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Miss Wegners Classroom Guidelines 2016-2017

Welcome to Miss Wegners Third Grade Classroom! This packet outlines information on
our daily schedule and routines, math and reading stations, classroom rules and
expectations, classroom leadership, and homework/testing information. If you have any
questions, please let me know. I am more than happy to talk about any of these items in
more depth. Please visit my classroom website at any time to view this document and
other items online.
Mornings in Our Classroom
I will be greeting all of the students outside the classroom door at the first bell (9:00).
We start each morning as
o C
oats and backpacks put away
o H
omework turned into the baskets
o A
ll notes given to Miss Wegner
o M
ake a lunch choice on the board
o P
encils are sharpened (2 pencils)
o S
tart morning work/morning jobs.
We will go over morning work after morning broadcast.

*Stations include: Comprehension, Writing, Word Work (Phonics/Spelling), Social

Studies/Science, Leader In Me, Grammar, Independent Reading, and Handwriting.
*Please Note: Students who did not complete all homework throughout the week cannot
participate in Fun Friday until homework is completed.*

Specials Schedule (11:10-12:00):

A Days- Art
B Days- P.E. (Gym)
C Days- Media/Library
D- Days- Music

Math and Reading Stations

We will be doing stations in both math and reading classes. Both classes will begin with a
whole-group lesson, followed by small group and independent work time. The groups for
both classes will be based on data collected by me. Students will be placed in reading
groups based on their Fountas and Pinnell testing data. Math groups will be made based
on reviewing skills necessary after each chapter assessment. The reading stations are
listed above. Math stations will include practicing math facts, meeting with me,
enrichment work, lesson work, and math games. Station groups can change at any time
based on data collection.
Classroom Jobs
Leadership in the classroom is very important, and our classroom jobs reinforce the
concept of leadership. New jobs will be chosen every Monday morning, and will be kept
throughout the entire week. Jobs include:
board technician
greeter, attendance monitor,
teachers assistant
peer leaders
police chief
class tutor, restroom monitors, and coat checker.
Classroom and Behavioral Expectations
A school expectation is for all students to be respectful when in the classroom, both
to the teacher and to each other. Being respectful includes:
o Raising your hand when you have a question, and not talking out of turn or
interrupting others
o Being polite to everyone (including substitute teachers)
o Listening to all directions before starting work
o Making sure voice levels stay on green when doing group work
o Saying nice, positive things about each other
o Enforcing the 7 Habits on a daily basis
o Using Kelsos Choices to problem solve
Our classroom behavior system has two parts. The students will be choosing a
sand bucket on the first day of school. This sand bucket will be kept on top of their
desk. When they make a good choice, do exceptionally great work, or if they go
above and beyond expectations, he/she will earn a pebble to put in their sand
bucket. Pebbles can be turned in each week throughout the year for different
rewards, including sitting by a friend for a day, eating lunch with the teacher, no
homework for a day, etc.
Additionally, we will have a Behavior Surfboard with a scale of awesome to poor
behavior. All students will start the day with their name clipped onto Surfs up!.
Students making good choices will have their clip moved up throughout the day.
Students making poor choices will have their clip moved down the board. If the

student is asked to clip down, they will always be able to change their behavior and
move their clip back up throughout the day. At the end of the day, the students will
be responsible for filling in their chart with the correct color that they ended the
day on. This chart will be sent home each day for you to see.
Each day the students will have a small amount of homework in both reading and math.
Any station work (in both subjects) not finished during their station time will be taken
home for homework to be completed and turned in the following day. Their homework
should not take them longer than about 45 minutes each night. Homework may also
include reading comprehension work and math practices.
Parent/Guardian Involvement
I strongly encourage all parents/guardians to be involved in their childs education each day,
whether that involves helping them with homework, reading to them before bed, listening
to them read to you, or volunteering in the classroom whenever possible. I will have a
parent/guardian volunteer sign-up sheet at the front of the room every day. If you ever
wish to volunteer in our classroom, please do so! We love the help. Volunteering may
include hanging student work in the hallway, making copies, helping with small groups,
helping to create projects, laminating, etc. It all depends on the day. Any and all help is
greatly appreciated. In order to be a classroom volunteer, each person is required by the
district to have a criminal background check.
Contact Information
I want to make sure that all of my students have a successful third grade year. This
means staying in contact with parents as often as possible. I want to encourage all
parents/guardians to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any point
throughout the year, and I will do the same.. This is a team effort. To have a successful
student, there needs to be a team of parents/guardians and the teacher working together.
The students will be doing great work at school, and I hope they will be doing great work
at home as well. If there is ever an issue regarding the students work or something
personal going on with the student, please dont hesitate to let me know. The sooner I
know, the sooner we can work together to get it resolved. Feel free to contact me by phone
or email anytime. The best way to reach me is by email, which is sent to my phone as
well. My email address is
It is best to contact my school phone at (317) 867-7948 If there is an emergency, you may
contact me on my cell phone. My cell phone number is (414) 915-4404. I just ask that you
please dont contact my cell phone after 7:00 PM. If you need to contact me after that
time, please send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.
I have created a Facebook page for our class. I will use this page for important updates
that parents/guardians may want to see, as well as posting pictures of the students doing
fun activities. For important updates, I will also send home a paper for the families who do
not use Facebook. I believe that families will enjoy seeing pictures of their children having

fun at school. On the Parent/Guardian Form is a consent portion. When posting pictures, I
post the students name with their picture. If you prefer not to have your childs
photo posted at all, please sign your name, write the childs name, and check the No box
on the form. The Facebook page is called
Miss Wegners Third Grade Class
Birthdays in Class
Unfortunately, school policy does not allow us to bring in treats to celebrate birthdays.
Instead, I will have a small gift for them where they get to choose a pencil and a birthday
bracelet, along with receiving an award for their birthday.
Bringing Items From Home
For outdoor recess, students may bring footballs, basketballs, or other outdoor toys from
for recess only!
is responsible for all appropriate toys brought from
home, including making sure their item is brought back in from recess and then safely
stored in their cubby. If their item is lost, it is not the schools responsibility.
If a student brings an electronic device to school (iPad/tablet, phone, etc), that device is to
stay in his/her backpack throughout the entire school day until it is to be used for
educational purposes. Devices must be kept on silent as to not disturb class time. If a
device goes off during class, I will keep it in my desk until the end of the day and at that
time it will be returned to the student.
Standardized Testing

Starting in third grade, students are required to begin taking the state-mandated
standardized tests. These tests include ISTEP and IREAD-3.
ISTEP is taken two different times throughout the year. The first
round of ISTEP usually occurs at the end of February/beginning of
March. The second round is towards the end of the year in April/May.
ISTEP tests include a paper/pencil portion, and a computer portion.
Students are tested in Reading, Language Arts, and Math
Scores for ISTEP are not immediately available. The school is not able
to control when test scores are released-the state Department of
Education is responsible for releasing test scores.
IREAD-3 is an assessment the kids are all required to take and pass
in order to move onto fourth grade.
IREAD-3 assesses kids on skills such as blending sounds, synonyms,
antonyms, homophones, comprehension, and grammar. These are
skills that the kids were introduced to in second grade, and will be
practicing each week in third grade.
IREAD-3 scores are released much sooner than ISTEP scores, and are
usually available a few weeks after the assessment window closes.
This test is usually taken towards the middle/end of March.

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