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By Brother Kamau Mposi ':"Ninety-five per cent (95%) of

everything is psychology."
- Smitty (Pops)
"There (in ancient Afrika) a people now
forgotten discovered while
others were yet barbarians, the elements
of the arts and sciences. A race
of men now rejected for their black skin
and woolly hair founded on
the study of the laws of nature, those civil
and religious systems which
still govern the universe." Count c.F.
Volney, Ruins of Empire 1789

Unfortunately, self-determination is
rarely in the discussions of Afrikans in

the Diaspora. ~
It is confused (intentional) with some
ambiguous notion of "being free to do
what I want" (?).
"Slaves and dogs are named by their
masters, free (people) name themselves. "
- Richard B. Moore
The notion and process of liberation/

becoming self-determining. One of the

most crucial works in our
study Four Stages, a short analysis by Bro.
Vulindlela which describes, based on the
life-long works of Franz Fanon, the four
stages (three initially)
of revolution:
1) assimilation,
2) disturbance,
3) identification,
4) revolution.
The task was to help folks identify with

Blackness as a result of a crisis with the

system of race and
class that forced identification.
The workshop is a disturbance and
identification inducing event.

So da aiki
(love and work)
Kamau Mposi
February, 2007
abroad in the belly of the beast
(Hawthorne, CA.)
"-The possible exceptions are those people
that continue to lead
tr~ditionallives (the Twa, and other ancient

1967-68 CEN CE Black Studies

departments and subjects along with their

BSU's did "NOT EVEN EXIST," in 1967-68.

No Black anything on campus.

Three Ways to React to New Knowledge!

2nd: PONDER THE FACTS. Then remain
neutral i.e., "I don't know"!
3nl: RESEARCH THE FACTS. If they hold
personal truth to you, accept them!
It is foolish to reject knowledge that is
factually sound and proven!

The Black Afrikan's forced indoctrination,

assimilation and eventual

mental and psychological acceptance of

the Western European's
"Materialistic Values," "Non-Spiritual
Concepts," Political and Military/
Police Rule, has left the Black Afrikan Race
in a perpetual state of
self-denial, self-hate, self-destruction, self
annihilation and a future in
survival and self-determination limbo.

Somewhere between 2 million and 1

million years
ago. came the dramatic growth of the
brain and our ancestors'
first emergence from Africa. "
The first brain had to be Black Afrikan.

Dr. Richard King, a Black Afrikan

psychiatrist and renowned

Melanin expert also brings home the
fact that the
original human is the Black Afrikan. In
his book titled,
: "All humans possess this Black
brain evidence of their common Black
Afrikan Origin. The
All Black neuromelanin nerve tract of
the brain is profound
proof that the human race is a Black
race, with many variations
of Black, from Black-Black to WhiteBlack, all internally
rooted in a vast sea of Brain Blackness."
King makes another profound
statement from his book. He
says: "Humanity may differ in outer
appearance, with variations
of colors but internally they are all

black, all African at

the core. The question for all humans is
how to relate to this
blackness. A transformation process
requires, first, the right
heart or feelings and profound African
knowledge as taught
in ancient African universities.
Today's racist is afraid, ignorant
of his/her blackness, choosing to run
from the ancestral
Black core. Today's reborn black
masters will accept their
blackness, become unified with the
universe and be inspired
to creative genius at levels that surpass
the pyramids. "
In offering more scientific proof that the
Black Afrikan
race came first on Earth is the
undisputable, hard core fact
that Black Afrikans have DOMINANT
GENES (the original

and stro ~gest human genes). A

dominant gene
can reproduce another strong dominant
gene but a recessive
gene can only reproduce a weaker
recessive gene. In short,
each new generation of White
Europeans have weaker recessive
genes than their parents. It's like
making a photo copy o~
a copy. Every time you make a copy of
a copy it gets weaker.
It is scientific fact that two Dominant
Genes (i.e., Black Afrikans),
can produce an albino, but two
Recessive Genes (i.e.,
White Europeans), can NOT produce

Prior to the last Ice Age, there were NO


Anta Diop).
BARBARISM (An Authentic
Anthropology), Diop clearly breaks it all
down how
White Europeans came into existence
on this planet. According
to Diop, the present day White
Caucasian European,
evolved after the last Earth Ice Age or
The Wurm Glaciation
Ice Age, around 30 to 40,000 years ago.
During that period,
a group of Black Afrikans whom
scientists have named The
Grimaldi (meaning nomad or traveling
man), migrated up
from Afrika into the region now known
as Europe.
Grimaldi was indeed Black Afrikan. This
validated his assertion that the Black

was the "first" human in Europe.
Somehow these Black
Afrikan Grimaldi people may have
become trapped in the
ice and snow and couldn't get back to
the warmer climate to
which they were accustomed, or they
settled and started inbreeding.
As a result of the cold European
climate, the Black Afrikan Grimaldi
inexplicably lost their ability to produce
"MELANIN," which was basically needed
for survival
in a hot, tropical climate. The loss of
melanin production
caused subsequent generations of
these Black Afrikan's
off spring to loose their dark skin to
light, then eventually no
color at all i.e., White!

Their pale, colorless white skin also

would no longer process carbon or
vitamins "D," and "A" directly from the
sun. Carbon (which is black), is the
most essential element for life
on Earth and throughout the entire
universe! These mutated former Black
Afrikan Grimaldi people based
themselves in the Caucasus mountains
located on the Southern Russian border
of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and
Scientist classified them as the "CROMAGNON" man or as most of us were
taught, "THE CAVE MAN!" This area in
the world was also thought to be the
dividing line between so-called modern
Europe and Asia. So the combination of
"Cauc," (meaning white) from Caucasus
Mountains and "Asia," forms the word
"Caucasian," which is what these newly
mutated, colorless Cro-Magnon people
were called. As they spread and other

Black Afrikan peoples spread, the cross

patterns created the red, brown and
yellow races, but the bottom line is that
all of humanity evolved from the Black
The Black Afrikan Grimaldi mutated into
the Cro-Maganon. From his book on
page 54, Diop says: ."The mutation of
the Grimaldi Negroid into the croMagnon, molecular biology is now
trying to isolate the process in the
laboratory. "
White European scientists have been
studying the "mutation process" to see
if they can get their "Blackness" back!
1976 Diop sites further mentions that
all of the top White Scientists on Earth,
held a world conference on the subject
of their white mutation: "Thus, at the
BICHAT CONFERENCE of 1976, a round
table discussion directed by professor

B. Prunieras was DEVOTED TO THIS

PHENOMENON, i.e., to the study of THE
Scientific genetic testing proved that
the genetic DNA code of a White
European individual has no encoding for
any other race. While the genetic code
from Black skinned Afrikan peoples
contains all of the genetic codes for
every human race on Earth!
Of a possible 12 available human DNA
SERIES, SubSaharan Afrikans (i.e.,
indigenous Black Afrikans from the
Sahara Desert below and across Afrika,
west to the Atlantic), are the ONLY
human beings on earth to have 9 DNA
SERIES (9 Ether!). Every other race on
the planet have 6 DNA SERIES! (6
ether!). The chimpanzee, the most

intelligent of the apes have 5 DNA

The White, Western Europeans have
been comparing Black Afrikans to
monkeys via their academic scholarship
and teachings. White Europeans with
their limited 6 DNA Series is really
closer related to the apes, the monkey

The present day White Caucasian

European, is the end result of Black
Afrikan human mutation that occurred
some 5-3,000 years ago in Europe.
The Cro-Magnon are the original white cave
people out of the Caucus mountains! Their
osteology was Black Afrikan! The Grimaldis'
gradually lost all oftheir melanin blessed and

related Black Afrikan features, such as black

skin, woolly hair etc., and they mutated into
the pale white, limp blonde haired, weak blue
eyed Caucasian Cro-Magnon! They lost their
ability to actively produce melanin in their

bodies, possibly as a result of the cold

climate,and inbreeding, they became
trapped or settled in the ice cold climate of
Northern Europe!
The TWA (Blacks)---The ancient
Kemetic people considered them the
original humans of nature!

In its Natural State, our Black Afrikan

Hair is the STRONGEST
hair in the entire human family! In its
natural state,
our Black Afrikan hair can "defy"
For example, your
hair in an afro style can be picked out
vertically on the side of

your head and NOT bend downward to

gravity's pull.

The Electro Magnetk Principal

(The Power Of The Coil):
The spiraling force of the entire
which says:

10 watts
1. Straight Line: Same Wattage: (a) _
_______ (b) (Linear Acceleration)
If you run 10 watts through a straight
line, the wattage will remain
Consistent at 10 watts, from
beginning through to the end.
50 or more watts
2. The Coil Amplifies (a) ~ (b)
The Wattage: (Cyclotronic Acceleration)
However, if you run 10 watts through a
coiled line; the coiling, spiraling motion
will speed the signal up, which will
strengthen it at the same time.
Therefore, 10 watts will increase to as
much as 50 watts or more, depending
on how many loops are in the coiled
line. Every time the signal hits a loop or
(kink if you will), in the line; the kink
will kick the strength of the power up
another notch!

3. In its natural state, your woolly,

kinky, nappy hair acts as an antenna
that pulls in the electrodes in the air
around you. This increases the
electrical activity around your brain.
Your brain and central nervous system
generates 10 watts of electricity and
operates on electrical impulses. Your
coiled hair draws in the electromagnetic activity and magnifies it.
and surfaces create more static
electricity because
they pull in more static.

Therefore, the nappier the hair

more the electricity -the more the electricity -the more the brain power!


D. Social Aspect:
The Black Afrikans from the ancient Nile
Valley were the
first humans on Earth to invent and use
the comb and hair
brush. They were the first people on
Earth to groom and style
the human hair and adorn it with
decorations. They were
the first people on Earth to invent and
use shampoos, natural
herbal conditioning oils and dressings.
They invented
make-up, perfumes, sweet scents and
incense. They created
the hygiene and healing arts such as
Aromatherapy, Color,
Sound, Hypno and Crystal therapies.

They created spiritual

arts such as Feng Shui to create
harmonious, peaceful and inspiring
living and work spaces and were aware
of the human
body's charkas or vortexes and their
different types of energy
fields and vibrations.
White European invaders began
storming into kemet and the entire
Black Afrikan Nile Valley from the
Caucasus Mountains during ancient
times. They soon discovered that
EVERYTHING the Black Afrikans had
invented, was created with the balance
of its spiritual, mental and earthly
physical purpose.
The Metu Neter (as the Nubian Kamu
it) i.e., the sacred writings carved in
stone in the temples of

Kemet, (now known as Egypt). The

invading Greeks called it Heruglyphs
Ancient West Afikan Nok and Benin
peoples from Nigeria, the Yoruba and
Ibo of Nigeria, the Boro of Niger, the
Zaireian Mangboru, the Moran Society
Samburu of East Sudan.

In Senegal, the Wolof Culture;

the Karamu People of Nigeria.
the Chokwe (Angola ),
the Dan (Liberia/Ivory Coast),
the Akan (Ghana),
Mbundu (Angola).

The Hyskos conquered Kemet and

occupied it circa 1750-1675 B.C.E.
Dring ancient times in West Afrika, the
MALI EMPIRE was ruled by famed Black
Afrikan King
Mansa Musa, who ruled between 13071332. Mali had a highly sophisticated
legal system, which featured some of
the best educated, expert and skilled
attorneys and judges in the
The GHANA EMPIRE was ruled by the
great Ghanaian ruler Tenhamenin. He
commanded a massive army and could
station 200,000 fighting warriors at one
time, to a designated
battle field. The Ghana Empire was
wealthy from her highly productive salt
and gold mines.

The magnificent SONGHAY KINGDOM

was the home of the famous city of
Timbuktu. It was a world renowned
trading center and her universities were
among the greatest on Earth! First
class academic scholars, from all over
the globe came to be students and
conduct research in vast, up to date,
superior libraries.
Then there were the famous Moors,
who conquered Spain
around 704 A.D. and brought the entire
group of European
countries out of their ignorance of the
so-called "Dark Ages,"
by teaching them law, how to read (yes
90% of Europeans
could nqt read), art, architecture,
medicine, the social sciences,
the math arts i.e., algebra, geometry,
calculus and physics. They even taught

the European the decimal

point, fractions and the zero, of which
they had no clue
or concept. They built bath houses all
across Spain and made
the Europeans wash with soap and bath
oils. Until then, The
Europeans actually were taught via the
Christian Church,
that it was a "sin" to bathe! Can you get
ready for that?
The entire continent of Afrika in all
directions had her
groove "goin-on," until the White
European Christian MisBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 27

sionaries started arriving around the

early 1600's. The benevolent
and kind hearted Black Afrikans allow
"these people,"
to get into their heads and psychic. This
gave way to
divide and conquer, in-fighting and inter

tribal wars. It widely

opened up the doors of greed, power
and corruption between
sambo, Uncle Tom, race trading Black
Afrikan leaders and the
conquering White European military
officers, soldiers, politicians,
clergy and businessmen. Having the
superior weapons
of gun powder and guns didn't hurt the
White European's
cause either. Eventually, all of this
madness set the stage for
Black Afrikans to enter a 500 year
period of the worst, inhumane,
misery, suffering and degradation ever
known to
man-the immoral, brutal, anti-human
institution of White
European Slavery!
Needless to say, this is the beginning of
the Black Afrikan's
shame of their magnificent, glorious,

spiritually divine
hair. Everything that we covered above
in this chapter was
forcibly stripped form the newly Black
Afrikan slaves! Their
spiritual practices, languages, tribal
rank, customs, forms of
recreation and pleasures, education,
ancestor knowledge, being
separated from immediate family
members to you name
it-all forcibly taken away! If a man
knows self, you can not
make him ~ slave. If you take his
knowledge of self away, you
can make him anything you want!
This book is about deprogramming the
Black Afrikan self
destructive thought process and waking
up the knowledge
of self in Black Afrikans across the Black
Afrikan Diaspora
around the globe. As with all cases of

people who have been

brainwashed . and psychologically
programmed, some will
stay-stuck-on-stupid, either by
voluntary choice out of the
fear of being outcaste by the White
European mainstream
society or involuntarily from the lack of
aptitude to shake or
28 Rych McCain
break the mental/psychological grip and
effects of their implanted
"Willie-Chip" causing them to never
snap out of it.
At least, 20% of Black Afrikans who
read this book will
get it and change or positively modify
their behavior via their
"thought process and value system,"
regarding self and benefit
from this book's knowledge in some
way. Another 30%
will teeter-todder with confusion from
Their "Afro-Pean

Mindset" and debate which way to go.

Then you have that
gigantic 50% who will insist on staying
The combination of their self
destructive, neutralizing "Willie
Chip" (from the Willie Lynch Letter),
"Eurocentric Mental
Programming Disc" and resulting "AfroPean" mind set is so
engrained in their sub consciousness,
they will never see the


The Spiral! The Most
Profound Motion in the
In chapter one, we touched a little bit
on the spiral in our

discussion on the power of the coil. In

this chapter, we are
going to r}In down the entire concept
and functions of the
spiral, which is the original and most
profound motion in the
entire universe!
A. Neheb-Kau:
In his book THE METU NETER VOL. 2;
(pages 46 & 47),
author Ra Un Nefer Amen makes the
following statement:
30 Rych McCain

The first movement, the primeval

impulse induced by
the action of the will was spiral in form.
That the Kamau
knew that there was a connection
between spirals and the
patterns underlying nature is evident in
the name given to the
serpent representing the primordial

spiral "Neheb Kau" - the

provider of forms, qualities and
attributes. The primordial
spiral is the reason for the curvature of
space, the absence of
straight lines in nature, and the wave
form of light and sound.
From its center radiates two whorls
which is the basis of all
dualities in the world (male-female,
matter-anti-matter etc.).
The Kamitian Sages understood this
and depicted the primordial
spiral as a two-headed serpent (NehebKau).
Fig. 2.1 Nehab Kau, The Provider of
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 31

B. Power of the Spiraling, Universal Ufe

Within You!
As a Black Afrikan, your natural, woolly,

kinky hair "spirals"

out of your scalp to form a coil or as
some of you refer to it,
a "nap!" Now get ready for this! The
scientific principle and
force, that causes your wooly hair to
spiral out of your scalp,
is the same principle and force, that
causes the spiraling of
the planets and galaxies throughout the
entire universe!

Is the most PROFOUND MOTION in the

Is the most PROFOUND DESIGN in the
(look at the spiral design of your finger
prints. Out of
the mega billions of finger prints, no
one has yours)!
Spin, spiral and spiritual; all have the
same phonetic
root and interactive meaning.

The Supreme power of creation;

spins, spirals and is
The entire universe and galaxies
spirals and rotates.
The energies that they produce i.e.,
light and sound
waves etc., are all spiral in form and
rotate as well.
Everything in creation reflects the
spiraling, spiritual
essence out of which it is made.
Everything alive i.e., humans, .
animals, plants and
even microscopic organisms, have
spirit, which is the
vital principle or animating life force
within all living
YES, everything alive in the
universe spins!
Plants spiral out of the ground.
Blooming flowers spiral
32 Rych McCain

open. Your blood spirals through your

veins. The water in
your sink, shower, bathtub and toilet
spirals down the drain
because the Earth's (Coriolis force) is
Melanin Dominant, Black Afrikan
People, have the
them, that causes
the entire universe to spin!
I know that statement got you trippin'
so read it again
and comprehend it!
UNNERSE! This is
why our skin color and hair texture are
like no other human's
on Earth! The lighter skin races don't
have that spiraling, universallife
force, in them like the Black Afrikan,
although they

have enough to be alive! This is why

their hair doesn't coil or
"nap," unless of course, they have
some of "us" (i.e., Black
Afrikan blood), in themselves via their
gene pool! The power
of this spiraling, universal life force also
causes the double
helix of your DNA to spin around each
other. It causes every
molecule and atom in your entire body
to spin in their own
C. All Natural Disasters Spiral:
It is scientific fact that ALL MAlOR
A SPIRALING MOTION! The spiral sets
the Earth's
Corio lis Force in motion-which makes
the Earth spin as it
orbits the Sun (also a spinning motion).
The Earth's Corio lis
Force, in conjunction with the proper

atmospheric weather
conditions, create tornadoes and
hurricanes. These wind
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 33

storms are two of the most destructive

and powerful forces
on the planet. They both spiral and
their power generates
from that coiling motion just like Black
Afrikan hair. It also
makes earthquakes (whose shock
waves coil); volcano eruptions,
whose smoke billows and lava
gurgitates (both coiling
) ::-- ~'
1\' ': "I

~n r--:

For Melanin Dominate Black Afrikans:
The same spiraling force that powers

These acts of nature, makes your hair

Spiral and is in YOU!

Fig. 2.2



34 Rych McCain

motions), and floods, whose waves

ripple and crest (a coiling
motion). Check out the "C" shape coils
of the waves that
surfers ride. Even a rattlesnake must
coil before it can strike
Your blessed, naturally coiled powered;
strong, woolly,
kinky, nappy hair is physical proof
positive, that you possess
the universal, life force of the spiral, in
yourself! This Makes
you one of the most spiritually and

mentally powerful humans

on Earth!
Acknowledge and rightfully claim that
Black Afrikan!
D. How And Where Hurricanes Form:
According to the National Weather
Service, an average of
100 tropical storms form in the world
annually. Approximately
two-thirds of these depressions
advance into 74 mph
or stronger hurricanes, typhoons or
cyclones. It is a meteorological
fact that 3 through 5 category
hurricanes that sweep
the East Coast and Florida Peninsula
are somehow linked
with the ~mount of rainfall in West
Afrika. It is said that no
link between Gulf of Mexico hurricanes
and West Afrikan
rain fall has been clearly established.

What "is" known; that the majority of

hurricanes which
hit the Caribbean and the United States
(East and Gulf Coast),
originate off of the West Afrikan Coast in
the area of the
Cape Verde -Islands. They first form as
tropical depressions
then develop into a thunderstorm which
turns into a machine
that converts the heat energy of warm,
tropical ocean water
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 35

into wind. A hurricane is actually

composed of a band of
individual thunderstorms that spiral
toward the center. The
center is called the eye and it forms a
coil. The air flowing
out from the center of the eye begins to
curve and spin clockwise.
Winds that spiral upward in the eye wall
i.e., the thick

clouds surrounding the clear eye are

whipping at the fastest
speeds. As the storm sucks up more
heat from the warm
ocean waters, the process intensifies,
the storm grows in both
size and strength and spins faster,
raising the wind speed and
the storm's category number
Here we go back to the power of the
coil and the scientific
electromagnetic principle. Now I want
you as a Black Afrikan
to fully comprehend that the same
spiraling phenomenon
that creates the hurricane, which is one
of the most deadly,
powerful and destructive forces in
nature, is the exact "same"
spiraling phenomenon that makes your
spiritually divine hair
woolly, kinky and nappy!
How can any sane~ rationally

Black Afrikan be ashamed of
their woolly~
kinky~ flappy~ spiritually divine
hair with this
kind of knowledge?

It is also a fact that the West Afrikan

spawned hurricanes
that march through the Caribbean, East
and Gulf Coasts,
follow the exact same paths that the
slave ships took to the
Americas. One can only imagine what
the negative spiritual
vibrations and energy is like on those
paths. This is why that
36 Rych McCain

part of the Atlantic Ocean is the most

sacred body of water
on Earth to Black Afrikan peoples.
E. There Are fr No" Straight Lines In

Anything with life force in it that is

straight-is un-natural! If
you are a Black Afrikan with straight or
semi-straight hair (as
are a lot of us), you have the hair of
your great grandmother's
White European rapist. And his
mutated, "Johnny-comelately,"
hair is only 30 to 40 thousand years old
in the human
family! So it is nothing to brag or ego
trip about, like we (as
a people), have been conditioned to do!
Straight hair is NOT,
quote, GOOD HAIR, unquote, as we've
been bamboozled
to believe!
F. All Space Is Curved At The Extreme
Continuous motion curves in on itself
causing all space to be
curved at the extreme ends. Matter is
created from the ends

of the universe folding in on itself. The

entire scheme of the
universe and the endless galaxies is
balance. Nature is balanced.
THat's why there is a reaction for every
action. This is
the basis of the "Infinity Symbol."
Fig. 2.3. The Infinity Symbol
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 37

The double helix of our DNA rotates

around each other.
Our DNA spins at the same rate the
entire galaxy is spinning.
All of the billions of atoms and
molecules in our bodies
are doing the same thing in their own
orbits. Any vibration,
thing or energy force that moves,
becomes round. This can be
clearly seen in light, sound and heat
waves for example.
lpig. 2.4 Light, Sound & Energy Waves

G. The Hair Over The Rest Of Your Body Is

The hair over the rest of your body is
NOT straight, so why
do you straighten the hair on your

Your grooming and appearance

is reflective of what
you have been psychologically
programmed and conditioned
to believe is beautiful!
-Rych McCainRych McCain

What would it benefit a rattlesnake to

give up its poison
and fangs because they look too goofy
according to another
animal's standard? What would it
benefit a porcupine to give
up his quills so he can look slick and
smooth like the squirrel?

