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Defi nition
Any surgical opening into the skull, performed to relieve intracranial pressure, to
control bleeding, or to remove tumor.

Site for skin Preparation:

The operative site is shaved and cleansed.

Bed position:
After the surgery, if the cerebral area is involved, the head of the patients bed is
elevated to 45 degrees (Fowlers position) to reduce the risk of edema and
hemorrhage; if the cerebellum or brainstem is affected, the patient is kept flat
(supine position.)

For the draping, the site to be worked on is exposed while the whole body is draped.

Defi nition:
It is the surgical removal of the thyroid gland. It is performed for colloid goiter,
tumors, or hyperthyroidism that does not respond to iodine therapy and antithyroid

Site for skin preparation:

Bed Position:
Supine with rolled towel or sandbag between the scapulae, hyperextending the
neck. If table is placed in reverse Trendelenberg position, a padded foot board
should be used to prevent the patient from slipping down toward the end of the
After the surgery, the patient is most comfortable in a semi-fowlers position with
continuous mist inhalation administered to liquefy oral secretions.


Defi nition:
A mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes diseased mastoid air cells.
These cells sit behind your ear in a hollow space in your skull. The diseased cells are
often the result of an ear infection that has spread into your skull. The infection
sometimes spreads to the temporal bone.

Site for preparation:

Bed Position:
The patient is almost always placed in the supine position with the head rotated
approximately 30-45 away from the surgeon, depending on the patient's neck
range of motion. Careful communication with the anesthesia provider is important
because, after induction, the patient is typically rotated 180 . Positioning the
patient's head as close to the edge of the bed adjacent to the surgeon provides a
more ideal working distance for the surgeon. The patient's head is typically
positioned at the foot of the bed so the surgeon can have their legs under the
operating room table while sitting.
The patient's arm is tucked adjacent to their body with adequate padding because
arm boards increase the working distance for the surgeon. The patient is secured to
the bed with straps at the level of the chest and hips because rotating the operating
table is sometimes necessary during certain portions of the procedure.


Defi nition:
Lumpectomy is surgery in which only the tumor and some surrounding tissue is

Site for preparation:

Bed Position:
Supine position


Defi nition:
Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of a fallopian tube.

Site for preparation:

Bed Position:
The patient is placed in a supine or dorsal lithotomy position with the patient's legs
placed in Allen stirrups. The knees should be deflexed to avoid stretching of the
femoral nerve.
The buttocks should be a few centimeters beyond the edge of the table to allow
uterine manipulation. A bladder catheter is inserted to prevent bladder distension,
thereby decreasing the risk of bladder perforation and facilitating visualization of
pelvic structures.

Defi nition:
It is the surgical removal of one or both ovaries.

Bed Position:
Correct positioning is important to prevent nerve injury. Stretching and compression
of nerves must be avoided when positioning the patient. For an abdominal
approach, the patient is placed in a dorsal supine position. For a laparoscopic or

vaginal approach, the patient is placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patients
hips are flexed with thighs moderately abducted, knees flexed, and dorsiflexion of
the feet; there should be minimal external rotation of the hips.

Site for preparation:

Defi nition:
A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. Tonsils are two small
glands located in the back of your throat. Tonsils house white blood cells to help you
fight infection, but sometimes the tonsils themselves become infected.

Bed Position:
Rose Position

Defi nition:

It is the surgical removal of the gallbladder.

Site for preparation:

Bed Position:
Supine Position

The abdominal part specifically where the gallbladder is under will be exposed
during the procedure.

Defi nition:

Splenectomy is a surgical procedure to remove your spleen.

Site for preparation:

Bed Position:
The patient is placed in the supine position, with the arms extended. The surgeon
stands on the patient's right side with the assistant opposite.

The abdominal part will be exposed specifically where the spleen is located.

Defi nition:
It is the surgical removal of the colon.

Site for preparation:

Bed Position:

The area where the affected colon is will be exposed.

Defi nition:
It is the surgical removal of a part or the whole of the stomach

Bed Position:
Supine Position

Site for preparation:

The whole abdomen is exposed.

Defi nition:

Hepatectomy is the surgical resection (removal of all or part) of the liver.

Site for preparation:

The area where the liver can be found will be exposed.

Bed Position:

Defi nition:
It is a surgical procedure to remove all or a part of a kidney.

Site for preparation:

The right lower quadrant of the abdomen will be exposed in the draping.

Bed Position:
Supine Position

Defi nition:
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent
contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are severed and then
tied or sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal
stream (ejaculate) and thereby prevent fertilization.

Site for preparation:

Your testicles and scrotum are cleaned with an antiseptic and possibly shaved.

Bed Position:
Supine or lithotomy position

The testicles will be inserted into a hole through the draping.

Terminologies related to OR

1. Transient
very short life, external surfaces of an object or organism. found on walls and
floor of OR
2. Resident flora

lives in deep cracks and folds of the skin or body orifices such as teh oral
cavity or intestinal tract

3. Sepsis

severe toxic febrile state resulting from infection with Pyogenic


4. Sterile

Free from microorganism

5. Surgically clean

Mechanically clean but not strerile.

6. Sterile field

area that immediately surrounds and is specifically prepared for the patient

7. Myomectomy

surgical removal of uterine fibroids without the removal of the uterus.

8. Hernia

The abnormal protrusion of the contents of a cavity beyond the normal confines of that cavity

9. Laparoscopy

Laparotomy performed with a laparoscope that makes a small incision to examine the
abdominal cavity

10. Suture

The fine thread or other material used surgically to close a wound or join tissues; an
immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)

11. Fundoplication

A surgical procedure involving making tucks in the fundus of the stomach around the lower
end of the esophagus

12. Gangrene

Death of tissue with putrefaction, sometimes referred to as wet gangrene (Greek gaggraina,
death of tissue). C.f. necrosis, mummification

13. Haemorrhage

Heavy bleeding from ruptured blood vessels

14. Hydatid

Cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation by tapeworm larvae

15. Infarction

Infarct: localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply

16. Stent

An artificial tube inserted into a tubular organ to keep it open

17. Stoma

Surgical opening: an artificial opening made in an organ, especially an opening in the colon
(colostomy) or ileum (ileostomy) made via the abdomen. (Greek, mouth). Plural stomata

18. Rhinoplasty

Plastic surgery performed on the nose.

19. Iridectomy

a surgical procedure to remove part of the iris

20. Ostectomy

An ostectomy is a procedure involving the removal of bone.

Assignment in NCM 103

Nealeth B. Nanquil

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