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Article by the Magna Group.

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It was years later when I finally made the discovery, that spirituality really wasn't about spirits,
aliens, dimensions and enlightenment. It was about self. About harmony, and about balance. This
may be the case for me only, but I have a feeling that it probably isn't. It is interesting to speculate
on what aliens are, how many dimensions exist, and to wonder endlessly what our destiny may be.
But precisely how does this help us? If anything, the very concept of 'level of enlightenment', or
'multiple lives', actually creates difference, and not oneness, and thus potentially it creates arrogance
and a lack of self-worth. I have had the pleasure of coming into contact with many spiritually
minded individuals over the years, and have received a variety of reactions to my differing views on
the subject.
When I have voiced my own perception, I have frequently come into contact with individuals, who
tell me that my energy is low, and so I wouldn't understand. Or those who say that I am not on the
same level of awareness as they are, I am not as spiritually advanced. And when they do, I politely
explain that I simply don't share the same perception, and that they needn't try to understand, which
leads to a mixture of bullying and general arrogance from other individuals which I find quite
pathetic. The person who thinks they are right, and in charge, is the person who we cannot criticize.
We should rightfully be allowed to criticize anybody, but those who show a strong reaction to an
idea which does not fit their own, are probably the people whom we aught not to trust. Similarly,
any individual who professes about how they are enlightened, and know the answers, clearly does
not know all the answers. One of the first points in spiritual evolution, which I believe we come into
contact with, is to guide others to their own truth, but not to tell others what to think. Why would a
happy, enlightened, at-one, person, feel the need to disregard the ideas of other people in a
defensive way? Well, they wouldn't. And here is the thing. I found out, that spirituality really isn't
for me.

Enter love
Spirituality is a vast, and fascinating subject, and I certainly don't deny that it does hold many
truths, many answers, and more interesting theories and concepts for just one lifetime! But what I
am saying, is that spirituality is not the core of our experience. Spirituality isn't really about
spirituality. And sometimes, a person can be very knowledgeable about the World, about spirituality,
and the evolution of human consciousness, and yet without this core concept, within spirituality, all
of that knowledge becomes entirely useless, I think anyway!
And here's the thing. Knowledge does not seem to equal to intelligence. Knowledge cannot birth
happiness, nor can it birth a true understanding, nor wisdom. Spiritual 'knowledge' can make the
path towards our core, much, much easier, but can also make it much harder for some individuals,
depending on what knowledge they take on, and their current life situations and accumulated
Our true nature, however, simply cannot be expressed by knowledge. It doesn't need to be
expressed by knowledge, by information, or by any model. Our true nature, our inner
enlightenment, can actually be obtained via a simple choice. If you have an interest in quantum
mechanics, then you may have heard about how atoms and their smaller structural elements, exist
merely in potential form, until we 'draw' them into being, literally using our own imagination.
Atoms, as a construct for explaining reality, are a form of information/knowledge, but it is us, our
perception, which creates them into being atoms.

