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Sociology 2015-2016!

Ms. Kirstin Bacheldor, B103

Email: kirstino.bacheldor@cms.k12.nc.us

Website: http://bacheldor.weebly.com/

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

-Margaret Mead

I. Overview: Sociology is a semester length standard level course for 9-12th grade students. The
curriculum covers the study of human relationships and societies. This course will count as a social
studies elective credit. Students will be issued a textbook to keep at home so they can review material
covered during the class.



Students are required to take a midterm and final examination


Students will take a cumulative test for each unit and periodic announced and
unannounced quizzes for students to check their progress

II. Purpose: This course will teach students the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the
systematic study of human interaction. Students will develop an understanding of the connections
between their personal lives and society as a whole. Using observation, the scientific method and crosscultural examination, students will discover how patterns of behavior develop, culture is learned and
social predictions are made.

III. Course Materials:



Thomas, W. Laverne. Sociology: The Study of Human Relationships. Holt

Teacher website http://bacheldor.weebly.com
3-Ring Notebook, Dividers, Notebook Paper, Pens & Pencils, Highlighters, Note Cards

IV. Expectations: If you attend class daily and pay attention, take notes, complete all assignments, and
review your notebook nightly (15 minutes a night), then you will pass both the final exam and this course.
However, if you are often absent or tardy, seldom do homework or review your notes, then your success
cannot be guaranteed. My goal is that every student assigned to me will pass. I will call home and
mandate that you come to additional tutoring, if you are not making adequate progress throughout the
semester. I assess students through daily questioning in class, announced and unannounced quizzes and
unit tests, and completion of written assignments.


V. Grading: With the introduction of PowerSchool, CMS has implemented a new grading structure. A
students grade for the course will be based on 70% formal assessment (Tests, quizzes unit projects) and
30% informal assignments (class work, participation and homework).



Late Policy: There will be a 10% deduction per day for late assignments with a
maximum penalty of 50%. After five days, students will be expected to complete an
alternative assignment to receive 50% credit.


Missing Work: Students will initially receive a zero for any assignment or
assessment they miss. Once they have made up their missing work, their grade
will be changed accordingly.

Sociology 2015-2016!
Ms. Kirstin Bacheldor, B103

VI. Make-Up Work: Students are accountable for scheduling any make-up work required from class
absences or low assessment grades. All work must be completed during morning or after school tutorial
time, you cannot make up assignments and/or assessments during class.



If a student receives an 79% or below on a test they may request a retest with the
following requirements:

Student must attend two tutoring sessions within 10 school days of receiving his
or her test score back outside of school time.

Parent acknowledgment and permission to re-test must also be given to the

instructor. A form will be available on the teachers website to assist students
with this process.

The test will be a writing assessment (short answer and essay) that is different
from the initial test.

The retest score will replace the previous test score with a maximum of 80%.

VII. Tutoring: I offer tutoring on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:15 until 3:00 PM.
Students may also utilize the AK morning enrichment period (every school day from 6:55-7:20 AM) for
extra help or to make up missing assignments. Knight Time is available throughout the course of the
semester as well. Please contact me if you are interested in Knight Time as spots are limited.

VII. Classroom Rules:

Be ready to go at the bell with your notebook out. There will be a warm-up every day so get
started as soon as you sit down. Students MUST bring their notebooks to class daily.


Check the board as you come in for instructions, assignments, objectives, and the agenda.


BE RESPECTFUL in class. Please raise your hand if you have something to say.


I expect everyone to take this class seriously, pay attention, and exhibit good behavior.
There will be NO TOLERATION of inappropriate behavior in my class. Every student can
succeed in this class if you pay attention, give 100%, and turn your work in on time.


No food or drink other than water is allowed.


No electronic devices unless permission has been given.



Sociology 2015-2016!
Ms. Kirstin Bacheldor, B103
Course Outline:

I. Unit One: Culture and Social Structure

a. The Sociological Point of View
b. Cultural Diversity
c. Cultural Conformity and Adaptation
d. Social Structure
II. Unit Two: The Individual in Society

a. Socializing the Individual

b. The Adolescent in Society
c. The Adult in Society
d. Deviance and Social Control

III. Unit Three: Social Inequality

a. Social Stratification
b. Racial and Ethnic Relations
c. Gender, Age and Health

IV. Unit Four: Social Institutions
a. The Family
b. The Economy and Politics
c. Education and Religion


d. Science and the Mass Media

V. Unit Five: The Changing Social World

a. Population and Urbanization
b. Collective Behavior and Social Movements
c. Social Change and Modernization


Sociology 2015-2016!
Ms. Kirstin Bacheldor, B103

Please read through and fill out the following information after reviewing the class
syllabus. This will be collected and count as a homework grade. If you have any
question, do not hesitate to contact me!


I acknowledge that I have read through the class syllabus in its entirety and
understand the expectations for the semester.


Student Name (Printed): _________________________________________________________________

Student Signature and Date:_______________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Parent Signature and Date:________________________________________________________________

Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________
Work Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone:_______________________________________________________________________________

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