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CHAPTER 26 Inverse . Trigonometric Functions Before considering inverse trigonometric functions it would be useful to discuss some of the properties of inverse functions. 26.1 One-one functions y y ” ed a % a fae + gt = 8x20 ind =a Fig. 2641 Fig, 262 Fig, 263, ‘gand hare examples of one-one functions but fi no. ‘A line drawn paral tothe X-axis intersects te praphs of g and h only once. There are no ordered pairs with the same second element ‘On the other hand, a straight line parallel to the X-axis intersects the graph of fin to places es (a, 3) and (a, a2) both leon the graph of f which isa ¢wo-one function. An example of a many-one functions) sax whereas a)» sax, 0 << Zisaone one restriction of f. ‘The main significance of a one-one function arises in the property which it has when reflected inthe line y = x. This property plays a key role in the development of inverse functions. “The reflection of the graph of fin the line y = x8 the parabola y= raph of a eelation, nota function (Fig. 26-4. which isthe 192 NEW SENIOR MATHS: THREE UNIT COURSE ‘The ceflection of the graph of gin the line y = x is the postive branch only of the parabola y? = xie.y © yx. Thisis the graph of function (Fig. 265). or Fig. 264 Fig. 26-5 The necessary and suffciem condition for he reflection of the gra EXAMPLE 1 Define a restriction off where f(z) = 3° — 4x + Swhich is one-one. Sle) = (e = BF + Land the graph of fhas a minimum point (2 1). ‘Fis thus one-one whenever x > 2 or whenever x <2. Thus f, where f(x) = 22 > x + 5, > 2 and fy. where fx) = 2S ay + Sexe 2 sre both one-one restrictions off. Further, any function with the sume rule defn subset of the domain off, off paso a one-one test 26.2 Increasing and decreasing FUNCTIONS A uneton f defied onthe interval @ x «bs sdf be rely monotone inres if, when x, and x, are in the interval and x, > x,, then * * “5) > In other words the curve slopes upmard othe iht (Fe, 266 Rk 26/INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS 133 «function fs sid to be strictly monotone decreasing if, when x, > x then 703) < 705) In other words, the curve slopes downrsards to the right (Fig. 26-7), Such functions are obviously one-one. Simi 26.3 Inverse fUNCTIONS (f") Consider two operations such that each isthe “reverse” of the other. For example, the cube of 218 8 and the cube root of 8 is 2. The cube function defined by f(x) = 2, x © R and the eube root fu 260) = &&i, xR are said to bea pair of inverse functions, 42) ~ Band 2) If ye cube any real number x nd then take the cube root ofthe answer, the result isx Likewise, if we take the eube root of any number x and then cube the answer, the result fey=2 gt) = $e” fists) 10) = FO) Conclusion: For any pair of inverse functions, [Hac = ae If we denote g(x) by 1G), thea TP) = FUG) = * ‘Tae square of 2 4 but in the reverse operation 4 has two square roots, namely +2. If we wish co return to 2in the square root operation, we must take the positive square root ‘The square function defined by f(x) = x, x = Oand the square root function defined by g(x) = vi, x > Oare a pair of inverse functions. This emphasises the necessity for Funetions to be one-one for Une inverse to define a function. FO) = 9, >0 20) + vax 0 Fees) = (9? af) = VIG) We ve ae = xitx>0 Thus fats) = eV) Le {UCN = FU) © x where a2) = F100) EXAMPLE 2 Find the inverse function for the funetion f where f(x) = 2x + 4, ‘We require such that JOG) = x= Fe) FEM) = x 2g) 4a te P= for- 4 134. NEW SENIOR MATHS: THREE UNIT COURSE tis now easily shown that Ux») “geo = 3 4 Pye = ers 4-4 Hanes (0) = dee ~ isthe rl dfn he ines fneton. In sett sos the din and ange of Let dyand r; denote the domain and range respectively of f and dit and r-: denote the domain and range respectively of Cons under the the following typical elements of 0, 1, 2, 3 le fla) = Be + 4, a ry oS e om [6 = yt 7 DAN Fie, 26.9 Fig. 268 The correspondence may be represented in ordered pair form by (0, 4), (1, 6, (2, oo caren 1 a 7 (, 4), (1, 6), (2, 0), Every real number ind, has a corresponding rea number ‘The inverse mapping is oblsined by operating with onthe elements ofr. This means that these elements are now regarded as belonging tod» he. p= dyn Weime py dao =0 6 Mey = 1 $0) = =2 F400) = 3 4 tha the inverse correspondence may be represented by (4, 0), (6,1), (0,2), (10, 9. ‘The elements 0,1, "2, 3 which belong tothe range off" are identified ss the elements of the domain of fand so Figs, 26-8 and 269, when considered together, demonstrate that an element x € d, is ‘mapped back io itself by the composite funetion f(x). This is as requied by the ‘eneral defining property SU"(2)) Example 2 illustrates several important general properties of inverse functions = dpa din dans anes eee fton 1G, D)isapointon the rap of fthen (Be) 8a poston thegaok of f*. These are called corresponding poinus on the graphs. eee 2 Representing P (a,b) and Q(b, a) a corresponding points on the graphs of fand J, ee | 26/INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS 135, eecoardnats of te midpoint of AQ ween iote[e-+5, 40 + e] nce fon the graph of y = x for each a and b, Hence y = x bisects the lne segnient PQ so that Pand Q are mirror images of each other inthis fine, The graph off" is thus seen to bea reflection ofthe graph of fin the line y = x, This sof great value in graph | sketching. I also follows that any intersection between the graphs of fend f*rnust ' take place on » = x. Fig. 26-10 shows the graphs of fand f+ of Example 2 | yp fh = 2x 4h , Fig, 26-10 ‘The property that (x, ») and (yx) le on te graphs off and J respectively provides an