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Learning Module 5: Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

EDUC 5320 Exceptionality in Todays Schools Section KS56
Dr. Kirsten Allman
October 6, 2015
Carolyn Elizabeth Barrette

3-2-1 Assignment: Learning Disabilities


3-2-1 Assignment: Learning Disabilities

THREE learning disabilities-related characteristics/needs that have important implications
for school functioning and why each one is crucial:
1) Intrinsic to the individual and have a neurological basis1 -- It is vital to understand that
these differences are not triggered purely by environment or background; there is a
human biology factor at work as well.
2) Characterized by unexpected underachievement2 -- The underachievement witnessed by
educators being unexpected reinforces Soffers observation that students with learning
differences are typically average or above average in intelligence3.
3) Often simultaneously rooted in a market basket of potential sources including
physiological, curriculum (academic) and environmental factors4 -- There is no simple,
one-size-fits-all structure to students with learning disabilities; this has important
implications for developing tailored interventions and support structures for these
TWO learning disabilities-related interventions/accommodations/supports that are important
for students with learning differences and why each one is crucial:
1) Direct instruction5 -- Using a variety of direct instruction methods tailored to
accommodate both a students learning strengths and differences provides active learning
1 Soffer, Learning Module 3, Slide 3.
2 Ibid.
3 Soffer, Learning Module 3, Slide 7
4 Soffer, Learning Module 3, Slide 3; as well as Friend, 2014, pp. 141-145.
5 Soffer, Learning Module 3, Slide 19; as well as Friend, 2014, pp. 163-166.


opportunities and their resultant typically higher retention and learning satisfaction
2) Strategy instruction6 -- Pairing direct instruction of academic content with skills
development (again, customized to a students learning strengths and differences) is
central to providing vital motivation and cross-content application capabilities.
ONE bottom line idea regarding learning disabilities that is most important to remember for
teaching/tutoring and why it is crucial:
1) Bottom line: Students can learn they just may learn differently.7 This is the backbone
of my tutoring practice.

6 Ibid.
7 Soffer, Learning Module 3, Slide 18 (lecture notes); as well as Powell, 2015.


Friend, M. P. (2014). Special education: Contemporary perspectives for school professionals
(4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Powell, C. E., Ph.D. (2015, September 18). Students with learning differences [Personal interview with
the Director of the Paul C. Gilliam Learning Center, St. Pius X High School, Houston, Texas].

Soffer, R., Ph.D., 2015, from http://clare.stthom.edu/videos/week3.html.

Wendling, B. J., & Mather, N. (2009). Essentials of evidence-based academic interventions.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Soffer, R., Ph.D. (2015, October 01). Learning module 5: Students with learning disabilities.
Lecture presented for EDUC 5320 Exceptionality in Today's Schools in studio, Houston.
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