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Parashah 42: Mattot (Tribes)

Parashah 42: Mattot (Tribes); Numbers 30:1 through 32:42.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Jeremiah 1:1 through 2:3.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Matthew 5:33-37.

Summary & Overview

o Numbers 30:1 | Vows Made by Women
o Numbers 31:1 | War against Midian
o Numbers 31:13 | Return from the War
o Numbers 31:25 | Disposition of Captives and Booty
o Numbers 32:1 | Conquest and Division of Transjordan

Last week we looked at the spiritual forces that come into play in the process
of closing the gap between you and YHVH and the enemy, the lord of the
gap that is trying to turn these forces around so that you can move away from
YHVH back into the world. We also discovered how the story of Phinehas, Zimri
and Cozbi, as a prophetic picture of the restoration work that took place when
Yshua was pierced and died for our sins. This week we look at the power of
words and the unwritten Commandments that apply to our lives. We will
discover a bit more about the enemy that is represented by the Midianites that
we will face as we approach the Promised Land.

Under Authority
Num 30:1 Moses said to the heads of the tribes of Israel: This is what
YHVH commands: 2 When a man makes a vow to YHVH or takes an
oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but
must do everything he said.

The name of this Torah portion is Mattot, that is plural for mattah hum that
means tribe, staff and branch. The heads or rosh of the tribes of Israel, not
only represents the leaders, but account for the authority that these leaders
submit to, and they became a representation of that authority, to the people
they led. We have seen in last weeks Torah Portion that Zimri was a rosh or
leader of the tribe of Simeon, who chose to submit to the counsel and authority
of Balaam, who again submitted to the authority of the Serpent. This made
Zimri, move out under the authority of YHVH, and move in under the influence
of the Serpent, leading the people astray. At the end the Serpents head was
crushed by the death of Zimri, meaning that the Serpents authority was
destroyed when Zimri died, that was a prophetic picture of The Serpents head
that was crushed when Messiah died. This does not mean that the Serpent is
powerless today, he is still active, but only in the lives of those who choose to
submit to his authority, through leaders who submit to the authority of the
Serpent. We are under the rosh or Head or Messiah, and to us, the head of
the Serpent is crushed, and his authority over us is removed in Messiah.
Col 1:15-18 He (Yshua) is the image of the invisible Elohim, the
firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are
in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or

dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through
Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things
consist. 18 And He is the head (rosh) of the body, the Assembly, who is the
beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the
Last week we mentioned that there is no power or principality higher or greater
than that of YHVH, Who is the Creator of all things, and has taken back the
authority from the Serpent over man, that was given to him when Adam and
Eve fell into sin. If you submit under the head of Yshua, you are in Him and no
longer subject to the authority of the Serpent, in relation to your life and
circumstances. Everything that happens to you is pre-approved by your Father
to build you up into the Image of His Son Yshua, Who is the exact Image of the
Father, the ultimate Authority you now submit under. People in the world who
are still under the authority of the Serpent, are formed into his image and
likeness. Individuals who are under the Serpents authority will receive the same
reward as the Serpent, having their heads crushed through the judgement of
YHVH, just like Zimri and his followers. When you are under the head of
Messiah, you are part of His tribe or branch (mattah) of Messiah, grafted
into Him, Who is your Shepherd, Who leads you with His staff (mattah), within
the Covenant of Peace, where He protects you and bless you.

Making a vow
Num 30:1 Moses said to the heads of
the tribes of Israel: This is what
YHVH commands: 2 When a man
makes a vow to YHVH or takes an oath
to obligate himself by a pledge, he must
not break his word but must do
everything he said.
Vow is the word nadir rdn that means, to make a vow, and is found in
Scripture in Lev 27:2 where it says that if a man makes a vow, his soul is for
YHVH by his estimation. What does this mean? Estimation is the word erek
;ri that comes from the root word arak that means, to arrange, set or put or
lay in order, set in array, prepare, order, ordain, handle, furnish, esteem, equal, direct,
compare. These meanings sound like they have to do with the Army of YHVH, setting
up and prepare the troops, and also seems like setting up the Tabernacle, furnishing
and preparing it. If your soul is for YHVH, by His estimation, means that you are part
of His Army and part of the Tabernacle of House of YHVH.
Arak is found in Scripture in Gen 22:9 where Abraham placed the wood in
order (arak) and placed Isaac on the altar. Then YHVH swore (sheba) an oath
by Himself Saying By myself have I sworn, says YHVH, for because you have
done this thing, and has not withheld your son, your only son This means that
making a vow and swearing an oath are interlinked and related to a Covenant,
that has to do with being part of the Army and House of YHVH.
Swear is the word sheba, ibs that is the same word used in Gen 22 as well
as Numbers 30, and is first found in Scripture in Gen 21:23 where king
Abimelech, a Philistine king, came to Abraham after the birth of Isaac, sworn an
oath in the sight of YHVH so that YHVH could deal kindly with his household.

