water was
needed and water he'd get. "Don't move." He was on his feet in a second, running for the
kitchen. Searching for a cup, he finally found one (it only took three tries to find them) and
thrust it into the sink where the water turned on automatically, and came out ice cold,
registering a cup in his hand.
Coming back to her, he held it out, sitting down beside her. She sounded awful, looked
miserable as she felt, rumpled and pale. Without thinking, he had a hand on her back, rubbing
She grabbed at the cup gratefully and gulped it down to moisten her irritated throat. Gradually
the coughing subsided, but her throat was now sore. Thank you, she croaked, still clutching
the cup in both of her hands, huddling beneath the blanket on the edge of the sofa. As Barty
had said, DK was often cold and still wearing the evening dress, she couldn't have been very

Soon she had recovered, though her voice was still a little hoarse, which only made it deeper
and huskier and far too sexy for how she looked at the moment.
Angus, thank you, but why are you here? Did my uncle put you up to this? He worries about
me, she answered her own questions pretty much. He shouldn't worry so much. I'm a big girl
now, but thank you. I must look an absolute fright. She let one hand loosen its grip on the cup
and run through her hair but it was a losing battle as it stuck out all over the place. I'm sorry
about tonight. I will make it up to you, I promise.
He sat beside her, watching her while she drank, half wondering if she'd burst into another
coughing fit from drinking so quickly. "You're more than welcome." At least he'd been here!
Imagine if they'd been insane enough to leave her alone! Even with her coughing quieted, he
kept a hand on her back. He'd forgotten he had it there.
And then she spoke again, and the first thing she said was his name...and that voice! His eyes
went wide. The dream! Oh God... What had happened that he dreamed that?! HOW?! It was
madness! Thank God she was answering her own questions, he wasn't sure what his own voice
would sound like now. He could only nod and then shake his head for a minute. "You're fine.
You look fine. Don't worry about that..."
But then there was the rest. As her hand went to her hair once more, he gently took it and
brought it back down. He dared himself to speak again. "No apologies, DK. It's not needed.
There's nothing to make up, and no need to be sorry." Still holding her hand, he went on. "Your
uncle did ask me to stay, and I'm glad to do it. I've no plans for tomorrow and he'll make that
meeting of his. I actually have to thank you for tonight. Were it not for you asking me to go, I'd
have just been at home in the silence with some book. Instead, I was out with people. With
you, and your uncle, whom I quite like. So, thank you."
She was still quite out of it, her head pounding and fuzzy, her stomach feeling both sick and
hungry at the same time, having not eaten much the day before except for that heavenly
Nonsense. I ruined everything. I should never drink anything and especially on an empty
stomach.. She sighed and put the empty glass on the coffee table then grabbed one of the
larger cushions from the sofa, wrapping her arms around it on her lap, and doubling over to
rest her head upon it. It didn't quite register consciously that Angus' hand was pressed against
her back, but somewhere deep inside she found comfort in not only his touch, but the kindness
behind it. Ohhhh my head... she murmured, her voice still slightly low and husky from the
coughing. The odd dream she had dreamed, was gone from her memory now, dispersed as a
bubble when it pops, never to be remembered or seen again. Undoubtedly if she had known
what Angus had dreamed, she would have gone ballistic. Or would she? She would surely have
blushed very deeply at the very least. But who's to know whether or not it might even give her
As it was, basically, DK felt terrible and Angus' presence was more than welcome. She didn't
realise it yet, but she'd never felt so comfortable around another person since hiring Calliope;
and never really a male, except for her uncle and Jasper. Even though her job was based
completely on socialising with other people, she was never very good at it herself. DK was a
loner, or so she thought. But there was an emptiness inside, one that she always attributed to
the loss of Jasper who was like a mother, brother, best friend and confidant all in one. Yes,
Barty was her uncle and she was close to him, but never quite as close as she was to Jasper.
Now he was gone, there was no one to speak to about this night. No one she really trusted,
who would listen to her and not speak, except when she was finished to give her wise advice or
just a hug. Jasper always knew what she needed. She missed him as much or more as her
uncle did.
DK buried her face in the pillow and listened to Angus reassure her. Something clicked in her
hazy mind, about how Angus reminded her ever so slightly of Jasper in the way his attention
was focused completely on her and making her feel better. It felt good to have that again.
Angus, this is all supposed to be about you, not me. Don't argue. I made a fool of myself and
embarrassed you. I promise I won't do it again. I have some ideas how to find someone for you.
But right now I think I want to throw up. She leaned over the pillow towards the little bucket,
but thankfully nothing happened. She drifted off again like that, before starting to slip slowly to
the side, towards Angus.
Deep down, Angus had been horribly embarrassed, more than he'd ever been in his life. He
wanted to crawl in a hole and pray no one would remember him from that bizarre outburst.

He'd been angry, too, enough to want to cry. He'd foolishly decided to come out for that damn
awards gala, had spent too much on those lenses and the flowers, and here she'd-But...it just didn't last. Seeing DK like this, he knew his anger would only make it worse. She
was paying for it all already. He'd leave it at that. Now, he'd be here for her. Not because he
was asked, but because he wanted to. He didn't mind sleeping in the chair, or sitting here with
her. Even when she worried about the threat of being sick, he didn't blink. He could handle it.
When it was obvious she was falling asleep again, he started a soft smile, and when she
leaned, he brought her over, directing her head to his leg as he sat back. Everything was fine.
She could sleep and recover, and he'd be here to take care of her. It was so much better than
sitting alone at home in silence, or sleeping in his cold and lonely bed. This sofa was better
than that!
He'd never realised just how much he wanted someone in his life. He'd gone about his daily
routine for so long, just drifting. He'd never cared much when he was younger, especially after
Allison. He'd not wanted to trust again. But that subsided and he moved through every day
alone. He lost his father and comforted his mother. He lost his mother and dealt with it alone. It
was all right. He could do it. But not any more. Now, he had his heart set on something he
wanted, a someone he had to win, this beautiful someone beside him. He had his heart set on
a goal, and he'd achieve it. Somehow, he'd win DK's heart. Until then, he could be this for her,
a friend she didn't realise she had.
Sighing, he sat back and laid his hand to her shoulder. This was the best part of the night. This
moment, right now.
He began to drift off again as well.
Luckily she was just sleeping normally now, and not the lifeless slumber that caused her to
snore and drool, thus saving his tux trousers. DK slept peacefully with her head resting upon
his thin leg, a slightly bony but warm pillow. She rolled over to sleep on her other side, her face
now lightly pressed against his stomach, her breath warming a small section.
The next morning had risen far earlier than the two sleeping on the sofa and with it came
Barty, letting himself in with an armload of pastries and coffee. He did his best to come into
the living room quietly in case they were still asleep and smiled at the sight that greeted him.
DK was curled up with her head resting on Angus. Her head was now more on his stomach as
he reclined back, also asleep, the blanket half over them both. The smell of the coffee filling
the almost sterile environment caused DK's consciousness to slowly surface.
Her presence was actually comforting for him. Being here with her wasn't a favor he did for
Reigate, but rather something he did for himself. He was so comfortable he would have slept
with her robot cat, too. Just being here...
His sleep was dreamless this time. Or at least, he remembered nothing. Maybe when he woke
again, he'd have forgotten that last dream. It needed to be forgotten. Fast. As he slept, he
slipped down in the seat a little, and it allowed DK a somewhat softer pillow further up on his
body. He still had an arm around her, but it had slipped down toward her waist. He'd be
mortified by that.
For now, he was safe from that embarrassment. While Reigate brought a perfect breakfast in
and made the place smell heavenly, Angus was sure he was dreaming it, and turned his head
in DK's direction. She might have been coming to, be he wasn't just yet.
Barty smiled and offered up a small prayer that they be happy together, to anyone who would
listen and comply. Slowly, DK began to stir, first burying her face more closely in Angus' thin,
taut stomach then stretched and yawned much like a cat. With a groan she rolled onto her
back, once again on his upper thigh, and stretched again.
Nnnggghhhh Uncle? Is that you? she mumbled sleepily with a low groan, still sounding a little
Good morning, sleepyhead, he replied quietly. Shhh don't wake Angus. Looks like you had a
cozy night. he grinned.
DK opened her eyes one at a time and gave them a moment to focus. Oh! she whispered,
looking up into Angus' peaceful, sleeping face. She then became aware of a weight around her
waist and saw his arm loosely draped. A smile crept onto her face as she reached a hand up to
gently brush a fingertip across his cheek.
You poor sod, getting stuck with me for a night, she whispered. Oh yes, she remembered
most everything of the night before.

Angus would have been praying to the same whoever. As it was, he was somewhere in an inbetween state, foggy and lost in mist. He felt something burrowing against him, and his mind
conjured a cat, trying to get comfortable against his stomach. Why? What cat? It didn't matter.
It chose to lay on his leg instead. Well, that was fine, he was comfy where he was. He could
stay a bit longer.
There were voices somewhere, too. Distant, blurred and muffled. Then they disappeared and
he was left in silence again with the cat. He wanted to lift his hand and pet the cat while it lay
there. He couldn't seem to lift his hand. He was too comfy, too weighted down by sleep. The inbetween faded into a lighter grey mist, bringing him a little closer to the surface of waking.
Something moved along his cheek, and he took a deep breath, sighing, eyelashes fluttering as
he finally opened his eyes.
Where am I?
White. All white. DK's flat. Yes. He remembered that. And...something smelled really good.
Like...faded perfume and fresh coffee. What? His blue eyes dropped, and found DK's green
ones looking back at him. A slow, sleepy smile spread across his lips.
"How are you feeling?"
As Angus' eyes fluttered open, DK pulled her hand away quickly and gave a quick smile. Like
I've been chewed up, spit out, stuck to the bottom of a chair then pried off and tossed in a
trash bin, she answered his hazy question with an equally hazy answer. How about you? You
should've gone and used the bed. This sofa is comfy if you know how to do it, but most it gives
a horrible backache.
With a mighty effort and a groan as the movement jostled her aching head, she sat up. Do I
smell coffee? Uncle?
Barty chuckled as she finally noticed him there at the bar between living room and kitchen in
her completely open plan flat. He picked up two of the cups of coffee and brought them over,
handing one to each. Try this. It should jolt you back to life. He had waited until DK noticed
him there, just happily observing the interaction between the two. One would have thought
they'd spent a lifetime together instead of just a couple of days at best. He'd never felt so
strong about two people being a perfect match, save for his very first one which was such a
success he decided to start the business. Now what were their names?
There are pastries as well when you're hungry. I got your favourites, D, he grinned speaking
in a tempting voice and giving Angus a wink.
"That bad?"
His voice, sleepy as it was, lowered with her words. That was bad. Very bad. He didn't doubt a
bit of it, either. He had to admit he saw shadows around her eyes, a lack of colour in her
cheeks. Her head had to hurt like hell. "Oh no." He shook his head. "No, I was fine here. Had to
keep an eye on you, really." He couldn't have slept on her bed! Oh God, no! He couldn't even
imagine-- Well, he'd needed to stay near her because of how she'd been. It had almost been
cute. As she began to sit up, he realised where his arm was and snatched it back. Maybe she
hadn't noticed. Maybe she didn't care enough to notice. For now, that was fine.
What wasn't fine was finding out Reigate was there! Oh God!!! He sat up straight and whipped
around...to find a cup of coffee right there. He accepted it with a very quiet 'thank you', daring
a look up at Reigate.
I did nothing. I was perfectly behaved and-- Don't kill me.
But there seemed no issue, and the wink actually made him grin.
"You survived the night, DK. I'm sure you can survive breakfast. It'll help."
Help what? Me die? she quipped as she took the coffee and wrapped both hands around it,
tugging the blanket over her shoulders, always cold. Funny, she thought, suddenly noticing,
but it wasn't as cold curled up on Angus. Hmmm.
In spite of feeling like an old used pair of shoes, the kind that are a dog's favourite toy, DK was
actually in a decent mood. She still felt horrible about embarrassing Angus, but he seemed to
have forgiven her at least for now. And then her com beeped, wherever she had left it.
It's in your handbag on the dining table, Barty read her expression when she looked around,
still fuzzy about the events of the night before.
Ah, thank you Uncle. Could you...?
Barty nodded and fetched her com out of her purse. Curious, he flicked it on and caught the
notice at the top of the latest entertainment news.

Oh dear, hmmm, he said thoughtfully as he handed it to DK. She groaned as there, on her
own com, were pictures from all the press who had been there at the ball. She scrolled through
them, hoping and praying that all the press had left by the time she had made her little
Instead they were pictures of her and Angus stepping out of the limo; or pictures of them
dancing, or standing together speaking to someone else. And believe it or not, one of them
even had her posing with her award! She handed Angus her com as she sighed and took a sip
of her coffee, her mouth feeling like cement.
"Well, no. I meant--"
Well, at least she was joking, though he had an idea she'd be sarcastic even if she was on her
deathbed. Thankfully, she wasn't. He was glad he'd been here all night. That coughing fit of
hers had worried him more than he wanted to let on, especially since he didn't know how long
she'd been like that before he'd woken from that horrifying (sexy, erotic, steamy, incredible,
but horrifying) dream. He was also curious about how much Reigate had seen. Angus had been
trusted with DK, and even though the man wanted them together, Angus was pretty sure he
didn't mean that they should be all but sleeping together.
Well, they HAD been sleeping together, just not-- Well, anyway...
Their reactions over the com made him blink over the edge of his coffee cup. What was the
problem? When DK handed it over to him, he looked...and almost choked. There were photos of
them together! Well, of course there would be...but so many?! They all made the two look like
a couple!! Which...was nice, but Angus knew that wasn't what DK wanted, especially since
people would talk.
And she was supposed to be finding someone else for him.
But maybe someone would say something that would spark her to think about being with him?
He doubted that was possible.
Sighing, he took another drink from his cup and looked sideways at her.
"It could be worse."
Suddenly Barty burst out laughing. Oh you mean like this? The big man had pulled out his
own com and now showed them both the 3D screen. In this image, large as life, was DK being
carried out of the hotel over Barty's shoulder, Angus tagging along behind looking worried /
miserable / horrified.
DK frowned and raised her voice. UNCLE! How could you do that to me! You carried me out
like a sack of potatoes! Fuck's sake! She immediately grabbed her head with her free hand as
her own shouting hurt her head beyond words.
But Barty was still laughing, immune to her temper by now, knowing she didn't /really/ mean it.
Much. I had to carry you out, my dear. You had passed out cold and poor Angus here couldn't
carry you. It was highly embarrassing but her uncle just found it amusing. Then he actually
read the article.
Oh oh, listen to this: 'Most eligible bachelorette and CEO DK Reigate of the widely famous
Reigate Inc., the Galaxy's number one matchmaking agency, seemed to have finally found her
own match last night at the Galactic Businessbeings' Awards Ball. Thirty-six year old human
Angus St. Paul accompanied the beautifully grown up child genius to her first time She
attending of several of these awards. All chins were dropped and tongues wagging as everyone
thought the impossible had happened and the lovely DK had finally found a heart and a man
for herself. But it was not to be! After one dance together, she announced to the world that he
was in fact her newest client and that she had personally taken his case. One can only
speculate as to what that means, but this observer thinks it means Mr. St. Paul AND our
favourite spinster DK Reigate are very much available.' He finished, just shaking his head.
DK just sat there, empty cup on the coffee table, holding her head and wishing she had never
had such a daft idea. Still, it was publicity and now everyone would know that Angus was
desirable and available. She was used to the way she was portrayed in the press, but the
words still stung a little. But all she could think of was poor St. Paul.
Oh, Angus, I am so sorry... I just thought.... no, I didn't think. I.. I have no idea. I'm just sorry,
she groaned and buried her face in the pillow once more.
Angus' blue eyes widened again. "Oh no." His voice was rather small, his mortification clear,
both for DK and himself. Those eyes widened further with DK's language, though part of him
found it funny. He also found it funny that Reigate just kept laughing. What wasn't funny was
DK's headache, and he didn't think as he gently touched a hand to her shoulder.

The article was a disaster. It was well written but so horrifying. His name was in there! He had
to go to work Monday, knowing everyone would be looking at him and whispering behind their
hands! He'd prayed they wouldn't know he'd gone to Reigate Inc. Now, it was top news. Worse,
his hopes were printed there, and dashed as the world now knew he'd not been able to grab
DK's heart. He was just her newest pet project. His shoulders gradually fell, as did his
expression. His head lowered as he fiddled with his coffee cup. Finally, he set it on the table
and edged a little closer to DK, his hand on her back.
"DK, it's all right. You had the best of intentions, and I know you wouldn't set out to hurt
anyone. It happened, it's over. Let them talk and...they'll move on from it when there's no more
to add to it." And there wouldn't be, despite Reigate's plea. Angus could feel defeat already,
and he hated it. He knew he had his heart set on DK, but he was beginning to lose his
"No apologies, DK. Really."
When Angus placed his hand on her shoulder in comfort, DK just grunted, but did not shrug it
away as she normally would anyone else's. And then he was all gracious and understanding.
No, Angus! she raised her aching head and looked at him almost angrily. No, Angus, I fucked
up. You should be angry at me. Shout at me, curse me out, hell, even hit me if it helps, but
don't be accepting and gracious! I need to be punished so I never do something stupid like that
again! Her emotions overwhelmed her for a brief second as she buried her head once more.
But then she lifted it again and looked into his beautiful blue eyes, hot angry tears filling her
green ones.
Angus, her voice was low and serious. I swear I will make it up to you and I will never
embarrass you like that again. I will not rest until you are happy and settled with someone so
special you will thank the gods every day for allowing you to be near them. And they will love
you and treat you like you deserve to be treated. Angus, I will see to it that you are happy, if
it's the last thing I do.
She startled him.
He really hadn't expected that reaction from her. He'd expected to just move on with the
conversation, or try and get her to eat. He didn't expect this. And it was...shocking, her
emotion in it. She was so serious, so intense. He blinked at her, stunned and unable to look
away, shaking his head when she demanded he shout or even hit her. He could never do that!
The very idea made him feel sick inside. And for something like this...? Yes, he was still upset
somewhere inside, and it would be hell when he went to work Monday, but it wasn't enough to
take it out on her. It wouldn't change anything if he shouted. The damage was done, so to
Seeing the tears in her eyes made it worse. Her words... Oh, DK! If only you knew! His
expression softened the further she went until he was nodding slowly. And when she stopped,
he spoke.
"All right. Then, make it up to me like this, with your 'punishment'." Without asking, he gently
pulled her in, arms around her shoulders, one hand directing her head to his own shoulder. Like
this, he simply held her, and talked low in her ear.
"Now it is paid. I know you wouldn't fail me, DK. You don't know how to fail."
If Angus had been startled at her outburst, DK was now shocked at his 'punishment' of her. As
he guided her head to his shoulder and held her in his arms, her body stiffened, unsure of what
he was doing. But as he didn't show any sign of doing anything more, she relaxed and just
nodded. Oh, but I do know how to fail, and magnificently. I have failed more times than I care
to admit, but I will not fail you. I have made you this promise and I will keep it. She sighed as
the tension finally left her body with the warmth of his around her, that strange, unknown
feeling welling up from deep inside once again. She found it a little frightening.
Meanwhile, Barty just listened to them as he continued to skim through the various reports and
news on his com. He only looked up briefly when DK shouted angrily at Angus. He was used to
the only real passion she ever showed was when she was angry. It was the only real emotion
she knew how to express. But then he froze, cinnamon roll halfway to his mouth as Angus took
her in his arms... and she said nothing! She didn't protest, she didn't pull away, she didn't rip
his head off as she most likely would to anyone else, including himself. She LET him do it and
stayed there.
Yes, these two were meant for each other. If only she would realise it.

