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Weekly Justice Challenges

Summer 2016
Cut and paste these justice challenges into your bulletin
or onto your website to encourage parishioners to
embrace just living.

10th Week in Ordinary Time (June 5)

Justice Challenge: So often our lives are filled with busyness we work, go to
school, are involved in sports and activities and then theres the everyday
stuff like cooking, cleaning, yard work, home repairs, budgeting, and getting
to and from places. Wouldnt it be nice to take a moment and really look at
the world around you? Who are your neighbors? Who are those you havent
met yet or spoken to? Are there elderly in your neighborhood who could use
a helping hand or a visit? Is there a young family who could use some
support or a batch of cookies? Your challenge this week is to look in your own
neighborhood for a way to reach out with kindness and compassion.
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

11th Week in Ordinary Time (June 12)

Justice Challenge: Summer is a great time to eat out with your family. How do
you choose the restaurant? Have you tried that new ethnic restaurant which
will introduce your family to new flavors and textures of food? When you
decide on a restaurant, do you check to see if the restaurant uses locallyproduced food instead of buying it from thousands of miles away? Your
challenge this week is to check out the restaurants in your town and then
support those which provide healthy, farm-to-table options which also care
for Gods creation. Discover how amazing your community is and what a gift
God has given you!
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

12th Week in Ordinary Time (June 19)

Justice Challenge: This week we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist. He
spent his life preparing people for Jesus, the savior. He was a prophet and
that life isnt easy. A prophet has a message that is usually counter-cultural.
Prophets call people to change and live differently. John the Baptist called
people to repent, to have clean hearts in order to be ready to welcome the
savior of the world. What would your response have been to that message?
What would it be like to be a prophet? Your challenge this week is to listen in
prayer for the message the world needs to hear from you today. Ask God to
give you the courage to stand up and share that message with the world.
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

13th Week in Ordinary Time (June 26)

Justice Challenge: There is much in our neighborhoods and communities that

needs attention: parks and streets, homes and businesses. Pope Francis and
our bishops challenge us as Catholics to care for Gods creation and to be
good stewards of all we have been given. Your challenge this week is to
make a list of things in your community that you are thankful for. Then take
time to volunteer with something on the list or to thank those who make it
possible for you to enjoy the place you call home. Be a good steward to
ensure that those who come after you have the same things to enjoy!
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

14th Week in Ordinary Time (July 3)

Justice Challenge: This Sundays Gospel tells of Jesus sending out the 72
disciples. The message they were to give people was one of peace: Peace to
this household! Jesus embodied peace, and he challenged his disciples to be
bearers of his peace. Yet in our world today, there are so many examples of
violence, tension, war and conflict. Your challenge this week is to look at your
own livesas individuals and as families. How are you sowing peace at
home, in your parish or school, in your neighborhood and community? What
is one action you can take this weekbe it prayer, a kind gesture, asking
forgiveness, seeking reconciliation, or building bridges between peopleto
bring peace into the hearts of individuals or a group in conflict?
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

15th Week in Ordinary Time (July 10)

Justice Challenge: What is happening around the world today? Have you
watched the news or learned some things from internet stories or Facebook
posts? Are there things in the news that trouble you? Things that make you
feel good? God knows your hearts. He may be asking you to pray for those
who are suffering around the world or to do something to ease their pain.
What might God be asking of you today to be in solidarity with those who are
in need? Ask in prayer, write it down, share it with someone and make a plan
to act!
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

16th Week in Ordinary Time (July 17)

Justice Challenge: There was an old priest who had been ordained right after
the Second Vatican Council. He shared with his parish that he was so excited
to hear of all the ways the Church could make a difference in the world! He
started a little justice group in his parish and encouraged people to go out to
see what was happening in their community, to observe and ask questions to
understand things better, and then to come back together to share what
they learned and decide what to do about all they learned. His parishioners
loved itthey couldnt wait to get out there and bring their faith to the
community and make a difference. Through this very first group a homeless
shelter was built, a thrift store, a soup kitchen, and a food bank started, and

a literacy program launched. What a difference faith can make! Your

challenge this week is to reflect on what God might be asking of you today.
Go out to observe and reflect, and then gather some friends and do
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

