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How To Uninstall Java From El Capitan

Java is one of the most confusing and frustrating add-ons for Mac and here we show you the easiest way
to uninstall Java from El Capitan. The truth is, theres actually no way to fully remove Java from Mac but
you can easily completely disable it. The instructions provided here show how to disable Java from El
Capitan OS X 10.11 but it works for all versions of OS X including OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, OS X 10.7 Lion,
OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.9 Mavericks and OS X 10.10 Yosemite. If youve got here because you
keep getting a Java SDK error message in El Capitan, there is probably an application installed on your Mac
that requires Java or a website or game (such as Minecraft) that youre trying to access that requires it. You

that requires Java or a website or game (such as Minecraft) that youre trying to access that requires it. You
can nd instructions how to install Java on El Capitan here (http://machow2.com/java-for-mac-el-capitan/)
or remove the application that keeps prompting you to use Java. Once youve identi ed the application or
websites that keep demanding Java, you can use the following instructions to rid your Mac of Java for
How To Uninstall Java From El Capitan
The annoying fact is that there is no way to 100% remove Java from your Mac. Once youve installed it, it
installs deep inside OS X and its there for good so the best advice is dont install Java on your Mac unless
you 100% need it! However, the good news is that you can completely disable it in just one move so that it
cant cause any further problems on your Mac. Note that the o cial Java uninstall instructions for Mac
from Oracle (https://www.java.com/en/download/help/mac_uninstall_java.xml) only disable Java they do
not actually remove Java from your Mac. They are also a bit complicated to follow if youre new to Macs
as it requires using Terminal commands in OS X.
First we start with a quick and easy way to disable Java in El Capitan. Then we show you how to use
Terminal to remove as much of Java as possible from your Mac.
Go to the root Library folder in Library/Internet Plug-Ins and delete everything related to Java. To access
your root Library folder, open Finder and click on the Go menu at the top. Hold down the Alt key (also
known as the Option key) and you will see the Library folder appear:

Once youre in the Library folder, delete absolutely everything related to Java. If you also had the JDK (Java
Development Kit) installed, you also need to navigate to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ and delete
anything that you see. Then go back to your Mac desktop and click on your Macintosh HD and go to your
/System/Library folder and delete everything related to Java there too.
This instantly disables Java on your Mac and prevents it from infecting your Mac in any way via Java
applets in websites or apps. Note that you should quit and restart any browsers you had open and you
can surf safe in the knowledge that Java cant do any harm to your Mac.

How To Uninstall Java From El Capitan Using Terminal

If youre con dent using Terminal on your Mac or the above method doesnt work for some reason, you
can remove more traces of Java with a few simple commands. However, rst you need to disable a new
layer of protection to OS X 10.11 that Apple has added called Rootless SIP. You can also do this using
Firstly, disable Rootless SIP by doing the following:
Restart your Mac when the screen turns black hold down R until the Apple logo appears.
Select the Utilities menu and then Terminal. In Terminal type: csrutil disable
Hit Return and then restart OS X. Your Mac will then restart with SIP disabled and you can try installing
Java again.
To remove Java les using Terminal type:
sudo rm -fr /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin and press Enter
sudo rm -fr /Library/PreferencePanes/JavaControlPanel.prefpane and press Enter
You can also remove the Java JDK by typing:
sudo rm -fr /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1 .6.0.jdk and press Enter
If this doesnt work, you can try:
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines and press Enter
ls and press Enter
sudo rm -rf jdk1.8.0_25.jdk and press Enter

Note: The 1.8.0_25.jdk part should be replaced by whatever Java version you have installed if you have a
di erent version to 1.8. To check which version of Java you have installed simply type: java -version in

When youve done all this, its a good idea to re-enable Rootless SIP protection on El Capitan. All you have
to do is follow the same instructions as for disabling it except instead of csrutil disable you type: csrutil
Even after this, there will be traces of Java les on your Mac in other locations (such as /usr/bin) but you
really dont need to worry about them as removing them can mess up OS X. You can double check
whether Java still exists in your system by typing java -version in Terminal and it will show you exactly
which version of Java you have installed. Note that Java version numbers are a bit confusing because what
are installed on your system as Java 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 are known more commonly as Java 6, Java 7 and Java 8