Those features are unique for each

animal and serves as their
means of defense and survival in the
wild. To relinquish them
for cosmetic appearance to gain social
acceptance would
prove detrimental to both animals.
What do YO U give up
when you straighten YOUR hair? Whose
standard of beauty
are you trying to measure up to and
When your concept of beauty is based
on altering your natural features
in an unnatural fashion for societal
approval, you have laid the foundation
I{ for your own Self Destruction!
-Rych McCainWhen you give up your natural looks to
imitate someone
who does not have the same physical
characteristics or
phenotype as yourself, you also

surrender your mental and

psychological power to them. When
they do the same in reverse,
they give their mental and
psychological power to you.
Which situation would you rather have?
Them giving you the
power or you giving them power?
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 39

Between the late 1960's and the early

1970's when Black
was beautiful and most Black Afrikans
were wearing their
hair natural with the big afros (including
a young Michael
Jackson), White European women in
particular tried to imitate
the afro. This is the first time in
recorded U.S. history
that White Europeans tried to frizz their
hair to look like
Black Afrikan folks! And some did a
very good job at it. 1

once was fooled by a sexy White

European girl on campus at
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, who
had a big "fro" and
a honey, toast colored tan. From a
distance, she looked like
a high yell a sistah! There were a very
small number of Black
Afrikan students on campus and we all
pretty much knew
each other. This girl was a sistah that 1
had never seen before
(so 1 thought), and 1 approached to
meet her.
When 1 caught up to her and
discovered that she was a
White European, 1 explained that 1
thought she was a Black
Afrikan. She was thrilled, tickled pink
and loved the fact that
she had passed the "I look Black" test!
She said the look had
gotten her a lot of attention. Some was
negative but most was

overwhelmingly positive from Blacks

and Whites! Especially
the men from both races!
For the White girl lovin' brothas; she
fulfilled their fantasies
about{having a fine White girl who
looked like a sistah.
For the White European guys, she was
the closest thing to
being with a Black African woman in
looks who was safe because
she was White. Girlfriend did have that
early 70's, sexy,
Pam Greir, Hollywood Blacksploitation
look down, with her
well stacked body, wrapped in a loud
colored, tight, Tina
T umer type micro mini skirt, big fro,
big earrings and heels.
But what did that look do to the
psychology of her mindset?
She had grown up, mentally
conditioned that long blonde,
loose hair, swishing around and falling

in her face was the

40 Rych McCain

sexiest look on Earth. Now she was

caught in the middle of
the "Black Is Beautiful" movement and
her hair wasn't the
It's is too bad that the momentum for
natural Black Afrikan
hair from that era did not continue. The
many reasons
for the demise of the "natural hair
spirit" is the subject for
another book. Meanwhile, White
European women (and a
lot of White European men as well),
tried to measure up to
a hair standard that they could not hold
up to for a change!
What a psychological break that was for
many Black Afrikans,
even if it only lasted, but for a brief

H. Hair Is The Receiver And Transmitter

Of Energies And Divine Emanation:
Now where it is true that White
Europeans and other straight
haired people do have a visible whorl
pattern with a center
in the back top portion of their heads,
only Black Afrikan
people have the back of the head whorl
AND the individual
spiraling strong strands. The ancient
Black Afrikan Kemetian
words "nepi" or "nabt" meaning "lock"
of hair has speculation
th~t they are the origin of the word
"nappy." It has
been said that Kemet's most sacred
symbol the "ANKH" is
where the word "Kinky" is derived.
Other words that originate
from this ancient Black Afrikan word
include words that
mean to join or connect. Letter

combinations that contain

NG, NK, GN or KN are found in neck,
ankle, knee, messen ger
and so forth.
The basic picture that we are trying to
paint is that the
concept of nappy also relates to the
concept of connecting.
Hair is the receiver and transmitter of
divine emanation and
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 41

makes one receptive to spiritual forces

and phenomenon. This
is why spiritual figures such as Sages,
Rastafarians, Rabbis',
ministers, priests, griots and even
school professors all wear
beards, locks or long hair. It connects
them to the spiritual
and intellectual universes. The
Rastafarians in particular, view
their lovelocks as "high-tension wires"
that transmits divine

energy and inspiration form Jah (God)

the creator to Rasta,
the mirror. I use the term "lovelocks"
instead of "dredlocks"
because the slave owners called our
hair "dreadful looking"
and that's one of the sources of the
term dreadlock.
Energy flowing through spiral hair (as
per our electro
magnetic principle), would also enter
the millions of nerve
paths in a spiraling motion headed to
the brain and ultimately
into the pineal gland or "third eye." This
would then
facilitate spiritual awareness, telepathy,
perception, revelation,
channeling, tuning in, getting the
bigger picture, clarity
of thought, to an unlimited amount of
possibilities. Melanin
plays a huge role in all of this because
it is a big absorber of

all forms of energy. Black Afrikans are

melanin dominant and
we'll touch on that topic further down
the line.
The fact that a huge majority of Black
Afrikans wore their
hair natural from around 1967 to 1975
may help explain
why viole~t crime in the hood took a dip
during those years.
That period of time also saw a Black
Afrikan renaissance take
place. Jazz, funk, gospel, dance, poetry,
art, painting, sculpturing,
writing and all sorts of artistic. forms of
were not only cool, but openly
accepted. Afrikan dashiki's,
robes and other Afrikan garb were en
vogue. Afro picks hung
out of the back of pants pockets.
Hardware stores and department
store kitchen departments couldn't
keep cake cutters

in stock because of the heavy

consumer demand from the
brothas and sistahs with the super huge
42 Rych McCain

Back then "every Black Afrikan" was

"blood!" Now the
L.A. street gangs have taken that
sacred connotation and bastardized
it. Even Hollywood had to respond and
the blackploitation
movies that resulted helped undo the
progress that
had been made. (That was their
The 70's mega hit movie "SuperFly"
with the late Ron
O'Neil sporting cooked, straight hair in
the dead middle of
the "Black Is Beautiful" afro craze,
greatly helped to start the
demise of the afro and natural hair. The
masses of Black Afrikan
brothas and sistahs fell for the" okie-

doke," and return

to bar-b-queing their hair again.
Sister Suzar, author of BLACKED OUT
WHITEWASH, coined a mental disease
for Black Afrikan
people called AANS i.e., Acquired AntiNappy Syndrome.
She says the following of AANS on page
While no nappy person is born with it,
they acquire it
from their parents and family. AANS
victims assault their hair
with scorching metal combs and
grease, frying each nappy
strand until it is straight, to imitate the
straight limp hair and
hairstyles of Caucasians. In the process,
some burn their hair
and scalps. Others assault their hair
with" chemical relaxers"
(sodium or calcium hydroxide) which
are so dangerous and

poisonous that it burns the scalp shortly

after applied, causing
blisters and even permanent scalp and
hair damage if left
on too long or used too often.
Additionally, chemicals from these
relaxers are absorbed
into the bloodstream.
They are carcinogenic and can even
cause birth defect5.
And since nappy hair keeps growing out
as nappy as ever,
the assault must be periodically
repeated to maintain artificial
straightness. Thus the hair is repeatedly
damaged, forced to
be what it is not, forced with "lye," to"
lie" by lying straight.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 43

The scalps attached are likewise

repeatedly damaged, by exposure
to, and absorption of applied poisons.
But the worse damage appears to go

unnoticed or even unacknowledged

since this has become accepted"
normal" behavior;
this is the damage to the psychs which
own the scalps. This
psychological damage is "Acquired AntiNappy Syndrome,"
a form of self-rejection and self-hatred.
Sister Suzar concludes
by saying: AANS damaged hair is
probably destroyed in its
ability to transmit energy or be
antennae. Instead of tuning
into higher vibrations, such enslaved,
maligned hair probably
tunes into lower energies or likely, "no"
energy at ali, since it
is cooked, hence dead.
I. The Nappier The Hair:
The nappier the hair, the more strength
and spiral power it
has. Immediately after you have
vigorously brushed nappy

hair, the hair that has accumulated in

the brush bristles will
hold enough static electricity to
magnetically draw light items
to it such as paper. Straight hair will
barely do it or in most
cases, won't do this at all. This strongly
suggests that nappy,
spiral hair has higher magnetic
attraction for higher energies.
It is said that Thomas Edison
experimented with Black
Afrikan nappy hair as a filter for his
early light bulbs.
Black Afrikan nappy, spiral hair may
posses the powers
of crystals which have the abilities to
receive and transmit
energy waves. The radio sets we used
to make in our junior
high electricity shop were called crystal
radios because we
used quartz crystals to pull in the radio

signals as they did in

the first radio sets. The mineral silicon
is the main composition
of quartz crystal. Human hair has silicon
which holds
44 Rych McCain
memory. Silicon makes it possible for
computers to hold
memory. That's why they call it Silicon
Valley in California
where the computer chips are coated
with the stuff. Silicon is
also found in the human brain, the
center of thought and is
responsible for the glassy shine on
most fruits such as apples
and strawberries.
When you analyze all of the many
spiritual, scientific and
physiological advantages of Black
Afrikan hair in its natural,
kinky, nappy, woolly state; it becomes
mind boggling when
one ponders the fact that Black Afrikan

people have been seriously

duped and purposely conditioned to
despise and reject
this type of hair which is actually the
most valuable kind!
J. Black Afrikans Should Behave Like
Nappy Hair!
Nappy hair strands are so in love with
each other that they
hug, embrace and lock into each other.
All while conforming
to the spiritual spiraling force of the
universe. Straight hair
strands are aloof from each other. They
act as individuals.
They don't bind together in a group-not
even when they are
forced to do so via a hair clip, beret or
similar hair fastening
apparatLfS. Plus they don't conform to
the spiritual, spiraling
force of the universe. Just think how
family like, tight

and hard-to-divide, Black Afrikans

would be if we acted like
nappy hair? The Black Afrikan race
would be blessed beyond
human comprehension and see
progress where only the edge
of the galaxies was the limit!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 41

makes one receptive to spiritual forces

and phenomenon. This
is why spiritual figures such as Sages,
Rastafarians, Rabbis',
ministers, priests, griots and even
school professors all wear
beards, locks or long hair. It connects
them to the spiritual
and intellectual universes. The
Rastafarians in particular, view
their lovelocks as "high-tension wires"
that transmits divine
energy and inspiration form Jah (God)
the creator to Rasta,
the mirror. I use the term "lovelocks"

instead of "dredlocks"
because the slave owners called our
hair "dreadful looking"
and that's one of the sources of the
term dreadlock.
Energy flowing through spiral hair (as
per our electro
magnetic principle), would also enter
the millions of nerve
paths in a spiraling motion headed to
the brain and ultimately
into the pineal gland or "third eye." This
would then
facilitate spiritual awareness, telepathy,
perception, revelation,
channeling, tuning in, getting the
bigger picture, clarity
of thought, to an unlimited amount of
possibilities. Melanin
plays a huge role in all of this because
it is a big absorber of
all forms of energy. Black Afrikans are
melanin dominant and
we'll touch on that topic further down

the line.
The fact that a huge majority of Black
Afrikans wore their
hair natural from around 1967 to 1975
may help explain
why violen.t crime in the hood took a
dip during those years.
That period of time also saw a Black
Afrikan renaissance take
place. Jazz, funk, gospel, dance, poetry,
art, painting, sculpturing,
writing and all sorts of artistic .forms of
were not only cool, but openly
accepted. Afrikan dashiki's,
robes and other Afrikan garb were en
vogue. Afro picks hung
out of the back of pants pockets.
Hardware stores and department
store kitchen departments couldn't
keep cake cutters
in stock because of the heavy
consumer demand from the
brothas and sistahs with the super huge

42 Rych McCain

Back then "every Black Afrikan" was

"blood!" Now the
L.A. street gangs have taken that
sacred connotation and bastardized
it. Even Hollywood had to respond and
the blackploitation
movies that resulted helped undo the
progress that
had been made. (That was their
The 70's mega hit movie "SuperFly"
with the late Ron
O'Neil sporting cooked, straight hair in
the dead middle of
the "Black Is Beautiful" afro craze,
greatly helped to start the
demise of the afro and natural hair. The
masses of Black Afrikan
brothas and sistahs fell for the" okiedoke," and return
to bar-b-queing their hair again.
Sister Suzar, author of BLACKED OUT

WHITEWASH, coined a mental disease
for Black Afrikan
people called AANS i.e., Acquired AntiNappy Syndrome.
She says the following of AANS on page
While no nappy person is born with it,
they acquire it
from their parents and family. AANS
victims assault their hair
with scorching metal combs and
grease, frying each nappy
strand until it is straight, to imitate the
straight limp hair and
hairstyles of Caucasians. In the process,
some burn their hair
and scalps. Others assault their hair
with cc chemical relaxers"
(sodium or calcium hydroxide) which
are so dangerous and
poisono~s that it burns the scalp
shortly after applied, causing
blisters and even permanent scalp and

hair damage if left

on too long or used too often.
Additionally, chemicals from these
relaxers are absorbed
into the bloodstream.
They are carcinogenic and can even
cause birth defects.
And since nappy hair keeps growing out
as nappy as ever,
the assault must be periodically
repeated to maintain artificial
straightness. Thus the hair is repeatedly
damaged, forced to
be what it is not, forced with cc lye, " to"
lie" by lying straight.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 43

The scalps attached are likewise

repeatedly damaged, by exposure
to, and absorption of applied poisons.
But the worse damage appears to go
unnoticed or even unacknowledged
since this has become accepted"
normal" behavior;

this is the damage to the psychs which

own the scalps. This
psychological damage is "Acquired AntiNappy Syndrome,"
a form of self-rejection and self-hatred.
Sister Suzar concludes
by saying: AANS damaged hair is
probably destroyed in its
ability to transmit energy or be
antennae. Instead of tuning
into higher vibrations, such enslaved,
maligned hair probably
tunes into lower energies or likely, "no"
energy at ali, since it
is cooked, hence dead.
I. The Nappier The Hair:
The nappier the hair, the more strength
and spiral power it
has. Immediately after you have
vigorously brushed nappy
hair, the hair that has accumulated in
the brush bristles will
hold enough static electricity to

magnetically draw light items

to it such as paper. Straight hair will
barely do it or in most
cases, won't do this at all. This strongly
suggests that nappy,
spiral hair has higher magnetic
attraction for higher energies.
It is said that Thomas Edison
experimented with Black
Afrikan nappy hair as a filter for his
early light bulbs.
Black Afrikan nappy, spiral hair may
posses the powers
of crystals which have the abilities to
receive and transmit
energy waves. The radio sets we used
to make in our junior
high electricity shop were called crystal
radios because we
used quartz crystals to pull in the radio
signals as they did in
the first radio sets. The mineral silicon
is the main composition

of quartz crystal. Human hair has silicon

which holds
44 Rych McCain
memory. Silicon makes it possible for
computers to hold
memory. That's why they call it Silicon
Valley in California
where the computer chips are coated
with the stuff. Silicon is
also found in the human brain, the
center of thought and is
responsible for the glassy shine on
most fruits such as apples
and strawberries.
When you analyze all of the many
spiritual, scientific and
physiological advantages of Black
Afrikan hair in its natural,
kinky, nappy, woolly state; it becomes
mind boggling when
one ponders the fact that Black Afrikan
people have been seriously
duped and purposely conditioned to
despise and reject

this type of hair which is actually the

most valuable kind!
J. Black Afrikans Should Behave Like
Nappy Hair!
Nappy hair strands are so in love with
each other that they
hug, embrace and lock into each other.
All while conforming
to the spiritual spiraling force of the
universe. Straight hair
strands are aloof from each other. They
act as individuals.
They don't bind together in a group-not
even when they are
forced to do so via a hair clip, beret or
similar hair fastening
apparatu.s. Plus they don't conform to
the spiritual, spiraling
force of the universe. Just think how
family like, tight
and hard-to-divide, Black Afrikans
would be if we acted like
nappy hair? The Black Afrikan race

would be blessed beyond

human comprehension and see
progress where only the edge
of the galaxies was the limit!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 47

and racial truth, while at the same time

highly discourages the
Black Afrikan to seek knowledge of self!
(Particularly outside
of the context of the Bible or Koran
The super wealthy, Black Afrikan
televangelists especially
can't go along with a so-called Black
Afrikan Jesus.
They would lose their huge, multicultural followings, which
would greatly effect their cash flow!
One such Black Afrikan
televangelist based in Los Angeles
became so highly "pissedoff,"
with his brainwashing, great White
European "Father

figure," "mentor," that he wrote a series

of books and did
several months of watered down,
"neutrally safe" lectures on
Racism In Religion.
He diligently went over the part where
two Dominant
Genes (original Black Afrikan genes),
can produce an albino
but two Recessive Genes (weak,
mutant, White European
genes) can not produce Black. He even
stuck out his neck and
went so far as to say the biblical Christ
was quote, " A Man
Of Color," but his mouth, teeth and
tongue could not get into
proper "sync" enough to come right out
and say the son of
God was Black! (ohoooo)! He lost a
considerable amount of
following and was dropped by a few
radio and TV stations
anyway! He hasn't been the same "high

and mighty" bible

thumper si,nce! He would have gained
more respect and credibility
being upfront with the truth or should
have left the
subject alone if he didn't have the
conviction or balls to go
all the way! Especially since he claims
that his God will take
care of him.
While we are on the subject, let's get
another thing straight!
All of the loc'ations in the bible take
place in Afrika. Egypt
and Ethiopia are physically located on
the continent of Afrika.
Those two countries are mentioned
more times than any other
countries in the bible. The countries
located on the land mass
that the White Europeans have labeled
the so-called "Middle
48 Rych McCain
East," (located in the middle of what?),

i.e., Saudi Arabia, Jordan,

Syria, Iraq, Iran etc., were all part of
Afrika during antiquity.
White European historians re-named
the area "Mesopotamia,"
in an effort to take the credit away from
the Black
Afrikans for all of the disciplines they
created to form world
wide culture. They even called the
mythical peoples of this region
the Mesopotamians and credited them
with inventing the
very "same" things the Nile Valley
Blacks of Kemet invented.
Where ever there is contradiction - a lie
Now the obvious fact that is
indisputable is that these locations
are very hot in climate all year round.
Therefore, any
human living in that area will be dark in
completion and subject
to wooly hair. Certainly no White

European originated in
any of the so-called biblical lands. That
brings us to our next
biblical figure Samson. Again, his hair
was his focal point! According
to the scriptures, Sampson had seven
locks of hair.
That sounds like seven big "lovelocks"
doesn't it? Judges
13:5; "No razor shall come on his head."
His strength was in
his hair. Judges 16: 17; "If I be shaven,
then my strength will go
from me, and I shall become weak and
be like any other man, "
(King James Version).
Another biblical hair situation that
involved hair was
when any member from the children of
Israel vowed a vow of
a Nazarite. They too weren't allowed to
cut their hair. Numbers
6:5 "All the days of the vow of his
separation there shall

no razor come upon his head." (King

James Version).
In keeping with their standard practice
of turning anything
Black Afrikan that was good into
something hideous
and bad; the White European "classic
Myth" of the evil Gorgon
with the "hair of snakes" named
Medusa, actually was
the Black Afrikan "Serpent Goddess,"
representing female
wisdom and was called "the mother of
all gods, whom she
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 49

bore before childbirth existed. Her hair

was actually nappy
Black Afrikan "lovelocks."
Psychologically, lovelocks strike deep
fear into White Europeans
from a mental standpoint. This is why
they depicted
Medusa's hair as scary snakes and she

could turn men into

stone with her stare. When White
Europeans confront those
magnificent, long, woolly lovelocks,
they see mini tornados
spiraling out of the heads of Black
Afrikans and the power
that it represents. That freaks them
out! This is why they don't
like lovelocks, big afros and styled
natural woolly, nappy hair
in the workplace. They view it as a bold
assertion of racial
pride and power (which it is),- and why
shouldn't it be?
When we look at other examples of the
emphasis being
placed on hair, we must go back to the
Black Mother Afrikan
Continent! After all, that mutantnoid,
Caucus Mountain,
Cro-Magnon cave man had "NO"
concept of hair being sacred.
The only thing he knew was that the

long, weak, stringy,

colorless blonde stuff on the top of his
head kept falling down
(and couldn't get up), in his face and it
made a good handle
for draggin his "woo"man into the cave!
(Well, that's how the
cartoons etc., depicts the caveman
stereo type of him dragging
his lady by the hair).
In cert~in Black Afrikan spiritual
traditions, the first born
child, especially the daughter, is
dedicated to the creator (God)
and their hair is never cut, but allowed
to grow as locks. This
is especially true if the child is a
descendent of a healer or
shaman. This special "child of God," is
highly revered and
believed to inherit healing powers
bestowed by God.
These high spiritual concepts
surrounding hair originate

from Black Afrikan Peoples only,

because they are the original
people on Earth and they fully
understood the divinity of
their woolly, nappy, kinky hair that
embodied the power of



The Spiritual History

Of Black Afrikan Hair

In antiquity, the image of God and

itself was represented by the color Black!
Sir Godfrey Higgens, a rare truthful
White European
:{ Historian wrote:
"The Originals of all the Gods have
of the Black Race!':
From their origins in the Black Afrikan

Nile Valley on; all

sacred, divine' deities were Black
Everyone of them had nappy, kinky,
spiral powered
woolly hair!
46 Rych McCain
Throughout the entire world, from
antiquity through the
middle ages,
Black Afrikan nappy, kinky, woolly hair
was called
Gods and Goddesses on every
throughout Earth
were Black and had nappy, kinky,
woolly hair!
A. The Original Description Of The
Biblical Jesus
Was A Black Afrikan Man With Woolly

Revelation 1: 14-15 (King James
14: His head and his hairs were white
like wool.
15. And his feet like unto fine brass, as
if they burned in a
Daniel 7:9 (King James Version)
And the hair of his head like pure wool.
Now we must keep in mind that many
in the clergy dispute
that these verses are describing the
biblical Jesus as an
actual Black Afrikan man. They all have
good motives to do
so. The White European clergy will not
allow the image of
the biblical Jesus to be anything but
"White" so they can continue
to bamboozle the world, as they have
for the last 2,000
years (especially Black Afrikan folks), to

continue "deifying"
the White European image as "God!"
Ninety-Nine Percent of the Black Afrikan
clergy won't
accept a Black Afrikan Jesus because
they have been brainwashed
and psychologically Europeanized with
based theological training that
discourages factual, historical
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 47

and racial truth, while at the same time

highly discourages the
Black Afrikan to seek knowledge of self!
(Particularly outside
of the context of the Bible or Koran
The super wealthy, Black Afrikan
televangelists especially
can't go along with a so-called Black
Afrikan Jesus.
They would lose their huge, multicultural followings, which

would greatly effect their cash flow!