Therefore, from what I understand at least, no book, no guide to any form of spirituality, be it New
Age, aliens, Buddhism, Hinduism etc, can help to make you enlightened. These books, and the
ideas wherein, can act as pathways towards a more balanced sense of self, if the ideas synchronize
and are appealing towards the reader. But the actual concepts are more like signs, pointers, towards
a greater idea, hidden within. These signs frequently become no-longer positive, however, when so
many individuals consider the signs themselves to be the 'enlightenment', and not merely signs.
They see the knowledge of reincarnation, and of ascended masters, to be the total, real truth of
reality, and thus this knowledge, as the nature of enlightenment, rather than simply being stepping
stones. Ultimately, I am in no way saying that these concepts do not exist, to an extent, but that
reliance upon any concept, idea, or teaching, is a distraction, and that their existence is sort of
unimportant to us anyway. It may be described as a man, buying flowers for his girlfriend, and
expecting that to make her love him more. Now, deep down we all know that these items, and his
words, are signs, and symbols of love, but that it is ultimately his perception of her, his reactions to
her, and the feelings he produces from being around her, which actually matter. The flowers act as a
sign of love, if he does them out of reacting to understanding her desire to feel appreciated, but on
their own, the flowers mean absolutely nothing.
From how I have come to understand things, the path towards a balanced, spiritually abundant life,
comes through a very simple choice in perception.
Humans experience the ego. The actual definition of the ego, varies pretty greatly depending on
who you ask. The ego is neither positive, nor negative. Many teachers will teach us that one must
abolish the ego altogether, if one is to become spiritually awakened, although as of yet I haven't
come across anyone, anywhere, who has achieved this. In fact, it has become clear to me, that
human existence actually requires something like the ego, to function in our World.
Human beings have a collective awareness, to a degree, but as individuals, we also have an
individual awareness, which consists primarily of our biology, and our past perceptions. Our past
perceptions play massively into our understanding of our present life, and our present self. This
sense of 'my life, my experience', has lead to, our stemmed from perhaps, the concept of the ego. In
most World languages, we have specific pronouns, for I, thou, he, we etc. These pronouns are a
good manifestation of more-or-less universal thought processes amongst humans. In our day-to-day
life for example, it would be difficult to use one pronoun, for every living entity, with no distinction
between I, and You, for example. Because of the way our ancestral tribal systems evolved, it no
doubt became necessary to create pronouns designated to different 'persons', listeners, observers
etcetera, in order to communicate specific ideas, to tell stories, and to convey useful information
about the physical aspects of the World, and our place within them.
The human World, our universe, is a place of separation. We are not the same thing as the person
next to us. We cannot exist in two places at once, and no matter what many spiritualists would make
us believe, we cannot 'become one' with the universe, when we need to get our shopping. We can't
become the milk, and bacon, and eggs, and whatever else, rather than buying it, and we can't
teleport to Tenerife or some other exotic location, simply by wishing for a holiday.
So I think it's fair to say that the ego, our sense of self, of being 'me', is a crucial aspect of human
existence. Without the ego, we simply wouldn't be able to function in this World, nor would we be
able to communicate, nor would we be able to defend ourselves if needed. In human life, nor is it
possible to be entirely selfless. We always have a personal reason for helping another person, it's not
entirely for their benefit, because as the observer, and the doer, how could we not become involved
with it? How could we not have a reason for doing something, a personal reason, if we ourselves are
individual beings, with an individual mind, individual needs, and desires?
If a young child fell into a deep lake, most of us would jump into save them. Some would do this
because afterwords, they would feel good about themselves, for having done something good.
Others, would save the child's life, because they do not like the idea of someone so young having
their life taken away from them. It saddens us, and we want to do the right thing for that person. As
selfless as this may seem, we are still the person doing the act, and we are the person who wants to
do the right thing. If we want to do the right thing, then part of that must be related to ourselves, and

therefore the act cannot be entirely selfless.

