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John Perez, President of HACER.


Hispanic - American Cultural, Educational and Recreational Club


In 1898, during the SpanishAmerican War, Puerto Rico was invaded and subsequently became a possession of the United States. Now
in 2016 they are being invaded again.
A group of armed individuals has been dispatched to Puerto Rico.
The group has the full force and backing of the U.S. government.
The group has been armed with the unilateral authority to accomplish the goals set forth by the U.S. Congress in the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management,
and Economic Stability Act (Act) or PROMESA. Promesa,
in Spanish, means promise. Many are saying that the U.S.
Congress promised Wall Street that it will invade the island
and raid el Departamento de Hacienda de Puerto Rico
(Puerto Rico Department of Treasury) for them. But, you
have others saying that the island's politicians raided it first
and that the U.S. government is going to free it. In the mean
time you have the residents caught in the middle of this fiscal
The Act was passed after Congress found that a combination of a lack of financial transparency, management inefficiencies, excessive borrowing, severe economic decline, and, at
times, accumulated operating deficits has created a fiscal emergency in Puerto Rico. Therefore, an immediatebut temporarystay of litigation is essential to stabilize the region for
the purposes of resolving Puerto Rico's crisis. Giving the island a chance to start turning
things around and start paying back Wall Street at all cost.
Puerto Rico has already defaulted several times and is struggling to provide even gas for
police cars and fire trucks and electricity for hospitals. Because the island is a territory, the
same bankruptcy options available to cities and states arent available there, and some form
of restructuring, which this bill provides, is essential to resolve the crisis.
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Among the many thing we pride ourselves on is food: making it, selling
it and consuming only the best, from single-slice pizza to four-star sushi.
Yet most everything we eat is fraudulent.
After reading the below, youll want to be fed intravenously for the rest
of your life.
In a country where we have relatively strict labeling regulations, many
food manufacturers still manage to swindle shoppers by adding fillers or
diluting the real deal with less expensive ingredients, without the
knowledge of the consumer. And in fact, its become so prevalent that the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, a nonprofit that sets standards used by the FDA, set up a the Food Fraud Database (FFD) to track the infractions.

JULY 2016

Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let

us never fear to negotiate.
John F. Kennedy
The most terrifying words in the English
language are: I'm from the government
and I'm here to help.
Ronald Reagan
Let us never forget that government is
ourselves and not an alien power over us.
The ultimate rulers of our democracy are
not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the
voters of this country.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Majority rule only works if you're also
considering individual rights. Because you
can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper.
Larry Flynt

The genius of our ruling class is that it

has kept a majority of the people from
ever questioning the inequity of a system
where most people drudge along, paying
heavy taxes for which they get nothing in
return. Gore Vidal
We have the best government that money
can buy. Mark Twain
Our economic freedom is founded on
individual property rights; government
should never be permitted to take those
away. Ernest Istook

