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Template 2

Flipped Lesson Plan template

Author: Elia Giulio
Lesson Title: Ohms law
Subject Areas: Math, Physics and Electrotechnic
Grade Level: Middle Level
Time Needed: 2 hours at home and 2,5 hours in class at school

In addition to the basics of Math, Physics and Chemistry that can be considered acquired
in previous years, for the study of this topic are required the following appeals:
- Math: Numerical calculations with the powers of 10 and the associated prefixes;
elements of analytical geometry.
- Physics: unit of measurement.
- Electrotechnic: concepts of charging voltage and electric current; toward conventional
for currents and voltages.

PA Academic Standards:
1) Know the physical meaning of resistance and electrical conductance;
2) Know the concept of voltage drop and short circuit;
3) Know the Ohms law and its scope;
4) know the physical significance of resistivity and electrical conductivity;
5) know as varies the resistivity and the electric conductivity to vary the temperature.

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Learning Objectives (including cognitive and behavioral objectives):


Students will be able to knowledge of Ohm's law;

Students will be able to apply Ohm's law for the resolution of small electrical circuits
in direct current;

Students will be able to demonstrate that they have understood by solving a

questionnaire of 10 multiple choice questions and by numerically solving a small
electric circuit.

Student Learning Resources at Home:

Read these documents:
- https://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/tutorials/ohm/Q.ohm.intro.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohm%27s_law
Play these educational applets:
- https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/ohms-law
- http://www.ohmslawcalculator.com/ohms-law-calculator
Watch this video:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d34-VKc2cyY



Student Learning Activities at Home:

Write a topic of maximum 60 rows that summarizes what has been learned from
the study material suggested by the teacher;

Prepare a series of questions for the teacher on materials consulted at home;

Suggest other learning resources.

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Classroom Activities
Students, divided into three groups, compares on what has been done at home:
- Each reads the members of your group the topic of 60 lines prepared at home, to
look for similarities and differences;
- Each poses to other States any questions been born by the home studio of materials
in order to clarify doubts and concerns.

The teacher tries to summarize in the simplest possible way what the students
have learned spontaneously.

The entire group of students is exercised to solve circuits in direct current, helped
by what has emerged from the comparison between students.

Final test:
1) Questionnaire of ten multiple choice questions (5 Ohm's law and 5 on the
concept of resistance);
2) Resolution with a small circuit in direct current (calculate the voltage and
current on each resistor circuit).

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