He was sure she'd push him away, but he could try. He knew she needed this like he did, and
knew she'd not forget it. It would stick in the back of her mind, and maybe it would one day
lead to Angus being able to accomplish the task Reigate set before him, that he'd set himself
not long before.
In some small place, he'd hoped she might hug him back, but the fact it didn't happen was no
surprise. He didn't expect it to happen. But this was for her anyway. "I know, DK. I know you'll
keep it. I never doubted you for a second, and I never will." He knew he should let go of her,
but when she relaxed, he took advantage. Maybe it was the lack of contact he'd dealt with, but
he was offering it to her now in the form of friendship and understanding, something he knew
she needed.
Finally, he released her, saying, "Maybe you should consider eating. Something light. Might
make you feel better. And finish your coffee. That alone will help."
Let her rail and rave, he could listen. It would get it off her chest. But it wasn't going to make
him walk away or yell back. It wasn't going to make him hate her. She was hating herself too
much as it was.
She needed someone to care unconditionally, in a very different kind of way from what her
uncle offered.
Perhaps it was because she still felt sick, or that she was just in shock that anyone would touch
her let alone hug her. She had noticed how touchy feely Angus was and she usually hated such
people. Calliope was like that and she had gotten a little 'lecture' about touching DK too much,
and she had to ask permission first. But Angus just did it, without any warning or anything. And
DK found that she didn't mind it at all. His touches reminded her of Jasper, who had been much
the same. He always knew when she needed the contact and the reassurance, and when he
would probably get certain things ripped off if he so much as looked at her.
Or maybe it was her guilt at having humiliated him the night before when she was only trying
to help him, for she merely nodded and picked up her coffee once more, once she was
released, and began to sip it carefully. Barty quietly handed her a plate with her favourite pain
au chocolat and and blueberry muffin, taking the risk of patting her on the back too.
For a very brief moment, DK suddenly felt a warm glow from inside at the thought that here
she was surrounded by people who cared about her. She watched as Angus returned to
drinking his coffee, studying his face closely. Her brain must still have been a little fuzzy, or so
she reasoned, for she suddenly had a vision of herself, kissing his cheek, so vivid she could feel
the morning's stubble against her lips. Her eyes went wide as she quickly turned away in shock
and confusion. 'What the hell has come over me!' she thought.
Normally, he wouldn't be this way. But he'd never liked someone in the way he liked DK, and
he'd never had the opportunity to show friendship to someone. Everyone seemed to keep him
at arm's length, and in a way, he did the same in return. It seemed easier since most found
him so quiet and dull that they didn't care to get to know him. He knew he should change, but
how? How could he do that? Was he really so boring that no one could see beyond his habits
and interests to the person underneath? The person he showed DK.
He sat silent for a few minutes, cup in his hands, staring. In time, he lifted the cup and drank.
He needed it, badly. But even while holding the cup, one thumb rubbed at the other. How was
he going to do this? He'd come into this whole thing with no real clear idea, no plan. He just
knew what he wanted. But it had been simpler then. He'd seen DK and found her attractive.
Seeing her as a strong and intelligent woman, he decided he liked her. But now, after meeting
her and getting to know her a little, he found he was beginning to really like her, to care for
her. He was seeing beyond the business woman. He found her to be a girl in deep need of love,
friendship, and the knowledge someone cared for her. She needed someone to take care of
her. She might be able to handle all the essentials of life and living, but everyone needed
someone to be there for them sometimes, someone to baby them once in a while, someone
there at the end of a bad day.
With his cup nearly empty, he said, "I should probably go home. I need a shower, my
toothbrush, and I don't want to overstay my welcome." Looking up, he gestured to Reigate.
"You made your meeting, right? The one you mentioned..." DK was given a half smile. "And you
survived the night. I'll...make sure this is cleaned and bring it back." He plucked at his shirt,
finished the remainder of his coffee, and started to his feet.

Barty coughed as he was in the middle of a sip when Angus asked about his meeting. Of
course that had been his cover story, so that Angus would stay the night with his niece. But he
just nodded and smiled.
Oh, my meeting, yes. Short and to the point. Thus I had time to stop and pick this up. Are you
sure you aren't hungry?
DK almost looked horrified when she realised he was going. She had gotten so used to him
being around, even in so short a time. He had stayed the night in her flat... no other person, let
alone a man, had ever done that before. In fact, right now, there were more people in her flat
than had ever been there before. Calliope came over often, but her boyfriend was frightened of
DK and so stayed outside.
She sat the empty cup down and stood up quickly, regretting it immediately. A hand went to
her head as she spoke to Angus.
No, no, the tux is yours to keep. You will probably need it again sometime soon. She wanted
to beg him to stay, then pounded her palm against the side of her head. What the hell is wrong
with you, DK, she asked herself. He was a client. She was to find a lady for him to share his life
with. She had to remember that. But it was hard. Thank you for looking after me, Angus, she
found herself saying. You will have no trouble finding someone, I'm sure of it. You're a truly
nice person. She gave him yet another smile, wondering where this supply was coming from.
The thought of kissing his cheek assaulted her again and this time, nervous and almost shy,
she quickly placed a peck on his cheek, totally unsure if she even did it right. Now maybe that
vision would leave her alone and let her get on with her life?
"Whoa... Careful."
DK still looked awful. Well, not awful, but tired, rumpled, and definitely hungover. But she wore
it well, somehow. Angus would have looked like something dragged in from the street. His arms
went out as she rose so suddenly, just in case she weaved a bit too much. Poor thing.
"No, I--" He couldn't keep the tux! Why would he need it?! He'd never needed one in his life up
until last night, why would he need one after this? Her words made him want to cry, but at the
same time made him feel good. He couldn't stop the half smile that appeared. It wasn't often
he got genuine compliments from women...from anyone. DK's words would be remembered.
If he got beyond that kiss. The simplest peck on the cheek, and it meant worlds to him.
Everything in him relaxed to an almost dangerous level...and then went tense. In a rush, he
brushed a hand along her arm in a farewell pat and moved to find the tux jacket, talking all the
"I should go. I've taken enough of your time, and you need to rest and recover some more."
Reigate was given a wide smile. "Thank you for the coffee, I'm sure the rest is lovely, but...I
should get home, and shower and--" Backing toward the doorway, he threw DK a smile and a
wave. "I hope you feel better and I'll see you soon, I'm sure. Well, um... Good morning."
That said, he fled the flat for the lift.
They both watched as he made his hasty exit, wondering why he was suddenly fleeing their
company. Yes, DK thought maybe the kiss had been too far. If he couldn't handle that, she
thought, how could he handle a proper relationship? She would have shaken her head if it
didn't hurt so much. As soon as the door was shut, she sat back down, seeking refuge in the
pillow once more.
Then she looked up, staring at the door.
How's he getting home? Uncle....
Yes, I'll go catch him and give him a ride home.
Thank you.
Reigate drained his coffee and brushed the crumbs from his chest and headed out after Angus.
The flat was once more quiet, normal, only DK and her robot cat. Oh, and the robotic vacuum
that whirred out of a slot in the wall and hoovered up her uncle's crumbs, before disappearing
back into its hole.
With a sigh she didn't know the reason for, DK laid back down on the sofa, curling up in the
spot where Angus had slept. She pulled both blankets around her, his scent still lingering on
the one. She pulled it up over her nose and let sleep take her once more. She didn't wake up
until late the next day, Sunday.
Once home, Angus sighed heavily. It was so quiet and lonely. He'd been away for well over
twelve hours, though it all seemed to have happened so quickly. The ball, Reigate asking him
to stay with DK, the night and morning.

"Sir, there are com messages waiting."

He looked up to the readout by the kitchen and groaned. "Play them."
There were seventeen! Half were from colleagues he didn't realise would have his home
number, one from his boss, and the rest from local news groups. Three news stations wanted
some quote from him. Two magazines wanted the same. Another wanted a full interview,
mainly to learn about DK. The only one that mattered was the one from his boss.
"Just don't make the school look bad, Angus! You've always been a perfect faculty member
here, don't change that now."
"End messages." He walked away from the panel and shrugged from the jacket, leaving it over
the back of a chair. In the bathroom, he realised how worn he looked. Probably just from the
events, not from a lack of sleep. He'd slept rather well, actually, especially once he'd been
sitting with DK. Oh, he was falling for her, and that was so dangerous. Not now, when it was all
so uncertain. Maybe Reigate thought he was good enough, but DK never would. It would take a
lifetime to make her see anything romantic in him, if she ever did.
Oh, but that sweet little kiss on his cheek. And the way she'd let him hold her. She was so
warm, and soft, and-- He sighed, undressing to shower. He shaved when he was finished and
leaned in toward the mirror to remove the lenses from his eyes. They were placed in the slim
case and his glasses replaced where they belonged. He looked like himself again. But instead
of dressing, he slipped on a pair of boxers and went to bed. He never laid in bed during the
day, but he would today.
He slept until dinnertime. Read until late in the night. Went back to bed.
Sunday was spent on papers, essays and reports.
Monday would be just another day at work. Wouldn't it?
God, please let them forget about this whole thing.
He only wanted to remember that little kiss.
DK spent Sunday recuperating and eating for she was starved, not having really eaten for two
days. She remained in the same spot on the sofa until all traces of Angus' scent had faded,
watching mindless televids, all the while trying to think of how to make good on her promise
and find the perfect match for him.
When Monday morning came, she dreaded it, but knew that those at least in her own offices,
wouldn't utter a word for fear of their lives, let alone their jobs. DK was in a particularly snappy
mood as Alfonse dropped her off at main reception.
Everyone greeted her with the usual chorus of 'Good morning, Chief,' but in her paranoid mind,
she could hear the snickers behind the words, and she merely nodded or snapped a 'morning'
back to them. At her own offices she was about to sigh in relief then Calliope, never one to
mince words, greeted her.
Mornin', Chief. Wow you had a good time Saturday night, didn't ya? Say, I bet ladies were
lining up to get Angus' number after that.
No, Calli, no. It was a disaster and it was all my fault. No, she thought, now that she could
remember things a bit more clearly. It was my uncle's fault. He kept filling my glass and he
knows I don't drink! I blame him. She marched into her own office and dropped her leather
briefcase onto the desk, as Calliope rose and followed her in, eyes to the sky trying to
remember all that was in the schedule for the day.
You have a board meeting at two, but it's not imperative. I don't think they would blame you if
you skipped it. There's a Mr. Bandacrombie or something like that, that's coming in at nine for
an introductory interview. He shouldn't be too difficult. He's quite dishy, except for the
mechanical arm. Is there anything else you forgot to tell me?
DK was in the habit of forgetting to tell her PA when she had things scheduled and thus missed
them because she couldn't be reminded. She plopped down in her chair and rubbed her eyes.
They still burned slightly from the raging hangover she'd had all weekend.
I've made a promise and I have to stick to it. Remember those vids we looked over last week?
He expressed an interest in the redhead. Give her a call and set up a date. Nothing much just
coffee across the street or something. Once she agrees I'll call him and let him know.
Right on it Chief! she saluted and headed back to her office, grinning knowingly and looking
up the number of the redheaded woman.
DK laid her head on her desk and sighed.
"Mr St Paul...?"
He sighed, turning to face his class. "Yes?"

"How many com numbers did you go home with?"

Deep down, it hurt. He knew the question wasn't mean to find out just how popular he'd
become, it was a jab at how UNpopular he'd always been...and always would be. It took
everything to remain calm and speak quietly. "I didn't. I arrived with Ms Reigate, and I left with
her to see her home."
One girl spoke with genuine confusion and questioning. "I thought you were gay."
Angus smiled and shook his head. "No."
At this, she smiled back. "You'll find someone. Maybe she likes you."
"Oh...no. Ms Reigate is a friend, and is helping me out. Nothing more."
It went this way with all three classes. It was tiring. A few of the other professors asked about
the event, but none seemed to be interested beyond finding out--supposedly secretly--if Angus
had some involvement with DK, despite her words. Since Angus seemed to have no details to
offer, nothing juicy to share after hours, they walked away. Even his boss was all but annoyed
by the lack of details. He waved Angus away and forgot the incident entirely.
Angus went home silent...and realised he was getting looks on the train. He met no one's gaze.
At home he made dinner for himself and set about his usual routine.
He'd gone all day wondering if DK was feeling all right, told himself not to call and try to find
out, even just from Calliope. The tux had been dropped at the cleaner's to be returned as soon
as possible. Despite DK's words, he planned to take it in and hand it to Calliope without letting
DK know until it was too late. He just couldn't accept something like that.
He wasted half an hour staring into nothingness while trying to go over papers from a class
lesson on Martian shoe fashions from the last century. He couldn't stop thinking about that
kiss. Just a kiss on the cheek, one friend to another. But it stayed with him, as did the feel of
her when he held her. One friend to another.
Now what?
As he sat there, his com went off. He had a picture message. It was from Barty, a holovid
manipulation of an acorn transforming into a tree, and the words 'Never give up.' That's all it
Barty grinned as he saw that his message had been received on the other end and viewed. He
closed his com and tucked it back in his briefcase, nodding and smiling as the other board
members rattled on, what they were saying sailing completely in one ear and out the other. He
had other things on his mind. He was trying to secure his niece's future.
DK tried to get through her work that day, meeting with the strange Mr. Banda Abercrombie
who looked more like a peanut with a face in the bottom half, his forehead full of furrows. He
as a doctor of philosophy and even just his voice was just so boring she actually fell asleep as
he spoke about what he was seeking, twice! When he was done, she made her usual
reassurances and passed him on to her least favourite employee, letting him find the odd little
peanut man another little peanut man to play with.
Then she had a free slot in which no one was there to see her, she didn't have a meeting, and
most of her paper work was caught up. Usually, these rare moments were quickly taken up by
her uncle stopping by, seeming to know almost psychically when she was free. Sometimes
he'd take her across the street for a coffee, or a walk in the courtyard, or just visit with her. But
this time he never showed, which worried her a little. Mainly because now her mind was free to
wander, and what did it wander to but thoughts of Angus.
She closed her eyes and tried to go over the whole evening, what she remembered, and
analyse what had happened. But the more she tried, all she could remember was his kind
eyes, his caring touches and that scent that had lingered even after he had left. Even now, she
imagined her nostrils filled with the scent of him and faint traces of aftershave as she had lain
against his stomach. In spite of being so out of it, her memories were incredibly vivid with
regard to him.
It was almost annoying the way she couldn't get him out of her mind. With a sigh, she called
Calliope to come to her. Maybe some of her zaniness would help.
No wonder the grades on the papers were so bad. No one cared any more about the topic than
he did! Well, how could they? Unless they were there, maybe, and even then. Martian culture
had never been very interesting.
He'd woken up with DK laying against him. As if they fell asleep like that all the time. The fact
they didn't was what bothered him. He didn't think about more intimate things, just small
moments like those. Like imagining the sweetness of a moment shared whispering while in the

middle of the most mundane task, like cooking. He thought of this instead of heated tanglings
of arms and legs, lips against a neck, the inside of a thigh.
The sound of her smoky voice in the heat of passion, the gasping as she-He blinked from daydream again.
Well, if he was looking for the one scenario in life that was most impossible, that was it. But it
led him to look at that message once again. 'Never give up'.
He went through the rest of the evening with that in his head, trying to embed it into his brain.
By the next morning, he was feeling pretty confident. It carried him through his one morning
class, the early afternoon meeting, his trip to the cleaner's to pick up the tux. The cost wasn't
as bad as he'd thought it would be. Carefully, he balanced the box while he travelled from
there to Reigate Inc, and up toward DK's office waiting room. Now, to pull off returning the
thing without DK catching him. After all, she was wrong. He wouldn't have need for it again.
He hoped that was all she was wrong about.
The next morning, DK called her receptionist on the intercom. Calliope, have you made that
date with the redhead yet for An... Mr. St. Joh.. um, Paul? she stumbled through his name, half
tempted just to call him John and be done with it.
Yes, Chief. It's set for Friday evening at seven. Just drinks at a nice winebar, she answered in
her bubblegum helium voice.
Good. Has he been informed yet?
Nope. I thought you would like to call him yourself, she grinned and winked into the screen.
What? Why? Calliope, are you up to something? Or do you know something I don't know?
The receptionist giggled. Frequently, Chief. Frequently, and she ended the link.
DK sat at her desk tapping her fingers on the desk, deep in thought. Thoughts she didn't want
to have, but that kept haunting her ever since Saturday night.
Stop it DK. Just stop it, she admonished herself. You have no time for such foolishness. You
have a business to run and this whole thing is a distraction. That's it. That's the answer. Let
someone else take his case.
She leaned forward and tapped up a list of her agents to see which had the best record and
called them.
Doug, hey, DK here. How's your case load right now?.....
Calliope listened in as always and frowned. Noooo! She couldn't be handing St. Paul off to
someone else! This was disastrous. She shot off a quick message to Barty, as to what DK was
doing. No, no, this would never do. There was no response from Mr. Reigate so she did the next
best thing and fiddled with the computer so that suddenly Doug's case schedule was full,
transferring a bunch of cases from Mrs. Wiggins to him. She would fiddle them back when the
crisis had been averted.
Unaware of the possible downfall of his hopes and plans, Angus was making his way into the
Reigate complex with the box the tux was carefully laid in. There were looks from everyone
around him. He tried to keep his eyes lowered, tried to avoid looking anywhere. The less he
had to see, the better. No questions. No nothing.
But, of course, a flickering, nervous glance meant he accidentally met the gaze of a woman at
a desk to one side. She smiled at him, in a shy kind of way. Angus immediately looked away
and hurried toward the lift. It was no better there. He ended up waiting next to another woman
who smiled at him and looked away. Then again. When the door opened, she stepped in and to
one side. Without asking, she pressed the button for DK's floor, and then her own. Then turned
to him and said "Are you really looking for someone?"
"I... Well..."
"Here's my number." A small, perfect rectangular strip was placed in his hand. She was gone
before he could protest and hand it back. Wide-eyed, he rode up to the proper floor. When the
door opened there, he stepped out, turning around to look back inside. No, that did not just
happen! He turned back around and walked as quickly as he dared for Calliope's desk. He
wanted nothing more than to toss the box into her hands, throw the slip across the room, and
flee for home.
He arrived out of breath and pale...even more than usual.
You'd think he'd seen a ghost, not been hit on!