So it becomes clear that humans cannot feasibly go through life without an ego, and without a sense
of self. Some spiritualists take about how the ego is our enemy, but I think that it is more about
aligning our ego to the greater good of what is beyond the ego, love. An ego has a reputation as a
selfish aspect of the human psyche, when in fact it can aid us, and perhaps the idea about our life on
this Earth, is for us to find love by means of the ego, to experience Oneness, when physically, we
are not One.
So, as I understand it, we live in duality. Quantum physics has allegedly shown, that reality is
essentially a very persistent illusion, and that the real nature of things, if any, is not nearly as we
would expect. I will not get into a scientific discussion here, but more and more conclusions are
being made in the minds of scientists, that despite the fairly obvious, solid aspect of the World in
which we interact, on a day to day basis, the quantum World, the building blocks of the Universe, is
far from being solid. Atoms are now thought of as 'possibilities', rather than anything solid, the
actual, apparent, solid space in which they occupy, being minuscule compared to their influence on
surrounding objects. At a quantum level, reality appears to change according to our perception of it,
moving with us, as though our minds were themselves a part of it.
I for one, strongly agree that the physical Universe, is merely a projection of quantum information.
However, with our bodies and minds, being part of the tapestry of this projection, whilst we are in a
human form, we cannot ignore this physical/demi-urge aspect.
In contrast to the idea of perception creating imagination, some have proposed that the opposite
may be happening, and this is what I have had passed into my thoughts. In other Worlds, the
physical World is like an evolutionary 'growth-arena', a secondary aspect to reality which is formed
from more subtle quantum universe(s). So the evolution of humanity, our own personal
development throughout life, and the cause and effect continuation, may in fact be an illusion.
Perhaps there is no cause and effect, but the information passed to us from an eternal, timeless,
space-less, quantum reality, manifests itself in our Universe in sequences, to initiate our growth,
thus giving the illusion of there being cause and effect.
So essentially, whilst all of reality can be said (depending on what you believe) to be an illusion, it
is an illusion which we have chosen, presumably, to take part in. Whilst we exist in this illusion, we
have to draw from, and understand the correct information required to create this reality in a
positive, harmonious state. So whilst knowledge cannot give us enlightenment, a certain degree of
knowledge is necessary for life on physical Earth. Assuming that this information is perhaps
quantum, infinite 'data' collapsing into form when we take on physical existence, there must
therefore be particular forms, or aspects of this data, which are useful to us in the physical World.
So again we are back to this dualistic thing. We are at One, and yet the observable, physical, and
mental life which we experience, is not readily available to us as being One. Likewise, no
knowledge is required for absolute spirituality, but, certain potential informations in the Infinite,
eternal, quantum World, can be brought into this World for knowledge about physical and mental
life. Knowledge is only needed for this life, in the quantum World, it exists, but no particular idea or
piece of information is required.
One such example is health. Imagine for a moment that food and sustenance are physical
'projections' of quantum wavelengths, 'frequencies', or even 'ideas'. Whilst food is illusory, we must
desire the correct, healthy kind of food in our lives, to create the quantum sustenance which our so
called 'soul' requires. This is done simply by being positive, which on a physical level, passes down
to the form of food, which our body then desires to eat. If our mind is not synchronized to a lovebased reality, then we wont be physically bothered to find the right foods to eat.
To reach this Love-based living, is a journey which can be undertaken on any pathway. But the
most important thing is a simple change in perception. Due to unknown forces, possibly an
extension of a collective human-fear, humanity has been pushed off track. The illusion of the
physical World was always meant to be perceived as an extension of the true, greater reality. In the

past, Shamans, Witches and religious cults, repeated rituals to enable them to feel more a 'part' of
the Universe, more at one with it. Shamans in particular, took upon the role of animals when
journeying into other 'realities', in order to strengthen that relationship, which we as humans shared
with the land, less than our furry cousins. Unfortunately, for unclear reasons, the illusion has
become the 'reality'. I might explain this as a woman who falls in love with a man, who views the
engagement ring given to her, as the symbol of love, and not the person himself. The symbol is fine,
the symbol is good, so long as we remember that it's only a symbol. What has happened in our
reality, on our Earth, is that we've started to believe that the effects, the symbols, and the illusions,
are true, that they are the real thing, thus we place all of our value, resources, and thoughts, on
things which don't really matter, upon things which are nothing when compared to the actual,
hidden, infinite nature, which these 'things' stem from as mere projections and symbols.
This can be seen, rather stereotypically, in modern relationships. We have been conditioned, since
birth, and largely not to the fault of others, that love is about a perfect relationship, where our
partner makes us feel wanted, where someone else answers our needs. This distraction means that
many of us, especially young people like myself, actually miss what love is really about, focusing
on the symbols, for example, dates, flowers, being perfect, rather than upon love itself.
The path towards love, is thus a simple alternative perception of ourselves, and of the World. Once
we chose to see the World as not being in part, but as a projection of different possibles, but all
having the same origin, then our understanding of life changes dramatically. We cannot hurt others,
because our empathy will be so great, that hurting another is hurting ourself. We reach this new
understanding via changing our ideas, by thinking differently, so some might say that the idea is
false, wishful thinking, or made up However, the most important evidence that this idea is not false,
is that it has immeasurable positive effects. The words idea and theory are not really correct. When
does an idea become a truth, a vision, or a perception? I believe it does so when it brings us a
different result from the previous idea, in this case a positive one.
If we view ourselves as being One with all things, we never feel truly alone. We do not blame, or
become angry at others, because we stop drawing any distinctions between ourselves and them,
therefore we learn, rather quickly, to understand how everyone requires respect. We don't let our
lives become run, or imprisoned by others, because we realize that all ideas, and perceptions are
false, except for love, which is not an idea, but a way of being; the only way of being, should we
desire a life of positivity. We don't allow our concept of love to be based on how well a friendship,
or relationship goes, because we realize that these are manifestations of love, and bear no relevance
to our own inner nature. We no-longer let our failures in life become important, because the past,
and our own identification with those experiences, ceases to exist. The past, like the present, and
future, could quite easily be said to be an illusion.
This simple choice changes everything for us. The fact that our own perception gives us the power
to utterly change our lives, our own lives and those of others, shows that you don't really need to
read hundreds of spiritual books, or to conduct tantra, in order to be happy, free, and healthy.
Everything else will fall into place, and the knowledge most useful to you, will appear in physical
life, as a symbol of what you're feeling in your inner life.

