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1)record field properties -->edit types:2

table edit
no edit

2)component properties:
use tab->
:Actions-4types:add-update/display-update/displayall- correction
disable savingpage-include navigation-mandatory spell check-read only
Access:search record-add search record
force search processing checkbox
detail page
context search record

3 tier execution location:

Client-application server-default(application server)

component save:client-application server-application server(with edits)-default(application


INternet tab:
processing mode:interactive-deffered-allow expert entry (checkbox)
multipage navigation:display folder tab-display hyperlinks
selected toolbar action:save -cancel spellcheck- returntolist- nextinlist- previousinlist

nextinworklist- previouinworklist- add- update/displayupdate/displayall


(total 17)

(disable toolbar checkbox present)

page bar:helplink-copyurllink-newwindowslink -customizepagelink (disablepagebar checkbox


3.)temp record naming : _TAO

4.installation table key: 0 key

5.number of defination:24
6.record defination type:8:table view derived subrecord storedprocedure dynamicview
queryview temporarytable

7.types of page defination:9

8.types of field defination:10
9:types of record display:4:field use edit peoplecode
10.merge projects for merging project in to single one
11.while registering component we need:menu portal permissionlist
12.menu: 2 types:standard popup
13.types of key:5:key duplicatekey alternatesearchkey descendingkey searchkey
14.when record needed to build: indexchange keystructurechane fieldchange
15.refreshmode is not present in component
16.one answer:9999
17.validate spell check is possible.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. How many levels are there in a Page? 3

2. Question on Parent child record?
3. How many types of Edit types are there? 2
4. Which edit type is not correct? Check edit types in record field properties
5. Which table we use for Translate values? psxlat
6. What all we include while registering a component? like node, menu, permission list. 3-4
questions were related to component.
7. there was a question like can u run they have mentioned two different versions of App
designer at a same time? yes
8. Can you enable spell check in App designer? yes
9. When you need to re build your record? means after doing whcih changes yu have to build the
record like after changing key, after adding new field etc.
10. Are sub-page and Secondary page same? no
11. Which actions are there in component Propertis?
12. For processes running on a Microsoft Windows workstation, you can set trace options using
PeopleSoft Configuration Manage? TRue or False true
13. Question related to menu item properties.

reference: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28722_01/psft/acrobat/tr84apd-b0302.pdf



SYSAUDIT The purpose of PeopleSofts System Audit is to identify orphaned PeopleSoft


Bolt on is pplsoft delivered

No of elements in App designer?

Types of Editors?

Locking objects in projects prevents other user from modifying it - True

Objects in development and upgrade tab are interchangeable (T/F) -----------------------------------

No.of types of pages?

Secondary page and sub page are different (T/F)

Processing modes of Component?

Workhorse of PIA - App Server

In a four-tier architecture which is the client?

Element involved in Component Register?

Elements involved in Menu Register?

Types of action in component?

Records in record group all share same functionality (T/F)

Control Display field and related field display should be in same level (T/F)

Label id can have hOw many default values?

Temporary tables are stored with _____________extension

How many ways u can insert definition into projects?

Search record is associated with?

Views are used in?

Questions related to Scroll Area,Grid,Translate values,Record Field properties,Record properties



which dbms uses tablespace?

db2, oracle, informix, db2/unix

which table stores metasql?

Peopletools Tables:

which server stores images?


types of menu?
1. Standard menu 2. Pop-up menu

usage of pop up menu?

To transfer between component

Types of menu item?

1. Component 2. Peoplecode 3.Separator

what are all the field attributes?

Label Id, Long Name, Short Name, Field Type, Field Length, Field Format

can we do 'type ahead' in app designer?

Yes. Check 'Enable type ahead when used in search record' in 'Record Field' Property

processing mode?
1. Interactive mode 2. Deferred mode 3. Allow Experty Entry

in which object can we set 'set control field' ?

Record & Record Field

in which objects can we override the field's lable?

Record field & Page field

howmany field types are there?

10 types, There are character, Long character, Number, Signed Number, Date, Time, DateTime,
Image, ImageReference, Attachment

does INSTALLATION table has keys?


In which objects you can set 'Audit'?

Record, Record Field

which of the below option allow you to save the page without giving the input?
key, alternate search key, required, yes/no edit

howmany page types are there/

3 types. Standard, subpage, secondary page

Actions in Component?
Add, update/Display, Update/Display All, Correction

In which object, you can override search record?


What are all the items need to provided to register component?

Menu, Permission List, Folder, Node

Can we run 2 8.4x tools in a same machine?


Consider we use 'View' as 'search record' for a component. what record will you give as 'Add
Search record' for the same component?
Main Record of the View

Can we build subrecord?


Usage of Dynamic View?

howmany rows of data you can view in 'Scroll' at a time?

Only one row

Will related display field value store in database?


q.If a field's label's long name is change, what needs to be re-buillt?

-> all the records those use that fields altered label need to be rebuild (Ans)
->all the records those use that field

.q.Every component needs to have a search record


q.No.of Object definitions in Peopletools 8.8?

-23 (these are options i remember)

q.If a record is built, where it gets created and stored

->Application Tables

q.Where 'Folder' tab will be present

->record field properties

q.do related display field and display control field need to be present at same level?


q.What is the use of effective status

q.what is the invalid component action in below options

-Insert history

q.which field refernces the value of an another field in the current page?

->translate field
->related control field (ans-but check)

q.Which is used to create Peoplesoft online objects

->Application Designer

q.The software that uses scripts,software,object definitions to put up a system in front-end


Workhorse-APP server

q.If a record has 3 search fields and 2 alternate search key, how may indexes will be created?

q.do the search record's key structure needs to match with the level 0 record's ket structure?


q.Search record will always be level zero record

q.Temp tables cannot be build

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