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This article is about the computer edition. For other editions, see Version history (disambiguation).


This article is about the actual update. For the 2015 April Fools' snapshot that jokingly was for
1.10, see 15w14a.
1.10, the first release of the Frostburn Update[1], is a major update to Minecraft, which was released on
June 8, 2016.

1 Additions
1.1 General
1.2 World generation

Official name

Frostburn Update

Release date

June 8, 2016

1.3 Blocks

View all

1.4 Items


1.5 Mobs
2 Changes

Development versions

16w20a 16w21a

2.1 General


2.2 World generation

1.10-pre1 1.10-pre2

2.3 Blocks
2.4 Items
2.5 Mobs
3 Fixes
4 Trivia
5 References

Splash text
"Rule #1: it's never my fault"
"Replaced molten cheese with blood?"
"Absolutely fixed relatively broken coordinates"
"Boats FTW"
Sound events



(.json )




Added new ambient sounds:
A new 'Auto-jump' toggle has been added, which automatically makes the player jump when running towards a one block tall obstacle.
Enabled by default, can be disabled in Options.
From Pocket Edition
Options.txt now has its own version number.
VBOs are now enabled by default, overriding old options when upgrading.
Loot tables
A new tag limit for the looting_enchant function.
Determines the maximum amount the player can expect to receive on mob drops when using the looting enchantment of any level.
A new fallingdust particle has been added.
Appears underneath gravity-affected blocks that generate, or have been placed with use of bugs, suspended in midair.
Sometimes appears whenever a gravity-affected block is placed without a support block below.
Does not apply to dragon eggs.
The particle collides with blocks.
fallingdust can be summoned, making use of the params argument like blockcrack and several other particles do.
Example: /particle fallingdust ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 1 0 @p 10 will summon a particle matching the color of lava (block 10)
Usage: /teleport <Entity> [x] [y] [z] [<y-rot> <x-rot>]
Example: /teleport @e[type=Cow] ~ ~ ~ 5 1
Teleports a selected entity to the executor's or player's relative position.
NBT tags
FallFlying byte tag
Allows players, mobs and armorstands to use elytra when they fall
Mobs lose ability to fly after touching the ground
ZombieType integer tag: Determines the kind of zombie a specific zombie is.
0: default, 1-5: villager, 6: husk.
This tag, in effect, unifies the characteristics of being a zombie, a specific zombie villager and a husk into a single variable.
Replaces the IsVillager and VillagerProfession tags.
ParticleParam1 and ParticleParam2 integer tags for AreaEffectCloud entities.
These work just like the two <params> arguments work, in /particle .
/summon AreaEffectCloud ~ ~1 ~ {Duration:600,Radius:2.0f,Particle:"iconcrack",ParticleParam1:351,ParticleParam2:3}
Summons a cloud of iconcrack particles with the texture of item 351 (dye), and data value 3 (cocoa beans).
Example: /summon AreaEffectCloud ~ ~1 ~ {Duration:600,Radius:2.0f,Particle:"blockcrack",ParticleParam1:12289}
Summons a cloud of blockcrack particles with the texture of block 1 (stone), and data value 3 (diorite), using the formula 1+(34096).
Debug screen
F3 + G toggles the visibility of chunk borders around the player.

Everytime it is toggled, a message in chat appears.

Shows a blue outline for the chunk the player is currently in and a yellow outline for individual air blocks in the vicinity of the chunk.
The blue outline in particular, will outline the chunk horizontally on top of the solid blocks on the ground.
The outlines extended arbitrarily up, but end at bedrock level.

World generation
Generates 1524 blocks underground in deserts, swampland, and their M and hills variants. Each chunk has a 164 chance of generating a fossil.
Composed of bone blocks and some coal ore, arranged as to resemble the skulls and spines of giant extinct creatures.
There are 4 variants of the skull, and 4 variants of the spine sections.

Structure void
It is an intangible block used to indicate to the structure blocks that certain air blocks can be overridden by previously existing blocks in the destination.
Intended to be a replacement for the function barrier blocks used to convey (during early development), so they can form part of the structure itself.

They are invisible and have a small hitbox.

They are only visible when they are inside a structure being saved by a save structure blocks and the toggle option "show invisible blocks" is true.
Allows for empty spaces in a structure.
Unlike air, it will not overwrite blocks where it is loaded.
Example: If you load a 2 block high structure with air at the top and a structure void at the bottom into a 2 block high area of stone, the top block will
become air but the bottom will stay stone.
Magma block
Found in the Nether, generating 4 veins per chunk between Y=27 and Y=36.
It has a similar frequency to blocks like andesite in the Overworld.
Crafted using four magma cream.
Mobs and players take 1 ( ) damage every second while touching it, similar to a cactus.
Unlike cactus or fire, this block doesn't destroy items that touch it.
Mobs avoid magma blocks that are in the way.
Most mobs don't spawn on magma blocks. Exceptions are magma cubes, zombie pigmen, and squid.
If the player is sneaking, wearing Frost Walker-enchanted armor, or under the

Fire Resistance effect, they do not take damage.