This is the king who took Sarah as his wife because Abraham said she was his
sister. This event brought a curse upon Abimelech and made his whole
household barren. After swearing the oath, Abraham made a Covenant with
king Abimelech to release YHVHs blessings upon his family again. This
passage confirms that swearing an oath is connected to making a Covenant.
Spiritual Insight: From both these examples, one first in Gen 22 with
Abraham offering Isaac, resulted in YHVH swearing an oath. The second
example was with Abraham and King Abimelech (Father of the King). Where
Abraham swore an oath with the Father of the King, both related to and a
result of making a vow. Both the concepts of making a vow and swearing an
oath is like making a Covenant with YHVH that is binding. From the first
example we draw the idea of when you make a vow, YHVH will swear an
oath by Himself to bless you, and is willing to bear the consequences if you
do not fulfil your vow, just like the example when YHVH made a Covenant
with Himself, on behalf of man, when Abraham was sleeping. The concept of
YHVH swearing an oath to Himself once again proofs that there is no higher
authority than Him and that He can swear by other than Himself to make Him
accountable to someone greater than Him.
When you make a vow or swear an oath, you are placing yourself under the
Authority of YHVH and have made a Covenant with Him, just like the Covenant
He made with Abraham, and you are obligated to keep your word as stipulated
in your vow to Him.

To Swear or Not to Swear

Yshua forbids us to swear at all as mentioned in the Book of Matthew
abolishing the Commandment regarding vows in the Torah in Lev 29:12.
Matt 5:33-34 Again you have heard that it was said to the men of old,
`You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have
sworn.' 34 But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven ..."
It, therefore, seems likely that Yshua did say: Do not swear at all " This
saying is different in the (Shem Tov) Hebrew Matthew and is translated this
"Again you have heard it said to those of long ago: You shall not swear
by my name falsely, but you shall return to the Lord your oath. But I say
to you not to swear in vain by anything, either by heaven ..."
The difference between the Greek and the Hebrew is striking. In the Greek,
Yshua appears to revoke the Torah as stated in Lev 29:12 You shall not swear
falsely by My name, so as to profane the Name of your Elohim; I am YHVH.
In the Hebrew (Shem Tov) Yshua still speak in line with the Torah and forbids
only not to swear in vain, not as in the Greek translation where Yshua forbids
all swearing. This is confirmed by Paul taking a Nazarite vow that is related to
swearing an oath or making a vow unto YHVH.

