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Voice over: His character Onur is in love but has been hurt.

He listens to classical
music, he loves with passion, he gets incredibly jealous and he took an oath for
eternal loyalty and dedication. Halit is in love and he has every reason to be happy.
He has the love of his life by his side, he is doing the job he loved since he was a
child. As for his taste in music it can be considered classical but more rock.
Presenter: I cant believe it, Im so happy right now. All my female friends will come
to me and ask me how this show went. Its the biggest show of the year and the
year has just started, because our guest is Onur and we thank him for being here.
Halit: You are welcome, its my pleasure.
P: Excuse me but because Im also a journalist and we journalists tell lies now and
then, I will be telling to all my friends that I know you , that I know your phone
number,that they can send you letters, that I can find you easily.
H: No problem, you can tell them!
P: So no problem. Firstly I want to ask you something after I welcome you.
H: Good to be here.
P: I have a request. Now with the tv series 1001 nights we solved the problem of
ANT1(the tv station that broadcasts the series) for the year to come. Are there any
other tv shows you can send us because the Greek tv shows are not doing so well.
We dont even want to watch each other.
H: There are a lot of shows and series in Turkey that you can broadcast here. There
are tv series that the audience will love. There are some nice tv shows too, we have
people like you over there who are famous and good at their job like you, even
though I dont know if you would prefer them.
P: Its not like that. Since you brought up this topic, do you have any Turkish friends
who are political reporters so they can hold an interview with the Prime Minister of
Greece for all the tv stations here? Because the Greek Prime Minister talked with
some Greek reporters the other day and we couldnt understand anything. If he
talks to Turks who he likes a little better than us, because he likes Turkey a little
better, maybe he will speak more.
H: Of course it can happen, we can discuss it.
P: I think Greece and Turkey go through the same television and economic problems
since we are both in the International Monetary Fund. You escaped, how can we
H: Its important to believe and the people have to make sacrifices. We worked hard
at a great cost. You dont like what I said?

P: No sacrifices please, we have been making those for 50 years.

H: There is no other way. We are living through some hard times and we still have
problems but we are solving them slowly. Soon you will do the same.
P: Onur, because we keep you in our hearts By the way, shall I call you Onur or
Ergen is better? What do you prefer?
H: Ergen is my last name, you can call me Halit if youd like. Halit is my name and
its easier too.
P: Korel?
H: Korel is Bergzars last name.
P: So Halit. I got one out of three which is great for Greeces statistics.
H: Of course. 1/3, thats something.
P: Halit, I dont know what you think about Greeks, but the EU is accusing us of lying
about our economical data, but in reality we are bargaining like they do in Eastern
H: I was never given that impression. I can say that we have a lot of similarities and
flexibility concerning our calculations. It would be a mistake to call that flexibility, a
hustle. It is according to your way of living. Your shops close at 3 o clock so you can
take a siesta (nap). That is flexibility (change the program for your own comfort).
P: Ok from my own experience, when you go to the Istanbul bazaar they give you a
price lets say 1000 liras, you say 100, and you agree at 50.
H: Of course. Thats not a lie. No question about that. I say 100, you say 1000. Then
I say 900, you say 200. Of course the price is 500 and we agree somewhere around
P: Thats why Greece and Turkey should have gone together to the EU and ruin all
the community funds.
H: Certainly.
P: Since we talk about everything, which is the title of our show, we have with us
Onur and ehrazat from 1001 nights who have shaken Greece. First of all you owe
me 750 euro because I needed to buy two more televisions for my house since my
wife, my daughter and our two cleaning ladies are watching your show. There isnt a
television left for me to watch my football games. Nothing, 1001 nights is on in
every television.
H: It would be better not to give you 750 but to send us the invoice and we will
take care of it.

P: Ok thank you very much. Did you expect this warm welcome you received in
Greece and the love that the people have shown you (which, I can understand,
became annoying)?
Bergzar: We have been discussing this since we arrived yesterday. We really didnt
expect such a great welcome. We have been in Athens for 24 hours and the people
are showing their love with different ways. We are surprised.
P: Great for you since you didnt understand who they were and what they were
saying. We know them and we dont even want to see them, but thats a different
story. I was impressed by something and I have to say Halit that I didnt expect this
from you. Bergzar spoke without your permission. Explain what does that mean.
What is this?
H: Bergzar and I have a special way of communication, its hard for you to
understand it, we do it with our eyes.

