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75 Usos Extraordinarios del Bicarbonato de sodio

Bicarbonato de sodio es un compuesto qumico

que aparece como un polvo fino. Libera
burbujas de dixido de carbono cuando
interacta con un cido y un lquido.
Comnmente se utiliza en la coccin, donde
acta como Agente leudante. Los siguientes
son 75 otros usos del bicarbonato de sodio
aparte de hacer magdalenas, suaves y

Usos para la Salud

1. Utilizarlo como un anticido.
2. Usar como desodorante axilar aplicando con una borla.
3. Mezcle media
cucharadita con
pasta de perxido y
usarlo como pasta
de dientes.
4. Utilizarlo como un
exfoliante facial y
5. Agregar una taza
al agua de la tina del
bao para suavizar la
la piel de las picaduras de insectos y el dolor de las quemaduras solares.

6. Aliviar el picor de

7. Eliminar olores fuertes de las manos frotndolos con bicarbonato de sodio y agua.
8. Poner dos cucharadas en el agua del bao del beb para ayudar a aliviar la erupcin de paal.

9. Aplicarlo en erupciones, picaduras de insectos e irritaciones de la hiedra venenosa.

10. Tomar un bao de bicarbonato de sodio para aliviar irritaciones de la piel.
11. Ardor de estmago? Tomar una cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio mezclado con medio
vaso de agua.
12. Refrescar tu boca haciendo grgaras con media cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio mezclado
con agua.
13. Aliviar el dolor de la AFTA usndolo como enjuague bucal.
14. Se usa para aliviar las picaduras de abeja.
15. Se usa para aliviar la dermatitis causada por el viento.
16. Aplicar en la picadura de Medusa para extraer el veneno.
17. Desbloquear la nariz congestionada aadiendo una cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio a su
En la Casa

18. Mantener las flores frescas ms tiempo aadiendo

una cucharadita al agua.
19. Apagar incendios pequeos en madera, alfombras,
tapicera y ropa.
20. Coloque un recipiente abierto de bicarbonato de
sodio en la nevera para absorber los olores.
21. Espolvorea sobre tus ceniceros para reducir el mal
olor y prevenir que siga ardiendo.
22. Espolvorea sobre tus zapatillas, botas, zapatos y
calcetines para eliminar el mal olor.
23. el Bicarbonato de sodio se vuelve plastilina
combinando con una y 1/4 de tazas de agua y una taza
de maicena.
24. Despus de alimentar a su beb, limpiar la camisa con un pao hmedo impregnado con
bicarbonato de sodio para quitar el olor.

25. Limpie el parabrisas con l para repeler la lluvia.

26. Mejorar el olor del pao de lavar platos remojndolos en agua y bicarbonato de sodio.
27. Chupar con su aspiradora para quitar el olor.
28. Refrescar el aire mediante la mezcla de bicarbonato de sodio con sus sales favoritas de bao
perfumadas. Ponga la mezcla en pequeas bolsitas.
29. Restaurar cepillos rgidos hirvindolos en una solucin de 1/2 galn de agua, 1/4 taza de
vinagre y una taza de bicarbonato de sodio.
30. Ponerlo bajo fregaderos y a lo largo de ventanas del stano para repeler cucarachas y
31. Esparza bicarbonato de sodio alrededor de flores para evitar que los conejos coman tus
32. Endulzar los tomates por aspersin de bicarbonato de sodio en el suelo alrededor de sus
plantas de tomate.
33. Espolvorear sobre la caja de su gato para absorber el mal olor.
34. Espolvorear en el peine de su mascota o cepillo para desodorizar su pelaje y piel.
En la cocina
35. Usar como sustituto de levadura en polvo mezclando con l con Cremor Trtaro o vinagre.
36. Lave las frutas y verduras con l.

37. Cuando hierva el pollo, aadir una cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio al agua. Las Plumas se
desprender ms fcil, y la carne ser limpia y blanca.
38. Remojar los frijoles secos en una solucin de bicarbonato de sodio para hacerlos ms
39. Quitar el sabor distintivo de las piezas de caza sumergindolas en una solucin de bicarbonato
de sodio.
40. Hacer una bebida deportiva mezclando agua hervida, sal y Kool-Aid.
41. Quitar el olor a pescado de sus filetes sumergiendo el pescado crudo en una solucin de
bicarbonato de sodio durante una hora en la nevera.
42. Hacer omelets esponjosos agregando media cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio por cada tres
huevos utilizados.

