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What astrology sees on Mars that Curiosity won't

Mars fascinates astrologers as much as it does astronomers and the rest of the space exploration community.
Mars is a close planet to Earth so its presence is an object of natural curiosity glowing at us with its signature
reddish hue has mesmerized many of us through the ages. Mars is a personal planet to astrology, with significant
implications to our personality and soul growth.
National Geographic
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National Geographic
According to Isabel Hickeys student, Myrna Lofthus, in A
Spiritual Approach to Astrology:
Mars is the desire to reach outwardly for experiences and
things. Mars rules the Zodiac sign of Aries which translates
this energy into the souls internal desire for the development
of a new personality.
From Isabel in Astrology, A Cosmic Science :
The planets are the forces of the universe in action; for
example, the Sun is our basic drive for significance, the
Moon rules our subconscious, Saturn is our souls task
master and Venus rules what we attract to us.
There are ten planets: the ancient seven, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; plus the three
more recently discovered planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Plutos recent demotion from planetary status in astronomical terms hasnt changed the astrological perspective of
Plutos representation in the human personality.
Isabel continues:
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars give us the influences that are closest to us - personality matters;
Jupiter and Saturn provide us with influence that radiates out into the world around us and those matters such as
career, social activities and opportunities for us to grow; the final three, the most distant, deal with generational
influences and how we as a people express collectively.
There are distinct characteristics to each incoming generation of young people discovering life as these qualities
are revealed in the three most distant planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Everyone has all the planets represented in their chart because all of the planets are originally part of the sun and
they each have different personality functions to symbolize. However, not all the signs of the zodiac are
represented in each chart. We get the signs we need in order to learn the how of our personality.
Isabel describes it so poetically:
The planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are like great
planetary beings that have charge of the evolution of the earth. The initial seven (Sun through Saturn) are the
seven spirits before the throne of God mentioned in Revelations in the Bible.

Their energies play ceaselessly and directly upon the earth (through the endocrine system consisting of the seven
The other three wear the vestures of the planets we named Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Uranus, intuition, is the
higher octave of Mercury, intellect. Neptune, divine compassion, is the higher octave of Venus, personal affection.
Pluto, regeneration, is the higher octave of Mars, animal energy.
Remember, planets are what is operating in the birthchart; the Zodiac signs are how the energy is operating;
and the houses are 'where' the soul lessons are taking place in earthly terms.
Following are the keywords for Mars and its pathological qualities, from Myrna's book:
Mars orbit takes two years. One complete revolution on its axis takes 24 hours.
It is masculine and positive.
Its glyph (symbol) represents spirit held down by matter.
Five basic keywords: desires, energy, originality, courage and endurance.
Five negative keywords: arrogant, aggressive, headstrong, selfish and impulsive.
Five positive keywords: courage, energy, activity, initiative, and originality.
The basic personality function of Mars is to prod man to action.
Each of the planets provides us with a personality function that operates to facilitate the reunion of our perception
of oneness and integrity.
As above, so below....always
Astronomically, each of the planets originally came from the Sun. Astrologically, each of the planets provides us
with spiritual vehicles through which to journey through our soul lessons.
What a great system!
Myrna continues:
Mars denotes a drive to display energy. It is a positive, outgoing, out-thrusting energy, masculine in expression. It
is fire. Without the fire of life and an enthusiasm and passion for living, there is no vitality. Mars is desire. If you
have no desire, you wont reach out for anything.
Desires can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
If you want to learn to drive a car, you will find the energy necessary to learn how to drive. If you want a new record
album, you will use your energy working for the amount of money needed to purchase it. If you desire knowledge
about Buddhism, you will command your legs to take you to the library where you will spend energy reading about
Remote control action
We really do have the universe wrapped around our finger and thats the problem.now, what? Its like a sandbox
filled with all of a childs favorite toys its overwhelming and we simply dont know how to manage the bliss.
Or, as he explains in the excerpt from Nelson Mandela's speech about our greatest fear being that we are
powerful beyond our belief, not that we aren't:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is
our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are

a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all
meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in
some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are
liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
I have a T-shirt designed by the actor who played the goofy guy on the televsion show from the '70's, Welcome
Back, Kotter, Ron Palilo. The picture on the shirt is the earth, with a person standing a distance away with a
remote control in their outstretched arm, pointed at the earth.
The laws of consciousness aren't any more personal than the laws of gravity: as you think, so are you.
This is why we still only use 10%....weve figured out how to invent a remote control, but we point it at a television
set!!! Talk about OMG! What will times to come have to say about this!?
We symbolize Mars by drawing a circle with an arrow. This is meant to symbolize the spirit of man (circle) held
down by our desires for earth living (arrow).
However, this arrow can be used (through the notorious and mischievous, free will,) to lift the spirit of man above
his animal self or not.
For example, we are in our animal self when we are waging war (Mars) with others, but we have elevated it when
we use this energy in sports for the pleasure of participating (Mars).
Mars, to me:
Mars: Desires. Mars represents your desires and aspirations for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual things
which stimulate activity. You have to want something before you reach out and take it. Energy, initiative, courage.
Dynamic energy. Aggressive urges. Strife, war. Activity. Combativeness. Struggle. Sports. Mechanical ability.
Selfishness. Passion. Rules Aries and the 1st house.
In the physical body, Mars rules red blood cells, iron in blood, muscular energy, and adrenalin glands, feverish
inflammatory diseases, operations, accidents. Energy shooting from your center is the symbology of the glyph.
Wherever Mars is located in the natal chart is where energy and initiative is channeled.
Mars stimulates a desire to expand the individual through physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual activity in
the house affairs. The basic personality function of this planet is to prod man to action.
In a womans chart, Mars indicates the qualities shes looking for in a man. In a mans chart, Mars indicates the
qualities hes looking for in himself.
Call on Mars...to connect with your passion, to tap into your dynamic energy, to understand your sexual needs, to
enhance your mechanical ability, to fortify your courage, to activate courage, energy, activity, initiative, originality,
desires, endurance.
Out on the OC & E trail here in Klamath Falls a few nights ago, the night of the recent Full Moon, actually, my
friend and both of our dogs went on a delicious moonlight hike. The luminaries shared our walk as did several
farm residents, we saw Mars with our own eyes....the same cosmic body that we all see....Mars.
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