Eastern Beauty
Bergzar Korel on 11
Voice over: Fate hit her hard on 1001 nights. She was hurt and she cried a lot, she
sinned for her child, but she was also lucky. Fate rewarded her with a nice groom
both in the tv series and in real life. Bergzar Korel is not only a successful actress,
she is a happy mom and wife who even though is playing in another tv series she
had big love written on her kismet.(kismet is the title of a tv series)
P: So all for all. Halit and Bergzar are here. Can you please tell me your full name
in Turkish so they can hear it and I can say it right?
B: *pronounces her name*. Its long.
P: Its too difficult. My name is really easy:
*Halit says it* He said it! He said it!
H: Sorry I cant repeat it!
P: I cant believe it. Cant understand it. So we have to be clear about some things
Bergzar, because in Greece, in our homes, the wife cannot leave us 3 times like
you did in the tv series. Ok. Here by the third time, the man has left too. There is no
home left! There is no home left. In your everyday life in Turkey could the same
thing happen? That is to say, could a woman get so angry, leave 3 times but her
husband forgives her and accept her?
B: You are asking me a lot of questions, Halit should answer them too.

H: Its a difficult situation. If someone leaves their home, they have something in
their mind. The first time you take them by their hand and bring them back. The
second time you discuss it, the third time there is probably something going on.
They probably want to go somewhere else. Of course in real life its a heavy blow.
Really difficult. The relationship between Onur and ehrazat is like it came from a
fairytale. They are closely connected, they follow their instincts. They know they are
made for each other. This cannot be understood by the public.
P: Has this situation that you live in affected your everyday life? Dont you get
B: No we dont get confused. Bergzar is different from ehrazat. But the success
of the tv series did change our life. We lived through both difficulties and joys.
Especially for me as a woman it was more difficult. But it was nice.
P: Are all girls in Turkey tall like you?
B: Probably not. I think Im a bit tall.
P: From what I know you played volleyball in the past?
B: Yes.
P: And if you allow me, Halit, to ask Bergzar how did you start your career?
People in Greece want to know these stuff. How did you start your job in arts and
theater and movies, because I know that you worked a lot in plays. How did this all
start? What did you want to be when you were little?
B: I wasnt planning to be an actress, my parents were actors. Since I was little I
have always been listening to conversations about cinema, theater, actors.
P: Where were your parents acting? In movies, plays?
B: They were movie actors.
P: During that old Turkish cinema era, where everyone was crying a lot and they
were love stories and it was similar to Greek cinema a little bit?
B: Yes. My father was acting in adventure movies. My mom in dramatic roles as you
said. I have never thought of becoming an actress.
P: Oh you didnt want to?
B: Yes, I really didnt want to.
P: Imagine if you did!

B: I began my career at the Theater department of the State Conservatory. Then I

got small roles in various tv series. I gained recognition in 2005 through my role in
the movie Valley of the Wolves.
P: What was your first role? What were you doing?
B: The very first one. Before I went to the Conservatory, when I was still in high
school, I was in a movie with my parents. I played the role of a little girl, I was 15 or
16 years old. My first major role was in Valley of the Wolves, where I played a
young woman from Arabia. For a while there, people believed that I was actually
from Arabia. Then 1001 nights came along and I became famous.
P: Come on, you dont look like you are from Arabia. You look Italian or Spanish or
Greek. Definitely not Arabia. Maybe if you wore that Thats a different story. And
then how did you get into theater? Im sorry that Im talking to Bergzar, but Im
sure it will benefit you later at home. What was your most decisive career move
before this tv series? The most important?
B: The thing that changed my life was the right choice of school. I chose the
Conservatory that is part of the Mimar Sinan University, although they were a lot of
choices. The entrance exams were difficult for a 18 year old girl.
P: Is it a good school? Did she go to a good school?
H: Yes.
B: Halit went to the same school. Halit was in the music department while I was in
the theater department. Unfortunately I havent worked a lot in theater. Now Im
working on a new tv series, when Im done I will work in theater the next year. And I
would like to play in a comedy, something completely different from what I have
done until now.
P: Our viewers know this. You have done a lot in Turkey and you are a very
important actor, you have done bigger things than this tv series. Which one was the
most serious in your career? Dont tell me its when you met Bergzar, we already
know that!
H: Ok that is a given.
P: So thats what you were going to say, come on now.
H: The most important moment of my career was my first job. When I was a 26
year old student at the Conservatory, at the Istanbul state theater, I starred in the
play The King and I. I think it was a big step for such a young student.
P: Did the others call you names like it happens in Greece?