Reading Between the Lines
Num 30:25 If a man makes a vow to YHVH, or swears an oath to bind
himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do
according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. 3 Or if a woman makes a
vow to YHVH, and binds herself by some agreement while in her fathers
house in her youth, 4 and her father hears her vow and the agreement by
which she has bound herself, and her father holds his peace,
then all her vows shall stand, and every agreement with
which she has bound herself shall stand. 5 But if her father
overrules her on the day that he hears, then none of her
vows nor her agreements by which she has bound herself
shall stand; and YHVH will release her, because her father
overruled her.
The Sages teach that the Torah is black fire on white fire, that
the white spaces in between the black letters are just as important
as the black letters. If it were not for the white areas, the black
would not have been defined as clearly, and that is why we need
to think about what the Torah does not say, equal to what it does
The Torah consists of three different categories; the things we must do, the
things we may do and the things we must not do. It is very clear when the Torah
says, do this or do not do that, but the things in between, the things we may do,
are very difficult to interpret. These things that you may do are the spaces in
between the black letters that are equally important as the dos and donts
written on the parchment, and these maybes are very dangerous if interpreted
wrongly. We all want to follow YHVH and do what He expects of us, and it is
easy when your situation is clearly addressed by a written Commandment. Most
of the time, your life and circumstances are not clearly comparable with
Scripture and not directly dealt with by a Commandment, and you have to draw
principles from the Commandments, from concepts that are not written, things
that exist only in the spaces between the letters, interpreted from in between
the black letters of the Torah.
A vow falls into the same category as the maybe Commandments since it is
not written in the Torah, but found in between the letters, in the white space of
possibilities that are allowed by YHVH, and still seen as a commandment
between you and Him. These waters in between the Commandments are so
difficult to navigate as seen in this Torah Portion where a father hears a
daughters vow, and if she vowed something that is not wise, he could annul it.
The same when a wife makes a vow, he can say that is not a good one and
cancel it.
We have looked at the meaning of a vow and swearing an oath, that it is similar
to making a Covenant between you and YHVH. In this context, it is the same as
creating a Commandment that the person who made it, must keep. These are
personal Commandments that are not written in the Torah, but are seen as
Commandments from YHVHs point of view, and should be kept with the same
rigour as the written Commandment. The vow that you make is a Covenant
between yourself and YHVH, and has requirements (Commandments) you must
keep to honour this Covenant between you and Him.

Example: The best example of this on a secular
level is the contract or covenant you make
between you and the car dealer (bank) when
buying a vehicle. As part of this Covenant,
contract or agreement, there are requirements
you agreed to (Commandments) so that you will
receive the blessing (car) in return if you keep
them. Not everybody will buy a vehicle, and
these commandments are only applicable to
those that do. If you do not keep your commandments, regarding this
covenant, then your blessing (car) will turn into a curse (walking & listed as a
risk regarding loans).
An example of a typical vow someone might make is when, for instance, you
are desperately looking for a job. You may say to YHVH, when You give me a
job, I will give 30% of my income to You. Now, you have created a covenant
that has a commandment you must keep when you receive your blessing.
This commandment is not in the Torah, but carries the same weight and
authority and needs to be obeyed because there are consequences if you do
not keep it.
Another example of a vow is when you draw closer to YHVH and want to serve
Him in a particular way, you can make a vow and create a personal
Commandment you can follow, as an expression of your love for Him. This may
be in the form of a prayer commitment or a fast commitment on a weekly basis.
These do not sound like vows, but if you make a promise to YHVH, you must
keep those personal commandments if you want to reap their benefits. The
point is that your words carry weight, and you must take every word you say
very seriously and not just make promises to YHVH or even people, and not
keep those promises because YHVH sees them in a different light and takes
them seriously.

Connecting the Dots.

The Word does not address every single aspect of your
life, who to marry, what job you should take, what to do
when you have to work on the Sabbath when you have no
other option, etc. It is like connecting the dots to see how
Scripture applies to your life. The Torah would be infinite if
it were designed to address every possible scenario of
every persons life, all people who ever lived within infinite
possibilities of circumstances. This would make the Torah an infinite Book and
would have been impractical and impossible to follow. This is one of the
reasons why the Author of the Torah is so amazing; He applied His infinite
wisdom and placed only the things we should know in the Torah, just enough to
make it practical and possible to restore us back to Him, but not too much, that
would make it impractical and impossible to understand. Through the help of
His Spirit, He can reveal all the things you require for your life and situation,
from His Book of infinite wisdom.
To glean the wisdom from His Torah, you have to connect the dots so to
speak. This will allow you to be restored, as you live your life, applying His

