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Rubric: Project 2

Visual Frameworks


Excellent (100%)

Good (75%)

Fair (30%)

Poor (0%)

UI Requirements (20%)
UI Elements


Windows, Views (or buttons),

TableViews, TableViewSections,
TableViewRows, and Labels
have been included to create a
usable interface.

A usable interface was created

but is missing elements that
would be more appropriate to
use for the interface.

Layout & Styles


Care is taken to ensure UI elements are visible, positioned

appropriately, and have adequate spacing between other UI elements
by applying properties to UI elements. Color usage is appropriate and
has good contrast (is legible). Used properties like top, left, right,
bottom, backgroundColor, color, etc.

Some UI elements are used

inappropriately or are missing. UI
elements are created, but not
added to the interface.

No UI elements are created and

added to the interface.

Some elements are positioned

awkwardly. Color contrast is poor
making elements hard to see. UI
makes interactions difficult, but

No thought given to space,

position, size, color or layout. UI
elements added haphazardly to
the interface or not at all.

Data is organized poorly. Data is

split into multiple JSON objects

Data is not a JSON object, well

organized, or missing.

Logic Requirements (50%)

Data Organization



Logic Errors and



Data is structured as a single JSON object. Data contains minimum

number or required properties and values. Data is well organized and

Navigation Windows are used appropriately and use the .openWindow method to load windows.

Navigation does not use

Navigation Windows or is broken.


Application contains no logic

errors and works correctly. Efforts
were made to reduce redundant
code. Code is not redundant.

Very few logic errors. Efforts

were made to reduce
redundancy, though some code
may be redundant or illogical.
Code could be more efficient.

Code is redundant. Little effort

was made to consolidate code
blocks that preform very similar
or like tasks.

Application contains several logic

errors. Code is redundant. No
efforts were made to reduce
redundancy or increase

Code is organized in a logically

with app.'s containing code that
is only needed to open the app
and show UI elements needed
for the window displaying. The
require method is used to load in
other .js files.

Code is organized logically but

other techniques that are less
strict in scope are used to load
additional .js files.

Code is not organized logically

over multiple files. Little reason
seems to be applied in the way
the code was organized despite
the require method or other less
strict include methods being

All code is run from a single

app.'s file. Other .js files, if they
exist, are not being loaded into
the application.

Syntax Requirements (20%)

Syntax Errors:


Application is free of syntax errors and runs.

Application contains one or more

syntax errors which prevent the
project from running.

Rubric: Project 2

Excellent (100%)

Good (75%)

Fair (30%)

Poor (0%)

Workmanship Requirements (10%)

Formatting and

Code follows a standardized formatting convention. Comments are used appropriately to distinguish areas
of code, explain logic, etc.

Code does not follow a

standardized formatting
convention. Poor commenting.


Both local and remote git repos are set up correctly according to course instructions. FSO submission
submitted with the correct file extension.

Local and/or remote git repo is

not set up correctly but is still
accessible to the instructor.

Video Review

Video is within the correct target length. Video demos your application
and logic. Video discusses challenges, etc.

Video was not submitted (entire

project receives a 0). Video is
marked private.

Video is too long or too short. Did

not demo project and/or discuss

Minimum Project Requirements

If you do not satisfy the minimum requirements for the assignment you will receive a 0, your project will not be graded."
Project is submitted correctly to FSO, is uploaded to the correct GitHub repository, and is named correctly.!
Instructor must have access to your GitHub repository.!
The project requirements for the week must be at least 50% completed.!
The project must compile within Titanium (It must be testable on an iOS Simulator).!
You must submit your project video review and it must NOT be set as private (Public or unlisted is ok).!

Other Contingencies"
If you have more than a small handful of coding errors I will request that we have a one-on-one screen share session to review your code together instead
of including and explaining all of them in your grade comments as this is not very effective. You will be responsible for responding to my request with
suggesting a day/time that will work best for you. This way you can ask questions and see exactly what you did wrong and how to fix it.!

*Remember to upload ALL your work for this activity to your GIT repository and include a link to your repository when you submit your assignment
through FSO. This is the only acceptable way to submit your assignment.

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