While the list of foods on the database is extensive, here are some of the most commonly
consumed ones to be on the lookout for.
Orange juice
What could be complicated about orange juice? It is made from oranges, juiced except
when its not. That some juice makers feel compelled to regularly pump up their product with
non-orange ingredients seems far-fetched, but they do it.
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The main provisions of the bill would establish an Oversight Board (OB) with the authority to impose balanced budgets, selling public assets and terminating governmental employees if necessary. In return, Puerto Rico would be able to restructure its
The business community in Puerto Rico has welcomed the OB. But you set those on one side, and on the other side you have
just about everybody else. Other political leaders in Puerto Rico and leaders in the legislature are very negative on this. They
see this as a violation of what they believe to be the island's sovereignty. People in Puerto Rico are calling this colonialism the federal government stepping in and basically exerting its authority on the island. The invaders are not bound by the Constitution of Puerto Rico, they are above and beyond anything and anyone on the island.
Political leaders say that it's far from perfect. They'd like to see something different, but given the circumstances, it's the best that they could get
through the Republican controlled Congress. Congressional Republicans have been less eager than Democrats to help Puerto Rico.
The alternative to this bill was to throw this into the courts, where creditors would be seeking protections of their individual interests even if
orders to pay creditors meant leaving no funds to pay for schools, hospital, retirements and police and fire, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said
in an interview.
The strength of the OB is that they can make necessary and unpopular decisions without the fear of being thrown out at the next election. But
unaccountable power is also dangerous if it is not properly reined in. A board with unchecked power risks becoming dictatorial, and so the proper safeguards should have been included in any legislation authorizing such a board. However, safeguards appear to be sadly absent from the
Puerto Rico rescue bill, giving them unabridged power.
Many believe that the oversight board has too much control. It has been said that for the board to be effective in
achieving its goals, it must have teeth but not fangs. The board is given the power to certify debt restructuring
agreements as binding, but without Puerto Rico actually having to agree to them. There's also nothing preventing
them from unilaterally making debt restructuring decisions against the will of creditors. But first the OB will brazenly attack the island's budget and won't spare the rod of discipline. The OB will minimize Puerto Rico's budget
and maximize the debt repayment.
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And in fact, orange juice is one of the most popular items to have suspect ingredients sneaked into the mix. The FFD is chock full of faux orange juices, one of the most shocking reveals a mixture of beet sugar, corn sugar, monosodium glutamate, ascorbic acid, potassium sulfate, orange pulp wash, grapefruit solids, and a byproduct from a water distillation system.
Cheaper honeys are increasingly passed off as more expensive varieties. Honey is one of the most commonly mislabeled foods, representing 7 percent of food fraud cases. Last year, Food Safety News tested honey and found that 75 percent of store-bought honey
didnt contain pollen. People are still buying a product made from bees, but with no pollen food regulators are unable to identify the
honeys source. Consequent testing found that a third of all phony honey was imported from Asia and was contaminated with lead
and antibiotics.
The FFD lists a bevy of non-honey ingredients, such as sucrose syrup, sugar syrup, partial invert cane syrup, corn syrup, glucose
syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, beet sugar, and a whole host of non-authentic sweeteners. The good news is that the tests from Food Safety
News found all of their samples from farmers markets, co-ops and whole food stores like Trader Joes were authentic.
The nonprofit Consumer Wellness Center reported that many "blueberries" in popular products they found were nothing more than glops of sugar, corn syrup, starch, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors and artificial food dye blue No. 2 and red No. 40. And these
are from popular manufacturers such as Kellogg's, Betty Crocker and General Mills. If you see bagels, cereals,
breads, muffins, cereal and other items that promise blueberries, closely check the ingredient list for, you got it, actual blueberries. Also to note, artificial food dye blue No. 2 and red No. 40 likely indicate fake blueberries at work
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The OB will take charge of the island's budget. They'll demand a balanced budget. They can order certain departments be
cut. They can order layoffs, they can order assets of Puerto Rico to be sold. In doing so they can determine how to raise the
maximum amount of money to start paying back the debt and impose dictatorial debt restructuring decisions.
As per the restructuring, there are a number of passages in the bill that invoke the best interests of the creditors, leading
some to reasonably worry that the bill might prioritize creditors interests over those of its citizens. The OB, with the blessing of congress, will go in and protect the best interests of the creditors over the well being, health, happiness, and fortunes
of the residents.The board should be called what it really is. It is a control board, the government of Puerto Rico must follow the recommendations of the board. There is no compromising.
