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The Telemetry Dashboard COM add-in is not e

Getting started

Connect to Database

Back to Telemetry Dashboard guide

Set up prerequisites 6

Install Telemetry Process

Server name:

Deploy Telemetry Agent

Database name:

Configure Telemetry Age

Connect to the database

Review privacy considera

Telemetry Dashboard version:

rd COM add-in is not enabled or installed.


ashboard guide

requisites 6

metry Processor 6

emetry Agent 6

Telemetry Agent 6
the database to view telemetry data 6

vacy considerations 6

Office Telemetry
Let's get started!


Telemetry Dashboard helps you assess how Office

from Office client computers such as:

How Telemetry Dashboard work

The following figure illustrates the basic compone


Telemetry Dashboard workshee

The following worksheets are available in Telemet

Office Telemetry Dashboard guide


Telemetry Dashboard helps you assess how Office solutions are used in your organization. In a dashboard, you ca
from Office client computers such as:

Office client usage

Add-ins and Office document usage
Compatibility issues of Office solutions
Critical failures of Office solutions

How Telemetry Dashboard works

The following figure illustrates the basic components of Telemetry Dashboard

Telemetry Agent


Shared folder

Telemetry Processor


Telemetry Dash

Telemetry Agent is deployed to Office 2003, Office 2007, and Office 2010 clients and is built into Offic
periodically collects usage and compatibility data for its clients and sends the data to a shared folder.

One or more computers run Telemetry Processor, which processes client data from a shared folder and

Telemetry Dashboard, an Excel 2013 spreadsheet, connects to the SQL database and displays usage a

Telemetry Dashboard worksheet

The following worksheets are available in Telemetry Dashboard.

Telemetry Dashboard guide

This worksheet. Telemetry Dashboard guide.

Getting started
Step-by-step guide that helps you deploy Telemetry Dashboard components in your organization.

Summary of telemetry data reported from the Office client computers in your organization.


Lists Office document files and their usage data. In this view, you can determine which Office document files


Lists Office solutions (COM add-ins, application-specific add-ins, etc.) and their usage data. In this view you c
are most frequently used in your organization.

Telemetry Processor

Lists the servers that are running Telemetry Processor, the number of users and computers monitored, and ti


Lists the version of Office detected and other details, such as architecture type and number of unique instan

Custom report

Allows you to create a custom PivotTable report that shows end user's system information, along with Window

Let's get started!

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