One such Black Afrikan
televangelist based in Los Angeles
became so highly "pissedoff,"
with his brainwashing, great White
European "Father
figure," "mentor," that he wrote a series
of books and did
several months of watered down,
"neutrally safe" lectures on
Racism In Religion.
He diligently went over the part where
two Dominant
Genes (original Black Afrikan genes),
can produce an albino
but two Recessive Genes (weak,
mutant, White European
genes) can not produce Black. He even
stuck out his neck and
went so far as to say the biblical Christ
was quote, " A Man
Of Color," but his mouth, teeth and
tongue could not get into
proper "sync" enough to come right out

and say the son of

God was Black! (ohoooo)! He lost a
considerable amount of
following and was dropped by a few
radio and TV stations
anyway! He hasn't been the same "high
and mighty" bible
thumper si.nce! He would have gained
more respect and credibility
being upfront with the truth or should
have left the
subject alone if he didn't have the
conviction or balls to go
all the way! Especially since he claims
that his God will take
care of him.
While we are on the subject, let's get
another thing straight!
All of the locations in the bible take
place in Afrika. Egypt
and Ethiopia are physically located on
the continent of Afrika.
Those two countries are mentioned
more times than any other

countries in the bible. The countries

located on the land mass
that the White Europeans have labeled
the so-called "Middle
48 Rych McCain

East," (located in the middle of what?),

i.e., Saudi Arabia, Jordan,
Syria, Iraq, Iran etc., were all part of
Afrika during antiquity.
White European historians re-named
the area "Mesopotamia,"
in an effort to take the credit away from
the Black
Afrikans for all of the disciplines they
created to form world
wide culture. They even called the
mythical peoples of this region
the Mesopotamians and credited them
with inventing the
very "same" things the Nile Valley
Blacks of Kemet invented.
Where ever there is contradiction - a lie
Now the obvious fact that is

indisputable is that these locations

are very hot in climate all year round.
Therefore, any
human living in that area will be dark in
completion and subject
to wooly hair. Certainly no White
European originated in
any of the so-called biblical lands. That
brings us to our next
biblical figure Samson. Again, his hair
was his focal point! According
to the scriptures, Sampson had seven
locks of hair.
That sounds like seven big "lovelocks"
doesn't it? Judges
13:5; "No razor shall come on his head."
His strength was in
his hair. Judges 16: 17; "If I be shaven,
then my strength will go
from me, and I shall become weak and
be like any other man, "
(King James Version).
Another biblical hair situation that
involved hair was

when any member from the children of

Israel vowed a vow of
a Nazarite. They too weren't allowed to
cut their hair. Numbers
6:5 "All the days of the vow of his
separation there shall
no razor come upon his head."
(KingJames Version).
In keeping with their standard practice
of turning anything
Black Afrikan that was good into
something hideous
and bad; the White European "classic
Myth" of the evil Gorgon
with the "hair of snakes" named
Medusa, actually was
the Black Afrikan "Serpent Goddess,"
representing female
wisdom and was called "the mother of
all gods, whom she
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 49

bore before childbirth existed. Her hair

was actually nappy

Black Afrikan "lovelocks."

Psychologically, lovelocks strike deep
fear into White Europeans
from a mental standpoint. This is why
they depicted
Medusa's hair as scary snakes and she
could turn men into
stone with her stare. When White
Europeans confront those
magnificent, long, woolly lovelocks,
they see mini tornados
spiraling out of the heads of Black
Afrikans and the power
that it represents. That freaks them
out! This is why they don't
like lovelocks, big afros and styled
natural woolly, nappy hair
in the workplace. They view it as a bold
assertion of racial
pride and power (which it is),-and why
shouldn't it be?
When we look at other examples of the
emphasis being
placed on hair, we must go back to the

Black Mother Afrikan

Continent! After all, that mutantnoid,
Caucus Mountain,
Cro-Magnon cave man had "NO"
concept of hair being sacred.
The only thing he knew was that the
long, weak, stringy,
colorless blonde stuff on the top of his
head kept falling down
(and couldn't get up), in his face and it
made a good handle
for draggin his "woo"man into the cave!
(Well, that's how the
cartoons etc ., depicts the caveman
stereo type of him dragging
his lady by the hair).
In cert~in Black Afrikan spiritual
traditions, the first born
child, especially the daughter, is
dedicated to the creator (God)
and their hair is never cut, but allowed
to grow as locks. This
is especially true if the child is a
descendent of a healer or

shaman. This special "child of God," is

highly revered and
believed to inherit healing powers
bestowed by God.
These high spiritual concepts
surrounding hair originate
from Black Afrikan Peoples only,
because they are the original
people on Earth and they fully
understood the divinity of
their woolly, nappy, kinky hair that
embodied the power of
50 Rych McCain

the coil and the Power Of The Spiraling

Universal Life Force
within them!
B. The Black Afrikan Madonnas:
Black Afrikan people are some of the
most religious group of
folks in the United States! We worship
and deify the White
European image of Jesus in our deep
Ghetto churches like it is

second nature! White Europeans on the

other hand, would die
and go to hell twice before they would
even consider bowing
or (to them, "stooping down"), to a
Black AfrikanJesus, and
Lord forbid him to have love locks! It is
not even in the psychic
of the White European "racially superior
thinking mindset."
In the United States, it is almost
unfathomable for anyone,
of any race, to even "try" to remotely
imagine White European
evangelists such as Billy Graham, Jerry
Falwell, Jimmy
Swaggart, Jim Baker and Tammy Faye,
Oral Roberts, Robert
Schuler, Kenneth Hagan, Jerry Savelle,
Kenneth Copeland,
Pat Robertson or any of those
mainstream, republican, right
wing, conservatives, publicly

proclaiming their love, worship

and life devotion to a Black Afrikan
Jesus with love locks?
Even if this Jesus figure physically
appeared in the sky to the
entire world as a love locked Black
Afrikan, those boys and
their followers would still quickly reject
him and look for
another heaven where their image
would rule!
It is my opinion that the Negro, megabuck televangelists
would also deny that same love locked,
Black Afrikan Jesus,
(despite actually seeing him in the
physical). They would
make the denial based on three factors:
Their White Eurocentric psychological
mental programming disc running on
overtime in
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 51

their heads and their deeply engrained

kicking in super high gear!
Full, uncompromised support of a love
locked, Black
Afrikan Jesus would be politically
incorrect, socially
unacceptable in America and cause a
drop in their
memberships thus effecting their huge
money lines.
Their great White European Fathers,
would demand
it of them and for financial sake, they
would fully
obey and comply!
This is just my opinion. One of them
might surprise
me-but I seriously doubt it!
All of the above was said to say this;
the original and
world's very first sacred mother and
child was the ancient
Kemetic Black Afrikan Goddess Ast or

As-t , sometimes pronounce

"Auset,"(whom the Greeks later named
Isis), and her
holy child Heru (Horus). The invading
Greeks change the
name Kemet to Egypt, so in a historical
context, the statue
of the Black Afikan Egyptian Goddess
Isis with her holy child
Horus in her arms is where the White
European Christianity
priests stole the concept of a sacred
mother and child and
later created their "White Madonna,"
with a White European
Mary and Jesus!
The original Black Afrikan mother and
child i.e., Ast or
Auset (Isis) and Heru (Horus), were not
only highly esteemed
throughout the ancient Black Afrikan
Nile Valley, they were
worshiped and highly popular in Greece
and Rome. The Roman

soldiers carried the figure of the Black

Afrikan Isis holding
the Black infant Horus throughout all of
Europe where
shrines were created to her. When
Christianity was violently
forced upon Europe, the thousands of
shrines to the Black
Afrikan mother and child were so holy
and venerated that
they were not destroyed but converted
into the figures and
52 Rych McCain
paintings of the Black Afrikan Madonna
and child that still
exist throughout Europe and the entire
world today.
The Black Afrikan Madonnas are still the
holiest shrines
in Catholic Europe and the entire world
today! Even the present
day titles such as "Our Lady," is a title
that was attributed
to the great Black Afrikan Holy Mother

Auset (Isis). It
is very common for the first two words
in the title of many
Catholic churches to begin with "Our
Lady." For example,
in Los "Angeles there is an "Our Lady of
Angeles" Catholic
church, and more across the city and
throughout every Catholic
country on Earth! "The Great Mother," is
another titlethat
was attributed to the great Black
Afrikan Holy Mother
Auset (Isis.) In fact, one of Auset's (Isis')
main titles i.e., "Mater
Domina," is where the word "Madonna"
originates! The
bottom line is that many concepts
employed by the Catholic
Church and the White European,
Western version of Christianity,
are copies or "rip-offs," if you will, of
Black Afrikan
culture, history and spirituality. As I

mentioned earlier, the

ancient Black Afrikan Nile Valley is the
origin of all spirituality
with which, all of the world's religions
are based-bar
White European historians have tried in
vain to deny that
the European Black Afrikan Madonnas
are a representation
of the Black Afrikan race. They offer
many flimsy reasons
why those Madonnas "appear" Black,
but a rare, few, honest
White European historians such as
Gerald Massey, Godfrey
Higgins, Kersey Graves and T.w. Doane
knew the truth and
told the truth.
You won't get this kind of truth teaching
form the above
mention, televangelists or their inner
city, ghetto pastor cohorts.

Nor will you get this truth taught in our

public, ghetto
school systems across America! You will
have to get your beBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 53

hind in an afro-centric book store and

dig deep for this history
and knowledge of self-for yourself!
Throughout Catholic Europe such as
Germany, Spain,
Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Hungary,
Ireland, Poland, Portugal,
Switzerland and others, hundreds of
thousands of White Europeans
ritually worship the many Black Afrikan
The Black Paint on the hands and feet
of a lot of the Black
Madonnas have been literally kissed off.
In France alone there
are some 300 Black Afrikan Madonnas.
These Black Afrikan
Madonnas are no "Johnny-come-Iatelys"

or fads created by
radical left wing, religious extremists.
They were mainly created
during the so-called European
"Medieval" Period between
the 12th and 15th Centuries. So them
being hundreds
Black Afrikan
Auset & Son Horus
(The Original Holy Hathor Mother & Son)
All Madonnas are basedfrom
Auset and were originally Black!
The Europeans started making them
White after the Council ofHiceae in
325 A.B.C.E.

Fig. 3.1
54 Rych McCain
of years old and still highly venerated
to this date speaks volumes
for true Black Afrikan worth and
Some of the most famous Black Afrikan
Madonnas include


in Constantinople
in the 12th century and completely
adorned with
all kinds of precious stones i.e., rubies,
diamonds, emeralds
(has been Poland's
"Blessed Mother" for over 600 years);
MADONNA OF LORETTO (located in the
museum of
the Church of St. Matthew in Budapest,
was created in the 17th
Century and is beautiful with the deep
jet/coal Black mother
and child, each wearing crowns and
garments of gold); OUR
Abbey Church of the
Benedictines, Our Lady of the Hermits
in Switzerland).
Even in other parts of the world, the
Holy Black Afrikan

Madonna and Son are most venerated.

In Mexico, a major
Catholic dominant country, THE LADY
one of the most revered. In the
Philippines, four Black Afrikan
Madonnas practically rule the area
where they are housed.
Luzon Island);
(in Southern
PIAT (in Northern
(in Cebu and
the Visayas Group Islands). As quiet as
it is kept, even the
present day Popes still pray to a Black
Madonna located in
the Vatican in Rome!
We could go on and on but hopefully at
this juncture, you
get the point. In keeping with our

religious slant on hair, you

may have notice that men and boys in
the Jewish community
will often wear a single long lock of hair
on the side of their
heads. Some will wear a long single
lock on both sides of
their head. Here again we have a nonBlack group practicing
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 55

a spiritual tradition that has its origins

in the Black Afrikan
Nile Valley. In ancient Kemet (Egypt),
young boys wore the
Horus-lock aka The Rut, as a sign of the
divine child-Horus.
In his role as Rameses in the 1957
Paramount Pictures movie,
The Ten Commandments; Yul Brynner
wears a long single
"Horus-Lock" on the side of his bald
head. The real life Kemetic
(Egyptian) Pharaoh Rameses was a

Black Afrikan.
C. All Gods Origjnate From The Black
Afrikan Race!
In ancient times, true spirituality,
holiness and the vary image
of God was represented by the original
color of the universeBLACK! The King James version of the
Bible acknowledges the supreme color
Black in Genesis 1: 2;
And the earth was without form, and
void; and darkness was
upon the face of the deep.
Like the physical Black Afrikan
description of the biblical
Jesus Christ, the most ancient of
messiahs, gods and goddesses
on every continent were Black Afrikan
with woolly,
kinky hair. A few examples include:
Buddha: Some of the earliest (9th
through the 12th century),

statues and paintings in the temples

Asia and India of this messiah of India,
all depict
him as a Black Afrikan with thick lips,
Black skin,
wide nose and woolly hair which is
always shown in
small tight curis, either in pepper corn
style or in corn
rows . .
Fu-Hsi: Was the first Emperor of China
and was
known as the "Son of Heaven." He was
Black Afrikan
with woolly hair. (The first Chinese
people on
56 Rych McCain

Earth were Black afrikans. A lot of the

Great Wall of
China was built by Black Afrikans.
Martial arts originated
in Black Afrika).
lli: This Scandinavian Norse God was

Black Afrikan
with woolly hair and is the predecessor
to "Thor"
who was copied after him, and was
taught to us in
school as the Sky God of Thunder.
Zaha: This Japanese god was Black
Afrikan with
woolly hair. Even in Japan today, an
ancient Japanese
wise saying mentioned that a true
samurai warrior
had to have a drop of Black Afrikan
blood in him.
Samurai warriors were superior fighters
with swords
from the 12th through the mid 19th
century. Membership
in this elite group came from a strict
caste in Japan. That caste got its origins
from Black
KAR: In the ancient Black Afrikan Nile

Valley, the
beautiful ebony virgin "Kar" was known
as the "Inner
soul of Mother Earth" and the "Heart
and Soul
of the world." She was also the"
Goddess of Agriculture,"
causing the proper growth of grain.
Shrines of
Karnak in Egypt and Carnac in Brittany
were erected
ip her honor. Former NBC Tonight Show
host, the
late Johnny Carson, did a skit in his
show where he
was the mighty "Karnac" with
supernatural mental
powers. The Arabs and Greeks called
her Kore. The
Romans called her Ceres. Derivatives
from her name
include cereal, corn, kernel, cardia
(heart), care and
cherish. When you transversely cut an

apple, you will

notice the pentacle shape of its "Kore"
which was her
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 57

Scotia: The European country of

Scotland is named
after this Black Afrikan Egyptian
Caillech: AKA Cale and Kali: In
medieval folklore,
she was known as the "Black Queen."
The Celts revered
her as the mother of many races. The
called her Califia and named their warm
climate paradise
after her which is now the State of
Krishna: The messiah of India's name
means black or
the black one. He too was Black Afrikan
with woolly

and locked hair.

Quetzalcoatl: Lying historians have
tried to recreate
this messiah of Mexico as being blonde
and white but
he too was Black Afrikan with locked
woolly hair.
Lao-tse: This god of Taoism was born
of a virgin with
a jet black complexion. He was
described as marvelous
and beautiful as jasper. Magnificent
temples were
built to him.
Osiris: The greatest of all the Black
Afrikan gods in
Kemet. Osiris was the husband of Auset
(Isis) and father
to Horus. Together, they form the
original trinity
from which Christianity modeled its
father, son and
holy ghost.
Dilpehe: The name of this god meant

Home of the
Black God. The Navajo Indians gave his
name to the
seven suns of Pleiades.
We could go on and on with more
examples but you
should clearly have gotten the point
that the Black Afrikan
image with nappy, kinky, woolly locked
hair is the original
holy image from which all religions,
creeds and races have
model from throughout world history.
58 Rych McCain

D. Hair Of The Gods:

You now know that magnificent, nappy,
kinky, woolly hair
conforms to the spiraling motion of the
entire universe. You
now know that it is the most divine,
spiritual hair in the entire
human family. Now you know that
nappy, kinky, woolly hair

is the HAIR OF THE GODS! Black

Afrikans have been bamboozled
and mentally sucker punched with antinappy hair
programming since we got off the slave
boats. This mindset
was purposely forced upon the Black
Afrikan because the
White European knew the significance
and threat of the
Black Afrikans being fiercely proud of
their hair!
Even right now. Black Afrikans are
ashamed of their
hair and have no clue that it is the
greatest hair in the human
family! What is a bigger shame is that
most will read
this book and still hold on to that
Eurocentric mental programming
disc and willie chip planted inside their
heads and
will still continue to Bar-B-Q and cook

their hair! White Europeans

on the other hand, see the truth and
they are feeling
the "hair shame guilt," to the point that
they are spiking their
weak hair to make it stand up, frizzing it
out and doing all
sorts of things to imitate Black Afrikan
Even{the commercial areas are
effected. Disney's latest
cartoon Tarzan has brown love locks.
Why isn't he Blonde?
The White European cartoon character
for My Simon. com.
has love locks as well. White European
rockers, rappers and
even athletes are now sporting braids
and frizzy styles. Even
Johnny Depp's character Captain Jack
Sparrow sports Lovelocks
in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 59

E. Black Afrikan Affirmation:

Affirmations are good way to positively
reprogram your subconscious
mind. Say this affirmation to yourself
daily for at
least two weeks and notice the good
effect it will have on





Black is the Original

and Supreme Color
of the Universe!

Spiritual Life Force Melanin is BLACK!

\Xihen the three primary colors of
pigment are mixed
i.e., red, blue and yellow; they produce
the color
Carbon is the most essential element
for life on Earth

as well as throughout the entire

universe! Carbon is
All life throughout the entire universe
is created in
BLACK is the perfect absorber and
radiator of all
forms of energy waves; light and
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 61

The closer we are to energy, the

BLACKER we will
be! This definitely includes the color of
your skin and
BLACK is the only color that draws

healing proper- f ties to a bodily injury.

That's why a punch in the eye
turns BLACK! Red and Blue injury colors
that draw

healing are derivatives of BLACK.

The lack of darkness in a color
represents sickness
and incompleteness. For example, pale
means sick in
humans while lightness in plants,
eatable fruits, vegetables
etc., means not ripe.
There is spiritual power in the

Melatonin AKA "The Hormone of

BLACK is the beginning to all cycles of
creation. Human
and Non-Human. On Earth and
throughout the
entire galaxy!
When you close your eyes, you see
BLACK! Because
the BLA CK came first!

The human skin color that is the most

in concert with
the elements of nature and the cosmic
universe and is
th ~ most spiritually divine is BLACK!
The most precious gem on earth, the
diamond, started
out as jet BLACK coal!
The most in demand natural
res,ource is oil. It comes
out of the ground jet BLACK!
Electrons and all forms of energy
throughout the galaxy
are BLACK!
BLACK is the root of humanity and the
seed of existence.
It is the base of human formation from
mental neurological to bodily
development. At hu62
Rych McCain

man conception, when the male sperm

fertilizes the

female egg, the first thing that happens

after the cells
start to divide, is the formation of the
moriala. It is
BLA CK no matter what the race of the
mother is!
BLACKNESS is the divine, cosmic
principal of the
entire universe!



The Insanity of The

Blonde Psych!

A. All Colors Have Wave Lengths and

It is very important to understand the
Spiritual, Mental and
Physical Universes in which we exist.
The elements and phenomenon
of these universes effect us every
ticking millisecond
of our lives. To go through life unaware
and oblivious to
this aspect is the equivalent to walking
through a dark alley
blindly, not knowing what to expect and
worse yet, being
totally off guard with no game plan for
a sudden surprise.
All colors have wave lengths. A wave is
a rhythmic disturbance
that carries energy via the passage of
light, energy,
64 Rych McCain

vibration or sound through matter or

space. The length of the

wave is determined by the distance
between the maximum
positive points of two successive waves.
You can find the velocity
of wave by dividing the frequency of its
oscillations i.e.,
its rippling effect.
A frequency is the number of vibrations
(wave crests)
that pass a point during one second
(per second) expressed
in hertz (Hz) of an energy signal. Your
radio and TV picks
up broadcast wave lengths that go
through space at a certain
frequencies. Waves come in many
forms i.e., sound waves,
liquidlfluid waves, radio/TV waves,
microwaves, electronic
waves, light waves, shock waves,
infrared, ultra-violet, Xrays
and Gamma Rays.

B. All Colors Produce Energy and

Scientists find it difficult to define
energy because of the many
forms in which it exist i.e., radiant,
electrical, chemical, thermal
and nuclear to site a few examples.
Energy is the ability
to effect change. In other words, energy
has the ability to do
work, causing something to move.
However, there is always
change 3f a result of the performed
The term "vibration," as we will define
and use it, will
carry a psychic or metaphysical
meaning. Vibrations or
"Vibes," are the feelings and energies
emitted by a person,
animal, plant, place or thing that one
can sense or intuitively
pick up. All of the elements give off

vibrations i.e., earth, wind)

fire, water and space. This also includes
minerals, rocks,. precious
stones, prisms and crystals. You always
hear terms such
as "good" or "bad" vibes; "I feel you;"
"Being on the same
page;" and similar sayings. You know
that you get certain
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 65

feelings even though you can't explain

what they are or why.
Good or bad vibes are what animals
pick up so keenly. Dogs
growl, cats hunch their backs with their
hair standing up and
plants wilt or die in the presence of bad
Color is composed of electromagnetic
energy that vibrates
at different frequencies. Frequency
wavelengths are
colors. That is how your TV screen

shows you color. It is said

that we are personally attracted to
specific colors that serve a
particular need to create balance in our
lives. The main principle
of healing is the creation of balance.
Every color in the
rainbow spectrum has a special
function and meaning which
we won't go into at this time.
The color of the clothes you chose to
wear effect you and
those around you. Check out the effect
when your clothes
don't match and the colors clash. You
men know the ladies
will defiantly crack on you about it.
Color also reflects your
mood and your needs for that day.
Because of the vibration
given from the color and your personal
need for it that day,
it's a sure bet that you didn't select the

color-it selected you!

):~')u ladies especially know how the
shade and color of your
makeup alters your mood and looks,
which effect how you
feel when wearing it. You should study
up on colors and select
them )Nisely with regard to your
makeup, clothes and
every traction of your life. The color in
every aspect of your
environment effects you as well. For
example, how weird do
you feel when you go into a room
where the colors of the
furniture, drapes or carpet clash? Each
room in your house or
apartment, your work space, your car
(inside and out), your
favorite hangout to where ever is
effected by its color. The
right color of your bed room will help
you sleep better. Even
the color of the foods you eat and the

fluids you drink can

balance your health and energies.
66 Rych McCain

Colors for healing have even been

assigned to the astrological
signs and planets in our solar system.
Colors are even
associated in our speech when we
describe our moods and motives.
We've all heard and used terms such
as; "Green With
Envy," to describe jealousy; "Green
Light," meaning to approve
something; Green or greenhorn;
meaning not knowing
or being a rookie in a field or at a task
that requires skill. "Feeling
Blue," when experiencing sadness or
being down in spirit;
"Talking Until You're Blue In The Face,"
for disgust; something
having a "Grey Area," when uncertain;
being "Tickled
Pink," for laughter or feeling

exceptionally happy about something;

being "Red Faced," when embarrassed;
"Seeing Red,"
when angry, or "Being In The Red,"
when a company is losing
money; "Having a Yellow Streak down
your back," or "being
Yellow," for expressing fear or being
"chicken" or "afraid;"
"Brown Nosing," for kissing and licking
up to someone; and
we won't even begin to list all of the
"Black" sayings, i.e.,
"Black Ball," "In The Black" and all the
others. We will do the
same for every saying with "White," in
it, i.e., "White Wash,"
"White Out," "White as a Ghost," to all
the rest.
In chapter four we covered the fact that
black, is the supreme
color of the entire universe and its
many galaxies. We
pointed ~)Ut that when the three

primary colors of pigment

i.e., red, blue and yellow are mixed;
they produce tLe color
black! So it goes without question that
black has the strongest
energy, frequency, wave length and
vibration. That it is
the senior color and all other colors fall
in rank below it. That
ranking of course is predicated on the
darkest colors having:
highest rank to the lightest colors
having the least rank.
What about grey or white hair? That is
an act of ageing
and nature. Unfortunately gray and
white are weaker colors,
so old ageing hair does the same thing
as old ageing bodies;
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 67

they get weaker. Because colors give

off vibrations, energies,
wave lengths and frequencies, they set

the mood for everything.

