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15 Easy Ways to Beat Anxiety Now

10 Unexpected Stressors That Are Wrecking Your Health

Im halfway out the door in the morning with a heavy bag in one hand and a mug of coffee
in the other. Then I wonder: Where did I put my keys? And so begins the 20-minute panicked
reconnaissance mission for the keys I swore were on the coffee table. I start to feel flustered and
irritable as I frantically search. My memory gets foggy as my heart starts to pound and my palms
sweat. Its another anxious morning.

Cool as a CucumberYour Action Plan

1. Get enough sleep. Inconsistent sleep can have someserious consequences.
Not only does it affect our physical health, but lack of sleep can also contribute to
overall anxiety and stress. And sometimes it turns into a vicious cycle, since
anxiety often leads to disruptions in sleep . Especially when feeling anxious, try to
schedule a full seven to nine hours of snooze time and see what a few nights of
sweet slumber do for those anxiety levels throughout the day.
2. Smile. When work has got us down, its a good idea to take a quick break to
get some giggles on. Research suggests that laughter can reduce symptoms of
depression and anxiety, so consider checking out a funny YouTube clip to calm
those jittery nerves .
3. De-clutter the brain. Physical clutter = mental clutter. A messy workspace
can make it more difficult to relax and make it seem like our work is never-ending.
So take 15 minutes or so to tidy up the living space or work area, and then make
a habit of keeping things clean and anxiety-free. Itll help us think rationally, and
there wont be as much room for anxiety.
4. Express gratitude. Studies have found expressing gratitude helps reduce
anxiety, especially when were well-rested . Start a gratitude journal to get in the
mindset of appreciation, and out of the mindset of being overwhelmed.
5. Eat right. Anxiety can throw our bodies totally out of whack: Our appetite
might change, or we might crave certain foods. But to give the body the support it
needs, try eating more of foods that contain nutrients such as vitamin B
and omega-3s, plus some healthy whole-grain carbohydrates. Studies have linked
vitamin B with good mental health, and omega-3s may help reduce symptoms of
depression and anxiety . Whole-grain carbs help regulate levels of serotonin, the
feel-good neurotransmitter that helps us remain calm. And even though our
cravings might be telling us otherwise, research suggests that eating sugary and

processed foods can increase symptoms of anxiety .


6. Learn to breathe. A useful tool to prevent panic attacks, the breath is also a
great marker of where your anxiety level is at throughout the day. Short, shallow
breaths signify stress and anxiety in the brain and body. On the flip side,
consciously breathing, plus lengthening and strengthening the breath helps send
signals to the brain that its okay to relax .
7. Meditate. By now most of us have heard thatmeditation is relaxing, but what
scientists are also discovering is that meditation actually increases the amount of
grey matter in the brain, essentially rewiring the body to stress less. A number of
recent studies highlight the positive effects of meditation on anxiety, mood, and
stress symptoms . Meditation is also a way to observe the brain, letting us figure
out how our mind generates anxiety-provoking thoughts. And understanding the
brains thought patterns can help create distance from those thoughts.
8. Create a vision board. If the future seems big and scary, try changing the
thoughts about what lies ahead. Sometimes the mere act of setting concrete
goals can take the edge off anxiety about future unknowns. Take an hour to
produce a vision board that creates excitement about projects and possibilities to
come. And for those who arent the crafty type, try making an e-vision board using
Pinterest for some Pinspiration. While making the board, try using the T.H.I.N.K.
tool: Is my thought true, helpful, inspirational, necessary and kind? If not, dump
the thought.

9. Play around. Kids and animals seem to have an innate ability to play, without
stressing about their overflowing inboxes. Until business offices give us recess
breaks, well have to take responsibility for our own playtime. Offer to take a
friends dog out for a walk, or babysit for an afternoon to get out of your headand
let the careless creatures lead by example.
10. Be silent. Plan for a time when you can completely disconnect. Start with
increments of time that seem sustainable and doable for you, even if its just five
minutes. That means phone off, no emails, no TV, no news, nothing. Let other
people know they wont be able to reach you so you can veg worry free. Theres
some evidence that too much noise can boost our stress levels, so schedule some
sacred silent time among all the ruckus of daily life.


11. Worry. Yes, we can cause ourselves to freak out, but only for a certain
amount of time. When something weighs heavily on your mind, or you believe
something terrible is most definitely going to occur, commit to only creating that
worry for 20 minutes. Think of all the possible outcomes of the scenario, figure out
some game plans, and then quit thinking about it after 20 minutes go by. Have a
friend call after the allotted time has passed to avoid the temptation of going over
the time limit. Or schedule some of that playtime right afterward.
12. Plan ahead. Fight anxious thoughts in advance bypreparing for the day
ahead. Try making a schedule or a to-do list and develop habits that increase
productivity. So instead of spending 10 extra minutes every morning frantically

looking for those keys, make a habit of always putting them in the same place
when you come home. Lay out clothes the night before, pack a gym bag and
leave it by the door, or make lunch ahead of time. Focus on how to un-think the
anxiety-producing beliefs by prepping before they pop up.
13. Visualize anything positive. When confronted with anxious thoughts, take
a moment to visualize yourself handling the situation with calm, ease, and clarity.
Try not to pay attention to the current mental state; just focus on the feeling of
smooth-sailing through the storm. The technique is called guided imagery or
guided visualization and can help reduce feelings of stress .
14. Smell something relaxing. Try sniffing somecalming oils. Basil, anise, and
chamomile are great choices; they reduce tension in the body and help increase
mental clarity.
15. Hang out. People who have lots of social support tend to react less
negatively to stress than those who fly solo. Thats probably because socializing
stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which has an anxiety-reducing
effect . So the next time a freak-out appears on the horizon, grab some pals and
go for a walk or just have a quick chat.

The Takeaway
In an ideal world, we wouldnt come up with thoughts that produce stress or
anxiety. But were human and inevitably worry about things. So when we do start
to freak, there are lots of little steps we can take to change our thoughts, calm the
brain, relax the body, and get back in the game. And, as always, be sure to check
with a psychotherapist if these tips dont cut it and you need a little extra help
tackling a more significant anxiety issue!

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