alternative means of finding i ‘The function of example 2is defined by } 3 = fle) for x €dyand » €ry ie yo de +d forxeRandy eR Hence is defined by Cs le pala OfrzeR yen te P00 = Her aati | 26.4 Existence of inverse functions — Inverse functions do not always exist although they do for linear functions. : ‘We have noticed that when an inverse function exists, is graph isthe reflection of the raph of the original function in the ine y = x. When the graph of @ one one function is { reflected in y = x, the reflection is itself the graph ofa function — the faverse function, ‘The reflection of the graph of a many-one function is the graph of a relation not a | funetion, This reflection cannot, therefore, be designated J” Hence it follows that: “fenton wl poss anne ection Wet ony sa on one 136 NEW SENIOR MATHS: THREE UNIT COURSE, EXAMPLE 3 Investigate the existence ofan inverse function when is defined by fl) = x. F's not a one-one function and its graph, the parabola with equation y = x, when reflected in the line y = xis the parabola with equation »* = x. Ths latter parabola consists of an upper branch y = ytand. lower branch y = vs and i thus the graph ofa Felation having two values of y for each value of x in the domain, See Fig. 26-4 ‘Consequently /~ doesnot exis. EXAMPLE 4 Investigate the existence f an inverse function when fis defined by fx) = a2, > 0. ‘This is a restriction of the function defined in Example 3 In this ease, we have only the right-hand branch of the parabola y = 2° which i the {raph of a one-one function. Hence exists and n ‘Method | (Using algebraic definition) Look for J" such that /U""G2)) = x. JU") = x (ey =x Thus SF\Ge) = sfx, considering the positive square root since the range of /* consists of non-ncgative numbers, ‘Method 2 (Using reflection property) ‘Fis dofined by y = 2 Interchange x and » and hence Sis defined by x= y* for y > O.and x = 0 ie. by y= vr forx > Oandy > 0 Hence (x) © vas before EXAMPLE § Pid ites, wha is dete 9) = — > 0 {sa oon eo and ee et qre meh Interchanging x and y we get 1 xe Fur cQy>0 eras and so Fig. 26-11 26/INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS 137 EXAMPLE 6 Given that fix) = x2 — 2x + 3, find the largest posible domain consisting of positive real ‘nurabers sch that fis one-one, Find f~ and skete its graph onthe same diagram es the raph of f Let ye fix) te +3 en D2 and so (1,2) isthe turning point ofthe graph of J (Fig. 26:12). Now fis one-one when x2 Lor when x = 1 and it follows that ‘Fis defined by Jue Ww43, xe Lyn, Hence, fis defined by keypad tye xe yowrlax-2 ere yrds ven vali 2, choosing positive square root, since y = 1 26.5 Exponential and logarithmic FCS TT ‘These two functions, which you have met in previous work, provide avery good example of 8 par of inverse functions. The function (x) = ats called an exponential function. The base ais any positive real number exeept I, the domain is and the range R*. It isa strictly monotone increasing function, i.e. a one-one function without having to restrict its domain, Let y= fa) =a Interchanging x and y we get he. 3 = log,x, by definition ofa logarithm, ‘The function g where g(x) = log.x is called a fogarithmic function. ts domain is R (the range of f) and its range is R (the domain of f). Ie i also a strictly monotone increasing function. Ir should be noted that for any par of inverse functions f and 2, the inverse of g and g is the inverse off. Nolther has privity over the other fh = 138 NEW SENIOR MATHS: THREE UNIT COURSE Other important pairs of inverse function are the trigonometric functions, defined on a Suitably restricted domain, and ther inverse, These wll be studied in depth in the see section. EXERCISES 26(6) Which of the following are one-one functions (1. to 10,72 1 fis) == 2 2. fe) = Bae ted 3.7) = Va= 9), 2x2 490) 29-5 6. fa) © [9 = x 81) = cornet 1. fa) Find the largest possible domain for which the following are one-one increasing functions (1. t0 15), 1H. fis) = vid = 29) p.m ~~, 1A) =e 648 -4, 20002 12. 70) = yor ~ 4) 14. fix) = 3x — 8 ind Functions which are the inverse ofeach of the following, Stee the domain and range ‘of the inverse in each case (16. t0 27.) 16.09) = 28-4 Bsa tz20 ny ve yeas Bf =o d 1 MIE a. BARTEL Da 2 fe) = 24230 B= leet 28. (a) Sketch the graph of y = () State two domains for which the rule ix) = 1 (©) Find and graph the two functions which are the inverse of the funetions defined in. 28. Explain why the following functions do not have an inverse function. Suggest suitable festrctons to their domain so that the restricted function may have am averse O40) = J@~2,eexa0 (fa) = 48 10)" awe 30. Show that the following pairs of functions are inverses by showing that Figo) = aU) =x @ 0 fu) = 2-1 a =losn © OF) eee) Jog,2 | 26/INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS 139 © Of) = W06~2,4<060 wee) =06—H,0} to 209-24 e>0 26.6 Inverse trigonometric functions —___— 1. The inverse sine function Fig. 26-1d shows part of the graph of» = sin x Oy les reflection inthe line with equation y = x has equation x = sin y, ands the graptsor ‘relation that is nota function. Hence te function given by (1) does not have anvinverse, The equation x = sin y has infinitely many solutions for y corresponding to in the imerval “P< xe 1 For example, the intersection ofthe graph of x se oes many solion ae often exes sarin whch means ‘every number o angle whose shows three ofthe solutions of the equation sin y ‘The intinitely or sine is}. Principal vatue By resting the domain of the sine function to —E < x « J, we obtain a one.oue function defined by y= sinx, Fe «5,1 OLe.0

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