How romantic can a couple be with
bright white lights
blaring versus soft, dimly lit color
lights? How weird would
a night football game be with soft party
lights versus bright
white lights covering the field so
everyone can see? Colors
are hot, cold, warm and cool. Thy
attract attention or camouflage
things to go unnoticed. When it comes
to the spiritually
divine function and physical properties
of natural, nappy,
kinky, woolly hair; its color is of
paramount importance.
C. Our Ancient Black Afrikan Ancestor's
Understanding of Body Colors:
Our ancient, Nile Valley Black Afrikan
Ancestors understood
the spiritual, mental and physical
relations between our body

energies and the cosmic energies of the

universe. This is why
they were the first to paint their bodies
with specially select
colors for specific rituals such as war,
coming of age rites,
weddings, funerals to other sacred
events and activities. These
ritualistic colors produced the perfect
harmony and correct
vibratory frequencies between spirit,
mind, body and the cosmos.
Our Kemetic Black Afrikan Ancestors
perfectly understood
that everything in the entire universe is
made up of
electromagnetic energy vibrating at
different frequencies that
correspond to sound, light and color.
The Caucasus Mountain,
mutant and spiritually deplete White
European was void
of this type of cosmic awareness.
As the Black Afrikans spread around the

world with their

high spiritual knowledge, other like
spiritual peoples who
evolved, embraced and picked up the
same concepts and
68 Rych McCain
practices. This is why the people who
arrived in the Americas
via the divide across Asia and what is
now known as the
Alaskan peninsula, that are now
classified as Native Americans
or so-called "Indians;" practiced to art
of painting their
bodies with specific colors. This was
done to achieve vi bratorial
frequency balance to aid their efforts in
what ever endeavor
they chose. This color science is
practice in tribes all
over the world except in Europe!
Because of their ignorance,
arrogance and lack of spiritual
understanding of the color

sciences, Europeans have traditionally

and disrespectfully
frowned on, looked down upon and
dismissed body painting
as senseless and primitive superstitious
behavior. Hollywood
is especially guilty of making painted
jungle Black Afrikans
and Native American Indians look stupid
and buffoonish!
Our Black Afrikan, Nile Valley Ancestors
also had the
science of color in mind when they
invented and were the first
humans on Earth to use cosmetics to
enhance the beauty of
the hair, face and body. This also
included oils and scents to
appease the sense of smell to
accompany the good looks. Colors
played a pivotal role in the scheme of
how the Pharaohs,
queens and common people dressed,
adorned themselves and

painted their palaces, homes, personal

items to everything
else in b~tween. To this day, no one of
any race can out dress
or out flash a ghetto brotha or sistah
when they get macked
out and down! Our need for attention
produces some of the
loudest, brightest colors on Earth in our
clothes, cars, homes
and Bling (jewelry). Even down to (the
ridiculous looking and
bad for your dental health), gold and
diamond teeth. You can
just imagine the vibrational, frequency
and energy clashing
going on in those mouths!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 69

D. Energy/Electricity:
Electricity is made via generators which
operate on a very
basic scientific principal. When energy
flows through a conduit,

it creates an energy field. Two opposite

polar magnets
i.e., "north" and "south," that rotate
over each other creates
and generates electricity. This is also
the strongest and highest
form of energy. Again, the entire
universe and nature are
balanced. This means that two of the
same pole magnets i.e.,
"south" over "south" or "north" over
"north" will generate
inferior, weak or unstable energy. This
is another reason same
gender sex (homosexuality and
lesbianism) is anti-nature because
it generates weak or unstable and
unhealthy confused


We Exist in a Universe of

Wave and Energy Forms

Frequencies and

A. Your Head:
Your head is the highest point from th~
ground on your body.
Your head is where your body takes in
(receives), every form
of energy wave and sends out
(transmits), every form of er.ergy
wave. Your eyes take in light waves and
you see, your
ears take in sound waves and you hear.
Your brain emits energy
waves and generates thought waves so
you can think.
Some folks are metaphysically
conscious enough to pick up
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The

Black Blonde Psych! 71

on another person's thought waves. It is

referred to as telepathy
or mind reading. Have you ever had a
thought that
someone around you picked up on? For
example, you are
hearing a hit tune in your head; then
someone around you
starts whistling the same tune! Or for
you ladies; you are at
the mall and another woman picks up
on the same item that
you were scoping on from a distance.
Your head is the grand central station or
energy wave traffic
control center for your entire body. If
you have no awareness
or conscious state of mind about this
strategic, bodily
operational function; you are walking
around with no clue as
to how all of the energy waves involved

with your head are effecting

you. When you do certain things to your
hair unaware
of this knowledge, that is the equivalent
to your attempting to
fly a 747 with no training or trying to
operate a complicated
computer program without having the
foggiest idea or understanding
of how the menus work. Under those
conditions, you
can't expect anything but botched up
B.Our Bodies Have Energy Zones:
PhysicallYt our bodies are not solid. The
human body is made
up of many parts and fluids that are
bound in a fashion that
appear~ solid but is not. Our bodies
contain energy zones and
actual other energy bodies within and .
around our physical
bodies that function individually and at

the same time effect

each other. Most people only deal with
phenomenon that relates
to their five senses i.e., they can see it,
smell it, taste it,
hear it or feel it. If they can't do any of
those five, they are
now in an unsure zone and most people
don't know how to
cope with the unfamiliar or the
72 Rych McCain

You have four energy bodies within and

around your
main physical body. They are (1) the
Ethereal body; (2) the
Emotional (astral) body; (3) the Mental
body and (4) the
Spiritual body. Each body generates its
own vibrational frequency
with (ethereal) being the lowest and
(spiritual) being
the highest. Your body could not exist

or function properly
without a complex energy system in
operation. There are two
main Energy Bodies, within your
internal complex energy
system. They are called Chakras (or
some refer to charkas as
Vortexes), which contains energy and
Nadis, which channels
tha t energy.
The Sanskrit meaning of Nadis is "pipe"
or "vein." So as
pipes in a water system carry water
throughout the city, nadis is
a network of channels or arteries that
carry or transport Prana
(vital energy) throughout the entire
human body system. Nadis
join into fourteen main channels which
are congruous with
the main primary and secondary
charkas. According to ancient
Indian text, as many as 72,000 nadis
exist in the human

body. Other sources make that estimate

as high as 350,000.
The highest ranking nadis are referred
to as (1) Sushumna (2)
Ida (3) Pigala. The nadis of one energy
body are connected to
the nadis of the neighboring energy
body via the charkas.
We rpentioned "Prana," which is the
primal source of
all energy forms that manifests itself
via various frequencies.
Vitality radiates on all levels while
manifesting itself in the
physical, emotional and mental realms.
Prana is vitality's
equivalent. You can receive and store
frequencies of prana to
any degree depending if your
awareness and conscious level
are high enough. One form of prana
exists in the air. Through
proper breathing techniques, you can

receive and experience

it, as do those who practice the various
forms of yoga.
In your physical body, your blood
transports chemical
materials in a liquid state. The red
corpuscles deliver oxyBlack
Afrikan Hair And The insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 73

gen to the tissues and takes out the

carbon dioxide, dumping
it. In your etheric body, the radiations in
the "vital field"
absorb and transport "vitality" or
"prana" from the other
atmosphere and disposes the waste
matter just like the red
corpuscles does with oxygen and
carbon dioxide in your
physical body. Vitality creates
oscillation of atoms. The "vitality
force" enters the atom from "within,"
not "without."
It enters the atom in concert with the

force that binds the

atom together. When the vitality force
builds up inside an
atom, it creates a power of attraction
that quickly pulls in
six (6) other atoms surrounding it. This
creates a sub-atomic
element called Globules. In essence,
"globules" are charged
with the force of "prana." Globules are
how prana get distributed
throughout your etheric body.
With the proper conditions, globules are
visible and appear
to be dancing in the air as tiny points of
brilliant light.
They are sunlight dependent for their
power of manifestation.
They won't appear in abundance on
cloudy days. This
may be one of the reasons gloomy or
rainy days make people
depressed and are no fun for children.
To this point in this chapter, we are

setting a foundation,
so you will understand the workings of
unseen energy
forces to which you mayor may not
have been aware. We
t'cuched earlier on the energy centers
of our physical bodies
called Chakras (aka vortexes). Their
function is to receive
and transmit the many forms of prana
(energy). Chakras use
nadis to pull in the vital energy and
transforms it into the particular
frequencies required by the many areas
of the physical
body for sustenance and development.
Every charka is connected
with one of the elements of earth,
water, air, ether and
mind. In this case, mind is an
instrument of consciousness.
You will also note that in this text, these
elements are states
of matter rather than elements and

terms like "solid," "liq74

Rych McCain

uid," and "gaseous," as we understand

them in the science
of chemistry.
The term Chakra comes from the
Sanskrit word "wheel."
Chakras are shaped like round flowers
with brush like endings.
1t is estimated that our physical bodies
have up to 88,000
chakras. There are 40 secondary
charkas of importance that
are located in your spleen, back of your
neck, the palms of
your hands and the soles of your feet.
However, we will focus
on the Seven Primary Charkas which
are located along
the central vertical axis of your spine
and open toward the
front of your body like a bushy flower.
These round centers
of energy are in consistent rotating

motion attracting energy.

At the same time they are receiving
and transmitting those
energies. These energies are often
referred to as our Ch'i (pronounced
chee) energy.
The centers of each chakra, at their
deepest point, contain
a stem-like channel that extends and
connects into your
spine. This fuses each separate chakra
into the chief energy
channel, the "sushumna" which
ascends within your spine to
the top of your head. In the human
body, the chakra extends
in a 4 inch circumference from their
located position. \Xlhen
your charkras are undeveloped, they
appear as small color
circles wi th a 2 inch diameter. But
when they are aroused to
life, they blaze brightly like micro suns
with up to a 4 inch diameter.

As your metaphysical consciousness

becomes greater,
your charkas will extend further from
your body. Their frequency
vibrations will expand and increase with
clearer and
brighter colors.
Your chakra's rotational direction is
dependent on your
sex. If you are male, your chakras
rotate clockwise. For females,
your chakras rotate counter clockwise.
This allows for
the energies of the differing sexes (man
and woman) to comBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 75

pliment each other. This fits with the

Chinese teachings of
Yang for the male and Ying for the
female. This is nature and
spirit at its purest, meaning that "NO

made. In other words homosexuality

does NOT fit into this
picture! Get mad if you will if your
leaning is gay, bi-sexual,
same gender loving or lesbian. What
you are into is not natural
and the laws of physical physics and
spiritual physics does
not support your frame of mind or
The rotating clockwise/counter
clockwise direction of
each chakra is different from one
chakra to the next. Again,
may I emphasis the universal life force
of the spiral, the most
profound motion of the universe! The
seven primary human
charkas are;
(1) The Root Chakra; fiery red-orange
in color; located
between your anus and genitals and
connects to your

(2) The Sacral or Spleen Chakra;
sunlight in color;
located over your spleen or in most
cases under your
naval. The spleen is seen as a sacred or
place to tamper according to Sanskrit
text, that's
why many place this chakra under the
(3) The Solar Plexus Chakra; mainly
green in color; located
right above the naval and is connected
into our astral or emotional body. Your
body absorbs
the sun's solar energy via he solar
plexus chakra, which
nutritionally feeds your etheric body.
This in turn energizes
and maintains our physical bodies. This
is where

your emotional (feeling) energy

radiates or as we most
commonly refer to it- our "gut" feeling.
(4) The Heart Chakra: golden in color;
is located in the
chest heart cavity area. It is the center of
the chakra
76 Rych McCain
system and connects the lower three
emotional and
physical charka centers to the three
upper and higher
mental and spiritual chakra centers.
(5) The Throat Chakra; Blue and green
alternate also
silver in color; located between the
depression in the
neck and the larynx, starting at the
cervical vertebra
behind the Adams apple where it opens
at the front.
It is connected to a smaller secondary
charka which is

seated in the neck and opens towards

the back. The
two are so closely related that they
have been joined
as one.
(6) The Third Eye Chakra; one half is
mainly rosecolored
with plenty of yellow while the other
half is
basically purplish-blue; located in back
of your forehead
above the bridge of your nose, between
eyebrows. This is where your conscious
perception of
being takes place and is the seat of
your higher mental
powers. In your physical body, this
chakra is the
highest center of command for your
central nervous
(7) The Crown Chakra; (aka the third

eye); violet in
color; located in your pineal gland,
which is in the
Ipwer middle part of your brain. It opens
toward the
top of your head. The pineal gland is a
subject all
to itself in one of my other forthcoming
books. It
gives special psychic, mental a,nd
spiritual abilities to
melanin dominate, Black Afrikan people
because it is
"alive" in 85% of us. On the other hand,
the gift giving
pineal gland is "dead" (i.e., calcified), in
85% of
White Europeans and they don't receive
its benefits.
When you see a picture of the
Eurocentric White Jesus
with the halo of light above and around
his head, that halo

Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The

Black Blonde Psych! 77

represents the crown chakra. It is the

highest spiritual energy
center in our bodies and usually the last
one to be awakened

Via our aware consCiOusness.

Base Chakra System
(7) Crown (Third Eye?) Chakra
(6) Third Eye? Pineal Gland
(5) Throat Chakra
(4) Heart Chakra
(3) Solar Plexus Chakra
(2) Sacral or Spleen Chara
(1) Root Chakra
(Your Outside Aura)

Fig. 6.1
C. A.uras:
Everything thing or person has an Aura.
In the science of
metaphysics, an aura is an energy field
emanating from the
surface of a person or object. Auras are

defined as electromagnetic
fields that glow outside the .outline of a
body or the outlining shape of an
object. These glowing emanations
can be seen by the naked eye as a
foggy mass of cascading
layers of colors which are thought to
represent soul
vibrations, chakric emergence, or a
reflection of surrounding
fields of energy. It is a proven, scientific
fact, without question,
those electromagnetic fields around our
bodies and objects
do exist!
78 Rych McCain

There are on going debates as the

whether people need
special psychic abilities or training to
physically see auras
with their eyes. It is said that your aura
usually consist of

several colors simultaneously. The

energy field of your aura
is not just restricted to your body's out
lying shape, but its
motion carries throughout the inside of
your body as well
because your body is made up of
electromagnetic energies
in every part. This electromagnetic
energy also includes the
energy that you experience in the third
Of course, dimension is defined in math
as a parameter or
measurement that is required to define
the characteristics of
an object i.e., its length, width, height,
size or shape. The third
dimension is the quality of depth or
thickness in an object .or
a space. The universe, in which we
exist, has but three spatial
dimensions which are limited to length,
width and height that

only allows us to travel along three

perpendicular paths.
Your mental, emotional, spiritual and
physical state wiH
cause the color spectrum of your aura
to fluctuate. Your aura
will vibrate according to the different
color, sound and light
frequencies that it encounters. Drugs,
medication, alcohol,
smoking etc., all will effect your aura.
When protecting yourself
from someone, your aura will hover
very close to your
body. J;t can also extend out vary far
from your body. It is said
that some individuals can psychically
view a person and see
images within their aura. Those images
may include symbols,
archetypes, people, digits or varying
,aspects of that person's
soul that is showing through in their

third dimensional
aura from another realm. Even when a
man and a woman
make love, they will appear in each
another's auras depending
on the type of relationship they have
going. Also,
when people have done healing work or
work in general
together or shared any physical contact
like going to a
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 79

ball game, they will have merged their

energies and will share a common
auric field for a brief
amount of time.
The knowledge you have gained in this
chapter alone
should make you vary selective in the
future of whom you
associate with via a lover, one night
stand sex partner, roommate,

friend, business partner etc., because

you do swap and
exchange electromagnetic and
vibratory energy fields with
these people and it does affect you! If
that energy is harmful
or negative, you will suffer the harmful
and negative results.
You now know that male and female sex
energy fields compliment
each other while same sex energy fields
don't! Put
two South Pole magnets together and
they repel each other.
Put a north and South Pole magnet
together and they draw to
each other and stick. That is nature.
That is natural!

Higher Vibrations and Energies

(Emanate from the upper chakras
of the body)
Lower Vibrations and Energies

(Emanate from the lower chakras of

the body)
It is frpm the lower chakra energy
centers that the majority
of our modern society operates. Those
energies are the
ones we should strive to elevate
ourselves above. Consider
the lowest (root) chakra and it's
location between your anus
and genitals. The effects from the
energies of this area do fit
perfect. If you are anal in mind and
spirit you most likely are
an "A" hole!' If you are a pervert, sex
freak, child molester,
porn freak, pimp, dope pusher,
prostitute, thug, gangsta or
general anti-societal screw-up, you are
operating hom those
lower energies and you won't survive
80 Rych McCain

On the other hand, the higher chakra

energy centers are
where the virtues that lift and bless
mankind emanate. People
who operate from those upper energies
make the world a better
D. Sushumna And The Serpentine Fire:
Our human system gathers its most
vital and basic forms of
energy through the root and crown
chakras which are connected
via nadi called sushmna. It navigates up
and down the
central axis of our bodies inside our
spine between the top of
our heads (crown chakra), to our
sacrum. The stem of each
of the seven primary chakras provide
them with energy while
the sushumna connects them all. The
Primary current that is
produced is said to flow "between the

Sun and Earth" - from

heaven above and earth below.
As a result of this directional flow, other
side currents
are created that flow at right angels to
themselves. They also
travel between the spine and the outer
edges of our etheric
body i.e., our auras. Essentially, our
etheric body is composed
of various intermingling streams of vital
energies that are
kept in q,rder by our spinal current
which serves as a central
axis. This holds our entire etheric body
together and gives it
coherent form.
In addition to the sushumna, which
travels up the center
of your spine connecting your seven
major chakras, you have
the two energy carriers we mentioned
earlier, the "ida" and
the "pigala. "

Now to make it clear, the pigala channel

carries the solar
energy of the sun and is composed of
heat and drive. It starts
from the right side of your root chakra
and ends in the upper
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 81

area of your right nostril. Its path

weaves across from the
right to left side of the chakras all the
way up and back down.
The ida channel is the polar opposite of
the pigala channel in
that it carries the cool and calming
lunar energy of the moon.
It starts on the opposite left side of your
root chakra and ends
in your left nostril. Like the pigala, it
winds from left to right
all the way up and back down along the
chakra path.
Keep in mind that while these two

energy channels wrap

themselves around the sushumna that
is in the middle, their
paths travel in a spiral pattern from
your root chakra to your
nose and meet at your 6th chakra
where they polarize every
chakra in between. This action causes
the chakras to spin or
spiral as well. Again, we have a perfect
example of the universal
power of the spiral, the most profound
motion in the
It is important to know that when one
attempts to arouse
the latent energy that is concealed
within the inner layers of
the ida and pigala, the dangerous
serpent fire will begin to
reveal itself. That fire is ball of fire
within a ball, within a ball
and continues into infinity. It is

something NOT to be tampered

with, according to those in the know.
This is the same "Serpentine Fire," that
Maurice White
talks a boqt in the 70's mega hit song
"Serpentine Fire," by
the super music group Earth, Wind &
Fire. Almost nobody
knew what that song was about then
and most don't even
have a clue or know today, 30 years

In ancient Kemet in the Black Afrikan

Nile Valley over
4,000 years ago, their lived a Black
Afrikan brother named
"IMHOTEPt" It is his name that many
conscious brothas and
sistahs greet each other by saying
"Hotep!" It means "may all
things good come to you," i.e., as
health, prosperity and so
forth. Walter Williams, the author of

The Historical Origin


Imhotep's Caduceus
Rych McCain

Black Afrikan
Imhotep of Kemet
(The Father of Medicine & Architecture)

Fig. 6.2

of Christianity, uses the greeting

"Maat-Hotep," because it
serves as a balance between the male
and the female. "Maat"
is truth and represents the female and
"Hotep" represents
the male.
Imhotep is the world's first known multigenius. He is the

real "Fatner of Medicine," and not

Hippocrates who lived
2000 years later. Greece and Rome did

not even exist when

Imhotep had established his temples
which became the first
hospitals known to man. His insignia,
the "Caduceus" (i.e.,
the winged staff entwined by two
serpents), mentioned above
was found 011 all of his temples
(hospitals). It became the insignia
of the medical profession then and still
is today. You'll
see it at your doctor or dentist's office
or on your insurance
papers and pamphlets. Now you know
that symbol is the
insignia of a Black Afrikan man.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 83

The Greeks and Romans picked up

Imhotep's vast medical
knowledge centuries later through the
massive volumes
of books that he wrote, many of which
were ripped-off. An

extensive amount of his stolen volumes

are at the Karl Marx
University in Liepzig, Germany. Here is
the man who mapped
out the serpentine fire and was the first
to use splints, bandages,
compresses and other applications.
Imhotep invented
surgery and was the first to identify the
organs and workings
of the human body. He gave the world
the first anatomical
and medical vocabulary, so far in
advance of civilizations that
had yet to come that he was deified
while still alive and worshiped
as the Great God of Medicine. The
Greeks who came
later, called him Aesclepios, the God of
Imhotep also invented architecture. He
designed and built
the great Step Pyramid of Sakkara for
the Pharaoh, King Djoser

during the 3rd Dynasty in ancient

Kemet. It is the first built
and oldest known of Egypt's current 97
pyramids. When
architecture is taught in schools and
universities, the stone
pyramids located in what is now called
Egypt, are referred
to as the world's first constructed, high
rise buildings. It is
also taught that the science of
architecture's beginning was
with the building of the stone pyramids
in Kemet. And here's
the kicker; tqose pyramids were so
mathematically correct
that you can't even slide a credit card
between the stones and
modern science still can't figure out
how those genius Black
Afrikans built them!
In addition to all of the above, Imhotep
was also a high

priest, diplomat, economist, poet,

philosopher, sage, magician
and astronomer. It is him who gave us
the phrase, "Eat,
Drink and Be Marry!"



Colors, Your Brain, Body,

Speech and Physical
Space, All Have Energy
Forms and Vibrations!

A. The Power of Words And Speech:

In his book, Thoughts From The
Undenvorld, author Mark K
Charlton-Davis says on page 9; section
2: "Words and numbers
are the building blocks of civilization.

They reflect and

deflect the vibration of energy rotating
within the universal
spiral. Words contain and bend energy,
redirecting the flow
of spirits migrating along their orbital
paths; thus consonants
and vowels invite and reject various
energies and spirit forms.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Tnsanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 85

We are the products of our thoughts,

and the thought process
is where words originate to become
spirit/energies arching
their path around minute segments of
spiraling energetic current
entering through the cerebral synapses
of our brain. "
It is a provable, scientific fact, that
every word we speak
and every thought that we think, has
energy and a vibratory

frequency, which can alter the chemical

and or physiological
functions of our cells and our body.
Those who subscribe to
Western European Christian theology
use the biblical teachings
about the tongue with the same basic
philosophy. For
Proverbs 18:7-8; and 18: 21 (King
James Version)
Verse 7: A fool's mouth is his
destruction, and his lips are the
snare of his soul.
Verse 8: The words of a talebearer are
as wounds, and they
go down into the innermost parts of the
Verse 21: Death and life are in the
power of the tongue: and
they that love it shall eat the fruit
That old child hood saying; "Sticks and
stones may break

my bones, but words can never hurt

me," is a flat out, scientifically
p~ovable lie! You feel the power of
words everyday.
If a cop pulls you over and says
threatening things to you, the
chemical structure in your cells change
immediately and sets
in the feelings of fear, anger and
uncert;:tinty. If someone you
have very special feelings for, looks you
in the eye and says,
"I love you," "wham-o," your body
chemistry will change
This is why it is of the utmost
importance that Black Afrikan
people, especially our youth stop using
the so-called "N"
word. It is the ultimate expression of
Black Afrikan self hate!
86 Rych McCain
That word is loaded with death,

destruction and the worst of

negative energy. It was forced on us in
such a brutal, outright,
blatant manner and drummed into the
utmost, deepest parts
of our sub-conscious and psychic. Then
we fell for the "okiedoke,"
and started using that filthy, offensive,
vulgar word on
ourselves. You clearly see the negative
results on the streets of
the hood daily via the violence, drug
and alcohol abuse, crime
and other forms of self-hate and selfdestructive behaviors
being played out.
Many of our Black Afrikan Youth
foolishly say that they
have "flipped" the "N" word and that it
changes its harmful,
racially hateful meaning, to one of an
endearing term when
you change the spelling i.e., "niggaz!"