Propsitos de Limpieza
44. Agregue una taza al bao, dejarlo durante una hora y luego enjuague. Limpiar el inodoro y
absorber el olor.
45. Se usa para limpiar fregaderos, duchas, baeras de plstico y porcelana.
46. rociar en las paredes, espejos y encimeras.
47. Aada una cucharada a su lavavajillas para facilitar el lavado de platos.
48. Quitar la grasa de ollas y sartenes.
49. Seco limpia alfombras y muebles tapizados por aspersin de bicarbonato de sodio sobre la tela
y cepillndolo suavemente. Dejar reposar una hora o durante la noche, luego el vaco.
50. Aumentar el poder de limpieza de su detergente de lavandera por aspersin de un puado a
la ropa sucia.
51. Combinan con agua para hacer una pasta para pulir acero inoxidable y cromo.
52. Quita los araazos y marcas de pisos de vinilo y las paredes de creyn.
53. Limpiar los zapatos con l.

54. Limpiar el bote de basura con l.

55. Se usa para lavar paales.
56. Limpiar la nevera con l.
57. Remoje cepillos y peines en una solucin de bicarbonato de sodio.
58. Mezclar con agua para lavar alimentos y envases de bebida.
59. Poner tres cucharadas de bicarbonato de sodio a un litro de agua tibia, luego use la mezcla
para lavar muebles de mrmol.
60. Absorba con una esponja hmeda, luego limpie encimeras de Formica con la esponja.
61. Se usa para deshacerse de los olores rancios de refrigeracin, contenedores, termos y botellas.
62. Haga funcionar su cafetera elctrica con una solucin de bicarbonato de sodio, luego
63. Combinar con agua caliente para limpiar biberones.

64. Espolvorear en parrillas, luego de apagadas.

65. Disprselo en su piso del garaje grasiento, friegue el piso y enjuague.
66. Retire el alimento quemado de una olla sumergindola en una solucin de bicarbonato de
sodio durante 10 minutos antes del lavado.
67. Limpie sus ceniceros con una solucin de bicarbonato de sodio.
68. Para mantener sus desages limpios ponga cuatro cucharadas de bicarbonato de sodio en ellos
cada semana. Lavarlo con agua caliente.
69. Remojarlas en agua y bicarbonato de sodio para limpiar sus cortinas de ducha.
70. Poner en un pequeo cepillo para frotar bolsos de lona limpia.
71. Utilizar para quitar la envoltura de plstico derretido de pan de una tostadora. Espolvorear
bicarbonato de sodio en una alfombra hmeda, luego use la alfombra para limpiar la tostadora.
72. Se usa para limpiar sus retenedores y dentaduras.

73. Hacer una pasta espesa de bicarbonato de sodio y agua y lo usa para limpiar el acero
inoxidable y hierro fundido esmaltado.