H: Yes, something like that but obviously they saw what I was worth and they shut
P: Like you, excuse me for the interruption, people must be accusing you too that
your success is due to your beauty. Im sure there a lot of people that tell you this.
B: I dont know how to answer, I think these are nonsense.
P: Do you take this criticism into consideration or do you continue with your work
and wait for the publics recognition?
B: These things are not being said in Turkey because I was taking it step by step. I
graduated from schools. But anyway I believe you can be pretty and successful too.
If you combine it with skill it would be even better. Im not aware of my beauty that
much, I dont live like that, maybe thats why it seems stupid to me. I dont think
about it.
P: Where do you live, near Bosporus?
B: Our first house was near Bosporus, now we live a bit further away.
P: Can you see the sea from your house?
H: Now we watch it from afar.
P: You do, good. I have a nice gift for you. Something for your house. Its from a
Greek shop. Something to remember us by. Here you go. Im going to ask Bergzar
to open it.
H + B: Thank you very much.
P: They told me the Turkish name of this gift.
B: Is it something for the evil eye?
P: *tries to say it * The small its a flower from Santorini.
B: Its very nice.
H + B: Thank you very much.
H: Is it a lily?
B: Lily.
P: Do you have this flower in Turkey?
B + H: Yes we do.

P: You dont have Santorini though, Santorini its ours. Lets not start fighting ok? Do
you know what happened this year? Something amazing. Greece, which had the
economic crisis, had a lot of benefits from the Turkish tourists at the Greek islands.
It was very important. A lot of tourists from Turkey and Russia. Come again next
year. I know that you sing as well. Do you know any Greek songs?
H: If you tell me a Greek song, I can sing it in Turkish. We have common songs. A lot
of songs have been translated into Turkish. Which one should we sing?
P: Do we have a Greek song?
B: The song that went to Eurovision (Shake it).
P: Rouvas? What song?
B: What song is it? Tell us the title in Turkish.
H: No its not that. We should sing this one. Do you know the lyrics? *sings*If you
know the song tell me the title in Greek. Haris Alexiou.
P: Yes, Haris Alexiou. Let me tell you something, I have a proposal. Can you come
here for 2 months around the holidays, to sing at a Greek place, at bouzoukia.
Things will get crazy! If he comes and sings with that Turkish (voice I guess? The
presenter doesnt finish his sentences!)
B: All the women will come to listen to him.
P: No dont let him! This year there is a huge topic on Greek tv, that a couple in real
life, a married couple does a morning tv show together. You have worked in a
successful tv series together and you are a couple in real life. How easy is this
parallel situation? To be together both at home and at the studio? Bergzar should
answer this.
H: Yes certainly, its not difficult for us. We worked perfectly together in 1001
nights, yes certainly, its not difficult for us. We did an excellent job as coworkers
and we continued that at home. A good coworker is good everywhere.
P: Do you agree?
B: I think from the moment we came here you want to see us disagree.
P: No, but I have a question.
B: We always share the same opinion. Halit is telling the truth. A lot of time has
passed since we worked together. The fact that we now work in different projects
has a positive effect on us. We have a good time, we have fun, we talk about our
work. Since our son Ali was born, we have an even better time. I think my answers
are not enough!

P: Look Bergzar there is an evident problem. You cant say this like my wife does
every day, the woman cant come up with excuses likeI was working so I didnt
prepare food. You cant use that excuse when you work together. So what do you
do, do you order food?
H: We go out to eat.
P: Out of necessity. The same thing happens in Greece. Now that you have your
child, how do you cope with it? You work and baby Ali stays at home.
B: He is still little so he stays with my mother and his nanny. Now that we are
travelling my mother lives at our home. I was away for just one day, tomorrow I will
be back home. Straight to the airport after the show.
P: In 1001 nights, we see a modern couple in Turkey. Does it reflect the reality in
H: There are couples that live like that and others who are more traditional. In the tv
series we see a family that lives a traditional life simultaneously with a more
modern one. In Turkey these coexist especially in big cities like Ankara, Izmir,
Istanbul. Traditional and modern families coexist. Due to the economic conditions
everybody has to work, both men and women. They both support the family.
P: Were there reactions from people who are more conservative, religious etc about
the tv series, about the more European way of living?
B: No, the characters we portrayed werent provoking. The ratings were about 6070%. A big part of the public was watching the series and there were no negative
comments. The topic of the series was the cause for a lot of discussions. The
viewers especially like the shots of beautiful Istanbul, the big and extreme love,
Onur who reached his limits, ehrazats harsh attitude. I think the viewers liked all
those stuff.
P: Halit.
H: Shoot.
P: You cant cope with her easily! I want to ask you, is there competition between
the tv stations, is it harsh?
H: Its hard, really hard. There are a lot of tv stations. There are 3 or 4 - maybe 5
with better ratings. Each one has its own daily tv series. For every tv series,
research is being done, they check the ratings, everyone wants to take a big piece
of the pie. If your work is bad, they fire you without a second thought and they
replace you immediately. Its a tough business.
P: Now that you live with all this success, does it help you start a new project more
easily or does everyone expect from you to continue with the same ones?