They are so wrong!

That word is filthy any way you try to
disguise it period! That
vile word strictly follows the universal
law that says; bad
can only produce bad while good can
only produce good.
Good and bad are reciprocals i.e.,
opposites of each other. It
is impossible to flip a reciprocal-period!
A bad word can
never produce a good meaning! The
only thing our youth
have done with the "N" word is "MASK"
the pain from it
by psyching themselves up to mentally
substitute a "FALSE"
sense of good from something horribly
bad! I suggest they
use posi!ive terms like calling
themselves Kings, Pharaohs or
Queens and see what a difference it

Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The

Black Blonde Psych! 87

B. Your Bra;n:


The higher the state of mind . .. the
slower the speed of
the brain wave.
Theta (Deep Sleep)
It is amazing how the speed of
brainwaves makes such
a difference. There are people on this
planet who have full
control of the speed of their brain
waves, which enable them
to perform incredible feats. Masters
who practice the martial

arts, yoga and other various forms of

physical disciplines
that require mental control, do this on a
regular basis. When
you hear about these folks slowing their
breathing and heart
rate dowIf, walking on hot coals
barefoot to doing other unbelievable
feats, the speed of their thought waves
is part of
the mind control process. Heavy
thinkers, wise leaders and
people who are on purpose in life that
operate from a higher
frame of mind, all do so operating from
slower brain waves.
High speed, brain wave people talk and
act before they
think, are slaw in thought and generally
cater to the less significant,
dumb things in life. We see the types of
results high
speed brain waves bring.
88 Rych McCain

C. Your Hair and Body Parts Have

Not Qnly does every strand of your hair
have consciousness,
every organ and every inch of your
body has consciousness.
This is why the white corpuscles in your
body fight infections
and anything they deem foreign inside
of you. They have the
consciousness of everything in your
body that belongs and
anything not part of that consciousness
will be attacked. This
is why organ transplant patients must
remain on medication
for life. That medication fools their body
into accepting the
strange organ as one of its own. If the
medication fails to accomplish
this feat, the host body will realize that
a foreign
object is in it and it will begin to attack

and reject it. By the

same token, the transplanted organ has
the consciousness of
the human body it came from and can
do its own rejecting in
the strange new body in which it has
been transplanted.
Even human hair wigs keep the
consciousness of the human
head from which it was cut. That is why
you must be
aware of what you wear on your head
and other parts of your
body. This also includes the fur and
skins of animals such as
minks, leather shoes, wool coats, silk,
cotton and everything
else. They all have consciousness and
you should be aware of
what agrees and disagrees with you
vibrational wise.
D. Energy Flows and Vibrational

Our Black Afrikan Ancestors from the

ancient Afrikan Nile
Valley studied for thousands of years
and clearly understood
energy flows and the nature of
vibrations. They created
the science of Feng Shui, which is the
art of arranging
the furniture in your house or office to
align with the energy
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 89

flows of the room or entire building. It is

a known fact that
many businessmen from the Far East
won't check into a hotel
room (particularly in the U.S.), until a
Feng Shui expert
has OK'ed the furniture arrangement.
Our Black Afrikan
Ancestors created the various forms of
math i.e., addition,
subtraction, division, fractions, algebra,
geometry, calculus,

trigonometry, physics and other forms

of disciplines such as
philosophy, astronomy, astrology,
general science, medicine
and surgery, law, architecture, art,
music and even theater to
understand our existence and
correlation in and to the physical
All of the above disciplines were
originally created by our
Nile Valley, Black Afrikan Ancestors for
spiritual purposes
some 4 to 5 thousand years before
Greece and Rome even existed!
The White Europeans were the ones
who changed these
spiritual disciplines into the "academic"
form that they teach
from today. First, they didn't and
couldn't understand Black
Afrikan Spirituality and still don't to this
day. Second, this
was done so they could lie, re-write

history in their favor and

mis-educate the masses for the
purpose of world domination
and control. That's why all of you
reading this book don't
know these things - because the White
European academic
system didn't teach you and does not
want you to know!

The martial arts are another spiritual

discipline that were
created in the Black Afrikan Nile Valley
and later spread to
what is now known as the Far East.
These fighting arts as
well, were designed and used in concert
with energy flows
and motions to defend one's self.
When you examine the relationships,
functions, interaction
and effects between colors, your brain,
body and physical
space and the energy forms, power,

frequencies and vibrations

that they all produce; shouldn't all of
them be in as
90 Rych McCain

Fig. 7.1

Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The

Black Blonde Psych! 91

much sync and harmony as possible?

When the elements of
nature are in conflict within your own
body, it is not a very
pretty picture. Western science and
medicine consistently look
for cures to mental and physical
disorders by dealing only
with the physical world. They are
adamant about writing off
the spiritual and metaphysical aspects
which the White European
left brain thinking mindset has always
had difficulty



The Willful and Carefully

Orchestrated, All Out
Attack on the Black
Afrikan Image!

The oppression of Black Afrikan people

is a must for the
system of White European racism and
its world domination.
The manipulative use of high profile
visibility mechanisms
such as advertising and promotion,
coupled with the control
of the entertainment and sports
industries, set up the perfect
vehicles to use Black Afrikan
personalities from those fields
to orchestrate the willful destruction of

the natural Black Afrikan

Image while promoting Black Afrikan
Self Hate!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 93

A. Wall Street:
The bottom line here is making money.
Because the suppression
of Black Afrikans is a must as well, what
better way to
do it than to suppress and make profit
doing it? The Prison
Industrial Complex is one of the fastest
rising financial areas
in the stock market. Here is where the
oppressors can hit two
birds with one stone. First, make money
via bonds, taxes, legislation
and private stock investments. Second,
make profit
from cheap prison inmate labor. Who
are the most preferred

candidates for prison?

B. Madison Avenue:
Advertising and promotion are two very
strong methods of
mental manipulation and control. Our
oppressors are chief
orchestrators of broadcast media and
print commercials that
basically tell everybody (regardless of
race), what to do and
how to think and act. The subliminal
suggestions in ads directed
towards Black Afrikans, degrade,
minimalize, trivialize
and mentally condition us to hate
ourselves, our culture,
our looks ~nd anything else of value to
Black Afrikans are sold on self
degrading images and told
that this is how we should look. We are
convinced that our
natural physical features i.e., big lips,

wide nose, big behinds

etc., are ugly and should be altered in
order to be beautiful
and sexually appealing. Of course this
is always compared to
a non-Black African standard. Black
Afrikans are convinced
on how to look, feel, think, dress, live,
eat, work, worship
and everything else in between. It is
always done with the
mainstream White European standard
on everything in mind.
94 Rych McCain
Yet they imitate everything we do. They
study us then whiten
it up to mainstream level and sell it
right back to us!
C. The Manipulation of the Entertainment
This one is a no brainer! The music
business is one of the
main vehicles used to promote Black

Afrikan Self Hate. Black

Afrikan Rappers and comedians who
sell their souls for a
fast buck to promote misogyny toward
their Black Afrikan
sisters, encourage violence, the sell and
use of drugs, prostitution,
saggin, criminal activity, the
glorification of prison and
jail, making babies with no
responsibilities, destruction in the
hood, gang activity and the use of self
degrading terms such
as, dog, the "N" word, pimp, hustler,
playa, thug, killa, balla,
high rolla, "G," the "B" & "H" words and
other self hate
put downs, are the puppets of our
oppressors who own the
record companies. They will purposely
allow Black Afrikan
rappers and comedians to call each
other out of their names
but you will never hear a Black Afrikan

rapper or comedian
call a Jew or White person out of their
name or degrade their
women! $0 between the record
companies and the Black Afrikan
rappers/comedians; we must ask who
the real "pimps"
are and who the real "Ho's" are?
TV and the Movies are just as bad.
Hollywood must control
the images that the entire world sees.
So of course, The
White European male image must be
projected as all powerful
and on top of everyone else. White
women must be projected
as the sexiest, most beautiful and most
desired females
on earth. Black Afrikans on the other
hand must be buffoonish,
funny and always the side kicks (no
matter how famous
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 95

or good they are), to the main White

European headline star
if the film is serious or a potential box
office draw.
D. Lack of Knowledge of Self:
The bottom line to the above
mentioned situations is the
knowledge of self. A Black Afrikan
proverb says; "If you
don't know where you are going, any
road will take you
there. Black Afrikan entertainers,
politicians, athletes, business
persons, professionals, para
professionals and Black Afrikans
from all walks of life who don't know
from whence they
came and worse, don't want to know;
are doom to stay stuck
in the cesspool of self ignorance which
allows for the continuation
of their spiritual, mental and physical



Blonde Black
(Straight) (Nappy)
A. Law~:

Laws are absolute and work the same

way consistently! They
are fixed coming in and going out. Laws
NEVER deviate,
fluxuate or change! There are three
basic sets of laws that operate
in a hierarchical order. The highest
order is the spiritual
realm or universe, which is governed by
spiritual laws. The
second or middle order is the mental
realm or universe, which
is governed by mental laws. The third

and lowest is the physical

realm or universe.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 97

It is impossible to BE or DO ANYTHING
this physical universe
if you don't do the actions required for
their functions!
What did I just say? Here are some
It is impossible to FAIL academically if
you do NOT do
failing actions. You must get wrong
answers on your tests.
You have to not study your lessons. You
have to not understand
your lessons and not seek
understanding of them. You
must ditch or goof off in class, not pay
attention, ignore your
teacher and plain not give a hoot about

learning and do absolutely

nothing in order to insure failure.
In order to pass, you must do passing
actions i.e., studying,
getting understanding and clarification
of your lessons,
working with your teacher, attending
class, getting correct
answers on your tests and meeting all
homework deadlines
and requirements. Those actions will
cause you to pass!
You can't be a dope addict unless you
do dope addict actions.
You have to hang around the losers and
that sells it and encourages it. You must
ingest it in order to
get hook and you have to do it enough
times to get hooked.
In the cas ~ of some drugs like crack,
once may be all you need
to get hook. Without doing all of the
above, it is impossible to

become a dope addict! You can't

become a boxer unless you
box or a swimmer unless you swim. Y
QU must do the action
of the thing that you wish to or will
become a part of period.
The connection between you and the
phenomenon must be
made or the laws of the physical
universe say it is impossible
to achieve. What ever you have
become in life, you had to
apply the laws of one, two or all three
of the universal laws.
You may not have been conscious of it
but you did.
98 Rych McCain
B. Action/Consequence:




Irrational J.

[ Good

Non .. Pro
Survival Survival
Fig. 9.1


::: ]


Keep in mind that every action has a

consequence. Since the
name of the game in life is survival, it is
paramount that you
choose an alternative that will promote

your survival. Referring

to our "Action/Consequence" flow sheet
on on page 98,
there are two types of actions i.e., a
rational action, which is
pro-survival and an irrational action,
which is non-survival.
There are two types of consequences;
good, which is prosurvival
and bad, which is non-survival.
A rational, pro-survival action will
always yield a good,
pro-survival consequence. Likewise, an
irrational, nonsurvival
action will always yield a bad, nonsurvival consequence.
fIere we go back to the laws of the
physical universe by
which we all are bound as long as we
live in a physical world.
Light and darkness can not co-exist as
we know co-existence.
Darkness is only the absence of light
and vice-versa. This also

applies to good and bad. Only good can

produce good and
only bad can produce bad. Neither can
produce the other.
When you experience a negative
consequence, it is because
you chose to commit an irrational, nonsurvival action. As per
the examples given above, losing
strictly comes from choosing
loosing actions, thoughts and ideas, as
winning is produced
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 99

from choosing rational, pro-survival

actions, thoughts and
ideas. Nobody is perfect you may say;
and we all make mistakes
but life is a learning process and you
must continuously
update and sharpen your judgment of
choice in regard to every
action you take from the decisions you

C. Cause vs. Effect:

Cause initiates effect. When you are the
cause of anything,
you are the initiator and controller of
the effect of that which
you have caused. Your created effect
can go beyond your
control depending on the variables
associated with it, but for
the most part, when you function in life
at cause, you dictate
what will and won't happen (the effect).
On the other hand is effect; the result
of the cause. If
you're living life at effect, you openly
accept any result, circumstance
or condition placed upon you from the
source of
the cause. For example, victims of all
sorts of life's dilemmas,
those seemingly no-win predicaments,
people who are down
and out, the losers and the down

trodden, all have the same

thing in common - they chose (with the
possible exception of
the mentaijy ill), to live life in the effect
mode. On the other
hand, their counterparts who choose to
live life at cause; reap
the rewards associated with that mode,
which is winning.
You may have noticed the word
"Choose," in the last
several paragraphs. Yes, you do select
which end of the cause/
effect spectrum you will experience.
Every detail of your life,
i.e., your actions, moods, situations you
encounter, food you
eat, your health, appearance, etc., with
the exception of some
fixed variables such as your race, hair
and eye color etc., are
solely based on the choices you make.
So make them wisely.
100 Rych McCain

D. Make Things Happen vs. Let Things

There are two kinds of people in this
world. Those who
MAKE things happen and those who LET
things happen. For
example: Two people stand under a tall
apple tree. Both want
one of those delicious red beauties
hanging above to eat. Person
"A" finds a way to climb the tree, picks
an apple and is
on his way, while enjoying his fruit.
Person "B" waits for an
apple to fall or some other phenomenon
to occur because he
rationalizes that the apples are out of
his reach. After standing
and waiting for a long time with no
result, he leaves with
no fruit. You may say that real life
situations are not as simple
but indeed they are! In selecting

between person "A" and

person "B" from our example, which
one are you?
E. Blonde vs. Black:
Now we have arrived at the part of this
book that will cause
a few wigs to flip! We have covered
every phenomenon possible
such as energy, vibrations etc., to lead
up to the point we
are making here about Black Afrikan
people dying their hair
blonde and wearing blonde wigs. Thirty
to forty years ago in
the hood, no Black Afrikan woman
would have had the nerve
or been caught dead in public with
blonde hair or a blonde
wig. She would have been an instant
object of scorn, ridicule
and would have been considered to be
out of her rabid ass

Their was a scene in the 1976 Movie

where a dark skinned sistah wearing a
blonde wig took a cab
driven by White comedian George
Carlin. When they arrived
near the car wash, the sistah bailed
from the cab without payBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 101

ing. Carlin went up to some Black

Afrikan brothas who were
working at the car wash and asked,
"Did any of you guys
see a Black Blonde?" The entire theater
fell out laughing in
screenings around the country because
the notion of a black
blonde was such a ridiculous concept at
the time.
What happened between now and the
era back then
that caused a ridiculous scenario to
become common place

today? The answer is simple, negative

mental conditioning.
Black Afrikan people are doing any and
everything today that
was seriously taboo thirty years ago.
Black Afrikan sistahs
especially have been hood winked and
bamboozeled with
the okie-doke that blonde hair or wigs
make them look sexy.
They even wear the blue eye contacts.
This is self hate acting
out at its worst! The deeper Black
Afrikans adore the features
of their oppressors by trying harder and
harder to look like
them, the sicker the situation gets for
F. Black and Blonde Are Polar Opposites!
Nature and the galaxy are balanced.
When that balance is upset
or disturbed, nature creates what ever
condition (mild or

rough), th,at is necessary to restore

that balance. Everything
in nature throughout the entire
universe has a polar opposite.
It is physically impossible for polar
opposites to co-exist with
each other. Up vs. down, in vs. out, hot
vs. cold, young vs. old
and we can go into infinity. We have
already covered the fact
that colors have energy and vibrations.
Mismatched them polar
wise and all vibrational hell breaks
loose! When the color
Blonde (dye) covers the supreme color
Black-a vibrational
conflict results! This causes neighboring
vibrations to conflict
as well. Black and Blonde don't mixperiod!
102 Rych McCain
Dark Black sistahs with blonde hair
really look weird and
out of place. When they mix their coal

black skin and blonde

hair with the blue eye contacts, they
look possessed and extremely
psychotic! Not to mention the confused
vibration of
their crown chakra clashing with
opposing energies produced
by mixed matched colors and their
scrambled high speed beta
brainwaves. With all of that vibrational
conflict going on - it's
no small wonder why Black Blondes
experience vibe related
problems while appearing super ditzy
and dizzy. Blonde wigs
will yield the same results, especially
human hair wigs!
G. To Every S;stah Or Brotha Who Is
Currently A
Black Blonde:
If you are a sistah or broth a who are
currently wearing

blonde hair, this book is NOT coming

down on you because
most likely you didn't have this
information available to you.
One can not function in a way that they
have no knowledge.
The average black blonde is not aware
of the energy and vibrational
aspect or the self hate component of
what they are
experiencing and doing to themselves.
They just want to be
admired1 sexy, desired and accepted.
The thought and mindset
of any Black Afrikan male or female
who thinks blonde
hair makes them fine, desirable and
sexy is the tragic result of
being psychologically drummed in self
Your lack of the knowledge of self is not
your fault and
you should be applauded if you picked

up this book to learn

and better yet if you bought this copy.
When you see our
Black Afrikan images desecrated via the
black blonde entertainers,
athletes, politicians and the population
in general in
the hood, what is left for you to combat
this sick epidemic?
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 103

If you place a cat in a setting with

monkeys, it won't take
long before it will start to mimic the
monkeys and eventually
start behaving like one. Black Afrikans
were forcefully
dumped in the Western Hemisphere to
live under the White
European. It was only a matter of the
first two or three generations
of Black Afrikan Slaves born in the U.S.,
that the Black

Afrikan would begin to mimic his slave

master and eventually
begin to act like him and take on his
sick mindset, even if it
causes his own self destruction.



Natural Black Afrikan

Hair Is Sacred!

Black Afrikan hair is sacred

because of its
natural functions and should
only be
Enhanced and Protected -not
interfered with
or desecrated!
- Rych McCainOur sacred, divine, woolly, nappy, kinky,
spiral powered,
Black Afrikan hair sits on top of the

highest part of our body,

which is also our crown chakra - the
highest energy center in
our bodies! It is at that point that our
eyes take in light waves
and we see. Our ears take in sound
waves and we hear. Our
brains emit energy and generate
thought waves. Our central
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 105

nervous system generates electrical

energy and our chakra
system produces vibratory energies
that all run up to our
In its Natural State: Black Afrikan hair
coordinates, directs
and helps to organize and regulate all
of these various
forms of energies!
The Color Black and the Spiraling
Woolly Textures are

the Chief Essential Components for this

special hair to properlyoperate!



When you Say Being

Blonde With Straight
Hair is My Choice!

When you make that choice, you make

it from one of two
Perspective A. OUT of the knowledge of
the laws and
functions of Natural Black Afrikan
Thereby- you DON'T know!
You have no awareness of the negative
consequences! (Nobody can be faulted
for not having the information, noe

Perspective B. IN the knowledge of the

laws and functions
of Natural Black Afrikan Hair!
Thereby- you DO know!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 107

You have full awareness of the negative
consequences but due to social and per
sonal pressure, you make the willful
choice anyway.
You make the choice because you
DON'T know!
You make the choice and you DO



When You Make Choice B!



If you know the law of gravity and you

go to the roof of the

tallest skyscraper in town and jump off
expecting to get a result,
other than falling down and splattering
on the side walk
below,- when you knew in advance
what the results would
be- what could any rationale thinking
person conclude?


A. What Is Insanity?
Any concept, thing, practice or
behavior that is against the
well being, survival and advancement
of your Black Afrikan
nature; spiritually, mentally or
physically, that will eventually
lead to and cause your ultimate
destruction! Yesterday it was
slavery and Jim Crow, today it is gang
violence, drugs, blonde
hair and blue eyes with no self
respect. What is in store for
The o~pressive factions to Black
Afrikan peoples worldwide
have developed sinister and diabolical
objectives, plans,
schemes, methods, programs and
projects to psychologically
program us to willingly oppress

ourselves and openly engage

in our own self destruction. To destroy
yourself is very BAD!
To purposely and cheerfully destroy
yourself is INSANE! To
purposely alter and disable the natural
function of Black Afrikan
hair is a non-survival action. To
consciously and willfully
110 Rych McCain

commit a non-survival act that will

eventually lead to your
self destruction is INSANE!
For those Black Afrikans who
egolatrously opt to dye
their hair blonde; please be advised
that you didn't choose
the color Blonde to enhance your hair's
natural function because
that nocuous color interferes with your
sunlight and
energy reception. You didn't choose the
color Blonde to blend

in harmony with your natural Black hair

because the two
colors are exact polar opposites and
their frequencies and vibrations
The color Black is in natural harmony
with your Black
Afrikan nature, whereas the color
Blonde is alien and does
not fit with your Black Afrikan nature.
The color Black yields
many glorious benefits in its natural
state. The color Blonde
has absolutely no benefits - zilch zippo, to your Black Afrikan
B. Black and Blonde Is The Highest
State of Self
Hate Insanity!
Black Afrikan brothas and sistahs who
go Blonde are INSANE
with self hate! You are thoroughly
INSANE and completely

out of your rabid ass mind when you

are so absorbed
with the hatred of self, that you openly
and lovingly embrace
an unnatural, alien image that fails to
personally validate you
as a human being the way you were
born (A Black Afrikan).
To add insult to injury, this alien Blonde
image is the exact
same image that has oppressed you in
the most inhuman ways
known to human kind i.e., slavery,
stripping you of everything
that makes a human being, i.e., your
culture, Afrikan
spirituality, name and language while
committing the most
horrendous acts of barbarism and
terrorism known to human
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 111

kind such as lynching, burning Blacks

Afrikans alive, castration,

being barred from learning to read and

write to anything
else that would make you human and
allow you to live
life. And you want to be Blonde? The
same scenario would
apply to White Europeans if the
situation were reverse. They
would be INSANE trying to look like
Black Afrikans to the
determent of themselves!
C. Acknowledge The Existence and
Function of
White European Destructionism and The
And Violent Society It Has Produced
When one is in an INSANE society, the
INSANITY is labeled
as "Normal" and the real sanity is
labeled as "abnormal!"
In dealing with the INSANITY of Black
Afrikans in the U.S.,

(and this is a huge factor with our

concept of beauty), the
late Dr. Amos N. Wilson said from his
AWlS Lecture series
"The Falsification of Afrikan
Consciousness;" "We cannot
talk about a people that have enslaved
us, who discriminate
against us, who insult us, who do all
manner of other things
against us, and then use them a
models of normality. We cannot
use th ~se people who are criminals,
who have the world
on the edge of suicide, who are now
getting ready to negotiate
about how many bombs they are going
to keep for destroying
the earth- how they are going to
distribute death to the rest
of the world-as models of normality!,"
Any Black Afrikan who insists on
wearing the alien Blonde

with straight hair image is clearly the

product of a Black Afrikan
spiritual nature that has been seriously
They have been bamboozled to fall for
the "okie-doke" via
the White Western European miseducational school system,
their media, ads, videos, TV shows,
movies, magazines,
112 Rych McCain

newspapers etc., that they control to

regulate the information
and images that they want Black
Afrikans to embrace!
These Blonde Black Afrikan's lack of self
knowledge and history
combined with their brainwashed
Psyche via their Willie
Chip and Eurocentric Mental
Programming disc" that the
White European standard of beauty is
thee standard that they
should worship, adore, idolize and

subscribe to for societal

acceptance and personal self esteem
(which they can never
achieve), is the crux of their INSANITY!
How could an eagle be ashamed that he
didn't look and
act like a goofy, no flying turkey with its
limited abilities,
except that the eagle's knowledge of
self be taken away or
hidden from him. As long as the eagle is
conscious of his
mighty wing span, his talons with
enough strength to kill a
coyote and superior eyesight that could
spot a chipmunk on
the ground several miles up in the air,
he could never bow
to substandard level where the turkey
exist. When you are
learning everything about the White
Europeans and their culture
but learning nothing about the Black
Afrikans and your

culture, that should tell you something

is wrong.
When you question what you are being
that(williet you know what you aren't

Rych McCain-

This entire phenomenon is an over all

part of the Black
DISORDER discussed
in the front of this book. Black Afrikans
must get a
solid grip on the handle of their White
Western European
induced INSANITY!



