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Objectives of the Problem

This research is intended to help local residents, government
officials, and the quarrying industry understand the main issues that
affects the surroundings and to provide concepts for restoring and
rehabilitating the Hijo River and the severity of its impacts on water
1. To use the data to determine the dangerous and safest place to quarry considering the
Environmental Effect of each site.
2. To make recommendations on sustainable and safe mining of soil which reduce negative
impacts on the environment and its community.

3. To develop a GIS-based model for the structure of the Hijo River.

Theoretical Framework
This study is directly influence and supports the theories and
knowledge in which this research is base. It permits this study to be more
relatable and understandable. The researcher agreed to use this theories
and methods that will help in making statement of the problem and

objectives precise. Also it allows this study to be more specific and

Environmental impacts such as the destruction of aquatic and
riparian habitat through large changes in the channel morphology is one of
the dangerous effects it may offer. Results studies and work shows that
destruction of landscape, deforestation, water pollution, loss of farm and
grazing lands and the collapse of river banks are the physical
environmental impacts associated with mining of these materials in the
area (T. A. Ako et al.,).
According to T. Madyise (2013) impacts of sand mining and gravel
extraction can be classified into three categories as presented by Stebbins
(2006). There are physical impacts which are a result of mining from
streambed causing alteration of channel slope and changes in channel
morphology. Water quality impacts are caused by sand mining and
dredging activities, reducing water quality for downstream users and
increase treatment costs. Ecological impacts such as loss of habitats and
species disturbance are a result of mining gravel and sand continuously

leading to removal of channel substrate, suspension of sediments and

clearance of vegetation.

Conceptual Framework
The main objective of this study is to help local residents,
government officials, and the quarrying industry understand the main
issues that affects the surroundings and to provide concepts for restoring
and rehabilitating the Hijo River and the severity of its impacts on water
resource with the orientation and actual application of GIS software. This
framework sets a clearer and precise vision in evaluating and
understanding the technical aspects and how will identify and evaluate the
The whole process of this research will be understood from the
given diagram.



Using GIS (Geographic Information System) Software

Development of Geographic Map to know where are the dangerous

and safest place to quarry considering the Environmental Effect of
each site.

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the Study

From the diagram, the first box shows the input of the study in
which the researchers will identify the environmental impacts of sand and
gravel quarrying in Hijo River. The second box will be the application of
GIS software for visualizing the map of Quarrying site in Hijo River. The
last box will be the outcome which will be the development of Geographic Map

to know where are the dangerous and safest place to quarry considering the
Environmental Effect of each site.

A. Books
The World Book Encyclopedia (1994). Published 1994.
Websters Dictionary & Thesaurus Encyclopedic Edition (1999). Published

Electronic Articles
Effects of Sand/Gravel Mining in Minna Emirate Area of Nigeria on
Stakeholders. From www.ccsenet.org/jsd

Environmental Impacts of Aggregate and Stone Mining, New Mexico Case

Study. From http://www.csp2.org/files/reports/Environmental
GIS. About Education. An Overview of Geographic Information Systems.
Retrieved : http://geography.about.com/od/geographyintern
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International Journal of Current Research (2014). A Case Study of
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (2001). Policy Notes. From
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (2010). National
Industrialization in Philippine Mining: Review and Suggestions
Quarries and Ancillary Activities (2004). Guidelines for Planning
Authorities. From http://www.environ.ie/sites/default/files/migr
Science and Education Publishing (2014). Environmental Effects. Retrieved
(July 11, 2016) : http://pubs.sciepub.com/jgg/2/2/1/

UNP Research Journal (2008). The Case of Strategic Quarry Sites in the
Ilocos Region. From http://www.eisrjc.com/documents/Character
U.S. Geological Survey. From http://mo.water.usgs.gov/fact_sheets

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