Calliope was still on her computer trying to play musical clients with all the agents to keep DK
from pawning off Angus' case to someone else as he flew into the room.
Wow, Mr. St. Paul, what's eatin' you? There aren't any paparazzi outside again are there? Only
I had Security clear them out twice already today, she greeted him in her helium-soaked
Just then, DK's door shushed open and out she stepped, a dark cloud of frustration colouring
her entire face.
Calliope, what the hell are you doing? I've been trying to get hold of you for nearly twenty
fucking minutes... then her conscious registered another presence in the room. Slowly her
eyes moved first, before her head turned and caught them up. She nearly jumped back.
Angus.. um, I mean Mr. Stl John.. ugh, Cloud, DAMMIT, Paul! she flustered as her mind flooded
with memories from the weekend and that strange and uncomfortable fluttering started up
again deep inside. What are you doing here? Her green eyes were piercing as they caught
site of the box. She knew what it was. I told you to keep it! You will need it.
"No, it's just--"
He was actually about to confide in her when DK appeared! All he'd wanted to do was drop this
damned tuxedo off and go home! He hadn't planned on seeing her--much as he'd like to-believing she would be busy with other priorities. And here he was listening to Calliope say
she'd sent the vultures off twice! Things were getting out of hand!!
The problem was, even though he'd been caught, he couldn't help but smile when DK finally
realised he was there...with her swearing hanging in the air, and that startled expression. Why
didn't she just use his first name? Oh, the professional appearance. Of course. Not that he
cared. He certainly wouldn't have been insulted by it.
But the look she gave him! He knew he was in for it, but what could he do? He was right there
with the box in his hands! Along with that slip he'd been given. Ohhh... He forced the smile to
remain and his voice to be light. "Well, that's just it, DK... Ms Reigate. I DON'T have a need for
it." He tried to balance the box on one
hand while searching for his pocket with the other. "I've never worn a tux before for anything,
and I can't imagine ever needing something like it again. Where would I go?" Finally! He
shoved the slip down in the pocket and flailed to grab the box again.
"It's too expensive to accept. Please understand...I mean no disrespect, or rudeness..."
It's part of the service, Mr. St. Paul, Calliope said simply.
She's right. And you will need it for future dates when we find the right person for you, which
we will. Her eyes were keen and she saw him put the paper in his pocket. What was that?
she eyed his pocket and then him in one smooth eye movement.
In fact, we have a date lined up for you this Friday at seven, Calliope chimed in once more, to
DK's glare.
Perhaps you'd better come in my office, Mr. St. Paul. And leave that out here for now. Her
face was a thundercloud, but she forced herself to keep her tongue and tone of voice civil and
polite even.
"No..." Again he tried to protest and hand the box over, and was left standing there staring.
Was DK already dumping him off on someone else? Was he really about to begin the real fight?
No, this couldn't be happening just yet. He wasn't ready!!
"What?" He blinked at DK, found her eyes travelling from his pocket up to him. Chuckling, he
shook his head. "Rubbish, is what it is." He had no intention of telling her about the com
number handed off to him in the lift. He couldn't anyway. He was frozen, cold with what
Calliope had just said. A date? Friday? Nooo... "Oh, um... That's wonderful." No, it's not!! It's not
wonderful! It's awful! It's horrible! It's exactly what I don't want!
With DK looking as she did, he was reluctant to go with her, but he set the box down on the
edge of Calliope's desk and went on in with her. Was it really so bad that he was trying to not
selfishly grab up such an expensive...gift?...as the tux clearly was? Didn't she see he meant no
He took a deep breath.
Never give up.
I thought you were serious about wanting to find someone to spend your life with? she eyed
him shrewdly, his nervousness registering with her now heightened senses, heightened
because of her anger at Calliope. She knew what she was doing. Fine. She would continue to

work this case, though she wasn't sure why everyone wanted her to so much. She would just
have to find some other way to work through the distracting thoughts she kept having about
this man.
It is with the redhead you said you liked from the video selections. We start there. If that's a
bust, she leaned back in her chair, fingers steepled together at the tips, then move on to a
more thorough examinations of our holovid selections. Of course that would mean spending
probably an entire weekend here, but if you want to find someone, you will have to work at it. I
would be here, of course, to help narrow down your preferences and search, but the goal would
be to come out of it with at least three, hopefully more, candidates for further scrutiny.
As she spoke she watched Angus, studied him. Why was she so preoccupied with this man? He
wasn't that much to look at, but she found him pleasant; even cute in a way. And he was soft
spoken, a total opposite to most of the people she knew. He had good manners, and seemed to
be a very kind person. As her thoughts wandered, so did her eyes until they landed upon his
lips. She remembered the gentle peck he placed on her cheek and the feeling of his hand
touching her back and sleeping upon his stomach, all warm and firm. She liked that feeling of
touching hard muscles beneath a man's clothing.
DK shook her head to break her reverie and found Angus just staring at her.
What? she asked, unaware that she had stopped talking and was just staring at him.
Seated across from DK, Angus sat perfectly straight in the chair, hands in his lap, fingers in
motion as one thumb rubbed at the other. It was raw now, after having done this all through
his travelling from home. "Of course I am, DK." He tried to sound reassuring, his lips a slight
smile. It was hellish to do this, but he had to keep it going.
"Oh..." There was interest in his eyes, his expression softening slightly. "She seemed a genuine
girl." He remembered the woman DK spoke of. His head tipped slightly. "And pretty." But when
he took on that look in his eyes, it wasn't about the redhead whose name he couldn't
remember. It was about the woman across from him. For a moment, he was allowed to show
Oh, DK... You try so hard to shut everyone out, but...maybe someday.
"Right. Well, let's just take it one thing at a time." He nodded, expecting her to nod in
agreement. But she just sat there, staring at him. Something told him it wasn't just a random
moment lost to thought about what they would do to accomplish his goal of finding a woman
to be with. No, it was something else. And it was...personal. He felt as if she saw right through
everything about him to something underneath that even he didn't know about. Angus allowed
himself a sigh. Oh, those green eyes. He could easily close his eyes and remember waking to
see her looking at him. And he swore she'd been touching his face, but he couldn't be sure.
But...it felt so right to wake like that.
"DK...?" There was the slightest smile on his lips as he watched her come back to the moment.
"Are you all right?"
Again, What? Oh, um, yes. What was I talking about? She seemed totally lost, having
forgotten what she was saying, and she didn't like the feeling. It was him. It was all his fault,
she thought as she glared at Angus. No, no it was her uncle with all the things he kept saying
about her needing to find herself someone and settle down, to learn what it was she actually
'sold' to others. Yes, it was all Uncle Barty's fault for planting such silly ideas in her head. It was
just poor Angus' bad luck to have been the one nearby when he was filling her head with all
this nonsense. So, maybe if she got it out of her system, these thoughts would go away and
she get to her task at hand.
If Angus had spoken again, she didn't hear him, once again lost in her thoughts. She stood and
started walking towards the door, avoiding looking at Angus until she absolutely had to. Your
date is Friday at seven, Calliope will give you the information as you leave.
What was that look for?! She was glaring at him! His eyes widened a little, but he said nothing
about it. "You were...talking about the plan for me to...find...someone if...if this date doesn't
lead to more." He spoke haltingly, not wanting to think about how it would feel to go through
the motions, looking at those vids, picking out a woman or three to consider dating...while
wanting to win over DK...who didn't seem interested at all, even though he could have sworn
there was something in her eyes when they woke on her sofa.
It had to be only because she'd just woken.
She wasn't listening again. She had to be stressed over something. He wished she'd talk to him
as she had the other day. Just...let it out. Get it out of her system.

When she stood, he found himself dismissed, and so he walked with her to the door, nodding
slowly. Reluctantly. Before leaving, he paused at the door, giving her a direct look with his hand
on her arm ever so lightly.
"DK...whatever is bothering you...if you ever want to...well, I mean..." He sighed heavily. "You
know I would listen, if you wanted." He pressed his lips into a line, shoved his hands into his
pockets, and nodded.
Suddenly, she grabbed his arms with both hands and pushed him back, pinning him to the
What is bothering me, Angus? You! You bother me! My uncle bothers me with all this talk of
finding someone for myself! I don't need someone, I don't want someone, it only messes up
my head so I can't think, I can't see, I can't do anything... Least of all do I need you.. I... her
tirade faltered as did her words, her breath short and gasping as her eyes locked with his and
softened. I.. need.. you... Then she kissed him, hard at first, then it softened into a real kiss
of passion and longing that she refused to admit she felt. And it wasn't just her uncle's words
that fuelled this. But no. She would never admit it for she was happy in her life, her routine.
She didn't want it to change, to be disrupted by.. by this .. teacher. This.. wonderful, sweet,
soft, quiet teacher that was here in her arms, bending him to her iron will. Or was it the other
way around?
Angus... she breathed against his lips, half-lidded emerald eyes gazing into his azure blues.
What are you doing to me? Am I going mad?
"Whoa! I--"
Angus stared through huge blue eyes, his back flat against the wall. DK's words stung so much.
What had he done? Nothing! He'd done nothing! He was just seconds from crumbling under
her harsh tone when it all softened, like her eyes. She softened...and then kissed him! His
heart stopped! So demanding at first, and then deeper, softer, sweeter and so much darker.
The softest sound came from his throat, and he didn't try to break free, or stop her. He didn't,
but only stood there, letting her do as she pleased. After all, it was exactly what he wanted. He
even managed to return some of it, despite his shock. And OH!, it was so wonderful!
In his head, Angus saw himself taking her arms and kissing her right back, just as she had.
Kissing her with everything he'd had building inside since the day he'd walked into her office.
But in real life, he blinked at the look of her eyes, those emerald-green eyes, and swallowed
hard, his voice low. "No, DK. You're not mad. It's just--" Just that I wish we weren't here. He'd
love the chance to kiss her some more, and take his time with it. To lay back on her sofa again
and just...kiss. Slowly, leisurely, and to smile into her eyes. Oh, those eyes.
Instead, he gave her a tentative smile and shook his head. "You're not mad. But...I should
probably go. I'm... I'm sure you have a lot to do."
No! No....
DK seemed to deflate instantly and self-consciously released his arms, brushing them to
remove the wrinkles with short-nailed slender fingers.
I.. I suppose you're right, Angus. I'm so sorry. I didn't hurt you did I? Her eyes had dropped
away when the spell was broken, and now she brought them up again, her head still down,
gazing upon him through long lashes. I just feel like Im going mad. That's all. You can report
me to the board if you wish for my crass and totally inappropriate behaviour. You have every
right. Her head drooped further and her eyes caught his hands. So long and slender and
delicate looking for those of a man. How she adored them.
Gently she brushed the back of one with feather light fingertips, letting him decide what would
happen next. She supposed he would leave, probably request a different handler if he even
stayed with her company. And then he would be gone, and she wouldn't see him any more. Oh
what had she done?!
Why did she have to look at him like that? Through those lashes, so dark and thick, with her
eyes all sad and sorry... Why? It only made her look so girlish and pretty, and her voice didn't
help. He shook his head again. "DK...no." Report her? Oh God! He wanted to take her home!
Wanted to tell her everything. Wanted to tell her he cared for her so much, that he was falling
for her and how her uncle wished for her happiness...and how he wanted to give her that
happiness himself.
The brush of her fingers pulled his eyes down to their hands, and without thinking, he shifted

his own hand to lace his fingers with hers. "You didn't hurt me, and...I won't report you. Why
would I do that?" He could barely speak above a whisper. "Please don't be sorry." Don't wish it
away by being sorry.
How would she believe that he wasn't upset? How?
With his fingers still twined with hers, he pulled her arm with him when he put his hand against
her lower back, tilting her head up with the other to kiss her just as she'd kissed him, as he
wanted to. He wouldn't take no for an answer. Oh, just this once, he'd take some control for a
moment. He'd take control and take what meant so much to him. Even if this was all he
had...for a long time, then so be it. But he wanted to taste her lips once more before she
changed her mind about blame and kicked him out forever.
For once in her life DK relinquished control to someone else, becoming putty in Angus' hands.
Even if she didn't understand it, she wanted this too. His lips were thin and strong and so warm
and soft against her own. Her eyes closed as the world melted away and all she knew, felt,
heard, smelled or tasted was the man before her. She could hear her heart pounding in her
ears as her breath fairly ceased. DK had been swept away by the thin, quiet teacher. How did
this happen? No, it can't be true. It has to be another one of those daft dreams. No one does
this to her, no one...
Then the com went off causing her to jump.
DK! What in heaven's name are you doing! it was her uncle's voice, and he sounded frantic.
Damn, I must have left it on automatic answer, she sighed against Angus' lips, not really
wanting to stop. This isn't real you know. One or both of us is dreaming, and I can't imagine
why, but... it is pleasant...
DK! Where are you?!
When was the last time he'd kissed anyone like this? Not since Allison back at university. Only
then had he been swept like this. But something about DK took it further, made it better,
something he needed more with every time he saw her. Here, he had it, and she wasn't
protesting, had been the one to start it. He just didn't understand, but ohhhh, he wouldn't
And then Reigate's voice filtered through the barrier of their world, and Angus groaned softly.
"...I know." He could cry. But he didn't. Instead, he brushed her lips again and let go of her
hand. "I should go... Let him know you're okay." Fumbling for the control for the door, he
touched her cheek. "Pleasant isn't the word, DK. It was so much more than that."
He made his escape before he could make matters worse, stood leaning against the closed
door for a moment, eyes wide, his breathing slowly returning to normal. His heart raced,
though, hammering in his chest. A dream. That's what she said. Oh yes, it had been, but not as
she meant it. Just a dream, and he would remember it. She wouldn't, but he would. Gladly.
He adjusted his glasses and tie, and left. He left the tux behind on Calliope's desk, didn't look
at anyone or anything on his way out. And at the first rubbish slot he found, he dropped in the
com number he'd been given.
He wouldn't need it, of course.
Oh but she would remember it and it would haunt her continually, awake or asleep. She stood
frozen watching as he left, staring at the gaping hole he'd left right in front of her; a hole in her
personal space that no one was allowed to step into... except, apparently, Angus St. Paul. DK
had never really noticed that gaping empty hole before now, before someone had filled it for
an oh so brief moment. Now it was like a vacuum, a black hole that was pulling her in and
threatening to crush her to a singularity.
DK! Please! Answer me? What are you doing trying to pawn that nice Mr. St. Paul off on
someone else? her uncle was persistent.
Fury brought her back from the brink of that abyss and she took a deep breath, remembering
once more to breathe. In a few swift strides she threw herself into the seat behind her desk
and punched up the two way button on the com screen.
What the fuck do you want! she raged at the screen, then remembered that he had no idea
what had just happened. Sorry, uncle, I was busy. What do you want?
Even Barty was taken aback by his niece's sudden temper, for as far as he knew there was no
real reason for it. D, what's wrong? Why are you trying to fob off your star client? he tried a
slightly gentler tone. It usually worked to calm her down.

What? Not this time. How do you know about that? Are you spying on me? No, you're not
but someone is. CALLIOPE! she shouted for her receptionist, not even needing the intercom.
When she didn't answer immediately, she let it go and returned to her uncle.
Stop checking up on me, Uncle. I just... suddenly she had no idea what the reason was for
trying to find another agent to take Angus' case. At least not one that she could readily explain
to her uncle and owner of the company. She decided to set him at ease by using the escape
clause Calliope had conveniently caused by making it appear that everyone was busy. Um, I...
Well.. it doesn't matter anyway, they're all busy.
I see. Well, don't do that again. He is a special man and he deserves the best, of course his
words had a double meaning. He wished beyond hope that she would get it but knew she
wouldn't. That means you. And yes, I'm saying this as the Owner and Chairman of the Board
as well, he threw in before she could protest.
Then his curiosity got the better of him. What were you doing away from the com but still in
your office? Was someone there with you? He knew Angus had gone in from what Calliope had
told him.
Um, Mr. St. Joh.. Paul was here, Uncle, her voice had calmed down somewhat and yes, she
still remembered the kiss. Boy did she ever.
Oh? he was just returning his tuxedo and receiving directions to a date on Friday night, she
said quickly, not entirely lying.
Ah, all right, good. He was still suspicious but surely Calli would fill him in because she
listened to everything. Well, no more shenanigans, all right? Over and out. With that he cut
the com link and sat in his office, wondering.
He was in a bit of a haze on his way home, staring out the window of the train the whole way.
His mind kept reliving the kisses, the way she'd all but attacked, the way she said she didn't
need someone, that she didn't need him...and then said it as though she was admitting
something hidden away from everyone.
Was there something there? Did she have feelings for him? Or had it just been a moment of
weakness and he'd been the first person she found contact with? He knew she was so very
alone, and being alone that way could make you go mad.
He knew the feeling.
He remembered the way she brushed her fingers over his hand, the way she'd looked at him
through her lashes, spoke in that smoky voice that formed her words but told a different story
entirely. And she'd spurred him to kiss her back, to take what he needed so badly. But now it
was gone, a dream, and he knew he had to pretend it never happened. He couldn't even
question her about it!
And that date. Only a few days from now. He had to go. There was no stopping that. If he called
and changed his mind, they would want to know why. He couldn't say it was because DK had
his heart. He had to go along with all this and try his hardest to win her over.
He could ask her uncle.
He was left without answers, left with a heart full of questions.
He locked himself into his flat and stared into the silent room.
"Computer, play file 'Chopin Mix'."
A small sound indicated his command was heard and the rich piano music filled the void of
Angus sat down to begin going over the notes for the midterm exams, readying the material to
It was Friday morning and DK was in her office early with a raging headache, pacing up and
down in her bare feet. She was obviously stressed about something and looked like she hadn't
slept at all. There was a pile of empty coffee cups in the trash bin and every item in her office
was lined up neat and tidy with millimetre precise spacing. If she had been a smoker, there
would have been a pile of butts in the ashtray, but she wasn't. As it was there were at least a
dozen chocolate wrappers in the bin as well as the cups.
This was the sight that greeted her Uncle Barty Reigate as he entered her office after knocking
but not waiting for an answer.
Jiminy Christmas, DK, what the devil is wrong with you? he exclaimed as he took in the sight.
Nothing, she snapped back, still pacing back and forth. She wore one of her usual dark
business type suits with a white blouse and trousers.

'Bollocks, you look a mess. Have you slept at all? his voice was now tinged with serious
DK snorted. Sleep is for tortoises, Uncle. Isn't that what you always used to tell me?
Barty sighed and sat down on the sofa towards the side of the room. White with purple accent
pillows, just like at her flat. I may have said that on occasion but it's not something to live by,
m'dear! So tell me, what's wrong?
Wrong? Nothing's wrong, her voice begins to rise, the stress and lack of sleep beginning to
take its toll. Everything's peachy. It's just... Here DK sighed heavily and plopped down on the
sofa beside her uncle. Tonight is Mr. St. Paul's date with that redhead he liked.
He eyed her closely, trying to read his niece, but it was difficult. She had never been very easy
to read when she was having genuine emotions. But he knew it had to do with Mr. St. Paul.
Why the devil would that have you so stressed? You don't think it's a mistake do you? A bad
match perhaps?
Of course it's a mistake! she started to say why, but just dropped her chin upon her chest.
No, her voice was small now. It'll probably be great... for him. The despair in her voice was
Then she heard Calliope enter and settle at her desk. DK jumped to her feet and all but
shouted into the com, causing the ditsy blonde to jump.
Calli! Bring me the arranged time and place for Mr. St. Joh... Paul's 'meeting' tonight.
Barty's eyes narrowed. What are you thinking, young lady?
Just protecting my client, is all, Uncle, she smiled almost evilly, dark circles beneath her eyes
standing out.
Angus' flat was clean.
Hospital clean. Surgical clean. Every surface had been washed down with some cleaner or
another. He'd done the floors himself, instead of allowing the automatic hoover to run. His bed
had been pulled apart and remade with fresh sheets. He'd cleaned the toilet, sinks, stove,
fridge, everything. The com panel, the Vid screens...even the piano keys were carefully rubbed
Everything was clean.
And this happened all in the space of his arrival home from Celestine's campus, when he'd
realised what day it was. Now it was his turn. Shower, shave, comb his hair...which curled and
decided to fall against his forehead. He set his glasses aside and put in the lenses. A quick
spray of cologne and he went to dress. White socks, jeans, a plain blue shirt, and a dark grey
jacket. He'd wear black shoes with it all. Simple, but decent. A look in the mirror told him he
looked presentable.
His thumb was rubbed raw, and in the time he had before leaving, he made it worse.
Finally, he left home, locking the door behind him with the remote. He took a deep breath.
I can do this.
He didn't want to. It was...like a child doing some chore for a reward. Maybe it would bring him
back to DK and-- Well, not another kiss. That would never happen. But he could think about it
and dream. That was allowed.
He arrived at VineStar at six forty-five. And at five minutes to seven, she appeared. She was
pretty enough. Red hair, blue-grey eyes, a smattering of freckles across her cheeks, medium
height, good figure. Her clothing was simple as his own. Black shoes and skirt, purple blouse,
gold chain about her neck. She looked to be watching for someone, so he took the chance.
"Excuse me..." He smiled just a little when she looked at him. "Are you waiting for someone."
"I'm meeting a date here..."
"Yes!" She looked relieved. At least she hadn't been stood up.
He offered his hand and a wider smile.
"I'm Angus..."
I'm Winnie, but then, yeah, you already knew that, she laughed. It was slightly annoying but
not too bad. Angus, you're that guy that was at the awards ball with Ms. Reigate, weren't you?
What's up with that? she asked him, having seen it all over the media the week before. They
were shown to a table and offered the quite extensive wine list.
The lady waiting behind them, who was dressed in bulky clothes that made her look rather
chubby, sneered and mimicked the name as they walked off. She wore a blonde wig and
flamboyant hat that matched her large purple dress and followed them at a little distance,
sitting nearby so she could hear their conversation. Her piercing green eyes never left Angus.

