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Gerrit with Github

I am using github and I am willing to start using Gerrit with it.

Since Gerrit uses JGit, I am scared of the following text from this link:
EGit/JGit is a reimplementation of git in java, due to this GitHub does not officially support it. Issues have happened and repositories have
been corrupted by them. While it is usually a simple matter to repair these repos due to gits distributed nature, be aware that EGit may not
work as well as the official git binaries.
Did someone already use it?


asked Mar 16 '10 at 1:52





Just curious whether you did set this up and if so, how did it go? jabley Jul 22 '10 at 10:57
@jabley: I end up using just gerrit. Macarse Jul 22 '10 at 12:16

2 Answers

Gerrit is it's own server and the issues we've seen were with the client and have recently been
fixed in the brand new version of JGit. It also didn't corrupt the repository, it just pushed
packfiles that were missing objects. The Gerrit server is solid and has been used by the
Android project for over a year.
However, since it is its own server and enforces a very specific workflow, it is generally not
used in conjunction with public GitHub much, since code contributions on GitHub tend to be
pull requests, where contributions on Gerrit are peer-verified patch series through the Gerrit
system. Again, you can set them both up for the same project, but most people do not.
edited Dec 2 '11 at 13:38

answered Mar 16 '10 at 2:48


Scott Chacon






Thanks for your answer, Scott. I want to use this approach to use Gerrit code review functionality with my
team before pushing to the master branch on Github. Does it make sense? Macarse Mar 16 '10 at 11:05
I'm looking at Gerrit for the same reason. We have a github account that contains our company's private
repositories and we allow access to these repositories on a per-developer basis. We don't want to let
developers fork these private repos and use github fork-queues to manage reviews, since I believe each
developer would need private repositories on their own github accounts. Instead, we want to review
changes before pushing to master hosted on github. jabley Jul 22 '10 at 11:05

@jabley forks of private repositories do not count against the number of private repositories per account. So
if company has a private repository project and alice, bob and cecile fork it, you don't have to pay for a
private repository on their account, only once on the company account. mdorseif Feb 10 '11 at 22:33

@mdorseif - yes, we've discovered that. Github introduced their own workflow stuff and it works very nicely
for our purposes, so we didn't need to use Gerrit. We just push to a branch, make a pull request and review
on that branch, make changes, rebase and merge in. Simples! jabley Feb 11 '11 at 10:56

13-08-2016 13:07

git - Gerrit with Github - Stack Overflow

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Take a look at http://gerrithub.io - the site enables Gerrit workflow for public GitHub
answered Sep 29 '13 at 7:43


We have published a comprehensive comparison of Gerrit and GitHub on wp.me/p1dpEJ-2q

lucamilanesio Oct 17 '13 at 7:52
Is there any way to get the approved changes from GerritHub back to GitHub? Thomas Uhrig Nov 27 '13
at 19:29

Yes, they are automatically propagated by Gerrit replication. NOTE: Once you start using Gerrit on top of
your GitHub repository, you need to remember to push TO Gerrit and pull from either one (Gerrit is the
master, GitHub becomes the Read-Only slave). On GitHub you can keep accepting Pull Requests and
merge them through Gerrit. lucamilanesio Dec 13 '13 at 0:00

13-08-2016 13:07

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