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Troubleshooting Hiera from the CLI | rnelson0

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Infrastructure, Virtualization, Security

NOVEMBER 17, 2015

Troubleshooting Hiera from the CLI

Sometimes its very dicult to see how hiera works and what values it might return. To help with
troubleshooting, you can use the hiera cli to do lookups yourself. You obviously need to do this on a
puppet master, or a node thats congured to have all the hiera data in the same place the masters do.
Heres the hiera.yaml conguration:
# managed by puppet
- yaml
:logger: console
- "clientcert/%{clientcert}"
- "puppet_role/%{puppet_role}"
- global
:datadir: /etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/hiera

14-08-2016 01:50

Troubleshooting Hiera from the CLI | rnelson0

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Tier 1: global
Lets look up the ntp::servers key from the global tier. One thing to note here is that the datadir includes
the variable environment, so we will need to provide that tuple to the cli, like so:
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera ntp::servers environment=production
["0.pool.ntp.org", "2.centos.pool.ntp.org", "1.rhel.pool.ntp.org"]

It is important to note that the variables MUST match how they are referred to in hiera.yaml as there
is no normalization. Thus, environment=production and ::environment=product are entirely dierent.
Ensure you match the usage in your conguration.

Tier 2: puppet_role
Next, lets look at the classes key, which exists at the puppet_role tier. Using the same command with a
dierent key wont work:
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera classes environment=production

Lets turn on debug to see why:

[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera
DEBUG: Tue Nov 17 01:42:27
DEBUG: Tue Nov 17 01:42:27
DEBUG: Tue Nov 17 01:42:27

classes environment=production --debug

+0000 2015: Hiera YAML backend starting
+0000 2015: Looking up classes in YAML backend
+0000 2015: Looking for data source global

It didnt even look at the puppet_role tier! This is by design, because we did not provide that value.
Lets try it while specifying a puppet_role:
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera classes environment=production puppet_role=mysql

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Troubleshooting Hiera from the CLI | rnelson0

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Tier 3: clientcert
Now lets take a look at the mysql::override_options hash:

[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera mysql::server::override_options environment=production pu


Dang, thats apparently not found at that tier, its at the clientcert tier! Well have to add that to the

[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera mysql::server::override_options environment=production pu


Simplified arguments : Providing facts to hiera

That command line is ge ing pre y long, though. Lets nd another way to provide the variables and
values that the command expects. A quick look at the possible arguments is promising:

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Troubleshooting Hiera from the CLI | rnelson0

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[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera --help

Usage: hiera [options] key [default value] [variable='text'...]
The default value will be used if no value is found for the key. Scope variables
will be interpolated into %{variable} placeholders in the hierarchy and in
returned values.

--config CONFIG
--json SCOPE
--yaml SCOPE
--mcollective IDENTITY
--inventory_service IDENTITY

Version information
Show debugging information
Return all values as an array
Return all values as a hash
Configuration file
JSON format file to load scope from
YAML format file to load scope from
Use facts from a node (via mcollective) as scop
Use facts from a node (via Puppet's inventory s

We can load scope from a le! We need to create one rst, though. Thankfully, facter has what we
[rnelson0@mysql ~]$ facter --help
facter(8) -- Gather system information
-------Collect and display facts about the system.

facter [-h|--help] [-t|--timing] [-d|--debug] [-p|--puppet] [-v|--version]

[-y|--yaml] [-j|--json] [--plaintext] [--external-dir DIR] [--no-external-dir]
[fact] [fact] [...]

Run facter with the puppet and yaml|json ags and save it in a le:
[rnelson0@mysql ~]$ sudo facter -py > mysql.yaml
[rnelson0@mysql ~]$ grep role mysql.yaml
puppet_role: mysql

Transfer the le to your puppet master. Before you use it, add any variables you need, like
environment or clientcert, that arent part of the facter output but are important to your hierarchy:

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Troubleshooting Hiera from the CLI | rnelson0

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[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ scp mysql:mysql.yaml ./

This server is intended for use by the Nelson family. All other use is unauthorized.
rnelson0@mysql's password:
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ cat >>mysql.yaml
environment: production
clientcert: mysql.nelson.va

100% 480

Remember that not all variables in your hierarchy, like clientcert, are considered facts. In this case, the
conguration directive clientcert remains the same over time whereas the similar fact fqdn can vary.
Though we generated the list using facter, we can add whatever we want to it.
You can now make a much simpler call to hiera that only varies by the key youre looking up:
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera -y mysql.yaml ntp::servers
["0.pool.ntp.org", "2.centos.pool.ntp.org", "1.rhel.pool.ntp.org"]
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera -y mysql.yaml classes
[rnelson0@puppet ~]$ hiera -y mysql.yaml mysql::server::override_options

You now have a good idea of how to use hiera at the cli and how to do repeated lookups without
excessive typing and with the actual facts from a node. Enjoy!

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14-08-2016 01:50

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