This so called OB will be comprised of 7 voting members. An individual is eligible for appointment only if prior to appointment, an individual
is not an officer, elected official, or employee of Puerto Rico. However, the governor, or the governors designee, shall be an ex officio member
of the OB without voting rights. How nice of the U.S. Congress. You will see that the only reason for having the governor on the OB is to rally
their desires. The governor and legislator will become puppets of the board.
Funding for the OB will come from the budget of Puerto Rico. The initial funding will be the greater of $2,000,000 or any amount determined
by the OB. The funding is for the exclusive control of the OB, without any legislative approval. The OB may appoint and fix the pay of additional personnel as it considers appropriate and demand that the island pay for it.
The OB has been granted broad powers. It can hold hearings, sit and act at times and places it desires, take testimony, and receive evidence as
the OB considers appropriate. It can also secure any official records/data needed. The OB shall have the right to secure copies of any data from
the government (including granting the OB direct access to automated or other information systems). The board will have unfettered access to
the government of Puerto Rico.
The OB may accept, use, and dispose of gifts, bequests, or devises of services or property, both real and personal, for
the purpose of aiding or facilitating the work of the OB. The proceeds shall be available for disbursement. Perhaps
used to pay back the creditors, leaving the island with just enough for a meager existence.
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Fake milk being sold as the real McCoy? It seems unfeasible, but its not. Milk is one of the most commonly adulterated food
items out there. A look at the FFD turns up pages of search results for milk, with a nightmarish list of adulterants. For starters:
Melamine, non-authentic animal sources, formaldehyde, urea, hydrogen peroxide, machine oil, detergent, caustic soda, starch,
non-potable water, cow tallow and pork lard. Gulp.
Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate juice is another food category undone by its own popularity. Ever since pomegranate juice hit the market, it has been lauded for its
high antioxidant content, for which consumers are willing to pay a premium. So its with no little amount of frustration to find that
pomegranate juice is often diluted with grape or pear juice, sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. There have also been reports of completely
"synthetic pomegranate juice" that didn't contain any traces of the real juice at all.
Phony food can be a cause for concern. It can lead food allergy sufferers dangerously astray. As well, some items being used arent meant for
human consumption, while others contain toxic components such as lead or melamine.
Think youre getting Kobe steak when you order the $350 Kobe steak off the menu? Nope Japan sells its rare Kobe beef to just three restaurants in the United States. That Kobe is probably Wagyu, a cheaper, passable cut.
Fraudulence spans from haute cuisine to fast food: A February 2016 report by Inside Edition found that Red Lobsters lobster bisque contained a
non-lobster meat called langostino. In the wake of the IE report Red Lobster amended the menu description of the lobster bisque to note the
multiple kinds of lobster that are contained within.
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The OB can issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of records.
The OB can also enforce laws prohibiting public sector employees from participating in a strike or lockout. In
Puerto Rico unions and workers have widely used strikes to voice their dissatisfaction with the government. The
OB will have their hands full with this restriction, it will not be easy to suppress the voices of the Puerto Rican
people. Problems are in the horizon.
The OB may seek judicial enforcement of its authority to carry out its responsibilities. Any officer or employee
of the government who prepares, presents, or certifies any information or report that is intentionally false or misleading shall be subject to prosecution and penalties. Even though it appears that the board will take no prisoners, for sure some may be imprisoned.
In addition to any other applicable penalty, any officer or employee of the government shall be subject to appropriate administrative discipline,
including (when appropriate) suspension from duty without pay or removal from office, by order of the governor. The OB will be pulling the
strings of the soon to be puppet governor to accomplish this task.
Neither the governor nor the legislature may exercise any control, supervision, oversight, or review over the OB or its activities. They cannot
enact, implement, or enforce any statute, resolution, policy, or rule that would impair or defeat the purposes of OB. The invaders are untouchable and will have absolute power.
The OB shall instruct the governor of the requirements for providing them with a fiscal plan. The fiscal plan will be reviewed and if in violation of the requirements then recommendations will be made for a new proposed fiscal plan. If the
governor fails to deliver a fiscal plan then the OB shall develop and submit to the governor and the legislature a fiscal
plan. So in reality the fiscal plan is not from the governor, it is from the OB because they are directing the governor.
If the budget adopted by the legislature is deemed not to be complaint then the OB will provide changes to be made. If the
governor and legislature fail to develop and approve a budget then the OB will prepare a budget and submit it to the governor and legislature. Said budget shall be deemed to be approved by the Governor and the Legislature. Again, the board
will have absolute and final control.

