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School Wide Reminders

Any 1st or 2nd grade parent that walks a child into

the gym or cafeteria must sign in through the
front oce.
Parents must stay in their vehicles at pick-up
Bme and parents will not be able to wait at the
doors or in the oce to pick up their child
during dismissal.
ADendance is important! We have monthly
aDendance goals and ALL K-2 students per KRS
law must be in regular aDendance. Students
who are truant will be referred to the district
court system.
CPS oers FREE breakfast and lunch; however,
parents must sBll ll out a lunch applicaBon
form. (You can ll it out online. Visit
The school fee is $30.00 and it covers your
childs school supplies! Bring it to Open House
with you!

Mrs. Wests Reminders

Bookmark our class website on your computer:

hDp://beckywest1stgrade.weebly.com/ . It has
all kinds of valuable informaBon about our
classroom and our school.
To receive messages and reminders via text from
me about our class, text @7bkd3 to 81010. You
can opt-out of messages at anyBme by replying
'unsubscribe @7bkd3.
To receive email reminders from me, send an
email to 7bkd3@mail.remind.com. To
unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the
subject line.
Send an email to me telling me your childs tee
shirt size. Rebecca.west@corbin.kyschools.us
Come visit me at our Open House so I can see
your cute face and we can laugh and talk. Corbin
Primary School will host Open House for 1st and
2nd grade students, August 10 from 12 - 6pm.

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