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Third Grade

Classroom Survival Guide

1. Listen when your teacher is talking.
2. Follow directions quickly.
3. Respect others, respect yourself, and respect your school.
4. Be safe, be kind, be honest.
5. Celebrate success and learn from mistakes.
Class Dojo
3rd grade teachers will be using Class Dojo to monitor student behavior, responsibility, and respect. Students may
earn and lose points based on both positive and negative choices. We will be sending information home for parents
to log in to Class Dojo to monitor your childs progress.
Individual Rewards
Students will set their individual point goals for each week. Every Friday, students who meet their point goal will be
allowed to choose a reward. Examples are seat swap, show and tell, shoes off, sit at teachers desk, gum, fancy pen,
stuffed animal, lunch with a buddy, be the messenger, line leader, wear pajamas.
Individual Consequences
loss of recess time, removal from class to another classroom, apology letter, copy rules, mission statement, etc,
individualized as needed for particular students and offenses, note in agenda, email, phone call, IC parent contact
log, parent conference
*Individualized behavior plans for continued offenses will be created in conjunction with the parent, student,
teachers, counselor/administration*

Class Rewards
Each week the highest point earner for Class Dojo will put marbles in the class marble jar. They will put in marbles
to match the number of points they earned that week. When the jar is full of marbles the class will vote on a
privilege (popcorn snack, ice pops, free hat day, pajamas, etc.).
Connection Rotation
Lanier Connection classes are Art, Music, P.E., Computer Lab, and Skills Lab. Students will go to the same
Connection for 4 days each week and 1 day of P.E. each week. This rotation schedule ensures that all students have
some physical activity each week and will allow Connection teachers to truly focus on specific skills or projects for
one week at a time.
P.E. Day

Water and Snacks

Students may bring a water bottle and a snack each day. Please bring a small healthy snack that students can eat
quickly during transition time. No juice, Gatorade, tea, soft drinksonly water in a bottle that has a lid.
TEAM Books
Together Everyone Achieves More
Students will have a TEAM book (3 ring binder) that will include their agenda, goals, and homework assignments. All
homework assignments will be written down by the student daily, as well as any special announcements, dates, etc.
Failure to complete homework, including parent initials/signature, will result in loss of recess and/or completing
homework during recess. Teachers may also utilize agendas as a communication tool regarding daily behavior,
scheduling a conference, etc. Dojo points will be earned for completing RAH and MAH each night.
Practice/Log Assignments-required each night Monday-Thursday
RAH Log (Read at Home)---complete RAH log each night Monday through Thursday, recommendation is 10-20
minutes, record and initial nightly
MAH (Math at Home)---initial agenda, complete math facts practice each night Monday through Thursday,
recommendation is 5-10 minutes math facts practice. This will be the set of math facts your child is working on in
class. Students will take a timed math facts test each day and must get all problems correct in order to move on to
the next set. They will keep the timed test in their TEAM book and will practice their facts. See math facts
practice ideas page in TEAM book for suggestions on how to practice facts. Even if students pass the test each day,
they should still do some form of math facts practice each night.
Spelling-words recorded in agendas each Monday, practice throughout the week at home however you so choose,
test on Friday
Math-one page of the skills we are working on each week, due by Friday
In the previous grade levels a Standards Based Report card has been used to reflect the student progress.
However, in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will receive number grades on all assignments and on the report card you
will see a number grade, which is the average of all assignments for the nine weeks. When report cards are sent
home, students can receive ribbons based on the following scale.
A- 90-100
F- 69 and below
Make-Up Work
Make-up work will be handled by each teacher individually in relation to the students situation. It will usually be
given upon the day of the students return to school. At parents request, it may be picked up in the office or sent
home with a sibling. Depending on the students situation, make-up work might be due on the next day after it is
received or perhaps longer if the number of days absent is extensive. The teacher will also provide one-on-one time
with students when they have excused absences to catch them up and give explanations on what was missed.
Please feel free to contact us at anytime!!! You can call us at school between the hours of 7:15-3:15 at 770-5328781 or email us. Email is the best way of correspondence throughout the day. We are also available for conferences
if needed.

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