Vortexes, birthplace of all-that-is

We are not moving back into the realm of less-than-certain things. In this section, I'm going to talk
about a model for understanding a little about how the universe may function. Remember that actual
knowledge may not be relevant, and I offer no solid arguments for this idea. It is left as a
suggestion, for you to take or leave.

Black Holes are an example of a Vortex, at an extreme level. From my imagination, inner thoughts,
I've come to wonder if perhaps these vortexes exist everywhere. In Spirituality we have a constant
mention of light vs dark, good vs evil. I don't believe in that. I don't believe that either is good or
bad, but both can be said to be different parts of the greater whole. Stars exist within dark space.
God, in the Bible, represents light, warmth, clarity. That doesn't mean to say that darkness is a
negative thing. To be more specific, it's merely that which we haven't yet started to perceive.
Because it's very dark!
Say for example, the Sacred Masculine, and the Sacred Feminine, might actually be metaphors for
Light and Darkness. Neither of them really exist, by the way. There is no such thing as the Sacred
Feminine, feminine being a made up, human based concept, likening the nourishing nature of
planet-Earth to a woman. The Earth is not literally female, but shares aspects which are more easily
seen in women than in men, for example, the concept of giving birth. This doesn't mean that men do
not possess this either, however. Men give birth to ideas, to new forms of creativity, and are a big
part in their children's lives. So really, gender is a kind of outdated concept.
I believe that the actual Male-Female distinction is a misinterpretation of Light and Darkness. Now,
I'm not for a moment saying that women are 'dark'. These are just different feelings, energies,
properties of our World, co-existing as one. The masculine is an energy of light, because in human
society, light can be said to be the birthing-seed. The sun makes life possible, a traditionally
masculine deity, which has been given a bad name over the years due to misinterpretation of
historical records. This is the exact same as sex amongst humans. The male inserts his 'part' in order
to activate the other part, into becoming a mixture of the father and mother.
The feminine is darkness, in the sense that she/it has the potential to be anything. Women are often
likened to being highly emotionally intuitive, when in fact both men and women are, because we
both possess this 'side'. The feminine is more fluid, less direct, but needs to be 'seeded' or given
'form' by the masculine, in order to create the Middle-Aspect, which is birth. In other words, neither
can exist without the other. The feminine, the 'Void', is infinite, infinitely possible, one might say,
but cannot observe herself/himself until some kind of intention/light is given to her. Similarly, the
male aspect is of infinite light, but cannot shape, or transform that light into anything 'else', into any
new experiences, until the feminine creates the form in which they both can do so.
Humanity is awash with serpent symbolism. Many have got, what I think, is the wrong idea about
this. Serpents are most commonly represented as two serpents.
The fact that serpents have been represented in artwork for millennia, does not mean that our
current interpretation is the same thing. People have talked about how the Sumerian God,
Ninkharsag, is the alien 'mother' of humanity, when if one looks closely, it's fairly clear that
Ninkharsag is simply a Mother-Goddess like figure, and nothing to do with reptiles, or aliens.
I would also go as far as to say that the entire concept of shapeshifting, and genetic manipulation, is
also misinterpreted. There is much evidence that Mankind's history is far more mysterious, and
magnificent, than we have learned as children. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that gold
mining, in South Africa, has taken place for far longer than previously thought, one estimate about
the age of a site, dates it back around 200,000 years, although I can't say anything for the accuracy
of these claims. However, there is no evidence that people were enslaved, nor that any technology
was present other than what might be expected for a Palaeolithic society. The same goes for ancient
Egypt, the submerged megaliths around Japan, and the structures built by the Mayans, Aztecs, and
their ancestors. There is nothing to suggest that these structures were created by aliens. What is
sure, is that people back then, were far more advanced than what we've been taught. This is likely
due to a tendency to proclaim modern advancements, and to discredit and 'bury' the lifestyle and
achievements of indigenous peoples. The reptilian alien 'theory' might well be another such
example, whereby shamanic journeys and symbols are stolen, and fitted into a made-up model
about UFOs.