B: I personally believe that it was hard after 1001 nights, because expectations
were high. I would have to make an important decision for my next project. After the
role of ehrazat, I wanted to do something completely different. Thats why I
stopped working for a year, I wanted people to forget her.
P: One year?
B: Yes. I wanted to find a job that was as good as that one. I love the role Im
portraying at the moment because it a completely different character.
P: I think you are playing a singer in a tv series, is that right? And you sing a Greek
song too?
B: Yes.
P: Do you know any Greek songs?
B: No, I cant sing in Greek. I dont know, my grandma was from Crete and she used
to sing lullabies to me in Greek.
P: Where is your country of origin?

B: Crete. My grandmas mother came here after the population exchange. I

remember listening to Greek from her lullabies. When I came here I didnt feel like I
was in a foreign place, we have a lot in common. Like the food.
P: Yes a lot of things, a lot of things are similar. Men are the only thing that is not the
same. Because Onur over here is considered to be the most handsome man. Let me
tell you something, dont let him come to Greece alone. Dont believe him if one day
he says he has to come here to me for business. Dont let him loose! You have
experience, you have done so many different things. From a tv series like this filled,
with love stories, to a movie about Ataturk the national hero of Turkey, thus you
have worked on many different things. What do you prefer out of these? Something
that makes you popular like the tv series or something difficult for selective

H: Sometimes this depends on the project. If i love it I will definitely want to do it.
For me there is no difference between tv series, movie or theater.
P: There is no difference?
H: The important thing is to read the script and love the project. The medium is not
the determining factor of my decision. Its important that I love it and want to do it.

P: Tell me something, can I ask you something that seems mysterious to me? Why
do you love Bergzar?
H: Look at her!
B: Whats wrong with me?
H: Look at her!
P: I wouldnt be able to break up with her not even for a tv series. I heard that your
third biggest love after your family of course and the tv series, is diving?
H: Yes its my other big love.
P: How many minutes can you be underwater?
H: My personal record is 5 minutes (without breathing /holding my breath (?))
P: Five?
H: But I dont go very deep.
P: Do you catch fish too or are you just diving?
H: No, I dont like fishing. When I was little around 10-12 years old, I would try to
catch them with my hands, sometimes I would succeed. My only relationship with
fish is to watch them and breed them. I like to dive and swim in the deep. Bergzar
knows that when we go to the beach I prefer to go deep than swim. Thats why Im
not a great swimming company.
P: Bergzar, that seems a bit suspicious to me. What he does 10 whole minutes
B: Dont worry. I watch him through my mask. Everyone is puzzled. Dont worry, Im
watching him.
P: You are not allowed to say this because you are a lady but was it love at first sight
with Bergzar? Or did it come slowly?
H: Me and Bergzar are old friends.
P: Really? So it is confirmed what we say in Greece, that there is no real friendship
between men and women. There is always something hidden behind it.
B: Now you have to explain what you said!
H: I know a lot of people, I have a lot of female friends, that doesnt mean I was
involved with all of them. Please dont say that.

P: No, sorry, you cant get out of this that easily. Would he say to you Im just your
friend all the time?
B: No, never. I knew him for a long time. My mother was an actress. The theater
community is a small one. We knew each other. We would go to the same places
and I saw him often. Later we continued being friends. Its a long story.
P: Now tell me Bergzar because you are the only one that knows for sure. What is
his woman-charming secret? Is it his eyes, his smile, what? What is his trick?
B: I dont know. I guess its his gaze.
P: For you we can see it, we get it. What is this gentlemans trick? In a good way I
B: He is really good at his job and his character Onur was convincing. He gave
himself for his role in One thousand and one nights. I dont know how to explain it.
But his has a nice gaze too!
P: You are in trouble mate. You look at his eyes ha?
B: He is enticing! Im not talking about his eye color but his piercing gaze.
P: Can I tell you something? Make him always wear sunglasses. Thats the best.
Were your parents actors too?
H: My father was an actor. He was also a lyricist and a composer and my mother
was a housewife.
P: Being an actor during those times, obviously it applies to both your families,
didnt necessarily mean that you had a lot of money, that you were really famous. I
imagine they had to work really hard, it must have been a difficult journey for your
parents. Is this true?
H: They worked a lot in Turkish movies, they earned money, but my father wasnt a
freelancer. He worked at the state theater and had a salary as a civil servant. That
wasnt enough. He was also a composer and worked with singers so he could earn
more money and be able to raise us.
P: Did he want you to become an actor?
H: He did and he saw it. After high school I was studying to become a shipbuilder. I
wanted to become a mechanic and my father told me become an actor. Then I
changed my mind, I enrolled at the conservatory, and I told my father I was going to
study opera. He answered: you dont know what you want, you should be an
actor. And so it happened.
P: Thats life. No offense but I want to say this word. Kismet.