Her companion returned from the ladies' and sat down across from her, rolling her eyes and
adjusting her dark wig, for she was similarly disguised.
Chief, this will never work! she whispered, having been warned that if anyone were to ask,
she had lost her voice, for surely Calliope's voice would give her away.
Shhhhh keep your voice down. Of course it will, DK muttered, trying to disguise her voice as
well. We're just here to observe, remember? She looked over the wine list, and, out of habit,
ordered a bottle of the really good and strong stuff.
Her laugh made her sound nervous, which he was, too. "Ah, well..." The moment they were
seated, Angus found himself fighting down the urge to rearrange the few items on the table,
including the odd little cup-vase with its teeny gold flower. "If you know anything about wine, I
hope you'll speak up."
"I don't know a thing."
"Neither do I. So we wing it." And so they did, randomly choosing one that sounded interesting,
a few bits to eat along with it, and hoped for the best. He told himself at least this much was
"So, umm...about--"
"Oh, right! Well, Ms Reigate seemed to have thought I was...a needy case, I guess you could
say. I've no idea why I'm any different from anyone else, but the awards ball was really to force
me out of the house. I'm not usually out like this."
"You're not social?" She tilted her head, biting just the corner off a cracker. "I could never stay
at home so much."
"I'm usually quite busy with my work. Reading essays from an entire class takes time, and I've
three right now. There...weren't more students interested."
"What do you teach again? You know...you looked so embarrassed with the stunt she pulled. It
seemed so unprofessional." She really meant no harm, but it came out sounding a little more
judgemental than it should have been.
"History. And... Oh, I suppose I was. From what I gather, though, she quite paid for the
champagne she drank, poor thing." He disliked the idea of speaking of his night as DK's keeper.
After all, this was a date, supposedly to find someone for him, and speaking of a night in
another woman's flat, however innocent, would get him nowhere. He rubbed a fingertip almost
obsessively against the bottom of the wineglass. His thumb was becoming tender.
Why do I have to do this? Can't she see I've no interest in her at all? Oh, she's pretty, and she
seems pleasant enough. Her manners are good and she appears genuine in her speech. But...
She's not DK, and that means she's not good enough. What do I do? Get through the night.
This means nothing in the end.
"You guys sound like friends, then."
"D-- Ms Reigate and I? Maybe we are...to some small degree. She knows quite a bit about me
because of the information used by the company. I don't know much about her. I do know she's
treated me very well and is helping me to the height of her ability to find someone wonderful."
A good-sized swallow of wine was taken, and he was reminded of why he didn't drink the stuff.
"Will you tell me more about yourself, Winnie?"
And he set about trying to appear interested.
DK hid behind a menu, peering over the top and around the side, straining to listen to their
conversation. She made a face and took a big sip of the strong Valarian wine every time Winnie
even opened her mouth. When she said that DK had been quite unprofessional, it was all
Calliope could do to keep her boss in her seat.
Here, have some more wine. Please, Chief, she said quietly, trying to keep her voice
disguised, this isn't doing any good. And she's right. It /was/ unprofessional, you said so
DK shrank in her seat, knowing full well her friend was right. Then you should've let me pass
his case on to someone else. But no, you all like to torture me.
Why is it torture, Chief? Why are you so concerned about this client more than the others? Mr.
St. Paul is right, I don't understand why you are doing this any more than he does. Her brown
eyes bored into her boss, demanding an answer.
I... I don't know. And that's the truth! She listened with interest as Angus briefly spoke of her
mission and the after-effects of all the champagne her uncle had poured into her. Do you hear
that, Calli? He appreciates what I'm trying to do for him. I want to please him and help him find
happiness, just like I do all our clients, but... here she sighed heavily. I just don't like this
woman. She's not right for him. Not right at all. I can feel it. Her mind floated back to the kiss

she had taken, and the one he had given. Her eyes narrowed as he asked about her, and called
her Winnie.
What an insipid name! she growled softly.
If only he'd known... What would be his reaction to DK's wild behaviour? It might anger her, but
he'd find it hilarious...but only in that he wouldn't think himself worth all that effort, for
whatever reason DK would claim. But he would also find it endearing. She cared. Somewhere
inside, she cared, and had no idea. Right? He could hope.
"I'm a store manager, for Lotus."
"The place with the bath stuff?" Women talked about them all the time, the lotions and bath
items that were still so important to females everywhere, even after all this time. More than
half of the girls in his classes reeked of scents from Lotus. They had to be wonderful by
themselves, but mixed together, it was overpowering.
"Yes! I've been with them for about 4 years. I love it there."
"That's why you smell so good." There. Wasn't that enough compliment for the night?
Winnie blushed. "I guess so." She sipped from her glass, chewed another cracker thoughtfully,
and cut into the small wedge of cheese that sat between them. "Why is she so interested in
your case? Does she do this often?"
Angus stared. Back to DK? He'd been waiting to hear more about this girl, to sit in silence and
not have to think of anything at all. He'd just sit and-- He found he was stacking the crackers
on his side of the wide plate, each side straight and perfectly lined up.
"You must have been with the company a long, long time for her to take over and begin
fighting to find someone for you."
He was nail-tracing again, his skin only becoming more raw.
"You seem like a really great person... So, what's the deal? I mean, I don't mean to sound
insulting, it's just...there has to be *something*, right?" Her tone of voice implied she
suggested some sexual deviation that kept him single.
Angus stared. He couldn't even speak! Winnie innocently sipped again, and he only blinked at
her. Had she really just said that? Oh, it wasn't that bad, but...it stung nonetheless. His thumb
moved even faster in its tracing of the other, and he lowered his eyes to the table, utterly
As she listened, DK in disguise wondered why the woman was so obsessed with her and not
Angus. After all she had a lovely, delightful person sitting right there in front of her, but all she
could think about was why she was so interested in Angus. He was a client and a person. Why
shouldn't she be?
The more she listened, the more she fumed. The waiter came to take their order, but DK was
too angry. Calliope just ordered some breadsticks and the waiter frowned and took the menus
and DK's cover, away. Exposed, she pulled her outrageous hat down over her eyes to hide
them and half turned away. But soon she had forgotten all pretense of hiding and looked
square at Winnie.
Chief! Careful or they'll see you!
Let them see me. I don't care any more. How dare she say such things! She looked at Angus
as he lowered his eyes and sat there, hands in his lap, rubbing his thumbs raw. She knew this
meant he was troubled, or upset. He thought she didn't notice, but she did and it tugged at her
heart to see him in such a state. How dare she! DK drained her wine and poured another,
taking another healthy swig before pushing herself away from the table.
The look on Calliope's face was one of abject horror. Chief, no! You can't! Please, DK!
But she had already risen and approached the table, her padded bosoms lopsided, the wig half
turned sideways from pulling the hat down over her eyes. But now those eyes were bright and
flashing with anger, all of it turned towards this Winnie person.
Excuse me, how very dare you! she hissed through gritted teeth.
Winnie looked up in surprise and shock at this very strange looking large woman standing
before her like a charging bull. And who might you be? His mother? What did I do?
I'll tell you what you did, you insulted my friend! I'll have you know he's not been with Reigate
nearly as long as you have, dearie, and yet he's had more dates than you!
Calliope sat at her their table, nibbling the breadsticks the waiter had brought, watching the
show, ready to bolt at a moment's notice and drag DK with her.
Wh.. what do you mean?! How do you know that!?

Never mind that. This man is the sweetest, kindest person you will ever wish to meet and you
sit here judging him without even listening or getting to know him! So yes, how dare you pass
judgement and make him feel bad! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Angus was two seconds from simply telling the girl everything. Well, not everything, but the
basic facts of his time with Reigate's services. He would even tell her about his dull life and his
OCD issues! Just as he was opening his mouth, he looked up to find some bizarre woman
coming to his rescue. Who in the hell was she?! And how did she know anything about him? He
sat staring, one brow drawn in, eyes narrowed as he struggled to place the face and...voice.
Those blue eyes went wide as the plate on the table.
"It was only a question! I said I didn't mean to be insulting...which I'm sure you heard while you
were eavesdropping." Winnie hissed right back at DK, her eyes bright. She turned her glare on
Angus. "What did you do, bring her along to save you? What, am I too boring for you? Have
you LOOKED in the mirror? I can smell the boring on you!"
"No, I--" Angus jumped to his feet. "Just..." A hand was waved at Winnie to stay where she was
as he grabbed the arm of the mystery woman and hauled her off a ways. Voice low, he stared
her down through huge eyes. "What are you doing here?! What's going on?!"
Calliope sighed and rose, bringing everything from the table along with her as she moved to
Angus' seat. She smiled at Winnie and, in her normal helium voice, asked "Breadstick?", and
offered one.
At that remark, DK pushed up her right sleeve and hauled her arm back as if to punch the lady,
but just as she was about to, Angus grabbed her and hauled her off. Hey! I was... um.. just
looking out for you... Um, all part of the service? she tried, almost sheepishly, before growing
animated once more. Did you not hear how she was insulting you? She has no idea who she's
speaking to and no concept of what exciting and handsome and wonderful truly are! As the
words poured from her mouth, she clasped her own hand over it in shock that she would say
such things.
Oh, Angus, I've done it again haven't I? But how could I stand by and let her say those
things? She looked at his hands, taking one in her hand and showing him the raw thumb
around the nail. See? That's what she's doing to you. I knew she wouldn't be right and I'm
sorry I ever fixed this up for you. Angus, she shook her head as the wine began to affect her,
can you ever forgive me? Again?
"Never mind what she said. What are you--"
She stopped him completely. Just before her hand clapped over her lips and hushed everything
for just a moment... Right then was when any anger possible drained from him. His shoulders
sagged, his head tilted just slightly, expression softening.
When she lifted his hand, he shook his head. "I was nervous." Liar! Ohhh, the lies he told to
her! "Oh, DK..." His voice was quiet, soft, and filled with an understanding she probably
wouldn't grasp. "Thank you." He knew she wouldn't understand, just as she hadn't when it
came to the awards ball. He was embarrassed yet again, and a little upset about the scene it
had become, even felt bad for Winnie though she certainly deserved this now. But DK had
explained herself perfectly, and he couldn't be angry with her. It just wasn't possible.
He shook his head slowly.
"Does this mean I'll be sleeping on your sofa again?"
What? She looked totally confused at this question, but it did conjure up the memory of
waking up to his smile, blue eyes gazing down upon her as her head rested upon his tight
stomach. If... if you want... want to, she stammered in a soft whisper. I just... I'm sorry, she
put her head down. I don't know what came over me. She held out her hands for him to see
how she had bitten all her nails to the quick. This whole thing has had me worried for you. I.. I
can't explain it. I wish I could, she brought her eyes up to meet his, so serious and
mesmerising even amongst one of the most ridiculous of disguises.
I... I should go. Calliope's right. I shouldn't interfere. But don't let her insult you. Punch her
lights out if she does again and if anyone asks send them to me. I'll gladly admit to doing it.
You're not boring, Angus. Don't let anyone tell you that, ever! She started to go, then turned
back around. Angus, do you have a way home? I can give you a ride if you wish. Unless, of
course, you were going somewhere with 'Winnie', she sneered the name once more.

The way she spoke the name made him smile. There was jealousy in that voice.
When she showed off her nails, he took her hands in his, sighing. "Oh, DK..." She cared! He
knew it. She didn't, but he did. Why couldn't she admit it? Why didn't she understand? If he
were to say it, she would deny it. Were he to say it, she would probably turn him over to
someone else, and he might fail. He brushed a bit of the wig hair from her face.
"There's nothing I can do to salvage this, and...I don't think I want to." The date was over and
done with, and he didn't mind at all. Winnie had turned out to be awful.
Exactly what he wanted.
When she made to leave, Angus wanted to pull her back, try and make her understand he was
perfectly fine with this now. That's when he smiled at her tone of voice.
"I took the train here, but..." Head lowered, he looked up at her. "May I ride with you?" His
voice softened just a little. "Someone has to take care of your head."
Oh yes, there was jealousy in DK's voice, and lots of it. In fact, the whole reason she was there
was because of the little green monster of jealousy. Though she couldn't understand why, just
yet, she was riddled with the stuff. She couldn't stand the thought of another woman even
near Angus now. He was hers, but still, she did not know this. She only knew the emotions she
felt, but not the reasons behind them. So when he said he didn't want to continue the date
with Winnie, inside she sang with glee. Her mission had been accomplished even though she
had probably made a pig's ear out of the woman's evening. She sighed and thought how she
would have to make it up to her, for after all, Winnie was a client too. DK nodded to herself
knowingly and decided she knew just who to send her way. He was someone new that was
quite a catch. She would set up their meeting the next day.
Of course, Angus. I'd be happy to give you a ride. Wait a minute, what about my head? What
do you mean? her green eyes were wide as she wondered just what he meant.
Yes, he was hers. The more he saw her, the more time he spent with her, even in small doses,
solidified his feelings for her. Only...it was hell to hide it. Still, he would see this through. Never
give up. He wouldn't fail Barty Reigate or himself.
Or DK.
"I think I'll apologise to Winnie and leave. She'll be glad to see the back of me." He didn't even
realise til just then that he still held one of her hands. He let her go, pushed his hands into his
pockets to avoid his nervous motions. But his face was a totally different story. "Hm? Oh... I'm
sure you'll have one hell of a headache after tonight. That wine you drank while
eavesdropping." His smile warmed just a bit, just the slightest bit, and one eye flashed a wink.
Let me, DK. Let me take care of you again.
"C'mon." He motioned with his head that they should return, and when he did, Winnie, who
had accepted the breadstick from Calliope, glared at him. "About time. Look, I don't know
what's going on here, but it's a joke. I'm leaving. I should have left before now."
Calliope looked over at Winnie with a serious expression. "You stayed because you were
looking at Angus' bum. Remember?"
Winnie stood up and gave Calliope a dark look. "I was not." Angus was shot another scowl.
"Winnie, I'm so sorry for all this. I didn't plan it, and I have no idea what's happened. No more
than you."
Her voice was flat. "You're all mad." And she was gone, pushing past Angus, who watched her
leave with wide eyes. Calliope looked up at DK with an innocent expression.
"She was. Said so! She was looking at his bum."
And she took another bite from the breadstick in her hand.
DK frowned and watched the woman go. Luckily it didn't seem that Winnie had twigged that
the mysterious disruptor was in fact DK Reigate. She didn't even seem to recognise Calliope
even though she had stopped disguising her voice ages ago.
And good riddance, she murmured beneath her breath. Then she looked at Angus and
remembered his words, about the wine, about her and about sleeping on her couch. Why not?
Are you going to stay here, Calli or do you need me to drop you off home?
No, Frap is picking me up tonight for dinner, though I may have ruined it by eating too many
breadsticks, she grinned. You two go on. I'll see you on Monday.
DK nodded and motioned for Angus to follow her to where Alfonse was waiting with her smaller
sedan style shuttle, into which they climbed. Once safely inside, DK pulled off the hat and wig
and threw them to the farthest seat. Next came the padding in the bra and the bra itself.

Horrible things. Glad I don't need one quite that big, she tossed it aside too then laughed at
her air of casualness around Angus. I do apologise. I should not be doing such things in front
of the client, she winked. She scratched her head and fluffed her hair out, feeling quite
relieved to be rid of the disguise.
She watched Angus for a moment before Calliope's words hit her like a hammer.
She'd been checking out Angus' bum. Calliope never lied, so this must be true. 'She checked
out his bum.' Then DK deflated, squeezing her eyes shut as she had no idea what his bum was
even like... she'd never bothered to look for herself.
What kind of a pathetic excuse for a human let alone a woman was she? She kept telling
herself that such things weren't important. She did notice the important things like his eyes,
and his smile. But no, she hadn't even noticed his bum. She was a failure as a woman and
didn't feel she deserved someone as wonderful as Angus was. Saddened, she stared in silence
out of the window as the universe sped forward towards her planetoid and her home.
Angus had to wonder if Winnie would catch on later, when she had the chance to think over
what had happened. When she would stop, blink, and then realise she did know Calliope's
voice, which would lead to the assumption that the other woman was indeed DK. Possibly.
Maybe. He hoped not.
DK said nothing about insisting he go home, and his bizarre idea to go with her back to her flat
was set in motion. Hopefully. He planned nothing. Just to be there with her. Somewhere away
from the silence of his own home.
It was good to see DK as herself again, sans wig and padded bra. She looked so much better
just as she was. It took a lot not to reach out to 'help' with her hair. When she removed the bra,
his hands twined together in his lap, as usual. The skin there was beginning to get sore. He
didn't pay attention. What he paid attention to was DK's seeming sadness. What had happened
all of a sudden? For a moment, he was ready to suggest maybe he should just go home, give
her space. But he decided, No. He would see this through, even if it meant eventually getting
on the train to go back home. But not now. Not now.
"DK..." His voice was incredibly quiet, almost not there. "Thank you. Really. I know you and
you'll apologise a million times over...and you don't need to. I'm grateful, actually." And then,
he said something he didn't mean to say out loud. "Never wanted that date in the first place."
DK heard him, but continued to stare out of the window. But when he said that, she slowly
turned her head to look at him with those piercing, soulful green eyes of hers.
What? No? Then why did you go through with it? You do have the right of refusal of any date
or arrangement per section fourteen, paragraph three of your client agreement, she spouted
from memory. She should know the agreements inside and out; she only wrote the damn thing.
Her eyes locked on him, her mood still in place. She wondered if she would ever be normal. If
she would ever have a proper heart or if she would just 'think' everyone away. Would she ever
even recognise love if she felt it or if someone showed it to her. She seriously doubted it.
She could handle other peoples' relationships, but when it came to her own, this stuff was
baffling and hard. DK didn't get into these funks very often, but when she did... She was glad
Angus was here with her as she self-consciously covered up the faint scars upon her wrists.
"I, uh..."
Those eyes... OhGod, those eyes! Why? Why in hell did she have to have those eyes? His look
was already soft and slightly wistful, and with that look, it became even more so. He wanted to
reach out, take her hand, wanted to hold her. Something!
"I just... I had a bad feeling. Like you did. Only..." He was searching for words, fumbling,
rubbing his thumb even more raw than it already was. "I went through with it because..." He
finally sighed. "You're working so hard to help me, and I didn't want to say no to your efforts."
In a way, it was true, but he wanted those efforts to lead him right back to DK herself! Would
she ever see that? Would she ever see him as something more than a client? Oh, there was
something in there, but she was doing everything to cover it, bury it. Why? Just...let it out!
"I just...wanted you to know I appreciate all you do, and...how much care you've put into this
for me."
His eyes dropped, head lowered. The raw place on his thumb was beginning to sting, looking
shiny with the tender skin exposed by his constant nervous motion.
For now DK seemed to accept his answer, though, to be honest, she wasn't really paying
attention. She was staring at his hands, his beautiful hands that he was hurting by constantly