Having the gaps in between the dots about your situation makes it
impossible to walk 100% according to the Torah, applying the exact wisdom for
your situation, but this does not mean that you should give up or try to do our
best. Remember, it is not only you that are a fallen state, but we live in a fallen,
imperfect world as well, that cause your situations to be very diverse and
complex, and we need to learn how to navigate these white spaces with its
grey areas, that makes it very difficult to walk the way Yshua would have
When you try your best connecting dot 1 to dot 2, then you have automatically
done all the right things in between the dots, obeying the unwritten
Commandments, in between. What is important is to know these fundamental
Commandments or dots, that you can connect to other key Commandments or
dots, to receive the hidden unwritten wisdom that lies beneath the surface or
between the dots, so to speak. It is imperative to have a close relationship with
the Father through the help of His Spirit to receive the revelations from His
Torah, all the hidden Commandments in between the dots that directly apply
to your life and situation. These practical revealed Commandments are
personal, just like the vow is personal between you and YHVH. This wisdom
may apply to others but must not be taught as Commandments of YHVH to
avoid adding to the Torah. You may do the same as your brother, but should
never be a must do or must not do black and white Commandment as found
in Torah.
Spiritual Application: Looking at the bigger
picture connecting the dots in between the
Commandments is similar to the picture that is
created by the artist, where he wants children to
participate in creating the final image he had in
mind. This will make the child become like the
artist, who created the beautiful picture.
In the same way, we are children of YHVH, part
of His restoration process, creating a beautiful
picture He had in mind when He created
everything. When sin came into this world, it
destroyed parts of the lines, leaving only the dots that makes it very
difficult to see the full image or purpose that was in YHVHs mind.
The image to be revealed, connecting the dots, is the image of YHVH.
Reading, studying and doing His Commandments will take you through the
process of connecting the dots that will reveal Him in your mind and actions
and you will eventually see His full image in you. The image of YHVH is
etched into your mind, as you move from Commandment to Commandment,
applying and connecting these dots in our lives.
We started off having no knowledge of him, being born into this world with a
clear mind. Even though He made our every cell and our bodies so
remarkable, in the image of Him, we still struggle to see Him. He placed us in
a world He created, ideas and thoughts that came from His mind, and still we
do not see Him. His creation is in our own bodies, and our nature is part of
the dots we need to connect to see Him.

Similarly, we can study His Word and still not see Him. We are sometimes
blind to see some of the dots or refuse to accept certain dots because
they do not apply to me and are done away with, erasing some parts of His
Image from His Word. We should never remove dots or Commandments
from the Torah or add dots to His Image because you will end up with half
a picture with missing parts, or you will get a distorted Image of Him with
added lines and parts.

Knowing YHVH -Knowing Your Goal

Another spiritual insight we can learn from the Image of
YHVH being revealed to us as we connect the dots or
Commandments is with the help of a beautiful illustration
by the artist Escher, called drawing hands. This is a very
spiritual picture and illustrates the concept of the image of
YHVH being created in our minds and our hearts, as we
learn and apply His Torah in our lives, that creates the
image of us. This is the right hand of revelation that we
discussed in the previous Torah portion, that draws us
towards the things of YHVH, and as we learn them
through situations we are exposed to, then in return, we are created in His
Image. This is illustrated by the picture of the left hand, which is His image
within us. This image of you will change over time as you see His image appear
in your mind. It is not that we create God, but we rather reveal YHVH in our
lives so that other people can see Him and His Image in us.
1 Cor 13:12 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a
child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish
things. 12 For now, we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I
know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also am fully known.
John 17:25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I
have known You, and these have known that You sent Me. 26 I made
known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the
love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.
The aim is to know the Father and His Character (Name), and Yshua says in
John 17 that He will keep on revealing or declare His Name or Character to us
until we know His full character.
1 John 3:2-3 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet
been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed,
we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who
has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Gal 4:8-9 But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served
those which by nature are not gods. 9 But now after you have known God,
or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak
and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?
John reveals to us that we will change and be revealed as different to what we
are now, and ultimately be like Him when He appears. Paul tries to explain here
that when you start to know YHVH, you are in the process of becoming like Him
and be known by Him. How is it possible then to fall back into bondage,
rejecting what you were once part of, serving the flesh?

War against Midian
Num 31:1-8 And YHVH spoke to
Moses, saying: 2 Take vengeance
on the Midianites for the children
of Israel. Afterwards, you shall be
gathered to your people. 3 So
Moses spoke to the people, saying,
Arm some of yourselves for war,
and let them go against the
Midianites to take vengeance for
YHVH on Midian. 4 A thousand
from each tribe of all the tribes of Israel you shall send to the war. 5 So
there were recruited from the divisions of Israel one thousand
from each tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.6 Then Moses sent them
to the war, one thousand from each tribe; he sent them to the war with
Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, with the holy articles and the
signal trumpets in his hand. 7 And they warred against the Midianites,
just as YHVH commanded Moses, and they killed all the males. 8 They
killed the kings of Midian with the rest of those who were killedEvi,
Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian. Balaam the son of
Beor they also killed with the sword.
We will now look at the Leaders of the Midianites who represent different tactics
of this enemy who have brought a plague upon YHVHs people today. We will
look at each name to identify this enemy to see if they are representing your
Assembly or your life, as we travel through the wilderness, getting closer and
closer to the Promised Land.

