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Required and

If CHED wanted to

The ultimate goal of most


mandated courses are

equip our Nursing

Filipino Nurses is to go abroad

included in the

students with new

and earn more money


tools, it should

therefore subjects related to

have been in the area

foreign languages must be

competency based

of communication

inserted in the minor subjects

and community-

especially subjects on

taken by the students. It may

oriented, focusing on

foreign languages to

be difficult to see it this way

actual performance of

produce a more

but nurses must be globally

nursing care by type

globally competitive


of client.

nurse. The country

The Curriculum is

Students are trained to

make decisions based
on observation, data
gathering, and
analysis regarding
patient care. Hence, in
the community health
nursing, students are
trained to gather data,
consolidate and
utilize such data for
planning and
evaluation. In the

Those minor subjects not

indeed needs more

relevant to nursing must be

nurses, but with the

eliminated to reduce workload

current problems in

for students. If not possible,

budget allocation for

they should be balanced and

their salaries, instead

mainly spread throughout the

of leaving these

1st, 2nd, and 3rd year level.

professional nurses

Whats happening nowadays is

unemployed, the

that those minor subjects add

school must offer

more frustrations to the

them an alternative

students because these minor

chance of working

subjects compete with the

abroad by providing

major nursing subjects in

them with new

difficulty level. During the

languages that would

examinations, pressure and

clinical area, the

help them in their

frustrations proves to be a

nursing process is

venture to a career

burden to the student, studying

operationalized in

outside the country

hard for non-major subjects.

patient care
At the end of the first
year, the students

Non relevant subjects

There is a lack of definition in

spread throughout the

roles and titles and a lack of

1st 3 years.

clarity concerning career

the curriculum CMO

pathways and educational

shall have acquired an

No.14, Nursing Care

preparation for advanced and

understanding and

Management Courses

specialist roles. With the

awareness of

were separated

current data of numbers of

themselves as an

according to nursing

unemployed and

individual and as a


underemployed nurses,

member of the family,

the community, and
the world with
emphasis on personal,
societal and
professional values
rights, and an
awareness of
physical, social and
cultural milieu

managing career pathways

The country is

second year, the

curriculum so that the nurses

unemployed nurses

would not only believe mere

every year, the

hearsays but would have solid

curriculum must

basis for knowing what nursing

contain clarity
concerning career
pathways and
preparation for
advanced roles

At the end of the

must be included in the

road to take.

student shall have

acquired the holistic
understanding of the
human person as a
bio-psycho cultural
being focusing on the
concept of health and
illness as it is related
to the care of the
mother and child in
varied settings
At the end of the third
year, given actual
clients/situation with
various physiologic
and psychosocial
alterations, the
student shall be able
to demonstrate
thecompetencies in
the following key
areas of responsibility
such as safe and
quality nursing care,
collaboration and

teamwork, health
education, legal
responsibility, ethicomoral responsibility,
personal and
development, quality
research, management
of resources and
environment, and
record management
At the end of the 4th
year, given actual
clients/situation the
student shall be able
to demonstrate
competencies in all
the key areas of
responsibility such as
safe and quality
nursing care,
collaboration and
teamwork, health
education, legal

responsibility, ethicomoral responsibility,

personal and
development, quality
research, management
of resources and
environment, and
record management

The curriculum is in

Adding unnecessary

provide the practicum

the best possible

minor subjects must

component of the community

sequence as

be minimized to give

and competency based

evidenced by pre

way in producing a

curriculum as


much more

comprehensively as possible

operationalized and

through the primary, secondary

designed with strong

nursing focused

and tertiary based health

foundation in liberal

atmosphere of


arts and Christian


Curriculum is

The content must be current

education resolute in

Some of the subjects

providing educational

are out dated and

developments in the subject

competence in the 11

doesnt follow the

area being taught.

Key Areas of

current trend of


global nursing. The

a wide array of possible

curriculum must

modifications to cater the

adapt to the day to

interchanging way of nursing

and designed to include recent

The curriculum must be given

day kind of changes


Subjects offered in

for a better chance of being

that happens globally.

globally competitive
Time allotment of this Minor subjects which are


the curriculum are set

curriculum is stressful

unnecessary must be lessened or


in the highest possible

for the nursing

minimize to give way to a better


standard to ensure

students since the

management of major nursing

that globally

additional hours and


competent nurses are

units will add to their


workload. Summer

set to be achieved. The nursing

The curricular

classes, helping the

students must be monitored and

elements will let

students graduate in a

evaluated fairly without biases

students acquire

4 years timeframe,

to provide an area of

attitudes, knowledge,

although better for

improvement if necessary. This

and skills in order to

faster graduation and

is to ensure a quality of graduate

continually respond

economic reasons

nurse who is efficient and

constructively to the

leads to a stressful,

effective based on the standards

changing needs of the

pressured and tight


profession, the health

college days for the

care delivery system


and society.
The course content is

Before graduation, the


relevant to both the

objectives hopes for

educational needs of

nursing students to

the registered nurse

have competencies of

and health needs of

a professional nurse

the consumer.

