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Space Clearing and Geopathic Stress

Of the four divisions of the therapies offered, the content of the document indicates the presenting
issues dealt with by the Space Clearing and Geopathic Stress

What is meant by Space Clearing?

Some of the charted findings of the SRF chart, applicable to the human client, can also be found to
be present in the immediately adjacent landscape in which the client is living. So there are a set of
methods for use on site and out in the general landscape for site clearing of earthbound souls and
psychic remnants via dowsing for the location and using Spirit Release Forum clearing procedures
similar to those used with clients. We can then apply further techniques specifically applicable to
space clearing deriving from the sources of geopathic stress.

What is geopathic stress?

The subtle energetic patterns of a place can be interfered with and unbalanced, detrimentally to the
human occupants, by a number of now known and recognised factors. There is a list of these to be
checked through just like the list of SRF and emotion code factors are checked for the individual
human client. The source of such call outs can be from perceptive human clients identifying this
need in their places of abode or psychics or sensitives requesting the practitioners help with some
site in the local or regional location i.e. psychic stress leftover energy resonance or trapped soul
fragments release during the disturbances caused by redevelopment of a site.

What about the application of such methods to places rather than people? Is there
the possibility of a person encountering any of these issues as a result of changing
their location in terms of where they are living?
One potential origin of psychic attachments can come from moving into a space already occupied or
still occupied by other souls, in this case, discarnate ones or the intense though forms still lingering
after they have left. This could be the case especially when the new residents of housing
developments have perhaps begun to feel there is something not right about the new house. One
of the sources of this MAY by caused by the presence of Subtle realm energetic remnants. As with
the clients SRF list, we can go down a site check list, of possible issues first, before trying to track
something odd or new that is not on our list yet. The reason for such unusual awareness o the part
of the new occupant may arise from the fact that moving house and all its attendant issues and
worries is a major cause of stress in these times. That stress can lead to temporary heightened
awareness of an extreme kind.

Why would such issues be the cause of mental and emotional stress to the living?
This can come about, in this day and age, where unrestricted mass developments will be built on the
site of an old hospital or worse, a Victorian mental institution or a prison, or the body shell of such
buildings are gutted for instillation of prison cell like flats etc. These are potential sources for
tormented earthbound whole souls and soul fragments to attach to the living people now moving in
to the space, if these where not cleared when the previous sites buildings were demolished.

PA-04 Space Clearing and Geopathic Stress

Copyright Greg Pain/ Psychic Assistance 2016

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Another source could be where no regard or improper respect has been paid to the sites previous
use, for example, the new estate is built on an old burial site where scant regard, due to alleged
financial constraints (greed), was paid to the proper reburial of the dead or the place is the
unrecorded site of an historic battle field or plague burial pit. Sensitive people, and especially those
with young children, can pick up on the energetic resonance fields caused by the past and previous
traumatic events. This goes beyond any considerations for nausea and headaches caused by fumes
coming up through the ground by a badly capped surface layer because the new development was
built on top of a brown field or landfill site routinely used for illegal dumping of toxic waste etc. Such
considerations are detectable by the right physical equipment and devices operated by consultants
in that field of detection.
The potential psychic component of such energies are that they are not meaning to cause stress and
are not intending to be energetically parasitic or harmful but are actually just attaching to the more
sensitive person because they are desperate for help because normal people cannot see or hear
them. So then we have a temporary attachment situation just like you would have on a
conventional clients chart of issues. The situation can be more intense if the earthbound soul is
malignant in some way and hell bent on causing strife because it see the new occupant as an invader
of its home (even though it no longer has a body to live in there with).
However, there is also the need to always consider the sense bound conventional reality sources
first. For example, the source of annoyance maybe come from conventional electromagnetic
contaminants or interference of the sort dealt with by practitioners such as Roy Riggs (see link to
Roys website). Where sources of annoyance are caused by human manufactured electrical or
electronic cause, these can be found by the appropriate search methods using verifiable measuring
equipment before considering the more exotic possibilities.
The way in for some of these contacts, once again, may be any of these apparently unseen issues
now stirring up and aggravating the victims deeper seated emotional beliefs. This is where the SRF
and the emotion code chart can be applied to this sort of case issues origin just as it is with a
conventional clients personal consultation chart.

Could you or someone you know benefit from Space Clearing?

If you feel the content of this document has helped you to understand the situation you are facing
please contact me for an informal chat where we can discuss your needs or requirements
Gregory M. Pain
B Sc Dip SR
Web address: www.psychic-assistance.co.uk
e-mail: gregpainstar@psychic-assistance.co.uk
Mobile: 07464883372

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Copyright Greg Pain/ Psychic Assistance 2016

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For a qualified and experienced practitioner for help with problems that may stem from more
conventional physical sources:
Technopathic and Geopathic stress: Roy Riggs: www.royriggs.co.uk

For a qualified and experienced practitioner for help with problems of the kind listed above:
Space Clearing and Geopathic stress: Adrian Incledon Webbers website: www.dowsingspirits.co.uk
Adrians Book: Heal Your Home (see his website for details)
The aim of this books content is to give the owner of a home the confidence and abilities to do some
of the work themselves beyond the assistance given by the consultant and their applied methods.

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Copyright Greg Pain/ Psychic Assistance 2016

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