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Sushi? What Sushi? Youre not getting the sushi you ordered, ever, anywhere, and that includes your regular sushi restaurant where you cant imagine them doing such a thing, Your salmon is probably fake and so is your red snapper. Your
white tuna is something else altogether, probably escolar known to experts as the Ex-Lax fish for the gastrointestinal
havoc it wreaks.
Escolar is so toxic that its been banned in Japan for 40 years, but not in the US, where the profit motive dominates public
safety. In fact, escolar is secretly one of the top-selling fish in America.
Sushi in particular is really bad. Studies put the chances of your getting the white tuna you ordered in the typical sushi restaurant at zero as in
Fake food is a massive national problem, and the more educated the consumer, the more vulnerable to bait-and-switch: In 2014, the specialtyfoods sector gourmet meats, cheeses, booze, oils generated over $1 billion in revenue in the US alone.
This category is rife with scams and even when it comes to basics, none of us is leaving the grocery store without some product coffee, rice
or honey being faked.
One of the most popular, fastest-growing foods in America is olive oil, touted for its ability to prevent everything from wrinkles to
heart disease to cancer. Italian olive oil is a multibillion-dollar global industry, with the US its third-largest market.
The bulk of these imports are, you guessed it, fake. Labels such as extra-virgin and virgin often mean nothing more than a $2
mark-up. Most of us, Olmsted writes, have never actually tasted real olive oil.
That extra-virgin olive oil you use on salads has probably been cut with soybean or sunflower oil, plus a bunch of chemicals.
Some of the most common additives to olive oil are soybean and peanut oils, which can prove fatal to anyone allergic and youll
never see those ingredients on a label. Beware, too, of olive oil labeled pure that can mean the oil is the lowest grade possible.
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The board will also control any political subdivision, public agency, or public corporation. No political entity is immune from the iron fist of the board.
The OB has approval powers at every level of the budget negotiations. The board is just giving the appearance of
allowing the governor and legislature to exercise their constitutional mandates, a mockery. The OB should just adopt
and approve a budget and ram it done the throats of the political leader of Puerto Rico.
The OB will even review any laws enacted by the legislature to determine the impact it will have on the fiscal plan.
The board can go as far as preventing the enforcement or application of the law. Anyone still not convinced that it is a control board do as your
told or we'll do it for you.
One very good thing that the OB will hopefully do is the establishment of alternatives for meeting obligations to pay for the pensions of government employees. Puerto Rico has been forced to raid the government employees pension funds, reducing payments, to meet other obligations.
Many of these people are elderly and could barely live on a full pension. Puerto Rico is constitutionally bound to prioritize payment of the general
obligation bonds above all else, yes all else, even pensions. The creditors come before the residents, even if they have to starve.
The government, to save money, has postpone income tax refunds, laid off 30,000 public sector workers and increased its sales tax from 7 percent
to 11.5 percent, to name a few. And now, here comes the OB to make more cuts.
The Act also mandates Puerto Rico to reduce the minimum wage of new employees for a period not to exceed 4 years
and it's subject to OB approval. The new wage is reported to be $4.25 per hour for new employees less then 25 years of
age. Rumors are running wild that older employees will be terminated for younger, less paid, individuals. How in the
world are people expected to live on $4.25. Businesses will love this, they will be rolling out the red carpet.
The Act says that no employer may take any action to displace employees for the purpose of hiring individuals at the
lower wage. Folk you know that employers will find ways to terminate employees to maximize profits.
Lowering the minimum wage could entice manufacturers to the territory a difficult place to produce goods because
of the high cost of energy. However, in the past, manufacturers that have been enticed to Puerto Rico then leave when the incentives expire.
Reducing the minimum wage might do little to address the territorial governments immediate problems. To come up with the money to pay its
creditors, the government needs to collect taxes. Young workers will pay little in taxes, no matter what the minimum is, given their small incomes.
Its up to the governor to decide whether to move forward with this lousy wage idea. It is hard to see the governor making that call. It is a controversial provision that many people on the island fought against, and Democrats fought against. It was a Republican idea.
Hopefully, the invaders will come up with ways to restructure the debt and teach the political leaders of the island how to live with a responsible
and balanced fiscal budgets. In the mean time it hoped that the residents of Puerto Rico don't starve to death.
The residents of Puerto Rico will be glad when the invaders release the island and set sail back to Washington.
Viva Puerto Rico libre de dictadores.