The Slave Roots of Black

Afrikan Self Hate,

Shame of Hair and
Subsequent Insanity!

A. Slave Hair History:

Around 90% of the current books on ,
the market that address
the subject of Black Afrikan Hair, always
begin with
the slave history of our hair. This is one
of the reasons I had
to write this book that takes us back to
the beginning of time.
It is true that the Black Afrikan's shame
of their hair has its
beginnings and roots in slavery, but
that is not the complete
story of our hair. Since most of the
other books go into detail

114 Rych McCain

about the period that is known as "400

A COMB," I will only rundown a general
synopsis. You can
read the other books for greater details.
Our ancient Black Afrikan ancestors
never saw humans
with white skin and straight blonde hair,
so they had no concept
of their woolly, kinky hair being
anything but OK. Thousands
of years later, it would be absolutely
mind boggling for
our Black Afrikan ancestors to
comprehend the depth of the
reality that divine woolly, kinky hair has
been altered in such
an extreme radical way both physically
and psychologically.
B. The Black Afrikan 's Forced Arrival To
Western Hemisphere:

The Black Afrikans were sized and

transported to the Americas
via the infamous "Middle Passage."
They were shackled
and packed in the ship's filthy rat and
roach infested hull so
tight, they could barely move. With so
many bodies messed
together, the atmosphere was
extremely hot, sweaty and unbearably
suffocating. These shamefully
unhygienic conditions
created air that was unfit for breathing,
foul odors and an
incubator for disease. Outbreaks of
dysentery and smallpox
came swift and often. It is said that the
stench from a slave
ship could be smelled five miles away.
One in every five Black Afrikans di~d
enroute, which took
an average two months or more. The
dead were heaved overboard
and were quickly devoured by sharks

that would follow

the ships. Thousands of slaves perished
via ship wrecks
or mutiny attempts. Thousands were
murdered or committed
suicide. Many of the women died due to
sexual assault or
while in childbirth on board. As the
ships would near the
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 115

U.S. docks, the slave's shackles would

be loosened and they
would be fed to fatten up and greased
down with palm oil to
hide their injuries and appear to look
healthy for sale on the
auction block.
After arriving in the U.S. for sale, the
Black Afrikans became
acutely aware of the two main factors
that branded
them as slaves i.e., their Black Skin and
woolly, nappy hair.

Of course, the slave's hair was filthy

and unkempt because
they weren't allowed to care for it. And
that condition lasted
for 200 years. The racist system of
slave owners used the state
of the slave's unkempt, woolly hair as
proof that the Black
Afrikan was not human. They distained
and ridiculed woolly
hair in private and public. It didn't take
long for the slave
master's hate and contempt for woolly
hair to become psychologically
embedded in the subconsciousness of
the slaves
themselves. Thus the hatred of self and
woolly, kinky, nappy
hair was born and manifested. The
effect is still just as powerful
today, 400 years later. Then the fools
say we should forget
our past!

c. Filthy and Diseased Hair!

During their passage on the ships, the
slave's hair was dirty,
unkempt and soaked with filth. It
remained in that condition
until he or she died. Because of their
new learned self hatred,
the slaves began to mistreat their own
hair. Since personal
hygiene was not a consideration for
slaves, scalp diseases
such as ringworm that the slaves
referred to as "tetta," would
break out and be wide spread. No
treatment was available to
boot. These scalp diseases would be so
severe in some cases
that the pus from the sores would drain
down a slave's face
116 Rych McCain

and neck. As their hair matted worse, it

became like a sponge.
It would hold water, sour and rot, not to

mention the extremely

foul odor.
This also marked to beginning of the socalled "head
rag." It was used to hide diseased hair
as well as keep the
healthy hair protected. The slaves also
picked up parasitic
insects and lice in their hair by sleeping
in barns on hay and
other unsanitary conditions.
D. The Beginning of Hair Straightening:
The first known shampoo that the
slaves created was / mixture
of hog fat and devil lye which was
cooked in a large
pot. With every new generation of Black
Afrikans being born
into slavery, the hatred of self,
contempt and denial of their
Black Afrikan ancestry grew deeper and
deeper. Dark skinned
and light skinned slaves alike, tried all

kinds of methods to
make themselves look more and more
like the slave master's
The first and most obvious of course,
was to do something
about their nappy heads! The slaves
began to experiment
wi~ concoctions such as hog fat, lye
and potatoes to
create solutions that would take out the
naps. These solutions
would burn like hell and often leave
scars and wounds. Cutting
the hair extremely short or shaving it all
off were popular
alternatives. For slave children, getting
a hair cut with
dull clippers was a nightmare. These
conditions created many
cruel and psychologically deep cutting
jokes and stereotypes
that the slaves used to rag on each

Many of those original slave insults

were handed down
through the generations and are still
being used in the hood to
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 117

this very day. Deep cutting insults that

cracked on the slave's
thick lips, wide nose, ashy skin, big
feet, gestures, mannerisms,
speech pronunciation, food preference,
dressing style to
you name it; all have their origins in
slavery. Those insults are
still widely used today in the hood and
the mindset is exactly
the same.
Then the White European mainstream
wants the Black
Afrikan community to forget their past.
If Black Afrikan
youth were taught their true history and
where and how all
of this self hate originated they would

move to correct it and

change their futures. The White
European mainstream does
not want the shame and guilt of the
deeds from their evil,
satanic, barbaric, inhuman past, to
haunt them. That's why
they want the Black Afrikan to forget.
Yet, they won't forget
the so-called American Revolution
every July 4th or snot
and cry every Veterans Day over all of
the wars they started
and fought. When you travel throughout
the South, you'll
see a statue or monument every other
block paying tribute to
a fallen confederate soldier. The United
States White European
mainstream has never apologized for
slavery nor asked
for forgiveness for it. To add insult to
injury, they don't even
want to give reparations to the

descendents of former slaves.

It was the v ee labor force of the Black
Afrikans that gave The
U.S.A. all of her wealth and power she
enjoys today! Slaves
built the U.S. Capital and the White
House among many
other things!
The Black Afrikan slave male was the
first to straighten
his hair. It was the plantation preacher
and the musician. This
is another patt,ern that still exists
today. Black Afrikan entertainers
have s~ orted the "konk" or "processed"
hair do for
the last 150 Yr rs, thinking that it
enhanced their sex appeal
and acceptan . The slave foolishly
believed that if they made
118 Rych McCain

their hair look more like the White

master's hair, they would
be accepted and treated better. The

slave females followed the

lead of the slave males in trying to
straighten their hair.
Contrary to popular belief, the original
wave and subsequent
generation of Black Afrikan slaves were
not Christians!
They had their own Black Afrikan
spirituality, spiritual beliefs
and sacred images. They were
definitely not into a White
Jesus as the image of their God or a socalled savior to them.
Those hymns that were heard in the
fields were sung in code
about survival, escaping and revolution.
The "yes-man,"
conforming lyrics of those "so-called"
Negro spirituals were
purposely changed later and sanitized
to safe, non-threateningto-Whites, Christian themes as was
everything else Black
Afrikans have been brainwashed to

accept. The Black Afrikan

slave was "forced" to convert to
Western European Christianity
to guarantee that they would become
and remain docile,
subservient and obedient.
Unfortunately that idea worked
too and is still in full effect to this day.
As far as trying to get whiter looking,
Black Afrikan slaves
even started to experiment with skin
lightening products was
well. The onslaught of cooked, straight
hair saw the beginning
of a new mental and psychological
disease that sistah Suzar
coined l\ANS (Acquired Anti-Nappy
Syndrome). Fortunately
there is a cure for AANS its called "selfknowledge!"
Slave masters and White men in
general gave no second
thought to raping and molesting Blac~
Afrikan women of all

ages from children, teens and adults.

They would torment
the slave husband by making him get
out of bed with his own
wife and watch as they would rape her
in front of him. These
abusive, despicable acts were
committed at will with no legal,
criminal or moral retribution. As a
result, a race of mulattos
was quickly created all over the South
with the French muBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 119

latto Creoles from New Orleans and

Southern Louisiana being
among the most revered. And as fate
would have it, they
still are to this date. A blue black brotha
with a stacked, high
yella, red bone, light brown or blonde,
long haired Louisiana
Creole sistah made all of the heads turn
when they stepped

into the club or church sanctuary.

This same look and the mind set that
promotes it are
still very much alive today! You jet
Black sistahs who are
straightening your hair and dying it
blonde are doing it with
the exact same mindset, motives and
reasons that your slave
great grandmother, your Jim Crow
grandmother and your
civil rights era mother did it. You are the
only one's who can
break this sick cycle of self hate
madness and pass it on to
your children so they can be free at last
or at least headed in
the right direction.



Emancipation, Post
Slavery, Jim Crow Era!
A. Emancipation:
Most people assume the word
"emancipation" means freedom.
Ac~ ording to our late, grate, griot and
now distinguished
ancestor, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, it does
not! Every year
the Black Afrikan community celebrates
the late President
Abraham Lincoln's EMANCIPATION
that so-called freed the slaves via
Juneteeth and other similar
festivals. From his book titled, WHO
other speeches),
Dr. Clark breaks it down on pages 170
& 171. It reads as


Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The

Black Blonde Psych! 121

"Emancipation" is not an English term.

It came from
the Roman law and it means "transfer
of ownership." Basically,
what we're talking about here is that
the Emancipation
Proclamation did not free anybody
because we always knew
that Abe didn't free us. Am I right? Then
the question becomes
. .. if Abe Lincoln didn't free us, then
who did? Certainly
no Cracker did.
This "transfer of ownership" means that
there was a recognition
that the English model of slavery had to
be changed
and there had to be a Roman Model of
slavery. If you study
Roman law, you'll find that the Roman

system of slavery was

different from the English system of
slavery. In the Roman system
of slavery, you could be a banker, a
lawyer, an architect,
an engineer . .. you could be any of that
. .. just like today.
You have Negroes who say, "Yes, I
graduated from Harvard
University." Yeah, a slave or . .. "I'm
Clarence Thomas"
... a slave. We have to begin to
understand that this whole
thing was a question of double-speak.
White folks knew from
the beginning that emancipation had a
meaning deeper than
English. It was rooted in Roman
language and based on the
Roman experience. So as we go
through Juneteeth we should
really be very clear on what
Emancipation Proclamation really

B. Post Slavery:
After the English system of slavery was
dismantled, Black Afrikans
became known as former slaves. This is
probably the
most critical time in history for the
displaced Black Afrikans
living in the United States. The first
wave of Black Afrikans
122 Rych McCain

who were hoarded to the U.S., had the

true knowledge of self.
They knew the tribes and lands from
whence they came. They
knew their real birth names, had an
identity, a homeland and
a history. From these things a person
can draw strength, conviction
and direction. That's why it was
essential that the
Whites stripped and forbade the Black
Afrikans their identity
and knowledge of self. Without that, it

is impossible to keep
and hold a person in bondage. For that
first wave of Black
Afrikans, it was a clear cut case of "Us"
vs. "Them."
As with every next generation, the
thought process was
different. The Black Afrikans who were
born in the new
world had no reality of their parents
and grandparents motherland
or culture. They had been fed vicious
lies about the
uncivilized and barbaric nature of the
so-called Dark Continent.
They were brainwashed into thinking it
was better that
the White man rescued them from
themselves and how being
a slave in Amerikkka was better than
being an unsaved heathen,
running around in the Afrikan jungles,
half naked with
nose rings, spears and no brains or

rational thought process.

The Willie Lynch practices and self hate
were so deeply
ingrained into the sub consciousness of
the slaves for 300
years that the effects have followed,
leaving an unbroken trail
of spiritlJal, mental and psychological
damage that is acted
out consistently to this very day i.e., the
Black Afrikan insanity
produced by Post Traumatic Slavery
Syndrome that
folks don't want to acknowledge. Those
last slaves were let
loose and never received any
psychological counseling, group
therapy or debriefing. What they did
get was the formation of
the The Freedmen's Bureau in 1865
that was supposed to aid
in the transition but it was a true flop
like FEMA today. They
also got a lying government promise of

40 acres of land and

a mule that has never been fulfilled.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 123

Just think of how mentally destroyed

the European Jews
would be if their experience with the
Nazis had lasted for
two hundred years instead of the short
seven to ten years that
it did? How about the Japanese who
were placed in prison
camps during WW II being there for
several generations?
Both of these groups received
reparations and financial compensation
for their experiences! But when one
compares the
Black Afrikan slave holocaust to any
other group in world
history, nobody begins to come, even
remotely close to the
psychological damage and physical
pain the Black Afrikan

has suffered. Yet, Black Afrikans are

finding the hardest row
to hoe in their reparations struggle.
When one considers that an estimated
100 Million Black
Afrikan slaves died en route to the
Americas over 300 years,
that roughly works out to 16,000 slaves
dying for every "1"
Jew dying under Nazi rule in WWII.
Simply put, 100 Million
vs. 6 Million is no comparison and that
doesn't count the
additional 100 years of Jim Crow
lynchings that followed
slavery. That's one of the many reasons
it was easy for many
Black Afrikans not the snot and boohoo-hoo during 91l.
In Beverly Hills there is a shrink on
every other corner because
White folks there need therapy if a
roach runs across
the floor, so can you imagine the

serious psychological help

that was desperately needed for the exslaves that they never
received. But Black Afrikans are told
that using the "slave
card" is a cop out and an excuse. Yet
when 911 happen, all
of White America was snottin' and
crying. They can dish it
out but they can't take it when it comes

The last group of Black Afrikan

was in 1865.
You think about that!
124 Rych McCain
This means our youngest children today
in 2007, on the
low side are only just 8 to 9,
generations removed from their
super great grandparents who were in
that last active slave
group. Going back to 1865, this

represents only 142 years

with a new generation every 20 years
on average on the low
end. So for those who say using the
"slave card" is a cop
out; how would the White European
have fa ired if the situation
had been reversed? I know they
couldn't have taken the
mental and physical abuse that they
dished out to the Black
Afikan for more than one generation. It
would have wiped
them out completely.
Let's talk about resilience and mental
strength. The Black
Afrikan had a "Prisoner of War" or
"Concentration Camp"
mentality with many weird psychoses
and phobias attached
when they were dumped into
mainstream society to fin for
themselves with no government aid.

How comfortable would

you feel if one day the local mental
institution in your community
released all of its inmates and patients,
especially the
mean ones with grudges and axes to
grind, because of the
mistreatment or lack of treatment they
had experienced on
the inside? Wouldn't you feel that the
institution was neglectful,
insensitive and derelict in its duty to
both the patients and
the comWlunity? Well, that's the same
position the U.S. Government
placed themselves in after releasing the
slaves! Revisiting
what we just said above, scores of
affluent people who
are professionals in all walks of life,
e.g., pro sports, business
execs, entertainers, educators,
politicians, clergy, parents, students
and many others (including poor and

regular working
folks), consult and or maintain the
services of various counselors,
therapists and psychiatrists, to deal
with stress and the
daily onslaught of mental and
emotional problems.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 125

It is a no brainer to conclude how badly

the ex-slaves
needed debriefing. Despite that
handicap, the newly released
ex-slaves used their mental strength,
labor skills and talents
to make the social adjustments
required for assemblage into
the American mainstream. After all, old
slave patterns, beliefs,
customs, practices and way of life
couldn't change overnight.
Many ex-slaves remained on their
former master's land as
sharecroppers because they knew no

other way of life. The

slaves had no legal last names so they
generally took the last
name of their former masters. This is
why the late Honorable
Elijah Muhammad; founder and original
leader of the Nation
of Islam (once commonly known as the
Black Muslims); required
all of his members to drop their slave
(last) names and
replace it with a "X," until a suitable
Black Afrikan or Islamic
name could be found to replace it.
Malcolm X (aka El-Hajj
Malik El-Shabazz) made the symbol
famous worldwide.
C. The Jim Crow Era:
The period following the end of the Civil
War in 1865-1900,
became known as Reconstruction. After
a series of civil rights
legislatioI1(was passed, Black Afrikans

were elected to state

capitals and county courthouses
throughout the South for the
first time in U.S. history. Twenty-two
Black Afrikans were
elected and sent to Congress from
southern states, beginning
in 1870 with Hiram R. Revel of
Mississippi, the first Black
Afrikan man elected to the U.S. Senate.
Joseph H. Rainey of
South Carolina andJefferson F. Long of
Georgia were the first
Black Afrikan elected members of the
House of Representatives.
A few years prior, in 1862, Oscar Dunn,
an ex-slave
(126 Rych McCain
and captain in the Union Army was
elected Lt. Governor of
Louisiana. As unbelievable as it might
sound today, Black
Afikan senators actually out-numbered

White senators in the

South Carolina legislature during this
period even though
Whites were the majority in the state.
As one could predictably expect, all of
this Black Afrikan
progress was way too threatening and
did not sit well with
the southern rednecks. Their bigotry
gave birth to the formation
of hate groups such as the Klu Klux
Klan, founded by
a former Confederate General and
Scottish Rite Freemason,
Albert Pike in Tennessee during the
early 1860's. A statue of
him that was erected in Washington,
D.C., currently stands
there in his honor. How's that for the
ultimate racist insult? In
1870 while Black Afrikans were on their
way to Washington,
Congress passed the Tilden-Hayes

This called for the removal of protective

federal troops all
over the South who had been placed
there after the Civil War
to see that all slave activity had
actually stopped. It also kept
those rednecks in place in terms of
acting real stupid with the
newly freed slaves. Of course the
Tilden-Hayes Compromise
was a deliberate act of revenge and
malice to begin the process
of attrition in the southern Black Afrikan
cycle of progress.
Af(er which, the A-holes with the cheap,
tacky, white
robes and pointed dunce caps with
masks to conceal their
coward identities, went to work.
With the federally protective troops
gone and no watch
dogs on guard, southern Black Afrikans
were immediately

and thoroughly disenfranchised (voting

rights taken away),
via a quick series of bills that were
passed which allowed open
denial of constitutional rights beginning
with the super racist
state of Mississippi in 1890. As a result,
all Black Afrikan
members of Congress were eliminated
with North Carolina
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 103

If you place a cat in a setting with

monkeys, it won't take
long before it will start to mimic the
monkeys and eventually
start behaving like one. Black Afrikans
were forcefully
dumped in the Western Hemisphere to
live under the White
European. It was only a matter of the
first two or three generations
of Black Afrikan Slaves born in the U.S.,

that the Black

Afrikan would begin to mimic his slave
master and eventually
begin to act like him and take on his
sick mindset, even if it
causes his own self destruction.



Natural Black Afrikan

Hair Is Sacred!

Black Afrikan hair is sacred

because of its
natural functions and should
only be
Enhanced and Protected -not
interfered with
or desecrated!
-Rych McCainOur sacred, divine, woolly, nappy, kinky,
spiral powered,

Black Afrikan hair sits on top of the

highest part of our body,
which is also our crown chakra - the
highest energy center in
our bodies! 'It is at that point that our
eyes take in light waves
and we see. Our ears take in sound
waves and we hear. Our
brains emit energy and generate
thought waves. Our central
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 105

nervous system generates electrical

energy and our chakra
system produces vibratory energies
that all run up to our
In its Natural State: Black Afrikan hair
coordinates, directs
and helps to organize and regulate all
of these various
forms of energies!
The Color Black and the Spiraling

Woolly Textures are

the Chief Essential Components for this
special hair to properly



When you Say Being

Blonde With Straight
Hair is My Choice!

When you make that choice, you make

it from one of two
Perspective A. OUT of the knowledge of
the laws and
functions of Natural Black Afrikan
Thereby-you DON'T know!
You have no awareness of the negative
consequences! (Nobody can be faulted
for not having the information, not

Perspective B. IN the knowledge of the
laws and functions
of Natural Black Afrikan Hair!
Thereby-you DO know!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 107

You have full awareness of the negative
consequences but due to social and per
sonal pressure, you make the willful
choice anyway.
You make the choice because you
DON'T know!
You make the choice and you DO



When You Make Choice B!



If you know the law of gravity and you

go to the roof of the

tallest skyscraper in town and jump off
expecting to get a result,
other than falling down and splattering
on the side walk
below,- when you knew in advance
what the results would
be-what could any rationale thinking
person conclude?