rubbing them nervously. Suddenly, she reached out and put her own over the sore thumb and
took his hand in hers.
You have to stop that, I can see that you're only hurting yourself, she said quietly. Then she
did something else unexpected. She brought his hand up to her lips and kissed the sore thumb.
There, that should make it all better. My mother used to do that. I knew it didn't work and
probably told her more than once that it was stupid, but I was small then and didn't know
better. I didn't realise how such a small thing /can/ actually work until after my mother left.
She fell silent for a moment.
You see, it's all about belief, and the knowledge that you mean something to someone. At
least I did once. She held his hand in hers and suddenly wished she never had to let it go.
Slowly she brought her eyes up to meet his, trying to shove the memory of his kiss earlier from
her mind. She was unsuccessful.
Angus no longer seemed to jump at her touch, but rather welcomed it. His hands stilled
instantly, calmed by the warmth of her hand. What shocked him was her affectionate and
caring kiss. A kiss to make it better. He remembered his own mother had done it, and it had
always worked. It had to be the love in the gesture.
DK... Just admit it. There's something there! Say it! Oh God, please, say it!
He was glad she didn't let go of his hand, but her words made it so difficult to keep his mouth
shut. The look in her eyes, the sound of her voice... He wanted so badly to hold her and tell her
everything. She was so alone, even with her uncle's love, and he wanted so badly to end that
feeling for her. He also wanted to kiss her. She was right there!
"You do mean something to someone. Now. You do, DK." He didn't specify the person he
meant, knowing she'd likely assume he meant her uncle. "You mean so much, you're so
important. You mean...everything." His head tilted, voice a whisper. "You are not alone, DK."
He gave in. He leaned in to brush his lips against hers. "There, that should make it all better." It
was hell, but he forced his expression into something of a loving friend. "Remember, you have
to believe."
DK still held his hand, if nothing else, she told herself, it kept him from fidgeting with it and
making it even worse. But at that softest of kisses, she just stared at him, frozen. Could it
possibly be? Could Angus really have feelings of some sort for her? But no. No, if she did
believe then he would be taken away just like everyone else she'd ever cared for. No, she
would keep him at arm's length as a friend and do what they had set out to do. But... it was so
Suddenly DK had no words at all, only his hand in hers and his eyes onto which hers were
fixed. Are you hungry? she finally found her voice. We should pass Bilbo's Burger Bar soon, if
you'd like to grab something and either eat it there or at my place. It's not very far.
Say it. OhGod...say it!!!
She didn't. Angus was...deflated. Just as she'd been. He waited, letting her stare, letting her
think, holding her hand. His heart hammered, praying she wouldn't slap him, that she wouldn't
push him away. But she didn't. And she wasn't giving up his hand, either. As if he minded that.
He waited. Oh, he just waited, his body stuck in place, his mind on the highest speed setting
possible. C'mon, DK. It's not that hard. Well, it is, but you can do this. You've done so much
already, just...say it! Please, I'm hanging here and...and I care so much more than I should. And
I can't help it. I can't stop it. And your uncle...
She spoke and everything in him dropped. His heart plunged into his stomach.
Not yet.
He broke their gaze, eyes lowered, voice barely there.
"No, thank you. I don't think I can eat just now."
Angus, you need to eat and I doubt very much I have anything beyond a tin of tuna and some
wine at the flat. He was so thin already, she genuinely worried about his health. A good homemade burger from Bilbo's would be just the thing. Well, I am hungry so we're stopping
anyway, she stated flatly and released his hand to activate the com and tell Alfonse. He
changed course for the Burger place as she sat back in her seat, feeling very odd and Angus
still very much on her mind.
DK turned her head and looked at him with his dark curly hair, pale, gaunt face with its lovely
high cheekbones, and those eyes. Pale blue eyes framed by long, dark lashes. They were really

beautiful. Just too bad those black rimmed glasses half hid those sad, soulful eyes. She could
stare into them all day.
She suddenly wanted to turn to him and ask him directly what he was doing here, for it didn't
seem like he really wanted to find someone, or at least didn't want to look for someone, but
she remained silent as they pulled up to the fly-through place high above the city below, as
people were out enjoying their Friday evening. She ordered her usual Sting burger with Gollum
fries and a chocolate shake then asked what Angus would like, not taking no for an answer. The
smell was wonderful as it wafted into the 'car'.
Sitting back in his seat, Angus felt lost.
Maybe he should just tell her. Maybe he should come clean about the whole damn thing. She
would probably throw him out, leave him somewhere and insist he never return to Reigate's
offices. She would throw his case out the window. But...he would have said it, and she would
know it. Maybe her uncle would plead his case, too. Maybe his influence would make DK admit
there was something in her, too. At least a liking that went so much further than it was meant
How did she not see this was beginning to turn dangerous? How did she not FEEL it? Why else
would he be here? Why else would he have so gladly sat with her after the awards ball, and
offer to tonight, though she didn't need it. He'd used the wine as an excuse. Not his style, but...
He couldn't have gone back to that table if he tried. Not with DK there. She had his full
Just like now, when she refused to allow him to just sit in his disappointment. Maybe she was
right. Maybe he shouldn't be sitting here feeling like this. It was only a bump in the road. Yes.
And he would keep right on going.
So he gave her a smile. "All right, I give. Make it two. I can't let you sit and eat alone."
DK's smile was electric, happy that he would eat something. She'd seen him eat next to
nothing since she'd known him and his thinness really did worry her, though she found it
attractive at the same time. What? Unbidden, the memory of the kiss against the wall came
flooding back and she felt the urge once more. No! No! She shook her head trying to dislodge
the thought as they waited for their food, trying to figure out just what was wrong with her. She
had done these sorts of cases a million times before and never had any trace of trouble. She'd
successfully fought off every 'stalker' as she called them, the ones that only came because
they fancied her. Maybe they did fancy her, maybe some even loved her, or at least thought
they did, but she never gave herself nor them the chance to find out. No, she had protected
herself successfully all these years. But now this shy, unassuming little professor of history had
completely turned her life upside down and she wasn't sure she liked it at all. As Winnie had
said, it was unprofessional. Damned unprofessional her uncle Barty would say.
Fuck's sake! Uncle Barty! Whatever would he say about tonight? She sat biting her fingernails
as the food came and Alfonse collected it then flew off again on the way to her flat nearby. DK
remained quiet, sinking lower in the seat wondering what he would say once that woman
called him to complain, and oh, she would, no doubt and Barty Reigate would put two and two
together and get DK.
Sooner or later, she might learn that his build was simply the way he was. He'd always been
like this, no matter what he ate. But, in time... Here and now, he was glad she was smiling.
Anything to see that.
What would she say if she ever knew he'd come to her just as the others had. He found her
attractive, and then found her even more so because of her personality and mind. Maybe she
would understand because of all this, because of all he would do to win her over.
He had to admit the food smelled inviting...almost too much. But the way DK slid down in her
seat told him her mind had gone to something unhappy. Something...that ate at her now. Like
she ate at her nails. Instead of resuming his own nervous habit, he reached out to gently take
her hand away from her mouth. Her nails were already a disaster. She'd end up bleeding
before much longer. All he did was lower her hand and hold it so she couldn't return it to her
teeth. He said nothing, just held her hand as she had with his to stop him. It was returned.
One friendly gesture for another.
As he did this, DK looked at him sheepishly and let him hold her hand. She had to admit, she
liked it. As a result, she felt she should share with him what was bugging her. After all, it really
was no secret. She sighed heavily and looked down at her hand in his.

It's just, she started as if in answer to his unspoken question. Uncle Barty's gonna kill me if
that blasted woman goes and complains. I know she didn't know it was me, thank heavens, but
I'm sure my uncle will figure it out. He's already upset about um... earlier, she stopped herself
from actually telling him about her attempt to fob his case off on someone else that was
thwarted by Calliope. I had a mind to send this really gorgeous new guy to her as
compensation, but after the way she spoke to you, she'll be lucky to get one of the creepies
from the basement, as we like to call them. She wanted to chew her nails again but was
prevented by Angus' hand. But she had another one and that one immediately went to her
Angus reached out and took that hand, too.
"He knows about that?" Ohhh no. Wait... He's backing me! But... It shouldn't have been in the
office. This, I can understand...in a way. But again, it goes with what we're trying to
accomplish. Is he only making her believe he's upset?
"Well... If she does figure it out, then deal with it. For now, you are still 'unknown'." Here he
grinned. "She only knows some madwoman raved at her about me." You were protecting me.
DK, say something. Something! Anything! Just say something to me. Tell me I've at least made
you think a little. Do you think I would turn from you?
A thought snapped in his head like a rubber band.
Love...and loss. Love...being left.
Oh, DK...
He wasn't about to bring it up. Not for anything. Instead, he laughed and shook his head. "You
did look ridiculous, DK. But..." He squeezed her hands. "I was glad to see you. Well...what I
could see of you under that hat."
She had to laugh at this, instinctively squeezing his hands back in return. Bloody hell, Angus, I
have done some daft things since you came into my office, and my life, she thought. Why are
you affecting me like this? What is it about you that makes me lose all sense of reason and do
the stupidest damn things? I have no idea where these ideas come from or why I do them. I
just... she stopped, sighing and looking down at both their hands, hers with the nubs of
fingernails eaten away and his with the raw spots on his thumbs.
What a pair we make, eh? Her eyes raised to meet his and for a moment the world stood still
as the memory of that earlier kiss intruded once more. Angus... his name slipped from her
lips in a soft whisper as the vehicle came to a stop at her apartment building.
'What a pair we make, eh?'
"Yes." He watched her in her study of their hands. He could sit like this forever. His own eyes
lowered. Oh, their hands looked good together, even with the evidence of their habits. Maybe
that was one reason they were so perfect...
"I have done daft things, too, DK, since then. But...I don't regret them."
He met her gaze, frozen as she was, heard her whisper his name, and thrilled to the sound of
it. Oh, to hear that every night, every morning. To hear that at any time, and know it was filled
with love. If only she would SEE what was happening. It was natural, it was happening all on its
own, without him doing a thing. And now...he had the chance of a lifetime. He felt himself
leaning in, coming closer, eyes locked on hers, on the verge of another kiss to remember...
He stopped.
"We're home." He spoke softly, then shook his head. "You're home, I mean."
Alfonse had already climbed out and opened their door, holding his hand out to help DK alight
from the vehicle. It did not go unnoticed by the chauffeur that she had had to reclaim her
hands first before she could exit. A faint knowing grin turned up the corners of his mouth. He
then helped Angus out as DK took the bags of food from him, handing one milkshake to Angus,
sipping already on the other. She gave her driver a nod of the head and he went to put the
shuttle away.
DK and Angus made their way back up to her flat, the concierge raising an eyebrow at seeing
the same fellow there once again. She crossed her fingers.
Once inside, she turned on the faux fire and set the food and drinks down on the glass coffee
table, fetching extra napkins before rushing off to her room to change out of her ridiculous
costume and into a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Her hair she pulled up into a quick,
lopsided ponytail of dark hair.

Aaahhhh that's better. Angus, please, sit down and make yourself at home. Take your shoes
off, loosen your tie... please, relax! Surely you know how to do that?
She grabbed a handful of fries and plopped down on the sofa, sitting in her corner spot crosslegged and plunging her hand between the cushions to pull out the remote. With this she just
turned on some music, a soft instrumental selection that would be good background music for
a pleasant meal with someone special.
Did he have a team behind him, cheering for him?
He took the milkshake from DK, simply carrying it. The concierge getting a sideways glance.
Sadly, not something of a shared knowledge, or hope, but self-consciousness. Of course they
would notice he'd been there before and was back again. With DK. Did they realise last time
that he had been there overnight? Ohhh....
Inside her flat, he watched her run off, took a seat on the sofa. He didn't touch the food,
waiting for her. He did, however, swallow two gulps of the milkshake a little too quickly, and bit
down, one eye closed tight as the brain freeze subsided. He recovered just in time to see a
very different DK appear. Strangely, there was something very attractive about this version,
too. The look of an everyday woman. Without fuss, comfy at home. He couldn't help the smile.
Slowly, he removed his jacket, laid it aside, leaving him in the blue tshirt. His black shoes were
toed off, moved aside, and he slid down in his seat, long legs stretched out. "How's this? Am I
doing it right?" Like her, he started with some fries, finding he was hungry, and this was
perfect. Eventually, he dug into the bags to grab the burgers, offering one.
"I'll bite if you do."
With a warm smile, she took the burger and dove in hungrily. DK watched Angus, as if making
sure he made good on his promise to eat as well. Satisfied, she devoured her burger,
interspersed with the occasional handful of fries and draws on her chocolate milkshake.
Aren't these like the best burgers ever? she asked, mouth full, but still lovely as could be.
When she had eaten her burger, she dove into the bag and drew out two more, setting his
down before him on the coffee table, and munching down on her own. She wasn't like all those
other girls who were always worrying about their looks and eating like birds. Nope, not DK. She
ate what she wanted and always seemed to look just right. Then again half the time she forgot
to eat at all.
When her food was gone, she sat back against the sofa, sipping the last of her shake, just
watching Angus. There was something so satisfying about this moment, so relaxing and
homey. DK didn't even realise she was smiling as she gazed at Angus, thinking she could easily
live this way the rest of her life.
Then she wondered where that thought came from.
He made good. With her first bite, he bit, too, and couldn't help the look of sheer pleasure he
wore. All right, so he'd been hungry before. And, having gotten over his momentary slump in
his mood, he was feeling it. At her question, he glanced over. She talked with her mouth full!!
As OCD as Angus was, for some reason, this was adorable. But it was so difficult to smile in
answer to her while his mouth was that full. Problem was, he wanted to laugh at her cuteness,
and couldn't. He was sure half his burger would come out his nose.
The fact that DK wasn't one of those prissy eaters made him feel...as if the two of them had
been sitting together like this for years. Comfortable with each other, sharing a space and
eating like two teenagers. In the time she took to eat both of her burgers, he finished one. But
like her, he sat back, satisfied with the world. And saw her look.
Oh, DK... Why can't you see?
He gave her the exact same look right back.
What are you thinking about, Angus, she asked, as all women do when there is a lull in the
conversation. It is not meant as anything to put the man on alert or make him worry, but
merely she is interested in knowing what he is thinking at that precise moment. What thoughts
have brought about the silence in which they now find themselves. It's like a game that
females play.. and men always get wrong.
Her own thoughts were only of him. Wondering just how wrong it would be if she did end up
falling for one of her clients. She has asked the question of their team of solicitors way back in
the beginning, but she didn't remember the answer. Perhaps she should look it up on Monday?
Though what did it really matter if the man was willing?

Like any other male, he checked himself. OhGod, what would he tell her?! He couldn't tell her
he'd been sitting there thinking of his feelings for her, that he was completely hers and she
didn't even know it. He couldn't even imply anything, nor refer to caring for a woman he
couldn't have. She would never realise he meant her. And then prove he could have her.
So, what would he say?
"Did you ever wonder what it's like to be in love?" He asked the question with a smile to her
before turning his gaze upward, hands laced over his stomach. "To think about that person all
the time, where everything relates back to them, where songs make you think of them... To be
so lost when they look at you, even the slightest glimpse, where the most accidental touch
means worlds to you... It has to be wonderful. The butterflies in your stomach. And you know
they're beautiful in any and every way, even if no one else agrees with you. It doesn't matter,
cos they're only for you anyway. When you'd do anything for them, even with no return. When
even silence can mean everything..."
With every effort, he looked at her as though he only asked a question to think about, to chat
about. As if looking for a friend's thoughts. Instead, he wanted to read her expression, her
eyes. And wish some more than she would eventually see him as something more than a client
to her company and sort-of friend.
As he spoke, DK listened to his words, absorbing them, turning them over and chewing them
up in her mind, for he was describing how she felt so precisely.. It was almost scary. So is this
what she had been feeling all along? Was this what it was like to be in love? She was in charge
of a company that dealt in love, and yet she had no idea what it was herself. Not this kind of
love. Not this heart melting, stomach churning, palms sweating sort of love. The butterflies and
the fluttery feeling deep inside that made goosebumps rise on her skin when she even thought
of Angus, let alone saw him, or spoke to him, or smiled at him. And that kiss earlier in the
week... was that why she did that, for she'd never figured that one out... but it was all she
could think about. The taste of his mouth upon hers, the scent of him in her nostrils that
lingered even until now. The tautness of his painfully thin body that she could literally wrap her
arms around almost twice. And those eyes. Those eyes that could turn her to a puddle of goo
at fifty paces.
Is that what all this was? Love?
She just sat there, staring at him. She was sure her mouth was gaping, but perhaps only a
little. Did she dare tell him that she knew what it was like? That she felt it around him ever
since he had come into her office that first day. Normally she would have assigned him to an
agent and sent him on his way. Why, then, had she not even thought about it but took him on
for herself right away? Had it stricken her even then? Was it possible that it could work that
Angus... I... her voice faltered and fell silent, afraid to say anything else, lest she frighten him
off. But even though she was afraid, the rest of her yearned to hold him, to taste him, to inhale
him once more and be his forever.
"All right, so it was a little deep, I suppose." He chuckled, looking upward again. But...what had
made her look like that? Was she beginning to understand? Or did she only believe he was
describing his own feelings and now...she would push him out the door?
"Maybe I was musing over how you ate more than I did. How? You're tiny! Or maybe I was
wondering why you feel so comfortable with me seeing you in such a casual state...which
makes you no less attractive." Another chuckled was loosed. "Maybe I was only wondering
about why you have me here. You didn't drink that much. Which means I'm not really needed.
But you didn't question why I wanted to come with you." His blue eyes slid over to her. If he
wasn't needed, the fact he'd asked meant he was using excuses to be with her, and the fact
she allowed meant she didn't mind his company...or maybe even wanted it.
So, DK...what does this add up to for you?
DK shook her head, his switching subjects and babbling on giving her a headache. No, Angus,
there is nothing wrong with a deep discussion. I like them in fact, yet have so few of them.
You've seen who I have to work with. Calliope isn't exactly Einstein and my uncle is a jokester
at the best of times. Her eyes began to well up. I miss Jasper. He was the only one I could
have proper conversations with. Deep discussions were his speciality and he took me seriously
when I came to him with a problem or for advice.
She looked at Angus and shifted in her seat, tucking her legs beneath her. Then she held her
hand out to him.

And now there's you. I... I feel I can talk to you about anything and that you'll take me
seriously too. Like Jasper did. I... Angus, I... think I am growing fond of you, she finally said in a
She might have said she was becoming fond of him, but it could mean anything. And oh, she
went on about Jasper so much with him. It was like being compared to a brother, or told he was
sweet and a great friend.
"DK... I do take you seriously. Very much so. Even with stunts like tonight...I take it seriously.
There was a reason for that happening, wasn't there?" His voice was low, even, and almost
small. Then, he took the chance. He knew it was too quick, knew this would be the end...for
now...but he looked over at her, his gaze intense. "I had a reason for asking you about being in
love. About the feeling. I know that feeling. I know what it's like. To feel nervous and giddy, to
never get your thoughts together into something coherent and intelligent. To know you'll do
anything to be near that person, even in the smallest way. I know that."
His eyes lowered, finding his hands twined together, his thumb reddened. For a long minute,
he said nothing, then took a breath and looked up again.
"I've already found someone. Problem is...if she feels anything, she won't say. Not really. She's
shown it, in lesser words and in actions...but I don't know that, if she feels it, she even realises
it. She's likely not aware."
The look intensified again.
"But I am."
I... I feel all those things you said. I do, me, DK. I FEEL them but have no idea why. Am I just
stupid that I can't put a name to these feelings? I am confused as hell but... yeah, there was a
reason for tonight. I was... jealous, I guess. She hung her head and withdrew her hand. He
hadn't noticed it anyway. And don't ask me why. I just couldn't bear the thought of you alone
with her... with anyone.
Then for some reason unknown to DK, her heart plummeted when she heard his words She
swallowed hard and tried to speak, but at first nothing came out.
Already... found... someone? But.... who? Then her face took on a look of the horror she felt
inside. Oh not that Winnie person? God, please, don't say it's fucking her!
A little more forcefully than she had meant to, DK reached out and grabbed his hands to keep
him from hurting himself further as he rubbed his thumb.
Her green eyes began to well up slightly. WHO!
Angus hadn't known if he should truly reach out to her just then. This conversation was going
to leave one of them very upset, quite possibly. He wasn't sure he wanted to give her the
chance to haul him in and slap him. But seeing her hand fall, he wished he'd taken the chance.
He had with his words, why not-- Things never went perfect.
But if she wanted to know what he felt, she should have paid real attention to his reaction to
that one statement. 'I just couldn't bear the thought of you alone with her... with anyone.' His
head lowered, eyes closed, his lips the smallest smile. There it was. Her feelings in her words.
But she just didn't catch on.
"What?" His head snapped up, eyes wide. Winnie?! What would make him interested in her?!
She had been incredibly rude! And hurtful, if truthful. And there were DK's feelings again, in
her cursing. Her hand landed on his, her demand clear...and there were her feelings in actions
and reactions. He saw the way her eyes turned red with threatening tears. And he knew he had
to say something. He looked into her eyes for a long minute, then leaned in to close the space
between them, his lips pressed to hers in a possessive kiss. He slanted it, dove in, and tried so
hard to say it all, all the things he just couldn't voice, because words weren't able to express
them. He kissed her until he knew she had to be as breathless as he, and then drew back to
give the softest smile, his words a whisper.
"Oh, DK... It's you."
To say that DK was shocked when Angus kissed her would be a slight understatement. But it
was nothing compared to the look on her face when he whispered who his love was. Her?
Me? she gasped, trying to catch her breath and hold it at the same time which wasn't
working very well, but she wasn't thinking, just... staring.
But... why? Why me? I mean, look at me! All I get are creeps and stalkers. Never someone as
classy and kind and handsome as you. I'm never so lucky, her voice dropped as did her head,
looking away, anywhere but at Angus. It was as if she was afraid of the truth; if she believed it,