If the player dies by standing on it, a new death message will appear: "[Player] discovered floor was lava."
If the player dies by the block, but after being damaged by a mob or player, the death message will be: "[Player] walked into danger zone due to [Mob or
Removes water blocks on top when randomly ticked.
It produces smoke particles under the rain.
It emits as much light as it receives from other sources.
e.g. A magma block next to a torch will emit light at level 13, as that was the light level it received from the torch.
If the torch were to be removed then it will search for the next brightest source of light; if no source is found then it will continue to emit the same
amount of light as the torch.
It can emit daylight if it was exposed to the sun.
Nether wart block
Crafted by filling a 3x3 square in the crafting table with nether wart.
It cannot be crafted back into nether wart.
Red nether brick
Crafted by placing a 2x2 checkerboard of 2 nether brick and 2 nether wart in a crafting table.
Bone block
Crafted by filling a 3x3 square in the crafting table with Bone Meal.
Placing it in a crafting table yields 9 bone meal back.
Found underground in desert and swamps as part of the fossil structure.

Spawn eggs
Polar Bear (new mob): White with grey dots.

Polar bear
Adults and cubs spawn randomly as passive mobs in Ice Plains, Ice Mountains, and Ice Plains Spikes.
When hit, the adults will attack you, the cubs will run away (very fast, similar to baby zombies).
Additionally, adults will always attack you when their cubs are around.
Can swim faster in water than the player.
Cubs will follow their parents.
Drops 02 raw fish (75% chance) or 02 salmon (25% chance), each increased by 1 per level of Looting.
80% of skeletons spawned above ground in Ice Plains, Ice Mountains, and Ice Plains Spikes biomes will be strays.
All spawns where the skeleton does not have a view of the sky will be normal skeletons.
Spiders spawned in cold biomes have a chance of having a stray riding them.
Acts mostly like a regular skeleton.
Its SkeletonType tag is 2.
Drops are the same as skeletons, but also have a 50% chance to drop 1 tipped arrow of

slowness when killed by the player. With looting, chance

increases to 2level+12level+2.
Shoots Tipped Arrows of Slowness (0:30) at the target.
80% of zombies spawned above ground in Desert, Desert Hills, and Desert M biomes will be Husks.
All spawns where the zombie does not have a view of the sky will be normal zombies or zombie villagers.
Behaves mostly like a regular zombie
Its ZombieType tag is 6.
Does not burn in sunlight.

Can spawn as a baby or as a chicken jockey.

Applies hunger when attacking, duration depends on raw regional difficulty.
Duration is 7 floor(RegionalDifficulty) seconds
Hunger is only applied if the Husk has an empty hand.
Visually 2 pixels taller than a zombie, but has the same hitbox.

NBT tags
NoGravity now works for all entities, not only armor stands.
A mob in midair affected by it, will still respond to knockback by moving horizontally.
Although the AI will not permit any mob to move on their own, horses and pigs ridden by the player, will move normally.
Very similarly, boats in the air ridden by the player, will move as if they were in water.
Hot Topic is now described as "construct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks"
was previously "construct a furnace out of eight stone blocks"
can now teleport the player to a y-coordinate in the range -4096 to 4096 (increased from -512 to 512).
arguments <y-rot> and <x-rot> are now changed to <yaw> and <pitch>
Huge mushrooms
Huge mushrooms have a 112 chance of generating twice as tall as normal.
These new mushrooms can appear during world generation or by being planted by the player.

