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Reading for Pleasure Promotion

Title: Library Honor Roll and 100 Book Club

Source: Monica McCollum, Library Media Specialist, North Crossett, AR-Primary School
(article from Education World: Getting Kids to Read by Keeping Their Eyes on
the Prize)

Grade Level: K-5th Grade

Resources: Reading Incentive Sheet Explanation with a tear-off sign-up form
Reading Log/Response Sheet
Reading Folder

Explanation: The Library Honor Roll and the 100 Book Club were developed to encourage
students to develop a love for reading that will continue on through life. There
are various awards that the student can work for. These awards are designed to
be motivating and to keep the students wanting to read more.
The Library Honor Roll works in 9-week increments. In order to achieve this, a
student must read and fill out a log showing that he/she has read at least 9
books in this time period. The students who make the Library Honor Roll are
then treated to a pizza lunch in the library with a guest reader or storyteller.
This provides a tangible reward, along with a reward that relates back to
The 100 Book Club is a recognition of those who have read at least 100 books
during the school year. The student is presented a trophy at an Award
Assembly and/or Family Night.

Reading For Pleasure Activities

AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner In Action
1. Skill Indicator



-3.1.2-Participate and collaborate as members of a social

and intellectual network of learners.
-Grade 2-Share favorite literature, both fiction and
-Grade 5-Share favorite literature.
Disposition Indicator(s) -4.2.4-Show an appreciation for literature by electing to
read for pleasure and expressing an interest in various
literary genres.
-4.3.3-Seek opportunities for pursuing personal and
aesthetic growth.
-4.4.1-Identify own areas of interest.
Strategy Indicator(s)
Connection to Common
-CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.2-Recount stories, including
fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures;
determine the central message, lesson, or moral and
explain how it is conveyed through key details in the

Library Honor Roll/100 Book Club

Who: You (Kindergarten-5th Grade)
What: Library Honor Roll/100 Book Club
Where: Our School
When: All School Year
Why: To develop a love for reading and to reward you for
your efforts!

How: To make the Library Honor Roll, you will need to read 9 books in 9 weeks
and write a short note about them on a reading log. If you make the
Library Honor Roll, you will get to have a pizza party for lunch one day!
During the pizza party, we will have a special storyteller or guest author or
an illustrator interview.
To make it into the 100 Book Club you have to track the books you read
on a reading log and also write a short note about them. When you reach
100 books read, you will be rewarded with a trophy to be given at an Award
Assembly or special Family Night!
For either of these, you will need to have a teacher or parent or myself
sign your reading log entries.

To participate, fill out the form below and give it to me.

Name: ____________________________________________
Grade:_________ Teacher:___________________________
___I would like to try for the Library Honor Roll by reading 9 books, and
recording them on my Reading Log.
___I would like to try and make it into the 100 Book Club
___I know that a teacher, parent or librarian must sign my Reading Log each time.

Name: ___________________________
Grade: _____ Teacher: ____________________________
Reading Log and Response Sheet






Something I Want To Share

About This Book

Teacher or

Work Cited
"Getting Kids to Read: Keeping Their Eyes On the Prize." Education World (n.d.): n. pag. Educationworld.com. Education
World. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. <http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin447.shtml>

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