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Mulan is a Disney film that illustrates the concept of journey by following a
Chinese girl living in the Due to the cultural influences exerted at the time of
Mulans life, her age is right for marriage, thus seeks the advice from a match
maker to seek her approval for a wife. However, after failing the examination by
extreme circumstances, Mulan feels guilty for brining dishonour to her family,
which at the time was considered a disgrace upon the family. However, her
mental journey imitated when she realises that her father, a veteran, is
summoned for war. Unable to watch her father suffer, Mulan decided to enter
war by imposing herself as a boy. Eventually, throughout the film, she is taught
physical skills and has enhanced her capabilities as a warrior, thus has achieved
this from a physical journey of pain and endurance. However, she has also
entered a higher state of maturity as Mulan realises what honour and
commitment is.
In relation to journey:
The film consists of a mental as well physical journey for the main character
Mulan. However, it is the mental journey that she decided to travel which leads
her into a physical one. Once having decided to take her fathers place in the
army, Mulan has experienced an emotional journey in which she fully appreciates
love from her parents. Initially, she is a carefree girl who does not fully try to
honour her family; hence this is the starting point of her mental journey. Mulan
deeply cares for her family, especially for her father and hence decides to take
his place, despite the fact she is self-aware her weakness and ignorance in war
tactics. However, in the ending, Mulan grows from the experiences and thus has
learnt to persevere within an archetypical society, as well learn the true feeling
of men when they are in war. The physical journey she had to take is first seen
when Mulan decided to strengthen herself in order to stay in the army. This
physical process shows that Mulan has grown from a @bimbo to an independent

Techniques used:
The use of war indicates a journey as the soldiers are trained and prepared for
death. Upon the battle of the Hans, only by battle does Mulan show her growth
upon the experiences she had made.
The context of which the film is set in also plays a part in the concept of journey.
Within that time, women were not entirely suppressed; however it contained
elements of a patriarchal society. The use of the setting symbolises a journey as
slowly, Mulan receives the respect amongst her peers.

Relation to kite runner:

Mulan is similar to kite runner in various degrees as both portray guilt and
redemption through the plot. Initially, Amir sets up Hassan by inserting the watch
and money under his mattress. This, to Amir, would be the end of Hassan as
Baba would surely dismiss then. As a consequence, Amir would be able to
receive all of Babas attention. However this plan, on the contrary backfires, with
the end result of baba forgiving Hassan. However Ali, saying @we can no longer
stay here, only through this climatic scene, does Amir realise the ramifications
of his actions. Amir, feels overwhelming guilt despite the fact he knew what he
was doing, and to pronounce the guilt he was engulfing in his mind, he deems
himself to be unworthy of hassans sacrifice. Similarly, this is mirrored in
Mulan, as Mulan has failed to be honour to her family, and thus the guilt as well
the combination of other mixed emotions, redeems her by saving China from a
tyrincal barabic leader. Amir also finds redemption by returning to Afghanistan
and adopting sorhab. Unable to repay his debt to Hassan in person, Amir is able
to find peace within him through kite running. Retrospectively, kite running is a
symbolise of hope and joy which provides to the war famished country. Yet
through this guilt, both characters are able to grow and mature from this
experience, hence they become a stronger person.

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