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I work with my father in the newspaper

I dont work with my father in the newspaper
Do I work with my father in the newspaper?
Yo trabajo con mi padre en el peridico

I read the bible every day

I dont read the bible every day
Do I read the bible every day?
Yo leo la biblia cada da

I watch the tv in the night

I dont watch the tv in the night
Do I watch the tv in the night?
Yo veo la tv en la noche

I see my girlfriend every Friday

I dont see my girlfriend every Friday
Do I see my girlfriend every Friday?
Yo veo a mi novia cada viernes

I like the music of Green Day

I dont like the music of Green Day
Do I like the music of Green Day?
Me gusta la msica de Green Day

You sing very well

You dont sing very well
Do You sing very well?
Tu cantas muy bien

You play soccer with my brother

You dont play soccer with my brother
Do You play soccer with my brother?
Tu juegas ftbol junto a mi hermano

You look like my cousin

You dont look like my cousin
Do You look like my cousin?
Tu te pareces a mi primo
You run in the park every Monday
You dont run in the park every Monday

Do You run in the park every Monday?

Tu corres en el parque cada lunes


You write a novel

You dont write a novel
Do You write a novel
Tu escribes una novela


He jumps obstacles
He doesnt jump obstacles
Does he jump obstacles?
El salta obstculos


He cries a lot
He doesnt cry a lot
Does he cry a lot ?
El llora mucho


He studies for the College

He doesnt study for the College
Does he study for the College?
El estudia para la Universidad


He swims for the Olimpycs

He doesnt swims for the Olimpycs
Does he swims for the Olimpycs ?
El nada para las Olimpiadas


He works for Microsoft

He doesnt work for Microsoft
Does he work for Microsoft?
El trabaja para Microsoft


She cooks for her son

She doesnt cooks for her son
Does she cook for her son?
Ella cocina para su hijo


She dances for the carnival

She doesnt dance for the carnival
Does she dance for the carnival?
Ella baila para el carnaval


She walks a lot in the city

She doesnt walk a lot in the city
Does she walk a lot in the city?
Ella camina mucho en la ciudad


She bites my lips

She doesnt bite my lips
Does she bite my lips?
Ella muerde mis labios


She travels to London and to Miami

She doesnt travel to London and to Miami
Does she travel to London and to Miami ?
Ella viaja a Londres y Miami


It flies like a bird

It doesnt fly like a bird
Does It fly like a bird ?
Eso vuela como un pjaro


It eats like a human

Eso come como un humano


It plays with me
Eso juego conmigo


It lives in the jungle

Eso vive en la selva


It sings in the morning

Eso canta en las maanas


We travel only in christmas

Nosotros viajamos solo en navidad


We drink water every day

Nosotros bebemos agua cada da


We hate mondays
Nosotros odiamos los lunes


We dance in the disco Stragos

Nosotros bailamos en la discoteca Stragos


We see every day London Olympics

Nosotros vemos cada da las Olimpiadas de Londres


You fish on Lake Titicaca

Ustedes pescan en el lago Titicaca


You march in every parade

Ustedes marchan en cada desfile


You call Tv programs

Ustedes llaman a programas de television


You apply the correct methods

Ustedes aplican los mtodos correctos


You catch the same client

Ustedes atrapan el mismo cliente


They draw good cartoons

Ellos dibujan buenos dibujos


They jump in tournaments

Ellas saltan en los torneos


They celebrate together

Ellas festejan juntas


They sing in a rock band

Ellas cantan en un grupo de rock


They don't know about us

Ellos no saben sobre nosotros

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