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ABASE to lower in position, estimation or the like, to degrade

ABATE become less intense or widespread ; reduce or remove
ABJURE to renounce or reject solemnly ; to recant ; to avoid
ACERBIC having a sour or bitter taste or character ; sharp ; biting
ACME zenith ; high point ; peak
ACUMEN keen ; accurate judgment or insight
ADUMBRATE to foreshadow vaguely or intimate ; to suggest or outline sketchily
; to obscure
8) ALACRITY eager and enthusiastic willingness
9) AMELIORATE to make better or more tolerable
AMORTIZATION repaying in a fixed schedule
ANACHRONISM something or someone out of place in terms of historical or
chronological context
ANATHEMA a solemn or ecclesiastical curse ; accursed or thoroughly
loathed person
ANODYNE soothing ; something that assuages or allays pain or comfort
ANOINT smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony
ANTEDATE come before in time ; belonging to an earlier time
ANTEDILUVIAN ridiculously old fashioned
APOCRYPHAL widely circulated but unlikely to be true
APOGEE farthest or highest point ; culmination ; zenith
APOTHEOSIZED elevate to the rank of god, idolize ; someone who is
positively recognized for something
APPROBATION an expression of approval or praise
APPROPRIATE to take for ones own use ; to confiscate
APPURTENANCE an accessory or an item associated with a particular
activity or style of living
ARBITRATION settling of an argument by a third person
ARCANE understood by few ; mysterious or secret
ASSIDUOUS showing great care or perseverance
AUGURY a sign that shows what will happen in the future
AUGUST majestic ; venerable
AUSTERE without adornment ; bare ; severely simple ; ascetic
AUTHORITATIVE able to be trusted as authentic or true ; reliable ;
authentic ; valid
AVANT GARDE new and experimental
AVER to state as a fact ; to declare or assert
AXIOM rule, principle that people accept as true
BEHOLDEN - indebted
BELIE fail to give a true idea of ; show to be untrue or unjust
BELLICOSE demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
BERATE yell at someone
BOLSTER to provide support or reinforcement
BOMBAST high sounding language with little meaning, used to impress
BROOK to tolerate ; to endure ; to countenance
BUCOLIC rustic and pastoral ; characteristic of rural areas and their
BURGEON to grow rapidly or flourish

CALUMNIATE make false or defamatory statements about
CAPRICIOUS given to sudden and unacceptable changes of mood or
CARDINAL major, as in cardinal sin
CASTIGATION severe criticism or punishment
CATECHISM collection of Q/A used to teach about Christianity
CAUSTIC sarcastic in scathing bitter way ; sardonic
CAVEAT warning, caution of specific stipulations or conditions
CEPHALIC relating to the head
CESSATION terminus ; end
CHANDLER maker and seller of wax candles or any such activities
CHARY wary ; cautious ; sparing
CHICANERY trickery or subterfuge
CHIVY to tease or annoy with persistent petty attacks ; to move or obtain by
small maneuvers
COGENT appealing forcibly to the mind or reason ; convincing
COLLUDE (COLLUSION) come to a secret understanding ; conspire
COMMENSURATE corresponding in size or degree
CONDUIT a channel
CONSCRIPTION compulsory enrollment in the armed forces
CONSEQUENTIAL pompous, self important
CONSTRUE interpret in a particular way ; analyze the syntax of
CONTENTIOUS controversial, heated argument involved
CONTIGUOUS sharing a border ; touching ; adjacent
CONTRITE (CONTRITION) regretful ; penitent ; seeking forgiveness
CORPOREAL relating to a persons body or having a body
CORROBORATION evidence that confirms or supports a theory, findings or
COW cause someone to submit to ones wishes by intimidation
CREDENCE belief or acceptance of something as new
UDGEON a person who is easily annoyed or angered and one who often
T a young swan
R having a neat appearance ; dressed in attractive clothes
H - scarcity
CH to correct by means of sensual pleasures
K expose the falseness or hollowness of
ERIOUS causing harm or damage ; disruptive
GOGUE political leader desiring support by appealing to popular desires and
prejudices rather than by using rational argument