17th Week in Ordinary Time (July 24)

Justice Challenge: Community gardens are in full swing this time of the year.
Do you know if you have one in your area? These gardens are usually a piece
of land that is given to people or rented very inexpensively so they can grow
food to feed their family. It is a good and holy thing to work with the earth,
to plant seeds, and to tend them while they grow into plants. Jesus used
stories of farmers in Scripture he spoke of seeds scattered, seeds that take
root. He spoke of a small mustard seed that grows into a mighty plant. Your
challenge this week is to seek out a garden in your community. Volunteer to
help weed or water and support those who are caring for Gods creation or
feeding those most in need.
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

18th Week in Ordinary Time (July 31)

Justice Challenge: Family reunions happen a lot during the summer months.
You may have seen signs or notices in parks where families have reserved
space to come together to catch up on news, share family stories and food
and to celebrate their heritage. When we take time to nurture relationships
and to support and celebrate our families, it is a blessing. Our families are
the first places we learn about faith and what it means to be a part of Gods
family. There are some things we know about being a part of Gods family:
we must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to those who thirst
and visit those in prison. And our families help us do this good work. Your
challenge this week is to live out the Jubilee Year of Mercy by discussing how
your family has been a witness to you of being Christ in the world. Then
choose a corporal work of mercy and practice it this week.
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

19th Week in Ordinary Time (August 7)

Justice Challenge: Pope Paul the VI said If you want peace, work for justice.
In a world that has wars, terrorism, violence, and fear, the Christ-like way to
fix it is to be people of peace. This only happens when we work for justice.
When everyone has enough food, decent shelter, hopes for an education,
meaningful work, and healthcare, then justice will be the norm. Many people
have given their lives to the work of justice in the world. Your challenge this
week is to do a little Google search on people who work for justice. You may
find names of people you have heard of and many you have not. Take time to
learn about justice and peace workers this week. Keep as a role model or
mentor someone you discovered in your search. Share their story and keep
their dream alive.

Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

20th Week in Ordinary Time (August 14)

Justice Challenge: This week we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. It is a
rather interesting and amazing event. Mary is taken into heaven body and
soul. She offers hope of the resurrection and life after death to all believers.
Hope is very important in our lives. It helps us through times that are tough,
it helps us grow and change and to accept challenges, changes, and the
unknown. Your challenge this week is to take some time to pray about how
you can offer hope to someone who really needs it. It may be a family
member, a friend, someone with a serious illness or depression, or even a
stranger, but find a way!
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

21st Week in Ordinary Time (August 21)

Justice Challenge: As summer comes to an end and with school just around
the corner, there may be children in your community who are worried. They
may not have the things they need to start the new school year. When we
are worried about food, shelter, and other matters, we arent always capable
of doing well in school or succeeding in any of our life endeavors. Your
challenge this week is to see if there is something you, your family, friends,
or parish community can do to help those children in need. Are there
organizations that collect school supplies, clothing, shoes, and backpacks?
Do some research and find a way to get involved.
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

22nd Week in Ordinary Time (August 28)

Justice Challenge: The powerful Gospel this Sunday has Jesus teaching us to
be humble and not seek the best seat in the house. He also wants us to be
hospitable to the most marginalized people in our communities. He tells his
followers to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind to our
banquetsin other words, those who cant pay us back. Your challenge this
week is to extend an invitation to someone less fortunate than youto a
family barbecue, breakfast, a movie, or just coffee. Go out of your comfort
zone and share your own blessings with someone who cannot pay you back.
Copyright Center for Ministry Development, 2016. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved.

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