World generation
Plains and Sunflower Plains
Now have some trees in 5% of its chunks ( 13 large oaks, 23 normal oaks).
Ice Plains, Ice Mountains, and Ice Plains Spikes
Have a lower chance of spawning passive mobs during world generation than other biomes (7% versus 10%).
Mesas, including all variants
Hardened clay and stained clay no longer generate more than 15 blocks deep, if the mesa is more than 15 blocks above sea level.
In addition to the normal 2 veins of gold ore below Y=32, attempts to generate 20 veins between Y=32 and Y=79.
Generate the new type of abandoned mineshafts, described below.
Abandoned mineshafts
New mineshaft type that generates in mesa biomes (including all variants).
Placed so that the midpoint of the structure is near sea level, rather than so that the top is 10 blocks or more below sea level.
Uses dark oak wood for wooden structures.
New NBT tag MST on mineshaft structure pieces to indicate the type. 0 is the traditional mineshaft, 1 is the new mesa mineshaft.
Features generate differently if above ground (i.e. the sky light where they generate is 8 or more). This is not dependent on mineshaft type.
Cave spider spawners no longer generate if sky light is 8 or more.
Various wooden pieces no longer generate if the block above is air and/or if sky light is 8 or more.
Rails in corridors are more complete if sky light is below 8.
90%, versus 70% in 1.9 and in above-ground corridors.
Ported from Pocket Edition.
Village structures are no longer restricted by biome boundaries.
Meaning that a village that starts in a valid biome can now spread into an adjacent invalid biome.
Now generate in taigas (but not variants).
They are made with spruce wood.
Savanna villages are now made with acacia wood instead of oak.
In savannas, acacia logs replace cobblestone in all structures except churches, blacksmiths and the ground around wells.
Blacksmiths in desert villages now generate with cobblestone rather than sandstone near the lava.
Now generates grass under stairs instead of a dirt path.
Cobblestone now spawn around wells instead of gravel.
Paths now only replace grass blocks (with air above), water, lava, sand, sandstone, and red sandstone, and no longer replace blocks below sea level. All
other blocks will be ignored, with blocks below (down to sea level) considered for replacement instead.
This allows paths to generate properly under trees.
Paths are made with different material depending on the existing terrain.
If replacing grass blocks, the path is made from grass path blocks.

If replacing water or lava, the path is made from planks.

In desert villages, smooth sandstone is used instead of planks.
If replacing sand, sandstone, or red sandstone the path is gravel on top of cobblestone.
In desert villages, sandstone is used instead of gravel and cobblestone.
In savanna villages, acacia logs are used instead of cobblestone.
They have a 2% chance of being a zombie village, determined by Zombie NBT tag in Village.dat .
All generated villagers are instead zombie villagers. These zombie villagers don't despawn (i.e. they have the PersistenceRequired flag set), but
still burn in sunlight.
There are no doors or torches in the village.
No longer turn adjacent sand blocks in the ceiling into sandstone when generating.
End portals
Now replace any blocks inside the portal frame ring when activating.

Structure block
The intended purpose is revealed.
It is to allow the player to save and load different created structures in game, and offer a way to bundle such structures with the world.
Are now available in item form; can be given or summoned.
Similarly to command blocks, its placement, destruction and modification are restricted to opped players in creative.
Now comes with an integrated GUI and new textures.
The block still has four modes, but each has a completely different texture than the original.
Save, S - build structure in world, tell the block where it is and it saves it to file.
Load, L - loads saved structure files, replacing blocks with saved blocks except for structure void blocks.
Corner, C - for automatic size calculation.
Data, D - for chest markers and other blocks that require data (default).
Structures can be stored, bundled and loaded per world, in the "structures" folder
Structures are limited to a size of 32 blocks in each direction.
The coordinates used by the blocks are relative to themselves.
When in use, it shows the outline of the structure it relates to in white
Can rotate and mirror structures before they are placed on the three axis.
L and S structure blocks can be activated by redstone.
Display a name tag above them indicating their mode and structure name.
By toggling the option to show invisible blocks in save blocks, air blocks and structure void blocks will be made visible.
Small blue cubes correspond to air blocks, red cubes correspond to structure void blocks (they are even smaller than the blue cubes).
The game protects against maps saving arbitrary amounts of data to disk.
Can now equip shields onto entities.
Rails (all types)
Bounding box for ascending rails is a full block (formerly only 532 of a block tall).
Hardened Clay
Stained clay blocks are now named, for example, "Red Hardened Clay"
Was previously, for example, "Red Stained Clay"

Chorus fruit
Can now teleport riders from their mounts.
Ender pearls
Can now teleport riders from their mounts.
Firework rocket
Recipe now produces three rockets rather than only one.
Fishing Rod
Can now pull items to the player

Can now shoot while on a boat
Can now rarely spawn in the Nether with a 1153 rate.
Compared to 100153 for zombie pigmen.
Can now naturally pick up netherrack

Magma cubes
Spawn about twice as often in the Nether.
The rate is now 2153, compared to 1151 before
Skeletons holding a tipped arrow in their off hand will now shoot that type of arrow.
This overrides strays' normal shooting of slowness arrows.
The arrows in the off hand are not consumed.
Burning skeletons have a 50% chance of shooting flaming arrows if raw regional difficulty is 3 or greater.
Will drink a potion of fire resistance if they don't already have the effect and the most recent damage taken (within the past 2 seconds) was fire damage.
No longer despawn.
The Zombie Generic Villager is removed, due to the new zombietype tag.
Chance of setting the target on fire when burning and duration of the effect now depends on raw regional difficulty.
Chance is now (30 RegionalDifficulty)%; formerly 30% on Easy, 60% on Normal, 90% on Hard).
Duration is now 2 floor(RegionalDifficulty) seconds; formerly 2 seconds on Easy, 4 on Normal, 6 on Hard.