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How do we find the real thing? Look for labels reading COOC Certified Extra Virgin the newly formed California Olive Oil Councils
stamp or the international EVA and UNAPROL labels.
In terms of scope and scale, theres an even greater level of fraud throughout the seafood industry.
A 2012 study of New York City seafood done by scientists at Oceana, a nonprofit advocacy group. They discovered fakes at 58 percent of 81
stores sampled and at all of the 16 sushi restaurants studied, and this goes on throughout the United States. If
you see the words sushi grade or sashimi grade on a menu, run. There are no official standards for use of
the terms.
Red snapper, by the way, is almost always fake its probably tilefish or tilapia. (Tilapia also doubles for
Farmed Cambodian ponga poses as grouper, catfish, sole, flounder and cod. Wild-caught salmon is often
farmed and pumped up with pink coloring to look fresher. Sometimes its actually trout.
Ever wonder why its so hard to properly sear scallops? Its because theyve been soaked in water and chemicals to up their weight, so vendors
can up the price. Even dry scallops contain 18 percent more water and chemicals.
Shrimp is so bad. In 2007, the FDA banned five kinds of imported shrimp from China; China turned around and routed the banned shrimp
through Indonesia, stamped it as originating from there, and suddenly it was back in the US food -supply.
Seafood fraud puts pregnant women at risk; high levels of mercury in fish are known to cause birth defects. Allergic reactions to shellfish have
been known to cause paralysis.
All the gross details you have heard about industrial cattle farming from the widespread use of antibiotics and chemicals to animals living in
their own feces and being fed parts of other animals they dont normally consume occurs in the seafood arena as well, only it is much better
Corruption in the seafood industry is so rife that in 2014, President Obama formed the Presidential Task Force on Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Seafood Fraud.
Look for the reliable logos MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) for wild-caught fish and BAP (Global Aquaculture Alliances Best Aquaculture
Practices) for farmed.
The most trusted logo is Alaska Seafood: Wild, Natural, Sustainable. Alaskas system mandates complete supervision of chain of custody,
from catching to your grocery store.
Perhaps most surprising of all: Discount big-box stores such as Costco, Trader Joes, BJs Wholesale Club and Walmart are as stringent with
their standards as Whole Foods.
One of the simplest things we can do is to look for products named after their geographical location. Grated Parmesan cheese is almost always
fake, and earlier this year, the FDA said its testing discovered that some dairy products labeled 100% Parmesan contained polymers and wood
Thats all the FDA did: You can still buy your woody cheese at the supermarket.
Parmigiano-Reggiano, however, derives its name from Parma, the region in Italy thats produced this cheese for over 400 years. If you buy it
with that label, its real.
Same with Roquefort cheese and Champagne from France, and San Marzano tomato sauce, Bologna meat and Chianti from Italy, and Scotch
whisky from Scotland. Still, it is strongly advised looking for the label PDO Protected Designation of Origin, the highest guarantee of authenticity there is.
The 100 percent grass-fed beef you just bought is no such thing its very possible that cow was still pumped full of drugs and raised in a
cramped feedlot.
When it comes to beef, the USDA is lax; the agency repealed its standards for the
grass-fed designation in January after pressure from the agriculture industry.
All that stamp now means, he says, is that in addition to grass, the animals can still
be raised in an industrial feed lot and given drugs. It just means the actual diet was
grass rather than corn.
The moral of the story? Don't be scared by all of this, but be aware. Buy whole foods when you can. Shop at
trusted co-ops and farmers markets when possible. Know that well-known names and bigger brands should be somewhat reliable, since they
have a lot to lose if they're busted for mislabeling. And look out for deals that seem to good to be true; that super cheap saffron could well be
nothing more than died daisy petals.


JUNE 2016



2016 Election Day Dates
A General Election is held in November of every even-numbered year. The Primary Election for nominating party nominees for the
General Election is held 10 weeks before the General Election. Additionally, a Presidential Preference Primary Election is held in Presidential Election years. Special elections may be called at any time during the year. The election dates for 2016 are:
Primary Election: August 30, 2016
General Election: November 8, 2016

2016 Voter Registration/Bookclosing Deadline

You can register to vote at any time. The deadline to register to vote for an upcoming election is 29 days before the election. The registration deadlines for the 2016 election cycle are:
Primary Election: Register by August 1, 2016
General Election: Register by October 11, 2016


Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the
American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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