UEMENT the final part of a story in which matters are explained
DESULTORY not having a plan or purpose ; done without serious effort
DIABOLICAL characteristic of the devil, very evil
DIATRIBE a harsh denunciation ; bitter verbal attack
DIDACTIC intended to teach or give moral instruction
DILETTANTE one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a
branch of knowledge
DIRGE mournful, sad, lament for the dead piece of music
DISCERNING showing good judgment or perceptiveness
DISENCHANTED cause to be disappointed
DISINGENUOS not truly honest or sincere
DISPUTATIOUS fond of having heated arguments
DISSEMBLE to disguise or conceal ones true feelings or beliefs ; to mislead
DISSEMINATE spread widely
DIVAGATE to wander ; drift about ; ramble ; digress
DOCTRINAIRE seeking to impose a doctrine in all circumstances without
regard to practical considerations ; dogmatic ; inflexible
DROSS something regarded as worthless or rubbish
DUPLICITOUS - deceitful
EBBULLIENCE the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts
and feelings
EDIFY improve or instruct someone morally or intellectually
EFFACIOUS successful in producing a desired or intended result ; effective
EFFRONTARY extreme or shameful boldness ; presumptuousness
EGREGIOUS outstandingly bad
ELEGY a mournful poem
100) ELUSIVE difficult to catch, find or achieve
101) EMEND make corrections or revisions to ; alter
102) EMOLLIENT soothing ; making less harsh ; mollifying ; an agent that softens
or soothes the skin
103) ENCOMIUM - praise
104) ENDEMIC characteristic of or often found in a particular region, locality or
105) ENERVATE to weaken ; to reduce in vitality
106) ENIGMA mysterious or difficult to understand ; arcane
107) ENNUI dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
108) EPHEMERAL brief ; fleeting
109) EPITHETS abuses ; insults
110) EQUIVOCATE to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent
111) ESOTERIC intended for or understood by only a small number of people with
a specialized knowledge
112) ESSAY to test or try ; to attempt ; to experiment
113) EUPHEMISTIC mild word substituted for a harsh word
114) EUPHUISTIC elegant language from 1500-1600s
115) EVANESCENT lasting a very short time
116) EXAGITATE to stir up, agitate or to censure severely
117) EXECRABLE extremely bad or unpleasant
118) EXECRATE feel or express great loathing for

119) EXIGENT urgent ; pressing ; requiring immediate action or attention

120) EXIGUOUS small ; scanty ; inadequate
121) EXPATIATE speak or write in detail about
122) EXULPATE exonerate ; to clear of blame
123) FACETIOUS playful ; humorous ; treating serious issues with deliberate
inappropriate humor ; flippant
124) FASTIDIOUS very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail
125) FECUND fertile, fruitful
126) FELICITY intense happiness ; ability to find appropriate expression for ones
127) FELL inhumanely cruel
128) FILIBUSTER unintentional obstruction
129) FLIP sarcastic, impertinent, as in flippant
130) FLORID very fancy or too fancy ; having a red or reddish color
131) FOMENT instigate or stir up ; bathe with warm or medicated lotions
132) FORD to wade across the shallow part of a river or stream
133) FORTITUDE courage in pain or adversity
134) FULMINATE to loudly attack or denounce ; express vehement protest ;
explode violently ; flash like lightening
135) GARRULOUS pointlessly talkative ; talking too much ; chatty ; wordy
136) GENOTYPE the genetic makeup of an individual organism
137) GERMANE relevant to subject at hand ; appropriate in subject matter
138) GRAVITAS a very serious quality or manner
139) GUY a rope, cord, or cable attached to something as a brace or guide
140) HALCYON calm and peaceful
141) HARANGUE to deliver a pompous speech or tirade ; a long pompous speech
142) HEDONISM belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life
143) HEGEMONY the consistent dominance of one state or group over others
144) HERETICAL violating accepted dogma or convention
145) HEURISTIC enabling a person to learn or discover something for themselves
146) HISTRIONIC excessively theatrical or dramatic in style ; melodramatic
147) HUBRIS overbearing presumption or pride or self confidence ; arrogance
148) ICONOCLAST one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or
149) IMPECUNIOUS lacking funds ; without money
150) INPUGN dispute the truth, validity or honesty ; call into question
151) IMPUNITY freedom from punishment
152) INCHOATE in an initial stage ; not fully formed
153) INCIPIENT beginning to come into being or to become apparent
154) INDEFATIGABLE persisting tirelessly
155) INEFFABLE too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
156) INELUCTABLE unable to be resisted or avoided
157) INEPT clumsy ; having or showing no skill ; bungling
158) INGENUOUS artless ; frank and candid ; lacking in sophistication
159) INIMICAL damaging ; harmful ; injurious
160) INSULAR ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas or peoples outside
ones own experience
161) INTERDICT an order for bidding something