it would be snatched away from her. Her mind was all a jumble though and against her
instincts, she looked back up and at Angus, his long slender hands still clasped in hers.
"Why?" It shocked him that she would ask why. Why the hell NOT? What couldn't be loved
about her? She had her beauty and brains, which she knew how to use...by using her brains
and letting everything else speak for itself without looking artificial. And she had her quirks.
Which he had plenty of, so that seemed to match up. They were both painfully alone. They
were both afraid of love but so in need. They were both sure no one would ever love them the
way they needed to be loved. And they were both terrified to lose the one they loved.
"Oh, DK, I don't know if you're lucky or not when it comes to me. I'm not handsome. I'm not
built. I'm not strong and powerful. I'm not even brave. I'm quiet, I'm dull, and I'm old-fashioned.
I'm the one in the corner that no one sees. You didn't see me there in your office the day we
met. I get that a lot, really.
"You are the opposite of all of that. You're colourful and bright. You're witty and gutsy. You're
maddeningly intelligent. And you're beautiful." His eyes moved, taking in her clothing and the
messy hairstyle. "Yes, like this." His voice dropped. "If you would rather I leave, I will. But I
don't want to. I would rather be with you than anywhere. But I'll do what makes you happy." He
shifted his hands so he could hold hers.
"The reason why, DK, is because you are you. That's all."
DK sat and listened to him, hands now clasped in his. And as she listened, the tears that had
threatened, began to stream down her cheeks. Now, DK was never the sort of person to shed a
tear for any reason, but certainly never ever in front of someone else. But here they were, hot,
salty tears running in torrents down her flushed cheeks, all the while shaking her head in
Oh, Angus, don't say such things about yourself. You ARE handsome, and smart, gentle, kind,
considerate, generous, I... I love your hands so much, she brushed her thumbs gently across
the backs of his fingers. I wish you wouldn't keep hurting them all the time. She looked up
into his face, eyes searching it as if memorising its composition. I love everything there is
about you, your nose, your jawline, chin, your hair.. and your eyes. They captivated me the
first moment I saw them when you removed your glasses. She did just that now, pulling her
hands away and tossing the glasses into one of the chairs.
DK then moved closer and placed her hands on either side of his face, much as she had done
the other day when she had pinned him against the wall in that moment of passion.
You have so much to offer, Angus. How can I not be obsessed with you? How can I not be
selfish and want you all for myself?
With that she leaned in and, instead of what had gone before, she kissed him softly, tenderly,
tears flavouring her soft lips.
I also think you're crazy, for I am a nightmare, ask anyone who knows me. Sometimes I even
drive myself batty.
The taste of her tears went right to his heart, and all his wanting to disagree with her melted
away. Who cared any more? If they both thought of the other as the greatest thing in any
galaxy, then what else mattered? Her kiss was the kind he'd dreamed of, so sweet, in spite of
her tears.
"Then drive me batty, DK. Give me...life. I've so much silence and solitude. I have too much
silence and solitude. Turn it upside-down. Make everything busy and mad." His lips were a
smile. "I'll try to learn to leave my hands alone if you do. Stop biting your nails. And...be selfish.
Cos I want you for myself, too." His hand lifted to cup her jaw. "You are so incredible I find it
hard to put all my thoughts into words. But I know this: I love you, Daiquiri." He knew she'd get
upset about the name, but he hoped his expression would hold her off. "From your hair, which
is adorable, and your gorgeous eyes that I...can't get out of my head, down to your toes. Even
your cursing." He could have spent the night detailing all his favourite things about her, but he
wasn't going to. Instead, he gave her a long look, his hand reaching for one of hers.
"Please don't send me home."
DK winced slightly at being called by her hated first name, but somehow the way he said it
wasn't so bad. If that's what he wanted to call her, then so be it. No doubt the press already
knew anyway. It was only the gag order that kept them from releasing it.
She listened to his words, the tears still streaming. Thirty-two years' worth of pent-up emotion
spilling out in one go.

Angus... she croaked softly, head tilted adoringly, just looking at him, at a loss for what to
say or do except to nod. Then, with his last words, she reclaimed her hand and moved even
closer, wrapping her arms around him tentatively. See, DK had never really hugged anyone.
Not since Jasper died, but she was a mere teenager then. Oh, Calliope tried, but DK never
hugged back, playfully pushing her one friend away. But now, she craved this. She needed to
hold Angus in her arms, to feel his warmth and his strength... to feel him, hold him, possess
him. Hugging him tightly in her arms, she pressed her cheek against his and whispered in his
ear. Never, Angus. I will never send you home.
Somehow, it would take a lot for Angus to associate her name with the supposed origin of it. To
him, it simply sounded like a pretty and unusual name. That was all. But he would remember
to keep this to himself. Around anyone else, she would be DK.
He wished she wouldn't cry, but he wanted to cry, too. He'd finally been able to confess his
feelings, and a great weight had been lifted from his chest. He could breathe again. He put his
arms around her, holding her warmly. She needed this. He knew she wasn't one to let people
close, could see how she kept everyone just slightly away. But this... She needed it. And she
would have to get used to it if she would be with him. He wanted to hold her and never let go,
for fear she might disappear.
His heart soared with the whisper he heard, the voice that spoke it. He could feel the wet of
her tears, heard the hitch in her whispering, and wanted to hold her forever, comfort her. He
gave them both a couple of minutes before he gave in to his other want. Drawing back just a
little, he took her lips in a long, but soft, kiss.
Everything was so confusing! DK felt she had lost that control that she had always fought so
hard to keep and it was all because of this man that had stepped into her life and destroyed it.
Everything she had worked for, everything she knew had been turned on its head and she
had let it! Her nice, tidy, ordered life was now nothing but chaos and feelings and uncertainty
as to what would happen now. On any given day if you had asked DK what she would be doing,
she could tell you. Or, at least her receptionist could. But no more. She had no idea if she was
coming or going, but in a way it felt... liberating.
Not to mention Angus. How he dominated her every thought and influenced everything she
Oh Angus... she muttered just before he claimed her lips in a soft and lasting kiss. She
returned it almost hungrily, feeling things she had never felt before in herself.
Indeed, she was feeling the chaos that he needed. His own tidy little world had been opened
up to something completely out of line with all he knew. Like having one navy sock in with a
bunch of black ones. Normally, it would irritate him until he gave in and righted the problem.
But this was no problem. This was what he wanted more than anything.
He'd done so much to get here, and would have done more, would do more anyway. He would
do anything he had to, anything she asked, to be with her. DK meant more to him than
anything on any world. And one day, she would know it and believe it. She would believe that
her love would not be given in vain, or that his would not be snatched from her grasp. His
heart was hers, and that was that.
He loved the way she said his name, wanted to hear it again, over and over, just to hear the
sound of her voice. To feel the thrill that her whisper was all for him. His lips broke the kiss,
murmured "Daiquiri" against her lips, and reclaimed them, demanding and hard. He claimed
not to be hungry before, but he certainly was now.
That would take some getting used to. But the way he spoke her name with his low, sultry
voice, even the hated moniker made her go weak in the knees. DK was a little surprised at the
ferocity of this kiss, but dared to answer it in kind,
Maybe her uncle was right. Maybe it WAS time for her to find someone for herself, or rather
take someone for herself, for here this beautiful fellow was offering himself to her completely.
He actually loved her.. her! And the more she thought about what she knew about him, the
more it made sense to her business-like mind as well. They were similar on so many points;
with their dedication to their jobs, their obsessions and especially their loneliness. DK had
never realised until now just how lonely her life truly was. Yes she saw thousands of different
people and beings all the time in her work, but none of them were friends. And certainly none
of them loved her... nor she loved them. Then it finally struck her. How many other possible
loves had she pushed away and refused by labelling anyone with any interest in her at all as a

stalker and passing them to some other agent? She looked at Angus and realised he was the
only one smart enough to figure out how to get past her defenses... and the only one
determined enough to make it work.
This somehow fuelled her passion, this belief that perhaps this was truly meant to be. Making a
decision, she threw all reservations out the window and let her passion and instincts take over.
She then renewed the kiss, kissing Angus as hard and with as much desperate passion as she
could manage.
It was a lot of passion.
Angus was struck by that, as he had been when she came at him in her office. He'd wanted so
much to do all this then, to tell her everything, but he couldn't. Not when there was still so
much meant to happen to make her see what he felt. What she felt. He'd wanted to hold her,
kiss her, let her know what she meant to him, and what she did to him.
He moaned into this kiss, overpowered by his want for her, one hand pulling her hair free from
the band that held it. His tongue brushed her lower lip as he was leaning her back to lay on the
sofa. He didn't break the kiss, and didn't do anything else but guide her. When he was
satisfied, he drew his fingertips along her cheek, plunging them into the hair by her ears. She
was all soft and beautiful, all dreamlike and tasting so sweet.
Oh, DK...
He kept himself braced over her, giving her plenty of space rather than flatten her as if to hold
her down. That wasn't the idea. The idea was to just nudge this a little further. A little at a
time. But then...he wasn't after her body. Not like this. Oh, he wanted her. Badly. But the last
thing he wanted was for her to think that was all he wanted and his words were a means to get
it. Though, if one thought about it, he'd had several other chances to try and push this into
happening. If he hadn't then...
Perhaps she would trust him, and see he was genuine, when others might not have been.
Odd thing for DK though, she did trust Angus. Whether it was her own attraction to him or just
his own inherent trustworthiness, she trusted him so implicitly she never once lumped him in
as one of the 'stalkers'. Not even now did it cross her mind he might only want her for her
body, not in the least because she never thought that of anyone. She did however think people
wanted her because of her position and her wealth which was probably quite true in most
cases. That was why security was tight, though well hidden in the building. That was also why
she never drove anywhere on her own.. Alfonse was also a bodyguard and had had to protect
her upon more than one occasion.
But right here and now, stalkers and such things were furthest from her mind. DK had Angus in
her arms, his lips against hers, and his scent in her nostrils and she never wanted it to end.
She laid back at his urging and looked up at him, leaning her head into the fingers that
touched her cheek.
Angus, her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Is this... is this really happening? Are you for
real or just another figment of my imagination? She reached up and brushed the backs of her
fingers across his cheek, letting them turn over slowly and delve into his dark wavy hair. Now
that she'd tossed aside the glasses, DK could see his blue eyes much more clearly and that
made her smile.
It had never occurred to Angus to think of DK's wealth. He'd never seen her as anything but a
businesswoman, in that sense. It was true he was aware of her hand in making Reigate so
successful, but he'd never equated that with money in her pocket. It was an accomplishment
for her, not a means of dollars in the bank. Here and now, all he saw was a woman. A beautiful
woman he was in love with, and wanted forever.
"I'm real...but are you?" He'd dreamed of her, several times, and never hoped it all might come
true so quickly. In a way, this was his dream, coming to life, and reaching out. But it was also
fear. Fear that this dream would fade into the breeze of another lonely morning. His eyes
closed with the feel of her fingers in his hair, and he sighed quietly. "Aw, DK..." I've wanted this
so much, to be here with you. To feel the warmth of you close to me and know I'm not alone
any more, and neither are you.
Leaning down, he kissed her again, passion creeping in, seeping into every corner of him, in his
mind and body, in want of her, and wanting to make that closeness become real. Why did she
have to be so beautiful, so sweet under the prickly surface? But there she was, and whatever
she was, he wanted it, and would love her for it for the rest of their days.

His lips broke from hers, travelling over her cheek to her ear where he whispered.
"I love you."
Those words. A chill ran through DK as she heard them softly whispered in her ear. She wasn't
sure if she could repeat them just yet, for this was the first time she'd ever heard them. Her
mother had certainly never said them, neither had Uncle Barty, well, not in those words. Not
even Jasper, yet she knew that he did. But here was this plain, simple history teacher. He
wasn't rich, nor did he come from a famous family or even a well-known planet. But he had set
his goals high, or so the rest of the galaxy would regard them as high, and had taken a chance.
DK had to admire his courage, for she knew how he suffered with the shyness and the nerves
and especially his OCD. She knew this must be hard for him to come out of his shell and want
to find love not just with anyone, but with her, the prickliest pear on the tree.
But it wasn't just her admiration for him that swayed her. It was who he was, and how he
treated her, always polite and kind and full of compliments. Most people treated her with
respect, as if she were a member of royalty or something and it quickly got on her nerves. But
Angus honestly made her feel like she was special to him, that he would do anything just to be
near her and forgive her anything she did, even at the expense of his own dignity and honour.
How could she not love him? But for now, at least, she just could not bring herself to say it.
They had been such taboo words to her for so long. Maybe, given time, she would be able to.
But not right now.
Still, she was not immune to the passion she felt both from his touch and his kisses, and from
within herself. DK had many of the same longings about him that he did about her. With the
tears returning to her eyes at his words, she ran both her hands through his hair and pulled
him closer, wanting to feel his weight upon her, to feel him, to be a part of something special..
a part of Angus.
He'd noticed she'd not said the words, and part of him wanted to worry. But her reactions, the
touch of her hands, told him all he needed to know. Her history told the rest, and he wished
like hell he could take the pain away for her. She was worth anything and all, and anyone who
had walked away from her just didn't deserve her in the first place. They would all have to go
through him now to get near her.
"Daiquiri..." He wanted her, wanted everything of her, but knew he would have to be the one
daring enough to bring physical touch to this. He wanted to feel her hands on him, to be one
half of the hands pulling clothing from this and turning it into something deeper. And at the
same time, he didn't want to take it that far. Part of him was almost afraid to make it the vision
that dream had been, even if it was sweeter and more romantic.
Balanced on one arm, he drifted his fingertips over her jaw, down over her throat, his blue eyes
watching her face with a warm reverence that would always be there, even if just under the
surface. He took the dare, his mouth capturing hers again as his fingers moved down, down,
down to her breast, down to her ribs, down to her slim waist, pushing her shirt up just enough
so he could feel the smooth softness of her skin.
He could feel her muscles tense as his fingers moved across her skin, but it wasn't fear or
disapproval at what he was doing, but nervousness for DK had done nothing like this before.
She had never let anyone, not a soul, get this close before. Even now she was wary, but forced
herself to relax, letting the softness she saw in his eyes reassure her that he meant what he
said and he would never hurt her, neither physically nor by breaking her heart.
Goosebumps covered the places where he touched, and she could not help but smile slightly,
one side of her mouth curving upwards as she let her hands slip down from his hair to his
slender, taught neck. She loved the feel of his thin, hard body beneath her hands. She kept her
eyes on his face though, as if looking away would let him disappear and she would wake up
and find it all a dream.
Angus... she whispered, not really sure why, perhaps to make sure he was real.
He was real. As real as she.
He wished he knew how inexperienced DK was. He really didn't know much more than she did,
and he hadn't done anything since university! Allison had been the only one he'd ever been
with, and after her, he'd closed down. Now... Now, DK was opening all kinds of doors for him,
making him feel in ways he hadn't for years. Now he wanted her, and he would let her know.
Angus wouldn't hurt DK. He'd tear out his own soul before hurting her. While her hands moved
down, his went up, inching its way toward her chest. He went slow, gave her the option to push

him away. "You're so beautiful..." He kissed her again, slow and soft, letting it build from one
kiss that blurred into the next.
C'mon, DK... Let me learn all about you. Learn what you want to know about me.
His forehead against hers, he met her eyes, mesmerised by the brilliant green colour. His lips
were so close to hers, breathing her in, and his fingers were slowly discovering the landscape
of her body.
Everything inside DK screamed. Part of her screamed to run, that this wasn't right, that she
didn't know what to do or if she was ready.. but those were just her fears screaming. But the
rest of her was also screaming, wanting Angus' hands and lips to explore every part of her,
even as she explored every part of him. So what was holding her back? Fear? Guilt? Worry?
What was it? She hesitated while this storm of confusion raged inside. Finally, she decided to
just be herself and be honest.
Angus... she whispered breathlessly, hardly able to speak not wanting to break the mood.
I... I've never.. she closed her eyes, sighing softly. She knew it was almost shameful to be
thirty-two years of age and still extremely inexperienced. But she had promised herself she
would never let it go cheaply. It would belong to the one she loved and no one else.
And now.. she wanted to give it to Angus. Did that make him her one?
Opening her eyes and looking into his, she decided that yes, he was.
He drew back slightly, staring at her.
Maybe he shouldn't be pressing the issue! Oh, but DK... Such a wise girl, so careful, so
precious. His hand was pulled from its place at her side, fingers against her cheek. "DK..." He
hoped she didn't think he would be some grand teacher, some amazing lover with all the
answers, the know-how. He was almost fumbling his way here! But it was all about going with
what felt right, whatever the knowledge, so he nodded once, kissing her softly.
"I would never hurt you." This was her show now, her say would allow whatever happened
here. Whatever word she gave, he would follow. Yes or no. And never with anything but pure
obedience. If she stopped him and sent him home, he would do it with no question. But for
now, he wanted to touch her, kiss her, be with her. However she let him. Even if it went no
further than this.
"DK... Learn who I am. Explore, love..."
His lips met with hers again, tender but slanted and passionate.
I know you wouldn't, Angus. That... that's not what I fear. I fear... she closed her eyes, as if
afraid to admit what she feared most. I fear being a disappointment to you. I know so little of
this.. I know I basically sell love, but I am a total stranger to it. I'm sure I'll get everything
She brought her hand up to run through his hair again, then slip down to caress his cheek. She
could feel the stubble forming on his jaw and chin, rough sandpaper with a soft skin base. Her
eyes began to explore his face, memorising every detail from his amazing blue eyes to the tiny
scar above one eye in the eyebrow line. Her other hand slipped down to his shoulder,
memorising the contours there and down his thin back. Everywhere he was thin and tight,
bony even, but still, she found him to be beautiful and wanted to explore so much more.
Hesitantly, the hand on his back continued until it was found upon his chest. She could feel his
muscles moving beneath the cloth of the shirt, hard and compact. DK found she longed to
touch his skin, to feel his chest for herself.
"AwDaiquiri...no." Angus shook his head slowly. "No, you've gotten everything right."
It was true she'd gone a little nutty more than once, and apparently in the name of her feelings
for him. But he'd done just the same...only in a less flashy way. The fact it was done for love
was all that mattered, which was why he forgave her. That, and he couldn't seem to be angry
with her.
"You will never disappoint me. Never." He whispered everything, his expression soft. His eyes
closed with the exploration of her hand, just the warmth of that hand through his thin shirt... It
was enough to send waves through him. She got to him so easily! He had such a weakness for
her, in every way.
His lips touched her cheek, the corner of her mouth, then pressed fully to hers. And the hand
on his chest was gently taken and moved down to the hem of his shirt, her fingertips nudged
under the fabric. An invitation.