74. Mezclar 4 cucharadas de bicarbonato de sodio con un cuarto de galn de agua tibia y usarlo
para limpiar el interior de un horno.
75. Utilcelo para destapar estufas de gas.
Lo ms increble del bicarbonato de sodio es que es muy barato. Usted puede hacer todas estas
cosas a un costo muy bajo. El Bicarbonato de sodio es realmente un producto milagro, si se utiliza
para cocinar o no.
Has usado bicarbonato de sodio para eliminar suavemente las costras de la cabeza del bebe\.
Mezclar un poco de bicarbonato de sodio con agua, luego aplique la mezcla a un terminal de la
batera corroda de auto - la corrosin se disolver y entonces puede ser lavada.
Estoy muy agradecido por todos los usos de bicarbonato de sodio. No es daino para respirar
como muchos de los limpiadores. Verdaderamente es uno de los secretos mejor guardado de
mundos. Les dije a mis hijas que voy "verde". Es increble cmo se limpia muy bien. Y hace que
todo huela tan fresco y limpio. Estoy tratando a acompaarme en ir "Verde".
Lo uso en mi cara y es increble. Mezclo bicarbonato de sodio y agua y froto todo mi rostro. .
Entonces coloque durante unos 5-7 minutos. Luego tome una toallita y remoje con agua tibia y
lave su cara con la mezcla de bicarbonato de sodio. No necesita usar los productos de acn. El
bicarbonato de sodio es suave, sin embargo, causa que las protuberancias en mi cara se pongan
con las cabezas blancas y cuando lav mi cara con agua todas ellos saltaron por su propia cuenta.
Fue increble. La nica pega es que seca su piel, as que tienes que hidratar inmediatamente
despus de que seque la cara. Lo uso de locin para la piel seca. Mi cara es suave, limpia y clara!
I just read in Cooks Illustrated that baking soda (for baking) should be replaced every 6 months.
Sooooo, I am happy to find all these uses for the baking soda that I remove from the pantry. I will
probably cycle it to the fridge and freezer and cycle those to the cleaning supplies or the drains.
Carol White on February 10th, 2009
For number 71 do you mean to say rag not rug?
Everett Sneed on February 27th, 2009
What is a good mixture of baking soda and water for cleaning and neutralizing battery acid, if used
in a spray bottle.
FrugalNYC on March 4th, 2009
Great List. Im linking to your post from my blog post soon.
75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda Thriftify on March 9th, 2009
[...] the amazingly talented people at Lifehackery.com, heres 75 ways to get your baking soda [...]
CasinoInArizona on March 12th, 2009
epic list, thanks!
Flo7912 on March 17th, 2009

I use the baking soda to clean my jewerly. It is great.

rande powell on March 19th, 2009
Would a solution of baking soda and water help with smoke odor removal? Or add it in the
laundry? Had a small kitchen fire and am looking for solutions.
Leela on April 2nd, 2009
Great Blog.
Keep the ideas coming - I use baking soda to soak my beans before boiling - it removes the gas.
SONIA RENE on April 18th, 2009
Albert Doria on May 3rd, 2009
I heard that drinking a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda can be used to clean
colon and removes internal bad odor, is that true? Please confirm.
Tamra on May 4th, 2009
What are the long term health effects of baking soda in food? Does anyone know if it causes
cancer? I am very curious! Thanks!
Shelby on May 12th, 2009
I use baking soda to wash my dreads. I mix a big bucket of warm water, a hit of lemon, and a hit of
salt.. soak them in that for 5 minutes or so, let them sit in a towel then rinse rinse rinse. They feel
clean and smell fresh.
John on May 13th, 2009
We use baking soda to help balance the PH of our body.
Sandra Terrill on May 14th, 2009
I have been a long time user of baking soda. Thank you for the practical and safe uses of baking
Denise on May 21st, 2009
I am having acne problem and ants problem and I going to try these baking soda idea along with
the others.
Becky Everhart on May 31st, 2009
Is there a downside to using baking soda? Sounds like a miracle product without the cost.
glada on June 4th, 2009
Amazed I learned many new things
heather on June 6th, 2009

1 Tbsp mixed w/about 32 oz. water is good for aleviating pain from a urinary tract infection.
Neutralizes the acid of the urine and helps prevent kidney infections! I swear by it!
Debbie in Atlanta Georgia on June 7th, 2009
Thanks for all your tips and ideas. Please keep them coming. I have use baking soda for quite
sometime. I always like to receive new ways of using it. Thanks again.
Green Tip Tuesday- Green Cleaning the mind of a moonstruck mommy on June 9th, 2009
[...] Baking Soda- Not just for deodorizing your fridge- It will fight nasty odors all over the kitchen
and bathroom. Baking soda can remove most stains from your laundry and you can make
volcanoes with vinegar to clean out clogged drains! If thats not enough to get you hooked, check
out these 75 Extraordinary Uses For Baking Soda. [...]
Nana Sabine on June 12th, 2009
Can dentures be soaked overnight in baking soda and water. If so, how much BS is safe???
Elaine of Jackson, Tn on June 12th, 2009
I am happy to hear all of the uses for baking soda. I like natural remedies. I was looking for a
remedy for the blemish (I dont really know what to call it) on my face. It came from the
medication I was taking for sinus. I never reply to anything online. I also have to represent my
home town; nobody else will.
Amy on June 14th, 2009
Go poo-free and use baking soda as a shampoo. I mix 1-2 Tbsp to one cup warm water and spray it
onto dry hair while in the shower, wait about a minute and rinse with cool water and hello salon
style!!!! Great hair, no oil, no sls buildup, and can we say cheap!
Mike on June 16th, 2009
I work at Rona and Rona has led the way into the Eco ,green way of doing things. Baking soda is
without a doubt the best ECO way to help save the planet. thanks for all these tips !
Erin on June 30th, 2009
Works great in a recipe for iced tea as wellkeeps the tea clear and not bitter! Just a pinch with
which ever recipe you like!
Mercy on July 3rd, 2009
I just started using Baking Soda to brush my teeth with.. after a deep cleaning given by my
Dentist because I was diagnosed having gingivitis. Im hoping that with a long term use of Baking
soda along with a few drops of peroxide I can help get rid of the gingivitis, keep my teeth clean
and white.
My sister told me that her husband has used it for many years and his teeth are not only very
white but he never has cavities or gets gingivitis.
Gracias por la informacin ya que ahora saben que es seguro para ser utilizado en lugar de pasta
de dientes y tambin para muchas otras cosas maravillosas!
Vinagre blanco y bicarbonato de sodio como productos de limpieza - Green Living - City-Data
Forum on July 6th, 2009