162) INTRACTABLE hard to deal with ; stubborn

163) INTRANSIGENT refusing to compromise
164) INTREPID steadfast and courageous
165) INVEIGLING (INVEIGLE) persuading someone to do something by deception
or flattery
166) INVETERATE having a long standing and firmly established habit ; firmly
167) INVIDIOUS unacceptable, unfair and likely to arouse resentment or angers in
168) IRASCIABLE easily angered ; prone to temperamental outbursts
169) JEJUNE nave and simplistic ; dull ideas or writings
170) JETTISON to throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship
171) LACONIC using few words ; terse
172) LASSITUDE languor ; weariness ; quality of being lazy or lacking in energy
173) LIST to tilt or lean on one side
174) LOFTY tall and impressive ; morally good ; noble ; haughty and aloof
175) LOQUACIOUS excessively talkative ; chatty ; wordy
176) LUCUBRATION writing or study
177) LUGUBRIOSITY looking or sounding sad, dismal
178) MANGER an open box in which food for farm animals is placed
179) MELLIFLUOUS pleasantly smooth and musical to hear
180) MENDACITY the condition of being untruthful ; dishonesty
181) METTLE a persons ability to cope well with difficulties ; spirit ; resilience
182) MILIEU a persons social environment
183) MISANTHROPE a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society
184) MOIL work hard ; move around in confusion or agitation
185) MORDANT showing sharp or critical quality, fitting ; acerbic
186) MUNIFICENT characterized by or displaying great generosity
187) NADIR low point
188) NEBULOUS vague ; cloudy ; lacking clearly defined form
189) NEOLOGISM a new word ; expression or usage ; the creation of new word or
190) NEOPHYTE a recent convert ; a beginner ; novice
191) NICE exacting, fastidious, extremely precise
192) NUGATORY having no purpose or value
193) OBDURATE unyielding ; hard hearted ; intractable
194) OBFUSCATE to deliberately obscure ; to make confusing ; make unclear or
unintelligible ; bewilder
195) OBJURGATE rebuke severely ; scold
196) OBSEQUIOUS exhibiting a fawning attentiveness to an excessive servile
degree ; obedient ; sycophantic
197) OBSTREPEROUS noisy and difficult to control
198) OBTAIN to be established, accepted or customary
199) OBTUSE annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
200) OBVIATE to anticipate and make unnecessary ; remove ; preclude ; prevent
201) OCCLUDE to obstruct or block
202) ODIUM (ODIOUS) general or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by
someone as a result of their actions

203) OMNISCIENT having complete or unlimited knowledge ; awareness ;

204) ONEROUS troubling ; burdensome
205) OPPROBRIUS (OPPROBRIUM) expressing scorn or criticism or censure ;
public disgrace arising from shameful conduct
206) ORNERY bad tempered or difficult to deal with
207) PAEN a song or hymn of praise and thanksgiving
208) PANACEA a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
209) PARTISAN a strong supporter of a party, cause or person
210) PARTISANSHIP prejudice in favor of a particular cause ; bias
211) PATENT easily recognizable or obvious ; proprietory
212) PEDAGOGY the profession or theory of teaching
213) PENURIOUS penny pinching ; excessively thrifty ; ungenerous
214) PERFIDY intentional breach of faith ; treachery
215) PERNICIOUS extremely harmful in a way that is not easily seen or known ;
have a harmful effect especially in a gradual or subtle way
216) PERSPICACIOUS acutely perceptive ; having keen discernment
217) PERTINACIOUS holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action
218) PERUSE to examine with great care
219) PERVASIVE (PERVADE) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of
people ; present everywhere in something
220) PHLEGMATIC calm ; sluggish ; unemotional
221) PHYSIOGNOMY a persons facial features or expressions
222) PICARESQUE relating to an episodic style of fiction dealing with the
adventures of a rough and dishonest but appealing hero
223) PIED multicolored, usually in blotches
224) PILLORY attack or ridicule publicly
225) PIROUETTE a rapid whirling about of the body
226) PITH the essential or central part ; the essence of something
227) PITHY precise and brief
228) PLANGENT loud and mournful
229) PLATITUDE a superficial remark
230) POLEMICAL controversial ; argumentative ; aggressive verbal attacks ;
231) PORTENT a sign or a warning that something important or unpleasant is
likely to happen
232) PORTENTOUS of momentous significance
233) PRAGMATIC dealing with things in a practical and sensible way
234) PRECEDENCE condition of being considered more important than someone
or something else ; priority in importance, order or rank
235) PRECIPITATE acting with excessive haste or impulse ; to cause or happen
before anticipated or required
236) PREDELICTION a preference or a special liking for something
237) PREPONDERANCE the state of being greater in number
238) PRESCIENCE foreknowledge of events ; knowing of events prior to their
239) PREVARICATE to deliberately avoid the truth ; to mislead