One which she hesitated slightly before taking, sliding her hand beneath his shirt, feeling the
soft, warm slightly trembling skin beneath. Her fingertips alighted just above the waist of his
jeans, feeling soft, perfectly smooth skin with a little patch of coarse hair just below a small,
shallow belly button. DK smiled at this, trying to picture it in her mind as her sense of touch
explored Angus' thin body. The skin then became smooth again, except for tiny goosebumps
that began to rise as her hand did, moving upwards, feeling the contours of his lightly defined
muscles over the dips and ridges of his ribs.
Her wandering hand then slid from side to side, moving upwards slowly, feeling the muscles of
his chest, a bit more defined than his abdomen. DK couldn't help but smile when she felt his
tiny nipples harden and join the ranks of goosebumps as her hand slid across ever so lightly.
Naturally she had to slide her hand to the other side to make sure there were two and both
responded similarly. As she did, she could feel a small patch of hair right in the centre of his
chest, which she gently played with for a moment before moving upwards to feel the edges of
his collarbone and then his hard, rounded shoulders which fit perfectly to the contour of her
cupped hand.
Angus didn't breathe all through her exploration. He couldn't. Oh, he'd moved her hand down
to the starting point...but somehow he hadn't expected it to feel like this. So strong! He went
utterly still, not wanting to move and make her change her mind. He didn't want her fingers to
leave his skin. His eyes closed, the whole of him trembling ever so slightly, flinching as her
fingertip brushed over a nipple. Again with the second.
By the time her hand reached his shoulder, he was fighting to breathe, just one breath. Just
one. He also reached up and pulled his shirt over his head to leave it where it would drop. And,
still shaken by the sensation of her touch, he mimicked her. His fingers started low, just below
her navel, drifting upward with a feather-light touch. Her skin was unlike anything he'd ever
touched in his lifetime, whatever it may be. Smooth, soft, like velvet but finer. Moving further
up, he found the rising curve of her ribs, arching upward toward her chest. There, his
exploration turned different from hers. He found her bra, but oh, the curve of her breast within!
Slowly, he went on to her collarbones.
But when he delved in to kiss her, his mouth slanted against hers, his hand eased downward to
rest cupped lightly over her breast.
Watching Angus remove his shirt, she was able to now look upon the landscape her fingers had
just explored. It was all as she had imagined it, but even better because it was real and she
could touch it again at any time. Then it was his turn.
DK shuddered at his touch. Again, no one had ever touched her before in any of these spots,
aside from the odd doctor during the yearly physical for the company. Tiny goosebumps spread
across her smooth perfect skin as Angus' fingers did the same. At first she was mildly annoyed
as it tickled a little, but as he moved up, she could feel her skin flush and that she craved
more. She cursed her good manners in putting a bra on after discarding her ridiculous disguise
as she wanted to feel his hand on all of her skin, to feel him touch her breasts as easily as he
did everything else.
As he kissed her again, DK moved her own hands down to tug on the hem of her long t-shirt,
raising up beneath him to remove it over her shoulders, breaking the kiss for a moment. Then
she looked down at her black, lacy bra then back up at him with her eyes only moving, seeing
his face through long dark lashes and she grinned crookedly, almost wickedly. Indeed, this was
permission for him to remove it.
She was more a dreamscape than anything, though she was so real it almost made his heart
ache. Angus was actually a little surprised when she took her shirt off, but the vision she
was...it was enough for him to move on. Oh, he had to! The look she gave him told him all he
needed to know.
He nuzzled into her skin, between her breasts, breathing in her scent, sighing softly. All he
could think of was her name, over and over. No other words formed in his mind now. The hand
returned to cup over her breast, then slip the strap from her shoulder. his lips skimmed over
her skin, his blue eyes lifted to her face.
He had to shift his balance to his legs, both of his hands sliding under her to battle with the
clasp of her bra and...unfasten it! His eyes met with hers as his fingers slowly pulled the straps
down her arms.
Show me, DK...

As the black lace was pulled away, his hands cupped her bared breasts, his lips pressed
between, then higher, against her jaw, then her lips.
DK chuckled a little at his efforts to unfasten her bra. They were no easier even in this day and
age than they were in olden times. Men will always have to struggle to remove a woman's
undergarments, and that is how it should be. But once unfastened, she lay back and watched
him, her green eyes big as saucers, slightly reminiscent of rabbits' eyes caught in headlights.
But when she feels Angus' hands gently upon her bare breast, those eyes close as her head
leans back against the sofa, a soft moan escaping her lips.
DK's instincts then kick in and her hands run up his arms to his shoulders, up his neck into his
soft, dark hair, capturing his lips when they finally reached hers. Slender legs still clad in
sweats moved to run a foot up his to his thigh, wrapping around one of his legs to hold him
that much closer and press the rest of her body against him.
True this was something she'd never done before in her life, but oh how she wanted it. With
every touch he gave her, DK wanted more. With every kiss, she wanted it deeper, longer,
Angus, she whispered almost desperately against his lips. Angus I can't help it.. I am yours.
All yours.
"AwGod..." In having him so much closer, she had to realise how much he wanted her. He had
to shift and lean on one arm again, but that was all right. Both hands left her chest, but one
was run up her thigh, to her hip, his own pressing in.
"Don't help it. Just don't..." The kiss was broken, renewed with his tongue seeking hers. He
didn't want her to stop, didn't want to lose her closeness, or her fingers in his hair. He didn't
want to lose the heat they created, that swept them onward.
With his lips slanted against hers, he brought his hand back to her breast, fingertips brushing
over her nipple.
DK had been so wrapped up in everything else they were doing, she did not feel the long, hard
object pressing against her right leg until he shifted, and still didn't realise just what it was or
its significance until she thought about what it could be for a moment. Then her eyes became
huge as her heart nearly skipped a beat before racing as it never had before. At the thought,
she felt a tingly fluttery sensation deep in the centre of her being, that was only enhanced by
his fingers brushing lightly across her nipple. This elicited an involuntary moan from her throat
as she struggled to breathe in this latest kiss.
With a hand upon Angus' chest, she pushed against him to let her breathe, and look at him,
her mind also racing as fast as her heart.
Angus! Is... is that what I think it is?
Hold everything!!
Those wide green eyes made him very nervous, and her question didn't help. It took a good
long minute for him to do something other than bite his lip. This would be where I get up, find
my shirt, and go home. Right? But he also had to remember that DK was a virgin. This was all
new to her. Alright...
"DK..." He spoke with a soft voice. "You can't think that all this would have no effect on me..."
Taking a deep breath, he kept his expression as calm as possible...which was hard to do in his
current state. "If you'd rather stop, all you have to do is say so."
He didn't want to, not when he still had a hand on her breast (almost frozen in place during
this conversation), when she still had that leg around his, when her kisses were like a drug to
him. But he would respect her wishes. She turned him on to no end, but this was about her.
Her face turned bright crimson and she gave a little embarrassed laugh. Blinking, DK nodded.
Ah, yes, right. I um, forgot that such things happened to men. Please, forgive me. As I said,
this is all new to me, but... she stopped as the realisation hit her and her heart sped up after it
skipped a beat. It wasn't fear though, but excitement. I want to. Very much, Angus. Teach me.
Show me what it's like. I.. I want to see it, touch it.. I want to give you what you want. Her
breath was shallow and ragged as she looked down at the two of them, her legs, his hand, her
breasts, his lips and his eyes. Oh, those eyes that had captivated her from the very beginning;
the eyes she would never be able to deny. Please?

Her words only made him harder. He hadn't known another's touch for half his life! How was he
going to teach her anything?! By feel! Whatever felt right. But while she turned him on further,
her words melted him, too. His hand finally came away from her chest, rising to touch her
cheek. "What I want is for you to be happy. What I want..." He sighed shakily. "Is you."
Shifting a little higher over her, he took her hand, drawing it slowly down to the strained front
of his pants. Start here, DK. Go slow and learn what you want to know. He wouldn't rush her,
wouldn't try to coax her into doing more than she wanted.
He should have been shying away. He should have been silent, blushing, eyes averted from her
body. But he just couldn't seem to be that way here. It was only the two of them, and DK was
the only one he wanted, in any way. So why be shy?
But instead of touching it right away, she shifted and sat up some, making room for him to lie
beside her on the ginormous sofa, wanting Angus to be more comfortable and for herself to
have more space to move. DK nervously bit her lip as her hand hovered over the bulge in his
trousers. She had no idea why she was so nervous! Naturally she'd seen plenty of naked men
and women in holovids and advertisements and such, but she had never seen one this close
before, not a real one and certainly had never touched one. She looked up at Angus' face and
reminded herself it wasn't an alien being or something, but a part of this beautiful man, this
man that had found where her heart was hidden and taken it for himself.
With a deep breath and the softest of smiles, she kept her eyes on his as she lowered her
hand, brushing it across gently, but then a little harder. She let the breath out as she marvelled
at how hard it felt, and the heat was intense, even through the fabric. DK's smile intensified a
little as the trepidation faded and curiosity took over, her hand closing over the entire bulge at
Angus was no less nervous, and when she gave him room, he bit his lip like she did. He'd not
expected this. This gave him the idea of exploration...and he wasn't sure he could handle that.
For her, though, he would have to, whatever it took. He met her gaze with a look he hoped let
her know he wasn't completely brave, either.
He tried to watch her, catching his breath slightly with the first touch, his eyes closing with the
second. Even like this, she sent the most delicious chills through him, hardening him to the
point of aching. When he felt the whole of her hand, he groaned, everything inside becoming
restless. This was a new feeling. He didn't remember this. The feel of desire threatening to take
over and throw everything upside-down. This was completely new!
"Daiquiri..." Her name came out in a moan-laced whisper.
Angus' reactions sent DK over the edge of shyness and hesitation and pushed her into curiosity
and need. Carefully she unfastened his trousers and eased them down, taking care to remove
them completely before doing the same with his boxers. She was slow and deliberate as if
unwrapping a long-anticipated gift. Her hands lifted the waistband up and over the bulge, her
eyes darting up to his to make sure this was all right. As she pulled them down, his erection
was exposed, rock hard and pointing up and to the left as he was slightly on his side upon the
sofa. With a gasp of delight, she removed the undergarment the rest of the way, leaving Angus
St. Paul completely naked on DK Reigate's sofa.
Ohhhhhh, she gasped as she ventured to stroke her fingertips gently across his length. How
beautiful... she whispered. He was not so big around, but fairly long and uncut, a good eight
or so inches. DK looked up at Angus and saw him completely for the first time. Suddenly she
wanted to touch him all over, to rub her entire body over his, to feel his hands upon her and to
taste every tiny bit of this man. She placed her hands upon his hips and slid them up his sides,
herself sliding up to claim his mouth in a deep, loving kiss.
This...was not what he'd expected to be happening tonight. Oh, it wasn't bad at all, just not
what he'd been imagining when he left his flat for that god-awful 'date'. Oh, he was glad it had
gone nowhere, but he hadn't been thinking he would be here in this situation. With DK...
Being undressed was just fine, if a bit unfair in the end. But when her eyes came up to his, he
gave the barest nod. She had free rein here. And it felt so good to be so much less confined!
The touch of her fingertips sent racing sensation all through him. It radiated outward and then
came right back to the core of him, causing a twitch under those fingertips, and a low moan to
break in his throat.
He felt cool and exposed to the room, making the slide of her hands so very warm, her kiss
even warmer. His hands found her hips, holding there as he slanted his mouth under hers,

fought this slow and gentle battle with her, his tongue seeking quiet domination over hers.
"Not fair, Daiquiri. I want to see you, too." His lips met hers again. "Let me finish what I
As their tongues wrestled each other, DK nodded, and somehow managed to whisper, I'm all
yours, Angus, before continuing. Then they broke for air, both gasping and DK pulled away,
smiling, standing beside the sofa. She stretched out her hands towards him, to pull him to his
feet. Perhaps we would be more comfortable in the bedroom? she suggested slightly
nervously, but determined, a look of burning passion in her green eyes. Come with me and
you can finish unwrapping me... if you wish, that is, she winked and fixed her gaze on his
incredible blue eyes.
Those words! Such potent words!
To see her stand before him, her upper body bared, with her tumbled hair, her fiery green
eyes, and that pale, perfect skin...was all magick for Angus. DK had a beauty in her that she
either knew exactly how to present, or had no idea of. Her suggestion was so well received,
because the more Angus thought about where this was leading, the more he thought she
deserved better than even the most comfy sofa. This was DK, and she deserved the best.
Once he stood, he lifted his hands to cup her face as he kissed her. "Lead me on, DK. Lead me
because I *do* wish to finish unwrapping this gift you've given me."
You are...such a gift. One to be treasured.
DK gave a soft roll of her eyes as she took both of his hands and pulled him to his feet. Walking
backwards, careful not to back into the glass coffee table or trip over their clothes in the floor
(which, by the way was driving DK mad wanting to tidy everything away!), she led him into the
bedroom where the gentle lamp lighting automatically came on. If she had a magical beauty as
Angus thought, DK had no idea it was there nor how to use it. DK was just.. DK.
Once they were in the bedroom, she drew him to a stop before the bed, standing parallel to it,
pulling Angus closer to her. As much as she tried to keep her eyes on his face out of instinct,
she slowly looked him over before pulling his hands around her waist and running her hands up
his chest. DK's heart was pounding so hard within her chest she felt it might leap out at any
second. Then she repeated what she had said earlier. I am yours Angus, completely and for
Then she leaned in and began to gently kiss his shoulder, moving on to other pastures, his
neck, chest, all over.
Angus told himself not to think of how strange he felt walking along with her while utterly
naked. He also told himself that the clothes on the floor were okay for now. For now. Really,
they should be picked up and at least folded on the chair. There was a heat in his face as she
gazed at him, but it was no difficult thing to put his arms around her. He only wished she was
as naked as he was, and-Oh, the words! DK!
He let her do as she pleased, his hands sliding up over her back and down again, long fingers
revelling in the smooth, silky skin. She was flawless. He'd not seen all of her and she was
flawless. After a minute or two, he caught her lips, kissing her hungrily. But in between the first
and second kisses, he whispered back.
"Daiquiri...I have been, and will be, yours forever."
Hands lowered to her hips, he caught at the waistband of her pants to begin tugging them
down. As they went, as everything went, he lowered himself. But his eyes were on his task, not
her. It wouldn't be until she was naked that he would begin with her ankles and slide his hands
up her legs, his lips joining in at her thighs.
DK shuddered as the rest of her clothes fell away leaving her completely exposed before
Angus. But then he was likewise bared before her. Goosebumps spread across her skin as he
slid his hands and now lips upwards from her feet. Ohhh Angus. she breathed as she touched
his skin marvelling at its softness. For once in her life, DK gave in to someone else, her entire
body becoming like clay, firm yet soft, and malleable in his gentle yet strong hands, those
hands she loved so much, the hands of an artist.
This was all new to Angus, all new and never done before. What he'd known had been so
simple, nothing like the sweetness he wanted for DK. And so he went with his imagination.

Reaching the junction of her thighs, he turned his eyes upward a moment, then closed them to
kiss her ever so lightly on the little rise there. The scent of her was like a drug, driving him on.
His lips pressed against her belly, on up between her breasts, her collarbone, her neck, her
lips. "Come to bed with me."
But there was no rush when he brought her down with him, lying beside her to cup her jaw and
kiss her with a growing passion, the feeling he'd been hiding, trying to draw out of her. Now it
was there, whether she would say the words or not. It was there.
It was there in his every kiss.
Part of DK was scared to death, but the other part was giddy with anticipation. She wasn't a
robot or made of stone, she was a living, breathing woman and had all the desires most
women had. It was natural. What wasn't natural was the way she buried it away deep inside.
The nature of her work and her own diminished sense of self work had seen to that.
Thus she shuddered as Angus kissed from from her tiny feet on upwards. As he kissed her
smooth, gentle mound, the tiniest little moan escaped her lips, then gasps with every kiss after
that. Her heart was racing more than it ever had before when he laid her down and took his
place beside her. Unsure of what would happen now, she decided to take a little initiative and
resume her own exploration of his body. Thin and pale as it was, she found it more beautiful
than any model in any mag or vid she had ever seen. Her heart seemed to swell when she
looked upon Angus, sweet Angus whom she could tell had the deepest and realest feelings for
her, though she had no idea why.
Tenderly DK reached out and pressed her fingertips to his cheek, turning her hand slowly over
to brush the backs against his soft skin, down the slightly stubbled jaw and chin and neck to
his shoulders then his chest, again relishing the feeling of his hard muscles against her own
skin. How she wanted to taste his skin, feel it, smell it.. she wanted to know every millimetre of
this beautiful little man. Slowly, she leaned forward and kissed his chest, letting soft lips linger
for some moments to capture the flavour of Angus.
So sweet... she breathed, her words hot against him.
If they would only stop and talk about this, they would both find they were scared. Angus felt
as new as she was. But his love drove him forward, wanting to be close to her, part of her, to
have her scent in his nose and her skin under his fingers. DK was all woman, and far more real
than anyone understood. He could see a smallness under the brisk working woman. He could
see someone to be cuddled with on the sofa, with nothing but music and each other's warm
presence. He could see someone who would blush on her wedding day. He could see someone
who would hold his hand when they were both silvered and simply sat together, never alone.
He knew he was nothing amazing, but he was hers, loving her for all she was, all she REALLY
was. He was hers, his eyes closing with her kiss, his hand on her hip. It only lay there, but there
was some kind of shy possession, too. "Yesss..." His reply was shaky, barely there. She had an
amazing effect on him. N
Then DK sat up, going back to where she was, looking up and down his body, brushing the
hair, that was totally messed up now, back from her face with a sweep of her forearm,
propping herself on her other hand, slightly behind her, legs folded beneath her. She smiled at
him and leaned down to kiss his thin, taut stomach, her free left hand alighting upon his left
thigh and gently sliding upwards. Her eyes still on his face, and let her hand continue, until it
once more brushed along his length. Her bare chest heaved and she was sure he could hear
her heart pounding. But as she wrapped her fingers around him, DK leaned down to kiss his
lips, and suddenly wasn't afraid any longer. This was Angus. Her Angus. He said so, he gave
himself to her and now it was up to her to take care of him.
She sat up more upright and brought Angus up to join her. She leaned in and kissed him
soundly as her fear evaporated and her hands began to roam his body in earnest.
Angus... she whispered, brushing her tongue along his bottom lip then biting it gently. Her
hand took hold of him more confidently this time, yet still gentle, and stroked it, marvelling at
the feel, the mixture of hard softness.
There was a tiger inside her. There was no denying it. Somewhere, under the smart, confident,
take-control business woman was a tiger. A passionate tiger waiting for release...and Angus
was about to trip the wire and reopen the cage.
For someone untried, she had a great instinct, a natural lean toward sensuality. God, she was
beautiful. No matter how she moved, she was beautiful. He tried to keep her gaze, but when

she touched him, his direction wavered, eyes blinking. Maybe the sound of need in his throat
had something to do with urging her on. Maybe it was how willingly he met her kiss, voice a
moan, tongue mimicking hers. A moment later, he was making his way down her neck, soft
kisses here and there, a little stronger at the curve where her neck met with her shoulder.
"More..." He urged her to a faster pace, maybe even a stronger grip on him. The hand at her
hip slid up to her breast, and while he marked her smooth skin with his lips and teeth, he
revelled in the curve that filled his hand, the nipple that was so tight against the centre of his
DK complied with his demand and squeezed his length harder and moved her hand up and
down upon it a little faster. She did not want him to go too fast plus she was afraid of hurting
him. She had no idea how much this part of a man could take.
She groaned at the feel of his lips on her neck, the little nips and bites that only brought her
more to life and left her wanting more. Even his hand upon her breast was not enough and she
soon climbed in his lap, sitting in a straddle as she took his hand from her hip and pressed it
against the fire that was building between her legs. Her lips sought his skin as his did with hers
and she kissed and sucked and bit his shoulder relishing the taste and feel and building frenzy
of this wonderful creature that was all hers.
Angus let out a soft cry that faded into a moan, her workings leaving him dazed until he found
her in his lap and his hand between her legs. Oh, she was so, so soft! And the heat! His
seeking fingers were careful, sliding over the sleek skin there. He almost forgot her untried
state, and wisely kept from pushing a finger into her. But she was so wet already, and oh, how
he wanted her!
The sweet attack of her lips against his skin made him moan all over again, his eyes closed, his
fingers playing along the folds of her, searching...for that. One tiny point that could be so very
sensitive, and he was gentle with the fingertip that tentatively circled it.
Gasping as he touched her there where no one had ever touched her before, DK almost bit his
shoulder hard. Instead she bent her head down and rested her forehead upon it, brow furrowed
as it felt so intense, so electric, and now her entire body felt like it was on fire and the only
thing that would quench it was Angus. DK placed both her hands on either side of his face and
stared into his eyes before kissing him hard and deep and slow, that tigress showing her claws
once more.
DK needed this. She needed that feeling of being worshipped. Every woman needed that
feeling, and DK had been without it for too long. Angus would give her that, if he was able. He
felt it, but wasn't sure he could portray it the way he wanted to. All he knew was that she was
beautiful, she was dreamlike in every way...and she was now his.
Even if she never said the words, it was there. They both knew it. She loved him as he loved
her, and Angus was happy with that knowledge.
He gave himself up to her demanding kiss, gave himself gladly, completely. But within it, he
kept his fingers in motion, circling slowly, softly, always trained on that little pearl of flesh,
always seeking to push her desire to a point that would leave them both trembling and unsure
of which way was up.
DK did need this and easily gave herself up to it, even though in the back of her head that little
voice kept saying she shouldn't. 'He's a client for crying out loud!' it was saying to her, 'even if
he did say all he really wanted was DK and not anyone else they might fix him up with. That
tiny bit of professional guilt was still there, though for now she was ignoring it.
With every circle of his finger, DK was quickly approaching that point, but she wanted yet
more. More of Angus for this wasn't fair. She looked down and saw his length pointing straight
up, just begging to be touched in some way. So she obliged, by wrapping her hand around it
once more, the space down there between both of them becoming quite crowded and busy.
Maybe they could begin thinking again sometime tomorrow, later, whenever...but he would
have this now. His mind was filled with nothing but her. All he could see, hear, feel, smell...was
DK. And she was the most amazing thing he could ever flood his senses with. No drug could
ever do this. Alcohol couldn't do it. Only DK. Maybe he'd gone about all this in a strange way,
but what else could he do? He couldn't have found a way to get near her if he didn't begin his
wild plan.