If you have any questions or problems disabling Java on your Mac this way, let us know in the comments

If you have any questions or problems disabling Java on your Mac this way, let us know in the comments


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J erem y Sla ter

(h tt ps:/ /ww w.f ace book .com /a pp _sco ped _u ser_ id/1 0153868 00

(h tt ps:/ /ww w.f ace book .com /a pp _sco ped _u ser_ id/1 0153868 00
De c ember 5 , 2015 ( htt ps: // mac ho w2 .c o m/ho w -to -uni nst al l- ja va -fr om- el -c a pi tan / #c o mme nt- 27 54)

OK, did everything you suggested, including the SDK. Went to install an earlier version of Java (which
was the point of removing the new version), and even though java -version triggers a pop-up window
telling me theres no java, the earlier java version wont begin the installation because the system still
believes a newer version of Java is already installed.

Ma cHo w2 ( htt p:/ /ww w.m a chow 2.com )

De c ember 1 7, 201 5 ( htt ps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/ho w -to -uni nst al l- ja va -fr om- el -c a pi tan / #c o mme nt27 61)

Hi, Sorry for the delay. Can you con rm which version of OS X you are using and which version of
Java you are trying to install on it?

P a sha (h ttp :// gra va t ar .com /d opca 01)

J anu ary 1, 20 16 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt 27 68)

Same problem here. OSX El Capitan10.11.2

Ma cHo w2 ( htt p:/ /ww w.m a chow 2.com )

J anu ary 5, 20 16 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt 27 73)

Can you con rm which version of OS X you are using and which version of Java you are trying to
install on it?

gr eener
J anu ary 19 , 2 016 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt -2 811 )

Ive done everything you suggested (a couple times), however when I type java -version into the
terminal, it still says the same thing:
java version 1.6.0_65
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-468-11M4833)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-468, mixed mode)
I am running OS 10.11.2. I see no folders or les related to Java in my Library folder.
I tried these steps on my computer running OS 10.10 and it seemed to work ne.

Ma cHo w2 ( htt p:/ /ww w.m a chow 2.com )

J anu ary 19 , 2 016 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt -2 813 )

Have you checked both your /System/Library folder and /Library folder?

gr eener
J anu ary 19 , 2 016 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt 28 14)

Youre right, I see it there. So use the same commands as above, but add /System in front of

Ma cHo w2 ( htt p:/ /ww w.m a chow 2.com )

J anu ary 20 , 2 016 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt 28 15)

Thats correct. The instructions have now been revised to make them a bit clearer.


J anu ary 31 , 2 016 ( ht tps: // mac ho w 2.c o m/h ow -to -un inst al l -j ava -fr om -el -c api ta n/ #c o mme nt -2 838 )

Hi there,
Im running El Capitan 10.11.1 + I needed to install Java 1.6 for an application (Cycling 74s Max 7.1).
I installed the recommended version (Apples legacy Java 6 OSX 2015-001 update) + the Max 7.1
application now works.
Since I need Java, I dont really want to uninstall it, but given that I was loathe to install it in the rst
place, I stepped through the instructions above out of curiosity (in anticipation of eventually getting rid
of it in the future) + my Library folder has nothing in it that mentions Java + my Library/Internet PlugIns folder is totally empty. Can you please comment on thisis that unusual?
Also, I believe Apple has done some security hardening of that particular Java package, but is there
anything further I can do disable Java in Safari, harden the OS, etc, since Im stuck with this Java
package for a little while? Now Im paranoid about sur ng exploits, etc. + Id like to do everything I can
to limit Java except insofar as I need it for that one app. Thanks.

Ma cHo w2 ( htt p:/ /ww w.m a chow 2.com )

F ebru ary 1, 20 16 (h ttps: / /mac h ow 2. c om/h ow -t o-un i nstal l -j av a-f ro m-e l- c api t an/ # c om men t-2 84 1)

It sounds like you dont have anything to worry about. If theres nothing appearing in your plug-ins
folder, it means that Java isnt activated in Safari, meaning youre not vulnerable to security exploits.
At the moment, Java will only be used by the application that youve installed it for i.e. Max 7.1.




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