H: I dont know. I guess its kismet.

P: No offense, I know kismet its the title of a different tv series.
B: Kismet is the title over here.
H: In Turkey the title is from the lips to the heart.
P: First of all I want to thank you for the revitalization you gave to Greek television
because you brought something new. You made us remember the old times where
women in both real life and in tv series were jealous of their men and they were
causing scenes. Today Greek women are not jealous at all. They just go out and find
a new boyfriend.
H: You are welcome. That is because of the tv series. If we gave this image to Greek
women then you are in a tight spot. You should be tougher with your women at
P: What is the situation in Turkey? Is it more conservative?
H: Its not about the country but about the women. Of course there is jealousy
between men and women and if a woman wants to stay at home.
P: All women are the same, just say it!
H: Right! They are the same everywhere! This might actually be true. Its normal.
P: It goes without saying that we say these things before Bergzar comes in. this
conversation is between us. Because if she comes there will be chaos. Judging from
the tv series she is really jealous. How can you stand her?
H: It was difficult for Onur to deal with it because he is jealous too, he doesnt trust
women and he is sensitive.
P: Good for him, good for him.
H: They moved together in some way. You will see that here soon. They will
probably have a nice and sweet ending.
P: By a nice and sweet ending you mean.
H: its important to have understanding from both sides. Trying to understand each
other always has good results. Its important to be willing.
P: Who is talking now, Onur or Halit?
H: Halit is speaking on behalf of Onur and ehrazat.

P: In your personal life, are you a person who, during a family chaos, agrees with
your wife just to get on with it - like Greeks do- or do you stick with your opinion?
H: Our shared opinion is to solve the problem and make it right. Dialogue is
important to us. Just saying Oh, yes you are right and go on with your life is not
effective for the long haul. This will cause bigger problems later. We discuss the
problem and decide what to do to solve it.
P: Does she do what she wants at the end?
H: Sometimes yes, sometimes we do what I want.
P: Of course, you do what she wants. But now you are happy and you have a child,
Ali. How old is he?
H: Yes. He just turned 9 months old.
P: Best wishes for your baby. And I will tell you from experience that you will take
your revenge when your boy shows to Bergzar whos the boss. Ali will rule the
H: Thats already happening!
P: Oh, thats already happening. Applause please!
H: He is the boss of all of us. He is lovely.
P: Yeah, of course and I wish you have a daughter too
H: I wish that too.
P: Because one child cant be enough for 1001 nights. You need at least 500
children. [] Do you think your dreams have been fulfilled so far or are you waiting
for something more? What are you waiting for? Because you have success, you
have a family, you have a husband that goes diving and leaves you at peace! What
do you want from Allah?
B: My dream is fulfilled and Im very happy. I always wanted a family. That was the
only dream I had in my life. I had some ideals for my job.
P: You didnt have a dream for your career? You should beware of those that dont
dream of a career but they have one.
B: What does it mean to have a big career? Certainly I want to have success in
theater. But I dont have big dreams about this profession. I just want peacefulness
in my life.
P: Theater, everyone wants theater! Its the same in Greece. All big actors are
successful in movies and tv series but they all want theater.

H: Yeah, everyone wants theater.

P: Is that true for you too? Do you prefer dramatic or comedic roles?
H: I dont mind if its comedy or drama. Like I mentioned before there is difference
for me. Because I didnt study acting I didnt have a specific direction. I also played
in musicals. The important thing for me is to be an actor.
P: I want to wish you a safe journey back home, to be happy in your life
B: Thank you very much.
P: I really hope that this image and happiness you give to people comes right back
to you like it is believed in Turkish philosophy and soul.
H + B: Thank you very much.
P: It is said that the good you do comes back to you. I think you believe that and I
hope it happens to you. And I hope Ali gets a baby sister soon. You should make a
daughter. Do you want a boy or a girl?
B + H: Thank you very much.
B: Being healthy is all that matters but if its a girl we will certainly be happy.
P: Ok we want to thank Halit and Bergzar. Applause please.

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