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Paul to Iulius and the Philistines

If we are joyous, the world

becomes more joyous. This way
more joy is spread. If we spread it
well enough it becomes a
contagious ease. I say ease
because I did not want to say
disease. That way evil has less

chance to spread. Because there is

a finite amount of moral and
ontological space in the planet,
accessible by homo sapiens (or
non sapiens).
Second point - Happy Birthday
Florian Biermann states that the
church was unpleasant to Teilhard
de Chardin. True enough. But this
shows that God does not support
the Church just because it is the
church. On this occasion he
supported Teilhard. Just as once
upon a time He supported Galileo.
It does not prove that the church is
fools. It shows that sometimes they
can be, as we all can be.

Last point. We die we are born. We

undie first, then redie, yes? So we
are loaned to the cosmos from
elsewhere. Look at it from its point
of view. Ah, here's Florian
Biermann. Here's Laurentiu Lele
new son, Julius, whom I am
inordinately proud of, God knows
So what is here is on loan on trust
to us, just as we are on trust to it.
That is why it is bad manners to go
around smashing the stuff people
have entrusted you. You do not
smash Grandmother's fine china.

You do not set ablaze the heirloom

Daesh, Isis, Taliban do. Because,
just like Lucifer in Genesis, they
envy God his power and status. So
they try and smash his creation
and the creation of his friends, man
and woman. But it will never work.
In one snap of the finger, an
earthquake could destroy all of
Iraq. A tsutsutsunami could engulf
all of London, leaving just the
gherkin visible.
OK this does not generally happen,
although live tigers did get swept

out of Soviet history about 13

months ago and gobbled up an
unfortunate man. It was sad, but
think how many millions Stalin and
friends gobbled up. It was not
going to stop on a sixpence.
The huge damage of Brexit has
now been digested by the two
stomachs of the universe, the
duodenum of events, and the ileum
of their mythologization in the
Jungian collective unconscious of
mankind. The blood of good people
worldwide is absorbing and
neutralizing the antigens, and
there will be less evil this year from

now on. The great train driver has

already begun to apply the brakes
Let us rejoice in our freedom,
spread joy, and (after a late kickoff) kickstart the 21st century.
Never has joy been a more
valuable commodity. It is highly
valued on the FTSE and
paradoxically free at source. It can
be extracted from your heart after
drinking one glass of semi-sweet
Romanian rose and optionally
saying one Hail Mary; or prayer of
any great religious tradition of your

Iulius's church sings plaintively,

amplified, gilded; the voice of the
priest floats over the impeccable
concrete square to the new bridge,
a Laura Ashley job, shining, white,
compete with filigree apertures
Anne Tsutsunashvili would find nice
in a dress. Me too!
Thus concludes the First chapter of
the Pauline Letter to the Philistines
at the Time of the Transfiguration!
Please play in tune and go in

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