A. What Is Insanity?
Any concept, thing, practice or behavior
that is against the
well being, survival and advancement
of your Black Afrikan
nature; spiritually, mentally or
physically, that will eventually
lead to and cause your ultimate
destruction! Yesterday it was
slavery and Jim Crow, today it is gang
violence, drugs, blonde
hair and blue eyes with no self respect.
What is in store for
The op~ressive factions to Black
Afrikan peoples worldwide
have developed sinister and diabolical
objectives, plans,
schemes, methods, programs and
projects to psychologically

program us to willingly oppress

ourselves and openly engage
in our own self destruction. To destroy
yourself is very BAD!
To purposely ~nd cheerfully destroy
yourself is INSANE! To
purposely alter and disable the natural
function of Black Afrikan
hair is a non-survival action. To
consciously and willfully
110 Rych McCain

commit a non-survival act that will

eventually lead to your
self destruction is INSANE!
For those Black Afrikans who
egolatrously opt to dye
their hair blonde; please be advised
that you didn't choose
the color Blonde to enhance your hair's
natural function because
that nocuous color interferes with your
sunlight and
energy reception. You didn't choose the

color Blonde to blend

in harmony with your natural Black hair
because the two
colors are exact polar opposites and
their frequencies and vibrations
The color Black is in natural harmony
with your Black
Afrikan nature, whereas the color
Blonde is alien and does
not fit with your Black Afrikan nature.
The color Black yields
many glorious benefits in its natural
state. The color Blonde
has absolutely no benefits - zilch zippo, to your Black Afrikan
B. Black and Blonde Is The Highest
State of Self
Hate Insanity!
Black Afrikan brothas and sistahs who
go Blonde are INSANE
with self hate! You are thoroughly

INSANE and completely

out of your rabid ass mind when you
are so absorbed
with the hatred of self, that you openly
and lovingly embrace
an unnatural, alien image that fails to
personally validate you
as a human being the way you were
born (A Black Afrikan).
To add insult to injury, this alien Blonde
image is the exact
same image that has oppressed you in
the most inhuman ways
known to human kind i.e., slavery,
stripping you of everything
that makes a human being, i.e., your
culture, Afrikan
spirituality, name and language while
committing the most
horrendous acts of barbarism and
terrorism known to human
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 111

kind such as lynching, burning Blacks

Afrikans alive, castration,

being barred from learning to read and
write to anything
else that would make you human and
allow you to live
life. And you want to be Blonde? The
same scenario would
apply to White Europeans if the
situation were reverse. They
would be INSANE trying to look like
Black Afrikans to the
determent of themselves!
C. Acknowledge The Existence and
Function of
White European Destructionism and The
And Violent Society It Has Produced
When one is in an INSANE society, the
INSANITY is labeled
as "Normal" and the real sanity is
labeled as "abnormal!"
In dealing with the INSANITY of Black

Afrikans in the U.S.,

(and this is a huge factor with our
concept of beauty), the
late Dr. Amos N. Wilson said from his
AWlS Lecture series
"The Falsification of Afrikan
Consciousness;" "We cannot
talk about a people that have enslaved
us, who discriminate
against us, who insult us, who do all
manner of other things
against us, and then use them a
models of normality. We cannot
use thqse people who are criminals,
who have the world
on the edge of suicide, who are now
getting ready to negotiate
about how many bombs they are going
to keep for destroying
the earth-how they are going to
distribute death to the rest
of the world-as models of normality!,"
Any Black Afrikan who insists on

wearing the alien Blonde

with straight hair image is clearly the
product of a Black Afrikan
spiritual nature that has been seriously
They have been bamboozled to fall for
the "okie-doke" via
the White Western European miseducational school system,
their media, ads, videos, TV shows,
movies, magazines,
112 Rych McCain

newspapers etc., that they control to

regulate the information
and images that they want Black
Afrikans to embrace!
These Blonde Black Afrikan's lack of self
knowledge and history
combined with their brainwashed
Psyche via their Willie
Chip and Eurocentric Mental
Programming disc" that the
White European standard of beauty is
thee standard that they

should worship, adore, idolize and

subscribe to for societal
acceptance and personal self esteem
(which they can never
achieve), is the crux of their INSANITY!
How could an eagle be ashamed that he
didn't look and
act like a goofy, no flying turkey with its
limited abilities,
except that the eagle's knowledge of
self be taken away or
hidden from him. As long as the eagle is
conscious of his
mighty wing span, his talons with
enough strength to kill a
coyote and superior eyesight that could
spot a chipmunk on
the ground several miles up in the air,
he could never bow
to substandard level where the turkey
exist. When you are
learning everything about the White
Europeans and their culture
but learning nothing about the Black

Afrikans and your

culture, that should tell you something
is wrong.
When you question what you are being
that will let you know what you aren't
taught!Rych McCainThis entire phenomenon is an over all
part of the Black
DISORDER discussed
in the front of this book. Black Afrikans
must get a
solid grip on the handle of their White
Western European
induced INSANITY!



The Slave Roots of Black

Afrikan Self Hate,
Shame of Hair and
Subsequent Insanity!

A. Slave Hair History:

Around 90% of the current books on ,
the market that address
the subject of Black Afrikan Hair, always
begin with
the slave history of our hair. This is one
of the reasons I had
to write this book that takes us back to
the beginning of time.
It is true that the Black Afrikan's shame
of their hair has its
beginnings and roots in slavery, but
that is not the complete
story of our hair. Since most of the
other books go into detail

114 Rych McCain

about the period that is known as "400

A COMB," I will only rundown a general
synopsis. You can
read the other books for greater details.
Our ancient Black Afrikan ancestors
never saw humans
with white skin and straight blonde hair,
so they had no concept
of their woolly, kinky hair being
anything but OK. Thousands
of years later, it would be absolutely
mind boggling for
our Black Afrikan ancestors to
comprehend the depth of the
reality that divine woolly, kinky hair has
been altered in such
an extreme radical way both physically
and psychologically.
B. The Black Afrikan's Forced Arrival To

Western Hemisphere:
The Black Afrikans were sized and
transported to the Americas
via the infamous "Middle Passage."
They were shackled
and packed in the ship's filthy rat and
roach infested hull so
tight, they could barely move. With so
many bodies messed
together, the atmosphere was
extremely hot, sweaty and unbearably
suffocating. These shamefully
unhygienic conditions
created air that was unfit for breathing,
foul odors and an
incubator for disease. Outbreaks of
dysentery and smallpox
came swift and often. It is said that the
stench from a slave
ship could be smelled five miles away.
One in every five Black Afrikans di~d
enroute, which took
an average two months or more. The

dead were heaved overboard

and were quickly devoured by sharks
that would follow
the ships. Thousands of slaves perished
via ship wrecks
or mutiny attempts. Thousands were
murdered or committed
suicide. Many of the women died due to
sexual assault or
while in childbirth on board. As the
ships would near the
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 115

u.s. docks, the slave's shackles would

be loosened and they
would be fed to fatten up and greased
down with palm oil to
hide their injuries and appear to look
healthy for sale on the
auction block.
After arriving in the u.s. for sale, the
Black Afrikans became
acutely aware of the two main factors

that branded
them as slaves i.e., their Black Skin and
woolly, nappy hair.
Of course, the slave's hair was filthy
and unkempt because
they weren't allowed to care for it. And
that condition lasted
for 200 years. The racist system of
slave owners used the state
of the slave's unkempt, woolly hair as
proof that the Black
Afrikan was not human. They distained
and ridiculed woolly
hair in private and public. It didn't take
long for the slave
master's hate and contempt for woolly
hair to become psychologically
embedded in the subconsciousness of
the slaves
themselves. Thus the hatred of self and
woolly, kinky, nappy
hair was born and manifested. The
effect is still just as powerful

today, 400 years later. Then the fools

say we should forget
our past!

c. Filthy and Diseased Hair!

During their passage on the ships, the

slave's hair was dirty,
unkempt and soaked with filth. It
remained in that condition
until he or she died. Because of their
neyv learned self hatred,
the slaves began to mistreat their own
hair. Since personal
hygiene was not a consideration for
slaves, scalp diseases
such as ringworm that the slaves
referred to as "tetta," would
break out and be wide spread. No
treatment was available to
boot. These scalp diseases would be so
severe in some cases
that the pus from the sores would drain
down a slave's face
116 Rych McCain

and neck. As their hair matted worse, it

became like a sponge.
It would hold water, sour and rot, not to
mention the extremely
foul odor.
This also marked to beginning of the socalled "head
rag." It was used to hide diseased hair
as well as keep the
healthy hair protected. The slaves also
picked up parasitic
insects and lice in their hair by sleeping
in barns on hay and
other unsanitary conditions.
D. The Begjnnjng of Hak Strajghtenjng:
The first known shampoo that the
slaves created was i mixture
of hog fat and devil lye which was
cooked in a large
pot. With every new generation of Black
Afrikans being born
into slavery, the hatred of self,
contempt and denial of their

Black Afrikan ancestry grew deeper and

deeper. Dark skinned
and light skinned slaves alike, tried all
kinds of methods to
make themselves look more and more
like the slave master's
The first and most obvious of course,
was to do something
about their nappy heads! The slaves
began to experiment
witJ1 concoctions such as hog fat, lye
and potatoes to
create solutions that would take out the
naps. These solutions
would burn like hell and often leave
scars and wounds. Cutting
the hair extremely short or shaving it all
off were popular
alternatives. For slave children, getting
a hair cut with
dull clippers was a nightmare. These
conditions created many
cruel and psychologically deep cutting

jokes and stereotypes

that the slaves used to rag on each
Many of those original slave insults
were handed down
through the generations and are still
being used in the hood to
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 117

this very day. Deep cutting insults that

cracked on the slave's
thick lips, wide nose, ashy skin, big
feet, gestures, mannerisms,
speech pronunciation, food preference,
dressing style to
you name it; all have their origins in
slavery. Those insults are
still widely used today in the hood and
the mindset is exactly
the same.
Then the White European mainstream
wants the Black
Afrikan community to forget their past.
If Black Afrikan

youth were taught their true history and

where and how all
of this self hate originated they would
move to correct it and
change their futures. The White
European mainstream does
not want the shame and guilt of the
deeds from their evil,
satanic, barbaric, inhuman past, to
haunt them. That's why
they want the Black Afrikan to forget.
Yet, they won't forget
the so-called American Revolution
every July 4 th or snot
and cry every Veterans Day over all of
the wars they started
and fought. When you travel throughout
the South, you'll
see a statue or monument every other
block paying tribute to
a fallen confederate soldier. The United
States White European
mainstream has never apologized for
slavery nor asked

for forgiveness for it. To add insult to

injury, they don't even
want to give reparations to the
descendents of former slaves.
It was the free labor force of the Black
Afrikans that gave The
U.S.A. all of her wealth and power she
enjoys today! Slaves
built the U.S. Capital and the White
House among many
other things!
The Black Afrikan slave male was the
first to straighten
his hair. It was the plantation preacher
and the musician. This
is another patitern that still exists
today. Black Afrikan entertainers
have s lorted the "konk" or "processed"
hair do for
the last 150 y ars, thinking that it
enhanced their sex appeal
and acceptan . The slave foolishly
believed that if they made

118 Rych McCain

their hair look more like the White
master's hair, they would
be accepted and treated better. The
slave females followed the
lead of the slave males in trying to
straighten their hair.
Contrary to popular belief, the original
wave and subsequent
generation of Black Afrikan slaves were
not Christians!
They had their own Black Afrikan
spirituality, spiritual beliefs
and sacred images. They were
definitely not into a White
Jesus as the image of their God or a socalled savior to them.
Those hymns that were heard in the
fields were sung in code
about survival, escaping and revolution.
The "yes-man,"
conforming lyrics of those "so-called"
Negro spirituals were
purposely changed later and sanitized

to safe, non-threateningto-Whites, Christian themes as was

everything else Black
Afrikans have been brainwashed to
accept. The Black Afrikan
slave was "forced" to convert to
Western European Christianity
to guarantee that they would become
and remain docile,
subservient and obedient.
Unfortunately that idea worked
too and is still in full effect to this day.
As far as trying to get whiter looking,
Black Afrikan slaves
even started to experiment with skin
lightening products was
well. The onslaught of cooked, straight
hair saw the beginning
of a new mental and psychological
disease that sistah Suzar
coined J\ANS (Acquired Anti-Nappy
Syndrome). Fortunately
there is a cure for AANS its called "selfknowledge!"

Slave masters and White men in

general gave no second
thought to raping and molesting Black
Afrikan women of all
ages from children, teens and adults.
They would torment
the slave husband by making him get
out of bed with his own
wife and watch as they would rape her
in front of him. These
abusive, despicable acts were
committed at will with no legal,
criminal or moral retribution. As a
result, a race of mulattos
was quickly created all over the South
with the French muBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 119

latto Creoles from New Orleans and

Southern Louisiana being
among the most revered. And as fate
would have it, they
still are to this date. A blue black broth
a with a stacked, high

yella, red bone, light brown or blonde,

long haired Louisiana
Creole sistah made all of the heads turn
when they stepped
into the club or church sanctuary.
This same look and the mind set that
promotes it are
still very much alive today! You jet
Black sistahs who are
straightening your hair and dying it
blonde are doing it with
the exact same mind set, motives and
reasons that your slave
great grandmother, your Jim Crow
grandmother and your
civil rights era mother did it. You are the
only one's who can
break this sick cycle of self hate
madness and pass it on to
your children so they can be free at last
or at least headed in
the right direction.



Emancipation, Post
Slavery, Jim Crow Era!

A. Emancipation:
Most people assume the word
"emancipation" means freedom.
Acqording to our late, grate, griot and
now distinguished
ancestor, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, it does
not! Every year
the Black Afrikan community celebrates
the late President
Abraham Lincoln's EMANCIPATION
that so-called freed the slaves via
Juneteeth and other similar
festivals. From his book titled, WHO

other speeches),
Dr. Clark breaks it down on pages 170 &
171. It reads as
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 121

"Emancipation" is not an English term.

It came from
the Roman law and it means "transfer
of ownership." Basically,
what we're talking about here is that
the Emancipation
Proclamation did not free anybody
because we always knew
that Abe didn't free us. Am I right? Then
the question becomes
. .. if Abe Lincoln didn't free us, then
who did? Certainly
no Cracker did.
This "transfer of ownership" means that
there was a recognition
that the English model of slavery had to
be changed

and there had to be a Roman Model of

slavery. If you study
Roman law, you'll find that the Roman
system of slavery was
different from the English system of
slavery. In the Roman system
of slavery, you could be a banker, a
lawyer, an architect,
an engineer . .. you could be any of that
. . . just like today.
You have Negroes who say, "Yes, I
graduated from Harvard
University." Yeah, a slave or . .. ''I'm
Clarence Thomas"
... a slave. We have to begin to
understand that this whole
thing was a question of double-speak.
White folks knew from
the beginning that emancipation had a
meaning deeper than
English. It was rooted in Roman
language and based on the
Roman experience. So as we go

through Juneteeth we should

really be very clear on what
Emancipation Proclamation really

B. Post Slavery:
After the English system of slavery was
dismantled, Black Afrikans
became known as former slaves. This is
probably the
most critical time in history for the
displaced Black Afrikans
living in the United States. The first
wave of Black Afrikans
122 Rych McCain

who were hoarded to the U.S., had the

true knowledge of self.
They knew the tribes and lands from
whence they came. They
knew their real birth names, had an
identity, a homeland and
a history. From these things a person
can draw strength, conviction
and direction. That's why it was
essential that the

Whites stripped and forbade the Black

Afrikans their identity
and knowledge of self. Without that, it
is impossible to keep
and hold a person in bondage. For that
first wave of Black
Afrikans, it was a clear cut case of "Us"
vs. "Them."
As with every next generation, the
thought process was
different. The Black Afrikans who were
born in the new
world had no reality of their parents
and grandparents motherland
or culture. They had been fed vicious
lies about the
uncivilized and barbaric nature of the
so-called Dark Continent.
They were brainwashed into thinking it
was better that
the White man rescued them from
themselves and how being
a slave in Amerikkka was better than
being an unsaved heathen,

running around in the Afrikan jungles,

half naked with
nose rings, spears and no brains or
rational thought process.
The Willie Lynch practices and self hate
were so deeply
ingrained into the sub consciousness of
the slaves for 300
years that the effects have followed,
leaving an unbroken trail
of spirityal, mental and psychological
damage that is acted
out consistently to this very day i.e., the
Black Afrikan insanity
produced by Post Traumatic Slavery
Syndrome that
folks don't want to acknowledge. Thpse
last slaves were let
loose and never received any
psychological counseling, group
therapy or debriefing. What they did
get was the formation of
the The Freedmen's Bureau in 1865
that was supposed to aid

in the transition but it was a true flop

like FEMA today. They
also got a lying government promise of
40 acres of land and
a mule that has never been fulfilled.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 123

Just think of how mentally destroyed

the European Jews
would be if their experience with the
Nazis had lasted for
two hundred years instead of the short
seven to ten years that
it did? How about the Japanese who
were placed in prison
camps during WW II being there for
several generations?
Both of these groups received
reparations and financial compensation
for their experiences! But when one
compares the
Black Afrikan slave holocaust to any
other group in world
history, nobody begins to come, even

remotely close to the

psychological damage and physical
pain the Black Afrikan
has suffered. Yet, Black Afrikans are
finding the hardest row
to hoe in their reparations struggle.
When one considers that an estimated
100 Million Black
Afrikan slaves died en route to the
Americas over 300 years,
that roughly works out to 16,000 slaves
dying for every" 1"
Jew dying under Nazi rule in WWII.
Simply put, 100 Million
vs. 6 Million is no comparison and that
doesn't count the
additional 100 years of Jim Crow
lynchings that followed
slavery. That's one of the many reasons
it was easy for many
Black Afrikans not the snot and boohoo-hoo during 911.
In Beverly Hills there is a shrink on
every other corner because

White folks there need therapy if a

roach runs across
the floor, sp can you imagine the serious
psychological help
that was desperately needed for the exslaves that they never
received. But Black Afrikans are told
that using the "slave
card" is a cop out and an excuse. Yet
when 911 happen, all
of White America was snottin' and
crying. They can dish it
out but they can't take it when it comes

The last group of Black Afrikan

was in 1865.
You think about that!
124 Rych McCain

This means our youngest children today

in 2007, on the
low side are only just 8 to 9,
generations removed from their

super great grandparents who were in

that last active slave
group. Going back to 1865, this
represents only 142 years
with a new generation every 20 years
on average on the low
end. So for those who say using the
"slave card" is a cop
out; how would the White European
have faired if the situation
had been reversed? I know they
couldn't have taken the
mental and physical abuse that they
dished out to the Black
Afikan for more than one generation. It
would have wiped
them out completely.
Let's talk about resilience and mental
strength. The Black
Afrikan had a "Prisoner of War" or
"Concentration Camp"
mentality with many weird psychoses
and phobias attached
when they were dumped into

mainstream society to fin for

themselves with no government aid.
How comfortable would
you feel if one day the local mental
institution in your community
released all of its inmates and patients,
especially the
mean ones with grudges and axes to
grind, because of the
mistreatment or lack of treatment they
had experienced on
the inside? Wouldn't you feel that the
institution was neglectful,
insensitive and derelict in its duty to
both the patients and
the com~unity? Well, that's the same
position the U.S. Government
placed themselves in after releasing the
slaves! Revisiting
what we just said above, scores of
affluent people who
are professionals in all walks of life,
e.g., pro sports, business
execs, entertainers, educators,

politicians, clergy, parents, students

and many others (including poor and
regular working
folks), consult and or maintain the
services of various counselors,
therapists and psychiatrists, to deal
with stress and the
daily onslaught of mental and
emotional problems.
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 125

It is a no brainer to conclude how badly

the ex-slaves
needed debriefing. Despite that
handicap, the newly released
ex-slaves used their mental strength,
labor skills and talents
to make the social adjustments
required for assemblage into
the American mainstream. After all, old
slave patterns, beliefs,
customs, practices and way of life
couldn't change overnight.
Many ex-slaves remained on their

former master's land as

sharecroppers because they knew no
other way of life. The
slaves had no legal last names so they
generally took the last
name of their former masters. This is
why the late Honorable
Elijah Muhammad; founder and original
leader of the Nation
of Islam (once commonly known as the
Black Muslims); required
all of his members to drop their slave
(last) names and
replace it with a "X," until a suitable
Black Afrikan or Islamic
name could be found to replace it.
Malcolm X (aka El-Hajj
Malik El-Shabazz) made the symbol
famous worldwide.
C. The Jjm Crow Era:
The period following the end of the Civil
War in 1865-1900,
became known as Reconstruction. After

a series of civil rights

legislatiorywas passed, Black Afrikans
were elected to state
capitals and county courthouses
throughout the South for the
first time in U.S. history. Twenty-two
Black Afrikans were
elected and sent to Congress from
southern states, beginning
in 1870 with Hiram R. Revel of
Mississippi, the first Black
Afrikan man elected to the U.S. Senate.
Joseph H. Rainey of
South Carolina andJefferson F. Long of
Georgia were the first
Black Afrikan elected members of the
House of Representatives.
A few years prior, in 1862, Oscar Dunn,
an ex-slave
126 Rych McCain
and captain in the Union Army was
elected Lt. Governor of
Louisiana. As unbelievable as it might
sound today, Black

Afikan senators actually out-numbered

White senators in the
South Carolina legislature during this
period even though
Whites were the majority in the state.
As one could predictably expect, all of
this Black Afrikan
progress was way too threatening and
did not sit well with
the southern rednecks. Their bigotry
gave birth to the formation
of hate groups such as the Klu Klux
Klan, founded by
a former Confederate General and
Scottish Rite Freemason,
Albert Pike in Tennessee during the
early 1860's. A statue of
him that was erected in Washington,
D.C., currently stands
there in his honor. How's that for the
ultimate racist insult? In
1870 while Black Afrikans were on their
way to Washington,
Congress passed the Tilden-Hayes

This called for the removal of protective
federal troops all
over the South who had been placed
there after the Civil War
to see that all slave activity had
actually stopped. It also kept
those rednecks in place in terms of
acting real stupid with the
newly freed slaves. Of course the
Tilden-Hayes Compromise
was a deliberate act of revenge and
malice to begin the process
of attrition in the southern Black Afrikan
cycle of progress.
Af~er which, the A-holes with the cheap,
tacky, white
robes and pointed dunce caps with
masks to conceal their
coward identities, went to work.
With the federally protective troops
gone and no watch
dogs on guard, southern Black Afrikans

were immediately
and thoroughly disenfranchised (voting
rights taken away),
via a quick series of bills that were
passed which allowed open
denial of constitutional rights beginning
with the super racist
state of Mississippi in 1890. As a result,
all Black Afrikan
members of Congress were eliminated
with North Carolina
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 127

Congressman George H. White being

the last man of color in
Washington for the era to exit in 1901.
The Washington D.C.
dry spell for Southern Black Afrikan
politicians lasted until
the late, great Barbara Jordan broke it
in 1972 from Texas,
followed by Andrew Young of Georgia
that same year.
D. AmeriKKKa's Darkest Lawless Period:

The entire south placed restrictive

controls on Black Afrikan
suffrage such as poll tax, literacy tests,
criminal records and
grandfather clauses based on voter
enrollment lists dating
back to 1867. If your grandfather didn't
vote, you couldn't
vote. But the ultimate attack on the
Black Afrikans right to
exist as a human beings came at the
hands of heartless, icewaterin-the-veins, no-mercy, no conscious,
cracker southern
lawmakers who passed a series of
ridiculous Black codes
(many that are still on the books today),
that carried heavy
penalties for nonsense such as; failing
to say Mister, when addressing
a White man or reckless eye bailing,
and I kid you

If one or more Black Afrikans assemble

in public and
stood around talking more than five
minutes, they were
breaking vagrancy laws. This is one of
the more "heartless"
ones; insulting gestures, (how would
you like to be fined
$50 bucks, severely beaten or even
hanged, just for having
the wrong expression on your face?
Under those conditions,
95% of you reading this book would be
fined, in jailor dead
by now! Other Black code laws included
curfew violations,
seditious speeches, and failure to step
out of the way, of an
approaching White. It became illegal for
Black Afrikans in
South Carolina to possess firearms.
Other southern states
128 Rych McCain

Outlawed Black Afrikan rights to make

and enforce contracts,
to marry (especially interracial
marriage) and to assemble,
roam around, or be idle. (Maybe they
still need that
last one for those gang bangers and
trouble making teeny bop
knuckle heads at the mall)! A Black
African could not look
a White in the eye or stand directly in
front of him. A White
man could openly lust after and
sexually harass and molest a
Black Afrikan girl or woman but let a
Black Afrikan man do
the same to a White girl or
woman-"Geeeit A Rope!!!" Plus
he would be castrated!
Of course, these black codes violated
constitutional rights
and everything else humanly decent in
between. First I take
away your basic human rights, and then

I punish you if you

dare show any signs of disapproval.
What is the limit on how
cruel, inhumane and obnoxious one
human can be to another?
During the one hundred year period
between the mid1860's through to the mid-1960's,
southern Whites and their
northern counter parts waged a wave of
unchecked, merciless,
racial terrorism and barbaric mayhem
that has seen few
rivals (if any), in world history! During
this hellish stretch of
time, Black Afrikan human life and
welfare had absolutely no
value whatsoever in the eyes of the
White demons who committed
crimes so brutal in nature, one would
find it almost
impossible to believe that these human
atrocities were actually
tolerated by a so-called modern,

Christian, God fearing,

civilized, moral nation! The u.s. is so
.quick to "holla" about
the human rights violations of other
nations when she has
the filthiest human rights violation track
record in history of
them all!
In 1896 a Black Afrikan named Homer
A. Plessy was arrested
because he refused to ride in the
railroad coach designated
for "colored" passengers only, while
enroute from New
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 129

Orleans to Covington, Louisiana.

