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Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experiment Name
Course Code Course Name

Name: ________________________________________
Student Number: ________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________

Date: ___________________________




Experimental Procedure.....................................................................................................................3








1 Introduction
The "Introduction" of a laboratory report identifies the experiment and the importance of the
experiment, relating it to relevant theory and its application in industry or elsewhere.

2 Aim
Briefly discuss the aims of the experiment. Eg; The Aim of this experiment is to determine the flexural
properties of laminated glass, such asetc. An additional intended outcome of the practical is to

3 Experimental Procedure
3.1 Apparatus
Briefly describe the apparatus used, with or without pictures. If pictures are used, they should be
captioned as shown below. Always refer to a picture in the text before it appears. Eg; Figure 3.1 shows
the stages of failure of laminated glass as a result of theetc. To insert a figure caption, click on the
image, go to the References tab, then Insert Caption.

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of the failure of laminated glass [1]

3.2 Method
Describe the procedure used in the experiment

4 Results
Include the tables, graphs and images obtained from the experiment. Show at least one sample

5 Discussion
Discuss the results of the practical. Possible points of discussion include;

The relevance of the results to the theory

Do the results seem reasonable and/or what was expected
If the results do not seem reasonable, what are the reasons for the errors
Possible sources of error
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6 Conclusion
Give a brief overview of the whole practical, were the aims satisfied, etc.

Any information or images used in the report should be referenced. Follow the scientific/numerical
style of referencing. Number the references in the order that they appear in the report.
[1] J. Ge, G. Li and S. Chen, Theoretical and experimental investigation on fragment behavior of
architectural glass panels under blast loading, Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 26, pp. 293303, 2012.

Adhere to the format of this guideline
Paragraphs are to be written in Justified format, ie the paragraph should make a block
Use a professional font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, size 12 with a1 line
Hand-written reports are acceptable provided the handwriting is neat. Marks will not be
awarded to illegible work.

Remember to staple your signed lab attendance slip to front page of your

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