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Brain-machine interface

Imagine a piece of technology that would let you control an apparatus simply by thinking
about it. A brain-machine interface (BMI) could let paralyzed people control devices like
wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, or computers.
Historical Background
The BMI field started more than 40 years ago at the University of Washington, Eberhard
Fetz implanted electrodes in the brains of monkeys to monitor the activity of neurons in
the motor cortex, the part of the brain that controls movement. When a neuron fired at a
certain rate, a corresponding electrode would pick up a small electrical discharge,
deflecting a needle and emitting a chirp in a monitoring device. Whenever that
happened, the animals would receive a treat. Crucially, the animals could see and hear
the monitoring device, which gave them feedback about their neural activity. Within
minutes, the monkeys learned to intentionally fire specific neurons to make the needle
move, so that they could get more treats. Fetz showed that it was possible to teach the
brain to control a device external to the body.

Traditional Systems
Today, BMI systems vary greatly in their designs. A major distinction is the location of
the electrodes. In some, the electrodes are implanted inside the brain, where they
monitor the firing of individual neurons. They monitor the rhythmic activity created by the
collective behavior of large groups of neurons.
In the case of electrodes inside the brain, the neural signals captured by the implant are
fed into a computer program called a decoder. It consists of a mathematical model that
transforms the neural activity into the movements of a computer cursor or robotic arm,
typically. To measure neural activity, researchers usually count the number of times
individual neurons fire in a certain time span, known as a bin, which is usually about 100
milliseconds. In a 100-ms bin, you might record zero to a few firings. That number is
called a spike count. The mathematical model that translates the spike counts of a
group of neurons into movement might be a simple linear relationship. Increasingly,
however, researchers are using models that are more complex and nonlinear in their
translation of spike counts to movement.

Wireless systems
But these systems rely on wires snaking out from the skull, which would affect a
person's mobility and leave an opening in the scalp prone to infection. Wireless brainmachine interfaces would be much more practical and could be implanted in several
different areas of the brain to tap into more neurons. A typical scheme would have
electrodes penetrating brain tissue, picking up neuronal electrical impulses, called
spikes. A chip would amplify and process the signals and transmit them over a

broadband RF connection through the skull to a receiver. Then, just as in wired

systems, algorithms would decode these signals into commands for operating a
computer or a robot.
The key requirement for such a system is that it consume very little power to keep the
heat down. Most of the guidelines for implantable devices say that you should not raise
the surrounding tissue temperature by more than 1 C; otherwise, you'll kill the cells
you're trying to record from.

The researchers have implanted a 16-electrode microchip into the arm-control region of
a monkey's brain. Each radio chip is powered by an electromagnetic induction coil
outside the skull. A cap or headband containing a coil no more than a few centimeters
wide could send power to the device. An external power source for neural chips makes
more sense than batteries, because the chips consume a hundred times as much
current as pacemakers do. This means their batteries would need to be replaced much
more often than a pacemaker battery, whose typical life span is seven years.

Wireless neural implants open up the possibility of embedding multiple chips in the
brain, enabling them to read more and different types of neurons and allowing more
complicated thoughts to be converted into action. Thus, for example, a person with a
paralyzed arm might be able to play sports.

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