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Vincent Paul Fernandez

Bioethics is defined as a systematic study of moral conduct in the life sciences and medicine. The
development of this study came about because of several historical events and practices that
involve an individuals rights to health and life. These rights were derived from different aspects
such as religion and the law.
A particular event would be bio-scientific researches such as cloning. Cloning is a scientific
process of extracting DNA from an individual and uses it to replicate the same person or organ.
The reason why this led to the development of the study of bioethics is because it conflicts with
the teachings of several religions. According to the bible, God has the only right to provide life
and take it away as well. It is with this teaching that bio-research refutes. However, to replicate
the person as a being is questionable. Meaning the structures of the person can be copied but
the soul would be different. It would force us to ask who are we and is there really a supreme
being? Cloning has the same bioethical problem with Euthanasia and abortion.
Another event is the practice of human experimentations by hi-tech medical institutions for
technological experiments. The problem is that the safety of the subjects health is not guaranteed
since the product is still under development or under trial and error process. This faces ethical
problems and lead medical practitioners to update their professional codes and governments to
revise health care regulations especially in developed nations. It also has been the center of
attention of the media for several years.
The innovations of biotechnology such as dialysis machines also measured the essence of
bioethics. Such as in the 19th century when advanced medical devices were released in the
market. Due to the limited resources, the problem emerged when it came to distribution.
Bioethics came in to create prioritization because it cannot be available to everybody who

needed it. It is the same with selecting organ recipients. Patients who needed organ replacement
have to wait in line regardless of the urgency.
As I have mentioned in the second paragraph, Religion has played an important influence on the
development of bioethics. I stated the topic about God as the only one who has the right to take
away and give away life. This also touched the issue of abortion and euthanasia, and these two
would probably be the most controversial issues of bioethics. In most countries, abortion is
considered as a murderous act since the practice involves pulling out the fetus that has already
developed life. Some disagree because they point out that the baby could not be considered to be
human since it has not yet been fully developed. The church however also considers the use of
contraceptives as a form of abortion and against the law of God.
Bioethics plays a very vital role of protecting the patients and the people as well. It serves as a
guide to protect their morality and dignity as a person. It is also important for medical
practitioners to be conscious about protecting the patients and be familiar with the code of ethics.
Throughout the decades, the study of bioethics is becoming more interesting and more valued.
Years will pass and this study will still continue to be taught and practiced by medical

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