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Ghost Stories

Rosemary Border
It was Christmas Eve and Tony Jackson was having a good dinner with all of his friends.
When they finished the dinner all were in the mood for fun and games, therefore,
someonesuggested to play Hide and Seek. Eveybody agreed, except Tony Jackson whose
refusal was the only one. And he suggested to play Smee, but without him.
It was uncommon that Tony refused to play a game, so one of his friends asked him why he
would not play neither Hide and Seek, nor Smee.
Tony told them that he wouldnt play Hide and Seek, because ten years ago a girl who was
playing Hide and Seek, had broken her neck, when she was going to hide in a room, but
when she opened the door and entered, she fall down stairs and died instantaneouslly.
So that everybody, said how terrible it should be for him to know that.
But, said Tony, theres something worse than it! And thats the reason for Im noyt going to
play Smee. So he told them about his terrible experience of five years ago:
There was Christmas Eve too and Tony Jackson was having dinner with the Sangstons and
with other friends Ingludig Mrs Gorman, and an unknown cold and pale girl . After dinner
they wanted to play something. So that, Reggie suggested to play Smee. Almost nobody
knew what it was like. So Reggie explained the rules. He said that first of all someone
should count all the players and have a sheet of paper for each one and just in one paper
must be writen the word Smee. Then the papers had to be mixed and everyone should
take a paper, and the person who had the paper with the word Smee, he/she should hide
somewhere nobody could found her/him, but if the paper was in blank, he/she should try to
find Smee. But the two most impotant rules were that all the game should be played with no
lights and that Smee musntn answer to the other players if he/she was Smee.
After Reggie told them all the rules, all agreed.
So Reggie started to count all the players, they were thirteen including him. Then they
made the papers and everyone took one. So the lights went off and the game started. After
some minutes someone shouted that he had found Smee, then the others arrived and Jack
started to count all, (...,eleven,twelve,thirteen) Thirteen! He said and then screamed, but at
the beginning of the game I counted twelve!
Everybody was surprised whith the counting, when suddenly a loud scream listened, was
violet Sangston, who said that she had had an uncomfortable something in the air, and a
cold finger seemed to touch them all.
After, they decided to play again Smee. But almost all werent enjoying the game, specially
Tony Jackson, he played again wishing enjoy the next game.
The play started and everybody were searching for Smee.
Tony was so bored son he decided to get out the others who were looking for Smee, and
went to the first floor, then he found a window with window-seats, where he could sit , when
suddenly he felt a pair of knees and then he touched a womans arm, so he whispered:
Smee? And he had any answer, so he thought he had found Smee. Then he asked Smee
for her name, and a whisper said: Brenda Ford. At the moment Tony wasnt sure who was
she, because he had known everyone of the players, except one, of that tall, pale, and dark
girl whom saw at the dinner.

He decided to stayed there to wait until someone came there and realized that Smee was
there. After some minutes he heard steaps, and the voice of Mrs. Gorman, lloking for
Smee, when she noticed about the woman on the window she asked: Smee? Sehe had
any answer son she thought she had found Smme too. The she realized about Tony's
presence, so they waited together until the rest of thr players found them.
After some hours came Reggie asking for Tony and Mrs. Gorman, then Tony and Mrs.
Gorman told to Reggie that they had found Smee. But Reggie told them that was unsense,
because he had been Smee that time.
But Tony and Mrs. Said that they were sure they hab found Smee, so Reggie turned on an
electric torch and they realized that nobody was beteweem Tony and Mrs, Gorman. So they
insited. When they three went down o the sitting room, Tony saw the pale, dark girl and
acussed her for trying to be Smee, but that was false.
Then, while everybody were playing cards, Jack Sangston was rather crossed with Tony,
supposing Tony was in love with Mrs. And that was why he had invented that silly storie
abuot Smee.
But obviously that wasnt, so Tony protested that they really had been with someone else
called Miss Ford. Miss who? Asked Jack Sangston.
Brenda Ford, Said Tony Jackson.
No, no, thats immposible. Said Jack
Why? asked Tony.
So Jack said: Because Brenda Ford was the name of the girl who brofe her neck on the
stairs, when she was playing hide and seek in that

A favor:

- Provides legal and virtuous option for homosexuals. Instead of living on the margins
of society at the mercy of poachers and unstable meetings can be embedded in a model
of stability (emotional, social, emotional, sexual, etc.) with all that that implies.
2. Definitely is better for a child to have a father and a mother. In fact every child has a
father and mother, although some children are unfortunate enough to be without one of
them or both. This is where the adoption, even by a single person or a couple
(heterosexual or homosexual) can be beneficial even if not biologically his father and
3.-The State defines inheritance from work permits to couples according to marital
status. Without the state would be something that would be free to define companies
with their workers but being all hiperlegislado is necessary that such unions for simple
things like being able to see your spouse at work or take care in the hospital as
recognized "familiar".
4.-The state should not have the initiative to create artificial situations but duplicate
negative realities that exist in society, collecting and recognize the habit. And the reality
is that in most free societies like the American, there are many churches that recognize
not only gay marriage but it holy.
5. All these benefits not only favor homosexuals but society as a whole represent an
accommodation offer without excluding homosexuals. From a situation of
marginalization and exclusion are offered to sit at the same table without condemning
the social ghetto. Following the terminology of the spot, the civilized.
6. Gay marriage does not cause divorce among heterosexuals, not causes infertility or
fewer births. On the contrary, it reinforces a natural institution that heterosexuals have
weakened. People no longer married, a "board"; and have no children, among other
reasons, irresponsible and short-termism that has led them to vital onanism. The fault is
not gay, if anything should be sought between the Left and responsible people who
embrace such lifestyles.
7.- It's not a matter of "promoting homosexuality" but avoid the actual discrimination
that homosexuals do find themselves exiles in their own land.
8.- public subsidies and state indoctrination should be eliminated in every way. Critics
of the abduction of their children so that they will not instill ideological values in school
should promote freedom of parents to educate their children instead of demanding the
right to instill their values to the children of others.
9: The merit of tolerance is not respect the equal but different. An open society is one in
which the fantastic has a place next to what majority. Using terms like "natural" can
induce misleading because homosexuality but not minority stops naturally. A hundred
percent homosexual society has no future is something as obvious as that neither would
have a society composed solely of women.
10. gay pride and the difference is critical but also an integrative solution is accepted
even where marriage between same sex is a conservative victory.

En contra
Only a man with a woman produce children and raise them in a suitable . The
Marriage is a special status that society recognizes committed union between a man and
a woman for a reason: because their relationship is the only body able to generate new
members of the human species and because their interpersonal relationship is the right
to raise them , protect and educate them.
Only 7 countries of the world contemplated the figure of marriage for same-sex. In
addition, countries in this figure have regulations on assisted reproduction and a regime
of open affiliation is included.
* This rule would generate a filial chaos in the Adoption Registry (two mothers, two
fathers ?,?).
* Every child has the right to a father and mother to their overall development as a
person. Thus, granting gay adoption would be detrimental to the child.
* To prevent abuse or neglect legal homosexual couples do not need to approve gay
marriage, since most of the benefits of a marriage can be regulated through legal
agreements (eg in relation to inheritance, transfer of property, shared properties , etc.).
* Marriage is a heterosexual institution and essentially this means distorting the concept
of marriage, which means pervert the "nature" of it.

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