[...] Tips - 1001 Uses for white distilled vinegar. 1001 Uses for Vinegar 75 Extraordinary Uses for
Baking Soda | Life Hackery 61 Uses for Baking Soda Vinegar and Baking Soda Cleaning Recipes
Cleaning recipes Maybe these [...]
Christine Fawcett on July 9th, 2009
If your pet or yourself has been sprayed by a skunk bathe in tub with baking soda. Totally takes the
smell out.
Household Tips~~~~~ - SoWal Beaches Forum on July 12th, 2009
[...] rugs instead of Carpet Fresh, etc.Baking Soda is less than $1. See the link for more uses. 75
Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda | Life Hackery Cheers~~~~~~~ __________________ Who is
Lynnie?? ~~~~~~~Signed, All [...]
bakingsodaisnice77 on July 19th, 2009
waw.. this is nice!
making your own laundry detergent = easy & cheap! my finance matters on July 21st, 2009
[...] As an aside, I accidentally bought a ginormous box of baking soda thinking it was the same
thing as the washing soda. Ive already found a bunch of uses for it right on the side of the box.
Lets see what kind of experiments I can come up with for it!uses for baking soda [...]
donny on July 24th, 2009
we have a chow chow dog,hes over a year old now,he used to stay inside our house playing with
my kids,but now he only stas outside because the whole family cannot stand his awful smell,we
tried a lot of things to get rid of that foul odor to no avail.Can baking soda help?if yes how much
amount should we use?
D on July 25th, 2009
Pour some baking soda into a drain and add vinegar to help clear drain build up and prevent
JL ESTES on August 3rd, 2009
ruthless on August 5th, 2009
ive been using baking soda to whitens my teeth since im smoking cigarette. and i notice that
baking soda removing the stains of my teeth and even fresher my breath. so practical. love it!
Oz on August 10th, 2009

3-Awesome products, from curing cancers and multiple diseases that the FDA and our
government(as well as others) continue to deny(even with evidence), to washing clothes, and
brushing your teeth.
1) Hydrogen Peroxide (Food Grade-ONLY)
2) Vinegar
3) Baking Soda
mocca on August 12th, 2009
m a nature lover at heart and eco friendly suporter and i do my very best to go green as much as i
can and usin bs and vinegar as my cleaning agent is my own litel way to go green however wen
usin bs as cleaner on windows or glasses leaves cloudy traces cn u giv me advise on proper usage ?
i dilute bs on pail of water and wipe straight on glasses wid cloth and wen it dries it leaves cloudy
marks,pls help
dogg on September 1st, 2009
Can soda be used as a water softener?
James on September 7th, 2009
Si usted est participando en una actividad fsica, usted puede tomar una combinacin de
bicarbonato de sodio y agua. Creo que la frmula es 1 cucharada por 100 libras de peso corporal...
no s exactamente. En cualquier caso, le ayudar a neutralizar el cido lctico que produce su
cuerpo. La parte negativa es que dar diarrea. Se aconseja tomar la mezcla con dos o ms horas de
For the past 3 weeks, Ive been using a baking soda/water mix and an apple cider vinegar rinse
every other day in place of my shampoo regiment. As a result, my hair is healthier and has more
volume. I have curly hair, and Ive never seen my hair curl as beautifully as it does when I wash
with baking soda. The fact that it lacks all of the harmful chemials of conventional shampoo is a
definite plus. It makes me a happy person
James Feldman on September 9th, 2009
I open a box of baking soda and put it in my refridgerator. After a month I then take the box out
and dump it in the bottom of the kitchen garbage pail prior to putting in the garbage liner. A
month later I dump the contents into the garbage disposal in my sink. I often buy the baking soda
in bulk quantities so that I can recyle the smaller boxes or place the baking soda in bowls, etc.
instead of purchasing boxes each time I plan to change them.
langgita on September 10th, 2009
wow! totally amazing!
I cant believe it reallyill buy baking soda on the pay day! LOL
easy cleaning cents-n-sensibility on September 20th, 2009
[...] tub/shower cleaner: [...]
the vigorous suck on September 21st, 2009
[...] know that there are many fine uses for baking soda that do not involve a tablespoonyou can
shake a little into your sink and [...]