1. Evi yva means my desire and unjust. Evi comes from the root word avah
that means, desire, incline, covet, wait longingly, wish, sigh, want, be greedy,
prefer. It is first found in Scripture in Num 11:4 where the people murmured and
complained about the manna and lusted after meat (basar). Meat or basar is
related to preaching the good news but also related to the bad news of Elis
two sons that died, the good news that brings death. (Read Parashah 36 for
Spiritual Application: This enemy has to do
with having fleshly desires that relate to the
body as well as carnal desires that relates to
the spirit or spiritual things, better described as
spiritual messages that tickle the ear. This is
the enemy in your life that identifies with the
flesh as well as having a fleshly attitude
towards YHVHs Word. People under this
enemys authority do not want to learn the
Word in order to change, but rather be
spiritually entertained, being part of a
spiritual club if you will. The SELF is the
biggest problem that feeds this enemy and
allows him to operate in your life.

This is contrary to what we learned last week, having a broken vav, having
a humble and broken, contrite spirit before Him.
This prayer of David in Psalm 51 sums up what we should aspire to in order
not to allow this enemy in our lives.
Ps 51:1-13 Have mercy upon me, O Elohim, According to Your
lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot
out my transgressions. 2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and
cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my
sin is always before me. 4 Against You, You only, have I sinned, And
done this evil in Your sight That You may be found just when You speak,
And blameless when You judge. 5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
and in sin my mother conceived me. 6 Behold, You desire truth in the
inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.
7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be

whiter than snow. 8 Make me hear joy and gladness, That the bones You
have broken may rejoice. 9 Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out all
my iniquities. 10 Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, And renew a
steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of
Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. 13 Then I will
teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You.

2. Rekem ,qr is the second king of Midian. His name means vain pictures and
variegation. Variegation is the appearance of different
coloured zones on leaves, and sometimes the stems of
plants, containing both green and non-green parts. As the
green parts contain chlorophyll, they can photosynthesize,
but the non-green parts do not contain chlorophyll so they
cannot photosynthesize. Rekem comes from the root
word raqam that means, mixing colours, to fabricate,
embroiderer, needlework. Raqam is first found in
Scripture in Exo 26:36 where it describes the construction of the
Tabernacle or House of YHVH through the use of different colours and
Spiritual Application: Rekem is the enemy that reveals vain pictures or
visions seen in the spirit in order to build the House of YHVH. This is the
same enemy that we looked at last week, that works through false prophets
that entrap YHVHs people like birds in a cage, luring them in through their
own lusts and fleshly desires.
This false prophet uses the teaching of Balaam, by mixing colours. Colour
is the Hebrew word ayin that means eye and we have previously looked at
the eye of the Serpent that gave Balaam his powers to see in the spirit
deceiving people. The use of mixing colours is to construct or build up the
House of God, and the enemy has infiltrated the builders so that they can
bring in his vision of what the House of YHVH should be like, instead of
following the plans of the Tabernacle (spiritual house) as given to Moses
(found in the Torah).
The connection to variegation in plants that cause the leaves not to
photosynthesise, show us that the power of YHVH is removed from the
House of YHVH.

His people who sit under these false teachings have lost their essence to
produce life (photosynthesis), taking the light (Truth) from YHVHs Word,
that His people need to grow and be healthy.