41 issues fixed
From released versions before 1.10
MC-595 Low Domestic Spawn in Superflat Worlds/Passive mobs do not spawn on superflat outside of spawn chunks
MC-3437 Flowers/tall grass are placed on top of village paths by the world generator.
MC-10046 Random destination routine has a small statistical tendency to move more north west (fix included)
MC-28424 Untamed wolves and ocelots disappear
MC-44579 Cannot summon green robed villager, even though its Zombie counterpart works
MC-69992 Wrong syntax for /scoreboard players test (max value isn't required)
MC-78688 Invulnerable mobs still act like they are taking damage in fire
MC-79366 Acheivement "Hot Topic" text incorrect
MC-82425 Insertion tag (tell raw) won't work on servers
MC-84422 No teleportation from any vehicle
MC-86295 The Ender Crystal beam is going the other way
MC-87739 /setblock with signs missing Text tags kicks all players loading the sign
MC-89141 Shulker spawn instant position is crooked (not aligned to block grid)
MC-89848 playsound/sound engine pitch algorithm isnt working properly
MC-90659 Mobs that are on fire will not jump into water.
MC-93642 XPOrb texture turns gray right before reaching player
MC-93830 Wolf tail height is not based on ratio of Health to maxHealth
MC-93886 Iron golems failing to jump up single blocks
MC-94576 Player head in inventory causes buggy rendering of certain inventory slots, potion effect display and attack cooldown.
MC-94896 Tab completion works incorrectly when text is already selected.
MC-95554 Tab-complete doesn't work correctly for /playsound .
MC-95910 Unable to activate end portal with non-air blocks in the middle.
MC-95973 Adult horse/donkey pathfinding issue: 1 block elevations treated as 'non-traversable' terrain in certain configurations.
MC-95982 Invalid sound category (source) in /playsound command kicks player from server
MC-96131 /execute detect command causing entities within a chunk to be scoreboard reset.
MC-96269 Skeletons, stray, witches, blazes, guardians and snowman can't shoot while in boats.
MC-97201 Elytra stops working on relog.
MC-97526 Signs, banners, skulls and chests are flashing when item spawner is nearby.
MC-97602 Shift+clicking shield from inventory to shield slot doesn't work.
MC-98075 Note Block sound source is "Blocks" instead of "Jukebox/Noteblocks"
MC-98224 JSON signs with scoreboard objectives erase their block data upon chunk load.
MC-98430 Endermen can drop a cacti that has a missing texture.
MC-98654 Legacy ender dragon not moving.
MC-98779 Skeletons spawned with /summon or natural spawning algorithm are not in the correct height.
MC-99945 Cooked fish with numeric IDs not imported properly.
MC-101001 Fishing rod cannot pull items.
MC-101118 Mobs' pathfinding is confused by grass paths.
MC-101325 Loading Village.dat containing player reputation causes NullPointerException .
From the 1.10 development versions
MC-103011 Horses Still Use Their Entity Code Name
MC-103176 End Stone Brick Recipe only produces 1 instead of 4

MC-103228 Polar bears can't jump up a block with a snow layer on it

More fixes
Fixed some broken uses of relative coordinates [2]

This update has the fewest amount of snapshots to date, with a mere 3 compared to the 20-30 from previous updates.
The time span between the releases of 16w20a and 1.10-pre1 is only 2 weeks, abnormal according to the Mojang standards.
This was also the fastest time between the first snapshot and full release, having only being about 3 weeks.