"Separate but Equal." was
the policy of Louisiana Law which
meant that each race had
its own public facilities. Plessy
disagreed, sued (Plessy vs. Ferguson),
and of course lost. The May 18, 1896
U.S. Supreme

Court ruling on the case upheld the

doctrine of separate but
equal which flung the cage door wide
open and released
one of history's worst, anti-human,
demon monster's everRACIAL
SEGREATION! Or "Jim Crow," as it was
named in the south.
The combination of Black Afrikan voting
and civil rights
being taken away, black codes in place
and now Jim Crow,
made the perfect ingredients for the
ultimate hell pie for Black
Afrikans. Public lynchings for even the
smallest infraction on
a White by a Black Afrikan, with
absolutely no due process
or protection from the law, was so
common, it attracted little
attention or action to stop it from the
White mainstream.
Beginning of the 1890's saw Black

Afrikans being burned at

the stake alive, while hoards of White
onlookers cheered and
celebrated. Black Afrikans were put to
death, (sometimes just
for the sport of it), had their eyes
gouged out, were stoned,
kicked, spat upon, beaten, chased,
horse whipped, sliced
up with knives and swords, hacked to
pieces with axes and
machetes, ;bludgeoned, choked,
pinched, slapped, scratched,
drowned, drug behind horses and later
pick up trucks, tortured
and mutilated beyond recognition.
Lynchings were announced via
newspaper ads and flyers
sometimes two or three weeks in
advance. People actually
bought bus and train tickets and made
hotel reservations
to come see a Black Afrikan tortured
and hung in public.

Those spiritually sick, barbaric bastards

were even mentally
deranged enough to bring food and eat
with a bloody,
mutilated, dead Black Afrikan body
hanging from a tree in
130 Rych McCain

front of them. This is where the term

"picnic" originated i.e.,
"pick-a-nigger" to hang and we'll bring
food to watch. Those
sub-humans even brought their families
(including small children),
to watch a satanic public murder.
Nothing was done
about it and you had better not say
anything. They also took
pictures and used them as postcards to
send to friends until
the post office said enough! No, this
isn't mid-evil Europe or
the ancient barbarians we're discussing
here folks, this is the
twentieth century United Snakes of

Amerikkka - "The Greatest

Country On Earth!"
Since White men were especially
intimated with the socalled,
Black Afrikan male sexual superiority
myth, castration
was an extremely popular form of
mutilation. Pregnant
Black Afrikan women had their unborn
fetuses cut out of
them and stomped on until it was
human mush. Even Black
Afrikan children were killed, particularly
the boys. How's
that for child abuse? Race riots left
scores of Black Afrikans
injured or dead in cities like the famed
Black Wall Street riot
in Tulsa, Oklahoma and other cities like
St. Louis, Memphis
and Atlanta.
At the slightest whim of a drunk klan
bigot, Black homes,
churches and other properties would be

burned to the ground,

often wifh the occupants still inside, too
afraid to run out for
fear of being shot or captured and
tortured. Being burned
alive or captured and tortured-hell of an
option huh? The
lynching situation in the south was .so
deplorable that the
Tuskegee Institute recorded annual
statistics to monitor this
blatant madness. According to their
records, 3,426 known
Black Afrikans had been lynched in the
U.S., between 1882
and 1947. During the decade between
1890 and 1900 alone,
1,217 Black Afrikans were lynched!
That comes out to be
an average of 2.3 Black Afrikans being
hung or murdered
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 131

every week steady for ten straight

years in a row! Can you

even contemplate living in an
atmosphere where your family
members, loved ones, friends,
playmates, workmates, or
neighbors are being mercilessly
executed all around you at
the rate of two of them every week?
Now if all of the above wasn't sickening
enough, the ten
year stretch (1890-1900), of
unchecked, wretched lawlessness
and butcherous, wanton terrorism is
proudly referred to
in history as: "The Gay Nineties," (guess
who's history)?
The brothers and sisters did fight back.
On February 12,
1909 the N.A.A.C.P. (The National
Association For The Advancement
Of Colored People) was born. The Urban
followed in 1910. Ida B. Wells Barnett
became a major antilynching

crusader world wide chairing the AntiLynching Bureau

of the Negro African Council. She later
organized and
became president of the Negro
Fellowship League in 1908.
Her work abroad brought
embarrassment to the U.S., and
Washington started pressuring the
south to cool it on the
lynching. The Klan had reached its peek
in membership during
the 1920's and began trailing off from
there. The year
1914 saw the rise of one of our greatest
Black Afrikan leaders
of the twentieth century, The Honorable
Marcus Masiah
Garvey WtlO formed the Universal
Negro Improvement Association.
It is Garvey who gave Black Afrikans in
the U.S. their
famed red, black and green flag. These

colors would later be

referred to as our Black liberation colors
during the militant
60's. Red was for the blood shed by
Black Afrikans, Black
was for the Race and Green
represented the new promise
land that Garvey had planned to lead
his people to. Garvey
actually wanted to return his folks to
Afrika to live.
As a follow up, I highly recommend a
book by Ralph
Ginzburg titled "One Hundred Years of
Lynchings," If you
132 Rych McCain

are a Black Afrikan, it will make your

blood boil. Another
book, 'Without Sanctuary," by James
Allen, Hilton Als, Jon
Lewis and Leon F. Litwack is a lynching
pictorial book. The
photos are graphic but they tell the

truth about Black Afrikans

being lynched. Both books can be found
at Black Books
stores and the major online book
E. Why You Had To Have This History
I had to include this mini U.S. Black
Afrikan history lesson
in this chapter so you the reader could
fully understand the
depth from which I come when I make
statements such as We
Are Insane. When you understand your
true history and the
psychology of the mindset that
accompanies it, you can now
accurately evaluate your current
situation and make adjustments
The style in which you wear your hair
has "everything"
to do with the history and its

psychology that was handed

down to you via your Black Afrikan
bloodline. The sick conditions
that Black Afrikans have had to endure
and are still
suffering under to this vary day, has
caused them to think and
act in a ~anner that they ordinarily
would not think and act,
under sane and rational circumstances.

To say that you are in total control

of your
choices, particularly your hair style
is a flat
out, self denial lie!
When you become conscious
enough to realize
that; your style of hair will reflect a
sane (not
insane) option.


The Present State of

Black Afrikan Hair
and the Black Afrikan
A. Our History Has Influenced Our
As per our survival, we Black Afrikans
must come out of our
400 year old comma of White Western
European induced self
hate and non-survival mental insanity!
Our history does have
an effect on our thought process. When
you consider the relentless
negative onslaught that has "NEVER"
eased up since
our capture in Afrika, beginning with
the slave dungeons, the

slave ships, slave and post slave black

codes, the laws, segre133
134 Rych McCain

gation, discrimination, educational, civil

and social restrictions;
it is amazing that we Black Afrikan
people have any
rational sense at all! That is also
testimonial proof as to how
mentally and physically strong we Black
Afrikans are as a
human species.
All of the experiences mention above
have dictated how
we Black Afrikans have felt about
ourselves since we arrived
in the Americas. Those experiences and
feelings have always
been the basis for our thought process,
actions and behavior.
One can only act from one's reality.
There is a major difference
when you have to act a certain way for

survival purposes
vs. acting as per your enjoyment of
life. Black Afrikans
have learned to go along to get along
and wearing BBQ'ed
straight hair is a major part of that
mental compromise!
B. Your Family History Is Who You Are!
If you are a Baptist or Church of God In
Christ member, you
are that because your mom, dad or
both were that. The food
you grew up liking was the food your
parents fed you. The
style in which that food was cooked is
the style you prefer today.
The'things that you were warned about
and taught about
while growing up, gave you the
concepts that you use now in
dealing with everyday life. Even your
doctor must have your
medical "history" before he can

properly treat you. If you

are a Black Afrikan girl in particular and
your momma used
to wash your hair, dry it and press it so
that you would look
socially acCeptable, that experience
planted the seed in your
head that straight hair was the best
way for you to look. Your
momma pressed her hair and her
momma (your grandma),
pressed hers!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 135

When it was hot and the spiral power of

your hair started
to manifest itself in the form of nappy
edges coming out, your
mom became alarmed and rushed you
to that chair and hot
comb for a touch up so you could go to
church looking civilized,
as my mom used to say to my sisters.
That planted the

seeds of your viewpoint regarding your

hair's appearance.
The way you behaved in public, played
and did everything
else was the result of what was handed
down through your
bloodline both physically and
psychologically. When you
look at old photos of your Black Afrikan
relatives what kind
of style of clothes and hair do you see?
That is what was
handed down to you.
Sure, you may say my momma never
finished high school
but I graduated from college. That too
was her and other responsible
elders in your life passing on the
inspiration for you
to have accomplished that goal. You are
the complete product
of your bloodline physically and
psychologically weather

you agree or disagree. If you were born

poor and became self
made rich, you still are the product of
that from whence you
came. Your mind set is your mentally
handed down history.
Many sistahs have said to me when I
lecture at universities
that they wear their hair straight
because it is easier to keep up
that way. t That's not true," I always
respond, when I should
be saying "that's B.S.!" I then say,
"There are so many ways
for you to maintain your hair easier in
its natural state. You
just don't want to find them because
deep down in your sub
consciousness you are programmed to
desire straight hair.
Madame c.]. walker became the first,
self made woman
millionaire in the U.S. behind the shame

of our natural hair.

Whereas, she did not invent the metal,
hot comb for straightening
hair like a many claim, her
manufacturing company did
purchase a patent for a metal comb
from a man who had sup136
Rych McCain

plied combs to Walker during her

lifetime. Research shows
that the metal hot comb was available
as early as 1872 and
was used mainly by White European
Walker opened the first Lelia College of
Beauty Culture
between 1908 and 1910 to teach
Walker agents and hair culturists.
In 1910 Walker moved her
headquarters to Indianapolis
and built her manufacturing plant. The
operation lasted
there for over 70 years despite Walker
moving her personal

residence to New York City in 1916.

Needless to say, the
"konk" or "" processed" hairdo reigned
supreme among the
Black Afrikan men from the turn of the
1900's through
the 20's, prohibition era, the 30's- 40's
big band era, the 50's60's rock and soul era and through to
the present.
As we mentioned earlier, the cooked
hair movement did
suffer a slow down during the late 60's
early 70's militant
Black Power era. Even the Godfather Of
Soul, the late James
Brown went natural for about two years
during that period.
His huge Bar-B-Q'ed, pompadour hair
style was a major hit
with the ladies of his time. There is a
jingle that Black Afrikans
have been saying for over a hundred
years that says;

"If you're White - You're Alright"; "If

you're Brown - Stick
Around" but "If You're Black - Get Back!"
The stigma and
meaningtof that jingle is as effective
today as it was a hundred
years ago! Isn't that amazing?
C. Black Afdkans Must Return To A Black
Standard Of Beauty!
We may be several life times away from
Black Afrikans mentally
returning to accepting their own looks
as the standard
by which they should be judge. It should
start with our genBlack
Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The Black
Blonde Psych! 137

eration now. It must start now if we are

to survive. Our existence
as it currently stands is in grave
trouble. We must take

back the Black Afrikan Hair industry

from top to bottom. It
makes no sense for the Koreans to sell
us products for our
hair and they give less than a hoot
about us! When asked
"How's business doing?", one Korean
beauty supply store
owner shot back, "It's great as long as
those monkeys keep
bring us their money!" He was referring
to his Black Afrikan
costumers. He had one of the largest
Beauty supply shops in
South Central Los Angeles. Even has a
hair salon in the back
of the store. Black Afrikans can't get in
there quick enough
to spend their money on blonde wigs
while getting their naps
fried. We do the same for cosmetics,
clothes to you name it.
Our dollar barely circulates one or two
times before it leaves

our community to fatten somebody

else's pockets.
Black Afikans must shake the Willie
Lynch and European
Mental Programming Disc inspired
"dumb rocks" out of
their mentality! Black Afrikan children
must be taught the
truth of who they are, their magnificent
ancient past and the
glorious future that awaits if they get it
together. It all starts
with the mind set that is handed down.
What kind of personal
examples, teachings and concepts are
you handing down to
your chilqren, relatives, friends and



Your Health

and Cosmetics!
A. Do Your Own Research and Homework!
Many copmetic, coloring products,
sprays, gels, creams and
other hair and toiletry products contain
ingredients that are
very harmful and carcinogenic.
Anything that you put on and
into your body that performs an
unnatural altering function
is not good for you. It may make you
look like a million
bucks but it is slowly poisoning you. I
strongly recommend
that you go on line and look up the
ingredients in your favorite
shampoo, hair dye, soap, toothpaste,
deodorant, makeup,
nail polish to you name it. You will be
shocked to learn
that some of the same ingredients in
many of those products

Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 139
are also used to embalm dead bodies,
make car battery acid
and everything else in between.
For example, anti-perspirent
deodorants harm you because
they block the pores in your underarm
so the sweat
can't get through. That is dangerous
because the blockage
will cause problems. Nature put those
pores in your skin
so your body could cleanse itself of
waste by placing it in a
moisture solution i.e., your sweat and
squirting it out. That's
why sweat smells so bad! It is better to
use regular or organic
deodorant. Ring under arm beats
cancer any day! When you
get your nails done and the person
doing them is wearing a

surgical mask because the fumes are

that toxic and heavy,
that should tell you something. Plus,
coatings that go on
your nails go straight into your blood
stream as does lipstick,
shampoo and everything else!
Black Afrikan Hair is the most abused
hair in the human
family. That abuse mainly comes from
the racial shame factor
but it also stems from lack of hair care
knowledge. There are
baglike structures located beneath our
skin called follicles.
They have three shapes i.e., round, flat
and oval. The shape
of the follicle determines the type of
hair we grow. Round fol licles
produce straight hair, oval follicles
make wavy hair and
flat follicl~s create curly or nappy hair.
But keep in mind what
was explained in chapter one. The

melanin dominant chemical

composition of the flat follicle in Black
Afrikans conforms
to the spiraling motion of the universe ..
All human hair is made up of three
parts i.e., the outer
layer called the cuticle; the middle layer
called the cortex and
the center called the medulla. The bulb
at the base of our hair
is the only part of the hair that is alive.
The visible part of our
hair on the outside is dead. That's why
it doesn't hurt when
we cut our hair. The cells are flat and
140 Rych McCain

B. Chemical Relaxers and Other Kj[[ers

of Black
Afrikan Hair:
The difference in Black Afrikan hair is its
bonding qualities.
Nappier hair is the result of a tighter

bonding pattern from

the coiling, spiraling motion. Human
hair is composed of
proteins. The main one is keratin which
is found in the skin.
It forms a protective coating around the
hair as it comes out
of the skin's surface to protect it.
When Keratin is broken down into
smaller parts, it is
composed of amino acids. Chemically
speaking, when many
different amino acids combine and
bond together they form
a polypeptide chain. Woolly, nappy
Black Afrikan hair contains
amino acids that have combined to
form a peptide bond.
Let's keep our focus on the operative
word" bond." Specific
proteins such as keratin, collagen,
insulin etc., are created
when of right amount of amino acids

are assembled in the

correct chemical order. The polypeptide
chain which makes
the keratin protein in our hair is
commonly described as the
alpha helix. Which means it spirals
The combined amino acids spin at the
rate of 3.6 amino
acids per turn in the helix of the
polypeptide chain. A peptide
bond is what connects the amino acids.
These bonds result
when the carbon atom of one amino
acid reaches out to bond
with the nitrogen atom of the next
amino acid.
Hot combs and hair relaxers will
straighten your hair at
the expense of breaking down and
destroying your natura!
peptide bonds. Straightening causes
your hair to fall into a
deep, defenseless state of shock! This

will cause your hair

to break, be severely damaged, and
even fall out! When
nappy hair is in a straight state-it is
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The
Black Blonde Psych! 141


reason or excuse
for any Black Afrikan man or woman to
straighten their
nappy, woolly hair! Now foolishly
defend your B-B-Q' -ed
straight hair from those facts!
Our hair is part of our body's
integumentary system that
provides one of our many lines of
defense. Our eyes, ears, nose
and eyebrows are protected by those
fine, short hairs around
them. Eyebrows reduce the amount of
light that enter our
eyes. Football receivers even smear

heavy black shadow under

their eyes to reduce sun glare. Those
eye, ear and nose fine
hairs and even the pubic and anal hairs,
block foreign matter
such as dust, germs etc., from entering
our bodies. Shave
those eyebrows off and replace them
with eyebrow pencil if
you wish to look cute, but you pay the
price physically.
How about all of that waxing, shaving
and plucking? Our
sense of touch reception is aided by
hair. This is why all skin
surfaces possess hair with the
exception of the palms of our
hands and the soles of our feet. Body
hair also keeps us warm
by becoming erect, creating extra
insulation that elevates our
body temperature higher than our
surroundings when we are

chilly or cold. It also traps air next to our

body to help in the
reductionp f heat loss. The bottom line
is to allow your hair
to do what it was intended to do by
nature without destroying
it for the sake of social approval. You
must seek that fine
line of reasonable balance to achieve
C. Cleaning Up Our Act:
We all use toxic products and eat food
that has been sprayed
to what ever else is in the soup. Even
so-called health food
142 Rych McCain

isn't what it's propped up to be. Doing a

cleanse every seasonal
change is the best thing to do. Back in
the day in the
Black Afrikan community, the old folks
used to give their
families concoctions that would clean

them out in the winter

and spring. I have my own personal
herbalist in the person of
Russell Harrison of The Russell Herbal
Company in Los Angeles,
who keeps me ticking. I don't follow a
routine regimen
of seeing him on a regular basis like I
should and he usually
only hears from me when I'm sick! Then
he has to clean out
the garbage that should have been
taken out in the first place
and I wouldn't have gotten sick.
Russell designs the formulas and
manufactures his own
organic and wild crafted herbal
products which are some of
the best in the business! He has special
designed products
for cosmetics detoxing. His clients in
Los Angeles reads
like a who's who list including actor
Kevin Bacon, singer

Imusician Stevie Wonder, the late

Coretta Scott King and numerous
others. Russell can be of service to you
as well. His
phone is 323-751-1461. Check out his
ad in this book and go
to his website www.russellherbal.com.
D. For Those Who Des;re Natural Long
Hajr Looks:

If you want to wear your hair natural but

still want long,
down flowing hair, consult with your
local braidologist, hair
dresser, or go online. The answers and
styles you seek are
there. Popular Black African Hair
magazines can provide
a wealth of information as well. Check
out the nappy hair
groups and organizations on line. They
will really fire you up
for natural hair!
Black Afrikan Hair And The Insanity Of The

Black Blonde Psych! 143

I also highly recommend the products

PRESCRIPTION by Naturceutics, Inc.
They are a 100%
Black Afrikan owned hair care products
company out of
Tampa, Florida. Their shampoos,
conditioners, creams and
lotions are all aloe vera based unlike
99.9% of the hair care
products on the market that are water
based. The testimonials
that I have received highly praise these
products for conditioning
and growing hair.
I was even told by one customer that
she didn't need to
buy extensions anymore because the
Naturceutics products
allowed her hair to grow down her back
naturally. You can
also check their ad out in this book or
contact them by phone

at: Naturceutics, Inc., 813-903-8250 or

Checkout their website at



Out of the 100% of the few who will

read this book; only
20% will get it. They will process the
information wisely,
use and practice the principles and it
will significantly enhance
their lives. 30% will be confused and
vacillate between
should I or shouldn't I conform to the
information? The last
50% will be so controlled and over
powered by their WillieChip
and Euro-Centric Mental Programming
Disc, that they
won't get it at all. The information will
be just as foreign to

them after having read it as it was

before reading it! They will
stay "Stuck-On-Stupid," and receive
absolutely NO benefit!
Simply put, my goal in writing this book
was to reach the
20%. I am not trying to convert the
unwilling closed minds
of the Western European programmed
masses of Black Afrikan
peoples. I am not telling you the reader
how to wear
your hair. That is strictly your personal
choice. I'm am saying
make an informed choice. I have only
rendered information
on why Rych McCain believes with
serious conviction that
every Black Afrikan on Earth should
wear their hair natural!
Epilogue 145

This information is now out and it is up

to you the reader

to do what you wish with it!

Rych McCain

About The Author


Rych McCain is a graduate of The

University of NebraskaLincoln
with a B.A. Degree in Psychology. He
has done extensive
post graduate research in the areas of
Black Afrikan
people's spirituality, mentality,
physiology, health and history
as they relate to the effects of racism
and issues of Black Afrikan
survival and self esteem.
McCain has been listed in the Yearbook
of Experts, Authorities
and Spokes Persons, published annually
by Broadcast
Interview Source (the bible of news
media resources)!

He was i member of the Compton

Study Group which is
no longer active, in Compton,
California; the author of two
published books and two audio tape
series! McCain lectures
at Universities and conducts workshops
both nationally and
internationally. He may be contacted
for lecture/visual presentations
al)d workshops via e-mail at
net or writing to him at P.O. Box 2272,
Beverly Hills,
CA. 90213.
About the Author 147

For a copy of this book, California

residents send a check
or money order for $24.95 (includes
tax, s&h). Non California
residents $22.95 includes (s&h). Make
all checks and

money orders payable to Rych McCain.

Send to PO. Box
2272, Dept B., Beverly Hills, CA. 90213.
Checks must clear
before your book is sent. This book is
being sold by mail order
only! On line and bookstore availability
will be announced.


By Rych McCain
The subject of hair may be the most
personal and emotionally explosive topic
in the B ck
Afrikan community! One can elicit a fist
fight quickly via a nappy joke or insult,
romantic success from a sincere hair
compliment. Black Afrikan people have the
m unique
hair history and personal relationship with

their hair than any other race in the entire

human family .
Nappy, kinky Black Afrikan hair is the
original human hair! Vappy, B Afrikan
hair possesses spiritual and physical
properties with fun ctions thar; no other
human hair on
earth can even begin to match! Yet, over
the last 400 years, this extraordinary hair
has been
the object of ridicule, put down and scorn.
VJ'a the vicious system of main stream,
racism, blessed nappy and kinky Black
Afrikan hair has been transformed into a
vessel for the perpetuation of Black
Afrikan seU' hate, shame, violence,
disrespect and seU'destruction in the Black Afrikan
For you special Black Afrikan readers of
this "must read" book; this eye-opening,

blowing information, history and scientific

facts offered via a text that is bold,

controversial and enlightening will

positively alter (if not totally eliminate),
your shame and
hatred of kinky, nappy, divine Black
Afrikan hair forever -- guaranteed! Rych
ISBN: 978 -0-9794 . ~

995 c::::



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