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History is meant to be a discipline that acts as a learning tool to learn
from mistakes in the past and to make an attempt at repeating our
successes.Why learn about the Independence struggle in India? What
does it teach us. This is just my personal opinion since there can be no
right or wrong answer to this question.We often hear about how people
are delusional about India's freedom struggle. How we have strong held
beliefs despite superior evidence to the contrary that Gandhi and not the
INA or other revolutionaries or the after affects of WW II got us
freedom. A lot of people raise these questions and I feel, that to an
extent, yes, they are right. But like I said history is meant to teach us
lessons. What became of the INA and the revolutionaries? They were
killed or captured and haven't been given their due in history. While a
peaceful man who supported non violent aggression and passive protest
lived to see an independent India and went onto be hailed as the father of
the nation. This is what our independence struggle teaches you. Violence
in what so ever form will always be looked down on and peace is looked
up to. The lesson is that you shouldn't be violent. Violence is not the
correct path. It doesn't matter who won us freedom, what matters is what
were the paths they took and which of them were right or wrong.
Our Freedom Struggle was not an effort of An Individual or Individuals ,
it was a long on-going struggle of 100+ years ,where in there were many
who are even remembered even today in History books Highlighted , but
the blood of the Un-sung Heroes of Indian Freedom Struggle should not
go in Vain .There were a lot number of such Freedom Fighters from all
parts and parcels of India , but here we will try to speak briefly about a
few local Freedom Fighters from Maharashtra .

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