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Demure Modest/Shy

Cavalier Thoughtless/Careless
Ebullient Cheerful/Happy
Glib Insincere
Lurid Shocking/Sensational
Maudlin Overly Emotional/Schmaltzy
Caustic Critical/Hostile/Nasty/Sarcastic
Stoic Unemotional/Emotionally Cold
Austere Simple/Plain
Lucid Clear/Easy to Understand
Nonchalant Indifferent/Unconcerned
Restive Uneasy/Restless
Saturnine Gloomy
Reprobate Sinner/Villain
Despondent Hopeless/Depressed
Clad Covered/Clothed
Adroit Skilful/Clever/Dexterous
Abscond Escape
Condign Deserved
Abrogate Cancel
Cognizant Aware
Recalcitrant Wilfully Disobedient
Contumacious Wilfully Disobedient
Mirthless Lacking Amusement
Portmanteau Large trunk that opens to reveal two
Foible A weakness or eccentricity in ones
Parvenu - one whos risen to higher social/eco class
but not gained social acceptance in class
Moribund Dying or near death (was unsure how
to save my moribund career)
Loquacious Talkative or continuously chatting
Erudite Educated or Learned person
Mellifluous Smooth/Sweet in a persons
voice/tone/or writing style
Redolent Fragrant/Sweet Smelling/Reminiscent
Platitude (inous) Moral remark used all too often
Cumbrous Awkward/Inconvenient
Forsooth Indeed/used ironically expressing
Indignation Anger/Annoyance often provoked
Hither Closer/Nearer Come hither
Mayhap Perhaps
Moonshine Nonsense
Sojourn A temporary stay
Tumult Loud/confused noise
Vagabond Homeless Wanderer
Zenith The Highest Point
Bloviate To talk at length emptily
Cumbersome Large/heavy so hard to
use/Slow/complicated so inconvenient
Acquiesce To accept reluctantly without protest
Arcane Obscure/Secret known by few
Cajole Urge/coax
Brusque Abrupt in speech or manner
Fabricate to make up/invent
Fractious Easily Irritated
Hypocrisy Pretending to believe what one does
Impudent Casually rude/impertinent
Indolent Lazy
Maverick Independent and non-conformist person
Modicum A small amount of something
Myriad - A great number of
Nuance Slight variation in
Obsequious Excessively compliant or submissive
Panacea A remedy for all difficulties or illness

Repudiate To reject/refuse to accept

Serendipity Luck/Finding things without looking
for them
Superfluous Exceeding what is necessary
Taciturn Not inclined to talk
Predilection A Preference or inclination for
Nadir The lowest point of something or of an
Alacrity Ready/Eager
Avarice Excessive Greed
Candour Honesty/Frankness
Chide to voice disapproval
Circumspect cautious
Feral Wild/savage
Furtive Secretive/Shy
Gluttony Overindulgence in food or drink
Haughty Disdainfully Proud
Implacable Incapable of being appeased or
Incisive Clear/Sharp/Direct
Catharsis Relief of strong and repressed emotions
Sapient Wise, sapience (to have wisdom)
Toreador Bull-fighter
Listless Lacking energy or enthusiasm
Adroit Clever or skilful, adroitly
Propitious Indicating a good chance of success
Incredulous Unable or unwilling to believe
Apathy Lack of interest/concern
Innocuous Not harmful or offensive
Piffle Nonsense
Judicious Having good judgment
Subservient Prepared to obey others without
Fatuous Silly and pointless
Piquant Having a pleasant sharp/appetising
Doting Extremely fond of, adoring
Vehement Showing strong feeling/passion/force
Houri A beautiful young woman
Debutante Upper class young woman making first
appearance in society
Undue Inappropriateness of excess. I refrained
from undue excitement
Priggish Self-righteously moralistic
Predilection In favour/bias of
Unerring Always correct
Arduous Requiring effort, difficult and tiring
Abet - Encourage doing something wrong (abetted)
Aquiline Like an eagle
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time
Fastidious Very attentive to detail
Callow Inexperienced and immature
Imperturbable Unable to be upset or excited,
Endearments Words showing love/affection
Mashie (Niblick) Golf term Iron
Flagrant Conspicuously or obviously offensive
Ignominy Public shame or disgrace
Deft Neatly skilful in movement
Abhorrent Inspiring disgust and loathing,
Meagre Lacking in quantity or quality
Ethereal Delicate and light
Suffuse Gradually spread through/over
Discursive Digressing from subject
Enervate Make someone feel drained
Genteel Exaggerated politeness

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