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OutOfMemoryError: Fun with Heap

Dump Analysis

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Posted by Steve Neely, Tue, 09/20/2011 - 08:26 in Engineering

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My recent post on postmortem analysis discussed the investigative trail you can follow when
your web app slows down and crashes. In the latter section I focused in on thread dump
analysis. In this post Ill continue the theme by switching to heap dump analysis and all the fun
you can have with a large fresh heap of memory.
What is a heap dump?
A heap dump is a snapshot of memory at a given point in time. It contains information on the
Java objects and classes in memory at the time the snapshot was taken. In the same way that
thread dumps are an instant in time a single heap dump cannot provide much in the way of
temporal information to answer questions like where did an object come from? or what has it
been doing?
Heap dumps come in various formats the Sun VM generates HPROF whereas the IBM VM
provides portable heap dump (PHD) files. At Rally we run Suns VM so usually work with
HPROF dumps. The internals vary a little but the basic principals are still the same.
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Why would you want to read one?
If your Java application crashes with an OutOfMemoryError it is possible to automatically get a
heap dump to analyze. This view into the memory profile of your application at the time it
crashed can help you figure out what caused the error. Was it a leak? Poor choice of data
structure or algorithm? Or is your application large and complex requiring more memory
allocating to it at execution time?
Reading a heap dump can also help you understand the memory footprint of your app. You can
see what are your largest data structures, object graphs etc. This can help decide what to
optimize in your code. For example, you may choose a more efficient storage mechanism for
sparse data collections (List over Array?), remove empty collections, improve your hashing
functions to get fewer collisions in your HashMaps, or start using weak references for certain
On the flip side, heap dumps are not so good for figuring out why you have a lot of GC-able
objects being created or which methods are greedy in terms of object allocation. This is
because heap dumps do not tell you about object life cycle. Objects in heap dumps are
identified by their memory addresses and not by some persistent ID. Since objects are not
pinned to a single memory address and may move around you cannot track a given object
between heap dumps. For looking at object life cycle over time you should go back to thread
How to get a heap dump?
Executing the Java VM with the appropriate parameters:
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError writes heap dump on OutOfMemoryError
-XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak writes heap dump together with thread dump on
Or you can run the jmap tool:
Sun (Linux, Solaris; not on Windows) JMap Java 5: jmap -heap:format=b
Sun (Linux, Solaris; Windows see link) JMap Java 6: jmap.exe dump:format=b,file=HeapDump.hprof
Sun (Linus, Solaris) JMap with Core Dump File: jmap dump:format=b,file=HeapDump.hprof /path/to/bin/java core_dump_file

Sun JConsole: Launch jconsole.exe and invoke operation dumpHeap() on

HotSpotDiagnostic MBean
SAP JVMMon: Launch jvmmon.exe and call menu for dumping the heap
Some analysis tools will even generate one for you.
How to read a heap dump?
Well, itll be in binary format so you dont read the plain file. Instead use a tool like Memory
Analyzer Tool.
MAT has built in functions to help you find suspect objects and will offer to do this for you. Itll
draw a pie chart showing memory usage and even take you to a stack trace (JDK 6 and up) for
offending objects.
Itll also display data on:
All loaded classes
defined fields for instances (name and value)
static fields for classes (name and value)

Object information
class and values of all fields
reference and primative types

looking at internals, say char[] in a StringBuffer can be very hjelpful

List of GC roots
Callstacks of threads (JDK 6 and up)
As an aside, the JVM usually does a GC before generating a heap dump so everything you see
should be live. It is possible to have GC-able objects that are unreachable from the GC roots.
Most tools like MAT will attempt to remove these when loading your dump file.
I wrote a tiny Java application that continually appended random text to a StringBufffer until it
crashed with an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. I executed the code with this command: java XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError MemoryEater.
When the JVM ran out of memory it created a HPROF dump file for me. I loaded the file into
MAT and got this:

Clicking on the See stacktrace link gave me the exact line of code that was building up the
huge StringBuffer causing the application to crash. Now I know where to go look in my code to
fix this bug:
main<br> at java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.()V (OutOfMemoryError.java:25)<br> at
java.util.Arrays.copyOf([CI)[C (Arrays.java:2882)<br> at
java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(I)V (AbstractStringBuilder.java:100)<br> at
(AbstractStringBuilder.java:597)<br> at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
(StringBuffer.java:329)<br> at MemoryEater.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V (MemoryEater.java:9)

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