Lez on September 28th, 2009

I mix baking soda and lemon juice and keep it in a jar in my bathroom for washing my face. It
keeps my face clean and removes blackheads. It is also a very good under arm wash. It is an
excellent body scrub and leaves your skin very soft and smooth.
Kathryn on October 7th, 2009
I get really bad heartburn every once in a while. I have tried Tums, Rolaids, Crackers, OTC, Pepto
Bismal and it none of them work like a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 4 oz of water.
Heartburn is gone immediately.great remedy!
mindy on October 11th, 2009
Well, my daughter at the age of 9 is going through a tough time of puberty! The Best thing I can
offer is to put bs in the tub(about a half cup) and HELLO! She comes out smelling like the little girl
she should smell like-instead of the whole football team coming in after a long workout!!! Her
under arms smell so good! And her hair is so pretty and shiny. Best thing I ever thought long and
hard about! Even thought of the vinegar and went the baking soda way, yeah me!
Sonz on October 12th, 2009
it can be used to heal gum boils and other soars in the mouth
Ivanna:D on October 21st, 2009
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rose Marie on October 27th, 2009
Depending on what you are using it for, realize that the routine box you would buy in the grocery
store contains aluminum. You may purchase aluminum free brands at most health food stores.
Aluminum has been thought by some to contribute to memory lose when too much is ingested
over the course of yearsBetter safe than sorry
Bob on October 29th, 2009
We drink reverse osmosis water to get away from tap and the chlorine / fluoride that goes along
with tap. RO water is acidic though running around PH 6.0 - we add 1/8 tsp (teaspoon) per quart of
RO to bring it to PH 7.0 or so. You can buy PH strips online or in a health food store. Fiji water is
the best but who can afford that stuff to drink on a regular basis. TIP: Add the soda to the water
the night before to your water you want for the next day. Gives the soda time to dissolve
completely . no soda taste what so ever
Magilee Daley on November 2nd, 2009
I heard that baking soda can be used to remove built-up fur from a kettle. Whats your take on
Magilee Daley on November 3rd, 2009
I tried out many of the uses of baking soda, as stated on this list and they work wonders!!!!!!!!
David on November 5th, 2009

I just bought some baking soda for cleaning possibly my face and hair as well as eliminating odors.
I will say though that when I was about 15, I used pure baking soda for a couple years to brush my
teeth and although it kept them white and fresh, after a few years my teeth became real sensitive.
It was because of the baking soda whitening my teeth by partially taking the enamel off of my
teeth. So now I take a flouride rinse to strengthen my teeth, so I dont recommend regular use of
baking soda to clean your teeth.
Rene on November 6th, 2009
Thank you so much for all the helpful information! I never knew about all these uses until today!!
Kathleen Pike on November 6th, 2009
Is baking soda good for removing old carpet stains? My daughter has an off white carpet with old
Regina on November 10th, 2009
Cloth diapering is pretty easy now days even at night thanks to baking soda. If you sprinkle a little
on the overnight cloth diaper, there is no ammonia smell in the morning!!!! Most mamas dont put
it against babys skin, but under a doubler. However, some mamas just sprinkle it on top and say
the babys skin is nice and soft in the morning, versus red and chapped from ammonia build-up
during the 12 hour sleep stretch.

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