as they assume the

various roles and

A list of objectives per level is

Equal exposure to

responsibilities but

opportunities is given

nowadays, the school

for various levels of

gives spoon feeding

health care (health

to the students,

promotion, disease

accepting students not

prevention, risk

really based on

reduction, curative

quality of nursing

and restoration of

graduates but are

health) with various

mainly focused on the

client groups

quantity of nursing

(individual, family,

students, thus giving

population groups and

difficulty in

community) in

producing competent

various settings

nurses and leading to


low rates of board

community). These

exam passers

opportunities ensure
that the competencies
per course, per level
and for the whole
program are
With the additional
units and subjects, the
curriculum has the
opportunity to
provide the students

with enough
experience for a better
chance on learning

what is intended.
Curriculum is


designed in a

subjects which are not

subjects must be lessened. This

manner that

necessary to maintain

will not affect the nursing

courses are

the quality of nursing

knowledge attitude and skills of


education and the

nursing students as a whole.

Curriculum is
designed in a way
wherein a venue

There are integrated

effectiveness of
nursing graduates
A pathway towards

Some of the integrated minor

The curriculum must be

integrated in a way wherein
students will be provided with a

for optimal

continuous education

foundation for a pathway

learning is given.

is not visible in this

towards graduate study.

Redundancy of


subject matter is
also noted to have
been avoided

prepares students
for a profession
that serves as a
vital component
in the health


The curriculum with

Excellent curriculum

The curriculum must provide an


its objectives provides

to level with the

area for development and


a balance in terms of

globalization and

enhance retention of nursing


learner outcomes. By

preparation for a high

students. Knowledge,

providing safe and

level of learner

comprehension, application,

effective care to the

competency but poor

analysis, synthesis and

clients, nurses would

implementation as

evaluation must be used to

be able to integrate

evidenced by passing

identify students at risk of

knowledge, skills and

rate in the board

failure and direct them to

attitudes to make


programs that address their skill

sound judgement and

The curriculum

Nursing currently

The colleges must evaluate how

evidences concern
effective the learning outcomes
with the development
of the students based on

provides a program

and clarification of its

aimed at developing

knowledge base

students to become

A standard must be

well-balanced and

set to evaluate

curriculum and would take

necessary steps to ensure the
maintenance of global
well-adjusted to the

learners outcome in

community, country

terms of knowledge,

and the world. It is


also aimed at

application, analysis,

preparing them for

synthesis and

effective and


personally satisfying
service as a nurse



The curriculum

Preparation fo the

Prior to the implementation of

should be pragmatic

new curriculum must

the curriculum, the floor must

to meet the needs of

be made public to

be opened for public opinions. A

society and should

give way to criticisms

public hearing must be held to

conform to the

and corrections that

cater views doubts and issues

actualities of the

the public may give.

that might arise with the

A broad base of

Nurses develop
expertise in nursing

implementation of the new

To improve nursing expertise, it

nursing knowledge is

through the

noted in this

acquisition of nursing

is necessary to lessen minor

curriculum which is

knowledge and

subjects offered in this

indeed needed for

clinical experience

curriculum to give way to more

effective critical

Minor subjects must

nursing related exposure so that

thinking, clinical

be lessened to

quality of nursing graduates will

judgement and

improve the quality of

be ensured.


exposure to nursing


The percentage of the

Excellent curriculum


nursing passers serves

to level with the

be periodically done by CHED

as an evaluation tool

globalization but poor

together with BON to ensure

to the formulation of

implementation as

quality of nursing education

a better globally

evidenced by passing


rate in the board

tools and/or standardized exams



must be administered

Lack of compulsory
student appraisal as

Evaluation and monitoring must

Comprehensive assessment

throughout the curriculum

requirement for

implementation of pre board

exams must be included as a pre
requisite for graduation to
ensure the readiness of the
students in taking the awaited
board exams


Quality of Education

Quarterly Evaluation

The college must strictly adhere


will be maintained by

must be done to

to the policies that are being

only allowing quality

maintain teaching

presented. Quarterly evaluation

based teachers as

quality. Whats

must be done to ensure quality

clinical instructors

happening in the

in teaching. Padrino system

nursing college

must be eliminated and equal

member of the college

nowadays is that if

opportunities must be presented

of nursing, one must

you have a masters

in totality of the faculty.

be a holder of

degree and you have

masters degree and at

gained a surplus of

continuous education to freshen

least 1 year

experience, you

up knowledge and skills and to

experience in clinical

cannot be eliminated

catch up with the new trends in


from the college

the nursing world

To be a faculty

faculty regardless of
the quality of your
teaching skills.
With the aging staff
comes the aging trend
in teaching

Faculty and staff must opt for

Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology

College of Graduate Studies
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for Master in Nursing





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