1. http://mojang.com/2016/06/minecraft-110-an-update-of-fire-and-ice/
2. https://mojang.com/2016/05/minecraft-snapshot-16w20a/

Minecraft computer versions

Versions Demo (Locations) PC Gamer Demo (Beta 1.3) Minecraft 4k
Development cycle
Asset updates
April fools updates


Classic ( Multiplayer Test

Survival Test)


Infdev (SF1/SF2)

Seecret Updates

Launcher updates Beta Sound Update 2013 Music Update

2.0 (2013) 15w14a (2015) 1.RV-Pre1 (2016)

Minecraft 1.0
Version history


Development versions

1.0.0 Beta 1.9-pre1 Beta 1.9-pre2 Beta 1.9-pre3 Beta 1.9-pre4 Beta 1.9-pre5 Beta 1.9-pre6 1.0.0-RC1 1.0.0-RC2
1.1 11w47a 11w48a 11w49a 11w50a 12w01a
1.2.1 12w03a 12w04a 12w05a 12w05b 12w06a 12w07a 12w07b 12w08a 1.2-pre
1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 (pre)

12w15a 12w16a 12w17a 12w18a 12w19a 12w21a 12w21b 12w22a 12w23a 12w23b 12w24a 12w25a 12w26a
12w27a 12w30a 12w30b 12w30c 12w30d 12w30e 1.3-pre 1.3.1-pre

1.3.2 (pre)
Pretty Scary Update

12w32a 12w34a 12w34b 12w36a 12w37a 12w38a 12w38b 12w39a 12w39b 12w40a 12w40b 12w41a 12w41b
12w42a 12w42b 1.4-pre 1.4.1-pre 1.4.2-pre

1.4.4 (1.4.3-pre 1.4.4-pre) 1.4.5 (pre)

1.4.6 12w49a 12w50a 12w50b 1.4.6-pre
1.4.7 (pre)

Redstone Update


13w01a 13w01b 13w02a 13w02b 13w03a 13w04a 13w05a 13w05b 13w06a 13w07a 13w09a 13w09b 13w09c
13w10a 13w10b 1.5-pre

1.5.1 13w11a 13w12~ 1.5.1-pre

1.5.2 (pre)

Horse Update

The Update that
Changed the World


13w16a 13w16b 13w17a 13w18a 13w18b 13w18c 13w19a 13w21a 13w21b 13w22a 13w23a 13w23b 13w24a
13w24b 13w25a 13w25b 13w25c 13w26a 1.6-pre 1.6.1-pre

1.6.2 (pre) 1.6.4 (1.6.3-pre)


13w36a 13w36b 13w37a 13w37b 13w38a 13w38b 13w38c 13w39a 13w39b 13w41a 13w41b 13w42a 13w42b
13w43a 1.7-pre 1.7.1-pre 1.7.2-pre

1.7.4 13w47a 13w47b 13w47c 13w47d 13w47e 13w48a 13w48b 13w49a 1.7.3-pre 1.7.4-pre
1.7.5 1.7.6 (pre1 pre2) 1.7.7 1.7.8 1.7.9 1.7.10 (pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4)
14w02a 14w02b 14w02c 14w03a 14w03b 14w04a 14w04b 14w05a 14w05b 14w06a 14w06b 14w07a 14w08a
14w10a 14w10b 14w10c 14w11a 14w11b 14w17a 14w18a 14w18b 14w19a 14w20a 14w20b 14w21a 14w21b


1.8 14w25a 14w25b 14w26a 14w26b 14w26c 14w27a 14w27b 14w28a 14w28b 14w29a 14w29b 14w30a 14w30b
14w30c 14w31a 14w32a 14w32b 14w32c 14w32d 14w33a 14w33b 14w33c 14w34a 14w34b 14w34c 14w34d

Bountiful Update

1.8-pre1 1.8-pre2 1.8-pre3

1.8.1 (pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5) 1.8.2 (pre1 pre2 pre3 pre4 pre5 pre6 pre7) 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.8.6 1.8.7
1.8.8 (pre) 1.8.9
15w31a 15w31b 15w31c 15w32a 15w32b 15w32c 15w33a 15w33b 15w33c 15w34a 15w34b 15w34c 15w34d
15w35a 15w35b 15w35c 15w35d 15w35e 15w36a 15w36b 15w36c 15w36d 15w37a 15w38a 15w38b 15w39a
1.9 15w39b 15w39c 15w40a 15w40b 15w41a 15w41b 15w42a 15w43a 15w43b 15w43c 15w44a 15w44b 15w45a
15w46a 15w47a 15w47b 15w47c 15w49a 15w49b 15w50a 15w51a 15w51b 16w02a 16w03a 16w04a 16w05a


16w05b 16w06a 16w07a 16w07b 1.9-pre1 1.9-pre2 1.9-pre3 1.9-pre4

Combat Update

1.9.1 (pre1 pre2 pre3) 1.9.2

1.9.3 16w14a 16w15a 16w15b 1.9.3-pre1 1.9.3-pre2 1.9.3-pre3
Frostburn Update

1.10 16w20a 16w21a 16w21b 1.10-pre1 1.10-pre2

1.10.1 1.10.2



Category: Computer versions






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