The two serpents, sometimes one biting the tail of the other, is a common symbol. I have come to
believe that this represents some kind of vortex, or/and the DNA molecule, which can itself be said
to be a vortex. We might imagine that one of these snakes, or serpents, is reaching from the Void,
and into the male-aspect, the light. There the serpent draws up 'potential' information about ideas for
future creations, feeding this into the light, which then uses these ideas for passing potential, uncreated information, back into the Void, this passage being the Other serpent.
This fits well into the Shamanic World view of an upper, and lower World, sometimes of three
Worlds co-existing, an Upper, a Middle, and a Lower, or Underworld.
During my own experiences with meditation trance, I have often entered into this Underworld.
From how I perceive it, it appears to be a place where the blueprint of the human genome, and of
the whole of the physical universe, essentially, is activated, perhaps at some kind of quantum level,
before growing upwards, in a form of self expression, into the Middle-World, which is to say, where
we live. The physical World, or Middle World, is thus a projection, a creation, from two aspects of
God/The Creator, and is held within the two.
The Upper World is thus the place of light, hence why, in mythology, it is often said to be the home
of the Gods, or ascended spirits.
DNA might well be a physical projection of such a vortex. Again we have the male-female aspect
of DNA, and the double helix, one from each parent, representing these 'serpents'. In trance,
Shamans often come into contact with serpent like beings, although these 'Cosmic Serpents', appear
to be directly linked to DNA, and have nothing to do with aliens.
The following is merely a list of ideas, and should not be taken literally.
.The physical Universe has 'three' parts. Upper, Middle and Lower World. The serpent is like the
ancestral creator of the physical Universe, thus only with these serpents, can reality as we know it,
begin to exist. So perhaps some kind of serpent being is our own 'ancestor'. These beings aren't
literal serpents, they are a form of light information, forming into a spiral and 'attracting' or 'drawing
to them' different possible forms of existence, which two of these serpents can then create within
the Middle-World.
.We live in the 'Third' dimension. We live in a '3D' reality. There are so many instances of the
number three, being related to the physical nature of the Universe. Just as two of these Cosmic
Serpents make two, so their creation makes three. The triangle is also a very stable shape, if we go
onto the subject of geometry. In Christianity we have the Father, Sun and Holy Spirit. The number
three is not in any way an evil, or controlling number, but it does seem to be a perception, in human
terms, of the stable, structural element of our Universe.
Please keep in mind, that the information presented within this article is for fictional purposes only,
and represents the ideas, and imaginings, which I myself have created in rather difficult times, in
order to explain and justify the situation I was in. These words should not be taken as absolute truth,
nor as offering any kind of new theory or pathway to enlightenment.

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