240) PROBITY adherence to highest principles ; complete and confirmed integrity

; uprightness ; the quality of having strong moral principles, honesty and
241) PROCLIVITY a natural predisposition or inclination
242) PRODIGIOUS - impressively large
243) PROFLIGATE excessively wasteful ; recklessly extravagant
244) PROMULGATE promote or make widely known ; officially declare the
introduction of
245) PROSAIC dull ; lacking in spirit or imagination
246) PROSCRIBE forbid, especially by law ; denounce ; condemn
247) PROVIDENCE timely preparation for future eventualities
248) PUSSILANIMOUS lacking courage
249) QUAFF to drink deeply
250) QUALIFY to limit
251) QUANDARY state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult
252) QUERULOUS prone to complaining or grumbling ; peevish
253) QUIESCENCE stillness ; motionless ; quality of being at rest
254) QUIXOTIC foolishly impractical ; marked by lofty romantic ideals
255) QUOTIDIAN occurring or recurring daily ; commonplace
256) RAIL to complain about bitterly
257) RANCOROUS characterized by bitter, long lasting resentment
258) RAPPROCHMENT state of having cordial relationships
259) RAREFY to make or become thin or less dense ; to refine
260) RECALCITRANT obstinately defiant of authority ; difficult to manage
261) RECONDITE hidden, concealed ; difficult to understand ; obscure
262) RECONNOITRE make a military observation of
263) REDOUBTABLE awe inspiring ; worthy of honor
264) REFULGENT radiant ; shiny ; brilliant
265) RENEGE go back on a promise, undertaking or contract
266) RENT torn ; an opening or tear caused by such
267) REPATRIATE send someone back to their own country
268) REPUDIATES refuse to accept ; reject ; deny the truth or validity of
269) RETICENT quiet ; reserved ; reluctant to express thoughts and feelings
270) REVAMP renovate, redo, revise, change ; restructure, upgrade
271) SALUBRIOUS (SALUTORY) promoting health or well being
272) SCURVY contemptible, despicable
273) SEDULOUS diligent ; persistent ; hardworking
274) SENESCENCE the deterioration of an organism with age
275) SENTENTIOUS given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner
276) SKEIN loosely wound thread
277) SOLICITOUS characterized by or showing interest or concern
278) SOLIPSISTIC believing that oneself is all that exists
279) SOPORIFIC causing drowsiness ; tending to induce sleep
280) SPECIOUS seemingly true but actually being fallacious; misleadingly
attractive ; plausible but false
281) SPOOL round object around which something is wrapped
282) SPURIOUS lacking authenticity or validity ; false ; counterfeit
283) SQUALID sordid ; wretched and dirty as from neglect ; foul ; soiled

284) STAND a group of trees

285) STOLIDITY not easily stirred or moved mentally ; unemotional ; impassive
286) STEEP to saturate or completely soak, as in to let a tea bag steep
287) STRUT the supporting structural cross part of a wing
288) STYMIE to block ; to thwart
289) SUCCINT brief ; concise
290) SULLIED foul ; dirty ; soiled
291) SUPERANNUATION regular payment made by an employee into a fund
towards a future pension
292) SUPPLANT to take the place of ; to supersede
293) SURFEIT an overabundant supply ; excess ; to feed or supply in excess ;
cause to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it
to excess
294) TABLE to remove from consideration
295) TACIT implied ; not explicitly stated
296) TACITURN reserved or uncommunicative in speech ; saying little ; laconic
297) TENUOUS having little substance or strength ; flimsy ; weak or slight
298) TERSE brief and concise in wording
299) TIMOROUS lacking in courage or confidence ; nervous
300) TORPID lethargic ; sluggish ; dormant
301) TORTUOUS winding ; twisting ; excessively complicated
302) TOUT to publicly praise or promote
303) TRENCHANT sharply perceptive ; keen ; penetrating
304) TRUCULENT fierce and cruel ; eager to fight
305) TRUSS to tie up slightly
306) TURGID swollen or full ; pompous and boring
307) UBIQUITOUS existing everywhere at the same time ; constantly
encountered ; widespread
308) UNFLAGGING tireless ; persistent
309) UNOBSTRUSIVE not blatant ; inconspicuous ; unobvious
310) UNTENABLE indefensible ; not viable ; uninhabitable
311) VACILLATION indecision ; irresolution
312) VENERATE feel or show deep respect
313) VERACITY accuracy ; truthfulness
314) VEXATION the state of being annoyed, frustrated or worried ; annoyance,
315) VILIFY to defame ; to characterize harshly
316) VITIATE spoil or impair the quality or legal validity or efficiency of
317) VITRIOL bitter criticism or malice ; desire to harm someone or ill will
318) VITUPERATE to use harsh condemnatory language ; to abuse or censure
severely or abusively ; to berate
319) VOLUBILITY the quality of talking or writing continuously
320) VORACIOUS especially eager or having a large apetite
321) WAFFLE to equivocate ; to change ones position ; failure to make up ones
mind ; speak or write at length in vague or trivial manner
322) WINSOME sweet or innocently charming

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