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Subject: This letter Sherman sent me:

From: " President Barack Obama" <info@ mail.whitehouse. gov>

Date: 813120L6 3:09 PM
To: <ggarsons@verizon. net>


wAsH I l{GTO


A few months ago, I received this letter from a Floridian named Sherman Chester.
When Sherman was a young man, he wrote that he made some bad choices, got in
over his head, and ended up with a life sentence without parole for a nonviolent drug
charge. At Sherman's sentencing, even the judge couldnt believe he was bound by law

to hand down

punishment that didn't fit the crime.

We know that Sherman's story is all too common in this country -- a country that

imprisons its citizens at a rate far higher than any other. Too many men and women
end up in a criminal justice system that serves up excessive punishments, especially
for nonviolent drug offenses.
But this is a country that believes in second chances. So weVe got to make sure that
our criminal justice system works for everyone. We've got to make sure that it keeps
our streets safe while also making sure that an entire class of people like Sherman
isn't relegated to a life on the margins.

Trst year, after he served more than zo longyears in prison, I commuted Sherman's
sentence and those of many others who were serving unjust and outdated prison
And today, I'm commuting the sentences of an additional zt4 men and women who


as deserving of a second chance. Altogether, IVe commuted more sentences

than the past nine presidents combined. And I am not done yet.
These acts of clemency are important steps for families like Sherrnan's and steer our

better direction, but they alone won't fix our criminal justice system. We
need Congress to pass meaningful federal sentencing refonn that will allow us to
more effectively use taxpayer dollars to protect the public.
country in

I hope you'll take a minute to read and share Sherrnan's letter. The more we
understand the human stories behind this problem. the soonerwe can start
making real changes that keep our streets safe. break the cycle of

I ofZ


incarceration in this country, and save taxlrayers Iike you money,

President Barack Obama

Hcr f.!:It ?:I5


Ilcsirl*nr ub:rmaOn Dcccmb*r l$. ;015. I rc*clt'ed rhc mo6r incrcditrlc gift! {ln that day, }1v tttridcotial ['ardon.
(rl drug ofiix*lcs' :c{ot$c.s werc rommuteil. ineluditg rnore thua a tlxrd x*'ing litt u:ntr*s*.
I n*$ onc ofthsss $tlcd{k'ri.
I wirs i*u*lsl'r.rt$d $*r!'is!: s life *ntc*ce {v*ilhssl ps$:E} *l Js*s*p Fodtral Corr*stiotnl
lnuiru$em (FCU fur a B$nviolcnt drug criutE. :l{y *li}ty isrr'l arry diffcrsar fronr mfft }turlBi
minority nrrn. ;\* a teensg*r, I *fir igrtmtlustd ao thc 'xrnng cmntl ntrd* e i*rics of 1oor
ch$ipps, {rnd ut?imitdy got r*tght up m romcthl*g blggsr rhan ms. Ar r}s timr I *a.$ rr-ntr'nc*i,
ever thir jxlgc *trongly objeclal to the man<ht*ry $otcn{1e, $ktingr

'Tlds c$s: is au ill$ritrtti+$ of thr, diffir$kic$ *url prubturu thst r*ult liom the applil:ttiur of
ur:*rlatrrry mjnimum :rentrneer. This man docsn'l lle*rrve r lifc rciuence, and therr.' it nn way
rlur I c.rn lrgalty krcp frorn giving it to hir*-"
ssrrLd rrvrr'?(l stirni. I xrrtived rouny utrls during {rat tims; lhc lno*t irnp*sBful rxa-.r the krse
nry nrmh*r jr$ fite $$nilrs rller rny rentrtrein!{. trr '*ddition. t{r lhr cr}st $f fily innrx*ntr.
youth, enrl dcvel$F$cilal years, I rrax ako lold my rctrtrttse cs!{t tsr.p3:rcr: nr'*r I -3 milli*n



lr tlh: k{r+'r ! r*e*ivcd rur:ifying nn: of myc*mmuBlioo, ytxr raid rhe nrcsidcnridl Fslltr u Srint
e+rrunuhrlionr e*rd pard+*s -crnbsdici ttlc bs$ic b*litf in rltrr demoere*y th&t Jn{rplu dr's.'n'c a
s**rrd (hx$*e .rftm h*,ring nta& * misHh* in rhcir ll'ie$ tt*t lsd te a rnnri*tion unfti our ltws.'
I ah*r re*ognir.cd yrxrr $ouri:gcrrir a{;t ls ir pu}h to orerhurl tllc U.8, r.:ris*n*l irstie* systcrn
v*hirlr unfairly tar*,ctr lrcgrwnts of srxicry.
I'vr lrwn h:rrd p,rrr*cil ** toiust how I reruld rrrir* trxl thrnk you ftr b*li*ving in m* etmugh trr
f;iy md tl$t ssco*d dun+e, I krtsu'thst I havc r hugc maualain tc' climb and thct it's going
t+r h; r l0{ qf hard w$rli- I lq$r+ver. , ;rt,*nd s2 $r axl bc m,v h**r:v *ral thc r{r:ciricn 1ut nrarlt
b*li*ring in rnr uiil rlpl hc * pmrr r*ra ilty tru{t in (ir.xt, fir*il}. urrl tru* fri+'nr},r hat nt*'ryr
brr* rnrl will c{rl*imre r* trc nry guiding foree. I krmtr rs rarhos:t rrruch irt giv**t. rnush ir
rcquired. I hals no dotrbt lhrt hirt{rry uiil rto* you r* onr of our grca{e$ Sxtti4tnB,


you frcsid$rt Obffrir arxl



curti$ur tu bl*ss y*rr,

liimtrely llunrbErd.

. , .'.t-i


l), Ch**t*r

Tbb email was seut to sgarson"s@verizon,net.

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dorot repb totlisemail Contact the White Hou.$e

l4tite llorse . t6oo PennsylvaahAve ltMr.

fryashingtm, DC 2ogoo

. 2o2-4i6-trtr

815/20L6LttLZ AM

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