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Biology 112
Three Sections:
Unit 1: The Cell
Unit 2: Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium (Body Systems)
Unit 3: Biodiversity
Marking Scheme:
30 % Tests & Quizzes
30% Exam
30% Class Work (Projects, Labs, & Assignments)
10% Formative Observation (Formative observations on Engagement as well as formative
observations on Organizations & Directive)
Missed Classes:
It is up to you to get caught up when you miss a class. Find out if you missed any notes,
assignments, quizzes, tests, etc.
Missed Quizzes & Tests:
If you are absent the day of a test or, be prepared to write the assessment the day of your return. All
missed tests or quizzes must be written within a week of your return.
Missed Labs:
You will need to make arrangements with me to make up the lab at lunch time or after school.
You have a maximum of 1 week to do this. Most labs have an accompanying lab sheet. Be sure
to get this sheet from me.
Policy for late assignments:
10% will be deducted per day
Keep all of your tests and quizzes to help you study for the exam!
Be Prepared for Class. Make sure to bring a notebook (with paper), text book, and a pen or
pencil to every class.
Notes for this class will be on Edline (As presentations and in a print friendly
format). It is, however, up to YOU to make sure that you have access to these notes.
If you have forgotten your Edline password you can see Mr. Langille in the office to
receive that information. You should print out the notes for the topics being studied
as soon as you can. If you do not have a printer, you are welcome to use the
computers and printer in the Library.

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