3. Zur is the word stoor rvo that comes from the root
word stur that also means rock. We have looked
at Zur in the previous Torah Portion where Zur is the
father of Cozbi, that means lies or false teachings.
Zur represents the enemy that infiltrated the House
of YHVH, spreading lies within the Congregation. The female aspect connected
to the lies imply that this enemy is targeting the Bride of Messiah, to strip her
from the truth that she needs to prepare for the coming of the Groom. These
lies are aimed at influencing Her cleansing and preparation process as well as
stopping Her from being Watchmen, knowing prophecy and watching the times
and seasons.
The first big lie is that the Torah is abolished, and that creates an issue in the
Body of Messiah today where the people do not have the Water of the Word to
cleanse themselves because they have abolished the primary source of the
water they need. This leaves the people with only dashes and droplets that do
not allow them to be prepared and ready for His coming.
The second big lie is that there is a Rapture that will happen at the beginning
or before the Tribulation. This prevents the people in becoming watchmen and
they do not know Prophecy, including the Book of Revelation. They have this
mindset because it is not applicable to them and they will not be here during
that time. The problem with this is that it is mostly the people who do not
cleanse themselves, believing the Torah is abolished, that have this attitude
towards prophecy and the end times. There will be a great falling away from the
faith because of this lie. People will enter the Tribulation and see that they have
been lied to and cause them to abolish their faith altogether. The Word says
that the hearts of many will grow cold at the end, and this is the main reason

4. Hur rvx pronounced chur that means liberty,

whiteness and whole. This is first found in Scripture in
Ex 17:10 where Moses, Aaron and Hur went up the
mountain in the battle against the Amorites. This is the
bets illustration of what faith, with Aaron and Hur
upholding Moses arms to overcome Amalek (flesh).
What we find here is the enemy comes in the form of a
counterfeit Hur, or another faith.
Hur comes from the root word chur that is found in the Book of Ester,
describing Mordechai appearing before the people in royal attire, made of white,
blue and purple, with a crown of gold upon his head. Knowing that this enemy
represents a counterfeit Faith. Can we identify the enemy by its colours? Could
it be the New World Order Religion, called the "United Religions", who leads the
way of a counterfeit Faith? This powerful global organisation managed to get
almost all of the Christian denominations to unify and submit under Her, and
this makes Her the Whore of Babylon, as described in the Book of Revelation.
Hur represents the enemy that head up the highest authority that exists within
the World today.

5. Reba ibr means, fourth, square or that lies or stoops down. It comes from
the root word "raba that means to lie down. It is first used in Scripture in Lev
18:23 where it forbids men and women to lie down or have sex with any beast
or animal. Beast is the word behama that comes from an unused root word
that means to be mute. This enemy is related to sins of sexual nature that is
done in secret and not spoken of in public, for it will become a scandal.
Spiritual Application: The word beast is also found in the Book of Revelation
but in the context of worshipping it or to bow down to it. Bowing down to other
gods is idolatry and is related to adultery, the one is spiritual and the other is
physical. This indicates that bowing down to the Beast and worshipping its
image is a similar sin to laying down with a beast, that is mentioned here in
Lev 18:23. This enemy causes the leaders to commit sins of sexual nature or
have a blind eye to these sins within their Congregations. There is one
particular Church mentioned in Revelation that warns us against this enemy,
and she is called Jezebel, who led the people into committing adultery with her
and commit fornication.
Rev 2:20-29 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write(20)
Notwithstanding I have a few things against you because you suffer that
woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
(21) And I gave her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented
not. (22) Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit
adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
(23) And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall
know that I am he which searches the reins and hearts: and I will give
unto every one of you according to your works.
How many leaders of churches in our time have either
committed or allowed some sort of sexual immorality
in their Assemblies, either by divorcing and remarrying
or committing an immoral sexual deed that ended up in
the media? Today we see the latest form of this
immorality through same-sex relationships, and
marriage pushed and accepted in political and religious
circles alike. Some churches not only accept gays in
their churches but even have gay pastors. The Beast that will appear in the end
times will push for lowering the standards within Christian denominations to
accept these immoral acts and people who commit them to have love and unity
amongst all people, no matter what they do or believe.
YHVH will cause them to go through the tribulation, and they will die with their
children if they do not repent. Their children are representing all their followers
who submit under their authority and believe their perverse doctrines, being
deceived by this enemy called Jezebel. This is the very sin that cried out to
YHVH in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, and YHVH came down personally
to judge this abomination with fire and brimstone. That is one of the reasons
many believe we are living in the end times because of the manifestation of this


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