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Top 10 Ways Television Influences People Behaviour

Many critics assert that TV is responsible for dumbing down society. Many
others argue that television contributes to a shared culture, which exceeds
geographic and ethnic restrictions by tackling the hyper real. One thing is
of certainty and that is televisions influential role in transforming society
from one that is dominated by print to one that is dominated by image...
This article examines the 10 ways television influences peoples behavior.
How has it changed societys perception, beliefs, and attitudes to life and
stereotypes? Lets take a look.
1. Violence:
Violence on television distorts violence as being good and acceptable.
American children watch approximately 4 hours of television a day.
Regrettably, todays television programming is violent and influences
childrens behavior and views on violence. Many studies have shown
children becoming immune and numb to violence, acceptant of violence as
a way to resolve problems and wanting to imitate what they observe on
2. Cigarettes/cigars:
Cigarette companies were one of the first to advertise on television. Many
actors and characters on television are still frequently showed smoking
cigars, cigarettes and experimenting with other drugs. When exposed to
enormous advertising like this, viewers are prone to smoke even more. They
thus see smoking as something that is the norm.
3. Swearing:
Not all profane language is censored on television. Many shows stipulate
that viewer discretion is advised. The more times swearing and profanity is
used on television, the more it can be seen as the norm. Children especially
are likely to repeat what they hear because they find the language funny.
Picking up on cues are very easy for children.
4. Idealness:
The media creates the ideal image of females and males, especially on
television. Up until recently you would hardly see someone who is obese
starring in a major role on television. You usually would have someone who
is slim, muscular, and in perfect physique etc. Many people want to conform
to these stereotypes. They also would like to be accepted by peers. They try
to mimic the perfect/ideal shape exhibited on television.
5. Moral Decay:
Many television critics believe that television promotes cupidity and
disregard for social responsibility. Daytime television is one example of this
portrayal as it illustrate bank robberies, mafia wars, theft, murder etc. Critics
have argued that such television shows have contributed to the moral decay
or even rot in the society.
6. Promotes racial and ethnic stereotypes:

Media stereotypes are unavoidable, especially in the entertainment and

news industries, which need to attract wide audiences. Stereotypes are like
codes which give audiences a common feel of a person or group of people;
whether it is their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social
role or occupation. Sometimes these stereotypes reduce people to
simplicity, transform assumptions, and are problematic because they justify
the position of the person in power.
7. Stimulates consumerism:
Many television viewers really are intrigued by the advertisements on
television. Television shows are purposely cut into segments for this
purpose. One perfect example and stereotype is Peggy Bundy who was
obsessed with Oprah and the shopping channel.
8. Expand imagination:
There are television shows and channels which help expand the imagination
of not only kids but adults as well. Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was one
example of a show which sparked childrens creativity and artistic abilities.
Similarly do the Discovery Channel, History Channel and the Food Network.
9. Interaction:
Interaction deflects the feeling of loneliness and eliminates depression. The
behavior of different people, especially children may change knowing there
is a faux relationship.
10. Television is addictive:
There are sneak previews as well as enticing commercials as well as stories
which help people remain glued to television. By conditioning people to
watch more and more television, the medium is supporting obesity.
Taken from

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