"OhGodDK..." He swallowed and almost choked on the word torn from him with her bold touch.
It was perfect, it felt like a teasing promise, something just out of reach... Did she feel that,
too? Nipping at her lip lightly, tracing kisses from there to her ear, he groaned, pushing into
her touch.
"OhGodDaiquiri, I want you so much.
She did. DK felt that too. The way they were sitting, touching each other, so close and yet not
quite there yet. It was almost agonising and yet... the anticipation was delicious... like knowing
that luscious dessert at the banquet was coming, but then to actually taste it.. that was sheer
heaven. DK wondered if it would be like that here with this, if Angus would be as fulfilling as
she imagined he would be, if he would literally fill that emptiness she had kept bottled up
inside for most of her life.
Her own lips sought purchase wherever they could find: his cheek, an ear, his chin or bottom
lip nipped ever so gently by tiny white pearls of teeth.
Angus, Angus, she breathed, Then take me, I am yours after all!
Did her voice have to sound so good? Did it have to send shivers through him when she spoke
his name and breathed against his skin? While she tore his mind apart with those little teeth?
She was evil, but in the best and most innocent of ways. His hand moved slightly, leaving that
sweet little gem to slide back and find her even wetter than before. That hand covered hers on
his length, gently taking over. "Let me..."
He would keep her like this, give her control. Maybe that would be easier for her.
Angus kept one hand at her hip, the other guiding...and it should have been easy. But he'd only
done this a few times, and that had been the better part of twenty years ago! When he was
sure he was centred, he brought her down...and slipped forward and away from the mark.
Forehead against her shoulder, he closed his eyes.
His shoulders shook with silent, nervous laughter.
When DK realised what Angus was about to do, she felt her heart skip a beat and she nearly
forgot to breathe. She let him control this part, allowing for his slight advantage in experience.
But when he missed the first time, she could not help but laugh softly, one hand gently on his
back, the other holding the back of his head, embedded in his hair.
Oops! You know, I bet that actually happens a lot. The vids are always so fake, she said,
softly encouraging him. This time she raised herself up, on her knees straddling his middle,
and let him hold himself steady whilst she lowered herself slowly. It was up to him to guide his
length to the right spot then, as she felt him pressing against her entrance, she lowered herself
slowly, tiny gasps escaping her parted lips. She watched his face, wanting to see his reaction
as she eased herself down upon him, until she felt a slight pain, wincing a little, and he was in
all the way.
She just sat there for a moment, revelling in the sensation of having a part of another human
being inside her. She looked at Angus and immediately felt a surge of emotion like she'd never
felt before. It was this very moment that DK realised she could never live without Angus in her
life again.
Slowly she brought her hands up his sides from his hips until they were resting upon his
shoulder, her eyes never leaving his. Then she leaned in and kissed Angus ever so tenderly,
showing yet another side to this complex woman... that side that Angus had always known was
At least she laughed. He didn't mind that. Rather, it seemed to break that bubble of tension
around them, the nervousness. "I don't think it's ever one hundred percent graceful." It hadn't
been for him, but that didn't matter. What mattered was the woman in his lap, the one he
loved more than his own life.
The second take was perfect. Aligned, they came together easily, but carefully, slowly. Both of
his hands rested on her hips, his eyes locked on hers, widening slightly with the feel of the soft
warmth that began to take over, surrounding him. He felt the barrier within, felt it break and
give way, felt her slide down until they were fully linked...and Angus fought to breathe. His
limited experience hadn't been enough for his mind to remember what this was like. Or maybe
it just wasn't memorable at all...but DK was. She was one to remember forever. The one he'd
treasure forever. Whatever happened from here on out, he belonged to her, and he would find
a way to make her his own in every way.
Her kiss spoke of everything inside she wouldn't yet say. He knew it, and returned it fully. He

was so very still inside her, focused on her kiss, on her face, her gorgeous green eyes. His
arms slid around her waist, and he refused to let the kiss end too quickly. He knew they'd both
end up gasping, so he wanted her lips now as long as possible.
DK was overwhelmed not just with the physical sensations, but with the emotions that filled
her as surely as Angus did. How could she ever think she didn't have a heart when it was so
very full right now, full to bursting. As he slid his arms about her waist, DK's arms wrapped
around his neck, one hand cradling the back of his head as their lips seemed drawn and held
together by magnetism. And in a way it was; a magnetism between these two souls that,
beyond all odds in a vast galaxy of every kind of life form possible, had found each other.
There was just the matter of DK and her stubbornness to admit that she could love and did
love. That fear of losing it still gripped her and kept her voice still.
That little bit of pain began to ease as they sat there, linked by their bodies, hearts and lips.
She broke the kiss at last and gazed into Angus' blue eyes, like windows to another world, a
world that DK wanted to visit, to live in forever. She moved ever so slightly as she kissed him
tenderly, softly, briefly, always watching Angus' face, marvelling in how one lone person could
give her so much.
Are you all right, Angus? she whispered, her voice too choked with emotion to make much
One day, DK would need to say it. Sooner or later, she would ache to say it as much as Angus
ached to hear it. But he was a patient sort, and he would let her take her time. As long as he
knew her heart was indeed his, confirmed in other ways, he would wait.
Staring back, lost in the green gemstone world of her eyes, Angus swallowed hard. "Oh,
Daiquiri..." It was all he could say, especially when she made that tiny, tiny move. A shudder
went through him, his voice lost. His hands moved to her hips again, wordlessly guiding her to
lift up, and then come down again. Slowly, so slowly, so they could both feel it as sharply as
possible. Vivid and detailed, every flash of feeling truly separate. His expression turned almost
pained, but it was pain of the sweetest sort.
"Move with me", he whispered, rolling his hips upward as he brought her down.
DK gave a single nod and began to move as he instructed, rolling her own hips as he was doing
beneath her. At first it felt a little odd, but before long she was moving a bit more confidently if
not even eagerly, concentrating on the sensation of every stroke. Before long they had
established a steady rhythm and her head was raised, eyes closed, hands tight upon his
shoulders as shrill little moans escaped from her parted lips. Then DK opened her eyes and
looked at Angus, before sinking her lips down onto his once more, hands releasing their grip
and moving up into his hair, every part of her now in constant movement as she felt her own
passion rising.
"AwGodDaiquiri..." His voice broke on the sound of her name, his resolve breaking a little more
with every sound she made, every stroke of her velvet walls around him. She was so small, so
new, and he was her very willing slave. 'Teach me' and he would. 'Touch me' and he would.
'Love me'... Indeed, forever. He couldn't look away, couldn't close his eyes, not until she was
kissing him again, and he was groaning low in his throat. Like her, he felt passion rising up, and
in quick time, it would claim control of everything.
Not yet. Not when it felt this good. Not when he need a little more, more time with her, more
time as part of her. No, he needed this, needed her. He had her against him, in his hands, her
soft lips against his own. Life didn't get any better than this. As long as he could feel her
Yes, it wouldn't be that much longer...
This was, indeed, a perfect moment, one that couldn't possibly get better, or so DK thought.
For the first time, probably in her life, she felt truly alive. Every part of her was tingling and on
fire, all her senses overwhelmed. She did feel it. She loved this man with all her heart, she just
could not bring herself to say it. Surely he could tell without her having to? It just felt like every
time she did, the person was taken away from her. The last person she had said it to was
Jasper... and he was dead the next day. She would cut out her tongue and sew her mouth shut
before she would put Angus in any such danger. No. She'd rather he thought she didn't love
him than risk any harm befalling him. But oh she longed to. Her mind and her heart were

shouting 'I love you Angus' at the top of their voices. DK's lips just would never say it. But her
eyes could, and as she looked at him, she hoped he could hear it in his heart.
She was torn. He could see it. But sooner or later, it would happen, and Angus would be there
with her after, always. She wouldn't lose him. She couldn't. Even without the words, he was
hers, seeing the glow in her eyes that said it all. Still, she was silent on the subject.
"D-DK..." It was becoming difficult to keep moving, swimming in an ocean of sensation, every
sound she made adding another drop to that ocean. She was burning him, tighter than when
they'd started. Oh, she was tight and it made him tremble with anticipation of her climax. He
wanted to hear it, see her face, feel the whole wave from within. One hand slid down to grasp
her rear, the other sliding up her body, lingering at her breast a moment before it rose to her
jaw and into her hair.
"DK...DK! Let go... OhGod, it's so close.
The tide was coming in.
DK could feel it closing in, but she wasn't sure how this really worked. What was the etiquette
in these things? The completely unrealistic holo-vids always showed it happening at the same
time, but surely that was impossible? One's primal urges did not just synchronise, or did they?
Did she let go and go first? Or did she hold off and let him finish before her? As she debated
this in her mind, Angus moaned her name and shifted, grasping her by her bum, his other
hand in her hair. She ventured a look at his face and it was so... angelic, magical, erotic that
she moved harder, not caring about the etiquette any longer, her hands holding his head so
she could watch his face as her peak suddenly hit, washing over her like nothing she'd ever felt
before. Of course she knew what it was like, but not like this. Not with this beautiful man inside
her and before her and surrounding her completely. She gave herself over to it, still moving
though a little slower now, struggling to breathe, and see, and and stay silent, gasping and
crying out Angus' name.
It was just about now that the door to her flat was opened, and Uncle Barty walked in. He
started to call out DK's name when he heard strange, yet familiar sounds coming from her
bedroom. At first he was shocked, his eyes huge as apples as he wondered who in the galaxy
his niece could possibly have with her. But whn he heard her cry out Angus' name, he grinned
delightedly, even allowing himself a small soft clap for joy.
So close was too close. And DK was perfection in her decision on what to do. She was
perfection in her moves, her body graceful and so very sweet. And Angus would do anything to
push her over that edge. The vision she was...she was dreamlike. Her voice was erotic, her
cries sweet and desperate that he was pulled to the edge, hanging there by a thread.
In the moment that DK called out, when Barty realised what was happening and who shared in
it, Angus held her tight, turning them to give himself control. It wasn't entirely elegantly done,
but he got them there, looking down at her now, her flushed cheeks, her wild yet soft eyes, her
gasping lips. Now it was his turn, and if he could bring her along with him, he would. The
thread threatened as he thrust over and over, moaning, then snapped. His head fell against
her shoulder, face turned into her neck as he desperately groaned her name, pulsing inside
her, throbbing with the waves of ecstasy that crashed over him. Eventually, he whimpered her
name, the name she hated so much that sounded so beautiful to him. He'd gone still, as lost as
she, trembling with the strength of it all and finding safety only in her presence.
DK shifted with him as he laid her down so he could take his turn. As he approached, she
murmured tiny encouragements into his ear, fingers clutching at him as she eventually shared
his wave as it washed over them both, her a second time, almost from the sheer excitement of
his cries, his face, the sweat on his fair brow. Everything about Angus, especially now was so
beautiful to her she was overwhelmed yet again.
As he collapsed upon her, DK held him tightly, cooing and shhhshing him as her hands brushed
beaded sweat and damp hair, caressing his face with fingers and lips tenderly.
Ohhh, Angus, my dear heart... she very nearly said it. It was on the tip of her tongue, but
that final barrier across the floodgate of her heart remained in place.
As all went silent in the bedroom, Barty just grinned. 'Well done, Daiquiri, well done Angus!' he
thought to himself as he turned and tiptoed back out of the flat, the doors whooshing shut
behind him, but he doubted anyone inside would have noticed.

The words spoken were as exciting as the body he was linked to, the heart within it. Just to
hear her use that tone in his ear, only for him. To hear her cries with the second drop. Oh yes...
There was so much hidden under the woman DK presented to the world outside. Under it all,
behind the suits and sweats, behind the heels and ponytails, was an incredibly naturally
beautiful and sensual woman. One with a heart so big it was a wonder she was so small.
She was the solace after the storm, the softness after the loss of control. Lifting his head, he
brought his eyes to hers, and was glad no specific expression was expected. He'd learned the
one time when he would wish to hear those words...the one time when it would hurt his heart.
"Daiquiri, I love you." Where she didn't dare, he did, capturing her lips in a long, sweet, almost
lazy kiss.
Maybe they'd brought to life the dream of one loving uncle, but Angus would find sleep difficult
tonight, no matter where he was. He would have to practice the patience he claimed to have,
and believe. Believe as Barty Reigate did. With faith like that, what could go wrong?
The pair must have dozed off like that for the next thing DK knew, she was wrapped up in
Angus' arms, the purple blanket from the bottom of her bed pulled up over them both. She felt
so... at peace. She had never felt like this ever in her life and it was a revelation. THIS is why
people put so much effort into finding the right partner, that all-encompassing love that would
last a lifetime, as the Reigate adverts often claimed. Such a thing did exist and it was right
here in her arms, wrapped around her, in her life.
Me. Love has happened to me and it's frightening... and... wonderful.
DK sighed softly and looked at Angus' angelic, peaceful face as he slept that exhausted, warm,
post-coital sleep that was built into all men since the dawn of time. And she had the women's
equivalent not pressing her... the need to have a wee.
Carefully, so as not to waken him, she unwound his arms and legs from about her own and
slipped off the bed, frowning as she noted a small spot of blood where she had lain. Slipping
her dressing gown on, she disappeared into the bathroom to do her business and clean up a
Evolution and nature had a way of overcoming even the most agile mind, and somewhere
along the way, Angus drifted into a deep sleep that pulled him down beyond casual dreaming.
He was lost inside some world that made his life look like fantasy come alive, where DK was
his, they were married, and shared a flat that was so lavish, he knew it wasn't done on his own
salary. His only dislike, aside from the celebrity-like status she held.
He moved slightly when she untangled from him, making almost no sound...until he came back
up from the deep and found DK gone from the bed. He also found, in his squinting, the blood
stain. The proof of it all, though he'd felt it, too. It was just...SEEING it... Laying back, he silently
went into thought. This changed everything, tonight. The whole relationship between them was
now changed. He'd admitted his feelings, knew she returned them, and they'd made love.
Slowly, his eyes closed with the memory of her, her voice and the feel of her skin...
She left the bathroom quietly, the light automatically switching off as she did so, and padded
about her flat completely naked as if she were the only one there. As she went to the kitchen
to get a drink, she noticed her com flashing with messages. Pouring herself a glass of water,
she entered the sitting room and picked up her com off the coffee table and checked it. Missed
calls: four. Missed messages: thirty. Good grief! Who had been trying to get hold of her so
She flipped it open to reveal at first a few messages and then a call from Calliope. Then more
messages, then several from Uncle Barty, and then three more calls from Barty and Calliope.
DK thumbed through a few of the messages and saw the two of them growing increasingly
panicked by her lack of contact with them. The last one was from Barty saying he'd be right
over. What?! She checked the time on it against the current time and saw that it was two hours
previously. But Barty had never shown. Or had he? DK frowned deeply and closed the phone.
What if he came and saw and then went away furious at her, bedding a client? She could lose
her position. But surely he wouldn't just come in? Probably he entered the building, asked
reception and they told him she was there. Yeah, that must be it.
With a sigh of reasoned out relief, she set the com down and carried the glass of water back to
the bedroom. She stood by the bed for a few moments, just looking down at Angus. How
beautiful he was. How she wanted him to be here every time she walked into her room, just
like this, curled up, naked, and oh so sweet looking.

Had Angus known Barty Reigate had been in the flat and heard him making love with DK, he
would have been floored and embarrassed, whatever Reigate's desire for the two to get
together. He'd been rooting for Angus, but still, the idea...
But Angus didn't know, and thus, he slept on happily, caught in that grey in-between where
dreaming still happened. He dreamed something about the awards ball, and the bizarre 'date'
with Winnie. It was all mixed together, but DK still found a way to get into the ball dressed in
that goofy disguise...and drag him away. Though, in her defense, Angus was more than happy
to be dragged. Somewhere in it all, he laughed. Out loud. In his sleep. A soft laugh escaped
him, and he turned, stretching as he came from sleep again. As his eyes opened, he found a
figure by the bed, and as his vision cleared, he realised it was DK. His voice was croaky with
sleep, his lips the hint of a smile.
"It isn't every day a guy like me can wake up and find a beautiful woman all naked and
watching him sleep."
DK returned his smile. It isn't every day that I have a beautiful naked man in my bed,
somehow managing to hog the entirety of it up! Scoot! With a soft chuckle she set the glass
down on the nightstand and climbed back into the bed beside him, this time both beneath the
covers. She slid an arm around his middle, lying on her side facing him, and smiled.
What was so funny? she brushed her fingers through his dark hair to tame it a little. You
were laughing in your sleep when I came in, so something must have been funny.
She studied his face, how familiar it had become to her, especially this close up. His eyes were
so incredibly blue, it was as if they had their own light shining through from behind. Well, they
did. They had Angus, his mind, his heart, his soul. The thought filled her with a warmth she had
never really felt before and her heart was once again overwhelmed. An old tune from her
childhood suddenly popped up in her head, from when she was very little and watched Disney
vids with her mother, before she was left with Uncle Barty. It was from Cinderella, she thought,
the memory a faded ghost of one, but the tune sharp in her mind, as she began to hum the
So this is love... hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm.. so this is love... So this is what makes life
divine?.. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmmmm...
And then she blushed deeply.
"Sorry..." He chuckled like she did and moved over from his current place. It was better having
her with him anyway. As she came to his side, he wrapped an arm about her, hand toying with
her hair. "I uh... I don't remember everything, but you showed up at the awards ball in that
disguise. And you dragged me away..." The last was said softly with a slight blush in his
cheeks. "You were...adorable." Maybe she saw now how loved it made him feel. How wanted.
No one wanted Angus St Paul, but he largely hadn't cared. Until DK. Now, it mattered.
Her humming made him close his eyes, listening to the tune. He wasn't familiar with it, but it
sounded wonderful. The blush he found when he looked at her again made him smile and nod.
"Yes...love. Isn't it grand?" Oh, it was. It was amazing, and so strong. The tips of his fingers
brushed her cheek, his voice a whisper. "I do love you, Daiquiri. Whatever is going on in your
head, that's the truth. It would be impossible to lie about someone like you."
DK chuckled as she cozied up to Angus, feeling strange and yet good at the same time. Never
in her life had she slept in the same bed with someone else, except when she was little and
sick and Jasper sat in bed with her until she felt better. She still felt a little odd, but she could
easily get used to it. Only Angus though. He was just the most beautiful thing... inside and out.
She felt so fortunate that he wanted her, though she had no idea why.
As he spoke and brushed her cheek, she couldn't help but smile. And say it, as if she'd
forgotten she wasn't going to.
I love you too, Angus....I... she caught herself. This is a big night for firsts.

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